Monday, January 20, 2025

June 28, 2018 sees Congressional Record publish “PESTICIDE REGISTRATION ENHANCEMENT ACT OF 2017”

Volume 164, No. 109 covering the 2nd Session of the 115th Congress (2017 - 2018) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“PESTICIDE REGISTRATION ENHANCEMENT ACT OF 2017” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S4771-S4807 on June 28, 2018.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to the immediate consideration of Calendar No. 163, H.R. 1029.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the bill by title.

The senior assistant legislative clerk read as follows:

A bill (H.R. 1029) to amend the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act to improve pesticide registration and other activities under the Act, to extend and modify fee authorities, and for other purposes.

There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the bill, which had been reported from the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, with amendments, as follows:

(The parts of the bill intended to be stricken are shown in boldface brackets and the parts of the bill intended to be inserted are shown in italic.)

H.R. 1029

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the [``Pesticide Registration Enhancement Act of 2017''.] ``Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act of 2017''.

(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

Sec. 2. Extension and modification of maintenance fee authority.

Sec. 3. Reregistration and Expedited Processing Fund.

Sec. 4. Experimental use permits for pesticides.

Sec. 5. Pesticide registration service fees.

Sec. 6. Revision of tables regarding covered pesticide registration applications and other covered actions and their corresponding registration service fees.

Sec. 7. Effective date.



(a) Maintenance Fee.--Section 4(i)(1) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136a-1(i)(1)) is amended--

(1) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``an aggregate amount of $27,800,000 for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2017'' and inserting ``an average amount of $31,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2017 [through 2023] 2018 through 2020'';

(2) in subparagraph (D)--

(A) in clause (i), by striking ``$115,500 for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2017'' and inserting ``$129,400 for each of fiscal years [2017 through 2023] 2018 through 2020''; and

(B) in clause (ii), by striking ``$184,800 for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2017'' and inserting ``$207,000 for each of fiscal years [2017 through 2023] 2018 through 2020'';

(3) in subparagraph (E)(i)--

(A) in subclause (I), by striking ``$70,600 for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2017'' and inserting ``$79,100 for each of fiscal years [2017 through 2023] 2018 through 2020''; and

(B) in subclause (II), by striking ``$122,100 for each of fiscal years 2013 through 2017'' and inserting ``$136,800 for each of fiscal years [2017 through 2023] 2018 through 2020''; and

(4) in subparagraph (I), by striking ``2017'' and inserting

[``2023] 2020''.

(b) Prohibition on Other Fees.--Section 4(i)(2) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136a-1(i)(2)) is amended--

[(1) by striking ``during the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2019'' and inserting ``until September 30, 2025''; and]

(1) by striking ``the date of enactment of this section and ending on September 30, 2019'' and inserting ``the effective date of the Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act of 2017 and ending on September 30, 2022''; and

(2) by inserting after ``registration of a pesticide under this Act'' the following: ``or any other action covered under a table specified in section 33(b)(3),''.

(c) Extension of Prohibition on Tolerance Fees.--Section 408(m)(3) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 346a(m)(3)) is amended by striking ``2017'' and inserting ``[2023] 2020''.


(a) Authorized Use of Fund.--Section 4(k)(2)(A) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136a-1(k)(2)(A)) is amended--

(1) in the first sentence, by striking ``the fund'' and inserting ``the Reregistration and Expedited Processing Fund'';

(2) by striking ``paragraph (3),'' in the first sentence and all that follows through the period at the end of the second sentence and inserting the following: ``paragraph (3), to offset the costs of registration review under section 3(g), including the costs associated with any review under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et. seq.) required as part of the registration review, to offset the costs associated with tracking and implementing registration review decisions, including registration review decisions designed to reduce risk, for the purposes specified in paragraphs (4) and (5), and to enhance the information systems capabilities to improve the tracking of pesticide registration decisions.'';

(3) in clause (i), by striking ``are allocated solely'' and all that follows through ``3(g);'' and inserting the following: ``are allocated solely for the purposes specified in the first sentence of this subparagraph;''; and

(4) in clause (ii), by striking ``necessary to achieve'' and all that follows through ``3(g);'' and inserting the following: ``necessary to achieve the purposes specified in the first sentence of this subparagraph;''.

(b) Set-Aside for Review of Inert Ingredients and Expedited Processing of Similar Applications.--Section 4(k)(3)(A) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136a-1(k)(3)(A)) is amended, in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ``The Administrator shall use'' and all that follows through ``personnel and resources--'' and inserting the following: ``For each of fiscal years [2017 through 2023] 2018 through 2020, the Administrator shall use between \1/9\ and \1/8\ of the maintenance fees collected in such fiscal year to obtain sufficient personnel and resources--''.

(c) Set-Aside for Expedited Rulemaking and Guidance Development for Certain Purposes.--Paragraph (4) of section 4(k) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136a-1(k)) is amended to read as follows:

``(4) Expedited rulemaking and guidance development for certain product performance data requirements.--

``(A) Set-aside.--For each of fiscal years [2017 through 2021] 2018 through 2020, the Administrator shall use not more than $500,000 of the amounts made available to the Administrator in the Reregistration and Expedited Processing Fund for the activities described in subparagraph (B).

``(B) Products claiming efficacy against invertebrate pests of significant public health or economic importance.--The Administrator shall use amounts made available under subparagraph (A) to develop, receive comments with respect to, finalize, and implement the necessary rulemaking and guidance for product performance data requirements to evaluate products claiming efficacy against the following invertebrate pests of significant public health or economic importance (in order of importance):

``(i) Bed bugs.

``(ii) Premise (including crawling insects, flying insects, and baits).

``(iii) Pests of pets (including pet pests controlled by spot-ons, collars, shampoos, powders, or dips).

``(iv) Fire ants.

``(C) Deadlines for guidance.--The Administrator shall develop, and publish guidance required by subparagraph (B) with respect to claims of efficacy against pests described in such subparagraph as follows:

``(i) With respect to bed bugs, issue final guidance not later than [June 30, 2017.] 30 days after the effective date of the Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act of 2017.

``(ii) With respect to pests specified in clause (ii) of such subparagraph--

``(I) submit draft guidance to the Scientific Advisory Panel and for public comment not later than June 30, 2018; and

``(II) complete any response to comments received with respect to such draft guidance and finalize the guidance not later than September 30, [2020] 2019.

``(iii) With respect to pests specified in clauses (iii) and (iv) of such subparagraph--

``(I) submit to the Scientific Advisory Panel and for public comment draft guidance not later than June 30, 2019; and

``(II) complete any response to comments received with respect to such draft guidance and finalize the guidance not later than March 31, 2021.

``(D) Revision.--The Administrator shall revise the guidance required by subparagraph (B) from [time-to-time] time to time, but shall permit applicants and registrants sufficient time to obtain data that meet the requirements specified in such revised guidance.

``(E) Deadline for product performance data requirements.--The Administrator shall, not later than September 30, 2021, issue regulations prescribing product performance data requirements for any pesticide intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any invertebrate pest of significant public health or economic importance specified in clauses (i) through (iv) of subparagraph (B).''.

(d) Set-Aside for Good Laboratory Practices Inspections.--Section 4(k) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136a-1(k)) is amended--

(1) by redesignating paragraphs (5) and (6) as paragraphs

(6) and (7), respectively;

(2) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following new paragraph:

``(5) Good laboratory practices inspections.--

``(A) Set-aside.--For each of fiscal years [2017 through 2023] 2018 through 2020, the Administrator shall use not more than $500,000 of the amounts made available to the Administrator in the Reregistration and Expedited Processing Fund for the activities described in subparagraph (B).

``(B) Activities.--The Administrator shall use amounts made available under subparagraph (A) for enhancements to the good laboratory practices standards compliance monitoring program established under part 160 of title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations), with respect to laboratory inspections and data audits conducted in support of pesticide product registrations under this Act. As part of such monitoring program, the Administrator shall make available to each laboratory inspected under such program in support of such registrations a preliminary summary of inspection observations not later than 60 days after the date on which such an inspection is completed.''; and

(3) in paragraph (7), as so redesignated, by striking `` paragraphs (2), (3), and (4)'' and inserting `` paragraphs

(2), (3), (4), and (5)''.


Section 5(a) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136c(a)) is amended--

(1) by striking ``permit for a pesticide.'' and inserting

``permit for a pesticide. An application for an experimental use permit for a covered application under section 33(b) shall conform with the requirements of that section.''; and

(2) by inserting ``(or in the case of an application for an experimental use permit for a covered application under section 33(b), not later than the last day of the applicable timeframe for such application specified in such section)'' after ``all required supporting data''.


(a) Extension and Modification of Fee Authority.--Section 33(b) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136w-8(b)) is amended--

(1) in paragraph (2)--

(A) in the heading, by striking ``pesticide registration''; and

(B) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ``or for any other action covered by a table specified in paragraph (3)'' after

``covered by this Act that is received by the Administrator on or after the effective date of the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act of 2003'';

(2) in paragraph (5)--

(A) in the heading, by striking ``pesticide registration applications'' and inserting [``covered application''; and]

``covered applications''; and

(B) by striking ``pesticide registration application'' both places it appears and inserting ``covered application'';

(3) in paragraph (6)--

[(A) in subparagraph (A)--

[(i) by striking ``pesticide registration''; and

[(ii) by striking ``October 1, 2013, and ending on September 30, 2015'' and inserting ``October 1, 2019, and ending on September 30, 2021'';

[(B) in subparagraph (B)--

[(i) by striking ``pesticide registration''; and

[(ii) by striking ``2015'' both places in appears, and inserting ``2021''; and

[(C) in]

(A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``pesticide registration''; and

(B) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``revised registration service fee schedules'' and inserting ``service fee schedules revised pursuant to this paragraph'';

(4) in paragraph (7)--

(A) in subparagraph (A)--

(i) by striking ``covered pesticide registration'' and inserting ``covered application''; and

(ii) by inserting before the period at the end the following: ``, except that no waiver or fee reduction shall be provided in connection with a request for a letter of certification (commonly referred to as a Gold Seal letter)''; and

(B) in subparagraph (F)(i), by striking ``pesticide registration''; and

(5) in paragraph (8)--

(A) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``pesticide registration'';

(B) in subparagraph (B)(i), by striking ``pesticide registration''; and

(C) in subparagraph (C)--

(i) in clause (i), by striking ``pesticide registration'' and inserting ``covered''; and

(ii) in clause (ii)(I), by striking ``pesticide registration'' and inserting ``covered''.

(b) Pesticide Registration Fund Set-Asides for Worker Protection, Partnership Grants, and Pesticide Safety Education.--Section 33(c)(3)(B) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136w-8(c)(3)(B)) is amended--

(1) in the heading, by inserting ``, partnership grants, and pesticide safety education'' after ``Worker protection'';

(2) in clause (i)--

(A) by striking ``2017'' and inserting ``[2023] 2020''; and

(B) by inserting before the period at the end the following:``, with an emphasis on field-worker populations in the United States'';

(3) in clause (ii), by striking ``2017'' and inserting

``[2023] 2020''; and

(4) in clause (iii), by striking ``2017'' and inserting

``[2023] 2020''.

(c) Reforms To Reduce Decision Time Review Periods.--Section 33(e) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136w-8(e)) is amended--

(1) by striking ``Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act of 2012'' and inserting ``Pesticide Registration [Enhancement] Improvement Extension Act of 2017''; and

(2) by inserting at the end the following new sentence:

``Such reforms shall include identifying opportunities for streamlining review processes for applications for a new active ingredient or a new use and providing prompt feedback to applicants during such review process.''.

(d) Decision Time Review Periods.--Section 33(f) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act [(7 U.S.C. 136w-8(f)(1))] (7 U.S.C. 136w-8(f)) is amended--

(1) in paragraph (1)--

(A) by striking ``Pesticide Registration Improvement Extension Act of 2012'' and inserting ``Pesticide Registration [Enhancement] Improvement Extension Act of 2017''; and

(B) by inserting after ``covered pesticide registration actions'' the following: ``or for any other action covered by a table specified in subsection (b)(3)'';

(2) in paragraph (3), by striking subparagraph (C) and inserting the following new subparagraph:

``(C) applications for any other action covered by a table specified in subsection (b)(3).''; and

(3) in paragraph (4)(A)--

(A) by striking ``a pesticide registration application'' and inserting ``a covered application''; and

(B) by striking ``covered pesticide registration application'' and inserting ``covered application''.

(e) Reporting Requirements.--Section 33(k) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136w-8(k)) is amended--

(1) in paragraph (1) by striking ``2017'' and inserting

``[2023] 2020''; and

(2) in paragraph (2)--

(A) in subparagraph (D), by striking clause (i) and inserting the following new clause:

``(i) the number of pesticides or pesticide cases reviewed and the number of registration review decisions completed, including--

``(I) the number of cases cancelled;

``(II) the number of cases requiring risk mitigation measures;

``(III) the number of cases removing risk mitigation measures;

``(IV) the number of cases with no risk mitigation needed; and

``(V) the number of cases in which risk mitigation has been fully implemented;'';

(B) in subparagraph (G)--

(i) in clause (i)--

(I) by striking ``section 4(k)(4)'' and inserting

``paragraphs (4) and (5) of section 4(k)''; and

(II) by striking ``that section'' and inserting ``such paragraphs'';

(ii) by striking clauses (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), and (vi);

(iii) by inserting after clause (i) the following new clause:

``(ii) implementing enhancements to--

``(I) the electronic tracking of covered applications;

``(II) the electronic tracking of conditional registrations;

``(III) the endangered species database;

``(IV) the electronic review of labels submitted with covered applications; and

``(V) the electronic review and assessment of confidential statements of formula submitted with covered applications; and''; and

(iv) by redesignating clause (vii) as clause (iii);

(C) in subparagraph (I), by striking ``and'' at the end;

(D) in subparagraph (J), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and

(E) by adding at the end the following new subparagraphs:

``(K) a review of the progress made in developing, updating, and implementing product performance test guidelines for pesticide products that are intended to control invertebrate pests of significant public health importance and, by regulation, prescribing product performance data requirements for such pesticide products registered under section 3;

``(L) a review of the progress made in the priority review and approval of new pesticides to control [vector-born public health pests] invertebrate public health pests that may transmit vector-borne disease for use in the United States, including each territory or possession of the United States, and United States military installations globally;

``(M) a review of the progress made in implementing enhancements to the good laboratory practices standards compliance monitoring program established under part 160 of title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (or successor regulations);

``(N) the number of approvals for active ingredients, new uses, and pesticide end use products granted in connection with the Design for the Environment program (or any successor program) of the Environmental Protection Agency; and

``(O) with respect to funds in the Pesticide Registration Fund reserved under subsection (c)(3), a review that includes--

``(i) a description of the amount and use of such funds--

``(I) to carry out activities relating to worker protection under clause (i) of subsection (c)(3)(B);

``(II) to award partnership grants under clause (ii) of such subsection; and

``(III) to carry out the pesticide safety education program under clause (iii) of such subsection;

``(ii) an evaluation of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the activities, grants, and program described in clause (i);

``(iii) a description of how stakeholders are engaged in the decision to fund such activities, grants, and program; and

``(iv) with respect to activities relating to worker protection carried out under subparagraph (B)(i) of such subsection, a summary of the analyses from stakeholders, including from worker community-based organizations, on the appropriateness and effectiveness of such activities.''.

