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Congressional Record publishes “Senate Committee Meetings” on July 13, 2006

Volume 152, No. 91 covering the 2nd Session of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2006) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“Senate Committee Meetings” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Daily Digest section on pages D769-D770 on July 13, 2006.

The publication is reproduced in full below:

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)


Committee on Appropriations: Committee ordered favorably reported the following bills:

H.R. 5672, making appropriations for Science, the Departments of State, Justice, and Commerce, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute; and

An original bill (S. 3660), making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against the revenues of said District for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007.


Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a hearing to examine military commissions in light of the Supreme Court decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, after receiving testimony from Major General Scott C. Black, USA, Judge Advocate General, and Major General Thomas J. Romig, USA (Ret.), former Judge Advocate General, both of the U.S. Army; Rear Admiral James E. McPherson, USN, Judge Advocate General, and Rear Admiral John D. Hutson, USN (Ret.), former Judge Advocate General, both of the U.S. Navy; Major General Jack L. Rives, USAF, Judge Advocate General of the Air Force; and Brigadier General Kevin M. Sandkulher, USMC, Staff Judge Advocate to the Commandant of the Marine Corps.


Committee on the Budget: Committee ordered favorably reported the nomination of Stephen S. McMillin, of Texas, to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.


Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee concluded a hearing to examine unmanned aerial systems in Alaska and the Pacific regions as a framework for the United States, after receiving testimony from Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.), Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Nicholas Sabatini, Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation; Rear Admiral Wayne Justice, Assistant Commandant for Response, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security; and John W. Madden, Alaska Department of Homeland Security, Anchorage.


Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee concluded a hearing to examine H.R. 5254, to set schedules for the consideration of permits for refineries, after receiving testimony from Robert J. Meyers, Associate Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, Environmental Protection Agency; Glenn McGinnis, Arizona Clean Fuels Yuma, LLC, Phoenix; and S. William Becker, on behalf of the State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators, and the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials, and Bob Slaughter, National Petrochemical and Refiners Association, both of Washington, D.C.


Committee on Environment and Public Works: Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate Change, and Nuclear Safety concluded a hearing to examine the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed revisions to the particulate matter air quality standards, after receiving testimony from William Wehrum, Acting Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation, Environmental Protection Agency; Bebe Heiskell, Commissioner, Walker County, Georgia; John A. Paul, Regional Air Pollution Control Agency, Dayton, Ohio, on behalf of the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials and the State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators; Larry J. Gould, Lenawee County Board of Commissioners, Adrian, Michigan; Harry C. Alford, National Black Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C.; Conrad G. Schneider, Clean Air Task Force, Boston, Massachusetts; and William F. Christopher, Alcoa, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nomination of Eric Solomon, of New Jersey, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy, after the nominee testified and answered questions in his own behalf.


Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the current situation relative to Iraq, after receiving testimony from Zalmay Khalilzad, Ambassador to Iraq, Department of State.


Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nomination of Stephen S. McMillin, of Texas, to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, after the nominee testified and answered questions in his own behalf.


Committee on the Judiciary: Committee ordered favorably reported the following business items:

H.R. 1036, to amend title 17, United States Code, to make technical corrections relating to Copyright Royalty Judges, with an amendment; and

The nominations of Neil M. Gorsuch, of Colorado, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit, Jerome A. Holmes, of Oklahoma, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Tenth Circuit, Bobby E. Shepherd, of Arkansas, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Eighth Circuit, Gustavo Antonio Gelpi, to be United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico, Daniel Porter Jordan III, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Mississippi, and Martin J. Jackley, to be United States Attorney for the District of South Dakota, and Brett L. Tolman, to be United States Attorney for the District of Utah, both of the Department of Justice.


Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Property Rights concluded a hearing to examine renewing the temporary provisions of the Voting Rights Act relating to legislative options after LULAC v. Perry, after receiving testimony from Roger Clegg, Center for Equal Opportunity, Sterling, Virginia; Sherrilyn A. Ifill, University of Maryland School of Law, Baltimore; Nina Perales, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, San Antonio, Texas; Michael A. Carvin, Jones Day, Washington, D.C.; Joaquin G. Avila, Seattle University School of Law, Seattle, Washington; and Abigail Thernstrom, The Manhattan Institute, Lexington, Massachusetts, on behalf of U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.


Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Committee concluded hearings to examine challenges facing the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, focusing on efforts to address the backlog of cases, after receiving testimony from William P. Greene, Jr., Chief Judge, and Norman Y. Herring, Clerk of the Court, both of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims; James P. Terry, Chairman, Board of Veterans' Appeals, and R. Randall Campbell, Assistant General Counsel, Professional Staff Group VII, both of the Department of Veterans Affairs; and Joseph A. Violante, Disabled American Veterans, Washington, D.C.


Special Committee on Aging: Committee concluded a hearing to examine Medicaid spending growth and options for controlling costs, focusing on the impact of seniors on health care costs in the United States, after receiving testimony from Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano, Phoenix; Donald B. Marron, Acting Director, Congressional Budget Office; and G. Richard Wagoner, Jr., General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan.

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 152, No. 91