Saturday, June 15, 2024

“STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS” published by Congressional Record on July 22, 2005

Volume 151, No. 101 covering the 1st Session of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2006) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S8747-S8752 on July 22, 2005.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


By Mr. LAUTENBERG (for himself, Mr. Inouye, Mrs. Boxer, Mr.

Levin, and Mr. Sarbanes):

S. 1465. A bill to strengthen programs relating to ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes science training by providing coordination of efforts, greater interagency cooperation, and the strengthening and expansion of related programs administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and to diversify the ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes science community by attracting underrepresented groups; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

Mr. LAUTENBERG. Mr. President, I rise to introduce a bill that will enhance science education for kids of all ages--including my age.

This bill capitalizes upon the natural allure of our oceans and coastlines to spark an interest in science. This will improve the general science literacy of Americans, which is a key to remaining competitive in today's global economy.

The bill will also foster a deeper appreciation of our oceans and fragile coastal environment. As the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, Ocean Commission, pointed out in a report last year, our oceans and their resources are in trouble. Fishery stocks are declining . . . development is changing our coastal environments . . . and water quality has become a problem in many areas.

We won't solve these challenges overnight. The future of our oceans and coastal regions rests with young people--so we must nurture their interest in ocean and coastal science.

The Ocean Commission also pointed out that the level of science knowledge among graduating high school seniors is well below other nations. We must bridge this science gap. And one of the best ways to get kids excited about science is by drawing on their own experiences of our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes. Kids are captivated by marine science. Their eyes light up when you show them an octopus squirting ink, a porpoise leaping out of the water, or an ocean wave pounding the shore.

The bill we are introducing today, Ocean and Coastal Literacy in Urban and other Environments--or Ocean CLUE--will ensure that our students have an opportunity to learn about the ocean.

Agencies like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

(NOAA), the National Science Foundation and NASA already have wonderful ocean education programs. Ocean CLUE will provide a Task Force to coordinate these activities and help shape a national ocean and coastal education strategy.

Our bill will also create a program within NOAA that will complement existing programs and satisfy an area of need identified by the Ocean Commission: minority representation in ocean and coastal careers.

Our new K-12 program will also focus on urban areas. Though many coastal problems can be traced far up watersheds to suburban and rural watersheds, problems are often most acute in population centers. This new urban focus will complement existing ocean and coastal science programs. My hope is that any science teacher nationwide will be able, with the click of a mouse, to easily find an ocean and coastal education program that perfectly suits their needs.

Our oceans are one of the greatest legacies we will bequeath to our children and grandchildren. We must also bequeath to them the knowledge and training to manage this crucial resource. This bill will do that.

I want to thank my colleagues who are co-sponsoring this legislation: Senators Inouye, Boxer, Levin, and Sarbanes.

I ask Unanimous Consent that the text of the bill be printed in the Record.

There being no objection, the bill was ordered to be printed in the Record, as follows:

S. 1465

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Ocean and Coastal Literacy in Urban and other Environments''.

(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

Sec. 2. Findings.

Sec. 3. Definitions.

Title I--Ocean and Coastal Science Education Coordination

Sec. 101. National Science and Technology Council Technical Amendments.

Sec. 102. National Ocean and Coastal Science Education Task Force.

Sec. 103. Ocean and coastal science education advisory panel.

Title II--Interagency Programs to Advance Ocean and Coastal Knowledge

Sec. 201. National strategy for ocean and coastal science education.

Sec. 202. Ocean and coastal science education program.

Title III--NOAA Ocean and Coastal Science Education Programs

Sec. 301. NOAA ocean and coastal science education programs.

Sec. 302. Amendment to the National Sea Grant College Program Act.

Sec. 303. Amendment to the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972.

Title IV--Authorizations

Sec. 401. Authorization of appropriations.


The Congress finds the following:

(1) The coastal regions and ocean waters of the United States are vital to the Nation's public safety, homeland security, transportation, trade, energy production, recreation and tourism, food production, scientific research and education, environmental and human health, and historical and cultural heritage.

(2) Development, resource extraction, and other human activities throughout watersheds, coupled with an expanding coastal population, are contributing to processes of environmental change that may significantly threaten the long-term health and sustainability of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems.

(3) The United States Commission on Ocean Policy reports that United States high school graduates' scientific literacy is below the international average and finds that exciting ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes sciences and education has the potential to stem the tide of science illiteracy in the Nation.

(4) Development and implementation of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes literacy programs are essential to ensure a public that is fully knowledgeable about, fully informed about, and fully capable of decisions contributing to ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes issues.

(5) Development and implementation of education and training programs are essential to build a national scientific, technological, and engineering workforce fully representative of the Nation's citizens that meets the needs of growing ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes economies and better prepares the Nation for competition in the global economy.