(f) Termination of Effectiveness.--Section 33(m) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136w-8(m)) is amended--

(1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``2017'' and inserting

``[2023] 2020''; and

(2) in paragraph (2)--

(A) in subparagraph (A)--

(i) by striking ``Fiscal year 2018.--During fiscal year 2018'' and inserting [``Fiscal year 2024.--During fiscal year 2024''; and] ``Fiscal year 2021.--During fiscal year 2021''; and

(ii) by striking ``2017'' and inserting ``[2023] 2020'';

(B) in subparagraph (B)--

(i) by striking ``Fiscal year 2019.--During fiscal year 2019'' and inserting [``Fiscal year 2025.--During fiscal year 2025''; and] ``Fiscal year 2022.--During fiscal year 2022''; and

(ii) by striking ``2017'' and inserting ``[2023] 2020'';

(C) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``September 30, 2019.--Effective September 30, [2019'' and inserting

``September 30, 2025.--Effective September 30, 2025''; and] 2019'' and inserting ``September 30, 2022.--Effective September 30, 2022''; and

(D) in subparagraph (D), by striking ``2017'' both places it appears and inserting ``[2023] 2020''.





Paragraph (3) of section 33(b) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136w-8(b)) is amended to read as follows:

[``(3) Schedule of covered applications and other actions and their registration service fees.--Subject to paragraph

(6), the schedule of registration applications and other covered actions and their corresponding registration service fees shall be as follows:]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



R010 1 New Active Ingredient, Food use. 24 753,082



R020 2 New Active Ingredient, Food use; 18 627,568

reduced risk. (2)(3)


R040 3 New Active Ingredient, Food use; 18 462,502

Experimental Use Permit application;

establish temporary tolerance;

submitted before application for

registration; credit 45% of fee

toward new active ingredient

application that follows. (3)


R060 4 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 21 523,205

outdoor. (2)(3)


R070 5 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 16 436,004

outdoor; reduced risk. (2)(3)


R090 6 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 16 323,690

outdoor; Experimental Use Permit

application; submitted before

application for registration; credit

45% of fee toward new active

ingredient application that follows.



R110 7 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 20 290,994

indoor. (2)(3)


R120 8 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 14 242,495

indoor; reduced risk. (2)(3)


R121 9 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 18 182,327

indoor; Experimental Use Permit

application; submitted before

application for registration; credit

45% of fee toward new active

ingredient application that follows.



R122 10 Enriched isomer(s) of registered mixed- 18 317,128

isomer active ingredient. (2)(3)


R123 11 New Active Ingredient, Seed treatment 18 471,861

only; includes agricultural and non-

agricultural seeds; residues not

expected in raw agricultural

commodities. (2)(3)


R125 12 New Active Ingredient, Seed treatment; 16 323,690

Experimental Use Permit application;

submitted before application for

registration; credit 45% of fee

toward new active ingredient

application that follows. (3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



R130 13 First food use; indoor; food/food 21 191,444

handling. (2) (3)


R140 14 Additional food use; Indoor; food/food 15 44,672

handling. (3) (4)


R150 15 First food use. (2)(3) 21 317,104


R155 16 (new) First food use, Experimental Use 21 264,253

Permit application; a.i. registered

for non-food outdoor use. (3)(4)


R160 17 First food use; reduced risk. (2)(3) 16 264,253


R170 18 Additional food use. (3) (4) 15 79,349


R175 19 Additional food uses covered within a 10 66,124

crop group resulting from the

conversion of existing approved crop

group(s) to one or more revised crop

groups. (3)(4)


R180 20 Additional food use; reduced risk. 10 66,124



R190 21 Additional food uses; 6 or more 15 476,090

submitted in one application. (3)(4)


R200 22 Additional Food Use; 6 or more 10 396,742

submitted in one application; Reduced

Risk. (3)(4)


R210 23 Additional food use; Experimental Use 12 48,986

Permit application; establish

temporary tolerance; no credit toward

new use registration. (3)(4)


R220 24 Additional food use; Experimental Use 6 19,838

Permit application; crop destruct

basis; no credit toward new use

registration. (3)(4)


R230 25 Additional use; non-food; outdoor. (3) 15 31,713



R240 26 Additional use; non-food; outdoor; 10 26,427

reduced risk. (3)(4)


R250 27 Additional use; non-food; outdoor; 6 19,838

Experimental Use Permit application;

no credit toward new use

registration. (3)(4)


R251 28 Experimental Use Permit application 8 19,838

which requires no changes to the

tolerance(s); non-crop destruct

basis. (3)


R260 29 New use; non-food; indoor. (3) (4) 12 15,317


R270 30 New use; non-food; indoor; reduced 9 12,764

risk. (3)(4)


R271 31 New use; non-food; indoor; 6 9,725

Experimental Use Permit application;

no credit toward new use

registration. (3)(4)


R273 32 Additional use; seed treatment; 12 50,445

limited uptake into Raw Agricultural

Commodities; includes crops with

established tolerances (e.g., for

soil or foliar application); includes

food and/or non-food uses. (3)(4)


R274 33 Additional uses; seed treatment only; 12 302,663

6 or more submitted in one

application; limited uptake into raw

agricultural commodities; includes

crops with established tolerances

(e.g., for soil or foliar

application); includes food and/or

non-food uses. (3)(4)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4) Amendment applications to add the new use(s) to registered product labels are covered by the base fee for

the new use(s). All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package. Each

application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the new

use application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval.

However, if a new use application only proposes to register the new use for a new product and there are no

amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the new use fee. All

such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the new use decision review time.

Any application for a new product or an amendment to the proposed labeling (a) submitted subsequent to

submission of the new use application and (b) prior to conclusion of its decision review time and (c)

containing the same new uses, will be deemed a separate new-use application, subject to a separate

registration service fee and new decision review time for a new use. If the new-use application includes non-

food (indoor and/or outdoor), and food (outdoor and/or indoor) uses, the appropriate fee is due for each type

of new use and the longest decision review time applies to all of the new uses requested in the application.

Any information that (a) was neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the

applicant at the applicant's initiative to support the application after completion of the technical

deficiency screen, and (c) is not itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full

registration service fee for the new use application.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



R280 34 Establish import tolerance; new active 21 319,072

ingredient or first food use. (2)


R290 35 Establish Import tolerance; Additional 15 63,816

new food use.


R291 36 Establish import tolerances; 15 382,886

additional food uses; 6 or more crops

submitted in one petition.


R292 37 Amend an established tolerance (e.g., 11 45,341

decrease or increase) and/or

harmonize established tolerances with

Codex MRLs; domestic or import;



R293 38 Establish tolerance(s) for inadvertent 12 53,483

residues in one crop; applicant-



R294 39 Establish tolerances for inadvertent 12 320,894

residues; 6 or more crops submitted

in one application; applicant-



R295 40 Establish tolerance(s) for residues in 15 66,124

one rotational crop in response to a

specific rotational crop application;

submission of corresponding label

amendments which specify the

necessary plant-back restrictions;

applicant-initiated. (3) (4)


R296 41 Establish tolerances for residues in 15 396,742

rotational crops in response to a

specific rotational crop petition; 6

or more crops submitted in one

application; submission of

corresponding label amendments which

specify the necessary plant-back

restrictions; applicant-initiated.

(3) (4)


R297 42 Amend 6 or more established tolerances 11 272,037

(e.g., decrease or increase) in one

petition; domestic or import;



R298 43 Amend an established tolerance (e.g., 13 58,565

decrease or increase); domestic or

import; submission of corresponding

amended labels (requiring science

review). (3) (4)


R299 44 Amend 6 or more established tolerances 13 285,261

(e.g., decrease or increase);

domestic or import; submission of

corresponding amended labels

(requiring science review). (3) (4)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4) Amendment applications to add the revised use pattern(s) to registered product labels are covered by the

base fee for the category. All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package.

Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the

amendment application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert

approval. However, if an amendment application only proposes to register the amendment for a new product and

there are no amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the base

fee. All such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the category decision

review time.]



New CR Decision Review Time FY'17 & FY'18 Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee ($)


R300 45 New product; or similar 4 1,582

combination product (already

registered) to an identical or

substantially similar in

composition and use to a

registered product; registered

source of active ingredient; no

data review on acute toxicity,

efficacy or CRP - only product

chemistry data; cite-all data

citation, or selective data

citation where applicant owns

all required data, or applicant

submits specific authorization

letter from data owner. Category

also includes 100% re-package of

registered end-use or

manufacturing-use product that

requires no data submission nor

data matrix. (2)(3)


R301 46 New product; or similar 4 1,897

combination product (already

registered) to an identical or

substantially similar in

composition and use to a

registered product; registered

source of active ingredient;

selective data citation only for

data on product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or public

health pest efficacy (identical

data citation and claims to

cited product(s)), where

applicant does not own all

required data and does not have

a specific authorization letter

from data owner. (2)(3)


R310 47 New end-use or manufacturing-use 7 7,301

product with registered

source(s) of active

ingredient(s); includes products

containing two or more

registered active ingredients

previously combined in other

registered products; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for up to 3

target pests. (2)(3)


R314 48 New end use product containing up 8 8,626

to three registered active

ingredients never before

registered as this combination

in a formulated product; new

product label is identical or

substantially similar to the

labels of currently registered

products which separately

contain the respective component

active ingredients; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for up to 3

target pests. (2)(3)


R319 49 New end use product containing up 10 12,626

to three registered active

ingredients never before

registered as this combination

in a formulated product; new

product label is identical or

substantially similar to the

labels of currently registered

products which separately

contain the respective component

active ingredients; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for 4 to 7 target

pests. (2)(3)


R318 50 (new) New end use product containing 9 13,252

four or more registered active

ingredients never before

registered as this combination

in a formulated product; new

product label is identical or

substantially similar to the

labels of currently registered

products which separately

contain the respective component

active ingredients; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for up to 3

target pests. (2)(3)


R321 51 (new) New end use product containing 11 17,252

four or more registered active

ingredients never before

registered as this combination

in a formulated product; new

product label is identical or

substantially similar to the

labels of currently registered

products which separately

contain the respective component

active ingredients; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for 4 to 7 target

pests. (2)(3)


R315 52 New end-use, on-animal product, 9 9,820

registered source of active

ingredient(s), with the

submission of data and/or

waivers for only:

animal safety and

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) and/or

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging. (2) (3)


R316 53 (new) New end-use or manufacturing 9 11,301

product with registered

source(s) of active

ingredient(s) including products

containing two or more

registered active ingredients

previously combined in other

registered products; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; and

requires review of data and/or

waivers for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for greater than

3 and up to 7 target pests.



R317 54 (new) New end-use or manufacturing 10 15,301

product with registered

source(s) of active

ingredient(s) including products

containing 2 or more registered

active ingredients previously

combined in other registered

products; excludes products

requiring or citing an animal

safety study; and requires

review of data and/or waivers

for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for greater than

7 target pests. (2)(3)


R320 55 New product; new physical form; 12 13,226

requires data review in science

divisions. (2)(3)


R331 56 New product; repack of identical 3 2,530

registered end-use product as a

manufacturing-use product, or

identical registered

manufacturing-use product as an

end use product; same registered

uses only. (2)(3)


R332 57 New manufacturing-use product; 24 283,215

registered active ingredient;

unregistered source of active

ingredient; submission of

completely new generic data

package; registered uses only;

requires review in RD and

science divisions. (2)(3)


R333 58 New product; MUP or End use 10 19,838

product with unregistered source

of active ingredient; requires

science data review; new

physical form; etc. Cite-all or

selective data citation where

applicant owns all required

data. (2)(3)


R334 59 New product; MUP or End use 11 23,100

product with unregistered source

of the active ingredient;

requires science data review;

new physical form; etc.

Selective data citation. (2)(3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4) For the purposes of classifying proposed registration actions into PRIA categories, ``pest(s) requiring

efficacy'' are: public health pests listed in PR Notice 2002-1, livestock pests (e.g. Horn flies, Stable

flies), wood-destroying pests (e.g. termites, carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles) and certain invasive

species (e.g. Asian Longhorned beetle, Emerald Ashborer). This list may be updated/refined as invasive pest

needs arise. To determine the number of pests for the PRIA categories, pests have been placed into groups

(general; e.g., cockroaches) and pest specific (specifically a test species). If seeking a label claim against

a pest group (general), use the group listing below and each group will count as 1. The general pests groups

are: mites, dust mites, chiggers, ticks, hard ticks, soft ticks, cattle ticks, scorpions, spiders, centipedes,

lice, fleas, cockroaches, keds, bot flies, screwworms, filth flies, blow flies, house flies, flesh flies,

mosquitoes, biting flies, horse flies, stable flies, deer flies, sand flies, biting midges, black flies, true

bugs, bed bugs, stinging bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, ants (excluding carpenter ants), fire and

harvester ants, wood destroying beetles, carpenter ants, termites, subterranean termites, dry wood termites,

arboreal termites, damp wood termites and invasive species. If seeking a claim against a specific pest without

a general claim then each specific pest will count as 1.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



R340 60 Amendment requiring data review within RD 4 4,988

(e.g., changes to precautionary label

statements); includes adding/modifying

pest(s) claims for up to 2 target pests,

excludes products requiring or citing an

animal safety study. (2)(3)(4)


R341 61 (New) Amendment requiring data review within RD 6 5,988

(e.g., changes to precautionary label

statements), includes adding/modifying

pest(s) claims for greater than 2 target

pests, excludes products requiring or

citing an animal safety study. (2)(3)(4)


R345 62 Amending on-animal products previously 7 8,820

registered, with the submission of data

and/or waivers for only:

animal safety and

pest(s) requiring efficacy (4) and/


product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant packaging. (2)(3)


R350 63 Amendment requiring data review in science 9 13,226

divisions (e.g., changes to REI, or PPE,

or PHI, or use rate, or number of

applications; or add aerial application;

or modify GW/SW advisory statement).



