Saturday, June 15, 2024

“ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS” published by the Congressional Record on Feb. 25, 2008

Volume 154, No. 30 covering the 2nd Session of the 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S1121-S1124 on Feb. 25, 2008.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


S. 22

At the request of Mr. Webb, the name of the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. Rockefeller) was added as a cosponsor of S. 22, a bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a program of educational assistance for members of the Armed Forces who serve in the Armed Forces after September 11, 2001, and for other purposes.

S. 211

At the request of Mrs. Clinton, the name of the Senator from Maryland (Mr. Cardin) was added as a cosponsor of S. 211, a bill to facilitate nationwide availability of 2-1-1 telephone service for information and referral on human services, volunteer services, and for other purposes.

S. 243

At the request of Mr. Ensign, the name of the Senator from Tennessee

(Mr. Corker) was added as a cosponsor of S. 243, a bill to improve patient access to health care services and provide improved medical care by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on the health care delivery system.

S. 367

At the request of Mr. Dorgan, the name of the Senator from Vermont

(Mr. Leahy) was added as a cosponsor of S. 367, a bill to amend the Tariff Act of 1930 to prohibit the import, export, and sale of goods made with sweatshop labor, and for other purposes.

S. 548

At the request of Mr. Leahy, the name of the Senator from Illinois

(Mr. Obama) was added as a cosponsor of S. 548, a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide that a deduction equal to fair market value shall be allowed for charitable contributions of literary, musical, artistic, or scholarly compositions created by the donor.

S. 718

At the request of Mr. Durbin, the name of the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Whitehouse) was added as a cosponsor of S. 718, a bill to optimize the delivery of critical care medicine and expand the critical care workforce.

S. 950

At the request of Ms. Snowe, the name of the Senator from Louisiana

(Ms. Landrieu) was added as a cosponsor of S. 950, a bill to develop and maintain an integrated system of coastal and ocean observations for the Nation's coasts, oceans, and Great Lakes, to improve warnings of tsunami, hurricanes, El Nino events, and other natural hazards, to enhance homeland security, to support maritime operations, to improve management of coastal and marine resources, and for other purposes.

S. 1001

At the request of Mrs. Hutchison, the name of the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. Byrd) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1001, a bill to restore Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia.

S. 1125

At the request of Mr. Conrad, the name of the Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. Specter) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1125, a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide incentives to encourage investment in the expansion of freight rail infrastructure capacity and to enhance modal tax equity.

S. 1161

At the request of Mr. Bingaman, the name of the Senator from Ohio

(Mr. Brown) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1161, a bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to authorize the expansion of medicare coverage of medical nutrition therapy services.

S. 1181

At the request of Mr. Reed, his name was added as a cosponsor of S. 1181, a bill to amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to provide shareholders with an advisory vote on executive compensation.

S. 1287

At the request of Mr. Smith, the name of the Senator from Minnesota

(Ms. Klobuchar) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1287, a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow an offset against income tax refunds to pay for State judicial debts that are past-due.

S. 1373

At the request of Mr. Pryor, the name of the Senator from Delaware

(Mr. Carper) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1373, a bill to provide grants and loan guarantees for the development and construction of science parks to promote the clustering of innovation through high technology activities.

S. 1375

At the request of Mr. Menendez, the name of the Senator from New York (Mrs. Clinton) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1375, a bill to ensure that new mothers and their families are educated about postpartum depression, screened for symptoms, and provided with essential services, and to increase research at the National Institutes of Health on postpartum depression.

S. 1376

At the request of Mr. Bingaman, the name of the Senator from Michigan (Ms. Stabenow) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1376, a bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to revise and expand the drug discount program under section 340B of such Act to improve the provision of discounts on drug purchases for certain safety net provides.

S. 1390

At the request of Mrs. Clinton, the name of the Senator from California (Mrs. Boxer) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1390, a bill to provide for the issuance of a ``forever stamp'' to honor the sacrifices of the brave men and women of the armed forces who have been awarded the Purple Heart.

S. 1494

At the request of Mr. Dorgan, the name of the Senator from New York

(Mrs. Clinton) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1494, a bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize the special diabetes programs for Type I diabetes and Indians under that Act.

S. 1572

At the request of Mr. Bingaman, the name of the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. Lieberman) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1572, a bill to increase the number of well-trained mental health service professionals (including those based in schools) providing clinical mental health care to children and adolescents, and for other purposes.

S. 1707

At the request of Mrs. Feinstein, the name of the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. Kerry) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1707, a bill to reduce the duty on certain golf club components.

S. 1738

At the request of Mr. Biden, the names of the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. Dorgan) and the Senator from Alaska (Ms. Murkowski) were added as cosponsors of S. 1738, a bill to establish a Special Counsel for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction within the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, to improve the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, to increase resources for regional computer forensic labs, and to make other improvements to increase the ability of law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute predators.