(6) Those involved in ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes policy and sciences are not fully representative of the Nation's citizens, with only 10 percent of United States graduate students in marine sciences from underrepresented groups.

(7) A coordinated program of ocean and coastal science education would assist the Nation and the world in furthering knowledge of the ocean and the global climate system, ensuring homeland and national security, developing innovative marine products, improving weather and climate forecasts, improving human health, strengthening management and sustainable use of ocean and coastal resources, increasing the safety and efficiency of maritime operations, and protecting the environment and mitigate man-made and natural hazards.

(8) Seven of the 10 most populated urban centers in the United States are located along our marine, estuarine, and Great Lakes coasts, and a coordinated program of education specifically focused on urban coastal issues, including urban stakeholders, would focus national attention on the unique challenges faced by urban coastal communities.

(9) Increased Federal cooperation and investment are essential to build on ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes research and education activities that are taking place within numerous federal, state, and local agencies, academic institutions and industries and to establish new partnerships for sharing ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes science resources, intellectual talent, and facilities.


In this Act:

(1) Administrator; Administration.--The terms

``Administrator'' and ``Administration'' mean the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and that Administration, respectively.

(2) Advisory panel.--The term ``Advisory Panel'' means the Ocean Research and Education Advisory Panel established under section 103.

(3) Council.--The term ``Council'' means the National Science and Technology Council.

(4) Minority-serving institution.--The term ``minority-serving institution'' means an institution that is--

(A) a historically Black college or university that is a part B institution, as defined in section 322(2) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1061(2));

(B) a Hispanic-serving institution, as defined in section 502(a)(5) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1101a(a)(5));

(C) a tribally controlled college or university, as defined in section 316(b)(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059c(b)(3));

(D) an Alaska Native-serving institution under section 317(b) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059d(b));

(E) a Native Hawaiian-serving institution under section 317(b) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1059d(b)); or

(F) an institution determined by the Secretary of Education to have enrolled a substantial number of minority, low-income students during the previous academic year who received assistance under subpart I of part A of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070a et seq.) for that year.

(5) Ocean and coastal.--When used as an adjective, the term

``ocean and coastal'' means ocean, coastal (including estuarine), and Great Lakes.

(6) Ocean and coastal sciences.--The term ``ocean and coastal sciences'' includes the exploration of ocean, coastal

(including estuarine), and Great Lakes environments, the development of methods and instruments to study and monitor such environments, and the conduct of basic and applied research to advance understanding of--

(A) the physics, chemistry, biology, and geology of the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes;

(B) ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes processes and interactions with other components of the total Earth system; and

(C) the impacts of the ocean, coastal regions, and Great Lakes on society and manner in which such environments are influenced by human activity.

(7) Ocean and coastal science education.--The term ``ocean and coastal science education'' includes literacy, outreach, formal education, and informal education focused on the oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes at all levels, including elementary, secondary, undergraduate, graduate, and the general public.

(8) Strategy.--The term ``strategy'' means the National Strategy for Ocean and Coastal Science, Education, and Literary developed under section 201.

(9) Task Force.--The term ``task force'' means the National Ocean and Coastal Science Education Task Force established under section 102.

(10) Underrepresented group.--The term ``underrepresented group'' means, with respect to ocean and coastal sciences, policy, and education programs and activities, members of a minority group, women, individuals with disabilities, and any other class of individuals who are underrepresented.




(a) Director of Office of Science and Technology Policy To Chair Council.--Section 207(a) of the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976

(42 U.S.C. 6616(a)) is amended--

(1) by striking ``Chairman of Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology'' in the subsection heading and inserting ``Chair of the National Science and Technology Council''; and

(2) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the following:

``(1) serve as Chair of the National Science and Technology Council; and''.

(b) Functions.--Section 401 of the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976

(42 U.S.C. 6651) is amended to read as follows:


``(a) In General.--The National Science and Technology Council shall consider problems and developments in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and related activities affecting more than one Federal agency, and shall recommend policies and other measures designed to--

``(1) provide more effective planning and administration of Federal scientific, engineering, and technology programs;

``(2) identify research and education needs, including areas requiring additional emphasis;

``(3) achieve more effective use of the scientific, engineering, and technological resources and facilities of Federal agencies, including elimination of unwarranted duplication; and

``(4) further international cooperation in science, engineering and technology.

``(b) Coordination.--The Council may be assigned responsibility for developing long-range and coordinated plans for scientific and technical research and education activities which involve the participation of more than 2 agencies. The plans shall--

``(1) identify research approaches and priorities which most effectively advance scientific understanding and provide a basis for policy decisions;

``(2) provide for effective cooperation and coordination of research among Federal agencies; and

``(3) encourage domestic and, as appropriate, international cooperation among government, industry and university scientists.