R351 64 Amendment adding a new unregistered source 8 13,226

of active ingredient. (2)(3)


R352 65 Amendment adding already approved uses; 8 13,226

selective method of support; does not

apply if the applicant owns all cited

data. (2) (3)


R371 66 Amendment to Experimental Use Permit; (does 6 10,090

not include extending a permit's time

period). (3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) (a) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged registration service fees. (b) Registrant-initiated fast-

track amendments are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)(B) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (c) Registrant-initiated fast-track amendments handled by the

Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(h) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (d) Registrant initiated amendments submitted by notification under PR

Notices, such as PR Notice 98-10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to registration

service fees. (e) Submissions with data and requiring data review are subject to registration service fees.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4) For the purposes of classifying proposed registration actions into PRIA categories, ``pest(s) requiring

efficacy'' are: public health pests listed in PR Notice 2002-1, livestock pests (e.g. Horn flies, Stable

flies), wood-destroying pests (e.g. termites, carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles) and certain invasive

species (e.g. Asian Longhorned beetle, Emerald Ashborer). This list may be updated/refined as invasive pest

needs arise. To determine the number of pests for the PRIA categories, pests have been placed into groups

(general; e.g., cockroaches) and pest specific (specifically a test species). If seeking a label claim against

a pest group (general), use the group listing below and each group will count as 1. The general pests groups

are: mites, dust mites, chiggers, ticks, hard ticks, soft ticks, cattle ticks, scorpions, spiders, centipedes,

lice, fleas, cockroaches, keds, bot flies, screwworms, filth flies, blow flies, house flies, flesh flies,

mosquitoes, biting flies, horse flies, stable flies, deer flies, sand flies, biting midges, black flies, true

bugs, bed bugs, stinging bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, ants (excluding carpenter ants), fire and

harvester ants, wood destroying beetles, carpenter ants, termites, subterranean termites, dry wood termites,

arboreal termites, damp wood termites and invasive species. If seeking a claim against a specific pest without

a general claim then each specific pest will count as 1.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R124 67 Conditional Ruling on Pre-application 6 2,530

Study Waivers; applicant-initiated.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R272 68 Review of Study Protocol applicant- 3 2,530

initiated; excludes DART, pre-

registration conference, Rapid

Response review, DNT protocol review,

protocol needing HSRB review.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R275 69 Rebuttal of agency reviewed protocol, 3 2,530

applicant initiated.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R370 70 Cancer reassessment; applicant- 18 198,250



(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



A380 71 New Active Ingredient; Indirect Food use; 24 137,841

establish tolerance or tolerance

exemption if required. (2)(3)


A390 72 New Active Ingredient; Direct Food use; 24 229,733

establish tolerance or tolerance

exemption if required. (2)(3)


A410 73 New Active Ingredient Non-food use.(2)(3) 21 229,733


A431 74 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; low- 12 80,225

risk. (2)(3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



A440 75 New Use, Indirect Food Use, 21 31,910

establish tolerance or

tolerance exemption.



A441 76 Additional Indirect food 21 114,870

uses; establish tolerances

or tolerance exemptions if

required; 6 or more

submitted in one

application. (3)(4)(5)


A450 77 New use, Direct food use, 21 95,724

establish tolerance or

tolerance exemption.



A451 78 Additional Direct food uses; 21 182,335

establish tolerances or

tolerance exemptions if

required; 6 or more

submitted in one

application. (3)(4)(5)


A500 79 New use, non-food. (4)(5) 12 31,910


A501 80 New use, non-food; 6 or more 15 76,583

submitted in one

application. (4)(5)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) If EPA data rules are amended to newly require clearance under section 408 of the FFDCA for an ingredient of

an antimicrobial product where such ingredient was not previously subject to such a clearance, then review of

the data for such clearance of such product is not subject to a registration service fee for the tolerance

action for two years from the effective date of the rule.

(4) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(5) Amendment applications to add the new use(s) to registered product labels are covered by the base fee for

the new use(s). All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package. Each

application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the new

use application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval.

However, if a new use application only proposes to register the new use for a new product and there are no

amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the new use fee. All

such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the new use decision review time.

Any application for a new product or an amendment to the proposed labeling (a) submitted subsequent to

submission of the new use application and (b) prior to conclusion of its decision review time and (c)

containing the same new uses, will be deemed a separate new-use application, subject to a separate

registration service fee and new decision review time for a new use. If the new-use application includes non-

food (indoor and/or outdoor), and food (outdoor and/or indoor) uses, the appropriate fee is due for each type

of new use and the longest decision review time applies to all of the new uses requested in the application.

Any information that (a) was neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the

applicant at the applicant's initiative to support the application after completion of the technical

deficiency screen, and (c) is not itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full

registration service fee for the new use application.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



A530 81 New product, identical or 4 1,278

substantially similar in composition

and use to a registered product; no

data review or only product chemistry

data; cite all data citation or

selective data citation where

applicant owns all required data; or

applicant submits specific

authorization letter from data owner.

Category also includes 100% re-

package of registered end-use or

manufacturing use product that

requires no data submission nor data

matrix. (2)(3)


A531 82 New product; identical or 4 1,824

substantially similar in composition

and use to a registered product;

registered source of active

ingredient: selective data citation

only for data on product chemistry

and/or acute toxicity and/or public

health pest efficacy, where applicant

does not own all required data and

does not have a specific

authorization letter from data owner.



A532 83 New product; identical or 5 5,107

substantially similar in composition

and use to a registered product;

registered active ingredient;

unregistered source of active

ingredient; cite-all data citation

except for product chemistry; product

chemistry data submitted. (2)(3)


A540 84 New end use product; FIFRA Sec. 2(mm) 5 5,107

uses only; up to 25 public health

organisms. (2)(3)(5)(6)


A541 85 (new) New end use product; FIFRA Sec. 2(mm) 7 8,500

uses only; 26-50 public health

organisms. (2)(3)(5)(6)


A542 86 (new) New end use product; FIFRA Sec. 2(mm) 10 15,000

uses only; $ 51 public health

organisms. (2)(3)(5)


A550 87 New end-use product; uses other than 9 13,226

FIFRA Sec. 2(mm); non-FQPA product.



A560 88 New manufacturing use product; 6 12,596

registered active ingredient;

selective data citation. (2)(3)


A565 89 (new) New manufacturing-use product; 12 18,234

registered active ingredient;

unregistered source of active

ingredient; submission of new generic

data package; registered uses only;

requires science review. (2)(3)


A570 90 Label amendment requiring data 4 3,831

review; up to 25 public health

organisms. (3)(4)(5)(6)


A573 91 (new) Label amendment requiring data 6 6,350

review; 26-50 public health

organisms. (2)(3)(5)(7)


A574 92 (new) Label amendment requiring data 9 11,000

review; $ 51 public health organisms.



A572 93 New Product or amendment requiring 9 13,226

data review for risk assessment by

Science Branch (e.g., changes to REI,

or PPE, or use rate). (2)(3)(4)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4)(a) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged registration service fees. (b) Registrant-initiated fast-

track amendments are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)(B) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (c) Registrant-initiated fast-track amendments handled by the

Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(h) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (d) Registrant initiated amendments submitted by notification under PR

Notices, such as PR Notice 98-10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to registration

service fees. (e) Submissions with data and requiring data review are subject to registration service fees.

(5) The applicant must identify the substantially similar product if opting to use cite-all or the selective

method to support acute toxicity data requirements.

(6) Once a submission for a new product with public health organisms has been submitted and classified in either

A540 or A541, additional organisms submitted for the same product before expiration of the first submission's

original decision review time period will result in reclassification of both the original and subsequent

submission into the appropriate new category based on the sum of the number or organisms in both submissions.

A reclassification would result in a new PRIA start date and require additional fees to meet the fee of the

new category.

(7) Once a submission for a label amendment with public health organisms has been submitted and classified in

either A570 or A573, additional organisms submitted for the same product before expiration of the first

submission's original decision review time period will result in reclassification of both the original and

subsequent submission into the appropriate new category based on the sum of the number or organisms in both

submissions. A reclassification would result in a new PRIA start date and require additional fees to meet the

fee of the new category.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



A520 94 Experimental Use Permit application, 9 6,383

non-food use. (2)


A521 95 Review of public health efficacy study 4 4,726

protocol within AD, per AD Internal

Guidance for the Efficacy Protocol

Review Process; Code will also

include review of public health

efficacy study protocol and data

review for devices making pesticidal

claims; applicant-initiated; Tier 1.


A522 96 Review of public health efficacy 12 12,156

study protocol outside AD by members

of AD Efficacy Protocol Review Expert

Panel; Code will also include review

of public health efficacy study

protocol and data review for devices

making pesticidal claims; applicant-

initiated; Tier 2.


A537 97 (new) New Active Ingredient/New Use, 18 153,156

Experimental Use Permit application;

Direct food use; Establish tolerance

or tolerance exemption if required.

Credit 45% of fee toward new active

ingredient/new use application that



A538 98 (new) New Active Ingredient/New Use, 18 95,724

Experimental Use Permit application;

Indirect food use; Establish

tolerance or tolerance exemption if

required Credit 45% of fee toward new

active ingredient/new use application

that follows.


A539 99 (new) New Active Ingredient/New Use, 15 92,163

Experimental Use Permit application;

Nonfood use. Credit 45% of fee toward

new active ingredient/new use

application that follows.


A529 100 Amendment to Experimental Use Permit; 9 11,429

requires data review or risk

assessment. (2)


A523 101 Review of protocol other than a 9 12,156

public health efficacy study (i.e.,

Toxicology or Exposure Protocols).


A571 102 Science reassessment: Cancer risk, 18 95,724

refined ecological risk, and/or

endangered species; applicant-



A533 103 (new) Exemption from the requirement of an 4 2,482

Experimental Use Permit. (2)


A534 104 (new) Rebuttal of agency reviewed protocol, 4 4,726

applicant initiated.


A535 105 (new) Conditional Ruling on Pre-application 6 2,409

Study Waiver or Data Bridging

Argument; applicant-initiated.


A536 106 (new) Conditional Ruling on Pre-application 4 2,482

Direct Food, Indirect Food, Nonfood

use determination; applicant-



(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



B580 107 New active ingredient; food use; 20 51,053

petition to establish a tolerance.



B590 108 New active ingredient; food use; 18 31,910

petition to establish a tolerance

exemption. (2)(3)


B600 109 New active ingredient; non-food use. 13 19,146



B610 110 New active ingredient; Experimental 10 12,764

Use Permit application; petition to

establish a temporary tolerance or

temporary tolerance exemption. (3)


B611 111 New active ingredient; Experimental 12 12,764

Use Permit application; petition to

establish permanent tolerance

exemption. (3)


B612 112 New active ingredient; no change to a 10 17,550

permanent tolerance exemption. (2)(3)


B613 113 New active ingredient; petition to 11 17,550

convert a temporary tolerance or a

temporary tolerance exemption to a

permanent tolerance or tolerance

exemption. (2)(3)


B620 114 New active ingredient; Experimental 7 6,383

Use Permit application; non-food use

including crop destruct. (3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



B630 115 First food use; petition to establish 13 12,764

a tolerance exemption. (2)(4)


B631 116 New food use; petition to amend an 12 12,764

established tolerance. (3)(4)


B640 117 First food use; petition to establish 19 19,146

a tolerance. (2)(4)


B643 118 New Food use; petition to amend an 10 12,764

established tolerance exemption.



B642 119 First food use; indoor; food/food 12 31,910

handling. (2)(4)


B644 120 New use, no change to an established 8 12,764

tolerance or tolerance exemption.



B650 121 New use; non-food. (3)(4) 7 6,383


B645 122 (new) New food use; Experimental Use Permit 12 12,764

application; petition to amend or add

a tolerance exemption. (4)


B646 123 (new) New use; non-food use including crop 7 6,383

destruct; Experimental Use Permit

application. (4)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Amendment applications to add the new use(s) to registered product labels are covered by the base fee for

the new use(s). All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package. Each

application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the new

use application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval.

However, if a new use application only proposes to register the new use for a new product and there are no

amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the new use fee. All

such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the new use decision review time.

Any application for a new product or an amendment to the proposed labeling (a) submitted subsequent to

submission of the new use application and (b) prior to conclusion of its decision review time and (c)

containing the same new uses, will be deemed a separate new-use application, subject to a separate

registration service fee and new decision review time for a new use. If the new-use application includes non-

food (indoor and/or outdoor), and food (outdoor and/or indoor) uses, the appropriate fee is due for each type

of new use and the longest decision review time applies to all of the new uses requested in the application.

Any information that (a) was neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the

applicant at the applicant's initiative to support the application after completion of the technical

deficiency screen, and (c) is not itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full

registration service fee for the new use application.

(4) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B652 124 New product; registered source of active 13 12,764

ingredient; requires petition to amend

established tolerance or tolerance

exemption; requires 1) submission of

product specific data; or 2) citation of

previously reviewed and accepted data;

or 3) submission or citation of data

generated at government expense; or 4)

submission or citation of scientifically-

sound rationale based on publicly

available literature or other relevant

information that addresses the data

requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B660 125 New product; registered source of active 4 1,278

ingredient(s); identical or

substantially similar in composition and

use to a registered product. No data

review, or only product chemistry data;

cite-all data citation, or selective

data citation where applicant owns all

required data or authorization from data

owner is demonstrated. Category includes

100% re-package of registered end-use or

manufacturing-use product that requires

no data submission or data matrix. For

microbial pesticides, the active

ingredient(s) must not be re-isolated.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B670 126 New product; registered source of active 7 5,107

ingredient(s); requires: 1) submission

of product specific data; or 2) citation

of previously reviewed and accepted

data; or 3) submission or citation of

data generated at government expense; or

4) submission or citation of a

scientifically-sound rationale based on

publicly available literature or other

relevant information that addresses the

data requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B671 127 New product; unregistered source of 17 12,764

active ingredient(s); requires a

petition to amend an established

tolerance or tolerance exemption;

requires: 1) submission of product

specific data; or 2) citation of

previously reviewed and accepted data;

or 3) submission or citation of data

generated at government expense; or 4)

submission or citation of a

scientifically-sound rationale based on

publicly available literature or other

relevant information that addresses the

data requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B672 128 New product; unregistered source of 13 9,118

active ingredient(s); non-food use or

food use requires: 1) submission of

product specific data; or 2) citation of

previously reviewed and accepted data;

or 3) submission or citation of data

generated at government expense; or 4)

submission or citation of a

scientifically-sound rationale based on

publicly available literature or other

relevant information that addresses the

data requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B673 129 New product MUP/EP; unregistered source 10 5,107

of active ingredient(s); citation of

Technical Grade Active Ingredient (TGAI)

data previously reviewed and accepted by

the Agency. Requires an Agency

determination that the cited data

supports the new product. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B674 130 New product MUP; Repack of identical 4 1,278

registered end-use product as a

manufacturing-use product; same

registered uses only. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B675 131 New Product MUP; registered source of 10 9,118

active ingredient; submission of

completely new generic data package;

registered uses only. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B676 132 New product; more than one active 13 9,118

ingredient where one active ingredient

is an unregistered source; product

chemistry data must be submitted;

requires: 1) submission of product

specific data, and 2) citation of

previously reviewed and accepted data;

or 3) submission or citation of data

generated at government expense; or 4)

submission or citation of a

scientifically-sound rationale based on

publicly available literature or other

relevant information that addresses the

data requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B677 133 New end-use non-food animal product with 10 8,820

submission of two or more target animal

safety studies; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

public health pest efficacy and/


animal safety studies and/or

child resistant packaging.



