Monday, January 20, 2025

June 27, 2013: Congressional Record publishes “Senate Committee Meetings”

Volume 159, No. 94 covering the 1st Session of the 113th Congress (2013 - 2014) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“Senate Committee Meetings” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Daily Digest section on pages D650-D651 on June 27, 2013.

The publication is reproduced in full below:

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)


Committee on Appropriations: Committee ordered favorably reported the following business items:

An original bill (S. 1243) making appropriations for Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014; and

An original bill (S. 1245) making appropriations for Energy and Water Development for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2014.


Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of Melvin L. Watt, of North Carolina, to be Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, who was introduced by Senators Hagan and Burr, Jason Furman, of New York, to be a Member and Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, who was introduced by Senator Schumer, Kara Marlene Stein, of Maryland, who was introduced by Senator Reed, and Michael Sean Piwowar, of Virginia, who was introduced by Senator Crapo, both to be a Member of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Richard T. Metsger, of Oregon, to be a Member of the National Credit Union Administration Board, who was introduced by Senator Merkley, after the nominees testified and answered questions in their own behalf.


Committee on Environment and Public Works: Committee concluded an oversight hearing to examine Federal risk management and emergency planning programs to prevent and address chemical threats, including the events leading up to the explosions in West, Texas and Geismar, Louisiana, after receiving testimony from Rafael Moure-Eraso, Chairperson, Chemical Safety Board; Barry N. Breen, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Environmental Protection Agency; Randall L. Sawyer, Contra Costa Health Services, Martinez, California; Richard Webre, Ascension Parish Office of Homeland Security, Gonzales, Louisiana; Paul Orum, Coalition to Prevent Chemical Disasters, Washington, D.C.; M. Sam Mannan, Texas A&M University System Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center, College Station; and Kim Nibarger, United Steelworkers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on Financial and Contracting Oversight concluded a hearing to examine contract management by the Department of Energy, after receiving testimony from Gregory H. Friedman, Inspector General, and Jack Surash, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Project Management, Office of Environmental Management, both of the Department of Energy; Joseph F. Bader, Board Member, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board; Michael Graham, Bechtel National, Inc., Washington, D.C.; Michael McKlevy, CH2M HILL Constructors, Inc., Englewood, Colorado; and Frank Sheppard, Parsons Salt Waste Processing Facility, Pasadena, California.


Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony from officials of the intelligence community.

Committee recessed subject to the call.

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 159, No. 94