``(c) Other Duties.--The Council shall perform such other related advisory duties as shall be assigned by the President or by the Chair of the Council.

``(d) Assistance of Other Agencies.--For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section, each Federal agency represented on the Council shall furnish necessary assistance to the Council, including--

``(1) detailing employees to the Council to perform such functions, consistent with the purposes of this section, as the Chairman of the Council may assign to them; and

``(2) undertaking upon the request of the Chair, such special studies for the Council as come within the scope of authority of the Council.

``(e) Standing Committees; Task Forces; Working Groups.--For the purpose of developing interagency plans, conducting studies, and making reports as directed by the Chairman, standing committees, task forces, and working groups of the Council may be established.''.



(a) Task Force.--The President shall establish a National Ocean and Coastal Science Education Task Force.

(b) Membership.--The task force shall be composed senior representatives with responsibility for, and expertise in, education from each of the following agencies and departments:

(1) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

(2) The Navy.

(3) The National Science Foundation.

(4) The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

(5) The Department of Energy.

(6) The Environmental Protection Agency.

(7) The Coast Guard.

(8) The United States Geological Survey.

(9) The United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

(10) The National Park Service.

(11) The Minerals Management Service.

(12) The Army Corps of Engineers.

(13) The National Institutes of Health.

(14) The Department of Agriculture.

(15) The Office of Science and Technology Policy.

(16) The Department of Labor.

(17) The Department of Education.

(18) The Smithsonian Institution.

(19) Such other Federal agencies and departments as the chair and vice chairs of the task force deem appropriate.

(c) Chair and Vice Chairs.--The chair and vice chairs of the task force shall be appointed every 2 years by a selection committee composed of leaders of the departments and agencies represented on the task force including, at a minimum, the Administrator and the Director of the National Science Foundation. The term of office of the chair and vice chairs shall be 2 years. A person who has previously served as chair or vice chair may be reappointed.

(d) Responsibilities.--The task force shall--

(1) serve as the primary source of advice and support on ocean and coastal science education for the Council and assist in carrying out the functions of the Council as they relate to such matters, including budgetary analyses;

(2) serve as the committee on ocean and coastal science education for the Council and carry out Council functions under section 401 of the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C. 6651) that relate to ocean and coastal sciences;

(3) improve cooperation among Federal departments and agencies with respect to ocean and coastal sciences and education budgets, programs, operations, facilities and personnel;

(4) stimulate collaborations among Federal departments and agencies to allow more efficient and effective use of existing Federal assets;

(5) provide a forum for development of the national strategy for ocean and coastal science education and oversee its implementation;

(6) establish standards for United States ocean and coastal literacy, which may include development of ocean and coastal science assessments or curricula to meet national or State science standards in elementary and secondary education science programs;

(7) establish standards for an ocean and coastal literacy outreach program to link science and education programs to broader communities, especially with respect to underrepresented groups and urban coastal areas;

(8) foster the development of ocean and coastal education and outreach programs that are integrated with and based upon Federal ocean and coastal science programs and that link educators and scientists, especially with respect to underrepresented groups and specifically urban coastal issues;

(9) coordinate Federal programs to improve representation of underrepresented groups and groups from urban areas in ocean-related careers;

(10) coordinate Federal ocean and coastal education activities for students at all levels, including funding for educational opportunities at the elementary, secondary, undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral levels;

(11) identify and work to establish linkages among Federal programs and those of States, academic institutions, museums and aquariums, industry, foundations, and other non-governmental organizations;

(12) coordinate United States government ocean and coastal science education activities with those of other nations;

(13) carry out such other activities as the Council may require; and

(14) establish such interagency subcommittees and working groups as necessary to support the functions of the task force and develop comprehensive and balanced Federal programs and approaches to ocean and coastal sciences and education needs.


(a) Membership.--

(1) Appointment.--The task force shall maintain an Ocean and Coastal Science Education Advisory Panel consisting of not less than 10 and not more than 18 members appointed by the chair.

(2) Qualifications.--Members of the advisory panel shall be selected from among individuals representing ocean and coastal industries and foundations, State governments, museums and aquariums, non-governmental organizations, formal and informal educators, ocean and coastal science educators, and such other participants in ocean and coastal activities as the chair considers appropriate, who have the requisite expertise under paragraph (3).

(3) Expertise.--Members shall have expertise in fields of endeavor including ocean and coastal sciences, ocean and coastal science education, outreach, ocean and coastal management and policy, and ocean engineering.

