Saturday, June 15, 2024

“TEXT OF AMENDMENTS” published by the Congressional Record on Aug. 5, 2020

Volume 166, No. 139 covering the 2nd Session of the 116th Congress (2019 - 2020) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“TEXT OF AMENDMENTS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S4946-S4976 on Aug. 5, 2020.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


SA 2568. Ms. McSALLY (for herself, Mr. Rounds, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Cotton, Mrs. Blackburn, and Mr. Tillis) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:




(a) Responsibility.--Chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 1605B the following:

``Sec. 1605C. Responsibility of foreign states for reckless actions or omissions causing the COVID-19 global pandemic in the United States

``(a) Responsibility of Foreign States.--A foreign state shall not be immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States in any case in which money damages are sought against a foreign state for death or physical or economic injury to person, property, or business occurring in the United States following any reckless action or omission

(including a conscious disregard of the need to report information promptly or deliberately hiding relevant information) of a foreign state, or of any official, employee, or agent of that foreign state while acting within the scope of his or her office, employment, or agency, that caused or substantially contributed to the COVID-19 global pandemic in the United States, regardless of where the action or omission occurred.

``(b) Rule of Construction.--A foreign state shall not be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States under subsection (a) on the basis of an omission or act that constitutes mere negligence.

``(c) Jurisdiction.--

``(1) Exclusive jurisdiction.--The courts of the United States shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any action in which a foreign state is subject to the jurisdiction of a court of the United States under subsection (a).

``(2) Additional authority to issue orders.--In addition to authority already granted by other laws, the courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction to make and issue any writ or order of injunction necessary or appropriate for the enforcement of this section, including pre-judgment injunctions related to transfer or disposal of assets.

``(d) Intervention.--The Attorney General may intervene in any action in which a foreign state is subject to the jurisdiction of a court of the United States under subsection

(a) for the purpose of seeking a stay of the civil action, in whole or in part.

``(e) Stay.--

``(1) In general.--A court of the United States may stay a proceeding against a foreign state if the Secretary of State certifies that the United States is engaged in good faith discussions with the foreign state defendant concerning the resolution of the claims against the foreign state, or any other parties as to whom a stay of claims is sought. In exercising its discretion under this subsection, the court shall balance the interests of the United States with the interests of the plaintiffs in a timely review of their claims.

``(2) Duration.--

``(A) In general.--A stay under this section may be granted for not more than 180 days.

``(B) Extension.--

``(i) In general.--The Attorney General may petition the court for an extension of the stay for additional periods not to exceed 180 days.

``(ii) Recertification.--A court may grant an extension under subparagraph (A) if the Secretary of State recertifies that the United States remains engaged in good faith discussions with the foreign state defendant concerning the resolution of the claims against the foreign state, or any other parties as to whom a stay of claims is sought. In choosing whether to grant an extension, the court shall balance the interests of the United States with the interests of the plaintiffs in a timely review of their claims.''.

(b) Applicability.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply to any action or omission described in section 1605C of title 28, United States Code, as added by that subsection, that occurred before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act.

(c) Removal of Immunity From Attachment or Execution.--Section 1610 of title 28, United States Code, is amended--

(1) in subsection (a)(7), by striking ``section 1605A or section 1605(a)(7) (as such section was in effect on January 27, 2008)'' and inserting ``section 1605A, section 1605(a)(7)

(as such section was in effect on January 27, 2008), or section 1605C'';

(2) in subsection (b)(2), by striking ``or 1605(b)'' and inserting ``, 1605(b), or 1605C'';

(3) by striking subsection (d) and inserting the following:

``(d) The property of a foreign state, as defined in section 1603(a) of this chapter, used for a commercial activity in the United States, shall not be immune from attachment prior to the entry of judgment in any action brought in a court of the United States or of a State, or prior to the elapse of the period of time provided in subsection (c) of this section, if--

``(1) the foreign state has explicitly waived its immunity from attachment prior to judgment, notwithstanding any withdrawal of the waiver the foreign state may purport to effect except in accordance with the terms of the waiver;

``(2) the purpose of the attachment is to secure satisfaction of a judgment that has been or may ultimately be entered against the foreign state, and not to obtain jurisdiction; or

``(3) the attachment relates to a claim for which the foreign state is not immune under section 1605C.''; and

(4) in subsection (g)(1), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking ``1605A'' and inserting ``1605A or 1605C''.

(d) Cause of Action.--Any citizen or resident of the United States injured in his or her person, property, or business by reason of any reckless action or omission (including a conscious disregard of the need to report information promptly or deliberately hiding relevant information) of a foreign state, or of any official, employee, or agent of that foreign state while acting within the scope of his or her office, employment, or agency, that caused or substantially contributed to the COVID-19 global pandemic in the United States, regardless of where the action or omission occurred, may sue therefor in any appropriate district court of the United States and shall recover threefold the damages he or she sustains and the cost of the suit, including attorney's fees.

(e) Enforcement by State Attorneys General.--Any State, on its own behalf or on behalf of the citizens or residents of the State, may bring a civil action under subsection (d) in a district court of the United States. Nothing in this Act may be construed to prevent a State from exercising its powers under State law.

(f) Time Limitation on the Commencement of Civil Action.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a civil action arising under subsection (d) may be commenced up to 20 years after the cause of action accrues.

(g) Technical and Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 97 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 1605B the following:

``1605C. Responsibility of foreign states for reckless actions or omissions causing the COVID-19 global pandemic in the

United States.''.


SA 2569. Mr. TOOMEY submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Definitions.--In this section--

(1) the terms ``Administration'' and ``Administrator'' mean the Small Business Administration and the Administrator thereof, respectively;

(2) the term ``covered period'' means the period beginning on May 26, 2020 and ending on July 1, 2020; and

(3) the term ``eligible entity'' means a business concern--

(A) with average annual receipts (as defined in section 121.104 of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation) of not more than $2,000,000; and

(B) that--

(i) is located within an area for which the Administrator declared a disaster in accordance with section 123.3(a)(3) of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation, with respect to civil unrest that began on May 26, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and spread across the United States; and

(ii) incurred damage to real or personal property of the business concern during the covered period as a result of the civil unrest described in clause (i).

(b) Business Physical Disaster Loans.--

(1) In general.--Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an eligible entity shall be eligible for a loan made by the Administration under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)) under the same terms, conditions, and processes as a loan made under such section to repair, rehabilitate, or replace property, real or personal, of the eligible entity that was damaged or destroyed during the covered period as a result of the civil unrest described in subsection (a)(3)(B)(i).

(2) Disaster declaration.--With respect to the disaster declaration described in subsection (a)(3)(B)(i) for a loan made under paragraph (1), the requirement under section 123.3(a)(3)(ii) of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation, that 25 percent or more of the work force in the area would be unemployed for not fewer than 90 days shall not apply.

(3) Loan amount.--

(A) In general.--The amount of a loan made under paragraph

(1) shall be equal to 100 percent of the amount required to repair, rehabilitate, or replace property, real or personal, of the eligible entity that--

(i) was damaged or destroyed during the covered period as a result of the civil unrest described in subsection

(a)(3)(B)(i); and

(ii) is not compensated for by--

(I) insurance;

(II) a grant from a State or local government; or

(III) any other means.

(B) Deduction of advance amount.--The amount of any advance received by an eligible entity under subsection (c) shall be deducted from the loan amount for the eligible entity under subparagraph (A).

(4) Terms; credit elsewhere.--

(A) In general.--With respect to a loan made to an eligible entity under paragraph (1)--

(i) the Administrator shall waive--

(I) any rules related the personal guarantee on loans of not more than $200,000 during the covered period for all applicants; and

(II) any requirement that an applicant needs to be in business for the 1-year period before the civil unrest described in subsection (a)(3)(B)(i), except that no waiver may be made for an eligible entity that was not in operation on January 31, 2020;

(ii) the eligible entity shall not be required to show that the eligible entity is unable to obtain credit elsewhere; and

(iii) no collateral shall be required for the loan.

(B) Repayment.--Any payments on a loan made to an eligible entity under paragraph (1) are deferred until June 30, 2022, and interest shall not begin to accrue until such date.

(5) Application.--

(A) In general.--Not later than 7 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall begin to accept applications for a loan under paragraph (1).

(B) Deadline.--An eligible entity desiring a loan under this subsection shall submit to the Administrator an application not later than December 31, 2020.

(C) Approval and ability to repay.--With respect to an applicant for a loan made under paragraph (1), the Administrator may--

(i) approve the applicant based on the credit score or personal guarantee of the applicant; or

(ii) use alternative appropriate methods to determine the applicant's ability to repay.

(6) Use of funds.--A recipient of a loan made under paragraph (1) shall use the loan proceeds to repair, rehabilitate, or replace property, real or personal, damaged or destroyed during the covered period as a result of the civil unrest described in subsection (a)(3)(B)(i), provided that such damage or destruction is not compensated for by insurance, a grant from a State or local government, or otherwise.

(7) Loan forgiveness.--

(A) In general.--An eligible entity that received a loan made under paragraph (1), or an eligible entity that received a loan under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)) before the date of enactment of this Act related to the civil unrest described in subsection

(a)(3)(B)(i), shall be eligible for forgiveness of indebtedness equal to 75 percent of the loan amount if the eligible entity--

(i) submits to the Administrator documentation of sales for 2019 and 2020 and tax returns for 2019 and 2020; and

(ii) the eligible entity is in operation as of December 31, 2021.

(B) Amounts not forgiven.--Any remaining amount of a loan described in subparagraph (A) that is not forgiven under this paragraph as of December 31, 2021 shall--

(i) be considered a loan made under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1));

(ii) bear an interest rate of 3.75 percent; and

(iii) have a 30-year term.

(8) Duplication.--An eligible entity that received a loan under subsection (a)(36) or (b)(2) of section 7 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636) before the date of enactment of this Act shall be eligible for a loan under paragraph (1) if the proceeds of the loan made under such subsection (a)(36) or (b)(2) are not used for the same expenses as the loan under paragraph (1).

(c) Emergency Grant.--

(1) In general.--An eligible entity that applies for a loan under subsection (b)(1) may request that the Administrator provide an advance, subject to paragraph (3), to the eligible entity not later than 10 days after the date on which the Administrator receives an application from the eligible entity.

(2) Verification.--Before disbursing amounts under this subsection, the Administrator shall verify that the applicant is an eligible entity by accepting a self-certification from the applicant under penalty of perjury pursuant to section 1746 of title 28, United States Code.

(3) Amount.--The amount of an advance provided to an eligible entity under this subsection shall be the lesser of--

(A) 20 percent of the amount requested by the eligible entity; or

(B) $10,000.

(4) Use of funds.--An advance received under this subsection shall only be used for the allowable uses for a loan under subsection (b)(1).

(5) Repayment.--

(A) In general.--Except as provided under subparagraph (B), an eligible entity that receives an advance under this subsection shall not be required to repay any amounts of the advance.

(B) Return of advance.--If an applicant for a loan under subsection (b)(1) is later determined to be ineligible for the loan because the applicant does not meet the requirements to be an eligible entity described in subsection (a)(3), the applicant shall return to the Administrator any advance amount provided under this subsection--

(i) not later than 90 days after receiving notice of the determination of ineligibility; or

(ii) if the Administrator determines that the applicant submitted the application in bad faith, not later than 30 days after receiving notice of that determination, plus interest in an amount equal to 4.75 percent of the advance.

(d) Resources and Services in Languages Other Than English.--The Administrator shall provide the resources and services made available by the Administration relating to the loans and grants available under this section to eligible entities in the 10 most commonly spoken languages, other than English, in the United States, which shall include Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, and Korean.

(e) Regulations.--The Administrator shall issue guidance and rules to carry out this section.

(f) Direct Appropriation.--

(1) In general.--There is appropriated, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, for an additional amount for

``Small Business Administration--HEAL Act'', $80,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for carrying out this section.

(2) Emergency designation.--

(A) In general.--The amounts provided under this subsection are designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4(g) of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (2 U.S.C. 933(g)).

(B) Designation in senate.--In the Senate, this subsection is designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4112(a) of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.


SA 2570. Mr. TOOMEY submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Definitions.--In this section--

(1) the terms ``Administration'' and ``Administrator'' mean the Small Business Administration and the Administrator thereof, respectively;

(2) the term ``covered period'' means the period beginning on May 26, 2020 and ending on July 1, 2020; and

(3) the term ``eligible entity'' means a business concern--

(A) with average annual receipts (as defined in section 121.104 of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation) of not more than $2,000,000; and

(B) that--

(i) is located within an area for which the Administrator declared a disaster in accordance with section 123.3(a)(3) of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation, with respect to civil unrest that began on May 26, 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and spread across the United States; and

(ii) incurred damage to real or personal property of the business concern during the covered period as a result of the civil unrest described in clause (i).

(b) Business Physical Disaster Loans.--

(1) In general.--Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an eligible entity shall be eligible for a loan made by the Administration under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)) under the same terms, conditions, and processes as a loan made under such section to repair, rehabilitate, or replace property, real or personal, of the eligible entity that was damaged or destroyed during the covered period as a result of the civil unrest described in subsection (a)(3)(B)(i).

(2) Disaster declaration.--With respect to the disaster declaration described in subsection (a)(3)(B)(i) for a loan made under paragraph (1), the requirement under section 123.3(a)(3)(ii) of title 13, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation, that 25 percent or more of the work force in the area would be unemployed for not fewer than 90 days shall not apply.

(3) Loan amount.--

(A) In general.--The amount of a loan made under paragraph

(1) shall be equal to 100 percent of the amount required to repair, rehabilitate, or replace property, real or personal, of the eligible entity that--

(i) was damaged or destroyed during the covered period as a result of the civil unrest described in subsection

(a)(3)(B)(i); and

(ii) is not compensated for by--

(I) insurance;

(II) a grant from a State or local government; or

(III) any other means.

(B) Deduction of advance amount.--The amount of any advance received by an eligible entity under subsection (c) shall be deducted from the loan amount for the eligible entity under subparagraph (A).

(4) Terms; credit elsewhere.--

(A) In general.--With respect to a loan made to an eligible entity under paragraph (1)--

(i) the Administrator shall waive--

(I) any rules related the personal guarantee on loans of not more than $200,000 during the covered period for all applicants; and

(II) any requirement that an applicant needs to be in business for the 1-year period before the civil unrest described in subsection (a)(3)(B)(i), except that no waiver may be made for an eligible entity that was not in operation on January 31, 2020;

(ii) the eligible entity shall not be required to show that the eligible entity is unable to obtain credit elsewhere; and

(iii) no collateral shall be required for the loan.

(B) Repayment.--Any payments on a loan made to an eligible entity under paragraph (1) are deferred until June 30, 2022, and interest shall not begin to accrue until such date.

(5) Application.--

(A) In general.--Not later than 7 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall begin to accept applications for a loan under paragraph (1).

(B) Deadline.--An eligible entity desiring a loan under this subsection shall submit to the Administrator an application not later than December 31, 2020.

(C) Approval and ability to repay.--With respect to an applicant for a loan made under paragraph (1), the Administrator may--

(i) approve the applicant based on the credit score or personal guarantee of the applicant; or

(ii) use alternative appropriate methods to determine the applicant's ability to repay.

(6) Use of funds.--A recipient of a loan made under paragraph (1) shall use the loan proceeds to repair, rehabilitate, or replace property, real or personal, damaged or destroyed during the covered period as a result of the civil unrest described in subsection (a)(3)(B)(i), provided that such damage or destruction is not compensated for by insurance, a grant from a State or local government, or otherwise.

(7) Loan forgiveness.--

(A) In general.--An eligible entity that received a loan made under paragraph (1), or an eligible entity that received a loan under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1)) before the date of enactment of this Act related to the civil unrest described in subsection

(a)(3)(B)(i), shall be eligible for forgiveness of indebtedness equal to 75 percent of the loan amount if the eligible entity--

(i) submits to the Administrator documentation of sales for 2019 and 2020 and tax returns for 2019 and 2020; and

(ii) the eligible entity is in operation as of December 31, 2021.

(B) Amounts not forgiven.--Any remaining amount of a loan described in subparagraph (A) that is not forgiven under this paragraph as of December 31, 2021 shall--

(i) be considered a loan made under section 7(b)(1) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(b)(1));

(ii) bear an interest rate of 3.75 percent; and

(iii) have a 30-year term.

(8) Duplication.--An eligible entity that received a loan under subsection (a)(36) or (b)(2) of section 7 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636) before the date of enactment of this Act shall be eligible for a loan under paragraph (1) if the proceeds of the loan made under such subsection (a)(36) or (b)(2) are not used for the same expenses as the loan under paragraph (1).

(c) Emergency Grant.--

(1) In general.--An eligible entity that applies for a loan under subsection (b)(1) may request that the Administrator provide an advance, subject to paragraph (3), to the eligible entity not later than 10 days after the date on which the Administrator receives an application from the eligible entity.

(2) Verification.--Before disbursing amounts under this subsection, the Administrator shall verify that the applicant is an eligible entity by accepting a self-certification from the applicant under penalty of perjury pursuant to section 1746 of title 28, United States Code.

(3) Amount.--The amount of an advance provided to an eligible entity under this subsection shall be the lesser of--

(A) 20 percent of the amount requested by the eligible entity; or

(B) $10,000.

(4) Use of funds.--An advance received under this subsection shall only be used for the allowable uses for a loan under subsection (b)(1).

(5) Repayment.--

(A) In general.--Except as provided under subparagraph (B), an eligible entity that receives an advance under this subsection shall not be required to repay any amounts of the advance.

(B) Return of advance.--If an applicant for a loan under subsection (b)(1) is later determined to be ineligible for the loan because the applicant does not meet the requirements to be an eligible entity described in subsection (a)(3), the applicant shall return to the Administrator any advance amount provided under this subsection--

(i) not later than 90 days after receiving notice of the determination of ineligibility; or

(ii) if the Administrator determines that the applicant submitted the application in bad faith, not later than 30 days after receiving notice of that determination, plus interest in an amount equal to 4.75 percent of the advance.

(d) Resources and Services in Languages Other Than English.--The Administrator shall provide the resources and services made available by the Administration relating to the loans and grants available under this section to eligible entities in the 10 most commonly spoken languages, other than English, in the United States, which shall include Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, and Korean.

(e) Regulations.--The Administrator shall issue guidance and rules to carry out this section.

(f) Direct Appropriation.--

(1) In general.--There is appropriated, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, for an additional amount for

``Small Business Administration--HEAL Act'', $80,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, for carrying out this section.

(2) Emergency designation.--

(A) In general.--The amounts provided under this subsection are designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4(g) of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (2 U.S.C. 933(g)).

(B) Designation in senate.--In the Senate, this subsection is designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4112(a) of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.


SA 2571. Mr. JOHNSON submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Appropriations.--

(1) In general.--The matter under the heading ``Independent Agencies--Pandemic Response Accountability Committee'' in title V of division B of the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136) is amended by striking ``funds provided in'' and inserting

``covered funds as provided in section 15010 of''.

(2) Emergency designation.--The amounts repurposed in the matter under the heading

``Independent Agencies--Pandemic Response Accountability Committee'' in title V of division B of the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136), as amended by paragraph (1), that were previously designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 are designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

(b) Definition of Covered Funds.--Section 15010(a)(6) of division B of the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136) is amended--

(1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``this Act'' and inserting ``divisions A and B of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (Public Law 116-136)'';

(2) in subparagraph (C), by striking ``or'' at the end; and

(3) by striking subparagraph (D) and inserting the following:

``(D) the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Enhancement Act (Public Law 116-139); or

``(E) the Coronavirus Relief Fair Unemployment Compensation Act of 2020; and''.

(c) Appointment of Chairperson.--Section 15010(c) of division B of the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136) is amended--

(1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``and (D)'' and inserting

``(D), and (E)''; and

(2) in paragraph (2)(E), by inserting ``of the Council'' after ``Chairperson''.


SA 2572. Mr. DAINES submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Establishment.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a fund, to be known as the ``Trail Stewardship for Economic Recovery Fund'' (referred to in this section as the ``Fund'').

(b) Deposit Into the Fund.--On the date of enactment of this Act, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise obligated, the Secretary of the Treasury shall deposit into the Fund $200,000,000, to remain available until expended and without further appropriation or fiscal year limitation, to carry out the purposes described in subsection (c).

(c) Use of Fund.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary of Agriculture, acting through the Chief of the Forest Service (referred to in this section as the ``Secretary''), shall use amounts in the Fund to enter into cooperative agreements or contracts with an outfitter or guide to complete, on National Forest System land--

(A) trail maintenance projects; and

(B) additional invasive plant and noxious weed prevention and control projects.

(2) Preference.--In entering into cooperative agreements or contracts under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall--

(A) give preference to projects described in subparagraphs

(A) and (B) of paragraph (1) that can be performed in an area that the Secretary has selected as a priority area under section 5 of the National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act (16 U.S.C. 583k-3); and

(B) expedite projects with the goal of initiating the majority of the projects not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act.

(3) Contracts and agreements.--A cooperative agreement or contract that is entered into under paragraph (1)--

(A) shall not be subject to any requirement relating to the procurement of matching funds under any other provision of law; and

(B) may contain such terms and conditions as the Secretary requires.

(d) Submission of List of Projects to Congress.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter for each fiscal year for which amounts made available under subsection (b) are expended, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives a list of projects described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (c)(1) that--

(1) meet the criteria described in this section; and

(2) have been, or are expected to be, funded from amounts made available under subsection (b).


SA 2573. Mr. GRASSLEY submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


Section 4018(e) of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9053) is amended--

(1) in paragraph (1)--

(A) by striking ``The Special'' and inserting the following:

``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), the Special''; and

(B) by adding at the end the following:

``(B) Additional authorities.--

``(i) In general.--Subject to clause (ii), the Special Inspector General may exercise any authority provided to the head of a temporary organization under section 3161 of title 5, United States Code, without regard to whether the Office of the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery qualifies as a temporary organization under subsection (a) of that section.

``(ii) Limitations.--With respect to the exercise of authority under subsection (b) of section 3161 of title 5, United States Code, as permitted under clause (i) of this subparagraph--

``(I) the Special Inspector General may not make any appointment under that subsection on or after the later of--

``(aa) the date that is 180 days after the date of enactment of this subparagraph; or

``(bb) the date that is 180 days after the date on which the Special Inspector General is confirmed by the Senate;

``(II) paragraph (2) of that subsection (relating to periods of appointments) shall not apply; and

``(III) no period of an appointment made under that subsection may extend after the date on which the Office of the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery terminates under subsection (h).''; and

(2) by adding at the end the following:

``(5) Reemployment of annuitants.--

``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), if an annuitant receiving an annuity from the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund becomes employed in a position in the Office of the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery--

``(i) the annuity of that annuitant shall continue; and

``(ii) that reemployed annuitant shall not be considered to be an employee for the purposes of chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code.