(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



B621 134 Amendment; Experimental Use Permit; no 7 5,107

change to an established temporary

tolerance or tolerance exemption. (3)


B622 135 Amendment; Experimental Use Permit; 11 12,764

petition to amend an established or

temporary tolerance or tolerance

exemption. (3)


B641 136 Amendment of an established tolerance or 13 12,764

tolerance exemption.


B680 137 Amendment; registered sources of active 5 5,107

ingredient(s); no new use(s); no changes

to an established tolerance or tolerance

exemption. Requires data submission.



B681 138 Amendment; unregistered source of active 7 6,079

ingredient(s). Requires data submission.



B683 139 Label amendment; requires review/update 6 5,107

of previous risk assessment(s) without

data submission (e.g., labeling changes

to REI, PPE, PHI). (2)(3)


B684 140 Amending non-food animal product that 8 8,820

includes submission of target animal

safety data; previously registered.



B685 141 (new) Amendment; add a new biochemical 5 5,107

unregistered source of active ingredient

or a new microbial production site.

Requires submission of analysis of

samples data and source/production site-

specific manufacturing process

description. (3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) (a) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged registration service fees. (b) Registrant-initiated fast-

track amendments are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)(B) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (c) Registrant-initiated fast-track amendments handled by the

Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(h) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (d) Registrant initiated amendments submitted by notification under PR

Notices, such as PR Notice 98-10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to registration

service fees. (e) Submissions with data and requiring data review are subject to registration service fees.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



B690 142 New active ingredient; food or non- 7 2,554

food use. (2)(6)


B700 143 Experimental Use Permit application; 7 1,278

new active ingredient or new use. (6)


B701 144 Extend or amend Experimental Use 4 1,278

Permit. (6)


B710 145 New product; registered source of 4 1,278

active ingredient(s); identical or

substantially similar in composition

and use to a registered product; no

change in an established tolerance or

tolerance exemption. No data review,

or only product chemistry data; cite-

all data citation, or selective data

citation where applicant owns all

required data or authorization from

data owner is demonstrated. Category

includes 100% re-package of

registered end-use or manufacturing-

use product that requires no data

submission or data matrix. (3)(6)


B720 146 New product; registered source of 5 1,278

active ingredient(s); requires: 1)

submission of product specific data;

or 2) citation of previously reviewed

and accepted data; or 3) submission

or citation of data generated at

government expense; or 4) submission

or citation of a scientifically-sound

rationale based on publicly available

literature or other relevant

information that addresses the data

requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the

data requirement does not apply.



B721 147 New product; unregistered source of 7 2,676

active ingredient. (3)(6)


B722 148 New use and/or amendment; petition to 7 2,477

establish a tolerance or tolerance

exemption. (4)(5)(6)


B730 149 Label amendment requiring data 5 1,278

submission. (4)(6)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(4) (a) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged registration service fees. (b) Registrant-initiated fast-

track amendments are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)(B) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (c) Registrant-initiated fast-track amendments handled by the

Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(h) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (d) Registrant initiated amendments submitted by notification under PR

Notices, such as PR Notice 98-10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to registration

service fees. (e) Submissions with data and requiring data review are subject to registration service fees.

(5) Amendment applications to add the new use(s) to registered product labels are covered by the base fee for

the new use(s). All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package. Each

application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the new

use application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval.

However, if a new use application only proposes to register the new use for a new product and there are no

amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the new use fee. All

such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the new use decision review time.

Any application for a new product or an amendment to the proposed labeling (a) submitted subsequent to

submission of the new use application and (b) prior to conclusion of its decision review time and (c)

containing the same new uses, will be deemed a separate new-use application, subject to a separate

registration service fee and new decision review time for a new use. If the new-use application includes non-

food (indoor and/or outdoor), and food (outdoor and/or indoor) uses, the appropriate fee is due for each type

of new use and the longest decision review time applies to all of the new uses requested in the application.

Any information that (a) was neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the

applicant at the applicant's initiative to support the application after completion of the technical

deficiency screen, and (c) is not itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full

registration service fee for the new use application.

(6) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



B614 150 Pre-application; Conditional Ruling on 3 2,530

rationales for addressing a data

requirement in lieu of data;

applicant-initiated; applies to one

rationale at a time.


B615 151 Rebuttal of agency reviewed protocol, 3 2,530

applicant initiated.


B682 152 Protocol review; applicant initiated; 3 2,432

excludes time for HSRB review.


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



B740 153 Experimental Use Permit application; no 6 95,724

petition for tolerance/tolerance

exemption. Includes:


1. non-food/feed use(s) for a new (2) or

registered (3) PIP (12);

2. food/feed use(s) for a new or registered

PIP with crop destruct (12);

3. food/feed use(s) for a new or registered

PIP in which an established tolerance/

tolerance exemption exists for the

intended use(s). (4)(12)


B741 154 Experimental Use Permit application; no 12 159,538

(new) petition for tolerance/tolerance

exemption. Includes:


1. non-food/feed use(s) for a new (2) or

registered (3) PIP;

2. food/feed use(s) for a new or registered

PIP with crop destruct;

3. food/feed use(s) for a new or registered

PIP in which an established tolerance/

tolerance exemption exists for the

intended use(s);

SAP Review. (12)


B750 155 Experimental Use Permit application; with a 9 127,630

petition to establish a temporary or

permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption

for the active ingredient. Includes new

food/feed use for a registered (3) PIP.



B770 156 Experimental Use Permit application; new 15 191,444

(2) PIP; with petition to establish a

temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption

for the active ingredient; credit 75% of

B771 fee toward registration application

for a new active ingredient that follows;

SAP review. (5)(12)


B771 157 Experimental Use Permit application; new 10 127,630

(2) PIP; with petition to establish a

temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption

for the active ingredient; credit 75% of

B771 fee toward registration application

for a new active ingredient that follows.



B772 158 Application to amend or extend an 3 12,764

Experimental Use Permit; no petition since

the established tolerance/tolerance

exemption for the active ingredient is

unaffected. (12)


B773 159 Application to amend or extend an 5 31,910

Experimental Use Permit; with petition to

extend a temporary tolerance/tolerance

exemption for the active ingredient. (12)


B780 160 Registration application; new (2) PIP; non- 12 159,537

food/feed. (12)


B790 161 Registration application; new (2) PIP; non- 18 223,351

food/feed; SAP review. (5)(12)


B800 162 Registration application; new (2) PIP; with 13 172,300

petition to establish permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption for the active

ingredient based on an existing temporary

tolerance/tolerance exemption. (12)


B810 163 Registration application; new (2) PIP; with 19 236,114

petition to establish permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption for the active

ingredient based on an existing temporary

tolerance/tolerance exemption. SAP review.



B820 164 Registration application; new (2) PIP; with 15 204,208

petition to establish or amend a permanent

tolerance/tolerance exemption of an active

ingredient. (12)


B840 165 Registration application; new (2) PIP; with 21 268,022

petition to establish or amend a permanent

tolerance/tolerance exemption of an active

ingredient. SAP review. (5)(12)


B851 166 Registration application; new event of a 9 127,630

previously registered PIP active

ingredient(s); no petition since permanent

tolerance/tolerance exemption is already

established for the active ingredient(s).



B870 167 Registration application; registered (3) 9 38,290

PIP; new product; new use; no petition

since a permanent tolerance/tolerance

exemption is already established for the

active ingredient(s). (4) (12)


B880 168 Registration application; registered (3) 9 31,910

PIP; new product or new terms of

registration; additional data submitted;

no petition since a permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption is already established

for the active ingredient(s). (6) (7) (12)


B881 169 Registration application; registered (3) 15 95,724

PIP; new product or new terms of

registration; additional data submitted;

no petition since a permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption is already established

for the active ingredient(s). SAP review.



B882 170 Registration application; new (2) PIP, seed 15 191,444

(new) increase with negotiated acreage cap and

time-limited registration; with petition

to establish a permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption for the active

ingredient based on an existing temporary

tolerance/tolerance exemption; SAP Review.



B883 171 Registration application; new (2) PIP, seed 9 127,630

increase with negotiated acreage cap and

time-limited registration; with petition

to establish a permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption for the active

ingredient based on an existing temporary

tolerance/tolerance exemption. (8) (12)


B884 172 Registration application; new (2) PIP, seed 12 159,537

increase with negotiated acreage cap and

time-limited registration; with petition

to establish a permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption for the active

ingredient. (8)(12)


B885 173 Registration application; registered (3) 6 31,910

PIP, seed increase; breeding stack of

previously approved PIPs, same crop; no

petition since a permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption is already established

for the active ingredient(s). (9)(12)


B886 174 Registration application; new (2) PIP, seed 18 223,351

(new) increase with negotiated acreage cap and

time-limited registration; with petition

to establish a permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption for the active

ingredient. SAP Review. (8) (12)


B890 175 Application to amend a seed increase 9 63,816

registration; converts registration to

commercial registration; no petition since

permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption is

already established for the active

ingredient(s). (12)


B891 176 Application to amend a seed increase 15 127,630

registration; converts registration to a

commercial registration; no petition since

a permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption

already established for the active

ingredient(s); SAP review. (5)(12)


B900 177 Application to amend a registration, 6 12,764

including actions such as extending an

expiration date, modifying an IRM plan, or

adding an insect to be controlled.



B901 178 Application to amend a registration, 12 76,578

including actions such as extending an

expiration date, modifying an IRM plan, or

adding an insect to be controlled. SAP

review. (10) (11) (12)


B902 179 PIP Protocol review. 3 6,383


B903 180 Inert ingredient tolerance exemption; e.g., 6 63,816

a marker such as NPT II; reviewed in BPPD.


B904 181 Import tolerance or tolerance exemption; 9 127,630

processed commodities/food only (inert or

active ingredient).


B905 182 SAP Review. 6 63,816



B906 183 Petition to establish a temporary tolerance/ 3 31,907

(new) tolerance exemption for one or more active



B907 184 Petition to establish a temporary tolerance/ 3 12,764

(new) tolerance exemption for one or more active

ingredients based on an existing temporary

tolerance/tolerance exemption.


B908 185 Petition to establish a temporary tolerance/ 3 44,671

(new) tolerance exemption for one or more active

ingredients or inert ingredients.


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) New PIP = a PIP with an active ingredient that has not been registered.

(3) Registered PIP = a PIP with an active ingredient that is currently registered.

(4) Transfer registered PIP through conventional breeding for new food/feed use, such as from field corn to

sweet corn.

(5) The scientific data involved in this category are complex. EPA often seeks technical advice from the

Scientific Advisory Panel on risks that pesticides pose to wildlife, farm workers, pesticide applicators, non-

target species, as well as insect resistance, and novel scientific issues surrounding new technologies. The

scientists of the SAP neither make nor recommend policy decisions. They provide advice on the science used to

make these decisions. Their advice is invaluable to the EPA as it strives to protect humans and the

environment from risks posed by pesticides. Due to the time it takes to schedule and prepare for meetings with

the SAP, additional time and costs are needed.

(6) Registered PIPs stacked through conventional breeding.

(7) Deployment of a registered PIP with a different IRM plan (e.g., seed blend).

(8) The negotiated acreage cap will depend upon EPA's determination of the potential environmental exposure,

risk(s) to non-target organisms, and the risk of targeted pest developing resistance to the pesticidal

substance. The uncertainty of these risks may reduce the allowable acreage, based upon the quantity and type

of non-target organism data submitted and the lack of insect resistance management data, which is usually not

required for seed-increase registrations. Registrants are encouraged to consult with EPA prior to submission

of a registration application in this category.

(9) Application can be submitted prior to or concurrently with an application for commercial registration.

(10) For example, IRM plan modifications that are applicant-initiated.

(11) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged fees.

(12) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.]



FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



I001 186 Approval of new food use inert 13 27,000

ingredient. (2)(3)


I002 187 Amend currently approved inert ingredient 11 7,500

tolerance or exemption from tolerance;

new data. (2)


I003 188 Amend currently approved inert ingredient 9 3,308

tolerance or exemption from tolerance;

no new data. (2)


I004 189 Approval of new non-food use inert 6 11,025

ingredient. (2)


I005 190 Amend currently approved non-food use 6 5,513

inert ingredient with new use pattern;

new data. (2)


I006 191 Amend currently approved non-food use 3 3,308

inert ingredient with new use pattern;

no new data. (2)


I007 192 Approval of substantially similar non- 4 1,654

food use inert ingredients when original

inert is compositionally similar with

similar use pattern. (2)


I008 193 Approval of new or amended polymer inert 5 3,749

ingredient, food use. (2)


I009 194 Approval of new or amended polymer inert 4 3,087

ingredient, non-food use. (2)


I010 195 Petition to amend a single tolerance 6 1,654

exemption descriptor, or single non-food

use descriptor, to add 10 CASRNs; no

new data. (2)


I011 196 (new) Approval of new food use safener with 24 597,683

tolerance or exemption from tolerance.



I012 197 (new) Approval of new non-food use safener. 21 415,241



I013 198 (new) Approval of additional food use for 15 62,975

previously approved safener with

tolerance or exemption from tolerance.



I014 199 (new) Approval of additional non-food use for 15 25,168

previously approved safener. (2)


I015 200 (new) Approval of new generic data for 24 269,728

previously approved food use safener.



I016 201 (new) Approval of amendment(s) to tolerance and 13 55,776

label for previously approved safener.