(4) Representatives of underrepresented groups.--Representatives of underrepresented groups shall have balanced representation on the advisory panel without regard to the requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3).

(b) Responsibilities.--The advisory panel will advise the task force on--

(1) development and implementation of the national strategy for ocean and coastal science education;

(2) matters relating to links between ocean and coastal science education and ocean and coastal observing systems, oceanographic facilities and laboratories, and national oceanographic data requirements;

(3) issues pertaining to involvement of underrepresented groups in ocean-related careers; and

(4) Any additional matters that the task force considers appropriate.

(c) Funding.--The chair and vice chairs of the task force annually shall make funds available to support the activities of the Advisory Panel.




(a) In General.--The task force shall develop a national strategy for ocean and coastal science education and literacy. The chair shall submit the strategy to the Congress within 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and submit a revised strategy at least once every 3 years thereafter. The initial strategy shall be based on the recommendations of the United States Commission on Ocean Policy and shall establish, for the 10-year period beginning in the year the strategy is submitted, the goals and priorities for education that most effectively support national workforce and professional development needs and improve public understanding and ability to participate in ocean policy decisions.

(b) Specific Actions.--The strategy shall--

(1) provide for increased Federal investment in ocean and coastal science education over 5 years and for additional investments in education and outreach, technology development, and ocean exploration;

(2) make recommendations for the coordination of Federal ocean and coastal science education activities with those of States, regional entities, other nations, and international organizations;

(3) consider and use, as appropriate, reports and studies conducted by Federal agencies and departments, the National Research Council, or other entities;

(4) establish a plan to improve representation of traditionally underrepresented groups in ocean-related careers, both policy and science;

(5) establish a plan to address specifically urban marine and coastal issues, emphasizing the link between urban communities and coastal issues including health, recreation, open space, development, and resource use;

(6) build on and complement existing programs; and

(7) develop an evaluation and assessment strategy for determining the most effective practices for existing and new ocean and coastal science education programs.

(c) Elements.--The strategy shall include the following elements:

(1) Ocean and coastal science education coordination and establishment of mechanisms to improve ocean literacy and contribute to public awareness of the condition and importance of the ocean.

(2) Partnerships among Federal agencies, States, academia, industries, members of the ocean and coastal science community, and underrepresented groups.

(3) Workforce and professional development including traineeships, scholarships, fellowships, and internships.

(4) Information management systems that provide information from varied sources to produce information readily usable by ocean and coastal science educators, students, and the public.

(5) The development, adapted for ocean and coastal science education, of technology and sensor development, including adaptation of their products for ocean and coastal science education.

(6) The development of information management systems and new learning technologies for efficient delivery of Federal marine science assets to students, teachers, and citizen decision-makers.

(d) Public Participation.--In developing the strategy, the task force shall consult with the Advisory Panel, academic, State, industry, museums and aquariums, education, and conservation groups and representatives. Not later than 90 days before the chair submits the strategy, or any revision thereof, to the Congress, a summary of the proposed strategy or revision and a response to comments shall be published in the Federal Register for a public comment period of not less than 60 days.


(a) Establishment.--Consistent with the strategy, the President shall establish an interagency ocean and coastal education program to improve public awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the role of the ocean in meeting our Nation's economic, social, and environmental needs. The program shall complement and build upon existing efforts rather than duplicate such efforts. The ocean and coastal education program shall include formal education activities for elementary, secondary, undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students, continuing education activities for adults, and informal education activities for learners of all ages. Under the program, particular attention shall be paid with respect to--

(1) students from underrepresented groups, especially at the elementary and secondary levels; and

(2) elementary and secondary students in urban areas, with the goal of improving public awareness and literacy of urban coastal problems.

(b) Elements.--

(1) In general.--The program shall use appropriate interagency coordination mechanisms, build upon existing programs, and shall, at a minimum, provide sustained funding for--

(A) development of model instructional programs for students at all levels, with special focus on developing an urban unit;

(B) a regional education network to support academic competition and experiential learning opportunities for middle and high school students;

(C) a regional education network specifically to enhance ocean literacy opportunities for minority students and students in urban areas;

(D) teacher enrichment programs that provide for participation in ocean and coastal sciences, research expeditions, voyages of exploration, and the conduct of scientific research;

(E) educator professional development and student training and support to provide diverse ocean-related education opportunities at the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels;

(F) mentoring programs and partnerships with minority-serving institutions, building on elementary and secondary minority programs, to ensure diversity in the ocean and coastal workforce;

(G) a national network of Centers for Ocean and Coastal Sciences Education Excellence to improve the acquisition of knowledge by students at all levels through enhanced collaborations between the scientific and education communities;

(H) the National Ocean and Coastal Sciences Bowl, a competition among high schools to promote knowledge of the ocean and coasts, with evaluation of the potential merits of a similar program for middle schools;

(I) the EstuaryLive program, a experiential learning program focused on coastal resources and issues; and

(J) an internet-based ocean and coastal science portal to provide a centralized source of Federal, State, academic, non-governmental, and other ocean and coastal science education materials, programs, and products.

