Saturday, June 15, 2024

“STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS” published by Congressional Record on June 19, 2009

Volume 155, No. 93 covering the 1st Session of the 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S6846-S6848 on June 19, 2009.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


By Mr. BUNNING (for himself and Mr. Alexander):

S. 1306. A bill to provide for payment to the survivor or surviving family members of compensation otherwise payable to a contractor employee of the Department of Energy who dies after application for compensation under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Mr. BUNNING. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the text of the bill be printed in the Record.

There being no objection, the text of the bill was ordered to be printed in the Record, as follows:

S. 1306

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the ``Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Improvement Act of 2009''.



(a) In General.--Section 3672 of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 7385s-1) is amended to read as follows:


``Subject to the other provisions of this subtitle:

``(1) Contractor employees.--

``(A) In general.--A covered DOE contractor employee shall receive contractor employee compensation under this subtitle in accordance with section 3673.

``(B) Compensation after death of contractor employee.--

``(i) In general.--Except as provided paragraph (2)(B), if the death of a contractor employee occurs after the employee applies for compensation under this subtitle but before such compensation is paid, the amount of compensation described in clause (ii) shall be paid to a survivor (as that term is used in section 3674) of the employee or, if the employee has no such survivors, to the surviving family members of the employee in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 3628(e)(1).

``(ii) Amount of compensation.--The amount of compensation described in this clause is the amount of compensation the contractor employee would have received pursuant to section 3673(a), except that if the Secretary cannot determine the minimum impairment rating of the employee under paragraph (1) of such section as a result of the death of the employee, such compensation shall not include compensation pursuant to such paragraph.

``(2) Survivors.--

``(A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B) or paragraph (1)(B), a survivor of a covered DOE contractor employee shall receive contractor employee compensation under this subtitle in accordance with section 3674.

``(B) Election of contractor employee compensation or survivor compensation.--A survivor who is otherwise eligible to receive compensation pursuant to both subparagraph (A) and paragraph (1)(B) shall not receive compensation pursuant to both subparagraph (A) and paragraph (1)(B), but shall receive compensation pursuant to subparagraph (A) or paragraph

(1)(B), as elected by the survivor.

``(C) Compensation after death of survivor.--If the death of a survivor occurs after the survivor applies for compensation under this subtitle but before such compensation is paid and, in the case of compensation pursuant to paragraph (1)(B), there are no other survivors (as that term is used in section 3674) of the employee, the amount of compensation the survivor would have received under this section shall be paid to the surviving family members of the employee in accordance with the procedures set forth in section 3628(e)(1).''.

(b) Applicability.--The provisions of section 3672 of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 7385s-1), as amended by subsection

(a), shall apply to applications for compensation under subtitle E of such Act filed before, on, or after the date of the enactment of this Act.



S. 1310. A bill to authorize major medical facility projects for the Department of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 2010, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

Mr. AKAKA. Mr. President, today I introduce legislation requested by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, as a courtesy to the Secretary and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Except in unusual circumstances, it is my practice to introduce legislation requested by the administration so that such measures will be available for review and consideration.

This ``by-request'' bill consists of several provisions addressing major facility construction projects and major facility leases for fiscal year 2010. It would authorize five major medical facility construction projects and fifteen major facility leases. The bill would authorize $1,196,230,000 for the major facility construction projects and $196,227,000 for the major facility leases.

I am introducing this bill for the review and consideration of my colleagues at the request of the administration. As Chairman of the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, I have not taken a position on this legislation.

Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the text of the bill and a letter of support be printed in the Record.

There being no objection, the material was ordered to be printed in the Record, as follows:

S. 1310

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,



The Secretary of Veterans Affairs may carry out the following major medical facility projects in fiscal year 2010, with each project to be carried out in the amount specified for each project:

(1) Construction (including acquisition of land) for the realignment of services and closure projects at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center In Livermore, California, in an amount not to exceed $55,430,000.

(2) Construction of a Multi-Specialty Care Facility in Walla Walla, Washington, in an amount not to exceed


(3) Construction (including acquisition of land) for a new medical facility at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Louisville, Kentucky, in an amount not to exceed $75,000,000.




The Secretary of Veterans Affairs may carry out the following major medical facility projects in fiscal year 2010:

(1) Replacement of the existing Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Denver, Colorado, in an amount not to exceed $800,000,000.

