Saturday, June 15, 2024

“PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS” published by the Congressional Record on May 24, 2005

Volume 151, No. 70 covering the 1st Session of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2006) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H3892-H3893 on May 24, 2005.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Under clause 2 of rule XII, public bills and resolutions were introduced and severally referred, as follows:

By Mr. JACKSON of Illinois:

H.R. 2560. A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to require, as a condition of participation in the Medicare Program, that hospitals make reasonable efforts to contact a family member, specified healthcare agent, or surrogate decisionmaker of a patient who arrives at a hospital emergency department unconscious or otherwise physically incapable of communicating with the attending health care practitioners of the hospital, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. NORWOOD (for himself and Mr. Andrews):

H.R. 2561. A bill to amend the Federal Employees' Compensation Act to cover services provided to injured Federal workers by physician assistants and nurse practitioners, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.

By Mr. BROWN of Ohio:

H.R. 2562. A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to preserve the effectiveness of medically important antibiotics used in the treatment of human and animal diseases; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 2563. A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct feasibility studies to address certain water shortages within the Snake, Boise, and Payette River systems in Idaho, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Resources.

By Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania (for himself and Mr.


H.R. 2564. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the qualified tuition deduction at the 2005 levels; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia (for himself, Mr. Waxman,

Mr. Souder, Mr. Cummings, Mr. Shays, Mr. Owens, Mr.

McHugh, Mrs. Maloney, Mr. Platts, Mr. Davis of

Illinois, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Clay, Mr. Issa, Mr. Lynch,

Mr. Dent, Ms. Linda T. Sanchez of California, Ms.

Foxx, and Ms. Norton):

H.R. 2565. A bill to reauthorize the Office of National Drug Control Policy Act and to establish minimum drug testing standards for major professional sports leagues; to the Committee on Government Reform, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. YOUNG of Alaska (for himself, Mr. Oberstar, Mr.

Petri, and Mr. DeFazio):

H.R. 2566. A bill to provide an extension of highway, highway safety, motor carrier safety, transit, and other programs funded out of the Highway Trust Fund pending enactment of a law reauthorizing the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, Science, and Resources, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. ACKERMAN (for himself, Mr. Rohrabacher, Mrs.

Wilson of New Mexico, Mr. Upton, Mrs. Bono, and Mr.


H.R. 2567. A bill to amend the Federal Hazardous Substances Act to require engine coolant and antifreeze to contain a bittering agent so as to render it unpalatable; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 2568. A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to provide for the award of a military service medal to members of the Armed Forces who served honorably during the Cold War era; to the Committee on Armed Services.


H.R. 2569. A bill to amend the accountability provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.


H.R. 2570. A bill to amend the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 to provide for the collection of data on the availability of credit for women-owned business; to the Committee on Financial Services.


H.R. 2571. A bill to require the establishment of programs by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the Secretary of Health and Human Services to improve indoor air quality in schools and other buildings; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


H.R. 2572. A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to require that employers of members of the National Guard and Reserve who are called to active duty continue to offer health care coverage for dependents of such members, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina:

H.R. 2573. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on cuprammonium rayon yarn; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland (for himself, Mr. Gingrey,

Mr. Norwood, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Culberson, Mr. English of Pennsylvania, Mr. Rohrabacher, Mr. Price of

Georgia, and Mr. Cannon):

H.R. 2574. A bill to amend the Public Health Health Service Act to provide for a program at the National Institutes of Health to conduct and support research on animals to develop techniques for the derivation of stem cells from embryos that do not harm the embryos, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H.R. 2575. A bill to extend the suspension of duty on Methyl thioglycolate (MTG); to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2576. A bill to extend the suspension of duty on Ethyl pyruvate; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2577. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Indoxacarb; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2578. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Dimethyl carbonate; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2579. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on 5-Chloro-1-indanone (EK179); to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2580. A bill to extend the suspension of duty on Methyl-4-trifluoromethoxyphenyl-N-(chlorocarbonyl) carbamate

(DPX-KL540); to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2581. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on the formulated product containing mixtures of the active ingredients 5-methyl-5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)093-

(phenylamino)092,4-oxazolidi [email protected] (famoxadone) and 2-cyano-N-[(ethylamino)carbonyl]-2-(methoxyimino)acetamide

(cymoxanil) and application adjuvants; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2582. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on ortho nitro aniline; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2583. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Decanedioic acid, Bis(2,2,6,6,-tetramethyl-4-piperidinyl); to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2584. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Benzoxazole, 2,2'-(2,5-thiophenediyl)bis(5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2585. A bill to extend the suspension of duty on 2methyl-4,6-bis[(octylthio)methyl]phenol; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2586. A bill to extend the suspension of duty on 4-

[[4,6-bis(octylthio)091,3,5-traizine-2-yl]amino]-2,6-bis(1 1-dimethylethyl)phenol; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2587. A bill to make amendments to the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992; to the Committee on Resources.

By Mrs. JO ANN DAVIS of Virginia (for herself, Mr.

Scott of Virginia, Mr. Gilchrest, Mr. Cardin, Mr.

Platts, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Moran of Virginia, Mr.

Goode, Mr. Holden, Mr. Tom Davis of Virginia, Mr.

Hoyer, Mr. Ruppersberger, Mr. Wolf, and Mr. Forbes):

H.R. 2588. A bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to carry out a study of the feasibility of designating the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Watertrail as a national historic trail; to the Committee on Resources.

By Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts:

H.R. 2589. A bill to extend the temporary suspension of duty on certain filament yarns; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts:

H.R. 2590. A bill to extend the temporary suspension of duty on certain filament yarns; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts:

H.R. 2591. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on certain yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers, not put up for retail sale; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Mr. HASTINGS of Florida (for himself, Mr. Serrano,

Mr. Lynch, Mr. Conyers, Mr. Rangel, Mr. Wexler, Ms.

Corrine Brown of Florida, Mr. Delahunt, and Ms. Moore of Wisconsin):

H.R. 2592. A bill to designate Haiti under section 244 of the Immigration and Nationality Act in order to render nationals of Haiti eligible for temporary protected status under such section; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. HYDE:

H.R. 2593. A bill to encourage more vigorous investigation and prosecution, under section 2339B of title 18, United States Code, of drug crimes committed to provide material support to terrorist organizations; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky (for himself, Mr. Tanner, Mrs.

Blackburn, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. McCrery, Mr.

Gordon, Mr. Ford, Mr. Foley, Mr. Doggett, Mr. English of Pennsylvania, Mr. Rogers of Kentucky, Mr.

Hayworth, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Davis of Kentucky, Mr.

Davis of Tennessee, Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Hall, Mr.

Taylor of Mississippi, Mr. Engel, Mr. Coble, Mr.

Brady of Texas, Mrs. Bono, Mr. Conyers, Mr. Franks of

Arizona, Mr. Hoyer, Mr. Brown of South Carolina, Mr.

Goode, Mr. Kucinich, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Chandler, and

Mr. Herger):

H.R. 2594. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide capital gains tax treatment for certain self-created musical works; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2595. A bill to authorize the Administrator of General Services and the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain Federal property to the District of Columbia to increase the District's taxable property base as compensation for a structural fiscal imbalance caused by Federal mandates; to the Committee on Government Reform, and in addition to the Committee on Resources, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.


H.R. 2596. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on modified steel leaf spring leaves; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2597. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on suspension system stabilizer bars; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2598. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on steel leaf spring leaves; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2599. A bill to improve the quality, availability, diversity, personal privacy, and innovation of health care in the United States; to the Committee on Ways and Means, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. SHAW:

H.R. 2600. A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to the sale or trade of prescription drugs that were knowingly caused to be adulterated or misbranded, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for himself and Mr. Payne):

H.R. 2601. A bill to authorize appropriations for the Department of State for fiscal years 2006 and 2007, and for other purposes; to the Committee on International Relations.


H.R. 2602. A bill to reduce temporarily the duty on Formulations of Azoxystrobin; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2603. A bill to reduce temporarily the duty on Cypermethrin Technical; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2604. A bill to reduce temporarily the duty on Formulations of Pinoxaden/Cloquintocet-Mexyl; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2605. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Formulations of Difenoconazole/Mefenoxam; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2606. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Fludioxonil Technical; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2607. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Formulations of Clodinafop-propargyl; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2608. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Emamectin Benzoate Technical; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2609. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Cloquintocet Technical; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2610. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Mefenoxam Technical; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2611. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Cyproconazole Technical; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2612. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Pinoxaden Technical; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2613. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Formulations of Tralkoxydim; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2614. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Propiconazole Technical - Bulk; to the Committee on Ways and Means.


H.R. 2615. A bill to suspend temporarily the duty on Permethrin Technical; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Mr. WU (for himself, Ms. Lee, Ms. Bordallo, Mr.

McGovern, Mr. Scott of Virginia, Mrs. Jones of Ohio,

Mr. Van Hollen, Ms. Millender-McDonald, Mr. Hinojosa,

Mr. McDermott, Mr. Schiff, Ms. Watson, Mr. Lantos,

Mr. Case, Mr. Crowley, Ms. Schakowsky, Mr. Honda, Mr.

Al Green of Texas, Ms. McCollum of Minnesota, Mr.

Blumenauer, Mr. Kennedy of Rhode Island, Ms. Zoe

Lofgren of California, Mr. Hinchey, Mr. Faleomavaega, and Mr. Abercrombie):

H.R. 2616. A bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to authorize grants for institutions of higher education serving Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.


H. Con. Res. 165. Concurrent resolution calling for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Cuba, including Mr. Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, and for other purposes; to the Committee on International Relations.


H. Con. Res. 166. Concurrent resolution expressing the sense of the Congress that the Federal Government should not infringe on State or private programs that fund embryonic stem cell research; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.


H. Res. 294. A resolution supporting the goals of ``A Day of Commemoration of the Great Upheaval``, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Government Reform.

By Mrs. JONES of Ohio (for herself and Mr. Weldon of


H. Res. 295. A resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives supporting the establishment of September as Campus Fire Safety Month, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.

By Ms. LINDDA T. SANCHEZ of California (for herself and

Mr. Green of Wisconsin):

H. Res. 296. A resolution recognizing the achievements and contributions of ``Teenangels'' and WiredSafety/WiredKids Executive Director Parry Aftab, in addressing the growing problem of cyberbullying in the United States; to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

By Mr. SALAZAR (for himself and Mr. Rogers of


H. Res. 297. A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of a National Medal of Honor Day to celebrate and honor the recipients of the Medal of Honor on the anniversary of the inception of that medal in 1863; to the Committee on Armed Services.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 151, No. 70