(2) Evaluation.--The task force shall assess and evaluate the elements of the program for success on a continuing basis.

(c) Interagency Funding.--The Administration, the National Science Foundation, and other Federal agencies involved in the program are authorized to participate in interagency financing and share, transfer, receive, and spend funds appropriated to any Federal participant in the program for the purposes of carrying out any administrative or programmatic project or activity under this section. Funds may be transferred among such departments and agencies through an appropriate instrument that specifies the goods, services, or space being acquired from another Federal participant and the costs of the same.



(a) In General.--

(1) Authority to establish programs.--The Administrator shall conduct, develop, support, promote, and coordinate formal and informal educational activities authorized by this section to enhance public awareness and understanding of the science, service, and stewardship missions of the Administration, such as the EstuaryLive program, the Bay Watershed Education and Training Program, and the Teacher-at-Sea and Teacher-in-the Air Programs. In conducting those activities, the Administrator shall consult with the task force and build upon the educational programs and activities of the National Sea Grant College Program, the National Marine Sanctuaries Program, the National Estuarine Research Reserve System, regional offices of the Administration, and programs relating to ocean exploration, undersea research, marine resources, marine observations, and oceans and human health.

(2) Educational activities included.--In carrying out this section, the Administrator shall include among the educational activities education of the general public, teachers, students at all levels (including primary and secondary levels), and ocean and coastal managers and stakeholders, with particular attention to addressing the lack of participation by underrepresented groups in ocean and coastal sciences and policy careers.

(3) Grant and contract authority.--In carrying out educational activities under this section, the Administrator may enter into grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, resource sharing agreements or interagency financing with Federal, State and regional agencies, tribes, commercial organizations, educational institutions, non-profit organizations or other persons.

(4) Goals; standards; periodic assessments.--The Administrator shall establish goals and standards for assessing the success of each of the Administration's educational activities under this section and shall evaluate the success of each such activity every 3-to-5 years.

(5) Strategies.--The Administrator, in consultation with the appropriate program directors, shall ensure that educational activities under this section will--

(A) integrate agency-conducted and agency-funded science into high-quality educational materials;

(B) improve access to Administration educational resources;

(C) support educator professional development programs to improve understanding and use of agency sciences;

(D) promote participation in agency-related sciences and careers, particularly by members of underrepresented groups; and

(E) leverage partnerships to enhance formal and informal environmental science education.

(b) Regional Education Program.--

(1) In general.--The Administrator shall establish a regional elementary and secondary education program that--

(A) focuses on providing experiential learning opportunities for students in the area of ocean and coastal resources, based on the model of the Bay Watershed Education and Training Program;

(B) is administered, wherever possible, at the local and regional offices of the Administration or Sea Grant College Program offices or offices of other appropriate existing programs; and

(C) shall provide funding, on a competitive basis, to organizations emphasizing experiential learning for elementary and secondary students.

(2) Priorities.--The regional program shall give a priority to--

(A) providing experiential ocean and coastal education programs for elementary, middle, and secondary school students that are aligned with National or State standards of learning; and

(B) providing teacher training in ocean and coastal education, including adequate training for teachers to bring experiential learning into their classrooms.

(c) Ocean and Coastal Literacy in Urban Environments Program.--

(1) In general.--The Administrator shall establish an Ocean and Coastal Literacy in Urban Environments Program (to be known as the Ocean CLUE Program) that is designed to broaden knowledge about the oceans and coastal areas among underrepresented groups and in urban areas.

(2) Eligibility criteria.--In order to be eligible to participate in the program--

(A) at least 50 percent of the student body of an applicant school, or a school with which an applicant group proposes to work, shall consist of members of underrepresented groups; or

(B) the applicant school, or a school with which an applicant proposes to work, shall be located in an urban area.

(3) Grants.--

(A) In general.--Under the program, the Administrator shall award grants to eligible elementary and secondary schools, or groups proposing to work with elementary and secondary schools selected through a competitive process, on the basis of the merits of their proposals.

(B) Term.--A grant under the program shall be awarded initially for a period of 1 year, but may be renewed annually for up to 3 additional years.

