Saturday, June 15, 2024

“EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS” published by the Congressional Record on Oct. 30, 2009

Volume 155, No. 160 covering the 1st Session of the 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S10959 on Oct. 30, 2009.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The following communications were laid before the Senate, together with accompanying papers, reports, and documents, and were referred as indicated:

EC-3518. A communication from the Department of State, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to the transfer of detainees (OSS Control No. 2009-1778); to the Committee on Armed Services.

EC-3519. A communication from the Senior Import Policy Analyst, International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Changes in Procedures for Florence Agreement Program'' (RIN0625-AA75) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on October 29, 2009; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

EC-3520. A communication from the Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the report of a proposed rule entitled ``Lead; Amendment to the Opt-out and Record Keeping Provisions in the Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program'' (FRL No. 8795-9) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on October 29, 2009; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

EC-3521. A communication from the Acting Administrator, General Services Administration, Department of Defense and National Aeronautics and Space Administration, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to additional lease prospectuses that support the U.S. General Services Administration's Fiscal Year 2010 Capital Investment and Leasing Program; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

EC-3522. A communication from the Deputy Director of the Office of Labor-Management Standards, Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Labor Organization Annual Financial Reports'' (RIN1215-AB62) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on October 28, 2009; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

EC-3523. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-216, ``Personal Mobility Device for Persons with Disabilities Temporary Amendment Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-3524. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-217, ``Reinstated Nonprofit Corporation Contract Ratification Temporary Amendment Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-3525. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-218, ``University of the District of Columbia Board of Trustees Quorum Temporary Amendment Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-3526. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-219, ``University of the District of Columbia Procurement Authority Temporary Amendment Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-3527. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-220, ``Private Fire Hydrant Responsibility Temporary Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-3528. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-221, ``Public Assistance Amendment Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-3529. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-222, ``Unemployment Compensation Extended Benefits Amendment Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-3530. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-223, ``Studio Theatre Housing Property Tax Exemption and Equitable Tax Relief Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-3531. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-224, ``Kelsey Gardens Redevelopment Project Real Property Limited Tax Abatement Assistance Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-3532. A communication from the Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report on D.C. Act 18-225, ``Chemotherapy Pill Coverage Act of 2009''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 155, No. 160