``(B) Limitations.--Subparagraph (A) shall apply to--

``(i) not more than 25 employees of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery at any particular time, as designated by the Special Inspector General; and

``(ii) pay periods beginning after the date of enactment of this paragraph.''.


SA 2574. Mr. CRAMER (for himself, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Perdue, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Moran, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Blunt, Mr. Boozman, Ms. McSally, Ms. Murkowski, Mr. Daines, Mrs. Loeffler, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Rounds, and Mr. Lankford) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


Section 1106 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9005) is amended--

(1) in subsection (e), in the matter preceding paragraph

(1), by striking ``An eligible'' and inserting ``Except as provided in subsection (m), an eligible'';

(2) in subsection (f), by inserting ``or the information required under subsection (m), as applicable'' after

``subsection (e)'';

(3) by striking subsection (h) and inserting the following:

``(h) Hold Harmless.--

``(1) In general.--A lender may rely on all certifications and documentation submitted by an applicant or eligible recipient pursuant to any requirement in statute regarding covered loans, or rules or guidance promulgated to carry out any action relating to covered loans, from an applicant or eligible recipient attesting that the applicant or eligible recipient has accurately verified all documentation provided to the lender.

``(2) No enforcement action.--With respect to a lender that relies on the certifications and documentation described in paragraph (1)--

``(A) no enforcement or other action may be taken against the lender relating to loan origination, forgiveness, or guarantee based on such reliance, including claims under--

``(i) the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 631 et seq.);

``(ii) sections 3729 through 3733 of title 31, United States Code (commonly known as the `False Claims Act');

``(iii) the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (Public Law 101-73);

``(iv) section 21 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1829b), chapter 2 of title I of Public Law 91-508 (12 U.S.C. 1951 et seq.), and subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31, United States Code (collectively known as the `Bank Secrecy Act'); or

``(v) any other Federal, State, or other criminal or civil law or regulation; and

``(B) the lender shall not be subject to any penalties relating to loan origination, forgiveness, or guarantee based on such reliance.''; and

(4) by adding at the end the following:

``(m) Forgiveness for Covered Loans Under $150,000.--

``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding subsection (e), with respect to a covered loan made to an eligible recipient that is not more than $150,000, the covered loan amount shall be forgiven under this section if the eligible recipient submits to the lender a one-page online or paper form, to be established by the Administrator not later than 7 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, that attests that the eligible recipient complied with the requirements under section 7(a)(36) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)).

``(2) Hold harmless.--With respect to a lender that relies on an attestation submitted by an eligible recipient under paragraph (1), no enforcement action may be taken against the lender for any falsehoods contained in the attestation.

``(3) Demographic information.--The online or paper form established by the Administrator under paragraph (1) shall include a means by which an eligible recipient may, at the discretion of the eligible recipient, submit demographic information of the owner of the eligible recipient, including the sex, race, ethnicity, and veteran status of the owner.

``(n) Enforcement Action Against Borrowers.--An eligible recipient of a covered loan may only be subject to an enforcement action or penalty relating to loan origination, forgiveness, or guarantee of the covered loan if the eligible recipient commits fraud or expends covered loan proceeds on expenses that are not allowable under section 7(a)(36)(F) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)(F)).''.


SA 2575. Mr. CRAMER submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) Short Title.--This section may be cited as the

``Keeping Critical Connections Act of 2020''.

(b) Definitions.--In this section--

(1) the term ``Commission'' means the Federal Communications Commission;

(2) the term ``covered program'' means a program established by a small business broadband provider under which the small business broadband provider, at any time during the COVID-19 emergency period, voluntarily--

(A) provides a customer with free or discounted broadband service, or free upgrades of existing service to meet certain capacity and speed needs, due specifically to the presence of a student in the household of the customer who needs distance learning capability; or

(B) refrains from disconnecting broadband service provided to an existing customer due to nonpayment or underpayment if the customer--

(i) has a household income, at the time of the nonpayment or underpayment, that does not exceed 135 percent of the Federal poverty guidelines (as determined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services);

(ii) is unable to make a full payment due specifically to the economic impact of the national emergency described in paragraph (3); and

(iii) provides sufficient documentation to the provider to show that the customer meets the criteria under clauses (i) and (ii);

(3) the term ``COVID-19 emergency period'' means the period during which the national emergency declaration by the President under the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is in effect; and

(4) the term ``small business broadband provider'' means a broadband provider that provides broadband service to fewer than 500,000 customers.

(c) Funding.--

(1) Appropriation.--Out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, there is appropriated to the Commission $2,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2020, to remain available until expended, to reimburse small business broadband providers for the costs of carrying out a covered program.

(2) Rules.--The Commission shall promulgate rules on an expedited basis, and without regard to section 553 of title 5, United States Code, regarding the provision of reimbursements to small business broadband providers under paragraph (1).


SA 2576. Mr. CRAMER submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end, add the following:


(a) In General.--In the case of an eligible employer, there shall be allowed as a credit against applicable employment taxes for each calendar quarter an amount equal to 50 percent of the qualified expenses paid or incurred by such employer during such calendar quarter.

(b) Limitations and Refundability.--

(1) Limitation.--The qualified fixed expenses which may be taken into account under subsection (a) by any eligible employer for any calendar quarter shall not exceed--

(A) in the case of any calendar quarter beginning in 2020,

$500,000, and

(B) in the case of any calendar quarter beginning after 2020, $250,000.

(2) Credit limited to certain employment taxes.--The credit allowed by subsection (a) with respect to any calendar quarter shall not exceed the applicable employment taxes for such calendar quarter (reduced by any credits allowed under subsections (e) and (f) of section 3111 of such Code, sections 7001 and 7003 of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, and section 2301 of the CARES Act, for such quarter) on the wages paid with respect to the employment of all the employees of the eligible employer for such calendar quarter.

(3) Refundability of excess credit.--

(A) In general.--If the amount of the credit under subsection (a) exceeds the limitation of paragraph (2) for any calendar quarter, such excess shall be treated as an overpayment that shall be refunded under sections 6402(a) and 6413(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(B) Treatment of payments.--For purposes of section 1324 of title 31, United States Code, any amounts due to an employer under this paragraph shall be treated in the same manner as a refund due from a credit provision referred to in subsection

(b)(2) of such section.

(c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--

(1) Applicable employment taxes.--The term ``applicable employment taxes'' means the following:

(A) The taxes imposed under section 3111(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(B) So much of the taxes imposed under section 3221(a) of such Code as are attributable to the rate in effect under section 3111(a) of such Code.

(2) Eligible employer.--

(A) In general.--The term ``eligible employer'' means any employer--

(i) which was carrying on a trade or business at any time during calendar quarter, and

(ii) which has not more than 2,000 full-time equivalent employees (within the meaning of section 45R(d)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) for the taxable year.

(B) Tax-exempt organizations.--In the case of an organization which is described in section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from tax under section 501(a) of such Code, subparagraph (A)(i) shall apply to all operations of such organization.

(3) Qualified expenses.--For purposes of this section--

(A) In general.--The term ``qualified expenses'' means any amount paid or incurred after February 1, 2020, for--

(i) qualified equipment and services for the purposes of preventing infection related to SARS-CoV-2, or

(ii) the reconfiguration of facilities for such purposes, or

(iii) qualified education and training of employees for new business procedures related to preventing COVID-19 transmission.

(B) Qualified equipment and services.--The term ``qualified equipment and services'' means--

(i) any product or material which--

(I) serves as personal protective equipment or as a barrier erected to prevent virus spread between customers and employees, including plexiglass installed at cashiers and other counters, and partitions to separate customers,

(II) is a disinfectant product registered by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency for which the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency has approved an emerging viral pathogen claim that applies with respect to use against SARS-CoV-2,

(III) is a thermometer, or

(IV) is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for testing for COVID-19 (including diagnosic testing and serology testing to detect antibodies) by the eligible employer, in conjunction with a certified diagnostics laboratory or health care provider,

(ii) any--

(I) contactless point-of-sale system,

(II) new software and technology to assist in maintaining social distancing,

(III) application for reporting employee symptom or providing wellness checks, and

(IV) property used to enable curbside pickup or delivery services,

(iii) hand sanitizer,

(iv) any sign related to public health awareness, social distancing, or altered services such as curbside pickups, and

(v) services for--

(I) cleaning and disinfecting, or

(II) testing for COVID-19 by a certified diagnostics laboratory, and

(vi) such other equipment or technology as determined by the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Agriculture, determines is necessary and appropriate for preventing COVID-19 and is recommended as part of the Federal government's recommendations for safe workplaces.Such term shall not include any equipment which is not for use in the United States or any service which is not conducted in the United States.

(C) Qualified education and training.--The term ``qualified education and training'' means education or training provided by an accredited training institution, an industry-recognized trade association, or another nonprofit entity.

(4) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary's delegate.

(d) Aggregation Rule.--All persons treated as a single employer under subsection (a) or (b) of section 52 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or subsection (m) or (o) of section 414 of such Code, shall be treated as one employer for purposes of this section.

(e) Denial of Double Benefit.--For purposes of chapter 1 of such Code, the gross income of any eligible employer, for the taxable year which includes the last day of any calendar quarter with respect to which a credit is allowed under this section, shall be increased by the amount of such credit.

(f) Election Not To Have Section Apply.--This section shall not apply with respect to any eligible employer for any calendar quarter if such employer elects (at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may prescribe) not to have this section apply.

(g) Transfers to Certain Trust Funds.--There are hereby appropriated to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund established under section 201 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401) and the Social Security Equivalent Benefit Account established under section 15A(a) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 (45 U.S.C. 231n-1(a)) amounts equal to the reduction in revenues to the Treasury by reason of this section (without regard to this subsection). Amounts appropriated by the preceding sentence shall be transferred from the general fund at such times and in such manner as to replicate to the extent possible the transfers which would have occurred to such Trust Fund or Account had this section not been enacted.

(h) Treatment of Deposits.--The Secretary shall waive any penalty under section 6656 of such Code for any failure to make a deposit of applicable employment taxes if the Secretary determines that such failure was due to the anticipation of the credit allowed under this section.

(i) Regulations and Guidance.--The Secretary shall issue such forms, instructions, regulations, and guidance as are necessary--

(1) to allow the advance payment of the credit under subsection (a), subject to the limitations provided in this section, based on such information as the Secretary shall require,

(2) to provide for the reconciliation of such advance payment with the amount of the credit at the time of filing the return of tax for the applicable quarter or taxable year,

(3) with respect to the application of the credit under subsection (a) to third-party payors (including professional employer organizations, certified professional employer organizations, or agents under section 3504 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986), including regulations or guidance allowing such payors to submit documentation necessary to substantiate the eligible employer status of employers that use such payors,

(4) for recapturing the benefit of credits determined under this section in cases where there is a subsequent adjustment to the credit determined under subsection (a), and

(5) for providing the benefit of the credit under subsection (a) to taxpayers who have already filed returns for calendar quarters ending before the date of the enactment of this Act.

(j) Application of Section.--This section shall apply only to qualified fixed expenses paid or accrued in calendar quarters ending on or after February 1, 2020, and beginning before January 1, 2022.


SA 2577. Mr. BARRASSO submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Definitions.--In this section:

(1) Federal land.--The term ``Federal land'' means land owned by the Federal Government.

(2) Secretary concerned.--The term ``Secretary concerned'' means the Secretary of the department that administers the Federal land on which a project described in subsection (b) is carried out.

(b) Expedited Permitting Authority.--The Secretary concerned shall expedite the approval of permits for a project for the deployment of broadband infrastructure on highway or road rights-of-way, easements, or other licensed or permitted access points on Federal land, including by waiving any applicable requirements for the approval of those permits, as the Secretary concerned determines to be appropriate.

(c) Requirements.--

(1) Management.--The holder of a permit described in subsection (b) shall be responsible for the management and oversight of a project described in that subsection.

(2) Right-of-way.--A project described in subsection (b) shall be carried out in accordance with requirements of the applicable right-of-way, except that a reclamation bond shall not be required for the project.

(d) Termination of Authority.--The authority provided by this section shall terminate effective July 1, 2021.


SA 2578. Ms. ERNST submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:




(a) In General.--The Secretary of the military department concerned shall pay hazardous duty pay under this section to a member of a regular or reserve component of the Armed Forces who--

(1) performs duty in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19); and

(2) is entitled to basic pay under section 204 of title 37, United States Code, or compensation under section 206 of such title, for the performance of such duty.

(b) Regulations.--Hazardous duty pay shall be payable under this section in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Defense. Such regulations shall specify the duty in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 qualifying a member for payment of such pay under this section.

(c) Amount.--The amount of hazardous duty pay paid a member under this section shall be such amount per month, not less than $150 per month, as the Secretary of Defense shall specify in the regulations under subsection (b).

(d) Monthly Payment; No Proration.--

(1) Monthly payment.--Hazardous duty pay under this section shall be paid on a monthly basis.

(2) No proration.--Hazardous duty pay is payable to a member under this section for a month if the member performs any duty in that month qualifying the person for payment of such pay.

(e) Months for Which Payable.--Hazardous duty pay is payable under this section for qualifying duty performed in months occurring during the period--

(1) beginning on January 1, 2020; and

(2) ending on December 31, 2020.

(f) Construction With Other Pay.--Hazardous duty pay payable to a member under this section is in addition to the following:

(1) Any other pay and allowances to which the member is entitled by law.

(2) Any other hazardous duty pay to which the member is entitled under section 351 of title 37, United States Code

(or any other provision of law), for duty that also constitutes qualifying duty for payment of such pay under this section.

(g) Sense of Senate.--It is the sense of the Senate that the Secretary of Defense should also authorize hazardous duty pay for members of the Armed Forces not under orders specific to the response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 who provide--

(1) healthcare in a military medical treatment facility for individuals infected with the Coronavirus Disease 2019; or

(2) technical or administrative support for the provision of healthcare as described in paragraph (1).


SA 2579. Ms. ERNST submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Definition of Wet Market.--In this section, the term

``wet market'' means a marketplace--

(1) where fresh meat, fish, and live animals are bought, sold, and slaughtered; and

(2) that is not regulated under any standardized sanitary or health inspection processes that meet applicable standards required for similar establishments in the United States, as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture.

(b) Prohibition.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no Federal funds made available by any law may be used by the Federal Government, or any recipient of the Federal funds under a contract, grant, subgrant, or other assistance, to purchase from a wet market in China--

(1) a live cat, dog, or other animal;

(2) a carcass, any part, or any item containing any part of a cat, dog, or other animal; or

(3) any other animal product.


SA 2580. Ms. ERNST submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end, add the following:



(a) Termination of Designation of Income Tax Payments.--Section 6096 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(d) Termination.--This section shall not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2019.''.

(b) Termination of Fund and Account.--

(1) Termination of presidential election campaign fund.--

(A) In general.--Chapter 95 of subtitle H of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``The provisions of this chapter shall not apply with respect to any Presidential election (or any Presidential nominating convention) after the date of the enactment of this section, or to any candidate in such an election.''.

(B) Transfer of remaining funds.--Section 9006 of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(d) Transfer of Funds Remaining After Termination.--The Secretary shall transfer the amounts in the fund as of the date of the enactment of this subsection to the Department of Health and Human Services to be used to acquire unexpired personal protective equipment (including face masks) for the strategic national stockpile under section 319F-2 of the Public Health Service Act.''.

(2) Termination of account.--Chapter 96 of subtitle H of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any candidate with respect to any Presidential election after the date of the enactment of this section.''.

(c) Clerical Amendments.--

(1) The table of sections for chapter 95 of subtitle H of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Sec. 9013. Termination.''.

(2) The table of sections for chapter 96 of subtitle H of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Sec. 9043. Termination.''.


SA 2581. Ms. ERNST submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end, add the following:




(a) Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.--Section 2102 of the Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act (contained in subtitle A of title II of division A of the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136)) is amended--

(1) in subsection (a)(3)(B)--

(A) in clause (i), by striking ``or'' at the end;

(B) in clause (ii), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; or''; and

(C) by adding at the end the following new clause:

``(iii) an individual whose adjusted gross income is equal to or greater than $1,000,000.''; and

(2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(i) Prohibition on Assistance to Millionaires.--

``(1) Compliance.--Any application for assistance authorized under subsection (b) shall include a form or procedure for an individual applicant to certify that such individual is not prohibited from receiving such assistance pursuant to subsection (a)(3)(B)(iii).

``(2) Audits.--The certifications required by paragraph (1) shall be auditable by the Department of Labor or the Government Accountability Office.''.

(b) Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation.--Section 2104(b) of the Relief for Workers Affected by Coronavirus Act

(contained in subtitle A of title II of division A of the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136)), as amended by section 2(b)(1)(B), is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(4) Prohibition on compensation to millionaires.--

``(A) In general.--Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation shall not be payable to any individual whose adjusted gross income is equal to or greater than $1,000,000.

``(B) Compliance.--Any application for regular compensation shall include a form or procedure for an individual applicant to certify that such individual is not prohibited from receiving Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation pursuant to subparagraph (A).

``(C) Audits.--The certifications required by subparagraph

(B) shall be auditable by the Department of Labor or the Government Accountability Office.''.

(c) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section, or any amendment made by this section, may be construed to apply to regular compensation or extended compensation (as such terms are defined by section 205 of the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act (26 U.S.C. 3304 note)) to which an individual may be otherwise entitled.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to weeks of unemployment beginning on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2582. Ms. ERNST (for herself, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Blunt, Mr. Young, and Mr. Daines) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:

TITLE __--


Administration for Children and Families

back to work child care grants

For an additional amount for ``Back to Work Child Care Grants'', $10,000,000,000, to remain available through September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, which shall be for activities to carry out Back to Work Child Care Grants to qualified child care providers, for a transition period of not more than 9 months to assist in paying for fixed costs and increased operating expenses due to COVID-19, and to reenroll children in an environment that supports the health and safety of children and staff: Provided, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

Sec. __. (a) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to support the recovery of the United States economy by providing assistance to aid in reopening child care programs, and maintaining the availability of child care in the United States, so that parents can access safe child care and return to work.

(b) Definitions.--In this section:

(1) Covid-19 public health emergency.--The term ``COVID-19 public health emergency'' means the public health emergency declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d) on January 31, 2020, with respect to COVID-19, including any renewal of such declaration.

(2) Eligible child care provider.--The term ``eligible child care provider'' means--

(A) an eligible child care provider as defined in section 658P(6)(A) of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9858n(6)(A)); and

(B) a child care provider that--

(i) is license-exempt and operating legally in the State;

(ii) is not providing child care services to relatives; and

(iii) satisfies State and local requirements, including those referenced in section 658E(c)(2)(I) of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 ((42 U.S.C. 9858c)(c)(2)(I)).

(3) Indian tribe; tribal organization.--The terms ``Indian tribe'' and ``tribal organization'' have the meanings given the terms in section 658P of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9858n).

(4) Lead agency.--The term ``lead agency'' has the meaning given the term in section 658P of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9858n).

(5) Qualified child care provider.--The term ``qualified child care provider'' means an eligible child care provider with an application approved under subsection (g) for the program involved.

(6) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

(7) State.--The term ``State'' has the meaning given the term in section 658P of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9858n).

(c) Grants for Child Care Programs.--From the funds appropriated to carry out this section, the Secretary shall make Back to Work Child Care grants to States, Indian tribes, and tribal organizations, that submit notices of intent to provide assurances under subsection (d)(2). The grants shall provide for subgrants to qualified child care providers, for a transition period of not more than 9 months, to assist in paying for fixed costs and increased operating expenses due to COVID-19 and to reenroll children in an environment that supports the health and safety of children and staff.

(d) Process for Allocation of Funds.--

(1) Allocation.--Any funds that are appropriated to carry out this section shall be distributed by the Secretary to the Administration for Children and Families for distribution under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990

(42 U.S.C. 9857 et seq.) in accordance with subsection


(2) Notice.--Not later than 7 days after funds are appropriated to carry out this section, the Secretary shall provide to States, Indian tribes, and tribal organizations a notice of funding availability for Back to Work Child Care grants under subsection (c) from allotments and payments under subsection (e)(2). The Secretary shall issue a notice of the funding allocations for each State, Indian tribe, and tribal organization not later than 14 days after funds are appropriated to carry out this section.

(3) Notice of intent.--Not later than 14 days after issuance of a notice of funding allocations under paragraph

(1), a State, Indian tribe, or tribal organization that seeks such a grant shall submit to the Secretary a notice of intent to provide assurances for such grant. The notice of intent shall include a certification that the State, Indian tribe, or tribal organization will repay the grant funds if such State, Indian tribe, or tribal organization fails to provide assurances that meet the requirements of subsection (f) or to comply with such an assurance.

(4) Grants to lead agencies.--The Secretary may make grants under subsection (c) to the lead agency of each State, Indian tribe, or tribal organization, upon receipt of the notice of intent to provide assurances for such grant.

(5) Provision of assurances.--Not later than 15 days after receiving the grant, the State, Indian tribe, or tribal organization shall provide assurances that meet the requirements of subsection (f).

(e) Federal Reservation; Allotments and Payments.--

(1) Reservation.--The Secretary shall reserve not more than 1 percent of the amount appropriated to carry out this section to pay for the costs of the Federal administration of this section. The amount appropriated to carry out this section and reserved under this paragraph shall remain available through fiscal year 2021.

(2) Allotments and payments.--The Secretary shall use the remaining portion of such amount to make allotments and payments, to States, Indian tribes, and tribal organizations that submit a notice of intent under subsection (d)(3) to provide assurances, in accordance with paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a), and subsection (b), of section 658O of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9858m), for the grants described in subsection (c).

(f) Assurances.--A State, Indian tribe, or tribal organization that receives a grant under subsection (c) shall provide to the Secretary assurances that the lead agency will--

(1) require as a condition of subgrant funding under subsection (g) that each eligible child care provider applying for a subgrant from the lead agency--

(A) has been an eligible child care provider in continuous operation and serving children through a child care program immediately prior to March 1, 2020;

(B) agree to follow all applicable State, local, and tribal health and safety requirements and, if applicable, enhanced protocols for child care services and related to COVID-19 or another health or safety condition;

(C) agree to comply with the documentation and reporting requirements under subsection (h); and

(D) certify in good faith that the child care program of the provider will remain open for not less than 1 year after receiving such a subgrant, unless such program is closed due to extraordinary circumstances, including a state of emergency declared by the Governor or a major disaster or emergency declared by the President under section 401 or 501, respectively, of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5170, 5191);

(2) ensure eligible child care providers in urban, suburban, and rural areas can readily apply for and access funding under this section, which shall include the provision of technical assistance either directly or through resource and referral agencies or staffed family child care provider networks;

(3) ensure that subgrant funds are made available to eligible child care providers regardless of whether the eligible child care provider is providing services for which assistance is made available under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9857 et seq.) at the time of application for a subgrant;

(4) through at least December 31, 2020, continue to expend funds provided under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9857 et seq.) for the purpose of continuing payments and assistance to qualified child care providers on the basis of applicable reimbursements prior to March 2020;

(5) undertake a review of burdensome State, local, and tribal regulations and requirements that hinder the opening of new licensed child care programs to meet the needs of the working families in the State or tribal community, as applicable;

(6) make available to the public, which shall include, at a minimum, posting to an internet website of the lead agency--

(A) notice of funding availability through subgrants for qualified child care providers under this section; and

(B) the criteria for awarding subgrants for qualified child care providers, including the methodology the lead agency used to determine and disburse funds in accordance with subparagraphs (D) and (E) of subsection (g)(4); and

(7) ensure the maintenance of a delivery system of child care services throughout the State that provides for child care in a variety of settings, including the settings of family child care providers.