(C) Requirements.--As a condition of receiving a grant under the program, a recipient shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Administrator that--

(i) it will use a curriculum of ocean and coastal science that complements or satisfies National, State, or regional science requirements;

(ii) activities funded in whole or in part by the grant will focus on marine science, marine policy, and other maritime social sciences, with experiential teaching methods explored;

(iii) it will contribute to a coordinated Ocean CLUE website established by the Administrator that is accessible by the public; and

(iv) it will undertake to meet with other grant recipients at least once during each year for which it is receiving a grant to share curricula and to discuss successful techniques and challenges.

(d) Bay Watershed Education and Training Program.--The Administrator shall expand the Bay Watershed Education and Training Program by not more than 1 region per year.

(e) Educational Partnership Program.--The Administrator shall establish a program of educational partnerships with minority-serving institutions, providing financial assistance to these institutions to support collaborative research and training of students in ocean, atmospheric, and Earth sciences through competitive processes. The program shall have include at least the following 4 components:

(1) Cooperative Science Centers will be established at minority-serving institutions in partnership with other institutions that have established programs and graduate degrees in ocean, Earth, and atmospheric disciplines.

(2) An Environmental Entrepreneurship Program will provide funding to eligible minority-serving institutions to attract students who are members of an underrepresented group to pursue academic study, careers, and entrepreneurship opportunities in ocean, Earth, and atmospheric sciences.

(3) A Graduate Sciences Program will recruit and provide graduate level training in ocean, Earth, and atmospheric sciences to outstanding candidates who are members of an underrepresented group.

(4) An Undergraduate Scholarship Program will be established whose goal is to increase the number of students who undertake coursework and graduate with degrees in fields integral to the Administration's mission.

(f) Additional Elementary and Secondary Programs.--The Administrator shall establish elementary and secondary ocean education programs, exploring partnerships with non-governmental organizations and exploring experiential or non-traditional education techniques, such as the EstuaryLive and the Bay Watershed Education and Training programs.

(g) Teacher-at-Sea; Teacher-in-the-Air.--The Administrator shall--

(1) establish a program, to be known as the Teacher-at-Sea Program, to bring teachers from elementary, middle, and secondary schools, and from institutions of higher education to sea aboard Administration research and survey ships to work under the tutelage of scientists and crew;

(2) establish a related program, to be known as the Teacher-in-the Air Program, using Administration aircraft for the purposes of marine observations and studies of links between the atmosphere and the ocean; and

(3) consider establishing a counterpart program to the Teacher-at-Sea Program in coastal areas using smaller Administration ships.

(h) NOAA Science Education Plan.--The Administrator, in consultation with the Ocean Education Council and representatives of the Marine Sanctuaries Program, the Sea Grant Program, the National Estuarine Research Reserve System, the Office of Exploration, the National Undersea Research Program, and other appropriate Administration programs, shall develop a science education plan setting forth education goals and strategies for the Administration, as well as programmatic actions to carry out such goals and priorities over the next 20 years. The plan shall--

(1) set forth the Administration's goals, priorities, and programmatic activities for ocean and coastal science education in 5-year phases;

(2) identify links between the Administration's ocean and coastal science education activities and its programs and missions;

(3) consider the recommendations of ocean and coastal science and education experts, as well as those of professional education associations or organizations;

(4) be developed in consultation with programmatic offices, ocean and coastal sciences and education experts, and interested members of the public; and

(5) be evaluated and updated every 3-to-5 years.



Section 212(a) of the National Sea Grant College Program Act (33 U.S.C 1131(a)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

``(3) Marine and aquatic science education.--In addition to the amounts authorized for each fiscal year under paragraphs

(1) and (2), there are authorized to be appropriated for marine and aquatic science education in each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011--

``(A) $6,000,000 in funding for the educational activities of sea grant programs;

``(B) $4,000,000 for competitive grants for projects and research that target national and regional ocean and coastal science literacy; and

``(C) $3,000,000 for competitive grants to support educational partnerships under the national Coastal and Ocean Education Program to be funded through an appropriate interagency mechanism.''.



Section 318(a) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972

(16 U.S.C. 1464(a)) is amended--

(1) by striking ``and'' after the semicolon in paragraph


(2) by striking ``1999.'' in paragraph (2)(C) and inserting

``1999; and''; and

(3) by adding at the end the following:

``(3) for estuarine science education, there are authorized to be appropriated, in addition to the amounts authorized for each fiscal year under paragraphs (1) and (2), in each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011--

``(A) $3,000,000 in increased funding for the educational activities of National Estuarine Research Reserves; and

``(B) $1,000,000 for competitive grants for projects that use National Estuarine Research Reserve System system-wide monitoring program data to advance ocean and coastal science literacy.''.



