Saturday, June 15, 2024

“Senate Committee Meetings” published by Congressional Record on Feb. 9, 2000

Volume 146, No. 11 covering the 2nd Session of the 106th Congress (1999 - 2000) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“Senate Committee Meetings” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Daily Digest section on pages D69-D70 on Feb. 9, 2000.

The publication is reproduced in full below:

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)


Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: Committee concluded hearings to examine United States dairy policy and programs, focusing on the Federal Milk Marketing Order, Northeast Dairy Compact, and Dairy Export Incentive Program, after receiving testimony from Kenneth C. Clayton, Associate Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture; Arthur S. Jaeger, Consumer Federation of America, and John E. Frydenlund, Center for International Food and Agriculture Policy, on behalf of the Citizens Against Government Waste, both of Washington, D.C.; Mark Furth, Associated Milk Producers, Inc., New Ulm, Minnesota; James Tillison, Alliance of Western Milk Producers, Sacramento, California; Larry J. Jensen, Leprino Foods, Denver, Colorado, on behalf of the International Dairy Foods Association; Dennis Meyer, Bernard, Iowa, on behalf of the Family Dairies USA; Clark W. Hinsdale, III, Vermont Farm Bureau, Inc., Richmond, on behalf of the American Farm Bureau Federation; John Neal Scarlett, New Market, Tennessee, on behalf of the South East Dairy Farmers Association; Will Hughes, University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives, Madison; Eugene Paul, National Farmers Organization, Ames, Iowa; and Bill Brey, Wisconsin Farmers Union, Sturgeon Bay, on behalf of the National Farmers Union; and James Vanblarcom, Colombia Cross Roads, Pennsylvania, on behalf of the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau's State Dairy Committee.


Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee concluded hearings to examine the proposed Federal loan guarantees for rural television service, focusing on rural satellite and cable system delivery of local broadcast stations to viewers not having access to local television stations, and the digital divide, and the disparity of access to the Internet in rural areas, after receiving testimony from Senators Burns, Hutchinson, Thomas, and Lincoln; and Dan L. Crippen, Director, Congressional Budget Office.


Committee on the Budget: Committee continued hearings on the President's proposed budget request for fiscal year 2001, focusing on budget surpluses and debt reduction issues, receiving testimony from Jacob J. Lew, Director, Office of Management and Budget.

Committee will meet again tomorrow.


Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs, Foreign Commerce, and Tourism concluded hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds for the Federal Trade Commission, after receiving testimony from Robert Pitofsky, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission; Howard Adler, Jr., Baker and McKenzie, on behalf of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Albert A. Foer, American Antitrust Institute, and Deirdre Mulligan, Center for Democracy and Technology, all of Washington, D.C.; Stephen D. Bolerjack, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan, on behalf of the National Association of Manufacturers; Daniel Jaye, Engage Technologies, Inc., Andover, Massachusetts; and Vermont Attorney General William H. Sorrell, Montpelier.


Committee on Environment and Public Works: Committee ordered favorably reported the following business items:

S. 1653, to reauthorize and amend the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act;

S. 1752, to reauthorize and amend the Coastal Barrier Resources Act, with an amendment;

S. 1946, to amend the National Environmental Education Act to redesignate that Act as the ``John H. Chafee Environmental Education Act'', to establish the John H. Chafee Memorial Fellowship Program, and to extend the programs under that Act, with an amendment;

S. 1794, to designate the Federal courthouse at 145 East Simpson Avenue in Jackson, Wyoming, as the ``Clifford P. Hansen Federal Courthouse'';

S. 1691, to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to authorize programs for predisaster mitigation, to streamline the administration of disaster relief, to control the Federal costs of disaster assistance, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute;

H.R. 707, to amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to authorize a program for predisaster mitigation, to streamline the administration of disaster relief, to control the Federal costs of disaster assistance; and,

The nominations of Eric D. Eberhard, of Washington, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation, and W. Michael McCabe, of Pennsylvania, to be Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Also, committee approved the following subcommittee name change: Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water.


Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded hearings to examine United States foreign policy strategy, after receiving testimony from R. James Woolsey, Shea and Gardner, former Director of Central Intelligence, and Robert B. Zoellick, former Under Secretary of State, both of Washington, D.C.; and William J. Perry, Stanford University, Stanford, California, former Secretary of Defense.


Committee on Governmental Affairs: Committee held hearings to examine the rising cost of college tuition and the effectiveness of Government financial aid, receiving testimony from Jamie Pueschel, United States Student Association, Washington, D.C.; David W. Breneman, University of Virginia, Charlottesville; Claire L. Gaudiani, Connecticut College, New London; Caroline M. Hoxby, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; William F. Massy, Jackson Hole Higher Education Group, Inc., Jackson, Wyoming; and William E. Troutt, Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee.

Hearings continue tomorrow.


Committee on Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation and Federal Services concluded hearings to examine the National Intelligence Estimate on the ballistic missile threat to the United States, after receiving testimony from Robert D. Walpole, National Intelligence Officer for Strategic and Nuclear Programs, National Intelligence Council; and William Schneider, Jr., Hudson Institute, and Joseph Cirincione, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, both of Washington, D.C.


Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony from officials of the intelligence community.

Committee will meet again tomorrow.

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 146, No. 11