(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) If another covered application is submitted that depends upon an application to approve an inert ingredient,

each application will be subject to its respective registration service fee. The decision review time line for

both submissions will be the longest of the associated applications. If the application covers multiple

ingredients grouped by EPA into one chemical class, a single registration service fee will be assessed for

approval of those ingredients.

(3) If EPA data rules are amended to newly require clearance under section 408 of the FFDCA for an ingredient of

an antimicrobial product where such ingredient was not previously subject to such a clearance, then review of

the data for such clearance of such product is not subject to a registration service fee for the tolerance

action for two years from the effective date of the rule.

(4) Any other covered application that is associated with and dependent on the HSRB review will be subject to

its separate registration service fee. The decision review times for the associated actions run concurrently,

but will end at the date of the latest review time.

(5) Any other covered application that is associated with and dependent on the SAP review will be subject to its

separate registration service fee. The decision review time for the associated action will be extended by the

decision review time for the SAP review.

(6) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(7) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(8) If a new safener is submitted in the same package as a new active ingredient, and that new active ingredient

is determined to be reduced risk, then the safener would get the same reduced timeframe as the new active




FY'17 & FY'18

New CR Decision Review Time Registration

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) Service Fee



M001 202 Study protocol requiring Human Studies 9 7,938

Review Board review as defined in 40

CFR Part 26 in support of an active

ingredient. (4)


M002 203 Completed study requiring Human 9 7,938

Studies Review Board review as

defined in 40 CFR Part 26 in support

of an active ingredient. (4)


M003 204 External technical peer review of new 12 63,945

active ingredient, product, or

amendment (e.g., consultation with

FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel) for

an action with a decision timeframe

of less than 12 months. Applicant

initiated request based on a

requirement of the Administrator, as

defined by FIFRA Sec. 25(d), in

support of a novel active ingredient,

or unique use pattern or application

technology. Excludes PIP active

ingredients. (5)


M004 205 External technical peer review of new 18 63,945

active ingredient, product, or

amendment (e.g., consultation with

FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel) for

an action with a decision timeframe

of greater than 12 months. Applicant

initiated request based on a

requirement of the Administrator, as

defined by FIFRA Sec. 25(d), in

support of a novel active ingredient,

or unique use pattern or application

technology. Excludes PIP active

ingredients. (5)


M005 206 New Product: Combination, Contains a 9 22,050

combination of active ingredients

from a registered and/or unregistered

source; conventional, antimicrobial

and/or biopesticide. Requires

coordination with other regulatory

divisions to conduct review of data,

label and/or verify the validity of

existing data as cited. Only existing

uses for each active ingredient in

the combination product. (6)(7)


M006 207 Request for up to 5 letters of 1 277

certification (Gold Seal) for one

actively registered product (excludes

distributor products). (8)


M007 208 Request to extend Exclusive Use of 12 5,513

data as provided by FIFRA Section



M008 209 Request to grant Exclusive Use of data 15 1,654

as provided by FIFRA Section

3(c)(1)(F)(vi) for a minor use, when

a FIFRA Section 2(ll)(2)

determination is required.


M009 210 (new) Non-FIFRA Regulated Determination: 4 2,363

Applicant initiated, per product.


M010 211 (new) Conditional ruling on pre-application, 4 2,363

product substantial similarity.


M011 212 (new) Label amendment to add the DfE logo; 4 3,648

requires data review; no other label

changes. (9)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) If another covered application is submitted that depends upon an application to approve an inert ingredient,

each application will be subject to its respective registration service fee. The decision review time line for

both submissions will be the longest of the associated applications. If the application covers multiple

ingredients grouped by EPA into one chemical class, a single registration service fee will be assessed for

approval of those ingredients.

(3) If EPA data rules are amended to newly require clearance under section 408 of the FFDCA for an ingredient of

an antimicrobial product where such ingredient was not previously subject to such a clearance, then review of

the data for such clearance of such product is not subject to a registration service fee for the tolerance

action for two years from the effective date of the rule.

(4) Any other covered application that is associated with and dependent on the HSRB review will be subject to

its separate registration service fee. The decision review times for the associated actions run concurrently,

but will end at the date of the latest review time.

(5) Any other covered application that is associated with and dependent on the SAP review will be subject to its

separate registration service fee. The decision review time for the associated action will be extended by the

decision review time for the SAP review.

(6) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(7) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(8) Due to low fee and short time frame this category is not eligible for small business waivers. Gold seal

applies to one registered product.

(9) This category includes amendments the sole purpose of which is to add DfE (or equivalent terms that do not

use ``safe'' or derivatives of ``safe'') logos to a label. DfE is a voluntary program. A label bearing a DfE

logo is not considered an Agency endorsement because the ingredients in the qualifying product must meet

objective, scientific criteria established and widely publicized by EPA.''.]

``(3) Schedule of covered applications and other actions and their registration service fees.--Subject to paragraph

(6), the schedule of registration applications and other covered actions and their corresponding registration service fees shall be as follows:




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


R010 1 New Active Ingredient, Food use. 24 753,082



R020 2 New Active Ingredient, Food use; 18 627,568

reduced risk. (2)(3)


R040 3 New Active Ingredient, Food use; 18 462,502

Experimental Use Permit application;

establish temporary tolerance;

submitted before application for

registration; credit 45% of fee

toward new active ingredient

application that follows. (3)


R060 4 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 21 523,205

outdoor. (2)(3)


R070 5 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 16 436,004

outdoor; reduced risk. (2)(3)


R090 6 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 16 323,690

outdoor; Experimental Use Permit

application; submitted before

application for registration; credit

45% of fee toward new active

ingredient application that follows.



R110 7 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 20 290,994

indoor. (2)(3)


R120 8 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 14 242,495

indoor; reduced risk. (2)(3)


R121 9 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; 18 182,327

indoor; Experimental Use Permit

application; submitted before

application for registration; credit

45% of fee toward new active

ingredient application that follows.



R122 10 Enriched isomer(s) of registered mixed- 18 317,128

isomer active ingredient. (2)(3)


R123 11 New Active Ingredient, Seed treatment 18 471,861

only; includes agricultural and non-

agricultural seeds; residues not

expected in raw agricultural

commodities. (2)(3)


R125 12 New Active Ingredient, Seed treatment; 16 323,690

Experimental Use Permit application;

submitted before application for

registration; credit 45% of fee

toward new active ingredient

application that follows. (3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


R130 13 First food use; indoor; food/food 21 191,444

handling. (2) (3)


R140 14 Additional food use; Indoor; food/food 15 44,672

handling. (3) (4)


R150 15 First food use. (2)(3) 21 317,104


R155 16 (new) First food use, Experimental Use 21 264,253

Permit application; a.i. registered

for non-food outdoor use. (3)(4)


R160 17 First food use; reduced risk. (2)(3) 16 264,253


R170 18 Additional food use. (3) (4) 15 79,349


R175 19 Additional food uses covered within a 10 66,124

crop group resulting from the

conversion of existing approved crop

group(s) to one or more revised crop

groups. (3)(4)


R180 20 Additional food use; reduced risk. 10 66,124



R190 21 Additional food uses; 6 or more 15 476,090

submitted in one application. (3)(4)


R200 22 Additional Food Use; 6 or more 10 396,742

submitted in one application; Reduced

Risk. (3)(4)


R210 23 Additional food use; Experimental Use 12 48,986

Permit application; establish

temporary tolerance; no credit toward

new use registration. (3)(4)


R220 24 Additional food use; Experimental Use 6 19,838

Permit application; crop destruct

basis; no credit toward new use

registration. (3)(4)


R230 25 Additional use; non-food; outdoor. (3) 15 31,713



R240 26 Additional use; non-food; outdoor; 10 26,427

reduced risk. (3)(4)


R250 27 Additional use; non-food; outdoor; 6 19,838

Experimental Use Permit application;

no credit toward new use

registration. (3)(4)


R251 28 Experimental Use Permit application 8 19,838

which requires no changes to the

tolerance(s); non-crop destruct

basis. (3)


R260 29 New use; non-food; indoor. (3) (4) 12 15,317


R270 30 New use; non-food; indoor; reduced 9 12,764

risk. (3)(4)


R271 31 New use; non-food; indoor; 6 9,725

Experimental Use Permit application;

no credit toward new use

registration. (3)(4)


R273 32 Additional use; seed treatment; 12 50,445

limited uptake into Raw Agricultural

Commodities; includes crops with

established tolerances (e.g., for

soil or foliar application); includes

food and/or non-food uses. (3)(4)


R274 33 Additional uses; seed treatment only; 12 302,663

6 or more submitted in one

application; limited uptake into raw

agricultural commodities; includes

crops with established tolerances

(e.g., for soil or foliar

application); includes food and/or

non-food uses. (3)(4)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4) Amendment applications to add the new use(s) to registered product labels are covered by the base fee for

the new use(s). All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package. Each

application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the new

use application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval.

However, if a new use application only proposes to register the new use for a new product and there are no

amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the new use fee. All

such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the new use decision review time.

Any application for a new product or an amendment to the proposed labeling (a) submitted subsequent to

submission of the new use application and (b) prior to conclusion of its decision review time and (c)

containing the same new uses, will be deemed a separate new-use application, subject to a separate

registration service fee and new decision review time for a new use. If the new-use application includes non-

food (indoor and/or outdoor), and food (outdoor and/or indoor) uses, the appropriate fee is due for each type

of new use and the longest decision review time applies to all of the new uses requested in the application.

Any information that (a) was neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the

applicant at the applicant's initiative to support the application after completion of the technical

deficiency screen, and (c) is not itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full

registration service fee for the new use application.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


R280 34 Establish import tolerance; new active 21 319,072

ingredient or first food use. (2)


R290 35 Establish Import tolerance; Additional 15 63,816

new food use.


R291 36 Establish import tolerances; 15 382,886

additional food uses; 6 or more crops

submitted in one petition.


R292 37 Amend an established tolerance (e.g., 11 45,341

decrease or increase) and/or

harmonize established tolerances with

Codex MRLs; domestic or import;



R293 38 Establish tolerance(s) for inadvertent 12 53,483

residues in one crop; applicant-



R294 39 Establish tolerances for inadvertent 12 320,894

residues; 6 or more crops submitted

in one application; applicant-



R295 40 Establish tolerance(s) for residues in 15 66,124

one rotational crop in response to a

specific rotational crop application;

submission of corresponding label

amendments which specify the

necessary plant-back restrictions;

applicant-initiated. (3) (4)


R296 41 Establish tolerances for residues in 15 396,742

rotational crops in response to a

specific rotational crop petition; 6

or more crops submitted in one

application; submission of

corresponding label amendments which

specify the necessary plant-back

restrictions; applicant-initiated.

(3) (4)


R297 42 Amend 6 or more established tolerances 11 272,037

(e.g., decrease or increase) in one

petition; domestic or import;



R298 43 Amend an established tolerance (e.g., 13 58,565

decrease or increase); domestic or

import; submission of corresponding

amended labels (requiring science

review). (3) (4)


R299 44 Amend 6 or more established tolerances 13 285,261

(e.g., decrease or increase);

domestic or import; submission of

corresponding amended labels

(requiring science review). (3) (4)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4) Amendment applications to add the revised use pattern(s) to registered product labels are covered by the

base fee for the category. All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package.

Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the

amendment application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert

approval. However, if an amendment application only proposes to register the amendment for a new product and

there are no amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the base

fee. All such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the category decision

review time.



New CR Decision Review Time Registration Service Fee

EPA No. No. Action (Months)(1) ($)


R300 45 New product; or similar 4 1,582

combination product (already

registered) to an identical or

substantially similar in

composition and use to a

registered product; registered

source of active ingredient; no

data review on acute toxicity,

efficacy or CRP - only product

chemistry data; cite-all data

citation, or selective data

citation where applicant owns

all required data, or applicant

submits specific authorization

letter from data owner. Category

also includes 100% re-package of

registered end-use or

manufacturing-use product that

requires no data submission nor

data matrix. (2)(3)


R301 46 New product; or similar 4 1,897

combination product (already

registered) to an identical or

substantially similar in

composition and use to a

registered product; registered

source of active ingredient;

selective data citation only for

data on product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or public

health pest efficacy (identical

data citation and claims to

cited product(s)), where

applicant does not own all

required data and does not have

a specific authorization letter

from data owner. (2)(3)


R310 47 New end-use or manufacturing-use 7 7,301

product with registered

source(s) of active

ingredient(s); includes products

containing two or more

registered active ingredients

previously combined in other

registered products; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for up to 3

target pests. (2)(3)


R314 48 New end use product containing up 8 8,626

to three registered active

ingredients never before

registered as this combination

in a formulated product; new

product label is identical or

substantially similar to the

labels of currently registered

products which separately

contain the respective component

active ingredients; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for up to 3

target pests. (2)(3)


R319 49 New end use product containing up 10 12,626

to three registered active

ingredients never before

registered as this combination

in a formulated product; new

product label is identical or

substantially similar to the

labels of currently registered

products which separately

contain the respective component

active ingredients; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for 4 to 7 target

pests. (2)(3)


R318 50 (new) New end use product containing 9 13,252

four or more registered active

ingredients never before

registered as this combination

in a formulated product; new

product label is identical or

substantially similar to the

labels of currently registered

products which separately

contain the respective component

active ingredients; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for up to 3

target pests. (2)(3)


R321 51 (new) New end use product containing 11 17,252

four or more registered active

ingredients never before

registered as this combination

in a formulated product; new

product label is identical or

substantially similar to the

labels of currently registered

products which separately

contain the respective component

active ingredients; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; requires

review of data package within RD

only; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for 4 to 7 target

pests. (2)(3)


R315 52 New end-use, on-animal product, 9 9,820

registered source of active

ingredient(s), with the

submission of data and/or

waivers for only:

animal safety and

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) and/or

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging. (2) (3)


R316 53 (new) New end-use or manufacturing 9 11,301

product with registered

source(s) of active

ingredient(s) including products

containing two or more

registered active ingredients

previously combined in other

registered products; excludes

products requiring or citing an

animal safety study; and

requires review of data and/or

waivers for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for greater than

3 and up to 7 target pests.