(g) Lead Agency Use of Funds.--

(1) In general.--A lead agency that receives a Back to Work Child Care grant under this section--

(A) shall use a portion that is not less than 94 percent of the grant funds to award subgrants to qualified child care providers as described in the lead agency's assurances pursuant to subsection (f);

(B) shall reserve not more than 6 percent of the funds to--

(i) use not less than 1 percent of the funds to provide technical assistance and support in applying for and accessing funding through such subgrants to eligible child care providers, including to rural providers, family child care providers, and providers with limited administrative capacity; and

(ii) use the remainder of the reserved funds to--

(I) administer subgrants to qualified child care providers under paragraph (4), which shall include monitoring the compliance of qualified child care providers with applicable State, local, and tribal health and safety requirements; and

(II) comply with the reporting and documentation requirements described in subsection (h); and

(C)(i) shall not make more than 1 subgrant under paragraph

(4) to a qualified child care provider, except as described in clause (ii); and

(ii) may make multiple subgrants to a qualified child care provider, if the lead agency makes each subgrant individually for 1 child care program operated by the provider and the funds from the multiple subgrants are not pooled for use for more than 1 of the programs.

(2) Role of third party.--The lead agency may designate a third party, such as a child care resource and referral agency, to carry out the responsibilities of the lead agency, and oversee the activities conducted by qualified child care providers under this subsection.

(3) Obligation and return of funds.--

(A) Obligation.--

(i) In general.--The lead agency shall obligate at least 50 percent of the grant funds in the portion described in paragraph (1)(A) for subgrants to qualified child care providers by the day that is 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act.

(ii) Waivers.--At the request of a State, Indian tribe, or tribal organization, and for good cause shown, the Secretary may waive the requirement under clause (i) for the State, Indian tribe, or tribal organization.

(B) Return of funds.--Not later than the date that is 12 months after a grant is awarded to a lead agency in accordance with this section, the lead agency shall return to the Secretary any of the grant funds that are not obligated by the lead agency by such date. The Secretary shall return any funds received under this subparagraph to the Treasury of the United States.

(4) Subgrants.--

(A) In general.--A lead agency that receives a grant under subsection (c) shall make subgrants to qualified child care providers to assist in paying for fixed costs and increased operating expenses, for a transition period of not more than 9 months, so that parents have a safe place for their children to receive child care as the parents return to the workplace.

(B) Use of funds.--A qualified child care provider may use subgrant funds for--

(i) sanitation and other costs associated with cleaning the facility, including deep cleaning in the case of an outbreak of COVID-19, of a child care program used to provide child care services;

(ii) recruiting, retaining, and compensating child care staff, including providing professional development to the staff related to child care services and applicable State, local, and tribal health and safety requirements and, if applicable, enhanced protocols for child care services and related to COVID-19 or another health or safety condition;

(iii) paying for fixed operating costs associated with providing child care services, including the costs of payroll, the continuation of existing (as of March 1, 2020) employee benefits, mortgage or rent, utilities, and insurance;

(iv) acquiring equipment and supplies (including personal protective equipment) necessary to provide child care services in a manner that is safe for children and staff in accordance with applicable State, local, and tribal health and safety requirements;

(v) replacing materials that are no longer safe to use as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency;

(vi) making facility changes and repairs to address enhanced protocols for child care services related to COVID-19 or another health or safety condition, to ensure children can safely occupy a child care facility;

(vii) purchasing or updating equipment and supplies to serve children during nontraditional hours;

(viii) adapting the child care program or curricula to accommodate children who have not had recent access to a child care setting;

(ix) carrying out any other activity related to the child care program of a qualified child care provider; and

(x) reimbursement of expenses incurred before the provider received a subgrant under this paragraph, if the use for which the expenses are incurred is described in any of clauses (i) though (ix) and is disclosed in the subgrant application for such subgrant.

(C) Subgrant application.--To be qualified to receive a subgrant under this paragraph, an eligible child care provider shall submit an application to the lead agency in such form and containing such information as the lead agency may reasonably require, including--

(i) a budget plan that includes--

(I) information describing how the eligible child care provider will use the subgrant funds to pay for fixed costs and increased operating expenses, including, as applicable, payroll, employee benefits, mortgage or rent, utilities, and insurance, described in subparagraph (B)(iii);

(II) data on current operating capacity, taking into account previous operating capacity for a period of time prior to the COVID-19 public health emergency, and updated group size limits and staff-to-child ratios;

(III) child care enrollment, attendance, and revenue projections based on current operating capacity and previous enrollment and revenue for the period described in subclause

(II); and

(IV) a demonstration of how the subgrant funds will assist in promoting the long-term viability of the eligible child care provider and how the eligible child care provider will sustain its operations after the cessation of funding under this section;

(ii) assurances that the eligible child care provider will--

(I) report to the lead agency, before every month for which the subgrant funds are to be received, data on current financial characteristics, including revenue, and data on current average enrollment and attendance;

(II) not artificially suppress revenue, enrollment, or attendance for the purposes of receiving subgrant funding;

(III) provide the necessary documentation under subsection

(h) to the lead agency, including providing documentation of expenditures of subgrant funds; and

(IV) implement all applicable State, local, and tribal health and safety requirements and, if applicable, enhanced protocols for child care services and related to COVID-19 or another health or safety condition; and

(iii) a certification in good faith that the child care program will remain open for not less than 1 year after receiving a subgrant under this paragraph, unless such program is closed due to extraordinary circumstances described in subsection (f)(1)(D).

(D) Subgrant disbursement.--In providing funds through a subgrant under this paragraph--

(i) the lead agency shall--

(I) disburse such subgrant funds to a qualified child care provider in installments made not less than once monthly;

(II) disburse a subgrant installment for a month after the qualified child care provider has provided, before that month, the enrollment, attendance, and revenue data required under subparagraph (C)(ii)(I) and, if applicable, current operating capacity data required under subparagraph

(C)(i)(II); and

(III) make subgrant installments to any qualified child care provider for a period of not more than 9 months; and

(ii) the lead agency may, notwithstanding subparagraph

(E)(i), disburse an initial subgrant installment to a provider in a greater amount than that subparagraph provides for, and adjust the succeeding installments, as applicable.

(E) Subgrant installment amount.--The lead agency--

(i) shall determine the amount of a subgrant installment under this paragraph by basing the amount on--

(I)(aa) at a minimum, the fixed costs associated with the provision of child care services by a qualified child care provider; and

(bb) at the election of the lead agency, an additional amount determined by the State, for the purposes of assisting qualified child care providers with, as applicable, increased operating costs and lost revenue, associated with the COVID-19 public health emergency; and

(II) any other methodology that the lead agency determines to be appropriate, and which is disclosed in reporting submitted by the lead agency under subsection (f)(6)(B);

(ii) shall ensure that, for any period for which subgrant funds are disbursed under this paragraph, no qualified child care provider receives a subgrant installment that when added to current revenue for that period exceeds the revenue for the corresponding period 1 year prior; and

(iii) may factor in decreased operating capacity due to updated group size limits and staff-to-child ratios, in determining subgrant installment amounts.

(F) Repayment of subgrant funds.--A qualified child care provider that receives a subgrant under this paragraph shall be required to repay the subgrant funds if the lead agency determines that the provider fails to provide the assurances described in subparagraph (C)(ii)(II), or to comply with such an assurance.

(5) Supplement not supplant.--Amounts made available to carry out this section shall be used to supplement and not supplant other Federal, State, tribal, and local public funds expended to provide child care services, including funds provided under the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9857 et seq.) and State and tribal child care programs.

(h) Documentation and Reporting Requirements.--

(1) Documentation.--A State, Indian tribe, or tribal organization receiving a grant under subsection (c) shall provide documentation of any State or tribal expenditures from grant funds received under subsection (c) in accordance with section 658K(b) of the Child Care Development Block Grant Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 9858i(b)), and to the independent entity described in that section.

(2) Reports.--

(A) Lead agency report.--A lead agency receiving a grant under subsection (c) shall, not later than 12 months after receiving such grant, submit a report to the Secretary that includes for the State or tribal community involved a description of the program of subgrants carried out to meet the objectives of this section, including--

(i) a description of how the lead agency determined--

(I) the criteria for awarding subgrants for qualified child care providers, including the methodology the lead agency used to determine and disburse funds in accordance with subparagraphs (D) and (E) of subsection (g)(4); and

(II) the types of providers that received priority for the subgrants, including considerations related to--

(aa) setting;

(bb) average monthly revenues, enrollment, and attendance, before and during the COVID-19 public health emergency and after the expiration of State, local, and tribal stay-at-home orders; and

(cc) geographically based child care service needs across the State or tribal community; and

(ii) the number of eligible child care providers in operation and serving children on March 1, 2020, and the average number of such providers for March 2020 and each of the 11 months following, disaggregated by age of children served, geography, region, center-based child care setting, and family child care setting;

(iii) the number of child care slots, in the capacity of a qualified child care provider given applicable group size limits and staff-to-child ratios, that were open for attendance of children on March 1, 2020, the average number of such slots for March 2020 and each of 11 months following, disaggregated by age of children served, geography, region, center-based child care setting, and family child care setting;

(iv)(I) the number of qualified child care providers that received a subgrant under subsection (g)(4), disaggregated by age of children served, geography, region, center-based child care setting, and family child care setting, and the average and range of the amounts of the subgrants awarded; and

(II) the percentage of all eligible child care providers that are qualified child care providers that received such a subgrant, disaggregated as described in subclause (I); and

(v) information concerning how qualified child care providers receiving subgrants under subsection (g)(4) used the subgrant funding received, disaggregated by the allowable uses of funds described in subsection (g)(4)(B).

(B) Report to congress.--Not later than 90 days after receiving the lead agency reports required under subparagraph

(A), the Secretary shall make publicly available and provide to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate and the Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives a report summarizing the findings of the lead agency reports.

(i) Exclusion From Income.--For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, gross income shall not include any amount received by a qualified child care provider under this section.

(j) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the activities under this section.


SA 2583. Ms. ERNST submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end, add the following:



This title may be cited as the ``Financial Relief Noting The Large Impact Of Our Nation's Essential Employees (FRNT LINE) Act''.


For purposes of this title:

(1) Covid-19 front-line employee.--The term ``COVID-19 front-line employee'' means an employee--

(A) whose principal place of employment during the COVID-19 emergency period is on the employer's premises or at a prescribed work place that is not home of the employee, and

(B) who--

(i) is identified as essential critical infrastructure workforce pursuant to the guidance issued on March 19, 2020, by Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security (including any revisions to such guidance made after such date),

(ii) performs restaurant and foodservice work, including carryout, drive-thru, or food delivery work, requiring physical interaction with individuals or food products, or

(iii) performs educational work, school nutrition work, and other work required to operate a school facility, including early childhood programs, preschool programs, elementary and secondary education, and higher education.

(2) COVID-19 emergency period.--The term ``COVID-19 emergency period'' means the period--

(A) beginning on April 1, 2020, and

(B) ending on the earlier of--

(i) the last day of the first month in which the emergency involving Federal primary responsibility determined to exist by the President under section 501(b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5191(b)) with respect to the Coronavirus Disease 2019

(COVID-19) is no longer in effect, or

(ii) December 31, 2020.

(3) Other terms.--Any term used in this title which is used in chapter 2 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall have the meaning given such term under such chapter.





(a) In General.--For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, gross income shall not include any wages received during the COVID-19 emergency period by an individual who is a COVID-19 front-line employee for employment as a COVID-19 front-line employee.

(b) Limitation.--The amount of wages excluded from gross income under subsection (a) for any month shall not exceed

$8,803.50 for any month during any part of which such COVID-19 front-line employee earned income as an essential critical infrastructure employee.

(c) Special Rule for Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Credit.--For purposes of sections 24 and 32 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, an taxpayer may elect to treat amounts excluded from gross income by reason of subsection (a) as earned income.

(d) Reporting.--Any employer that makes a payment described in subsection (a) during a calendar year shall include the amount of such payment as a separately stated item on any written statement required under section 6051 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.


(a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, with respect to remuneration received by a COVID-19 front-line employee for pay periods ending after the effective date of this Act and before the date described in section 2(3)(B), the rate of tax under 3101(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be 0 percent (including for purposes of determining the applicable percentage under sections 3201(a) and 3211(a) of such Code).

(b) Limitation.--

(1) In general.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to any COVID-19 front-line employee whose annual wages for the calendar year is expected to exceed $50,000.

(2) Guidance.--The Secretary shall prescribed regulations or other guidance for purposes of determining the amount of expected annual wages for nonsalaried employees, including for situations in which an employee expects annual wages in excess of the amount described in paragraph (1) from more than 1 employer.

(c) Employer Notification.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall notify employers of the payroll tax suspension period in any manner the Secretary deems appropriate.

(d) Transfers of Funds.--

(1) Transfers to federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund.--There are hereby appropriated to the Federal Old Age and Survivors Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund established under section 201 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401) amounts equal to the reduction in revenues to the Treasury by reason of the application of section 4. Amounts appropriated by the preceding sentence shall be transferred from the general fund at such times and in such manner as to replicate to the extent possible the transfers which would have occurred to such Trust Fund had such amendments not been enacted.

(2) Transfers to social security equivalent benefit account.--There are hereby appropriated to the Social Security Equivalent Benefit Account established under section 15A(a) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 (45 U.S.C. 231n-1(a)) amounts equal to the reduction in revenues to the Treasury by reason of the application of section 4. Amounts appropriated by the preceding sentence shall be transferred from the general fund at such times and in such manner as to replicate to the extent possible the transfers which would have occurred to such account had such amendments not been enacted.

(e) Coordination With Other Federal Laws.--For purposes of applying any provision of Federal law other than the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the rate of tax in effect under section 3101(a) of such Code shall be determined without regard to the reduction in such rate under this section.


SA 2584. Ms. ERNST (for herself and Mr. Young) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


Administration for Children and Families

payments to states for the child care and development block grant

For an additional amount for ``Payments to States for the Child Care and Development Block Grant'', $15,000,000,000, to remain available through September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, including for Federal administrative expenses, which shall be used to supplement, not supplant State, territory, and Tribal general revenue funds for child care assistance for low-income families within the United States (including territories) without regard to requirements in subparagraph (D) or (E) of section 658E(c)(3) or section 658G of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act: Provided, That funds provided under this heading in this Act may be used to provide continued payments and assistance to child care providers in the case of decreased enrollment or closures related to coronavirus, and to assure they are able to remain open or reopen as appropriate and applicable: Provided further, That States, territories, and Tribes are encouraged to place conditions on payments to child care providers that ensure that child care providers use a portion of funds received to continue to pay the salaries and wages of staff: Provided further, That the Secretary shall remind States that CCDBG State plans do not need to be amended prior to utilizing existing authorities in the CCDBG Act for the purposes provided herein: Provided further, That States, territories, and Tribes are authorized to use funds appropriated under this heading in this Act to provide child care assistance to health care sector employees, emergency responders, sanitation workers, and other workers deemed essential during the response to coronavirus by public officials, without regard to the income eligibility requirements of section 658P(4) of such Act: Provided further, That funds appropriated under this heading in this Act shall be available to eligible child care providers under section 658P(6) of the CCDBG Act, even if such providers were not receiving CCDBG assistance prior to the public health emergency as a result of the coronavirus and any renewal of such declaration pursuant to such section 319, for the purposes of cleaning and sanitation, and other activities necessary to maintain or resume the operation of programs: Provided further, That payments made under this heading in this Act may be obligated in this fiscal year or the succeeding 2 fiscal years: Provided further, That funds appropriated under this heading in this Act may be made available to restore amounts, either directly or through reimbursement, for obligations incurred to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, prior to the date of enactment of this Act: Provided further, That such amount is designated by Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.


SA 2585. Ms. ERNST (for herself and Mrs. Capito) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) In General.--Subpart A of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by inserting after section 25D the following new section:


``(a) Allowance of Credit.--In the case of an eligible caregiver, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to 30 percent of the qualified expenses paid by the taxpayer during the taxable year to the extent that such expenses exceed $2,000.

``(b) Limitation.--

``(1) In general.--The amount allowed as a credit under subsection (a) for the taxable year shall not exceed $3,000.

``(2) Adjustment for inflation.--In the case of any taxable year beginning after 2020, the dollar amount contained in paragraph (1) shall be increased by an amount equal to the product of--

``(A) such dollar amount, and

``(B) the medical care cost adjustment determined under section 213(d)(10)(B)(ii) for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, determined by substituting `2019' for

`1996' in subclause (II) thereof.If any increase determined under the preceding sentence is not a multiple of $50, such increase shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $50.

``(c) Eligible Caregiver.--For purposes of this section, the term `eligible caregiver' means an individual who, during the taxable year, pays or incurs qualified expenses in connection with providing care for a qualified care recipient.

``(d) Qualified Care Recipient.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--The term `qualified care recipient' means, with respect to any taxable year, any individual who--

``(A) is the spouse of the eligible caregiver, or any other person who bears a relationship to the eligible caregiver described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (H) of section 152(d)(2), and

``(B) has been certified, before the due date for filing the return of tax for the taxable year, by a licensed health care practitioner (as defined in section 7702B(c)(4)) as being an individual with long-term care needs described in paragraph (3) for a period--

``(i) which is at least 180 consecutive days, and

``(ii) a portion of which occurs within the taxable year.

``(2) Period for making certification.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1)(B), a certification shall not be treated as valid unless it is made within the 39\1/2\-month period ending on such due date (or such other period as the Secretary prescribes).

``(3) Individuals with long-term care needs.--An individual is described in this paragraph if the individual meets any of the following requirements:

``(A) The individual is at least 6 years of age and--

``(i) is unable to perform (without substantial assistance from another individual) at least 2 activities of daily living (as defined in section 7702B(c)(2)(B)) due to a loss of functional capacity, or

``(ii) requires substantial supervision to protect such individual from threats to health and safety due to severe cognitive impairment and is unable to perform, without reminding or cuing assistance, at least 1 activity of daily living (as so defined) or to the extent provided in regulations prescribed by the Secretary (in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services), is unable to engage in age appropriate activities.

``(B) The individual is at least 2 but not 6 years of age and is unable due to a loss of functional capacity to perform

(without substantial assistance from another individual) at least 2 of the following activities: eating, transferring, or mobility.

``(C) The individual is under 2 years of age and requires specific durable medical equipment by reason of a severe health condition or requires a skilled practitioner trained to address the individual's condition to be available if the individual's parents or guardians are absent.

``(e) Qualified Expenses.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (4), the term

`qualified expenses' means expenditures for goods, services, and supports that--

``(A) assist a qualified care recipient with accomplishing activities of daily living (as defined in section 7702B(c)(2)(B)) and instrumental activities of daily living

(as defined in section 1915(k)(6)(F) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396n(k)(6)(F))),

``(B) are provided solely for use by such qualified care recipient, and

``(C) are made after March 13, 2020 and before January 1, 2022.

``(2) Adjustment for other tax benefits.--The amount of qualified expenses otherwise taken into account under paragraph (1) with respect to an individual shall be reduced by the sum of any amounts paid for the benefit of such individual for the taxable year which are--

``(A) taken into account under section 21 or 213, or

``(B) excluded from gross income under section 129, 223(f), or 529A(c)(1)(B).

``(3) Goods, services, and supports.--For purposes of paragraph (1), goods, services, and supports (as defined by the Secretary) shall include--

``(A) human assistance, supervision, cuing and standby assistance,

``(B) assistive technologies and devices (including remote health monitoring),

``(C) environmental modifications (including home modifications),

``(D) health maintenance tasks (such as medication management),

``(E) information,

``(F) transportation of the qualified care recipient,

``(G) nonhealth items (such as incontinence supplies), and

``(H) coordination of and services for people who live in their own home, a residential setting, or a nursing facility, as well as the cost of care in these or other locations.

``(4) Qualified expenses for eligible caregivers.--For purposes of paragraph (1), the following shall be treated as qualified expenses if paid or incurred by an eligible caregiver:

``(A) Expenditures for respite care for a qualified care recipient.

``(B) Expenditures for counseling, support groups, or training relating to caring for a qualified care recipient.

``(C) Lost wages for unpaid time off due to caring for a qualified care recipient as verified by an employer.

``(D) Travel costs of the eligible caregiver related to caring for a qualified care recipient.

``(E) Expenditures for technologies, as determined by the Secretary, that assist an eligible caregiver in providing care for a qualified care recipient.

``(5) Human assistance.--The term `human assistance' includes the costs of a direct care worker.

``(6) Documentation.--An expense shall not be taken into account under this section unless the eligible caregiver substantiates such expense under such regulations or guidance as the Secretary shall provide.

``(7) Mileage rate.--For purposes of this section, the mileage rate for the use of a passenger automobile shall be the standard mileage rate used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for medical purposes. Such rate may be used in lieu of actual automobile-related travel expenses.

``(8) Coordination with able accounts.--Qualified expenses for a taxable year shall not include contributions to an ABLE account (as defined in section 529A).

``(f) Phase Out Based on Adjusted Gross Income.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--The amount of the credit allowable under subsection (a) shall be reduced (but not below zero) by $100 for each $1,000 (or fraction thereof) by which the taxpayer's modified adjusted gross income exceeds the threshold amount.

``(2) Modified adjusted gross income.--The term `modified adjusted gross income' means adjusted gross income increased by any amount excluded from gross income under section 911, 931, or 933.

``(3) Threshold amount.--The term `threshold amount' means--

``(A) $150,000 in the case of a joint return, and

``(B) $75,000 in any other case.

``(4) Indexing.--In the case of any taxable year beginning in a calendar year after 2020, each dollar amount contained in paragraph (3) shall be increased by an amount equal to the product of--

``(A) such dollar amount, and

``(B) the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section (1)(f)(3) for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, by substituting `calendar year 2019' for

`calendar year 2016' in subparagraph (A)(ii) thereof.

``(5) Rounding rule.--If any increase determined under paragraph (4) is not a multiple of $50, such increase shall be rounded to the next lowest multiple of $50.

``(g) Identification of Eligible Caregiver With Care Recipient (Qualified Care Recipient) Identification Requirement.--No credit shall be allowed under this section to a taxpayer with respect to any qualified care recipient unless the taxpayer includes the name and taxpayer identification number of such individual, and the identification number of the licensed health care practitioner certifying such individual, on the return of tax for the taxable year.''.

