Monday, January 20, 2025

EPA provides nearly $5 million for environmental improvements on tribal lands in Nevada

The following press release was published by the US EPA on Nov. 9. It is reproduced in full below.

LAS VEGAS (Nov. 9, 2021) – As the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) marks November as Native American Heritage Month, the agency is announcing nearly $5 million in funding to 18 tribes in Nevada to invest in environmental programs.

“Tribes are essential partners in helping us meet our mission of protecting human health and the environment across the country,” said EPA Pacific Southwest Tribal, Intergovernmental and Policy Acting Director Bridget Coyle. “EPA is proud to announce these grants, which are a crucial funding tool to ensure Tribes can sustain and grow their environmental programs and departments.”

EPA awarded the funds to tribes in Nevada for water quality monitoring, watershed protection and restoration. Tribes will also use EPA funding to implement reservation-wide recycling programs, pilot curbside recycling, and develop programs to monitor, protect and improve air quality while also building public awareness of these efforts.

Additional examples of work being funded:

The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe is working with a contractor to develop a deposition model that will depict the cumulative effects of the emissions from the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center to the water and air resources on the reservation. Their environmental staff will work with the contractor to learn how to interpret the model in order to educate tribal residents and leaders on the long-term environmental impacts.

The Yomba Tribe and EPA will jointly develop a Tribal Environmental Plan (TEP) to help prioritize environmental goals for the next four years. The TEP will focus on Tribal capacity building in waste management, water quality and emergency preparedness programs and identify opportunities for EPA technical assistance.

The Ely Shoshone Tribe will implement its waste management program to include curb side pick-up, the sorting and weighing of materials and transport to the recycling center. Materials to be picked up will include paper, plastic, aluminum, tin, and cardboard. This effort will help the Tribe reach its goal of zero waste to be sent to landfills.

The Walker River Paiute Tribe will drill a new well to supply livestock, which will be operated by a solar power generated pump. The project will coordinate with tribal cattlemen and result in reduced cattle access to the river and riparian areas of Weber Reservoir, Wetland Complexes, and the upper Walker River.

EPA’s Pacific Southwest Region encompasses more than half of all tribal lands in the United States and works on a government-to-government basis with 148 federally recognized tribes. EPA recognizes tribal governments as the primary parties for setting standards, making environmental policy decisions, and managing programs for reservations.

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Source: US EPA