Saturday, June 15, 2024

Congressional Record publishes “Senate Committee Meetings” on Nov. 28, 2001

Volume 147, No. 162 covering the 1st Session of the 107th Congress (2001 - 2002) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“Senate Committee Meetings” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Daily Digest section on pages D1172 on Nov. 28, 2001.

The publication is reproduced in full below:

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)


Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies concluded hearings on anthrax decontamination, focusing on efforts of both the Environmental Protection Agency and the Office of Science and Technology Policy to irradiate contaminated sites and facilities, evaluate options for ensuring mail security, and secure premises for mail distribution and maximum workplace safety, after receiving testimony from John H. Marburger III, Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy; and Christine Todd Whitman, Administrator, and Richard Rupert, Federal On Scene Coordinator, both of the Environmental Protection Agency.


Committee on the Judiciary: Committee held hearings to examine the Department of Justice's response to the September 11 attacks and implementation of the USA Patriot Act (P.L. 107-56), and certain Administration actions and proposals, including chartering military tribunals and permitting attorney-client communications monitoring, receiving testimony from Michael Chertoff, Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice; William P. Barr, former Attorney General of the United States, Griffin B. Bell, King and Spalding, former Attorney General of the United States, Kate Martin, Center for National Security Studies, and Neal Katyal, Yale University Law School/Georgetown University Law Center, all of Washington, D.C.; Philip B. Heymann, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, former Deputy Attorney General of the United States; and Scott L. Silliman, Duke University School of Law Center on Law, Ethics and National Security, Durham, North Carolina.

Hearings will resume Tuesday, December 4, 2001.


Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony from officials of the intelligence community.

Committee recessed subject to call.

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 147, No. 162