(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart A of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 25D the following new item:

``Sec. 25E. Family caregivers.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2019.


SA 2586. Mr. DAINES submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Pass-Through Requirement.--Subsection (b) of section 601 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 801) is amended--

(1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``Subject to paragraph

(2)'' and inserting ``Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3)''; and

(2) by adding at the end the following

``(3) Pass-through requirement.--Each State shall distribute 45 percent of the amount paid to the State under this section for fiscal year 2020 (after the application of paragraph (2)) upon receipt on a pass-through basis, and without requiring any application, to each unit of local government in the State that is not a large unit of local government that received a direct payment under this section in accordance with paragraph (2). The preceding distribution requirement shall not apply to the District of Columbia.''.

(b) Conforming Amendments.--Section 601 of such Act is further amended--

(1) in subsection (b)--

(A) in paragraphs (1) and (2), by inserting ``large'' before ``unit of local government'' each place it appears; and

(B) in paragraph (2)--

(i) in the paragraph heading, by inserting ``large'' before

``units''; and

(ii) by adding at the end the following: ``For purposes of this section, the term `large unit of local government' means a unit of local government, as defined in subsection (g)(2), with a population that exceeds 500,000.'';

(2) in subsection (c)(5)--

(A) in the paragraph heading, by inserting ``large'' before

``unit''; and

(B) by inserting ``large'' before ``unit of local government'' each place it appears;

(3) in subsection (e)--

(A) by inserting ``direct'' before ``payment''; and

(B) by inserting ``large'' before ``unit of local government'' each place it appears; and

(4) in subsection (g)(2)--

(A) in the paragraph heading, by striking ``Local'' and inserting ``Unit of local''; and

(B) by striking ``with a population that exceeds 500,000.''

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if included in the enactment of section 601 of the Social Security Act, as added by section 5001(a) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act

(Public Law 116-136).


SA 2587. Mr. WICKER submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) Short Title.--This section may be cited as the ``Real Economic Support That Acknowledges Unique Restaurant Assistance Needed To Survive Act of 2020'' or the

``RESTAURANTS Act of 2020''.

(b) Definitions.--In this section:

(1) Affiliated business.--The term ``affiliated business'' means a business in which an eligible entity has an equity or right to profit distributions of not less than 50 percent, or in which an eligible entity has the contractual authority to control the direction of the business, provided that such affiliation shall be determined as of any arrangements or agreements in existence as of March 13, 2020.

(2) Covered period.--The term ``covered period'' means the period beginning on February 15, 2020 and ending on December 31, 2020.

(3) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity''--

(A) means a restaurant, food stand, food truck, food cart, caterer, saloon, inn, tavern, bar, lounge, brewpub, tasting room, taproom, licensed facility or premise of a beverage alcohol producer where the public may taste, sample, or purchase products, or other similar place of business in which the public or patrons assemble for the primary purpose of being served food or drink;

(B) includes an entity described in subparagraph (A) that is located in an airport terminal; and

(C) does not include an entity described in subparagraph

(A) that--

(i) is part of a State or local government facility; or

(ii) as of March 13, 2020, owns or operates (together with any affiliated business) more than 20 locations, regardless of whether those locations do business under the same or multiple names.

(4) Fund.--The term ``Fund'' means the Restaurant Revitalization Fund established under subsection (c).

(5) Payroll costs.--The term ``payroll costs'' has the meaning given the term in section 7(a)(36)(A) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)(A)).

(6) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Treasury.

(c) Restaurant Revitalization Fund.--

(1) In general.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a fund to be known as the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

(2) Appropriations.--

(A) In general.--There is appropriated to the Fund, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,

$120,000,000,000, to remain available until December 31, 2020.

(B) Remainder to treasury.--Any amounts remaining in the Fund after December 31, 2020 shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury.

(3) Use of funds.--The Secretary shall use amounts in the Fund to make grants described in subsection (d).

(d) Restaurant Revitalization Grants.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary shall award grants to eligible entities in the order in which applications are received by the Secretary.

(2) Registration.--The Secretary shall register each grant awarded under this subsection using the employer identification number of the eligible entity.

(3) Application.--

(A) In general.--An eligible entity desiring a grant under this subsection shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require.

(B) Certification.--An eligible entity applying for a grant under this subsection shall make a good faith certification--

(i) that the uncertainty of current economic conditions makes necessary the grant request to support the ongoing operations of the eligible entity;

(ii) acknowledging that funds will be used to retain workers and maintain payroll or for other allowable expenses described in paragraph (5);

(iii) that the eligible entity does not have an application pending for a grant under subsection (a)(36) or (b)(2) of section 7 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636) for the same purpose and duplicative of amounts applied for or received under this subsection; and

(iv) that, during the covered period, the eligible entity has not received amounts under subsection (a)(36) or (b)(2) of section 7 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636) for the same purpose and duplicative of amounts applied for or received under this subsection.

(C) Hold harmless.--An eligible entity applying for a grant under this subsection shall not be ineligible for a grant if the eligible entity is able to document--

(i) an inability to rehire individuals who were employees of the eligible entity on February 15, 2020; and

(ii) an inability to hire similarly qualified employees for unfilled positions on or before December 31, 2020.

(4) Priority in awarding grants.--During the initial 14-day period in which the Secretary awards grants under this subsection, the Secretary shall--

(A) prioritize awarding grants to marginalized and underrepresented communities, with a focus on women, veteran, and minority-owned and operated eligible entities; and

(B) only award grants to eligible entities with annual revenues of less than $1,500,000.

(5) Grant amount.--

(A) Aggregate maximum amount.--The aggregate amount of grants made to an eligible entity and any affiliate businesses of the eligible entity under this subsection shall not exceed $10,000,000.

(B) Determination of grant amount.--

(i) In general.--The amount of a grant made to an eligible entity under this subsection shall be equal to the difference between--

(I) the sum of the revenues or estimated revenues of the eligible entity during each calendar quarter in 2020; and

(II) the sum of such revenues during the same calendar quarter in 2019, if such sum is greater than zero.

(ii) Verification.--An eligible entity shall submit to the Secretary such revenue verification documentation as the Secretary may require to determine the amount of a grant under clause (i).

(iii) Repayment.--Any amount of a grant made under this subsection to an eligible entity based on estimated revenues in a calendar quarter in 2020 that is above the actual revenues of the eligible entity during that calendar quarter shall be converted to a loan that has--

(I) an interest rate of 1 percent; and

(II) a maturity date of 10 years beginning on January 1, 2021.

(C) No duplication of benefits.--An eligible entity that received a loan under section 7(a)(36) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)) may not apply for or use grant amounts under this subsection for the same expenses for which the eligible entity received the loan.

(D) Limitation.--An eligible entity may not receive more than 1 grant under this subsection.

(6) Use of funds.--

(A) In general.--During the covered period, an eligible entity that receives a grant under this subsection may use the grant funds for the following expenses incurred as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic:

(i) Payroll costs.

(ii) Payments of principal or interest on any mortgage obligation.

(iii) Rent payments, including rent under a lease agreement.

(iv) Utilities.

(v) Maintenance expenses, including--

(I) construction to accommodate outdoor seating; and

(II) walls, floors, deck surfaces, furniture, fixtures, and equipment.

(vi) Supplies, including protective equipment and cleaning materials, as required by applicable public health departments.

(vii) Food and beverage expenses that are within the scope of the normal business practice of the eligible entity before the covered period.

(viii) Debt obligations to suppliers that were incurred before the covered period.

(ix) Operational expenses.

(x) Any other expenses that the Secretary determines to be essential to maintaining the eligible entity.

(B) Returning funds.--If an eligible entity that receives a grant under this subsection permanently ceases operations on or before December 31, 2020, the eligible entity shall return to the Treasury any funds that the eligible entity did not use for the allowable expenses under subparagraph (A).

(C) Conversion to loan.--Any grant amounts received by an eligible entity under this subsection that are unused after December 31, 2020 shall be immediately converted to a loan with--

(i) an interest rate of 1 percent; and

(ii) a maturity date of 10 years.

(7) Taxability.--For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986--

(A) the amount of a grant awarded to an eligible entity under this subsection shall be excluded from the gross income of the eligible entity;

(B) no deduction shall be denied or reduced, no tax attribute shall be reduced, and no basis increase shall be denied, by reason of the exclusion from gross income provided by subparagraph (A); and

(C) an eligible entity that receives a grant under this subsection shall not be eligible for the credit described in section 2301 of the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136).

(8) Regulations.--Not later than 15 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue regulations to carry out this subsection without regard to the notice and comment requirements under section 553 of title 5, United States Code.

(9) Appropriations for staffing and administrative expenses.--

(A) In general.--There is appropriated to the Secretary, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,

$200,000,000, to remain available until December 31, 2020, for staffing and administrative expenses related to administering grants awarded under this subsection.

(B) Set aside.--Of amounts appropriated under subparagraph

(A), $60,000,000 shall be allocated for outreach to traditionally marginalized and underrepresented communities, with a focus on women, veteran, and minority-owned and operated eligible entities, including the creation of a resource center targeted toward these communities.

(e) Emergency Designation.--

(1) In general.--The amounts provided by this section are designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4(g) of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (2 U.S.C. 933(g)).

(2) Designation in senate.--In the Senate, this section is designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4112(a) of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.


SA 2588. Mr. WICKER submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) Short Title.--This section may be cited as the ``Real Economic Support That Acknowledges Unique Restaurant Assistance Needed To Survive Act of 2020'' or the

``RESTAURANTS Act of 2020''.

(b) Definitions.--In this section:

(1) Affiliated business.--The term ``affiliated business'' means a business in which an eligible entity has an equity or right to profit distributions of not less than 50 percent, or in which an eligible entity has the contractual authority to control the direction of the business, provided that such affiliation shall be determined as of any arrangements or agreements in existence as of March 13, 2020.

(2) Covered period.--The term ``covered period'' means the period beginning on February 15, 2020 and ending on December 31, 2020.

(3) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity''--

(A) means a restaurant, food stand, food truck, food cart, caterer, saloon, inn, tavern, bar, lounge, brewpub, tasting room, taproom, licensed facility or premise of a beverage alcohol producer where the public may taste, sample, or purchase products, or other similar place of business in which the public or patrons assemble for the primary purpose of being served food or drink;

(B) includes an entity described in subparagraph (A) that is located in an airport terminal; and

(C) does not include an entity described in subparagraph

(A) that--

(i) is part of a State or local government facility; or

(ii) as of March 13, 2020, owns or operates (together with any affiliated business) more than 20 locations, regardless of whether those locations do business under the same or multiple names.

(4) Fund.--The term ``Fund'' means the Restaurant Revitalization Fund established under subsection (c).

(5) Payroll costs.--The term ``payroll costs'' has the meaning given the term in section 7(a)(36)(A) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)(A)).

(6) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Treasury.

(c) Restaurant Revitalization Fund.--

(1) In general.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a fund to be known as the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.

(2) Appropriations.--

(A) In general.--There is appropriated to the Fund, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,

$120,000,000,000, to remain available until December 31, 2020.

(B) Remainder to treasury.--Any amounts remaining in the Fund after December 31, 2020 shall be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury.

(3) Use of funds.--The Secretary shall use amounts in the Fund to make grants described in subsection (d).

(d) Restaurant Revitalization Grants.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary shall award grants to eligible entities in the order in which applications are received by the Secretary.

(2) Registration.--The Secretary shall register each grant awarded under this subsection using the employer identification number of the eligible entity.

(3) Application.--

(A) In general.--An eligible entity desiring a grant under this subsection shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require.

(B) Certification.--An eligible entity applying for a grant under this subsection shall make a good faith certification--

(i) that the uncertainty of current economic conditions makes necessary the grant request to support the ongoing operations of the eligible entity;

(ii) acknowledging that funds will be used to retain workers and maintain payroll or for other allowable expenses described in paragraph (5);

(iii) that the eligible entity does not have an application pending for a grant under subsection (a)(36) or (b)(2) of section 7 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636) for the same purpose and duplicative of amounts applied for or received under this subsection; and

(iv) that, during the covered period, the eligible entity has not received amounts under subsection (a)(36) or (b)(2) of section 7 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636) for the same purpose and duplicative of amounts applied for or received under this subsection.

(C) Hold harmless.--An eligible entity applying for a grant under this subsection shall not be ineligible for a grant if the eligible entity is able to document--

(i) an inability to rehire individuals who were employees of the eligible entity on February 15, 2020; and

(ii) an inability to hire similarly qualified employees for unfilled positions on or before December 31, 2020.

(4) Priority in awarding grants.--During the initial 14-day period in which the Secretary awards grants under this subsection, the Secretary shall--

(A) prioritize awarding grants to marginalized and underrepresented communities, with a focus on women, veteran, and minority-owned and operated eligible entities; and

(B) only award grants to eligible entities with annual revenues of less than $1,500,000.

(5) Grant amount.--

(A) Aggregate maximum amount.--The aggregate amount of grants made to an eligible entity and any affiliate businesses of the eligible entity under this subsection shall not exceed $10,000,000.

(B) Determination of grant amount.--

(i) In general.--The amount of a grant made to an eligible entity under this subsection shall be equal to the difference between--

(I) the sum of the revenues or estimated revenues of the eligible entity during each calendar quarter in 2020; and

(II) the sum of such revenues during the same calendar quarter in 2019, if such sum is greater than zero.

(ii) Verification.--An eligible entity shall submit to the Secretary such revenue verification documentation as the Secretary may require to determine the amount of a grant under clause (i).

(iii) Repayment.--Any amount of a grant made under this subsection to an eligible entity based on estimated revenues in a calendar quarter in 2020 that is above the actual revenues of the eligible entity during that calendar quarter shall be converted to a loan that has--

(I) an interest rate of 1 percent; and

(II) a maturity date of 10 years beginning on January 1, 2021.

(C) No duplication of benefits.--An eligible entity that received a loan under section 7(a)(36) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)) may not apply for or use grant amounts under this subsection for the same expenses for which the eligible entity received the loan.

(D) Limitation.--An eligible entity may not receive more than 1 grant under this subsection.

(6) Use of funds.--

(A) In general.--During the covered period, an eligible entity that receives a grant under this subsection may use the grant funds for the following expenses incurred as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic:

(i) Payroll costs.

(ii) Payments of principal or interest on any mortgage obligation.

(iii) Rent payments, including rent under a lease agreement.

(iv) Utilities.

(v) Maintenance expenses, including--

(I) construction to accommodate outdoor seating; and

(II) walls, floors, deck surfaces, furniture, fixtures, and equipment.

(vi) Supplies, including protective equipment and cleaning materials, as required by applicable public health departments.

(vii) Food and beverage expenses that are within the scope of the normal business practice of the eligible entity before the covered period.

(viii) Debt obligations to suppliers that were incurred before the covered period.

(ix) Operational expenses.

(x) Any other expenses that the Secretary determines to be essential to maintaining the eligible entity.

(B) Returning funds.--If an eligible entity that receives a grant under this subsection permanently ceases operations on or before December 31, 2020, the eligible entity shall return to the Treasury any funds that the eligible entity did not use for the allowable expenses under subparagraph (A).

(C) Conversion to loan.--Any grant amounts received by an eligible entity under this subsection that are unused after December 31, 2020 shall be immediately converted to a loan with--

(i) an interest rate of 1 percent; and

(ii) a maturity date of 10 years.

(7) Taxability.--For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986--

(A) the amount of a grant awarded to an eligible entity under this subsection shall be excluded from the gross income of the eligible entity;

(B) no deduction shall be denied or reduced, no tax attribute shall be reduced, and no basis increase shall be denied, by reason of the exclusion from gross income provided by subparagraph (A); and

(C) an eligible entity that receives a grant under this subsection shall not be eligible for the credit described in section 2301 of the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136).

(8) Regulations.--Not later than 15 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall issue regulations to carry out this subsection without regard to the notice and comment requirements under section 553 of title 5, United States Code.

(9) Appropriations for staffing and administrative expenses.--

(A) In general.--There is appropriated to the Secretary, out of amounts in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,

$200,000,000, to remain available until December 31, 2020, for staffing and administrative expenses related to administering grants awarded under this subsection.

(B) Set aside.--Of amounts appropriated under subparagraph

(A), $60,000,000 shall be allocated for outreach to traditionally marginalized and underrepresented communities, with a focus on women, veteran, and minority-owned and operated eligible entities, including the creation of a resource center targeted toward these communities.

(e) Emergency Designation.--

(1) In general.--The amounts provided by this section are designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4(g) of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (2 U.S.C. 933(g)).

(2) Designation in senate.--In the Senate, this section is designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4112(a) of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.


SA 2589. Ms. ERNST submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Appropriations.--There is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to remain available until September 30, 2021, an additional amount for

``Department of Justice, State and Local Law Enforcement Activities, Office on Violence Against Women, Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs'',

$385,000,000, of which--

(1) $225,000,000 is for grants to combat violence against women, as authorized by part T of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10441 et seq.), provided that such amounts are used to allow for flexible funding for victim service providers;

(2) $40,000,000 is for transitional housing assistance grants for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault as authorized by section 40299 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994

(Public Law 103-322);

(3) $100,000,000 is for sexual assault victims assistance as authorized by section 41601 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-322);

(4) $10,000,000 is for grants for outreach and services to underserved populations as authorized by section 120 of the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-162); and

(5) $10,000,000 is for rural domestic violence and child abuse enforcement assistance grants, as authorized by section 40295 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-322).

(b) Emergency Designation.--

(1) In general.--The amounts provided under this section are designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 204(g) of the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (2 U.S.C. 933(g)).

(2) Designation in senate.--In the Senate, this section is designated as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 4112(a) of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018.


SA 2590. Mr. SCOTT of Florida submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law--

(1) with respect to remuneration received by a qualified employee during the payroll tax holiday period, the rate of tax under 3101(a) of such Code shall be 0 percent (including for purposes of determining the applicable percentage under sections 3201(a) and 3211(a)(1) of such Code),

(2) with respect to remuneration paid to a qualified employee during the payroll tax holiday period, the rate of tax under section 3111(a) of such Code shall be 0 percent

(including for purposes of determining the applicable percentage under section 3221(a) of such Code), and

(3) with respect to any portion of a taxable year which is in the payroll tax holiday period, the rate of tax under section 1401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be 0 percent.

(b) Qualified Employee.-- The term ``qualified employee'' means, with respect to remuneration received from or paid by an employer during the payroll tax holiday period, an employee who was employed by such employer on or before September 1, 2020.

(c) Payroll Tax Holiday Period.--The term ``payroll tax holiday period'' means the period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act and ending on December 31, 2020.

(d) Coordination With Delay of Payment of Employer Payroll Taxes.--Section 2302(d)(2) of the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136) is amended by striking ``January 1, 2021'' and inserting

``the date of the enactment of the Coronavirus Relief Fair Unemployment Compensation Act of 2020''.

(e) Employer Notification.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall notify employers of the payroll tax holiday period in any manner the Secretary deems appropriate.

(f) Transfers of Funds, etc.--

(1) Transfers to federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund.--There are hereby appropriated to the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund established under section 201 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401) and the Social Security Equivalent Benefit Account established under section 15A(a) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974 (45 U.S.C. 231n-1(a)) amounts equal to the reduction in revenues to the Treasury by reason of this section (without regard to this paragraph). Amounts appropriated by the preceding sentence shall be transferred from the general fund at such times and in such manner as to replicate to the extent possible the transfers which would have occurred to such Trust Fund or Account had this section not been enacted.

(2) Coordination with other federal laws.--For purposes of applying any provision of Federal law other than the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the rate of tax in effect under section 3101(a) of such Code shall be determined without regard to the reduction in such rate under this section.


SA 2591. Mr. SCOTT of Florida submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) In General.--Section 168(k) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended--

(1) in paragraph (2)--

(A) in subparagraph (A)--

(i) in clause (i)(I), by striking ``20 years'' and inserting ``40 years'', and

(ii) in clause (iii), by striking ``January 1, 2027'' and inserting ``January 1, 2029'',

(B) in subparagraph (B)--

(i) in clause (i)--

(I) in subclause (II), by striking ``January 1, 2028'' and inserting ``January 1, 2030'', and

(II) in subclause (III), by striking ``January 1, 2027'' and inserting ``January 1, 2029'', and

(ii) in clause (ii)--

(I) in the heading, by striking ``2027'' and inserting

``2029'', and

(II) by striking ``January 1, 2027'' and inserting

``January 1, 2029'', and

(C) in subparagraph (E)(i), by striking ``January 1, 2027'' and inserting ``January 1, 2029'',

(2) in paragraph (5)(A), by striking ``January 1, 2027'' and inserting ``January 1, 2029'', and

(3) in paragraph (6)--

(A) in subparagraph (A)--

(i) in clause (i), by striking ``January 1, 2023'' and inserting ``January 1, 2025'',

(ii) in clause (ii), by striking ``after December 31, 2022, and before January 1, 2024'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2024, and before January 1, 2026'',

(iii) in clause (iii), by striking ``after December 31, 2023, and before January 1, 2025'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2025, and before January 1, 2027'',

(iv) in clause (iv), by striking ``after December 31, 2024, and before January 1, 2026'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2026, and before January 1, 2028'', and

(v) in clause (v), by striking ``after December 31, 2025, and before January 1, 2027'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2027, and before January 1, 2029'',

(B) in subparagraph (B)--

(i) in clause (i), by striking ``January 1, 2024'' and inserting ``January 1, 2026'',

(ii) in clause (ii), by striking ``after December 31, 2023, and before January 1, 2025'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2025, and before January 1, 2027'',

(iii) in clause (iii), by striking ``after December 31, 2024, and before January 1, 2026'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2026, and before January 1, 2028'',

(iv) in clause (iv), by striking ``after December 31, 2025, and before January 1, 2027'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2027, and before January 1, 2029'', and

(v) in clause (v), by striking ``after December 31, 2026, and before January 1, 2028'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2028, and before January 1, 2030'', and

(C) in subparagraph (C)--

(i) in clause (i), by striking ``January 1, 2023'' and inserting ``January 1, 2025'',

(ii) in clause (ii), by striking ``after December 31, 2022, and before January 1, 2024'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2024, and before January 1, 2026'',

(iii) in clause (iii), by striking ``after December 31, 2023, and before January 1, 2025'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2025, and before January 1, 2027'',

(iv) in clause (iv), by striking ``after December 31, 2024, and before January 1, 2026'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2026, and before January 1, 2028'', and

(v) in clause (v), by striking ``after December 31, 2025, and before January 1, 2027'' and inserting ``after December 31, 2027, and before January 1, 2029''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to property placed in service after the date of enactment of this Act.


SA 2592. Mr. SCOTT of Florida submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Application to Corporations.--Section 1202(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``In the case of a taxpayer other than corporation, gross income'' and inserting ``Gross income''.