S. 1901

At the request of Mr. Thune, the name of the Senator from South Dakota (Mr. Johnson) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1901, a bill to amend Public Law 98-513 to provide for the inheritance of small fractional interests within the Lake Traverse Indian Reservation.

S. 1921

At the request of Mr. Webb, the name of the Senator from Illinois

(Mr. Obama) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1921, a bill to amend the American Battlefield Protection Act of 1996 to extend the authorization for that Act, and for other purposes.

S. 2064

At the request of Mr. Durbin, the name of the Senator from California (Mrs. Boxer) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2064, a bill to fund comprehensive programs to ensure an adequate supply of nurses.

S. 2119

At the request of Mr. Johnson, the names of the Senator from Arizona

(Mr. McCain), the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Obama) and the Senator from Michigan (Mr. Levin) were added as cosponsors of S. 2119, a bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of veterans who became disabled for life while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States.

S. 2144

At the request of Mr. Coleman, the name of the Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. Specter) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2144, a bill to require the Secretary of Energy to conduct a study of feasibility relating to the construction and operation of pipelines and carbon dioxide sequestration facilities, and for other purposes.

S. 2166

At the request of Mr. Casey, the name of the Senator from Missouri

(Mrs. McCaskill) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2166, a bill to provide for greater responsibility in lending and expanded cancellation of debts owed to the United States and the international financial institutions by low-income countries, and for other purposes.

S. 2279

At the request of Mr. Biden, the names of the Senator from Delaware

(Mr. Carper) and the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Whitehouse) were added as cosponsors of S. 2279, a bill to combat international violence against women and girls.

S. 2314

At the request of Mr. Salazar, the name of the Senator from Maine

(Ms. Collins) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2314, a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make geothermal heat pump systems eligible for the energy credit and the residential energy efficient property credit, and for other purposes.

S. 2323

At the request of Mr. Kerry, the name of the Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. Specter) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2323, a bill to provide for the conduct of carbon capture and storage technology research, development, and demonstration projects, and for other purposes.

S. 2372

At the request of Mr. Smith, the name of the Senator from Florida

(Mr. Nelson) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2372, a bill to amend the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to modify the tariffs on certain footwear.

S. 2433

At the request of Ms. Snowe, her name was added as a cosponsor of S. 2433, a bill to require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day.

S. 2439

At the request of Mr. Menendez, the names of the Senator from Maine

(Ms. Snowe) and the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Obama) were added as cosponsors of S. 2439, a bill to require the National Incident Based Reporting System, the Uniform Crime Reporting Program, and the Law Enforcement National Data Exchange Program to list cruelty to animals as a separate offense category.

S. 2444

At the request of Mrs. Murray, the name of the Senator from Maryland

(Ms. Mikulski) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2444, a bill to direct the Secretary of Education to provide grants to establish and evaluate sustainability programs, charged with developing and implementing integrated environmental, economic, and social sustainability initiatives, and to direct the Secretary of Education to convene a summit of higher education experts in the area of sustainability.

S. 2460

At the request of Mr. Bingaman, the names of the Senator from Louisiana (Ms. Landrieu) and the Senator from New Mexico (Mr. Domenici) were added as cosponsors of S. 2460, a bill to extend by one year the moratorium on implementation of a rule relating to the Federal-State financial partnership under Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program and on finalization of a rule regarding graduate medical education under Medicaid and to include a moratorium on the finalization of the outpatient Medicaid rule making similar changes.

S. 2510

At the request of Ms. Landrieu, the name of the Senator from Michigan (Mr. Levin) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2510, a bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide revised standards for quality assurance in screening and evaluation of gynecologic cytology preparations, and for other purposes.

S. 2523

At the request of Mr. Kerry, the names of the Senator from Illinois

(Mr. Durbin) and the Senator from Ohio (Mr. Brown) were added as cosponsors of S. 2523, a bill to establish the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund in the Treasury of the United States to provide for the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of decent, safe, and affordable housing for low-income families.

S. 2555

At the request of Mrs. Boxer, the name of the Senator from Illinois

(Mr. Durbin) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2555, a bill to permit California and other States to effectively control greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles, and for other purposes.

S. 2560

At the request of Mr. Kerry, the name of the Senator from California

(Mrs. Boxer) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2560, a bill to create the income security conditions and family supports needed to ensure permanency for the Nation's unaccompanied youth, and for other purposes.

S. 2569

At the request of Mrs. Boxer, the names of the Senator from New York

(Mrs. Clinton) and the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Menendez) were added as cosponsors of S. 2569, a bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Director of the National Cancer Institute to make grants for the discovery and validation of biomarkers for use in risk stratification for, and the early detection and screening of, ovarian cancer.

