Saturday, June 15, 2024

“SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS” published by the Congressional Record on Sept. 25, 2006

Volume 152, No. 121 covering the 2nd Session of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2006) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on pages E1829 on Sept. 25, 2006.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, agreed to by the Senate on February 4, 1977, calls for establishment of a system for a computerized schedule of all meetings and hearings of Senate committees, subcommittees, joint committees, and committees of conference. This title requires all such committees to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Digest--designated by the Rules Committee--of the time, place, and purpose of the meetings, when scheduled, and any cancellations or changes in the meetings as they occur.

As an additional procedure along with the computerization of this information, the Office of the Senate Daily Digest will prepare this information for printing in the Extensions of Remarks section of the Congressional Record on Monday and Wednesday of each week.

Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, 2006 may be found in the Daily Digest of today's Record.


SEPTEMBER 2710 a.m.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

To hold hearings to examine the nominations of

Christopher A. Padilla, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce, and Bijan

Rafiekian, of California, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United



Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Business meeting to consider pending calendar business.


Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

To hold hearings to examine new technologies to improve care for people with diabetes and reduce the burden on the health care system, focusing on the development of an artificial pancreas.


Energy and Natural Resources

Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine S. 3599, to establish the

Prehistoric Trackways National Monument in the State of

New Mexico, S. 3794, to provide for the implementation of the Owyhee Initiative Agreement, S. 3854, to designate certain land in the State of Oregon as wilderness, H.R. 3603, to promote the economic development and recreational use of National Forest

System lands and other public lands in central Idaho, to designate the Boulder-White Cloud Management Area to ensure the continued management of certain National

Forest System lands and Bureau of Land Management lands for recreational and grazing use and conservation and resource protection, to add certain National Forest

System lands and Bureau of Land Management lands in central Idaho to the National Wilderness Preservation

System, and H.R. 5025, to protect for future generations the recreational opportunities, forests, timber, clean water, wilderness and scenic values, and diverse habitat of Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon.


Armed Services

Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine United States policy and practice with respect to the use of riot control agents by the U.S. Armed Forces, followed by a closed session in SR-222.

SR-232A2 p.m.

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe

To hold hearings to examine Federal efforts to protect children from commercial sexual exploitation, focusing on international initiatives to combat child pornography and trafficking.

2200-RHOB2:30 p.m.

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine measures to improve emergency medical care.


Foreign Relations

To hold hearings to examine the nominations of Frank

Baxter, of California, to be Ambassador to the Oriental

Republic of Uruguay, and Charles L. Glazer, of

Connecticut, to be Ambassador to the Republic of El




To receive a closed briefing regarding intelligence matters.

SH-2193 p.m.


Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship Subcommittee

To hold an oversight hearing to examine United States refugee admissions and policy.


SEPTEMBER 289:30 a.m.

Armed Services

To hold hearings to examine issues relating to military voting and the Federal Voting Assistance Program.


Environment and Public Works

Superfund and Waste Management Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine S. 3871, to amend the Solid

Waste Disposal Act to direct the Administrator of the

Environmental Protection Agency to establish a hazardous waste electronic manifest system.

SD-4069:45 a.m.

Foreign Relations

To hold hearings to examine the situation in Darfur, focusing on prospects for peace.

SD-41910 a.m.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Aviation Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine new aircraft in the National

Airspace System.


Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Business meeting to mark up an original bill entitled

``Technical Corrections to the Public Transportation

Portion to SAFETEA'', and S. 2657, to extend the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996.



To hold hearings to examine the state of the economy.


Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia Subcommittee

To resume hearings to examine the National Capital

Region's strategic security plan, focusing on the ability of the responsible Federal, state and local government agencies of the National Capital Region to respond to a terrorist attack or natural disaster, including the coordination efforts within the region.

SD-3422:30 p.m.


Long-term Growth and Debt Reduction Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine America's public debt.



To hold closed hearings to examine intelligence matters.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 152, No. 121