(a) National Ocean and Coastal Education Program.--Of the amounts authorized annually to the Department of the Navy, the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and other agencies that are members of the National Ocean and Coastal Science Education Task Force for fiscal year 2006 through fiscal year 2011, up to

$25,000,000 from each agency may be made available for the National Ocean and Coastal Education Program under section 202.

(b) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.--In addition to the amounts authorized to be made available by subsection (a) of this section and under section 212(a)(3) of the National Sea Grant College Program Act (33 U.S.C 1131(a)(3)) and section 318(a)(3) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. 1464(a)(3)), there are authorized to be appropriated to the Administrator--

(1) $20,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011 for educational activities under section 301(a);

(2) $8,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011 for educational activities under section 301 (c);

(3) $8,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011 for educational activities under section 301(d);

(3) $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011 for educational activities under section 301(e);

(4) $6,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011 for educational activities under section 301(f); and

(5) $200,000 for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2011 for educational activities under section 301(g).

(c) Availability.--Sums appropriated pursuant to subsection

(b) shall remain available until expended.


By Mr. SARBANES (for himself, Ms. Mikulski, Ms. Landrieu, Mr.

Warner, and Mr. Allen):

S. 1472. A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the Water Resources Development Act of 1992 to provide for the restoration, protection, and enhancement of the environmental integrity and social and economic benefits of the Anacostia Watershed in the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, today I am reintroducing legislation, together with my colleagues Senators Mikulski, Landrieu, Warner and Allen to bolster efforts to restore the Anacostia River.

I spoke during the 108th Congress about the need for this legislation and I want to underscore the principal reasons today. The Anacostia River is a resource rich in history and with tremendous natural resource and recreational potential. It is home to 43 species of fish, some 200 species of birds, as well as more than 800,000 people whose neighborhoods border the watershed. Flowing through Montgomery and Prince George's Counties in Maryland and emptying into the Potomac at the District of Columbia, the watershed consists of a 176 square mile drainage area. One of the most urbanized watersheds in the United States, the Anacostia suffers a series of problems including trash, toxic pollution from urban runoff, sewage pollution from leaking sewer lines and combined sewer overflows, sediment pollution from erosion, and loss of fish and wildlife and recreational resources. It is a resource that has long been abused and neglected, but one that, in my view, can and must be protected and restored.

Efforts to begin rejuvenating the Anacostia watershed began formally in 1987 when the State of Maryland, Montgomery and Prince George's Counties, and the District of Columbia signed an Anacostia Watershed Restoration Agreement. The Agreement authorized the Washington Area Council of Governments, COG, to manage the restoration program and the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, ICPRB, to protect the resources and facilitate public participation. COG created an Anacostia Watershed Restoration Committee, AWRC, to coordinate and implement restoration projects throughout the watershed. Since that time, local, State, and Federal Government agencies, as well as the Anacostia Watershed Society, the Anacostia Citizens Advisory Committee and other environmental organizations and dedicated private citizens have contributed significant resources toward re-establishing the Anacostia watershed ecosystem.

Thanks to this cooperative and coordinated Federal, State, local and private effort, we are beginning to make some progress in restoring the watershed. A Six Point Action Plan was signed in 1991 setting ambitious and broad-reaching goals for the river's restoration. In 1993 we celebrated the successful restoration of 32 acres of emergent tidal wetlands by the Army Corps of Engineers at Kenilworth marsh. The project has shown significant results in improving tidal water flow through the marsh, and reducing the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus in the area and demonstrates what can be achieved in urban river restoration. There have been other success stories as well in urban stream restoration in Montgomery and Prince George's counties, removing barriers to fish passage and reforestation efforts throughout the watershed, to name only a few. In 1999, a new Anacostia Watershed Agreement was signed to strengthen the regional governmental commitment to Anacostia restoration. There are today more than 60 local, State and Federal agencies involved in Anacostia watershed restoration. And more than $100 million has been spent cleaning up the river. There is clearly much for which we can all be proud. But the job of restoring the Anacostia watershed is far from complete. The Anacostia is still one of North America's most endangered and threatened rivers. It is designated one of three ``regions of concern'' for toxics in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

The legislation which we are introducing authorizes more than $200 million in Federal assistance over the next 10 years to restore the Anacostia. Of these funds, $170 million is authorized to address the biggest pollution problems in the watershed--storm water runoff and failing waste-water infrastructure. As the builder of much of the original infrastructure and a major user, the Federal Government has an important responsibility to help stem the flow of this pollution and comply with the Clean Water Act. The remaining funds will allow the Administrator of EPA, working together with an ``Anacostia Watershed Council'' of State and local officials, to develop a comprehensive environmental protection and resource management plan for the watershed, for several Federal agencies to join in the implementation of the plan.