(b) Increase in Exclusion Limitation.--

(1) In general.--Section 1202(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``$10,000,000'' and inserting ``$20,000,000''.

(2) Conforming amendment.--Section 1202(b)(3)(A) of such Code is amended by striking ``substituting `$5,000,000' for

`$10,000,000' '' and inserting ``substituting `$10,000,000' for `$20,000,000' ''.

(c) Increase in Qualified Business Asset Limitations.--Section 1202(d)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``$50,000,000'' each place it appears in subparagraphs (A) and (B) and inserting ``$100,000,000''.

(d) Expansion of Permissible Trades or Businesses.--Section 1202(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended--

(1) by redesignating subparagraphs (A) through (E) as clauses (i) through (v), respectively and by moving such clauses 2 ems to the right, and

(2) by striking ``means any trade or business other than--

'' and inserting ``means--

``(A) in the case of stock acquired after the date of the enactment of the Coronavirus Relief Fair Unemployment Compensation Act of 2020, any trade or business, and

``(B) in the case of stock acquired on or before such date, any trade or business other than--''.

(e) Effective Date.--

(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the amendments made by this section shall apply to stock acquired after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Increase in exclusion limitation.--The amendments made by subsection (b) shall apply to dispositions of stock after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2593. Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Daines, and Mr. Moran) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 2499 proposed by Mr. McConnell to the bill S. 178, to condemn gross human rights violations of ethnic Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, and calling for an end to arbitrary detention, torture, and harassment of these communities inside and outside China; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) Findings.--Congress finds the following:

(1) By law, the Postal Service operates as ``a basic and fundamental service provided to the people by the Government of the United States'' and must serve rural, suburban, and urban areas throughout the United States.

(2) The Postal Service is a lifeline for businesses and consumers across the United States, especially those in remote and rural areas of the country, delivering business correspondence, educational, cultural and scientific information, critical prescriptions and medications, household items, and commercial goods with affordable, reliable service not fewer than 6 days per week.

(3) The Postal Service helps small businesses stay connected with their customers no matter where they are located or where their customers live.

(4) Since 1970, the Postal Service has been charged with operating as a self-sustaining entity and its operations are funded from postage paid for mail and shipping and not primarily by taxpayer funds.

(5) The Government Accountability Office reports that the Postal Service has lost approximately $78,000,000,000 from fiscal year 2007 through 2019 due primarily to declining mail volumes and rising costs.

(6) Package delivery volumes have more than doubled since 2010, but the Postal Service faces competition in this area.

(7) The Postal Service is not on a sustainable path and needs reform to be viable over the long term.

(8) Reforms must be focused on the long term solvency of the Postal Service while ensuring the greatest benefit to the public and 630,000 employees of the Postal Service.

(9) By law, the authority for operation and strategic direction of the Postal Service, an independent establishment of the executive branch, is delegated to the Board of Governors of the Postal Service, including the Postmaster General.

(10) On May 6, 2020, the Board of Governors of the Postal Service selected Louis DeJoy as the 75th Postmaster General of the United States.

(11) The new Postmaster General should be given the opportunity to review the operations and finances of the Postal Service and, in coordination with the rest of the Board of Governors of the Postal Service, propose a plan to ensure its long term viability.

(12) At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly contributed to the decline in market dominant mail volumes and revenues while increasing costs, putting additional stress on the financial situation of the Postal Service.

(13) Now more than ever, affordable mail and package delivery provided by the Postal Service is a lifeline for people in the United States, especially for seniors and others living in remote and rural areas.

(14) The critical services the Postal Service provides will play a fundamental part of the economic recovery of the United States.

(15) Congress should provide immediate emergency appropriations to cover financial losses to the Postal Service caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in order to keep the Postal Service operating without interruptions in service and to give the new Postmaster General and the Board of Governors of the Postal Service time to formulate and propose to Congress a plan to ensure the long term viability of the Postal Service.

(16) In addition, although Congress recognized the critical role the Postal Service plays by providing $10,000,000,000 in borrowing authority in the CARES Act (Public Law 116-136; 134 Stat. 281) to address operating losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, clarification is required with respect to the terms and conditions imposed by the Secretary of the Treasury on any such borrowing.

(b) Definitions.--In this section:

(1) COVID-19.--The term ``COVID-19'' means the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

(2) Postal service.--The term ``Postal Service'' means the United States Postal Service.

(c) Emergency Appropriations for the Postal Service to Cover COVID-19 Induced Losses.--

(1) In general.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a fund to be known as the Postal Service COVID-19 Emergency Fund.

(2) Appropriations.--There is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the Postal Service COVID-19 Emergency Fund, $25,000,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2022, pursuant to this subsection: Provided, That such amount is designated by Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 U.S.C. 901(b)(2)(A)(i)).

(3) Certification.--The Postal Service shall certify in its quarterly and audited annual reports to the Postal Regulatory Commission under section 3654 of title 39, United States Code, and in conformity with the requirements of section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m, 78o(d)), any expenditures necessary to cover lost revenue or operational expenses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Postal Service shall provide copies of these certified filings to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the House Committee on Oversight and Reform within 15 days of any filing with the Postal Regulatory Commission.

(4) Transfer.--Within 15 days of any filing with the Postal Regulatory Commission, as referenced in paragraph (3), the Secretary of the Treasury shall transfer from the Postal Service COVID-19 Emergency Fund to the Postal Service Fund such amounts, up to $25,000,000,000 certified as expenditures necessary to cover lost revenue or operational expenses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, pursuant to paragraph

(3). This transfer authority is in addition to any other transfer authority provided in this section. Any amounts transferred to the Postal Service Fund under this subsection may be used for such purposes as the Postal Service considers appropriate, pursuant to this subsection.

(5) Additional requirement.--The Postal Service, during the COVID-19 pandemic, shall prioritize the purchase of, and make available to all employees and facilities of the Postal Service, personal protective equipment, including gloves, masks, and sanitizers, and shall conduct additional cleaning and sanitizing of Postal Service facilities and delivery vehicles.

(d) Clarification of Postal Service Borrowing Authority.--Section 6001(b)(2) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (Public Law 116-136) is amended to read as follows:

``(2) the Secretary of the Treasury shall lend up to the amount described in paragraph (1) at the request of the Postal Service subject to the terms and conditions of the note purchase agreement between the Postal Service and the Federal Financing Bank in effect on September 29, 2018.''.

(e) Postal Service Reform Plan.--

(1) In general.--The Postmaster General shall, in coordination with the rest of the Board of Governors of the Postal Service, develop a plan to ensure the long-term solvency of the Postal Service.

(2) Submission to congress.--No later than 270 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Postal Service shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate, the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives, and the Postal Regulatory Commission the plan required under this subsection, including recommendations for congressional action.

(3) Congressional update.--Prior to submission of the plan required under paragraph (2) and not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Postal Service shall provide a briefing on the status of the plan to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives.


SA 2594. Mr. MORAN (for himself and Mr. Tester) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 785, to improve mental health care provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes; as follows:

Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the following:


(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act of 2019''.

(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.



Sec. 101. Strategic plan on expansion of health care coverage for veterans transitioning from service in the Armed Forces.

Sec. 102. Review of records of former members of the Armed Forces who die by suicide within one year of separation from the

Armed Forces.

Sec. 103. Report on REACH VET program of Department of Veterans


Sec. 104. Report on care for former members of the Armed Forces with other than honorable discharge.


Sec. 201. Financial assistance to certain entities to provide or coordinate the provision of suicide prevention services for eligible individuals and their families.

Sec. 202. Analysis on feasibility and advisability of the Department of

Veterans Affairs providing certain complementary and integrative health services.

Sec. 203. Pilot program to provide veterans access to complementary and integrative health programs through animal therapy, agritherapy, sports and recreation therapy, art therapy, and posttraumatic growth programs.

Sec. 204. Department of Veterans Affairs study of all-cause mortality of veterans, including by suicide, and review of staffing levels of mental health professionals.

Sec. 205. Comptroller General report on management by Department of

Veterans Affairs of veterans at high risk for suicide.


Sec. 301. Study on connection between living at high altitude and suicide risk factors among veterans.

Sec. 302. Establishment by Department of Veterans Affairs and

Department of Defense of a clinical provider treatment toolkit and accompanying training materials for comorbidities.

Sec. 303. Update of clinical practice guidelines for assessment and management of patients at risk for suicide.

Sec. 304. Establishment by Department of Veterans Affairs and

Department of Defense of clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of serious mental illness.

Sec. 305. Precision medicine initiative of Department of Veterans

Affairs to identify and validate brain and mental health biomarkers.

Sec. 306. Statistical analyses and data evaluation by Department of

Veterans Affairs.


Sec. 401. Study on effectiveness of suicide prevention and mental health outreach programs of Department of Veterans


Sec. 402. Oversight of mental health and suicide prevention media outreach conducted by Department of Veterans Affairs.

Sec. 403. Comptroller General management review of mental health and suicide prevention services of Department of Veterans


Sec. 404. Comptroller General report on efforts of Department of

Veterans Affairs to integrate mental health care into primary care clinics.

Sec. 405. Joint mental health programs by Department of Veterans

Affairs and Department of Defense.


Sec. 501. Staffing improvement plan for mental health providers of

Department of Veterans Affairs.

Sec. 502. Establishment of Department of Veterans Affairs Readjustment

Counseling Service Scholarship Program.

Sec. 503. Comptroller General report on Readjustment Counseling Service of Department of Veterans Affairs.

Sec. 504. Expansion of reporting requirements on Readjustment

Counseling Service of Department of Veterans Affairs.

Sec. 505. Briefing on alternative work schedules for employees of

Veterans Health Administration.

Sec. 506. Suicide prevention coordinators.

Sec. 507. Report on efforts by Department of Veterans Affairs to implement safety planning in emergency departments.


Sec. 601. Expansion of capabilities of Women Veterans Call Center to include text messaging.

Sec. 602. Requirement for Department of Veterans Affairs internet website to provide information on services available to women veterans.


Sec. 701. Expanded telehealth from Department of Veterans Affairs.

Sec. 702. Partnerships with non-Federal Government entities to provide hyperbaric oxygen therapy to veterans and studies on the use of such therapy for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. Sec. 703. Prescription of technical qualifications for licensed hearing aid specialists and requirement for appointment of such specialists.

Sec. 704. Use by Department of Veterans Affairs of commercial institutional review boards in sponsored research trials.

Sec. 705. Creation of Office of Research Reviews within the Office of

Information and Technology of the Department of Veterans







(a) Strategic Plan.--

(1) In general.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress and publish on a website of the Department of Veterans Affairs a strategic plan for the provision by the Department of health care to any veteran during the one-year period following the discharge or release of the veteran from active military, naval, or air service.

(2) Elements.--The plan submitted under paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) An identification of general goals and objectives for the provision of health care to veterans described in such paragraph.

(B) A description of how such goals and objectives are to be achieved, including--

(i) a description of the use of existing personnel, information, technology, facilities, public and private partnerships, and other resources of the Department of Veterans Affairs;

(ii) a description of the anticipated need for additional resources for the Department; and

(iii) an assessment of cost.

(C) An analysis of the anticipated health care needs, including mental health care, for such veterans, disaggregated by geographic area.

(D) An analysis of whether such veterans are eligible for enrollment in the system of annual patient enrollment of the Department under section 1705(a) of title 38, United States Code.

(E) A description of activities designed to promote the availability of health care from the Department for such veterans, including outreach to members of the Armed Forces though the Transition Assistance Program under sections 1142 and 1144 of title 10, United States Code.

(F) A description of legislative or administrative action required to carry out the plan.

(G) A description of how the plan would further the ongoing initiatives under Executive Order 13822 (83 Fed. Reg. 1513; relating to supporting our veterans during their transition from uniformed service to civilian life) to provide seamless access to high-quality mental health care and suicide prevention resources to veterans as they transition, with an emphasis on the one-year period following separation.

(b) Definitions.--In this section:

(1) Active military, naval, or air service.--The term

``active military, naval, or air service'' has the meaning given that term in section 101(24) of title 38, United States Code.

(2) Appropriate committees of congress.--The term

``appropriate committees of Congress'' means--

(A) the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and

(B) the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.




(a) Review.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall jointly review the records of each former member of the Armed Forces who died by suicide, as determined by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, within one year following the discharge or release of the former member from active military, naval, or air service during the five-year period preceding the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Records to be reviewed.--In completing the review required under paragraph (1), the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall review the following records maintained by the Department of Defense:

(A) Health treatment records.

(B) Fitness, medical, and dental records.

(C) Ancillary training records.

(D) Safety forms and additional duties sections of the personnel information files.

(b) Elements.--The review required by subsection (a) with respect to a former member of the Armed Forces shall include consideration of the following:

(1) Whether the Department of Defense had identified the former member as being at elevated risk during the 365-day period before separation of the member from the Armed Forces.

(2) In the case that the member was identified as being at elevated risk as described in paragraph (1), whether that identification had been communicated to the Department of Veterans Affairs via the Solid Start initiative of the Department pursuant to Executive Order 13822 (83 Fed. Reg. 1513; relating to supporting our veterans during their transition from uniformed service to civilian life), or any other means.

(3) The presence of evidence-based and empirically-supported contextual and individual risk factors specified in subsection (c) with respect to the former member and how those risk factors correlated to the circumstances of the death of the former member.

(4) Demographic variables, including the following:

(A) Sex.

(B) Age.

(C) Rank at separation from the Armed Forces.

(D) Career field after separation from the Armed Forces.

(E) State and county of residence one month prior to death.

(F) Branch of service in the Armed Forces.

(G) Marital status.

(H) Reason for separation from the Armed Forces.

(5) Support or medical services furnished to the former member through the Department of Defense, specified by the type of service or care provided.

(6) Support or medical services furnished to the former member through the Department of Veterans Affairs, specified by the type of service or care provided.

(c) Evidence-based and Empirically-supported Contextual and Individual Risk Factors.--Evidence-based and empirically-supported contextual and individual risk factors specified in this subsection include the following:

(1) Exposure to violence.

(2) Exposure to suicide.

(3) Housing instability.

(4) Financial instability.

(5) Vocational problems or insecurity.

(6) Legal problems.

(7) Highly acute or significantly chronic relational problems.

(8) Limited access to health care.

(d) Report.--Not later than three years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall jointly submit to the appropriate committees of Congress an aggregated report on the results of the review conducted under subsection (a) with respect to the year-one cohort of former members of the Armed Forces covered by the review.

(e) Definitions.--In this section:

(1) Active military, naval, or air service.--The term

``active military, naval, or air service'' has the meaning given that term in section 101(24) of title 38, United States Code.

(2) Appropriate committees of congress defined.--The term

``appropriate committees of Congress'' means--

(A) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate; and

(B) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives.



(a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the REACH VET program.

(b) Elements.--The report required by subsection (a) shall include the following:

(1) An assessment of the impact of the REACH VET program on rates of suicide among veterans.

(2) An assessment of how limits within the REACH VET program, such as caps on the number of veterans who may be flagged as high risk, are adjusted for differing rates of suicide across the country.

(3) A detailed explanation, with evidence, for why the conditions included in the model used by the REACH VET program were chosen, including an explanation as to why certain conditions, such as bipolar disorder II, were not included even though they show a similar rate of risk for suicide as other conditions that were included.

(4) An assessment of the feasibility of incorporating certain economic data held by the Veterans Benefits Administration into the model used by the REACH VET program, including financial data and employment status, which research indicates may have an impact on risk for suicide.

(c) REACH VET Program Defined.--In this section, the term

``REACH VET program'' means the Recovery Engagement and Coordination for Health--Veterans Enhanced Treatment program of the Department of Veterans Affairs.



Section 1720I(f) of title 38, United States Code, is amended--

(1) in paragraph (1) by striking ``Not less frequently than once'' and inserting ``Not later than February 15''; and

(2) in paragraph (2)--

(A) by redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph (F); and

(B) by inserting after subsection (B) the following new subparagraphs:

``(C) The types of mental or behavioral health care needs treated under this section.

``(D) The demographics of individuals being treated under this section, including--

``(i) age;

``(ii) era of service in the Armed Forces;

``(iii) branch of service in the Armed Forces; and

``(iv) geographic location.

``(E) The average number of visits for an individual for mental or behavioral health care under this section.''.






(a) Purpose; Designation.--

(1) Purpose.--The purpose of this section is to reduce veteran suicide through a community-based grant program to award grants to eligible entities to provide or coordinate suicide prevention services to eligible individuals and their families.

(2) Designation.--The grant program under this section shall be known as the ``Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program''.

(b) Financial Assistance and Coordination.--The Secretary shall provide financial assistance to eligible entities approved under this section through the award of grants to such entities to provide or coordinate the provision of services to eligible individuals and their families to reduce the risk of suicide. The Secretary shall carry out this section in coordination with the President's Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide Task Force and in consultation with the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention of the Department, to the extent practicable.

(c) Award of Grants.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary shall award a grant to each eligible entity for which the Secretary has approved an application under subsection (f) to provide or coordinate the provision of suicide prevention services under this section.

(2) Grant amounts, intervals of payment, and matching funds.--In accordance with the services being provided under a grant under this section and the duration of those services, the Secretary shall establish--

(A) a maximum amount to be awarded under the grant of not more than $750,000 per grantee per fiscal year; and

(B) intervals of payment for the administration of the grant.

(d) Distribution of Grants and Preference.--

(1) Distribution.--

(A) Priority.--In compliance with subparagraphs (B) and

(C), in determining how to distribute grants under this section, the Secretary may prioritize--

(i) rural communities;

(ii) Tribal lands;

(iii) territories of the United States;

(iv) medically underserved areas;

(v) areas with a high number or percentage of minority veterans or women veterans; and

(vi) areas with a high number or percentage of calls to the Veterans Crisis Line.

(B) Areas with need.--The Secretary shall ensure that, to the extent practicable, grants under this section are distributed--

(i) to provide services in areas of the United States that have experienced high rates of suicide by eligible individuals, including suicide attempts; and

(ii) to eligible entities that can assist eligible individuals at risk of suicide who are not currently receiving health care furnished by the Department.

(C) Geography.--In distributing grants under this paragraph, the Secretary may provide grants to eligible entities that furnish services to eligible individuals and their families in geographically dispersed areas.

(2) Preference.--The Secretary shall give preference to eligible entities that have demonstrated the ability to provide or coordinate suicide prevention services.

(e) Requirements for Receipt of Grants.--

(1) Notification that services are from department.--Each entity receiving a grant under this section to provide or coordinate suicide prevention services to eligible individuals and their families shall notify the recipients of such services that such services are being paid for, in whole or in part, by the Department.

(2) Development of plan with eligible individuals and their family.--Any plan developed with respect to the provision of suicide prevention services for an eligible individual or their family shall be developed in consultation with the eligible individual and their family.

(3) Coordination.--An entity receiving a grant under this section shall--

(A) coordinate with the Secretary with respect to the provision of clinical services to eligible individuals in accordance with subsection (n) or any other provisions of the law regarding the delivery of health care by the Secretary;

(B) inform every veteran who receives assistance under this section from the entity of the ability of the veteran to apply for enrollment in the patient enrollment system of the Department under section 1705(a) of title 38, United States Code; and

(C) if such a veteran wishes to so enroll, inform the veteran of a point of contact at the Department who can assist the veteran in such enrollment.

(4) Measurement and monitoring.--An entity receiving a grant under this section shall submit to the Secretary a description of such tools and assessments the entity uses or will use to determine the effectiveness of the services furnished by the entity, which shall include the measures developed under subsection (h)(2) and may include--

(A) the effect of the services furnished by the entity on the financial stability of the eligible individual;

(B) the effect of the services furnished by the entity on the mental health status, wellbeing, and suicide risk of the eligible individual; and

(C) the effect of the services furnished by the entity on the social support of the eligible individuals receiving those services.

(5) Reports.--The Secretary--

(A) shall require each entity receiving a grant under this section to submit to the Secretary an annual report that describes the projects carried out with such grant during the year covered by the report;

(B) shall specify to each such entity the evaluation criteria and data and information to be submitted in such report; and

(C) may require each such entity to submit to the Secretary such additional reports as the Secretary considers appropriate.

(f) Application for Grants.--

(1) In general.--An eligible entity seeking a grant under this section shall submit to the Secretary an application therefor in such form, in such manner, and containing such commitments and information as the Secretary considers necessary to carry out this section.

(2) Matters to be included.--Each application submitted by an eligible entity under paragraph (1) shall contain the following:

(A) A description of the suicide prevention services proposed to be provided by the eligible entity and the identified need for those services.

(B) A detailed plan describing how the eligible entity proposes to coordinate or deliver suicide prevention services to eligible individuals, including--

(i) an identification of the community partners, if any, with which the eligible entity proposes to work in delivering such services;

(ii) a description of the arrangements currently in place between the eligible entity and such partners with regard to the provision or coordination of suicide prevention services;

(iii) an identification of how long such arrangements have been in place;

(iv) a description of the suicide prevention services provided by such partners that the eligible entity shall coordinate, if any; and

(v) an identification of local suicide prevention coordinators of the Department and a description of how the eligible entity will communicate with local suicide prevention coordinators.

(C) A description of the population of eligible individuals and their families proposed to be provided suicide prevention services.

(D) Based on information and methods developed by the Secretary for purposes of this subsection, an estimate of the number of eligible individuals at risk of suicide and their families proposed to be provided suicide prevention services, including the percentage of those eligible individuals who are not currently receiving care furnished by the Department.

(E) Evidence of measurable outcomes related to reductions in suicide risk and mood-related symptoms utilizing validated instruments by the eligible entity (and the proposed partners of the entity, if any) in providing suicide prevention services to individuals at risk of suicide, particularly to eligible individuals and their families.

(F) A description of the managerial and technological capacity of the eligible entity--

(i) to coordinate the provision of suicide prevention services with the provision of other services;

(ii) to assess on an ongoing basis the needs of eligible individuals and their families for suicide prevention services;

(iii) to coordinate the provision of suicide prevention services with the services of the Department for which eligible individuals are also eligible;

(iv) to tailor suicide prevention services to the needs of eligible individuals and their families;

(v) to seek continuously new sources of assistance to ensure the continuity of suicide prevention services for eligible individuals and their families as long as they are determined to be at risk of suicide; and

(vi) to measure the effects of suicide prevention services provided by the eligible entity or partner organization, in accordance with subsection (h)(2), on the lives of eligible individuals and their families who receive such services provided by the organization using pre- and post-evaluations on validated measures of suicide risk and mood-related symptoms.

(G) Clearly defined objectives for the provision of suicide prevention services.

(H) A description and physical address of the primary location of the eligible entity.

(I) A description of the geographic area the eligible entity plans to serve during the grant award period for which the application applies.

(J) If the eligible entity is a State or local government or an Indian tribe, the amount of grant funds proposed to be made available to community partners, if any, through agreements.

(K) A description of how the eligible entity will assess the effectiveness of the provision of grants under this section.