R317 54 (new) New end-use or manufacturing 10 15,301

product with registered

source(s) of active

ingredient(s) including products

containing 2 or more registered

active ingredients previously

combined in other registered

products; excludes products

requiring or citing an animal

safety study; and requires

review of data and/or waivers

for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant

packaging and/or

pest(s) requiring

efficacy (4) - for greater than

7 target pests. (2)(3)


R320 55 New product; new physical form; 12 13,226

requires data review in science

divisions. (2)(3)


R331 56 New product; repack of identical 3 2,530

registered end-use product as a

manufacturing-use product, or

identical registered

manufacturing-use product as an

end use product; same registered

uses only. (2)(3)


R332 57 New manufacturing-use product; 24 283,215

registered active ingredient;

unregistered source of active

ingredient; submission of

completely new generic data

package; registered uses only;

requires review in RD and

science divisions. (2)(3)


R333 58 New product; MUP or End use 10 19,838

product with unregistered source

of active ingredient; requires

science data review; new

physical form; etc. Cite-all or

selective data citation where

applicant owns all required

data. (2)(3)


R334 59 New product; MUP or End use 11 23,100

product with unregistered source

of the active ingredient;

requires science data review;

new physical form; etc.

Selective data citation. (2)(3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4) For the purposes of classifying proposed registration actions into PRIA categories, ``pest(s) requiring

efficacy'' are: public health pests listed in PR Notice 2002-1, livestock pests (e.g. Horn flies, Stable

flies), wood-destroying pests (e.g. termites, carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles) and certain invasive

species (e.g. Asian Longhorned beetle, Emerald Ashborer). This list may be updated/refined as invasive pest

needs arise. To determine the number of pests for the PRIA categories, pests have been placed into groups

(general; e.g., cockroaches) and pest specific (specifically a test species). If seeking a label claim against

a pest group (general), use the group listing below and each group will count as 1. The general pests groups

are: mites, dust mites, chiggers, ticks, hard ticks, soft ticks, cattle ticks, scorpions, spiders, centipedes,

lice, fleas, cockroaches, keds, bot flies, screwworms, filth flies, blow flies, house flies, flesh flies,

mosquitoes, biting flies, horse flies, stable flies, deer flies, sand flies, biting midges, black flies, true

bugs, bed bugs, stinging bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, ants (excluding carpenter ants), fire and

harvester ants, wood destroying beetles, carpenter ants, termites, subterranean termites, dry wood termites,

arboreal termites, damp wood termites and invasive species. If seeking a claim against a specific pest without

a general claim then each specific pest will count as 1.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


R340 60 Amendment requiring data review within RD 4 4,988

(e.g., changes to precautionary label

statements); includes adding/modifying

pest(s) claims for up to 2 target pests,

excludes products requiring or citing an

animal safety study. (2)(3)(4)


R341 61 (New) Amendment requiring data review within RD 6 5,988

(e.g., changes to precautionary label

statements), includes adding/modifying

pest(s) claims for greater than 2 target

pests, excludes products requiring or

citing an animal safety study. (2)(3)(4)


R345 62 Amending on-animal products previously 7 8,820

registered, with the submission of data

and/or waivers for only:

animal safety and

pest(s) requiring efficacy (4) and/


product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

child resistant packaging. (2)(3)


R350 63 Amendment requiring data review in science 9 13,226

divisions (e.g., changes to REI, or PPE,

or PHI, or use rate, or number of

applications; or add aerial application;

or modify GW/SW advisory statement).



R351 64 Amendment adding a new unregistered source 8 13,226

of active ingredient. (2)(3)


R352 65 Amendment adding already approved uses; 8 13,226

selective method of support; does not

apply if the applicant owns all cited

data. (2) (3)


R371 66 Amendment to Experimental Use Permit; (does 6 10,090

not include extending a permit's time

period). (3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) (a) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged registration service fees. (b) Registrant-initiated fast-

track amendments are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)(B) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (c) Registrant-initiated fast-track amendments handled by the

Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(h) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (d) Registrant initiated amendments submitted by notification under PR

Notices, such as PR Notice 98-10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to registration

service fees. (e) Submissions with data and requiring data review are subject to registration service fees.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4) For the purposes of classifying proposed registration actions into PRIA categories, ``pest(s) requiring

efficacy'' are: public health pests listed in PR Notice 2002-1, livestock pests (e.g. Horn flies, Stable

flies), wood-destroying pests (e.g. termites, carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles) and certain invasive

species (e.g. Asian Longhorned beetle, Emerald Ashborer). This list may be updated/refined as invasive pest

needs arise. To determine the number of pests for the PRIA categories, pests have been placed into groups

(general; e.g., cockroaches) and pest specific (specifically a test species). If seeking a label claim against

a pest group (general), use the group listing below and each group will count as 1. The general pests groups

are: mites, dust mites, chiggers, ticks, hard ticks, soft ticks, cattle ticks, scorpions, spiders, centipedes,

lice, fleas, cockroaches, keds, bot flies, screwworms, filth flies, blow flies, house flies, flesh flies,

mosquitoes, biting flies, horse flies, stable flies, deer flies, sand flies, biting midges, black flies, true

bugs, bed bugs, stinging bees, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, ants (excluding carpenter ants), fire and

harvester ants, wood destroying beetles, carpenter ants, termites, subterranean termites, dry wood termites,

arboreal termites, damp wood termites and invasive species. If seeking a claim against a specific pest without

a general claim then each specific pest will count as 1.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R124 67 Conditional Ruling on Pre-application 6 2,530

Study Waivers; applicant-initiated.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R272 68 Review of Study Protocol applicant- 3 2,530

initiated; excludes DART, pre-

registration conference, Rapid

Response review, DNT protocol review,

protocol needing HSRB review.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R275 69 Rebuttal of agency reviewed protocol, 3 2,530

applicant initiated.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R370 70 Cancer reassessment; applicant- 18 198,250



(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


A380 71 New Active Ingredient; Indirect Food use; 24 137,841

establish tolerance or tolerance

exemption if required. (2)(3)


A390 72 New Active Ingredient; Direct Food use; 24 229,733

establish tolerance or tolerance

exemption if required. (2)(3)


A410 73 New Active Ingredient Non-food use.(2)(3) 21 229,733


A431 74 New Active Ingredient, Non-food use; low- 12 80,225

risk. (2)(3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


A440 75 New Use, Indirect Food Use, 21 31,910

establish tolerance or

tolerance exemption.



A441 76 Additional Indirect food 21 114,870

uses; establish tolerances

or tolerance exemptions if

required; 6 or more

submitted in one

application. (3)(4)(5)


A450 77 New use, Direct food use, 21 95,724

establish tolerance or

tolerance exemption.



A451 78 Additional Direct food uses; 21 182,335

establish tolerances or

tolerance exemptions if

required; 6 or more

submitted in one

application. (3)(4)(5)


A500 79 New use, non-food. (4)(5) 12 31,910


A501 80 New use, non-food; 6 or more 15 76,583

submitted in one

application. (4)(5)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) If EPA data rules are amended to newly require clearance under section 408 of the FFDCA for an ingredient of

an antimicrobial product where such ingredient was not previously subject to such a clearance, then review of

the data for such clearance of such product is not subject to a registration service fee for the tolerance

action for two years from the effective date of the rule.

(4) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(5) Amendment applications to add the new use(s) to registered product labels are covered by the base fee for

the new use(s). All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package. Each

application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the new

use application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval.

However, if a new use application only proposes to register the new use for a new product and there are no

amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the new use fee. All

such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the new use decision review time.

Any application for a new product or an amendment to the proposed labeling (a) submitted subsequent to

submission of the new use application and (b) prior to conclusion of its decision review time and (c)

containing the same new uses, will be deemed a separate new-use application, subject to a separate

registration service fee and new decision review time for a new use. If the new-use application includes non-

food (indoor and/or outdoor), and food (outdoor and/or indoor) uses, the appropriate fee is due for each type

of new use and the longest decision review time applies to all of the new uses requested in the application.

Any information that (a) was neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the

applicant at the applicant's initiative to support the application after completion of the technical

deficiency screen, and (c) is not itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full

registration service fee for the new use application.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


A530 81 New product, identical or 4 1,278

substantially similar in composition

and use to a registered product; no

data review or only product chemistry

data; cite all data citation or

selective data citation where

applicant owns all required data; or

applicant submits specific

authorization letter from data owner.

Category also includes 100% re-

package of registered end-use or

manufacturing use product that

requires no data submission nor data

matrix. (2)(3)


A531 82 New product; identical or 4 1,824

substantially similar in composition

and use to a registered product;

registered source of active

ingredient: selective data citation

only for data on product chemistry

and/or acute toxicity and/or public

health pest efficacy, where applicant

does not own all required data and

does not have a specific

authorization letter from data owner.



A532 83 New product; identical or 5 5,107

substantially similar in composition

and use to a registered product;

registered active ingredient;

unregistered source of active

ingredient; cite-all data citation

except for product chemistry; product

chemistry data submitted. (2)(3)


A540 84 New end use product; FIFRA Sec. 2(mm) 5 5,107

uses only; up to 25 public health

organisms. (2)(3)(5)(6)


A541 85 (new) New end use product; FIFRA Sec. 2(mm) 7 8,500

uses only; 26-50 public health

organisms. (2)(3)(5)(6)


A542 86 (new) New end use product; FIFRA Sec. 2(mm) 10 15,000

uses only; $ 51 public health

organisms. (2)(3)(5)


A550 87 New end-use product; uses other than 9 13,226

FIFRA Sec. 2(mm); non-FQPA product.



A560 88 New manufacturing use product; 6 12,596

registered active ingredient;

selective data citation. (2)(3)


A565 89 (new) New manufacturing-use product; 12 18,234

registered active ingredient;

unregistered source of active

ingredient; submission of new generic

data package; registered uses only;

requires science review. (2)(3)


A570 90 Label amendment requiring data 4 3,831

review; up to 25 public health

organisms. (3)(4)(5)(6)


A573 91 (new) Label amendment requiring data 6 6,350

review; 26-50 public health

organisms. (2)(3)(5)(7)


A574 92 (new) Label amendment requiring data 9 11,000

review; $ 51 public health organisms.



A572 93 New Product or amendment requiring 9 13,226

data review for risk assessment by

Science Branch (e.g., changes to REI,

or PPE, or use rate). (2)(3)(4)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(4)(a) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged registration service fees. (b) Registrant-initiated fast-

track amendments are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)(B) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (c) Registrant-initiated fast-track amendments handled by the

Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(h) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (d) Registrant initiated amendments submitted by notification under PR

Notices, such as PR Notice 98-10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to registration

service fees. (e) Submissions with data and requiring data review are subject to registration service fees.

(5) The applicant must identify the substantially similar product if opting to use cite-all or the selective

method to support acute toxicity data requirements.

(6) Once a submission for a new product with public health organisms has been submitted and classified in either

A540 or A541, additional organisms submitted for the same product before expiration of the first submission's

original decision review time period will result in reclassification of both the original and subsequent

submission into the appropriate new category based on the sum of the number of organisms in both submissions.

A reclassification would result in a new PRIA start date and require additional fees to meet the fee of the

new category.

(7) Once a submission for a label amendment with public health organisms has been submitted and classified in

either A570 or A573, additional organisms submitted for the same product before expiration of the first

submission's original decision review time period will result in reclassification of both the original and

subsequent submission into the appropriate new category based on the sum of the number of organisms in both

submissions. A reclassification would result in a new PRIA start date and require additional fees to meet the

fee of the new category.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


A520 94 Experimental Use Permit application, 9 6,383

non-food use. (2)


A521 95 Review of public health efficacy study 4 4,726

protocol within AD, per AD Internal

Guidance for the Efficacy Protocol

Review Process; Code will also

include review of public health

efficacy study protocol and data

review for devices making pesticidal

claims; applicant-initiated; Tier 1.


A522 96 Review of public health efficacy 12 12,156

study protocol outside AD by members

of AD Efficacy Protocol Review Expert

Panel; Code will also include review

of public health efficacy study

protocol and data review for devices

making pesticidal claims; applicant-

initiated; Tier 2.


A537 97 (new) New Active Ingredient/New Use, 18 153,156

Experimental Use Permit application;

Direct food use; Establish tolerance

or tolerance exemption if required.

Credit 45% of fee toward new active

ingredient/new use application that



A538 98 (new) New Active Ingredient/New Use, 18 95,724

Experimental Use Permit application;

Indirect food use; Establish

tolerance or tolerance exemption if

required Credit 45% of fee toward new

active ingredient/new use application

that follows.


A539 99 (new) New Active Ingredient/New Use, 15 92,163

Experimental Use Permit application;

Nonfood use. Credit 45% of fee toward

new active ingredient/new use

application that follows.


A529 100 Amendment to Experimental Use Permit; 9 11,429

requires data review or risk

assessment. (2)


A523 101 Review of protocol other than a 9 12,156

public health efficacy study (i.e.,

Toxicology or Exposure Protocols).


A571 102 Science reassessment: Cancer risk, 18 95,724

refined ecological risk, and/or

endangered species; applicant-



A533 103 (new) Exemption from the requirement of an 4 2,482

Experimental Use Permit. (2)


A534 104 (new) Rebuttal of agency reviewed protocol, 4 4,726

applicant initiated.


A535 105 (new) Conditional Ruling on Pre-application 6 2,409

Study Waiver or Data Bridging

Argument; applicant-initiated.


A536 106 (new) Conditional Ruling on Pre-application 4 2,482

Direct Food, Indirect Food, Nonfood

use determination; applicant-



(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


B580 107 New active ingredient; food use; 20 51,053

petition to establish a tolerance.



B590 108 New active ingredient; food use; 18 31,910

petition to establish a tolerance

exemption. (2)(3)


B600 109 New active ingredient; non-food use. 13 19,146



B610 110 New active ingredient; Experimental 10 12,764

Use Permit application; petition to

establish a temporary tolerance or

temporary tolerance exemption. (3)


B611 111 New active ingredient; Experimental 12 12,764

Use Permit application; petition to

establish permanent tolerance

exemption. (3)


B612 112 New active ingredient; no change to a 10 17,550

permanent tolerance exemption. (2)(3)


B613 113 New active ingredient; petition to 11 17,550

convert a temporary tolerance or a

temporary tolerance exemption to a

permanent tolerance or tolerance

exemption. (2)(3)


B620 114 New active ingredient; Experimental 7 6,383

Use Permit application; non-food use

including crop destruct. (3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


B630 115 First food use; petition to establish 13 12,764

a tolerance exemption. (2)(4)


B631 116 New food use; petition to amend an 12 12,764

established tolerance. (3)(4)


B640 117 First food use; petition to establish 19 19,146

a tolerance. (2)(4)


B643 118 New Food use; petition to amend an 10 12,764

established tolerance exemption.



B642 119 First food use; indoor; food/food 12 31,910

handling. (2)(4)


B644 120 New use, no change to an established 8 12,764

tolerance or tolerance exemption.



