Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 19, 1998: Congressional Record publishes “EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.”

Volume 144, No. 81 covering the 2nd Session of the 105th Congress (1997 - 1998) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H4877-H4878 on June 19, 1998.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Under clause 2 of rule XXIV, executive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows:

9736. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, for Legislative Affairs and Public Liaison, Department of the Treasury, transmitting the annual Report to Congress for 1996 and 1997 on The Operation of the Enterprise for the Americas Facility; to the Committee on Agriculture.

9737. A letter from the the Acting Director, the Office of Management and Budget, transmitting the cumulative report on rescissions and deferrals of budget authority as of June 1, 1998, pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 685(e); (H. Doc. No. 105--274); to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.

9738. A letter from the Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget, transmitting the Mid-Session Review of the 1998--2003 budget, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1106(a); to the Committee on the Budget.

9739. A letter from the Clerk, United States Court of Appeals, transmitting two opinions of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.

9740. A letter from the Director, Defense Security Assistance Agency, transmitting a report authorizing the transfer of up to $100M in defense articles and services to the Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina, pursuant to Public Law 104--107, section 540(c) (110 Stat. 736); to the Committee on International Relations.

9741. A letter from the Director, Defense Security Assistance Agency, transmitting the listing of all outstanding Letters of Offer to sell any major defense equipment for $1 million or more; the listing of all Letters of Offer that were accepted, as of March 31, 1998, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 2776(a); to the Committee on International Relations.

9742. A letter from the Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the semiannual report on activities of the Inspector General for the period October 1, 1997, through March 31, 1998, and the semiannual Management Report for the same period, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. app. (Insp. Gen. Act) section 5(b); to the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight.

9743. A letter from the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting the 6-month report in compliance with the Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988, pursuant to Public Law 100--504, section 104(a) (102 Stat. 2525); to the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight.

9744. A letter from the Acting Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, transmitting a report entitled

``Compliance Simplification and Enforcement Reform Under Sections 213 and 223 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996''; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

9745. A letter from the Director, Office of Government Relations, Smithsonian Institution, transmitting a copy of the ``Annual Proceedings of the One-Hundred Sixth Continental Congress'' of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. 18b; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

9746. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Track Safety Standards; Miscellaneous Proposed Revisions

[Docket No. RST-90-1, Notice No. 8] (RIN: 2130-AA75) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9747. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Waiver For Canadian Electric Utility Motor Carriers From Alcohol And Controlled Substances Testing [FHWA Docket No. FHWA-97-3202] received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9748. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Safety Zone; Skull Creek, Hilton Head Island SC [COTP Savannah 98-034] (RIN: 2115-AA97) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9749. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Safety Zone: Great Catskills Triathlon, Hudson River, Kingston, New York [CGD01-98-040] (RIN: 2115-AA97) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9750. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Special Local Regulations: EZ Challenge Speed Boat Race, Ohio River, Beech Bottom, West Virginia [CGD08-98-037] (RIN: 2115-AE46) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9751. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, FL [CGDO7-98-029] (RIN: 2115-AE47) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9752. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Merger of the Uniform States Waterway Marking System with the United States Aids to Navigation [USCG 97-3112] [CGD 97-018]

(RIN: 2115-AF45) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9753. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, FL [CGD07-98-025] (RIN: 2115-AE47) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9754. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Drawbridge Operation Regulations; Passaic River, NJ [CGD01-97-020] (RIN: 2115-AE47) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9755. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; Eurocopter France Model SA 330F, G, and J Helicopters [Docket No. 97-SW-07-AD; Amendment 39-10572; AD 98-12-16] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9756. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Amendment to Time of Designation for Restricted Areas; CA

[Airspace Docket No. 98-AWP-13] (RIN: 2120-AA66) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9757. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; Raytheon Aircraft Company Models 35, A35, B35, and 35R Airplanes [Docket No. 98-CE-55-AD]

(RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9758. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; British Aerospace Model H.P. 137 Jetstream Mk.1, Jetstream Model 3101, Jetstream Model 3201, and Jetstream 200 Series Airplanes [Docket No. 97-CE-110-AD; Amendment 39-10577; AD 98-12-23] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9759. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Realignment of Colored Federal Airway; AK [Airspace Docket No. 98-AAL-3] (RIN: 2120-AA66) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9760. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Alteration of Restricted Areas; New Jersey and New York

[Airspace Docket No. 98-AEA-3] (RIN: 2120-AA66) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9761. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Revision of Class E Airspace; Homer, AK [Airspace Docket No. 98-AAL-2] received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9762. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; Aerospatiale Model ATR42 and ATR72 Series Airplanes [Docket No. 97-NM-64-AD; Amendment 39-10589; AD 98-13-01] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9763. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Model A320 Series Airplanes

[Docket No. 97-NM-194-AD; Amendment 39-10586; AD 98-12-33]

(RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9764. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; Fokker Model F27 Mark 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700 Series Airplanes [Docket No. 98-NM-98-AD; Amendment 39-10588; AD 98-12-35] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9765. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; Construcciones Aeronauticas, S.A.

(CASA) Model CN-235 Series Airplanes [Docket No. 98-NM-85-AD; Amendment 39-10587; AD 98-12-34] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9766. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. Model PC-12 Airplanes [Docket No. 97-CE-08-AD; Amendment 39-10596; AD 98-13-08] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9767. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; Alexander Schleicher Segelflugzeugbau Model AS-K13 Sailplanes [Docket No. 98-CE-04-AD; Amendment 39-10593; AD 98-13-05] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9768. A letter from the General Counsel, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule--Airworthiness Directives; Glaser-Dirks Flugzeugbau GmbH Models DG-100 and DG-400 Gliders [Docket No. 97-CE-133-AD; Amendment 39-10592; AD 98-13-04] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received June 18, 1998, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

9769. A letter from the U.S. Trade Representative, Office of the President, transmitting a report on recent developments regarding implementation of section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, covering the period June 1996 through January 1998 and reflects the effectiveness of this trade remedy in eliminating or reducing foreign unfair trade practices, pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 2419; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

9770. A letter from the Executive Director, Civil Air Patrol, transmitting the 1997 Civil Air Patrol Report to Congress, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. 207; jointly to the Committees on National Security and Transportation and Infrastructure.

9771. A letter from the Assistant Secretary (Civil Rights), Office for Civil Rights, transmitting the Fiscal Year 1997 Annual Report to Congress, pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 3413(b)(1); jointly to the Committees on Education and the Workforce and the Judiciary.

9772. A letter from the Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Department of State, transmitting a report entitled

``Report to Congress on Iran-Related Multilateral Sanction Regime Efforts,'' pursuant to Public Law 104--172; jointly to the Committees on International Relations, Banking and Financial Services, and Ways and Means.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 144, No. 81