(L) An agreement to use the measures and metrics provided by the Department for the purposes of measuring the effectiveness of the programming as described in subsection


(M) Such additional application criteria as the Secretary considers appropriate.

(g) Training and Technical Assistance.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary shall provide training and technical assistance, in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to eligible entities in receipt of grants under this section regarding--

(A) suicide risk identification and management;

(B) the data required to be collected and shared with the Department;

(C) the means of data collection and sharing;

(D) familiarization with and appropriate use of any tool to be used to measure the effectiveness of the use of the grants provided; and

(E) the requirements for reporting under subsection (e)(5) on services provided via such grants.

(2) Provision of training and technical assistance.--The Secretary may provide the training and technical assistance described in paragraph (1) directly or through grants or contracts with appropriate public or nonprofit entities.

(h) Administration of Grant Program.--

(1) Selection criteria.--The Secretary, in consultation with entities specified in paragraph (3), shall establish criteria for the selection of eligible entities that have submitted applications under subsection (f).

(2) Development of measures and metrics.--The Secretary shall develop, in consultation with entities specified in paragraph (3), the following:

(A) A framework for collecting and sharing information about entities in receipt of grants under this section for purposes of improving the services available for eligible individuals and their families, set forth by service type, locality, and eligibility criteria.

(B) The measures and metrics to be used by each entity in receipt of grants under this section to determine the effectiveness of the programming being provided by such entity in improving mental health status, wellbeing, and reducing suicide risk and completed suicides of eligible individuals and their families, which shall include an existing measurement tool or protocol for the grant recipient to utilize when determining programmatic effectiveness.

(3) Coordination.--In developing a plan for the design and implementation of the provision of grants under this section, including criteria for the award of grants, the Secretary shall consult with the following:

(A) Veterans service organizations.

(B) National organizations representing potential community partners of eligible entities in providing supportive services to address the needs of eligible individuals and their families, including national organizations that--

(i) advocate for the needs of individuals with or at risk of behavioral health conditions;

(ii) represent mayors;

(iii) represent unions;

(iv) represent first responders;

(v) represent chiefs of police and sheriffs;

(vi) represent governors;

(vii) represent a territory of the United States; or

(viii) represent a Tribal alliance.

(C) National organizations representing members of the Armed Forces.

(D) National organizations that represent counties.

(E) Organizations with which the Department has a current memorandum of agreement or understanding related to mental health or suicide prevention.

(F) State departments of veterans affairs.

(G) National organizations representing members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces.

(H) National organizations representing members of the Coast Guard.

(I) Organizations, including institutions of higher education, with experience in creating measurement tools for purposes of advising the Secretary on the most appropriate existing measurement tool or protocol for the Department to utilize.

(J) The National Alliance on Mental Illness.

(K) A labor organization (as such term is defined in section 7103(a)(4) of title 5, United States Code).

(L) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the President's Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End a National Tragedy of Suicide Task Force, and such other organizations as the Secretary considers appropriate.

(4) Report on grant criteria.--Not later than 30 days before notifying eligible entities of the availability of funding under this section, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report containing--

(A) criteria for the award of a grant under this section;

(B) the already developed measures and metrics to be used by the Department to measure the effectiveness of the use of grants provided under this section as described in subsection

(h)(2); and

(C) a framework for the sharing of information about entities in receipt of grants under this section.

(i) Information on Potential Eligible Individuals.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary may make available to recipients of grants under this section certain information regarding potential eligible individuals who may receive services for which such grant is provided.

(2) Information included.--The information made available under paragraph (1) with respect to potential eligible individuals may include the following:

(A) Confirmation of the status of a potential eligible individual as a veteran.

(B) Confirmation of whether the potential eligible individual is enrolled in the patient enrollment system of the Department under section 1705(a) of title 38, United States Code.

(C) Confirmation of whether a potential eligible individual is currently receiving care furnished by the Department or has recently received such care.

(3) Opt-out.--The Secretary shall allow an eligible individual to opt out of having their information shared under this subsection with recipients of grants under this section.

(j) Duration.--The authority of the Secretary to provide grants under this section shall terminate on the date that is three years after the date on which the first grant is awarded under this section.

(k) Reporting.--

(1) Interim report.--

(A) In general.--Not later than 18 months after the date on which the first grant is awarded under this section, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the provision of grants to eligible entities under this section.

(B) Elements.--The report submitted under subparagraph (A) shall include the following:

(i) An assessment of the effectiveness of the grant program under this section, including--

(I) the effectiveness of grant recipients and their community partners, if any, in conducting outreach to eligible individuals;

(II) the effectiveness of increasing eligible individuals engagement in suicide prevention services; and

(III) such other validated instruments and additional measures as determined by the Secretary and as described in subsection (h)(2).

(ii) A list of grant recipients and their partner organizations, if any, that delivered services funded by the grant and the amount of such grant received by each recipient and partner organization.

(iii) The number of eligible individuals supported by each grant recipient, including through services provided to family members, disaggregated by--

(I) all demographic characteristics as determined necessary and appropriate by the Secretary in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;

(II) whether each such eligible individual is enrolled in the patient enrollment system of the Department under section 1705(a) of title 38, United States Code;

(III) branch of service in the Armed Forces;

(IV) era of service in the Armed Forces;

(V) type of service received by the eligible individual; and

(VI) whether each such eligible individual was referred to the Department for care.

(iv) The number of eligible individuals supported by grants under this section, including through services provided to family members.

(v) The number of eligible individuals described in clause

(iv) who were not previously receiving care furnished by the Department, with specific numbers for the population of eligible individuals described in subsection (q)(4)(B).

(vi) The number of eligible individuals whose mental health status, wellbeing, and suicide risk received a baseline measurement assessment under this section and the number of such eligible individuals whose mental health status, wellbeing, and suicide risk will be measured by the Department or a community partner over a period of time for any improvements.

(vii) The types of data the Department was able to collect and share with partners, including a characterization of the benefits of that data.

(viii) The number and percentage of eligible individuals referred to the point of contact at the Department under subsection (e)(3)(C).

(ix) The number of eligible individuals newly enrolled in the patient enrollment system of the Department under section 1705(a) of title 38, United States Code based on a referral to the Department from a grant recipient under subsection

(e)(3)(C), disaggregated by grant recipient.

(x) A detailed account of how the grant funds were used, including executive compensation, overhead costs, and other indirect costs.

(xi) A description of any outreach activities conducted by the eligible entity in receipt of a grant with respect to services provided using the grant.

(xii) The number of individuals who seek services from the grant recipient who are not eligible individuals.

(C) Submittal of information by grant recipients.--The Secretary may require eligible entities receiving grants under this section to provide to Congress such information as the Secretary determines necessary regarding the elements described in subparagraph (B).

(2) Final report.--Not later than three years after the date on which the first grant is awarded under this section, and annually thereafter for each year in which the program is in effect, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress--

(A) a follow-up on the interim report submitted under paragraph (1) containing the elements set forth in subparagraph (B) of such paragraph; and

(B) a report on--

(i) the effectiveness of the provision of grants under this section, including the effectiveness of community partners in conducting outreach to eligible individuals and their families and reducing the rate of suicide among eligible individuals;

(ii) an assessment of the increased capacity of the Department to provide services to eligible individuals and their families, set forth by State, as a result of the provision of grants under this section;

(iii) the feasibility and advisability of extending or expanding the provision of grants consistent with this section; and

(iv) such other elements as considered appropriate by the Secretary.

(l) Third-party Assessment.--

(1) Study of grant program.--

(A) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the commencement of the grant program under this section, the Secretary shall seek to enter into a contract with an appropriate entity described in paragraph (3) to conduct a study of the grant program.

(B) Elements of study.--In conducting the study under subparagraph (A), the appropriate entity shall--

(i) evaluate the effectiveness of the grant program under this section in--

(I) addressing the factors that contribute to suicides;

(II) increasing the use of suicide prevention services;

(III) reducing mood-related symptoms that increase suicide and suicide risk; and

(IV) where such information is available due to the time frame of the grant program, reducing suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, self-harm, and deaths by suicide; and

(V) reducing suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, self-harm, and deaths by suicide among eligible individuals through eligible entities located in communities; and

(ii) compare the results of the grant program with other national programs in delivering resources to eligible individuals in the communities where they live that address the factors that contribute to suicide.

(2) Assessment.--

(A) In general.--The contract under paragraph (1) shall provide that not later than 24 months after the commencement of the grant program under this section, the appropriate entity shall submit to the Secretary an assessment based on the study conducted pursuant to such contract.

(B) Submittal to congress.--Upon receipt of the assessment under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall transmit to the appropriate committees of Congress a copy of the assessment.

(3) Appropriate entity.--An appropriate entity described in this paragraph is a nongovernment entity with experience optimizing and assessing organizations that deliver services and assessing the effectiveness of suicide prevention programs.

(m) Referral for Care.--

(1) Mental health assessment.--If an eligible entity in receipt of a grant under this section determines that an eligible individual is at-risk of suicide or other mental or behavioral health condition pursuant to a baseline mental health screening conducted under subsection (q)(11)(A)(ii) with respect to the individual, the entity shall refer the eligible individual to the Department for additional care under subsection (n) or any other provision of law.

(2) Emergency treatment.--If an eligible entity in receipt of a grant under this section determines that an eligible individual furnished clinical services for emergency treatment under subsection (q)(11)(A)(iv) requires ongoing services, the entity shall refer the eligible individual to the Department for additional care under subsection (n) or any other provision of law.

(3) Refusal.--If an eligible individual refuses a referral by an entity under paragraph (1) or (2), any ongoing clinical services provided to the eligible individual by the entity shall be at the expense of the entity.

(n) Provision of Care to Eligible Individuals.--When the Secretary determines it is clinically appropriate, the Secretary shall furnish to eligible individuals who are receiving or have received suicide prevention services through grants provided under this section an initial mental health assessment and mental health or behavioral health care services authorized under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, that are required to treat the mental or behavioral health care needs of the eligible individual, including risk of suicide.

(o) Agreements With Community Partners.--

(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), an eligible entity may use grant funds to enter into an agreement with a community partner under which the eligible entity may provide funds to the community partner for the provision of suicide prevention services to eligible individuals and their families.

(2) Limitation.--The ability of a recipient of a grant under this section to provide grant funds to a community partner shall be limited to grant recipients that are a State or local government or an Indian tribe.

(p) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section a total of $174,000,000 for fiscal years 2021 through 2025.

(q) Definitions.--In this section:

(1) Appropriate committees of congress.--The term

``appropriate committees of Congress'' means--

(A) the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and

(B) the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.

(2) Department.--The term ``Department'' means the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(3) Eligible entity.--The term ``eligible entity'' means--

(A) an incorporated private institution or foundation--

(i) no part of the net earnings of which incurs to the benefit of any member, founder, contributor, or individual; and

(ii) that has a governing board that would be responsible for the operation of the suicide prevention services provided under this section;

(B) a corporation wholly owned and controlled by an organization meeting the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A);

(C) an Indian tribe;

(D) a community-based organization that can effectively network with local civic organizations, regional health systems, and other settings where eligible individuals and their families are likely to have contact; or

(E) A State or local government.

(4) Eligible individual.--The term ``eligible individual'' includes a person at risk of suicide who is--

(A) a veteran as defined in section 101 of title 38, United States Code;

(B) an individual described in section 1720I(b) of such title; or

(C) an individual described in any of clauses (i) through

(iv) of section 1712A(a)(1)(C) of such title.

(5) Emergency treatment.--Medical services, professional services, ambulance services, ancillary care and medication

(including a short course of medication related to and necessary for the treatment of the emergency condition that is provided directly to or prescribed for the patient for use after the emergency condition is stabilized and the patient is discharged) was rendered in a medical emergency of such nature that a prudent layperson would have reasonably expected that delay in seeking immediate medical attention would have been hazardous to life or health. This standard is met by an emergency medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) that a prudent layperson who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in placing the health of the individual in serious jeopardy, serious impairment to bodily functions, or serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part.

(6) Family.--The term ``family'' means, with respect to an eligible individual, any of the following:

(A) A parent.

(B) A spouse.

(C) A child.

(D) A sibling.

(E) A step-family member.

(F) An extended family member.

(G) Any other individual who lives with the eligible individual.

(7) Indian tribe.--The term ``Indian tribe'' has the meaning given that term in section 4 of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4103).

(8) Risk of suicide.--

(A) In general.--The term ``risk of suicide'' means exposure to, or the existence of, any of the following (to a degree determined by the Secretary pursuant to regulations):

(i) Health risk factors, including the following:

(I) Mental health challenges.

(II) Substance abuse.

(III) Serious or chronic health conditions or pain.

(IV) Traumatic brain injury.

(ii) Environmental risk factors, including the following:

(I) Prolonged stress.

(II) Stressful life events.

(III) Unemployment.

(IV) Homelessness.

(V) Recent loss.

(VI) Legal or financial challenges.

(iii) Historical risk factors, including the following:

(I) Previous suicide attempts.

(II) Family history of suicide.

(III) History of abuse, neglect, or trauma.

(B) Degree of risk.--The Secretary may, by regulation, establish a process for determining degrees of risk of suicide for use by grant recipients to focus the delivery of services using grant funds.

(9) Rural.--The term ``rural'', with respect to a community, has the meaning given that term in the Rural-Urban Commuting Areas coding system of the Department of Agriculture.

(10) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

(11) Suicide prevention services.--

(A) In general.--The term ``suicide prevention services'' means services to address the needs of eligible individuals and their families and includes the following:

(i) Outreach to identify those at risk of suicide with an emphasis on eligible individuals who are at highest risk or who are not receiving health care or other services furnished by the Department.

(ii) A baseline mental health screening for risk.

(iii) Education on suicide risk and prevention to families and communities.

(iv) Provision of clinical services for emergency treatment.

(v) Case management services.

(vi) Peer support services.

(vii) Assistance in obtaining any benefits from the Department that the eligible individual and their family may be eligible to receive, including--

(I) vocational and rehabilitation counseling;

(II) supportive services for homeless veterans;

(III) employment and training services;

(IV) educational assistance; and

(V) health care services.

(viii) Assistance in obtaining and coordinating the provision of other benefits provided by the Federal Government, a State or local government, or an eligible entity.

(ix) Assistance with emergent needs relating to--

(I) health care services;

(II) daily living services;

(III) personal financial planning and counseling;

(IV) transportation services;

(V) temporary income support services;

(VI) fiduciary and representative payee services;

(VII) legal services to assist the eligible individual with issues that may contribute to the risk of suicide; and

(VIII) child care (not to exceed $5,000 per family of an eligible individual per fiscal year).

(x) Nontraditional and innovative approaches and treatment practices, as determined appropriate by the Secretary, in consultation with appropriate entities.

(xi) Such other services necessary for improving the mental health status and wellbeing and reducing the suicide risk of eligible individuals and their families as the Secretary considers appropriate, which may include--

(I) adaptive sports, equine assisted therapy, or in-place or outdoor recreational therapy;

(II) substance use reduction programming;

(III) individual, group, or family counseling; and

(IV) relationship coaching.

(B) Exclusion.--The term ``suicide prevention services'' does not include direct cash assistance to eligible individuals or their families.

(12) Veterans crisis line.--The term ``Veterans Crisis Line'' means the toll-free hotline for veterans established under section 1720F(h) of title 38, United States Code.

(13) Veterans service organization.--The term ``veterans service organization'' means any organization recognized by the Secretary for the representation of veterans under section 5902 of title 38, United States Code.





(a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall complete an analysis on the feasibility and advisability of providing complementary and integrative health treatments described in subsection (c) at all medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(b) Inclusion of Assessment of Report.--The analysis conducted under subsection (a) shall include an assessment of the final report of the Creating Options for Veterans' Expedited Recovery Commission (commonly referred to as the

``COVER Commission'') established under section 931 of the Jason Simcakoski Memorial and Promise Act (title IX of Public Law 114-198; 38 U.S.C. 1701 note) submitted under subsection

(e)(2) of such section.

(c) Treatments Described.--Complementary and integrative health treatments described in this subsection shall consist of the following:

(1) Yoga.

(2) Meditation.

(3) Acupuncture.

(4) Chiropractic care.

(5) Other treatments that show sufficient evidence of efficacy at treating mental or physical health conditions, as determined by the Secretary.

(d) Report.--The Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the analysis completed under subsection (a), including--

(1) the results of such analysis; and

(2) such recommendations regarding the furnishing of complementary and integrative health treatments described in subsection (c) as the Secretary considers appropriate.






(a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date on which the Creating Options for Veterans' Expedited Recovery Commission (commonly referred to as the ``COVER Commission'') established under section 931 of the Jason Simcakoski Memorial and Promise Act (title IX of Public Law 114-198; 38 U.S.C. 1701 note) submits its final report under subsection

(e)(2) of such section, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall commence the conduct of a pilot program to provide complementary and integrative health programs described in subsection (b) to eligible veterans from the Department of Veterans Affairs or through the use of non-Department entities for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, or other conditions as determined by the Secretary.

(b) Programs Described.--Complementary and integrative health programs described in this subsection may, taking into consideration the report described in subsection (a), consist of the following:

(1) Equine therapy.

(2) Other animal therapy.

(3) Agritherapy.

(4) Sports and recreation therapy.

(5) Art therapy.

(6) Posttraumatic growth programs.

(c) Eligible Veterans.--A veteran is eligible to participate in the pilot program under this section if the veteran--

(1) is enrolled in the system of patient enrollment of the Department under section 1705(a) of title 38, United States Code; and

(2) has received health care under the laws administered by the Secretary during the two-year period preceding the initial participation of the veteran in the pilot program.

(d) Duration.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary shall carry out the pilot program under this section for a three-year period beginning on the commencement of the pilot program.

(2) Extension.--The Secretary may extend the duration of the pilot program under this section if the Secretary, based on the results of the interim report submitted under subsection (f)(1), determines that it is appropriate to do so.

(e) Locations.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary shall select not fewer than five facilities of the Department at which to carry out the pilot program under this section.

(2) Selection criteria.--In selecting facilities under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall ensure that--

(A) the locations are in geographically diverse areas; and

(B) not fewer than three facilities serve veterans in rural or highly rural areas (as determined through the use of the Rural-Urban Commuting Areas coding system of the Department of Agriculture).

(f) Reports.--

(1) Interim report.--

(A) In general.--Not later than one year after the commencement of the pilot program under this section, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the progress of the pilot program.

(B) Elements.--The report required by subparagraph (A) shall include the following:

(i) The number of participants in the pilot program.

(ii) The type or types of therapy offered at each facility at which the pilot program is being carried out.

(iii) An assessment of whether participation by a veteran in the pilot program resulted in any changes in clinically relevant endpoints for the veteran with respect to the conditions specified in subsection (a).

(iv) An assessment of the quality of life of veterans participating in the pilot program, including the results of a satisfaction survey of the participants in the pilot program, disaggregated by program under subsection (b).

(v) The determination of the Secretary with respect to extending the pilot program under subsection (d)(2).

(vi) Any recommendations of the Secretary with respect to expanding the pilot program.

(2) Final report.--Not later than 90 days after the termination of the pilot program under this section, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a final report on the pilot program.





(a) Study of Deaths of Veterans by Suicide.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall seek to enter into an agreement with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine under which the Secretary shall collaborate and coordinate with the National Academies on a revised study design to fulfill the goals of the 2019 study design of the National Academies described in the explanatory statement accompanying the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020 (Public Law 116-94), as part of current and additional research priorities of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to evaluate the effects of opioids and benzodiazepine on all-cause mortality of veterans, including suicide, regardless of whether information relating to such deaths has been reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

(2) Goals.--In carrying out the collaboration and coordination under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall seek as much as possible to achieve the same advancement of useful knowledge as the 2019 study design described in such paragraph.

(b) Review of Staffing Levels for Mental Health Professionals.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct a review of the staffing levels for mental health professionals of the Department.

(2) Elements.--The review required by paragraph (1) shall include a description of the efforts of the Department to maintain appropriate staffing levels for mental health professionals, such as mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, and other appropriate counselors, including the following:

(A) A description of any impediments to carry out the education, training, and hiring of mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists under section 7302(a) of title 38, United States Code, and strategies for addressing those impediments.

(B) A description of the objectives, goals, and timing of the Department with respect to increasing the representation of such counselors and therapists in the behavioral health workforce of the Department, including--

(i) a review of qualification criteria for such counselors and therapists and a comparison of such criteria to that of other behavioral health professions in the Department; and

(ii) an assessment of the participation of such counselors and therapists in the mental health professionals trainee program of the Department and any impediments to such participation.

(C) An assessment of the development by the Department of hiring guidelines for mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, and other appropriate counselors.

(D) A description of how the Department--

(i) identifies gaps in the supply of mental health professionals; and

(ii) determines successful staffing ratios for mental health professionals of the Department.

(E) A description of actions taken by the Secretary, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, to create an occupational series for mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists of the Department and a timeline for the creation of such an occupational series.

(F) A description of actions taken by the Secretary to ensure that the national, regional, and local professional standards boards for mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists are comprised of only mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists and that the liaison from the Department to such boards is a mental health counselor or marriage and family therapist.

(c) Compilation of Data.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall ensure that data under subsections (a) and (b) is compiled separately and disaggregated by year and compiled in a manner that allows it to be analyzed across all data fields for purposes of informing and updating clinical practice guidelines of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(d) Briefings.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall brief the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives containing the interim results--

(1) with respect to the study under subsection (a)(1), not later than 24 months after entering into the agreement under such subsection; and

(2) with respect to the review under subsection (b)(1), not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(e) Reports.--

(1) Report on study.--Not later than 90 days after the completion by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs in coordination with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine of the study required under subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall--

(A) submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the results of the study; and

(B) make such report publicly available.

(2) Report on review.--Not later than 90 days after the completion by the Comptroller General of the United States of the review required under subsection (b)(1), the Comptroller General shall--

(A) submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the results of the review; and

(B) make such report publicly available.




(a) In General.--Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the efforts of the Department of Veterans Affairs to manage veterans at high risk for suicide.

(b) Elements.--The report required by subsection (a) shall include the following:

(1) A description of how the Department identifies patients as high risk for suicide, with particular consideration to the efficacy of inputs into the Recovery Engagement and Coordination for Health - Veterans Enhanced Treatment program

(commonly referred to as the ``REACH VET'' program) of the Department, including an assessment of the efficacy of such identifications disaggregated by--

(A) all demographic characteristics as determined necessary and appropriate by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;

(B) Veterans Integrated Service Network; and

(C) to the extent practicable, medical center of the Department.

(2) A description of how the Department intervenes when a patient is identified as high risk, including an assessment of the efficacy of such interventions disaggregated by--

(A) all demographic characteristics as determined necessary and appropriate by the Secretary in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;

(B) Veterans Integrated Service Network; and

(C) to the extent practicable, medical center of the Department.

(3) A description of how the Department monitors patients who have been identified as high risk, including an assessment of the efficacy of such monitoring and any follow-ups disaggregated by--

(A) all demographic characteristics as determined necessary and appropriate by the Secretary in coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;

(B) Veterans Integrated Service Network; and

(C) to the extent practicable, medical center of the Department.