B650 121 New use; non-food. (3)(4) 7 6,383


B645 122 (new) New food use; Experimental Use Permit 12 12,764

application; petition to amend or add

a tolerance exemption. (4)


B646 123 (new) New use; non-food use including crop 7 6,383

destruct; Experimental Use Permit

application. (4)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) Amendment applications to add the new use(s) to registered product labels are covered by the base fee for

the new use(s). All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package. Each

application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the new

use application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval.

However, if a new use application only proposes to register the new use for a new product and there are no

amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the new use fee. All

such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the new use decision review time.

Any application for a new product or an amendment to the proposed labeling (a) submitted subsequent to

submission of the new use application and (b) prior to conclusion of its decision review time and (c)

containing the same new uses, will be deemed a separate new-use application, subject to a separate

registration service fee and new decision review time for a new use. If the new-use application includes non-

food (indoor and/or outdoor), and food (outdoor and/or indoor) uses, the appropriate fee is due for each type

of new use and the longest decision review time applies to all of the new uses requested in the application.

Any information that (a) was neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the

applicant at the applicant's initiative to support the application after completion of the technical

deficiency screen, and (c) is not itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full

registration service fee for the new use application.

(4) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B652 124 New product; registered source of active 13 12,764

ingredient; requires petition to amend

established tolerance or tolerance

exemption; requires 1) submission of

product specific data; or 2) citation of

previously reviewed and accepted data;

or 3) submission or citation of data

generated at government expense; or 4)

submission or citation of scientifically-

sound rationale based on publicly

available literature or other relevant

information that addresses the data

requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B660 125 New product; registered source of active 4 1,278

ingredient(s); identical or

substantially similar in composition and

use to a registered product. No data

review, or only product chemistry data;

cite-all data citation, or selective

data citation where applicant owns all

required data or authorization from data

owner is demonstrated. Category includes

100% re-package of registered end-use or

manufacturing-use product that requires

no data submission or data matrix. For

microbial pesticides, the active

ingredient(s) must not be re-isolated.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B670 126 New product; registered source of active 7 5,107

ingredient(s); requires: 1) submission

of product specific data; or 2) citation

of previously reviewed and accepted

data; or 3) submission or citation of

data generated at government expense; or

4) submission or citation of a

scientifically-sound rationale based on

publicly available literature or other

relevant information that addresses the

data requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B671 127 New product; unregistered source of 17 12,764

active ingredient(s); requires a

petition to amend an established

tolerance or tolerance exemption;

requires: 1) submission of product

specific data; or 2) citation of

previously reviewed and accepted data;

or 3) submission or citation of data

generated at government expense; or 4)

submission or citation of a

scientifically-sound rationale based on

publicly available literature or other

relevant information that addresses the

data requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B672 128 New product; unregistered source of 13 9,118

active ingredient(s); non-food use or

food use requires: 1) submission of

product specific data; or 2) citation of

previously reviewed and accepted data;

or 3) submission or citation of data

generated at government expense; or 4)

submission or citation of a

scientifically-sound rationale based on

publicly available literature or other

relevant information that addresses the

data requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B673 129 New product MUP/EP; unregistered source 10 5,107

of active ingredient(s); citation of

Technical Grade Active Ingredient (TGAI)

data previously reviewed and accepted by

the Agency. Requires an Agency

determination that the cited data

supports the new product. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B674 130 New product MUP; Repack of identical 4 1,278

registered end-use product as a

manufacturing-use product; same

registered uses only. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B675 131 New Product MUP; registered source of 10 9,118

active ingredient; submission of

completely new generic data package;

registered uses only. (2)(3)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B676 132 New product; more than one active 13 9,118

ingredient where one active ingredient

is an unregistered source; product

chemistry data must be submitted;

requires: 1) submission of product

specific data, and 2) citation of

previously reviewed and accepted data;

or 3) submission or citation of data

generated at government expense; or 4)

submission or citation of a

scientifically-sound rationale based on

publicly available literature or other

relevant information that addresses the

data requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the data

requirement does not apply. (2)(3)


B677 133 New end-use non-food animal product with 10 8,820

submission of two or more target animal

safety studies; includes data and/or

waivers of data for only:

product chemistry and/or

acute toxicity and/or

public health pest efficacy and/


animal safety studies and/or

child resistant packaging.



(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


B621 134 Amendment; Experimental Use Permit; no 7 5,107

change to an established temporary

tolerance or tolerance exemption. (3)


B622 135 Amendment; Experimental Use Permit; 11 12,764

petition to amend an established or

temporary tolerance or tolerance

exemption. (3)


B641 136 Amendment of an established tolerance or 13 12,764

tolerance exemption.


B680 137 Amendment; registered sources of active 5 5,107

ingredient(s); no new use(s); no changes

to an established tolerance or tolerance

exemption. Requires data submission.



B681 138 Amendment; unregistered source of active 7 6,079

ingredient(s). Requires data submission.



B683 139 Label amendment; requires review/update 6 5,107

of previous risk assessment(s) without

data submission (e.g., labeling changes

to REI, PPE, PHI). (2)(3)


B684 140 Amending non-food animal product that 8 8,820

includes submission of target animal

safety data; previously registered.



B685 141 (new) Amendment; add a new biochemical 5 5,107

unregistered source of active ingredient

or a new microbial production site.

Requires submission of analysis of

samples data and source/production site-

specific manufacturing process

description. (3)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) (a) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged registration service fees. (b) Registrant-initiated fast-

track amendments are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)(B) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (c) Registrant-initiated fast-track amendments handled by the

Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(h) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (d) Registrant initiated amendments submitted by notification under PR

Notices, such as PR Notice 98-10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to registration

service fees. (e) Submissions with data and requiring data review are subject to registration service fees.

(3) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


B690 142 New active ingredient; food or non- 7 2,554

food use. (2)(6)


B700 143 Experimental Use Permit application; 7 1,278

new active ingredient or new use. (6)


B701 144 Extend or amend Experimental Use 4 1,278

Permit. (6)


B710 145 New product; registered source of 4 1,278

active ingredient(s); identical or

substantially similar in composition

and use to a registered product; no

change in an established tolerance or

tolerance exemption. No data review,

or only product chemistry data; cite-

all data citation, or selective data

citation where applicant owns all

required data or authorization from

data owner is demonstrated. Category

includes 100% re-package of

registered end-use or manufacturing-

use product that requires no data

submission or data matrix. (3)(6)


B720 146 New product; registered source of 5 1,278

active ingredient(s); requires: 1)

submission of product specific data;

or 2) citation of previously reviewed

and accepted data; or 3) submission

or citation of data generated at

government expense; or 4) submission

or citation of a scientifically-sound

rationale based on publicly available

literature or other relevant

information that addresses the data

requirement; or 5) submission of a

request for a data requirement to be

waived supported by a scientifically-

sound rationale explaining why the

data requirement does not apply.



B721 147 New product; unregistered source of 7 2,676

active ingredient. (3)(6)


B722 148 New use and/or amendment; petition to 7 2,477

establish a tolerance or tolerance

exemption. (4)(5)(6)


B730 149 Label amendment requiring data 5 1,278

submission. (4)(6)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) All requests for new uses (food and/or nonfood) contained in any application for a new active ingredient or

a first food use are covered by the base fee for that new active ingredient or first food use application and

retain the same decision time review period as the new active ingredient or first food use application. The

application must be received by the agency in one package. The base fee for the category covers a maximum of

five new products. Each application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval that is

submitted in the new active ingredient application package or first food use application package is subject to

the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval. All such associated applications that

are submitted together will be subject to the new active ingredient or first food use decision review time. In

the case of a new active ingredient application, until that new active ingredient is approved, any subsequent

application for another new product containing the same active ingredient or an amendment to the proposed

labeling will be deemed a new active ingredient application, subject to the registration service fee and

decision review time for a new active ingredient. In the case of a first food use application, until that

first food use is approved, any subsequent application for an additional new food use or uses will be subject

to the registration service fee and decision review time for a first food use. Any information that (a) was

neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the applicant at the applicant's

initiative to support the application after completion of the technical deficiency screening, and (c) is not

itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full registration service fee for the

new active ingredient or first food use application.

(3) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(4) (a) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged registration service fees. (b) Registrant-initiated fast-

track amendments are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)(B) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (c) Registrant-initiated fast-track amendments handled by the

Antimicrobials Division are to be completed within the timelines specified in FIFRA Section 3(h) and are not

subject to registration service fees. (d) Registrant initiated amendments submitted by notification under PR

Notices, such as PR Notice 98-10, continue under PR Notice timelines and are not subject to registration

service fees. (e) Submissions with data and requiring data review are subject to registration service fees.

(5) Amendment applications to add the new use(s) to registered product labels are covered by the base fee for

the new use(s). All items in the covered application must be submitted together in one package. Each

application for an additional new product registration and new inert approval(s) that is submitted in the new

use application package is subject to the registration service fee for a new product or a new inert approval.

However, if a new use application only proposes to register the new use for a new product and there are no

amendments in the application, then review of one new product application is covered by the new use fee. All

such associated applications that are submitted together will be subject to the new use decision review time.

Any application for a new product or an amendment to the proposed labeling (a) submitted subsequent to

submission of the new use application and (b) prior to conclusion of its decision review time and (c)

containing the same new uses, will be deemed a separate new-use application, subject to a separate

registration service fee and new decision review time for a new use. If the new-use application includes non-

food (indoor and/or outdoor), and food (outdoor and/or indoor) uses, the appropriate fee is due for each type

of new use and the longest decision review time applies to all of the new uses requested in the application.

Any information that (a) was neither requested nor required by the Agency, and (b) is submitted by the

applicant at the applicant's initiative to support the application after completion of the technical

deficiency screen, and (c) is not itself a covered registration application, must be assessed 25% of the full

registration service fee for the new use application.

(6) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


B614 150 Pre-application; Conditional Ruling on 3 2,530

rationales for addressing a data

requirement in lieu of data;

applicant-initiated; applies to one

rationale at a time.


B615 151 Rebuttal of agency reviewed protocol, 3 2,530

applicant initiated.


B682 152 Protocol review; applicant initiated; 3 2,432

excludes time for HSRB review.


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.




EPA No. New CR No. Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

(Months)(1) ($)


B740 153 Experimental Use Permit application; no 6 95,724

petition for tolerance/tolerance

exemption. Includes:


1. non-food/feed use(s) for a new (2) or

registered (3) PIP (12);

2. food/feed use(s) for a new or

registered PIP with crop destruct (12);

3. food/feed use(s) for a new or

registered PIP in which an established

tolerance/tolerance exemption exists

for the intended use(s). (4)(12)


B741 154 (new) Experimental Use Permit application; no 12 159,538

petition for tolerance/tolerance

exemption. Includes:


1. non-food/feed use(s) for a new (2) or

registered (3) PIP;

2. food/feed use(s) for a new or

registered PIP with crop destruct;

3. food/feed use(s) for a new or

registered PIP in which an established

tolerance/tolerance exemption exists

for the intended use(s);

SAP Review. (12)


B750 155 Experimental Use Permit application; 9 127,630

with a petition to establish a

temporary or permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption for the active

ingredient. Includes new food/feed use

for a registered (3) PIP. (4)(12)


B770 156 Experimental Use Permit application; new 15 191,444

(2) PIP; with petition to establish a

temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption

for the active ingredient; credit 75%

of B771 fee toward registration

application for a new active ingredient

that follows; SAP review. (5)(12)


B771 157 Experimental Use Permit application; new 10 127,630

(2) PIP; with petition to establish a

temporary tolerance/tolerance exemption

for the active ingredient; credit 75%

of B771 fee toward registration

application for a new active ingredient

that follows. (12)


B772 158 Application to amend or extend an 3 12,764

Experimental Use Permit; no petition

since the established tolerance/

tolerance exemption for the active

ingredient is unaffected. (12)


B773 159 Application to amend or extend an 5 31,910

Experimental Use Permit; with petition

to extend a temporary tolerance/

tolerance exemption for the active

ingredient. (12)


B780 160 Registration application; new (2) PIP; 12 159,537

non-food/feed. (12)


B790 161 Registration application; new (2) PIP; 18 223,351

non-food/feed; SAP review. (5)(12)


B800 162 Registration application; new (2) PIP; 13 172,300

with petition to establish permanent

tolerance/tolerance exemption for the

active ingredient based on an existing

temporary tolerance/tolerance

exemption. (12)


B810 163 Registration application; new (2) PIP; 19 236,114

with petition to establish permanent

tolerance/tolerance exemption for the

active ingredient based on an existing

temporary tolerance/tolerance

exemption. SAP review. (5)(12)


B820 164 Registration application; new (2) PIP; 15 204,208

with petition to establish or amend a

permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption

of an active ingredient. (12)


B840 165 Registration application; new (2) PIP; 21 268,022

with petition to establish or amend a

permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption

of an active ingredient. SAP review.



B851 166 Registration application; new event of a 9 127,630

previously registered PIP active

ingredient(s); no petition since

permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption

is already established for the active

ingredient(s). (12)


B870 167 Registration application; registered (3) 9 38,290

PIP; new product; new use; no petition

since a permanent tolerance/tolerance

exemption is already established for

the active ingredient(s). (4) (12)


B880 168 Registration application; registered (3) 9 31,910

PIP; new product or new terms of

registration; additional data

submitted; no petition since a

permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption

is already established for the active

ingredient(s). (6) (7) (12)


B881 169 Registration application; registered (3) 15 95,724

PIP; new product or new terms of

registration; additional data

submitted; no petition since a

permanent tolerance/tolerance exemption

is already established for the active

ingredient(s). SAP review.



B882 170 (new) Registration application; new (2) PIP, 15 191,444

seed increase with negotiated acreage

cap and time-limited registration; with

petition to establish a permanent

tolerance/tolerance exemption for the

active ingredient based on an existing

temporary tolerance/tolerance

exemption; SAP Review. (8)(12)


B883 171 Registration application; new (2) PIP, 9 127,630

seed increase with negotiated acreage

cap and time-limited registration; with

petition to establish a permanent

tolerance/tolerance exemption for the

active ingredient based on an existing

temporary tolerance/tolerance

exemption. (8) (12)


B884 172 Registration application; new (2) PIP, 12 159,537

seed increase with negotiated acreage

cap and time-limited registration; with

petition to establish a permanent

tolerance/tolerance exemption for the

active ingredient. (8)(12)


B885 173 Registration application; registered (3) 6 31,910

PIP, seed increase; breeding stack of

previously approved PIPs, same crop; no

petition since a permanent tolerance/

tolerance exemption is already

established for the active

ingredient(s). (9)(12)


B886 174 (new) Registration application; new (2) PIP, 18 223,351

seed increase with negotiated acreage

cap and time-limited registration; with

petition to establish a permanent

tolerance/tolerance exemption for the

active ingredient. SAP Review. (8) (12)


B890 175 Application to amend a seed increase 9 63,816

registration; converts registration to

commercial registration; no petition

since permanent tolerance/tolerance

exemption is already established for

the active ingredient(s). (12)


B891 176 Application to amend a seed increase 15 127,630

registration; converts registration to

a commercial registration; no petition

since a permanent tolerance/tolerance

exemption already established for the

active ingredient(s); SAP review.