(2) Construction of Outpatient and Inpatient Improvements in Bay Pines, Florida, in an amount not to exceed




The Secretary of Veterans Affairs may carry out the following fiscal year 2010 major medical facility leases at the locations specified, in an amount not to exceed the amount shown for that location:

(1) Anderson, South Carolina, Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $4,774,000.

(2) Atlanta, Georgia, Specialty Care Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $5,172,000.

(3) Bakersfield, California, Community Based Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $3,464,000.

(4) Birmingham, Alabama, Annex Clinic and Parking Garage, in an amount not to exceed $6,279,000.

(5) Butler, Pennsylvania, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $16,482,000.

(6) Charlotte, North Carolina, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $30,457,000.

(7) Fayetteville, North Carolina, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $23,487,000.

(8) Huntsville, Alabama, Outpatient Clinic Expansion, in an amount not to exceed $4,374,000.

(9) Kansas City, Kansas, Community Based Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $4,418,000.

(10) Loma Unda, California, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $31,154,000.

(11) McAllen, Texas, Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $4,444,000.

(12) Monterey, California, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $11,628,000.

(13) Montgomery, Alabama, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $9,943,000.

(14) Tallahassee, Florida, Outpatient Clinic, in an amount not to exceed $13,165,000.

(15) Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Health Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $26,986,000.


(a) Authorization of Appropriations for Construction.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 2010 or the year in which funds are appropriated for the Construction, Major Projects, Account--

(1) $201,830,000 for the projects authorized in section 1; and

(2) $994,400,000 for the projects authorized in section 2.

(b) Authorization of Appropriations for Medical Facility Leases.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for fiscal year 2010 or the year in which funds are appropriated for the Medical Facilities account $196,227,000 for the leases authorized in section 3.

(c) Limitation.--The projects authorized in sections 1 and 2 may only be carried out using--

(1) funds appropriated for fiscal year 2010 pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in subsection (a) of this section;

(2) funds available for Construction, Major Projects, for a fiscal year before fiscal year 2010 that remain available for obligation;

(3) funds available for Construction, Major Projects, for a fiscal year after fiscal year 2010 that remain available for obligation;

(4) funds appropriated for Construction, Major Projects, for fiscal year 2010 for a category of activity not specific to a project;

(5) funds appropriated for Construction, Major Projects, for a fiscal year before 2010 for a category of activity not specific to a project; and

(6) funds appropriated for Construction, Major Projects, for a fiscal year after 2010 for a category of activity not specific to a project.


The Secretary of Veterans Affairs,

Washington, DC, June 10, 2009.Hon. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.,President of the Senate,Washington, DC.

Dear Mr. President: I am pleased to submit the enclosed draft bill to authorize $1,196,230,000 for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) major facility construction projects for Fiscal Year 2010 and $196,227,000 for major facility leases for Fiscal Year 2010.

Title 38 U.S.C. section 8104(a) (2) requires statutory authorization for all VA major medical facility construction projects and all major medical facility leases prior to the appropriation of funds. In accordance with title 38, the draft bill authorizes five major medical facility construction projects and fifteen major facility leases. The five major medical facility construction projects are located in: Livermore, California; Walla Walla, Washington; Louisville, Kentucky; Denver, Colorado; and Bay Pines, Florida. Previously, Congress authorized funds for Denver and Bay Pines. This proposed bill would authorize additional funds necessary to continue with these projects.

The proposed project in Livermore is for construction, including the acquisition of land, necessary for the realignment of services and closure projects. The proposed project in Walla Walla is for construction of a Multi-Specialty Care Facility. The proposed project in Louisville is for the construction, including the acquisition of land, for a new medical facility.

The proposed project in Denver will provide for the replacement of the existing medical center. Additional authorization is required to complete this project. The proposed project in Bay Pines is for construction of both outpatient and inpatient improvements. Additional authorization is required to complete this project.

The Office of Management and Budget advises that there is no objection to the submission of this legislative proposal to the Congress and that its enactment would be in accord with the program of the President.


Eric K. Shinseki.


Section-by-Section Analysis

Section 1 authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to carry out three major medical facility projects. Authorization is requested for the construction, including acquisition of land, for realignment of services and closure projects in Livermore, California, in an amount not to exceed $55,430,000. Authorization is requested for the construction of a Multi-Specialty Care Facility in Walla Walla, Washington, in an amount not to exceed $71,400,000. Authorization is requested for the construction, including acquisition of land, for a new medical facility in Louisville, Kentucky, in an amount not to exceed $75,000,000.