(4) A review of staffing levels of suicide prevention coordinators across the Veterans Health Administration.

(5) A review of the resources and programming offered to family members and friends of veterans who have a mental health condition in order to assist that veteran in treatment and recovery.

(6) An assessment of such other areas as the Comptroller General considers appropriate to study.




(a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with Rural Health Resource Centers of the Office of Rural Health of the Department of Veterans Affairs, shall commence the conduct of a study on the connection between living at high altitude and the risk of developing depression or dying by suicide among veterans.

(b) Completion of Study.--The study conducted under subsection (a) shall be completed not later than three years after the date of the commencement of the study.

(c) Individual Impact.--The study conducted under subsection (a) shall be conducted so as to determine the effect of high altitude on suicide risk at the individual level, not at the State or county level.

(d) Report.--Not later than 150 days after the completion of the study conducted under subsection (a), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the results of the study.

(e) Follow-up Study.--

(1) In general.--If the Secretary determines through the study conducted under subsection (a) that living at high altitude is a risk factor for developing depression or dying by suicide, the Secretary shall conduct an additional study to identify the following:

(A) The most likely biological mechanism that makes living at high altitude a risk factor for developing depression or dying by suicide.

(B) The most effective treatment or intervention for reducing the risk of developing depression or dying by suicide associated with living at high altitude.

(2) Report.--Not later than 150 days after completing the study conducted under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the results of the study.





(a) In General.--Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, shall develop a clinical provider treatment toolkit and accompanying training materials for the evidence-based management of comorbid mental health conditions, comorbid mental health and substance use disorders, and a comorbid mental health condition and chronic pain.

(b) Matters Included.--In developing the clinical provider treatment toolkit and accompanying training materials under subsection (a), the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense shall ensure that the toolkit and training materials include guidance with respect to the following:

(1) The treatment of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder who are also experiencing an additional mental health condition, a substance use disorder, or chronic pain.

(2) The treatment of patients experiencing a mental health condition, including anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, who are also experiencing a substance use disorder or chronic pain.

(3) The treatment of patients with traumatic brain injury who are also experiencing--

(A) a mental health condition, including post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder;

(B) a substance use disorder; or

(C) chronic pain.




(a) In General.--In the first publication of the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense Clinical Practice Guideline for Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide published after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense, through the Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide Work Group (in this section referred to as the ``Work Group''), shall ensure the publication includes the following:

(1) Enhanced guidance with respect to gender-specific--

(A) risk factors for suicide and suicidal ideation;

(B) treatment efficacy for depression and suicide prevention;

(C) pharmacotherapy efficacy; and

(D) psychotherapy efficacy.

(2) Guidance with respect to the efficacy of alternative therapies, other than psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, including the following:

(A) Yoga therapy.

(B) Meditation therapy.

(C) Equine therapy.

(D) Other animal therapy.

(E) Training and caring for service dogs.

(F) Agritherapy.

(G) Art therapy.

(H) Outdoor sports therapy.

(I) Music therapy.

(J) Any other alternative therapy that the Work Group considers appropriate.

(3) Guidance with respect to the findings of the Creating Options for Veterans' Expedited Recovery Commission (commonly referred to as the ``COVER Commission'') established under section 931 of the Jason Simcakoski Memorial and Promise Act

(title IX of Public Law 114-198; 38 U.S.C. 1701 note).

(b) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense from considering all relevant evidence, as appropriate, in updating the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense Clinical Practice Guideline for Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide, as required under subsection (a), or from ensuring that the final clinical practice guidelines updated under such subsection remain applicable to the patient populations of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense.





(a) In General.--Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, shall complete the development of a clinical practice guideline or guidelines for the treatment of serious mental illness, to include the following conditions:

(1) Schizophrenia.

(2) Schizoaffective disorder.

(3) Persistent mood disorder, including bipolar disorder I and II.

(4) Any other mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder resulting in serious functional impairment that substantially interferes with major life activities as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, considers appropriate.

(b) Matters Included in Guidelines.--The clinical practice guideline or guidelines developed under subsection (a) shall include the following:

(1) Guidance contained in the 2016 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Major Depressive Disorders of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense.

(2) Guidance with respect to the treatment of patients with a condition described in subsection (a).

(3) A list of evidence-based therapies for the treatment of conditions described in subsection (a).

(4) An appropriate guideline for the administration of pharmacological therapy, psychological or behavioral therapy, or other therapy for the management of conditions described in subsection (a).

(c) Assessment of Existing Guidelines.--Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, shall complete an assessment of the 2016 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Major Depressive Disorders to determine whether an update to such guidelines is necessary.

(d) Work Group.--

(1) Establishment.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall create a work group to develop the clinical practice guideline or guidelines under subsection (a) to be known as the ``Serious Mental Illness Work Group'' (in this subsection referred to as the ``Work Group'').

(2) Membership.--The Work Group created under paragraph (1) shall be comprised of individuals that represent Federal Government entities and non-Federal Government entities with expertise in the areas covered by the Work Group, including the following entities:

(A) Academic institutions that specialize in research for the treatment of conditions described in subsection (a).

(B) The Health Services Research and Development Service of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(C) The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use of the Department of Health and Human Services.

(D) The National Institute of Mental Health.

(E) The Indian Health Service.

(F) Relevant organizations with expertise in researching, diagnosing, or treating conditions described in subsection


(3) Relation to other work groups.--The Work Group shall be created and conducted in the same manner as other work groups for the development of clinical practice guidelines for the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense.

(e) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense from considering all relevant evidence, as appropriate, in creating the clinical practice guideline or guidelines required under subsection (a) or from ensuring that the final clinical practice guideline or guidelines developed under such subsection and subsequently updated, as appropriate, remain applicable to the patient populations of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense.




(a) In General.--Beginning not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall develop and implement an initiative of the Department of Veterans Affairs to identify and validate brain and mental health biomarkers among veterans, with specific consideration for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, traumatic brain injury, and such other mental health conditions as the Secretary considers appropriate. Such initiative may be referred to as the ``Precision Medicine for Veterans Initiative''.

(b) Model of Initiative.--The initiative under subsection

(a) shall be modeled on the All of Us Precision Medicine Initiative administered by the National Institutes of Health with respect to large-scale collection of standardized data and open data sharing.

(c) Methods.--The initiative under subsection (a) shall include brain structure and function measurements, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalogram, and shall coordinate with additional biological methods of analysis utilized in the Million Veterans Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(d) Use of Data.--

(1) Privacy and security.--In carrying out the initiative under subsection (a), the Secretary shall develop robust data privacy and security measures, consistent with section 552a of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the

``Privacy Act of 1974''), and regulations promulgated pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (parts 160, 162, and 164 of title 45, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations) to ensure that information of veterans participating in the initiative is kept private and secure.

(2) Consultation with the national institutes of science and technology.--The Secretary may consult with the National Institute of Science and Technology in developing the data privacy and security measures described in paragraph (1).

(3) Access standards.--The Secretary shall provide access to information under the initiative consistent with the standards described in section 552a(d)(1) of title 5, United States Code, and section 164.524 of title 45, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations.

(4) Open platform.--

(A) Availability of data.--The Secretary shall make de-identified data collected under the initiative available for research purposes to Federal agencies.

(B) Contract.--The Secretary shall contract with nongovernment entities that comply with requisite data security measures to make available for research purposes de-identified data collected under the initiative.

(C) Assistance.--The Secretary shall provide assistance to a Federal agency conducting research using data collected under the initiative at the request of that agency.

(D) Prohibition on transfer of data.--Federal agencies may not disclose, transmit, share, sell, license, or otherwise transfer data collected under the initiative to any nongovernment entity other than as allowed under subparagraph


(5) Standardization.--

(A) In general.--The Secretary shall ensure that data collected under the initiative is standardized.

(B) Consultation.--The Secretary shall consult with the National Institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration to determine the most effective, efficient, and cost-effective way of standardizing data collected under the initiative.

(C) Manner of standardization.--In consultation with the National Institute for Science and Technology, data collected under the initiative shall be standardized in the manner in which it is collected, entered into the database, extracted, and recorded.

(6) Measures of brain function or structure.--Any measures of brain function or structure collected under the initiative shall be collected with a device that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

(7) De-identified data defined.--In this subsection, the term ``de-identified data'' means, with respect to data held by the Department of Veterans Affairs, that the Department--

(A) alters, anonymizes, or aggregates the data so that there is a reasonable basis for expecting that the data could not be linked as a practical matter to a specific individual;

(B) publicly commits to refrain from attempting to re-identify the data with a specific individual, and adopts controls to prevent such identification; and

(C) causes the data to be covered by a contractual or other legally enforceable prohibition on each entity to which the Department discloses the data from attempting to use the data to identify a specific individual and requires the same of all onward disclosures.

(e) Inclusion of Initiative in Program.--The Secretary shall coordinate efforts of the initiative under subsection

(a) with the Million Veterans Program of the Department.



(a) In General.--Chapter 1 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new section:

``Sec. 119. Contracting for statistical analyses and data evaluation

``(a) In General.--The Secretary may enter into a contract or other agreement with an academic institution or other qualified entity, as determined by the Secretary, to carry out statistical analyses and data evaluation as required of the Secretary by law.''.

``(b) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section may be construed to limit the authority of the Secretary to enter into contracts or other agreements for statistical analyses and data evaluation under any other provision of law.''.

(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 1 of such title is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``119. Contracting for statistical analyses and data evaluation.''.





(a) In General.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall enter into an agreement with a non-Federal Government entity with expertise in conducting and evaluating research-based studies to conduct a study on the effectiveness of the suicide prevention and mental health outreach materials prepared by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the suicide prevention and mental health outreach campaigns conducted by the Department.

(b) Use of Focus Groups.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary shall convene not fewer than eight different focus groups to evaluate the effectiveness of the suicide prevention and mental health materials and campaigns as required under subsection (a).

(2) Location of focus groups.--Focus groups convened under paragraph (1) shall be held in geographically diverse areas as follows:

(A) Not fewer than two in rural or highly rural areas.

(B) Not fewer than one in each of the four districts of the Veterans Benefits Administration.

(3) Timing of focus groups.--Focus groups convened under paragraph (1) shall be held at a variety of dates and times to ensure an adequate representation of veterans with different work schedules.

(4) Number of participants.--Each focus group convened under paragraph (1) shall include not fewer than five and not more than 12 participants.

(5) Representation.--Each focus group convened under paragraph (1) shall, to the extent practicable, include veterans of diverse backgrounds, including--

(A) veterans of all eras, as determined by the Secretary;

(B) women veterans;

(C) minority veterans;

(D) Native American veterans, as defined in section 3765 of title 38, United States Code;

(E) veterans who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (commonly referred to as ``LGBTQ'');

(F) veterans who live in rural or highly rural areas;

(G) individuals transitioning from active duty in the Armed Forces to civilian life; and

(H) other high-risk groups of veterans, as determined by the Secretary.

(c) Report.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the last focus group meeting under subsection (b), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the findings of the focus groups.

(2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) Based on the findings of the focus groups, an assessment of the effectiveness of current suicide prevention and mental health materials and campaigns of the Department in reaching veterans as a whole as well as specific groups of veterans (for example, women veterans).

(B) Based on the findings of the focus groups, recommendations for future suicide prevention and mental health materials and campaigns of the Department to target specific groups of veterans.

(C) A plan to change the current suicide prevention and mental health materials and campaigns of the Department or, if the Secretary decides not to change the current materials and campaigns, an explanation of the reason for maintaining the current materials and campaigns.

(D) A description of any dissenting or opposing viewpoints raised by participants in the focus group.

(E) Such other issues as the Secretary considers necessary.

(d) Representative Survey.--

(1) In general.--Not later than one year after the last focus group meeting under subsection (b), the Secretary shall complete a representative survey of the veteran population that is informed by the focus group data in order to collect information about the effectiveness of the mental health and suicide prevention materials and campaigns conducted by the Department.

(2) Veterans surveyed.--

(A) In general.--Veterans surveyed under paragraph (1) shall include veterans described in subsection (b)(5).

(B) Disaggregation of data.--Data of veterans surveyed under paragraph (1) shall be disaggregated by--

(i) veterans who have received care from the Department during the two-year period preceding the survey; and

(ii) veterans who have not received care from the Department during the two-year period preceding the survey.

(e) Treatment of Contracts for Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Outreach Media.--

(1) Focus groups.--

(A) In general.--The Secretary shall include in each contract to develop media relating to suicide prevention and mental health materials and campaigns a requirement that the contractor convene focus groups of veterans to assess the effectiveness of suicide prevention and mental health outreach.

(B) Representation.--Each focus group required under subparagraph (A) shall, to the extent practicable, include veterans of diverse backgrounds, including--

(i) veterans of all eras, as determined by the Secretary;

(ii) women veterans;

(iii) minority veterans;

(iv) Native American veterans, as defined in section 3765 of title 38, United States Code;

(v) veterans who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (commonly referred to as ``LGBTQ'');

(vi) veterans who live in rural or highly rural areas;

(vii) individuals transitioning from active duty in the Armed Forces to civilian life; and

(viii) other high-risk groups of veterans, as determined by the Secretary.

(2) Subcontracting.--

(A) In general.--The Secretary shall include in each contract described in paragraph (1)(A) a requirement that, if the contractor subcontracts for the development of media, the contractor shall subcontract with a subcontractor that has experience creating impactful media campaigns that target individuals age 18 to 34.

(B) Budget limitation.--Not more than two percent of the budget of the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention of the Department for contractors for suicide prevention and mental health media outreach shall go to subcontractors described in subparagraph (A).

(f) Paperwork Reduction Act Exemption.--Chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code (commonly known as the ``Paperwork Reduction Act'') shall not apply to any rulemaking or information collection required under this section.

(g) Rural and Highly Rural Defined.--In this section, with respect to an area, the terms ``rural'' and ``highly rural'' have the meanings given those terms in the Rural-Urban Commuting Areas coding system of the Department of Agriculture.




(a) Establishment of Goals.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall establish goals for the mental health and suicide prevention media outreach campaigns of the Department of Veterans Affairs, which shall include the establishment of targets, metrics, and action plans to describe and assess those campaigns.

(2) Use of metrics.--

(A) In general.--The goals established under paragraph (1) shall be measured by metrics specific to different media types.

(B) Factors to consider.--In using metrics under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall determine the best methodological approach for each media type and shall consider the following:

(i) Metrics relating to social media, which may include the following:

(I) Impressions.

(II) Reach.

(III) Engagement rate.

(IV) Such other metrics as the Secretary considers necessary.

(ii) Metrics relating to television, which may include the following:

(I) Nielsen ratings.

(II) Such other metrics as the Secretary considers necessary.

(iii) Metrics relating to email, which may include the following:

(I) Open rate.

(II) Response rate.

(III) Click rate.

(IV) Such other metrics as the Secretary considers necessary.

(C) Update.--The Secretary shall periodically update the metrics under subparagraph (B) as more accurate metrics become available.

(3) Targets.--The Secretary shall establish targets to track the metrics used under paragraph (2).

(4) Consultation.--In establishing goals under paragraph

(1), the Secretary shall consult with the following:

(A) Relevant stakeholders, such as organizations that represent veterans, as determined by the Secretary.

(B) Mental health and suicide prevention experts.

(C) Such other persons as the Secretary considers appropriate.

(5) Initial report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report detailing the goals established under paragraph (1) for the mental health and suicide prevention media outreach campaigns of the Department, including the metrics and targets for such metrics by which those goals are to be measured under paragraphs (2) and (3).

(6) Annual report.--Not later than one year after the submittal of the report under paragraph (5), and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report detailing--

(A) the progress of the Department in meeting the goals established under paragraph (1) and the targets established under paragraph (3); and

(B) a description of action to be taken by the Department to modify mental health and suicide prevention media outreach campaigns if those goals and targets are not being met.

(b) Report on Use of Funds by Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, and semiannually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report containing the expenditures and obligations of the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention of the Veterans Health Administration during the period covered by the report.




(a) In General.--Not later than three years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a management review of the mental health and suicide prevention services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(b) Elements.--The management review required by subsection

(a) shall include the following:

(1) An assessment of the infrastructure under the control of or available to the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention of the Department of Veterans Affairs or available to the Department of Veterans Affairs for suicide prevention efforts not operated by the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.

(2) A description of the management and organizational structure of the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, including roles and responsibilities for each position.

(3) A description of the operational policies and processes of the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.

(4) An assessment of suicide prevention practices and initiatives available from the Department and through community partnerships.

(5) An assessment of the staffing levels at the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, disaggregated by type of position, and including the location of any staffing deficiencies.

(6) An assessment of the Nurse Advice Line pilot program conducted by the Department.

(7) An assessment of recruitment initiatives in rural areas for mental health professionals of the Department.

(8) An assessment of strategic planning conducted by the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.

(9) An assessment of the communication, and the effectiveness of such communication--

(A) within the central office of the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention;

(B) between that central office and any staff member or office in the field, including chaplains, attorneys, law enforcement personnel, and volunteers; and

(C) between that central office, local facilities of the Department, and community partners of the Department, including first responders, community support groups, and health care industry partners.

(10) An assessment of how effectively the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention implements operational policies and procedures.

(11) An assessment of how the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense coordinate suicide prevention efforts, and recommendations on how the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense can more effectively coordinate those efforts.

(12) An assessment of such other areas as the Comptroller General considers appropriate to study.




(a) Initial Report.--

(1) In general.--Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the efforts of the Department of Veterans Affairs to integrate mental health care into primary care clinics of the Department.

(2) Elements.--The report required by subsection (a) shall include the following:

(A) An assessment of the efforts of the Department to integrate mental health care into primary care clinics of the Department.

(B) An assessment of the effectiveness of such efforts.

(C) An assessment of how the health care of veterans is impacted by such integration.

(D) A description of how care is coordinated by the Department between specialty mental health care and primary care, including a description of the following:

(i) How documents and patient information are transferred and the effectiveness of those transfers.

(ii) How care is coordinated when veterans must travel to different facilities of the Department.

(iii) How a veteran is reintegrated into primary care after receiving in-patient mental health care.

(E) An assessment of how the integration of mental health care into primary care clinics is implemented at different types of facilities of the Department.

(F) Such recommendations on how the Department can better integrate mental health care into primary care clinics as the Comptroller General considers appropriate.

(G) An assessment of such other areas as the Comptroller General considers appropriate to study.

(b) Community Care Integration Report.--

(1) In general.--Not later than two years after the date on which the Comptroller General submits the report required under subsection (a)(1), the Comptroller General shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the efforts of the Department to integrate community-based mental health care into the Veterans Health Administration.

(2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) An assessment of the efforts of the Department to integrate community-based mental health care into the Veterans Health Administration.

(B) An assessment of the effectiveness of such efforts.

(C) An assessment of how the health care of veterans is impacted by such integration.

(D) A description of how care is coordinated between providers of community-based mental health care and the Veterans Health Administration, including a description of how documents and patient information are transferred and the effectiveness of those transfers between--

(i) the Veterans Health Administration and providers of community-based mental health care; and

(ii) providers of community-based mental health care and the Veterans Health Administration.

(E) An assessment of any disparities in the coordination of community-based mental health care into the Veterans Health Administration by location and type of facility.

(F) An assessment of the military cultural competency of health care providers providing community-based mental health care to veterans.

(G) Such recommendations on how the Department can better integrate community-based mental health care into the Veterans Health Administration as the Comptroller General considers appropriate.

(H) An assessment of such other areas as the Comptroller General considers appropriate to study.

(3) Community-based mental health care defined.--In this subsection, the term ``community-based mental health care'' means mental health care paid for by the Department but provided by a non-Department health care provider at a non-Department facility, including care furnished under section 1703 of title 38, United States Code (as in effect on the date specified in section 101(b) of the Caring for Our Veterans Act of 2018 (title I of Public Law 115-182)).



(a) Report on Mental Health Programs.--

(1) In general.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives a report on mental health programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense and joint programs of the Departments.

(2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) A description of mental health programs operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs, including the following:

(i) Transition assistance programs.

(ii) Clinical and non-clinical mental health initiatives, including centers of excellence of the Department of Veterans Affairs for traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

(iii) Programs that may secondarily improve mental health, including employment, housing assistance, and financial literacy programs.

(iv) Research into mental health issues and conditions, to include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, traumatic brain injury, suicidal ideation, and any other issues or conditions as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs considers necessary.

(B) A description of mental health programs operated by the Department of Defense, including the following:

(i) Transition assistance programs.

(ii) Clinical and non-clinical mental health initiatives, including the National Intrepid Center of Excellence and the Intrepid Spirit Centers.

(iii) Programs that may secondarily improve mental health, including employment, housing assistance, and financial literacy programs.

(iv) Research into mental health issues and conditions, to include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, traumatic brain injury, suicidal ideation, and any other issues or conditions as the Secretary of Defense considers necessary.

(C) A description of mental health programs jointly operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense, including the following:

(i) Transition assistance programs.

(ii) Clinical and non-clinical mental health initiatives.

(iii) Programs that may secondarily improve mental health, including employment, housing assistance, and financial literacy programs.

(iv) Research into mental health issues and conditions, to include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, traumatic brain injury, suicidal ideation, and completed suicides, including through the use of the joint suicide data repository of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense, and any other issues or conditions as the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Defense consider necessary.

(D) Recommendations for coordinating mental health programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense to improve the effectiveness of those programs.

(E) Recommendations for novel joint programming of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense to improve the mental health of members of the Armed Forces and veterans.

(b) Evaluation of Collaborative Efforts of Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense and Alternatives of Analysis to Establish a Joint VA/DOD Intrepid Spirit Center.--

(1) In general.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, shall evaluate the current ongoing collaborative efforts of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense related to post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury care, research, and education to improve the quality of and access to such care and seek potential new collaborative efforts to improve and expand such care for veterans and members of the Armed Forces in a joint Department of Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense Intrepid Spirit Center that serves active duty members of the Armed Forces, members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces, and veterans for mutual benefit and growth in treatment and care.

(2) Alternatives of analysis.--

(A) In general.--The evaluation required under paragraph

(1) shall include an alternatives of analysis to establish the joint Department of Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense Intrepid Spirit Center described in paragraph (1).

(B) Elements.--The alternatives of analysis required under subparagraph (A) with respect to the establishment of the joint Department of Veterans Affairs/Department of Defense Intrepid Spirit Center described in paragraph (1) shall provide alternatives and recommendations that consider information including--

(i) colocation of the center on an installation of the Department of Defense or property of a medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs;

(ii) consideration of a rural or highly rural area to establish the center that may include colocation described in clause (i);

(iii) geographic distance from existing or planned Intrepid Spirit Centers of the Department of Defense or other such facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Department of Defense that furnish care for post-traumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury; and

(iv) the potential role for private entities and philanthropic organizations in carrying out the activities of the center.