B900 177 Application to amend a registration, 6 12,764

including actions such as extending an

expiration date, modifying an IRM plan,

or adding an insect to be controlled.



B901 178 Application to amend a registration, 12 76,578

including actions such as extending an

expiration date, modifying an IRM plan,

or adding an insect to be controlled.

SAP review. (10) (11) (12)


B902 179 PIP Protocol review. 3 6,383


B903 180 Inert ingredient tolerance exemption; 6 63,816

e.g., a marker such as NPT II; reviewed

in BPPD.


B904 181 Import tolerance or tolerance exemption; 9 127,630

processed commodities/food only (inert

or active ingredient).


B905 182 (new) SAP Review. 6 63,816


B906 183 (new) Petition to establish a temporary 3 31,907

tolerance/tolerance exemption for one

or more active ingredients.


B907 184 (new) Petition to establish a temporary 3 12,764

tolerance/tolerance exemption for one

or more active ingredients based on an

existing temporary tolerance/tolerance



B908 185 (new) Petition to establish a temporary 3 44,671

tolerance/tolerance exemption for one

or more active ingredients or inert



(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) New PIP = a PIP with an active ingredient that has not been registered.

(3) Registered PIP = a PIP with an active ingredient that is currently registered.

(4) Transfer registered PIP through conventional breeding for new food/feed use, such as from field corn to

sweet corn.

(5) The scientific data involved in this category are complex. EPA often seeks technical advice from the

Scientific Advisory Panel on risks that pesticides pose to wildlife, farm workers, pesticide applicators, non-

target species, as well as insect resistance, and novel scientific issues surrounding new technologies. The

scientists of the SAP neither make nor recommend policy decisions. They provide advice on the science used to

make these decisions. Their advice is invaluable to the EPA as it strives to protect humans and the

environment from risks posed by pesticides. Due to the time it takes to schedule and prepare for meetings with

the SAP, additional time and costs are needed.

(6) Registered PIPs stacked through conventional breeding.

(7) Deployment of a registered PIP with a different IRM plan (e.g., seed blend).

(8) The negotiated acreage cap will depend upon EPA's determination of the potential environmental exposure,

risk(s) to non-target organisms, and the risk of targeted pest developing resistance to the pesticidal

substance. The uncertainty of these risks may reduce the allowable acreage, based upon the quantity and type

of non-target organism data submitted and the lack of insect resistance management data, which is usually not

required for seed-increase registrations. Registrants are encouraged to consult with EPA prior to submission

of a registration application in this category.

(9) Application can be submitted prior to or concurrently with an application for commercial registration.

(10) For example, IRM plan modifications that are applicant-initiated.

(11) EPA-initiated amendments shall not be charged fees.

(12) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.




EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


I001 186 Approval of new food use inert 13 27,000

ingredient. (2)(3)


I002 187 Amend currently approved inert ingredient 11 7,500

tolerance or exemption from tolerance;

new data. (2)


I003 188 Amend currently approved inert ingredient 9 3,308

tolerance or exemption from tolerance;

no new data. (2)


I004 189 Approval of new non-food use inert 6 11,025

ingredient. (2)


I005 190 Amend currently approved non-food use 6 5,513

inert ingredient with new use pattern;

new data. (2)


I006 191 Amend currently approved non-food use 3 3,308

inert ingredient with new use pattern;

no new data. (2)


I007 192 Approval of substantially similar non- 4 1,654

food use inert ingredients when original

inert is compositionally similar with

similar use pattern. (2)


I008 193 Approval of new or amended polymer inert 5 3,749

ingredient, food use. (2)


I009 194 Approval of new or amended polymer inert 4 3,087

ingredient, non-food use. (2)


I010 195 Petition to amend a single tolerance 6 1,654

exemption descriptor, or single non-food

use descriptor, to add 10 CASRNs; no

new data. (2)


I011 196 (new) Approval of new food use safener with 24 597,683

tolerance or exemption from tolerance.



I012 197 (new) Approval of new non-food use safener. 21 415,241



I013 198 (new) Approval of additional food use for 15 62,975

previously approved safener with

tolerance or exemption from tolerance.



I014 199 (new) Approval of additional non-food use for 15 25,168

previously approved safener. (2)


I015 200 (new) Approval of new generic data for 24 269,728

previously approved food use safener.



I016 201 (new) Approval of amendment(s) to tolerance and 13 55,776

label for previously approved safener.



(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) If another covered application is submitted that depends upon an application to approve an inert ingredient,

each application will be subject to its respective registration service fee. The decision review time line for

both submissions will be the longest of the associated applications. If the application covers multiple

ingredients grouped by EPA into one chemical class, a single registration service fee will be assessed for

approval of those ingredients.

(3) If EPA data rules are amended to newly require clearance under section 408 of the FFDCA for an ingredient of

an antimicrobial product where such ingredient was not previously subject to such a clearance, then review of

the data for such clearance of such product is not subject to a registration service fee for the tolerance

action for two years from the effective date of the rule.

(4) Any other covered application that is associated with and dependent on the HSRB review will be subject to

its separate registration service fee. The decision review times for the associated actions run concurrently,

but will end at the date of the latest review time.

(5) Any other covered application that is associated with and dependent on the SAP review will be subject to its

separate registration service fee. The decision review time for the associated action will be extended by the

decision review time for the SAP review.

(6) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(7) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(8) If a new safener is submitted in the same package as a new active ingredient, and that new active ingredient

is determined to be reduced risk, then the safener would get the same reduced timeframe as the new active





EPA No. New CR Action Decision Review Time Service Fee

No. (Months)(1) ($)


M001 202 Study protocol requiring Human Studies 9 7,938

Review Board review as defined in 40

CFR Part 26 in support of an active

ingredient. (4)


M002 203 Completed study requiring Human 9 7,938

Studies Review Board review as

defined in 40 CFR Part 26 in support

of an active ingredient. (4)


M003 204 External technical peer review of new 12 63,945

active ingredient, product, or

amendment (e.g., consultation with

FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel) for

an action with a decision timeframe

of less than 12 months. Applicant

initiated request based on a

requirement of the Administrator, as

defined by FIFRA Sec. 25(d), in

support of a novel active ingredient,

or unique use pattern or application

technology. Excludes PIP active

ingredients. (5)


M004 205 External technical peer review of new 18 63,945

active ingredient, product, or

amendment (e.g., consultation with

FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel) for

an action with a decision timeframe

of greater than 12 months. Applicant

initiated request based on a

requirement of the Administrator, as

defined by FIFRA Sec. 25(d), in

support of a novel active ingredient,

or unique use pattern or application

technology. Excludes PIP active

ingredients. (5)


M005 206 New Product: Combination, Contains a 9 22,050

combination of active ingredients

from a registered and/or unregistered

source; conventional, antimicrobial

and/or biopesticide. Requires

coordination with other regulatory

divisions to conduct review of data,

label and/or verify the validity of

existing data as cited. Only existing

uses for each active ingredient in

the combination product. (6)(7)


M006 207 Request for up to 5 letters of 1 277

certification (Gold Seal) for one

actively registered product (excludes

distributor products). (8)


M007 208 Request to extend Exclusive Use of 12 5,513

data as provided by FIFRA Section



M008 209 Request to grant Exclusive Use of data 15 1,654

as provided by FIFRA Section

3(c)(1)(F)(vi) for a minor use, when

a FIFRA Section 2(ll)(2)

determination is required.


M009 210 (new) Non-FIFRA Regulated Determination: 4 2,363

Applicant initiated, per product.


M010 211 (new) Conditional ruling on pre-application, 4 2,363

product substantial similarity.


M011 212 (new) Label amendment to add the DfE logo; 4 3,648

requires data review; no other label

changes. (9)


(1) A decision review time that would otherwise end on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, will be extended

to end on the next business day.

(2) If another covered application is submitted that depends upon an application to approve an inert ingredient,

each application will be subject to its respective registration service fee. The decision review time line for

both submissions will be the longest of the associated applications. If the application covers multiple

ingredients grouped by EPA into one chemical class, a single registration service fee will be assessed for

approval of those ingredients.

(3) If EPA data rules are amended to newly require clearance under section 408 of the FFDCA for an ingredient of

an antimicrobial product where such ingredient was not previously subject to such a clearance, then review of

the data for such clearance of such product is not subject to a registration service fee for the tolerance

action for two years from the effective date of the rule.

(4) Any other covered application that is associated with and dependent on the HSRB review will be subject to

its separate registration service fee. The decision review times for the associated actions run concurrently,

but will end at the date of the latest review time.

(5) Any other covered application that is associated with and dependent on the SAP review will be subject to its

separate registration service fee. The decision review time for the associated action will be extended by the

decision review time for the SAP review.

(6) An application for a new end-use product using a source of active ingredient that (a) is not yet registered

but (b) has an application pending with the Agency for review, will be considered an application for a new

product with an unregistered source of active ingredient.

(7) Where the action involves approval of a new or amended label, on or before the end date of the decision

review time, the Agency shall provide to the applicant a draft accepted label, including any changes made by

the Agency that differ from the applicant-submitted label and relevant supporting data reviewed by the Agency.

The applicant will notify the Agency that the applicant either (a) agrees to all of the terms associated with

the draft accepted label as amended by the Agency and requests that it be issued as the accepted final Agency-

stamped label; or (b) does not agree to one or more of the terms of the draft accepted label as amended by the

Agency and requests additional time to resolve the difference(s); or (c) withdraws the application without

prejudice for subsequent resubmission, but forfeits the associated registration service fee. For cases

described in (b), the applicant shall have up to 30 calendar days to reach agreement with the Agency on the

final terms of the Agency-accepted label. If the applicant agrees to all of the terms of the accepted label as

in (a), including upon resolution of differences in (b), the Agency shall provide an accepted final Agency-

stamped label to the registrant within 2 business days following the registrant's written or electronic

confirmation of agreement to the Agency.

(8) Due to low fee and short time frame this category is not eligible for small business waivers. Gold seal

applies to one registered product.

(9) This category includes amendments the sole purpose of which is to add DfE (or equivalent terms that do not

use ``safe'' or derivatives of ``safe'') logos to a label. DfE is a voluntary program. A label bearing a DfE

logo is not considered an Agency endorsement because the ingredients in the qualifying product must meet

objective, scientific criteria established and widely publicized by EPA.''.


The amendments made by this Act take effect on October 1, 2017.

Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Udall amendment at the desk be considered and agreed to, the committee-

reported amendments, as amended, be agreed to, and the bill, as amended, be considered read a third time.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.

The amendment (No. 3392) was agreed to, as follows:

(Purpose: To improve the bill)

On page 1, line 6, strike ``2017'' and insert ``2018''.

On page 2, line 12, strike ``2018 through 2020'' and insert

``2019 through 2023''.

On page 2, line 17, strike ``2018 through 2020'' and insert

``2019 through 2023''.

On page 2, line 21, strike ``2018 through 2020'' and insert

``2019 through 2023''.

On page 3, line 5, strike ``2018 through 2020'' and insert

``2019 through 2023''.

On page 3, lines 9 and 10, strike ``2018 through 2020'' and insert ``2019 through 2023''.

On page 3, line 23, strike ``2017'' and insert ``2018''.

On page 3, line 24, strike ``2022'' and insert ``2025''.

On page 7, line 21, strike ``2017'' and insert ``2018''.

On page 12, strike lines 23 and 24 and insert the following:

(A) in subparagraph (A)--

(i) by striking ``pesticide registration''; and

(ii) by striking ``October 1, 2013, and ending on September 30, 2015'' and inserting ``October 1, 2019, and ending on September 30, 2021'';

(B) in subparagraph (B)--

(i) by striking ``pesticide registration''; and

(ii) by striking ``2015'' each place it appears and inserting ``2021''; and

On page 13, line 1, strike ``(B)'' and insert ``(C)''.

On page 21, line 11, strike ``2021'' and insert ``2024''.

On page 21, line 12, strike ``2021'' and insert ``2024''.

On page 21, line 19, strike ``2022'' and insert ``2025''.

On page 21, line 20, strike ``2022'' and insert ``2025''.

On page 22, line 2, strike ``2022'' and insert ``2025''.

On page 22, line 3, strike ``2022'' and insert ``2025''.

On page 186, strike lines 1 through 3 and insert the following:


Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or amendment made by this Act, any reference in this Act or an amendment made by this Act to ``2020'' shall be deemed to be a reference to ``2023''.



(a) In General.--Except as provided in subsection (b), during the period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act and ending not earlier than October 1, 2021, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

(referred to in this section as the ``Administrator'')--

(1) shall carry out--

(A) the final rule of the Administrator entitled

``Pesticides; Agricultural Worker Protection Standard Revisions'' (80 Fed. Reg. 67496 (November 2, 2015)); and

(B) the final rule of the Administrator entitled

``Pesticides; Certification of Pesticide Applicators'' (82 Fed. Reg. 952 (January 4, 2017)); and

(2) shall not revise or develop revisions to the rules described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1).

(b) Exceptions.--Prior to October 1, 2021, the Administrator may propose, and after a notice and public comment period of not less than 90 days, promulgate revisions to the final rule described in subsection (a)(1)(A) addressing application exclusion zones under part 170 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, consistent with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136 et seq.).

(c) GAO Report.--The Comptroller General of the United States shall--

(1) conduct a study on the use of the designated representative, including the effect of that use on the availability of pesticide application and hazard information and worker health and safety; and

(2) not later than October 1, 2021, make publically available a report describing the study under paragraph (1), including any recommendations to prevent the misuse of pesticide application and hazard information, if that misuse is identified.

The committee-reported amendments, as amended, were agreed to.

The amendments were ordered to be engrossed and the bill to be read a third time.

The bill was read the third time.

Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I know of no further debate on the bill.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill having been read the third time, the question is, Shall the bill pass?

The bill (H.R. 1029), as amended, was passed.

Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 164, No. 109