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Congressional Record publishes “Senate Committee Meetings” on March 13, 2003

Volume 149, No. 41 covering the 1st Session of the 108th Congress (2003 - 2004) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“Senate Committee Meetings” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Daily Digest section on pages D234-D236 on March 13, 2003.

The publication is reproduced in full below:

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)


Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies hearings to examine causes of the medical liability insurance crisis, focusing on proposals to reform the medical litigation system, after receiving testimony from Claude A. Allen, Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services; Peter R. McCombs, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia; Donald M. Berwick, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Boston, Massachusetts; Jay Angoff, Rogert C. Brown and Associates, Jefferson City, Missouri; James D. Hurley, Atlanta, Georgia, on behalf of the American Academy of Actuaries; Brian Holmes, Hagerstown, Maryland; Linda McDougal, Woodville, Wisconsin; and Leanne Dyess, Vicksburg, Mississippi.


Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies concluded hearings to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2004 for the Department of Veterans Affairs, after receiving testimony from Anthony J. Principi, Secretary of Veterans Affairs.


Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded hearings in open and closed session to examine proposed legislation authorizing funds for fiscal year 2004 for the Department of Defense and the Future Years Defense Program, focusing on military strategy and operational requirements in of the unified and regional commands, after receiving testimony from Adm. Thomas B. Fargo, USN, Commander, United States Pacific Command; Gen. Leon J. LaPorte, USA, Commander, United Nations Command, United Nations Command, Republic of Korea-United States Combined Forces Command, and United States Forces in Korea; and Gen. James T. Hill, USA, Commander, United States Southern Command.


Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support concluded hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds for the Department of Defense for fiscal year 2004, focusing on the impacts of environmental laws on readiness and the related Administration legislative proposal, after receiving testimony from General John M. Keane, USA, Vice Chief of the Army; Admiral William J. Fallon, USN, Vice Chief of Naval Operations; General William L. Nyland, USMC, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps; General Robert H. Foglesong, USAF, Vice Chief of the Air Force; and Benedict S. Cohen, Deputy General Counsel for Installation and Environment, Department of Defense.


Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee concluded hearings to examine the President's proposed budget request for fiscal year 2004 for the Federal Transit Administration, after receiving testimony from Jennifer L. Dorn, Administrator Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation.


Committee on the Budget: Committee ordered favorably reported an original concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2004 and including the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal year 2003 and for fiscal years 2005 through 2013.


Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee ordered favorably reported the following business items:

S. 579, to reauthorize the National Transportation Safety Board;

S. 275, to amend the Professional Boxing Safety Act of 1996, and to establish the United States Boxing Administration, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute;

S. 196, to establish a digital and wireless network technology program, with amendments;

S. 165, to improve air cargo security, with amendments; and

The nominations of Ellen G. Engleman, of Indiana, to be a Member and Chairman, and Richard F. Healing, of Virginia, and Mark V. Rosenker, of Maryland, both to be Members, all of the National Transportation Safety Board, Charles E. McQueary, of North Carolina, to be Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Science and Technology, and Jeffrey Shane, of the District of Columbia, to be Under Secretary for Policy, Robert A. Sturgell, of Maryland, to be Deputy Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, and Emil H. Frankel, of Connecticut, to be an Assistant Secretary, all of the Department of Transportation; and United States Coast Guard promotion lists received by the Senate on January 28, February 6, February 25, and March 11, 2003.

Also, Committee adopted its rules of procedure for the 108th Congress, and announced the following subcommittee assignments:

Subcommittee on Aviation: Senators Lott (Chairman), Stevens, Burns, Hutchison, Snowe, Brownback, Smith, Fitzgerald, Ensign, Allen, Sununu, Rockefeller, Hollings, Inouye, Breaux, Dorgan, Wyden, Nelson (FL), Boxer, Cantwell, and Lautenberg.

Subcommittee on Communications: Senators Burns (Chairman), Stevens, Lott, Hutchison, Snowe, Brownback, Smith, Fitzgerald, Ensign, Allen, Sununu, Hollings, Inouye, Rockefeller, Kerry, Breaux, Dorgan, Wyden, Boxer, Nelson (FL), and Cantwell.

Subcommittee on Competition, Foreign Commerce, and Infrastructure: Senators Smith (Chairman), Burns, Brownback, Fitzgerald, Ensign, Sununu, Dorgan, Boxer, Nelson (FL), Cantwell, and Lautenberg.

Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs and Product Safety: Senators Fitzgerald (Chairman), Burns, Smith, Wyden, and Dorgan.

Subcommittee on Oceans, Fisheries, and Coast Guard: Senators Snowe

(Chairwoman), Stevens, Lott, Hutchison, Smith, Sununu, Kerry, Hollings, Inouye, Breaux, and Cantwell.

Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space: Senators Brownback

(Chairman), Stevens, Burns, Lott, Hutchison, Ensign, Allen, Sununu, Breaux, Rockefeller, Kerry, Dorgan, Wyden, Nelson (FL), and Lautenberg.

Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine: Senators Hutchison (Chairwoman), Stevens, Burns, Lott, Snowe, Brownback, Smith, Allen, Inouye, Rockefeller, Kerry, Breaux, Wyden, Boxer, and Lautenberg.

Senators McCain and Hollings are Ex-Officio Members of all the Subcommittees.


Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee concluded hearings to examine the impact of fires on America in 2002 and the potential 2003 fire season, focusing on the management and implementation of the National Fire Plan, the effects on tourism, and the President's Healthy Forest Initiative, after receiving testimony from David Tenny, Deputy Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and the Environment; Lynn Scarlett, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Policy, Management, and Budget; and Linda M. Conlin, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Trade and Development Agency.


Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee concluded oversight hearings to examine the designation and management of National Heritage Areas, including criteria and procedures for designating heritage areas, the potential impact of heritage areas on private lands and communities, federal and non-federal costs of managing heritage areas, and methods of monitoring and measuring the success of heritage areas, after receiving testimony from Paul Hoffman, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife and Parks; Kathryn Higgins, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Washington, DC; C. Allen Sachse, Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor Commission, Easton, Pennsylvania; and Peyton Knight, American Policy Center, Warrenton, Virginia.


Committee on Environment and Public Works: Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate Change, and Nuclear Safety concluded oversight hearings to examine the implementation of the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, and transportation conformity, focusing on the collaboration of transportation and air quality planners, direct public and private investment projects, systems and technologies that will reduce air pollution coming from the mobile source sector, after receiving testimony from Emil H. Frankel, Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Transportation Policy; Jeffrey R. Homstead, Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation, Environmental Protection Agency; Howard R. Maier, Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency, Cleveland, Ohio; W. Gerald Teague, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia; Jerry Lasker, Indian Nations Council of Governments, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Annette Liebe, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Portland, on behalf of the State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators, and the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials; Diane Steed, American Highway Users Alliance, Washington, D.C.; Marsha Kaiser, Maryland Department of Transportation, Annapolis, on behalf of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; and Michael Replogle, Environmental Defense, New York, New York.


Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee met in closed session to receive a briefing to examine Iraq's political future from William Burns, Assistant Secretary of State for Middle East.


Committee on the Judiciary: Committee held hearings to examine the nomination of Priscilla Richman Owen, of Texas, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit, who was introduced by Senators Hutchison and Cornyn, where the nominee testified and answered questions in her own behalf.


Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony from officials of the intelligence community.

Committee will meet again on Tuesday, March 18.

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 149, No. 41