Section 2 authorizes the Secretary of VA to carry out two major medical facility projects. Previously, these campuses received authorization, but additional authorization is required to complete the construction projects on these campuses. In this regard, authorization is requested for replacement of the VAMC in Denver, Colorado, in an amount not to exceed $800,000,000. Authorization is also requested for the construction of outpatient and inpatient improvements in Bay Pines, Florida, in an amount not to exceed $194,400,000.

Section 3 authorizes the Secretary of VA to carry out major medical facility leases for an Outpatient Clinic in Anderson, South Carolina, in an amount not to exceed $4,774,000; a Specialty Care Clinic in Atlanta, Georgia, in an amount not to exceed $5,172,000; a Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Bakersfield, California, in an amount not to exceed

$3,464,000; an Annex Clinic and Parking Garage in Birmingham, Alabama, in an amount not to exceed $6,279,000; a Health Care Center in Butler, Pennsylvania, in an amount not to exceed

$16,482,000; a Health Care Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, in an amount not to exceed $30,457,000; a Health Care Center in Fayetteville, North Carolina, in an amount not to exceed $23,487,000; an Outpatient Clinic Expansion in Huntsville, Alabama, in an amount not to exceed $4,374,000; a Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Kansas City, Kansas, in an amount not to exceed $4,418,000; a Health Care Center in Loma Linda, California, in an amount not to exceed

$31,154,000; an Outpatient Clinic in McAllen, Texas, in an amount not to exceed $4,444,000; a Health Care Center in Monterey, California, in an amount not to exceed $11,628,000; a Health Care Center in Montgomery, Alabama, in an amount not to exceed $9,943,000; an Outpatient Clinic in Tallahassee, Florida, in an amount not to exceed $13,165,000; and, a Health Care Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in an amount not to exceed $26,986,000.

Section 4 authorizes for appropriation for Fiscal Year 2010, $201,830,000 from the Major Construction Projects account for the projects authorized in Section 1 and

$994,400,000 for the projects authorized in Section 2. Section 4 also authorizes for appropriation for Fiscal Year 2010, $196,227,000 from the Medical Facilities account for the leases authorized in Section 3. Section 4 allows the projects authorized in Sections 1 and 2 to be carried out by using only 1) funds appropriated for fiscal year 2010 pursuant to the authorization of appropriations in subsection a; 2) funds available for Construction, Major Projects, for a fiscal year before fiscal year 2010 that remain available for obligation; 3) funds available for Construction, Major Projects, for a fiscal year after fiscal year 2010 that remain available for obligation; and 4) funds appropriated for Construction, Major Projects, for fiscal year 2010 for a category of activity not specific to a project.


By Mr. WICKER (for himself, Ms. Landrieu, and Mr. Cochran):

S. 1311. A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to expand and strengthen cooperative efforts to monitor, restore, and protect the resource productivity, water quality, and marine ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, today I introduce an important piece of legislation that will help protect and preserve the health and productivity of one of our Nation's most important bodies of water--the Gulf of Mexico.

The Gulf of Mexico Restoration and Protection Act will serve as a national and international model for the collaborative management of large marine ecosystems. Specific provisions of this Act will be administered by the Gulf of Mexico Program, formed in 1988 by the Environmental Protection Agency as a non-regulatory, inclusive partnership that collaborates with federal offices, state, and local governments and the private sector in each of 5 Gulf States--all committed to helping preserve and protect the Gulf.

Collectively, the fertile waters and seabed of the Gulf of Mexico represent the 6th largest economy in the world with a total economic trade value of almost $6 trillion. These waters are now threatened by excessive nutrient loads and invasive species as well as the significant deterioration of many coastal wetlands as a result of hurricane and tropical storm damage.

The future of the Gulf's environmental stability is vital to America's economy and security. This legislation authorizes much needed additional funds to the Gulf of Mexico Program and finally puts it on a path toward more equal footing with other national great water body programs. Members of the Gulf of Mexico program are working together to secure the Gulf's future. It is time for this critical region to be recognized for its strategic importance. This legislation is an important step toward ensuring the Gulf receives the kind of support it deserves.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 155, No. 93