Sunday, June 16, 2024

Winchester, Mass. Town Manager Lisa Wong Appointed Vice-Chair of EPA's Local Government Advisory Committee

The following press release was published by the US EPA on Aug. 27. It is reproduced in full below.

BOSTON – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Michael S. Regan has appointed 34 new members to EPA's Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC). Lisa Wong, the Town Manager of Winchester Mass., was reappointed as one of the 39-members of the LGAC, and has been selected to serve as the vice-chair of the committee.

EPA's LGAC includes representatives from 30 different states, Tribal nations, and U.S. territories, representing a diverse cross-section of cities, counties, towns, and communities across the United States.

"This diverse, highly qualified group of local leaders will bring new voices and ideas to EPA's work," said EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. "EPA is counting on their input and collaboration to help achieve our mission in every zip code. From tackling climate change to advancing environmental justice, we need local partners at the table to address our most pressing environmental challenges."

"EPA New England is thrilled that former Mayor Lisa Wong has been reappointed to the EPA's Local Government Advisory Committee. This is an important forum for EPA to hear from local leaders about how our work can best help local communities and protect people's health. Town Manager Wong has already proven to be an effective partner in our work ensuring a cleaner, healthier environment, and we expect she will continue to make a real difference in this new role," said EPA New England Acting Regional Administrator Deborah Szaro.

"It is more critical than ever for local voices to be represented in environmental policy decisions, thereby ensuring the people, businesses, infrastructure, natural environment and natural resources affected are a true partner in sustainability, resilience and justice," said Town Manager Lisa Wong.


Chartered in 1993 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Local Government Advisory Committee provides independent policy advice to the EPA Administrator on a broad range of issues affecting local governments. The Small Community Advisory Subcommittee was established by EPA in 1996 to advise the Administrator on environmental issues of concern to the residents of smaller communities.

EPA received more than 150 nominations following a solicitation in March 2021. The LGAC will hold its first meeting this fall.

For more information about the LGAC, please visit

Source: US EPA