The Anacostia River suffers from centuries of impacts and changes. Once a healthy, thriving river, it is today severely degraded. This legislation is urgently needed if we are to achieve the goal of making the Anacostia and its tributaries swimmable and fishable again. It is my hope that provisions of this measure will be included in the reauthorization of the Water Resources Development Act and I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this measure.


By Ms. COLLINS (for herself and Mr. Kennedy):

S. 1473. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a business credit against income for the purchase of fishing safety equipment; to the Committee on Finance.

Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise today to introduce The Commercial Fishermen Safety Act of 2005, a bill to help fishermen purchase the life-saving safety equipment they need to survive when disaster strikes. I am pleased to be joined by my good friend from Massachusetts, Senator Kennedy, in introducing this legislation. Senator Kennedy has been a leader in the effort to sustain our fisheries and to maintain the proud fishing tradition that exists in his State and mine.

Recent portrayals of the commercial fishing industry in film and in literature have provided the American public with glimpses of the challenges and dangers associated with earning a living from the sea. These stories and movies merely scratch the surface of what it is like to be a modern-day fisherman. Everyday, members of our fishing communities struggle to cope with the pressures of running a small business, complying with burdensome regulations, and maintaining their vessels and equipment. Added to these challenges are the dangers associated with fishing, where disaster can strike, often without notice.

Year-in and year-out, commercial fishing ranks among the Nation's most dangerous occupations, often as the most dangerous occupation. Between the years of 1992, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics began compiling occupational safety statistics, and 2003, 756 commercial fishing-related fatalities have been documented. This profession is roughly 30 times more dangerous than the average occupation.

Too often, commercial fishing has proved tragic throughout our coastal waters including the north Pacific, the Gulf of Mexico, and the north Atlantic. The New England fishing community is no stranger to heartbreak. The 2004-2005 winter proved no exception, with the December 20, 2004 sinking of the Northern Edge. Five fishermen were lost during this incident, which was the worst loss of life in the New England fishing community since 1991. One fisherman, Pedro Furtado, was saved when the Northern Edge went down. Pedro was able to locate a life raft, to which he clung for half an hour in high winds and freezing temperatures before being rescued by the crew of a nearby scallop boat. This incident could have been even more tragic, if vital lifesaving safety equipment were not at hand.

Not all disasters at sea end with a loss of life. Fishermen also tell stories of dramatic rescues, stories that all have something in common: safety equipment. On February 9, 2005, a 38-foot gillnet vessel, Hollywood, sank 45 miles off of Cape Ann, Massachusetts. Aboard this boat were three fishermen, all of who survived. These men survived despite 40 degree water temperatures. Two of the three crew members were wearing survival suits, and they all were able to get into a life raft before the boat sank.

Tragedy has again visited the New England fishing community. This month alone, two New England vessels have sank, during a time of year that is generally not as hazardous for the industry. On the evening of July 13, the Sirius sank 25 miles south of Matinicus Island, Maine. Sadly, the captain of the Sirius was lost. Fortunately, the two remaining crew members were rescued by fellow fishermen. Just four, short days later, another fishing vessel, Princess, sank off of Chatham, Massachusetts. Fortunately, the entire crew of this vessel was rescued, due in no small part to their safety equipment.

Coast Guard regulations require all fishing vessels to carry safety equipment. The requirements vary depending on factors such as the size of the vessel, the temperature of the water, and the distance the vessel travels from shore to fish.

Required equipment can include a life raft that automatically inflates and floats free, should the vessel sink; personal flotation devices or immersion suits which help protect fishermen from exposure and increase buoyancy: EPIRBs, which relay a downed vessel's position to Coast Guard Search and Rescue Personnel; visual distress signals; and fire extinguishers.

When an emergency arises, safety equipment is priceless. At all other times, the cost of purchasing or maintaining this equipment must compete with other expenses such as loan payments, fuel, wages, maintenance, and insurance. Meeting all of these obligations is made more difficult by a regulatory framework that uses measures such as trip limits, days at sea, and gear alterations to manage our marine resources.

The Commercial Fishermen Safety Act of 2005 lends a hand to fishermen attempting to prepare in case disaster strikes. My bill provides a tax credit equal to 75 percent of the amount paid by fishermen to purchase or maintain required safety equipment. The tax credit is capped at

$1500. Items such as EPIRBs and immersion suits cost hundreds of dollars, while life rafts can reach into the thousands. The tax credit will make life-saving equipment more affordable for more fishermen, who currently face limited options under the federal tax code.

Safety equipment saves lives in an occupation that has suffered far too many tragedies. By extending a tax credit for the purchase of federally required safety equipment, Congress can help ensure that fishermen have a better chance of returning home each and every time they head out to sea.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 151, No. 101