S. 2575

At the request of Mrs. Hutchison, the name of the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. Dorgan) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2575, a bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to remove certain limitations on the transfer of entitlement to basic educational assistance under Montgomery GI Bill, and for other purposes.

S. 2578

At the request of Mr. Coleman, the name of the Senator from Iowa

(Mr. Harkin) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2578, a bill to temporarily delay application of proposed changes to Medicaid payment rules for case management and targeted case management services.

S. 2579

At the request of Mr. Inouye, the names of the Senator from Maine

(Ms. Collins) and the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. Akaka) were added as cosponsors of S. 2579, a bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in recognition and celebration of the establishment of the United States Army in 1775, to honor the American soldier of both today and yesterday, in wartime and in peace, and to commemorate the traditions, history, and heritage of the United States Army and its role in American society, from the colonial period to today.

S. 2595

At the request of Mrs. Feinstein, the name of the Senator from Colorado (Mr. Salazar) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2595, a bill to create a national licensing system for residential mortgage loan originators, to develop minimum standards of conduct to be enforced by State regulators, and for other purposes.

S. 2596

At the request of Mr. DeMint, the name of the Senator from Nevada

(Mr. Ensign) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2596, a bill to rescind funds appropriated by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008, for the City of Berkeley, California, and any entities located in such city, and to provide that such funds shall be transferred to the Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps account of the Department of Defense for the purposes of recruiting.

S. 2618

At the request of Ms. Klobuchar, the names of the Senator from Washington (Mrs. Murray) and the Senator from California (Mrs. Boxer) were added as cosponsors of S. 2618, a bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for research with respect to various forms of muscular dystrophy, including Becker, congenital, distal, Duchenne, Emery-Dreifuss Facioscapulohumeral, limb-girdle, myotonic, and oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophies.

S. 2631

At the request of Mrs. Feinstein, the name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. Nelson) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2631, a bill to award a congressional gold medal to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in recognition of her courageous and unwavering commitment to peace, nonviolence, human rights, and democracy in Burma.

At the request of Mr. McConnell, the name of the Senator from Mississippi (Mr. Wicker) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2631, supra.

S. 2633

At the request of Mr. Feingold, the names of the Senator from Vermont

(Mr. Leahy), the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. Byrd), the Senator from Ohio (Mr. Brown), the Senator from Iowa (Mr. Harkin), the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Durbin), the Senator from Oregon (Mr. Wyden), the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Whitehouse), the Senator from Vermont

(Mr. Sanders), the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. Dodd), the Senator from New York

(Mrs. Clinton) and the Senator from California (Mrs. Boxer) were added as cosponsors of S. 2633, a bill to provide for the safe redeployment of United States troops from Iraq.

S. 2634

At the request of Mr. Feingold, the names of the Senator from Iowa

(Mr. Harkin), the Senator from Vermont (Mr. Leahy), the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. Byrd), the Senator from Ohio (Mr. Brown), the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Obama), the Senator from California (Mrs. Boxer) and the Senator from New York (Mrs. Clinton) were added as cosponsors of S. 2634, a bill to require a report setting forth the global strategy of the United States to combat and defeat al Qaeda and its affiliates.

S. 2636

At the request of Mr. Reid, the names of the Senator from New Jersey

(Mr. Lautenberg), the Senator from Colorado (Mr. Salazar), the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Durbin), the Senator from Washington (Mrs. Murray), the Senator from New York (Mr. Schumer), the Senator from Connecticut

(Mr. Dodd), the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. Kerry), the Senator from California (Mrs. Boxer), the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Reed), the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Obama), the Senator from Maryland (Mr. Cardin), the Senator from California (Mrs. Feinstein), the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. Kennedy), the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. Lieberman), the Senator from New York (Mrs. Clinton), the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Menendez), the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Whitehouse), the Senator from Maryland (Ms. Mikulski) and the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. Klobuchar) were added as cosponsors of S. 2636, a bill to provide needed housing reform.

S. 2643

At the request of Mr. Sununu, his name was added as a cosponsor of S. 2643, a bill to amend the Clean Air Act to require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to promulgate regulations to control hazardous air pollutant emissions from electric utility steam generating units.

S. 2650

At the request of Mr. Specter, the name of the Senator from New Mexico (Mr. Domenici) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2650, a bill to provide for a 5-year carryback of certain net operating losses and to suspend the 90 percent alternative minimum tax limit on certain net operating losses.

S. RES. 454

At the request of Mr. Durbin, the names of the Senator from Pennsylvania (Mr. Casey) and the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Whitehouse) were added as cosponsors of S. Res. 454, a resolution designating the month of March 2008 as ``MRSA Awareness Month''.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 154, No. 30