(3) Report to congress.--Not later than 270 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report that includes--

(A) a summary of the evaluation required under paragraph

(1); and

(B) the alternatives of analysis required under paragraph


(4) Rural and highly rural defined.--In this subsection, with respect to an area, the terms ``rural'' and ``highly rural'' have the meanings given those terms in the Rural-Urban Commuting Areas coding system of the Department of Agriculture.




(a) Staffing Plan.--

(1) In general.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Inspector General of the Department of Veterans Affairs, shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a plan to address staffing of mental health providers of the Department of Veterans Affairs, including filling any open positions.

(2) Elements.--The plan required by paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) An estimate of the number of positions for mental health providers of the Department that need to be filled to meet demand.

(B) An identification of the steps that the Secretary will take to address mental health staffing for the Department.

(C) A description of any region-specific hiring incentives to be used by the Secretary in consultation with the directors of Veterans Integrated Service Networks and medical centers of the Department.

(D) A description of any local retention or engagement incentives to be used by directors of Veterans Integrated Service Networks.

(E) Such recommendations for legislative or administrative action as the Secretary considers necessary to aid in addressing mental health staffing for the Department.

(3) Report.--Not later than one year after the submittal of the plan required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report setting forth the number of mental health providers hired by the Department during the one-year period preceding the submittal of the report.

(b) Occupational Series for Certain Mental Health Providers.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Office of Personnel Management, shall develop an occupational series for licensed professional mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists of the Department of Veterans Affairs.




(a) In General.--Chapter 76 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by inserting after subchapter VIII the following new subchapter:


``Sec. 7698. Requirement for program

``As part of the Educational Assistance Program, the Secretary shall carry out a scholarship program under this subchapter. The program shall be known as the Department of Veterans Affairs Readjustment Counseling Service Scholarship Program (in this subchapter referred to as the `Program').

``Sec. 7699. Eligibility; agreement

``(a) In General.--An individual is eligible to participate in the Program, as determined by the Readjustment Counseling Service of the Department, if the individual--

``(1) is accepted for enrollment or enrolled (as described in section 7602 of this title) in a program of study at an accredited educational institution, school, or training program leading to a terminal degree in psychology, social work, marriage and family therapy, or mental health counseling that would meet the education requirements for appointment to a position under section 7402(b) of this title; and

``(2) enters into an agreement with the Secretary under subsection (c).

``(b) Priority.--In selecting individuals to participate in the Program, the Secretary shall give priority to the following individuals:

``(1) An individual who agrees to be employed by a Vet Center located in a community that is--

``(A) designated as a medically underserved population under section 330(b)(3) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254b(b)(3)); and

``(B) in a State with a per capita population of veterans of more than five percent according to the National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics and the Bureau of the Census.

``(2) An individual who is a veteran.

``(c) Agreement.--An agreement between the Secretary and a participant in the Program shall (in addition to the requirements set forth in section 7604 of this title) include the following:

``(1) An agreement by the Secretary to provide the participant with a scholarship under the Program for a specified number of school years during which the participant pursues a program of study described in subsection (a)(1) that meets the requirements set forth in section 7602(a) of this title.

``(2) An agreement by the participant to serve as a full-time employee of the Department at a Vet Center for a six-year period following the completion by the participant of such program of study (in this subchapter referred to as the

`period of obligated service').

``(d) Vet Center Defined.--In this section, the term `Vet Center' has the meaning given that term in section 1712A(h) of this title.

``Sec. 7699A. Obligated service

``(a) In General.--Each participant in the Program shall provide service as a full-time employee of the Department at a Vet Center (as defined in section 7699(d) of this title) for the period of obligated service set forth in the agreement of the participant entered into under section 7604 of this title.

``(b) Determination of Service Commencement Date.--(1) Not later than 60 days before the service commencement date of a participant, the Secretary shall notify the participant of that service commencement date.

``(2) The date specified in paragraph (1) with respect to a participant is the date for the beginning of the period of obligated service of the participant.

``Sec. 7699B. Breach of agreement: liability

``(a) Liquidated Damages.--(1) A participant in the Program

(other than a participant described in subsection (b)) who fails to accept payment, or instructs the educational institution in which the participant is enrolled not to accept payment, in whole or in part, of a scholarship under the agreement entered into under section 7604 of this title shall be liable to the United States for liquidated damages in the amount of $1,500.

``(2) Liability under paragraph (1) is in addition to any period of obligated service or other obligation or liability under such agreement.

``(b) Liability During Program of Study.--(1) Except as provided in subsection (d), a participant in the Program shall be liable to the United States for the amount which has been paid to or on behalf of the participant under the agreement if any of the following occurs:

``(A) The participant fails to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the educational institution in which the participant is enrolled (as determined by the educational institution under regulations prescribed by the Secretary).

``(B) The participant is dismissed from such educational institution for disciplinary reasons.

``(C) The participant voluntarily terminates the program of study in such educational institution before the completion of such program of study.

``(2) Liability under this subsection is in lieu of any service obligation arising under the agreement.

``(c) Liability During Period of Obligated Service.--(1) Except as provided in subsection (d), if a participant in the Program does not complete the period of obligated service of the participant, the United States shall be entitled to recover from the participant an amount determined in accordance with the following formula: A = 3F(t-s/t).

``(2) In the formula in paragraph (1):

``(A) `A' is the amount the United States is entitled to recover.

``(B) `F' is the sum of--

``(i) the amounts paid under this subchapter to or on behalf of the participant; and

``(ii) the interest on such amounts which would be payable if at the time the amounts were paid they were loans bearing interest at the maximum legal prevailing rate, as determined by the Treasurer of the United States.

``(C) `t' is the total number of months in the period of obligated service of the participant.

``(D) `s' is the number of months of such period served by the participant.

``(d) Limitation on Liability for Reductions-in-force.--Liability shall not arise under subsection (c) if the participant fails to maintain employment as a Department employee due to a staffing adjustment.

``(e) Period for Payment of Damages.--Any amount of damages that the United States is entitled to recover under this section shall be paid to the United States within the one-year period beginning on the date of the breach of the agreement.''.

(b) Conforming and Technical Amendments.--

(1) Conforming amendments.--

(A) Establishment of program.--Section 7601(a) of such title is amended--

(i) in paragraph (5), by striking ``and'';

(ii) in paragraph (6), by striking the period and inserting

``; and''; and

(iii) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(7) the readjustment counseling service scholarship program provided for in subchapter IX of this chapter.''.

(B) Eligibility.--Section 7602 of such title is amended--

(i) in subsection (a)(1)--

(I) by striking ``or VI'' and inserting ``VI, or IX''; and

(II) by striking ``subchapter VI'' and inserting

``subchapter VI or IX''; and

(ii) in subsection (b), by striking ``or VI'' and inserting

``VI, or IX''.

(C) Application.--Section 7603(a)(1) of such title is amended by striking ``or VIII'' and inserting ``VIII, or IX''.

(D) Terms of agreement.--Section 7604 of such title is amended by striking ``or VIII'' each place it appears and inserting ``VIII, or IX''.

(E) Annual report.--Section 7632 of such title is amended--

(i) in paragraph (1), by striking ``and the Specialty Education Loan Repayment Program'' and inserting ``the Specialty Education Loan Repayment Program, and the Readjustment Counseling Service Scholarship Program''; and

(ii) in paragraph (4), by striking ``and per participant in the Specialty Education Loan Repayment Program'' and inserting ``per participant in the Specialty Education Loan Repayment Program, and per participant in the Readjustment Counseling Service Scholarship Program''.

(2) Table of sections.--The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 76 of such title is amended by inserting after the items relating to subchapter VIII the following:

``subchapter ix--readjustment counseling service scholarship program


``7698. Requirement for program.

``7699. Eligibility; agreement.

``7699A. Obligated service.

``7699B. Breach of agreement: liability.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall begin awarding scholarships under subchapter IX of chapter 76 of title 38, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), for programs of study beginning not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act.




(a) In General.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the Readjustment Counseling Service of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(b) Elements.--The report required by subsection (a) shall include the following:

(1) An assessment of the adequacy and types of treatment, counseling, and other services provided at Vet Centers, including recommendations on whether and how such treatment, counseling, and other services can be expanded.

(2) An assessment of the efficacy of outreach efforts by the Readjustment Counseling Service, including recommendations for how outreach efforts can be improved.

(3) An assessment of barriers to care at Vet Centers, including recommendations for overcoming those barriers.

(4) An assessment of the efficacy and frequency of the use of telehealth by counselors of the Readjustment Counseling Service to provide mental health services, including recommendations for how the use of telehealth can be improved.

(5) An assessment of the feasibility and advisability of expanding eligibility for services from the Readjustment Counseling Service, including--

(A) recommendations on what eligibility criteria could be expanded; and

(B) an assessment of potential costs and increased infrastructure requirements if eligibility is expanded.

(6) An assessment of the use of Vet Centers by members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces who were never activated and recommendations on how to better reach those members.

(7) An assessment of the use of Vet Centers by eligible family members of former members of the Armed Forces and recommendations on how to better reach those family members.

(8) An assessment of the efficacy of group therapy and the level of training of providers at Vet Centers in administering group therapy.

(9) An assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the task organization structure of Vet Centers.

(10) An assessment of the use of Vet Centers by Native American veterans, as defined in section 3765 of title 38, United States Code, and recommendations on how to better reach those veterans.

(c) Vet Center Defined.--In this section, the term ``Vet Center'' has the meaning given that term in section 1712A(h) of title 38, United States Code.




(a) Expansion of Annual Report.--Paragraph (2)(C) of section 7309(e) of title 38, United States Code, is amended by inserting before the period at the end the following: ``, including the resources required to meet such unmet need, such as additional staff, additional locations, additional infrastructure, infrastructure improvements, and additional mobile Vet Centers''.

(b) Biennial Report.--Such section is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) For each even numbered year in which the report required by paragraph (1) is submitted, the Secretary shall include in such report a prediction of--

``(A) trends in demand for care;

``(B) long-term investments required with respect to the provision of care;

``(C) requirements relating to maintenance of infrastructure; and

``(D) other capital investment requirements with respect to the Readjustment Counseling Service, including Vet Centers, mobile Vet Centers, and community access points.''.



(a) Survey of Veterans.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall conduct a survey on the attitudes of eligible veterans toward the Department of Veterans Affairs offering appointments outside the usual operating hours of facilities of the Department, including through the use of telehealth appointments.

(2) Eligible veteran defined.--In this subsection, the term

``eligible veteran'' means a veteran who--

(A) is enrolled in the patient enrollment system of the Department under section 1705(a) of title 38, United States Code; and

(B) received health care from the Department at least once during the two-year period ending on the date of the commencement of the survey under paragraph (1).

(b) Congressional Briefing.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 270 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall brief the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives on the--

(A) feasibility and advisability of offering appointments outside the usual operating hours of facilities of the Department that do not offer such appointments; and

(B) effectiveness of offering appointments outside the usual operating hours of facilities of the Department for those facilities that offer such appointments.

(2) Elements.--The briefing required by paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) The findings of the survey conducted under subsection


(B) Feedback from employees of the Veterans Health Administration, including clinical, nonclinical, and support staff, with respect to offering appointments outside the usual operating hours of facilities of the Department, including through the use of telehealth appointments; and

(C) Any other matters the Secretary considers relevant to a full understanding of the feasibility and advisability of offering appointments outside the usual operating hours of facilities of the Department.

(c) Paperwork Reduction Act Exemption.--Chapter 35 of title 44, United States Code (commonly known as the ``Paperwork Reduction Act'') shall not apply to any rulemaking or information collection required under this section.


(a) Staffing Requirement.--Beginning not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall ensure that each medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs has not less than one suicide prevention coordinator.

(b) Study on Reorganization.--

(1) In general.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation with the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention of the Department, shall commence the conduct of a study to determine the feasibility and advisability of--

(A) the realignment and reorganization of suicide prevention coordinators within the Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention; and

(B) the creation of a suicide prevention coordinator program office.

(2) Program office realignment.--In conducting the study under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall assess the feasibility of advisability of, within the suicide prevention coordinator program office described in paragraph (1)(B), aligning suicide prevention coordinators and suicide prevention case managers within the organizational structure and chart of the Suicide Prevention Program of the Department, with the Director of the Suicide Prevention program having ultimate supervisory oversight and responsibility over the suicide prevention coordinator program office.

(c) Report.--Not later than 90 days after the completion of the study under subsection (b), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on such study, including the following:

(1) An assessment of the feasibility and advisability of creating a suicide prevention coordinator program office to oversee and monitor suicide prevention coordinators and suicide prevention case managers across all medical centers of the Department.

(2) A review of current staffing ratios for suicide prevention coordinators and suicide prevention case managers in comparison with current staffing ratios for mental health providers within each medical center of the Department.

(3) A description of the duties and responsibilities for suicide prevention coordinators across the Department to better define, delineate, and standardize qualifications, performance goals, performance duties, and performance outcomes for suicide prevention coordinators and suicide prevention case managers.




(a) Findings.--Congress makes the following findings:

(1) The Department of Veterans Affairs must be more effective in its approach to reducing the burden of veteran suicide connected to mental health diagnoses, to include expansion of treatment delivered via telehealth methods and in rural areas.

(2) An innovative project, known as Suicide Assessment and Follow-up Engagement: Veteran Emergency Treatment (in this subsection referred to as ``SAFE VET''), was designed to help suicidal veterans seen at emergency departments within the Veterans Health Administration and was successfully implemented in five intervention sites beginning in 2010.

(3) A 2018 study found that safety planning intervention under SAFE VET was associated with 45 percent fewer suicidal behaviors in the six-month period following emergency department care and more than double the odds of a veteran engaging in outpatient behavioral health care.

(4) SAFE VET is a promising alternative and acceptable delivery of care system that augments the treatment of suicidal veterans in emergency departments of the Veterans Health Administration and helps ensure that those veterans have appropriate follow-up care.

(5) Beginning in September 2018, the Veterans Health Administration implemented a suicide prevention program, known as the SPED program, for veterans presenting to the emergency department who are assessed to be at risk for suicide and are safe to be discharged home.

(6) The SPED program includes issuance and update of a safety plan and post-discharge follow-up outreach for veterans to facilitate engagement in outpatient mental health care.

(b) Report.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the efforts of the Secretary to implement a suicide prevention program for veterans presenting to an emergency department or urgent care center of the Veterans Health Administration who are assessed to be at risk for suicide and are safe to be discharged home, including a safety plan and post-discharge outreach for veterans to facilitate engagement in outpatient mental health care.

(2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) An assessment of the implementation of the current operational policies and procedures of the SPED program at each medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs, including an assessment of the following:

(i) Training provided to clinicians or other personnel administering protocols under the SPED program.

(ii) Any disparities in implementation of such protocols between medical centers.

(iii) Current criteria used to measure the quality of such protocols including--

(I) methodology used to assess the quality of a safety plan and post-discharge outreach for veterans; or

(II) in the absence of such methodology, a proposed timeline and guidelines for creating a methodology to ensure compliance with the evidence-based model used under the Suicide Assessment and Follow-up Engagement: Veteran Emergency Treatment (SAFE VET) program of the Department.

(B) An assessment of the implementation of the policies and procedures described in subparagraph (A), including the following:

(i) An assessment of the quality and quantity of safety plans issued to veterans.

(ii) An assessment of the quality and quantity of post-discharge outreach provided to veterans.

(iii) The post-discharge rate of veteran engagement in outpatient mental health care, including attendance at not fewer than one individual mental health clinic appointment or admission to an inpatient or residential unit.

(iv) The number of veterans who decline safety planning efforts during protocols under the SPED program.

(v) The number of veterans who decline to participate in follow-up efforts within the SPED program.

(C) A description of how SPED primary coordinators are deployed to support such efforts, including the following:

(i) A description of the duties and responsibilities of such coordinators.

(ii) The number and location of such coordinators.

(iii) A description of training provided to such coordinators.

(iv) An assessment of the other responsibilities for such coordinators and, if applicable, differences in patient outcomes when such responsibilities are full-time duties as opposed to secondary duties.

(D) An assessment of the feasibility and advisability of expanding the total number and geographic distribution of SPED primary coordinators.

(E) An assessment of the feasibility and advisability of providing services under the SPED program via telehealth channels, including an analysis of opportunities to leverage telehealth to better serve veterans in rural areas.

(F) A description of the status of current capabilities and utilization of tracking mechanisms to monitor compliance, quality, and patient outcomes under the SPED program.

(G) Such recommendations, including specific action items, as the Secretary considers appropriate with respect to how the Department can better implement the SPED program, including recommendations with respect to the following:

(i) A process to standardize training under such program.

(ii) Any resourcing requirements necessary to implement the SPED program throughout Veterans Health Administration, including by having a dedicated clinician responsible for administration of such program at each medical center.

(iii) An analysis of current statutory authority and any changes necessary to fully implement the SPED program throughout the Veterans Health Administration.

(iv) A timeline for the implementation of the SPED program through the Veterans Health Administration once full resourcing and an approved training plan are in place.

(H) Such other matters as the Secretary considers appropriate.

(c) Definitions.--In this section:

(1) Appropriate committees of congress.--The term

``appropriate committees of Congress'' means--

(A) the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and

(B) the Committee on Veterans' Affairs and the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.

(2) SPED primary coordinator.--The term ``SPED primary coordinator'' means the main point of contact responsible for administering the SPED program at a medical center of the Department.

(3) SPED program.--The term ``SPED program'' means the Safety Planning in Emergency Departments program of the Department of Veterans Affairs established in September 2018 for veterans presenting to the emergency department who are assessed to be at risk for suicide and are safe to be discharged home, which extends the evidence-based intervention for suicide prevention to all emergency departments of the Veterans Health Administration.




The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall expand the capabilities of the Women Veterans Call Center of the Department of Veterans Affairs to include a text messaging capability.




(a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall survey the internet websites and information resources of the Department of Veterans Affairs in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act and publish an internet website that serves as a centralized source for the provision to women veterans of information about the benefits and services available to them under laws administered by the Secretary.

(b) Elements.--The internet website published under subsection (a) shall provide to women veterans information regarding all services available in the district in which the veteran is seeking such services, including, with respect to each medical center and community-based outpatient clinic in the applicable Veterans Integrated Service Network--

(1) the name and contact information of each women's health coordinator;

(2) a list of appropriate staff for other benefits available from the Veterans Benefits Administration, the National Cemetery Administration, and such other entities as the Secretary considers appropriate; and

(3) such other information as the Secretary considers appropriate.

(c) Updated Information.--The Secretary shall ensure that the information described in subsection (b) that is published on the internet website required by subsection (a) is updated not less frequently than once every 90 days.

(d) Outreach.--In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall ensure that the outreach conducted under section 1720F(i) of title 38, United States Code, includes information regarding the internet website required by subsection (a).

(e) Derivation of Funds.--Amounts used by the Secretary to carry out this section shall be derived from amounts made available to the Secretary to publish internet websites of the Department.




(a) In General.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall enter into agreements, and expand existing agreements, with organizations that represent or serve veterans, nonprofit organizations, private businesses, and other interested parties for the expansion of telehealth capabilities and the provision of telehealth services to veterans through the award of grants under subsection (b).

(b) Award of Grants.--

(1) In general.--In carrying out agreements entered into or expanded under this section with entities described in subsection (a), the Secretary shall award grants to those entities.

(2) Locations.--To the extent practicable, the Secretary shall ensure that grants are awarded to entities that serve veterans in rural and highly rural areas (as determined through the use of the Rural-Urban Commuting Areas coding system of the Department of Agriculture) or areas determined to be medically underserved.

(3) Use of grants.--

(A) In general.--Grants awarded to an entity under this subsection may be used for one or more of the following:

(i) Purchasing, replacing or upgrading hardware or software necessary for the provision of secure and private telehealth services.

(ii) Upgrading security protocols for consistency with the security requirements of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(iii) Training of site attendants, including payment of those attendants for completing that training, with respect to--

(I) military and veteran cultural competence, if the entity is not an organization that represents veterans;

(II) equipment required to provide telehealth services;

(III) privacy, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 privacy rule under part 160 and subparts A and E of part 164 of title 45, Code of Federal Regulations, or successor regulations, as it relates to health care for veterans;

(IV) scheduling for telehealth services for veterans; or

(V) any other unique training needs for the provision of telehealth services to veterans.

(iv) Upgrading existing infrastructure owned or leased by the entity to make rooms more conducive to telehealth care, including--

(I) additions or modifications to windows or walls in an existing room, or other alterations as needed to create a new, private room, including permits or inspections required in association with space modifications;

(II) soundproofing of an existing room;

(III) new electrical, telephone, or internet outlets in an existing room; or

(IV) aesthetic enhancements to establish a more suitable therapeutic environment.

(v) Upgrading existing infrastructure to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.).

(vi) Upgrading internet infrastructure and sustainment of internet services.

(vii) Sustainment of telephone services.

(B) Exclusion.--Grants may not be used for the purchase of new property or for major construction projects, as determined by the Secretary.

(c) Agreement on Telehealth Access Points.--

(1) In general.--An entity described in subsection (a) that seeks to establish a telehealth access point for veterans but does not require grant funding under this section to do so may enter into an agreement with the Department for the establishment of such an access point.

(2) Adequacy of facilities.--An entity described in paragraph (1) shall be responsible for ensuring that any access point is adequately private, secure, clean, and accessible for veterans before the access point is established.

(d) Assessment of Barriers to Access.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall complete an assessment of barriers faced by veterans in accessing telehealth services.

(2) Elements.--The assessment required by paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) A description of the barriers veterans face in using telehealth while not on property of the Department.

(B) A description of how the Department plans to address the barriers described in subparagraph (A).

(C) Such other matters related to access by veterans to telehealth while not on property of the Department as the Secretary considers relevant.

(3) Report.--Not later than 120 days after the completion of the assessment required by paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the assessment, including any recommendations for legislative or administrative action based on the results of the assessment.






(a) Partnerships to Provide Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to Veterans.--

(1) Use of partnerships.--The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, in consultation with the Center for Compassionate Innovation within the Office of Community Engagement of the Department of Veterans Affairs, may enter into partnerships with non-Federal Government entities to provide hyperbaric oxygen treatment to veterans to research the effectiveness of such therapy.

(2) Types of partnerships.--Partnerships entered into under paragraph (1) may include the following:

(A) Partnerships to conduct research on hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

(B) Partnerships to review research on hyperbaric oxygen therapy provided to nonveterans.

(C) Partnerships to create industry working groups to determine standards for research on hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

(D) Partnerships to provide to veterans hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the purposes of conducting research on the effectiveness of such therapy.

(3) Limitation on federal funding.--Federal Government funding may be used to coordinate and administer the partnerships under this subsection but may not be used to carry out activities conducted under such partnerships.

(b) Review of Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation with the Center for Compassionate Innovation, shall begin using an objective and quantifiable method to review the effectiveness and applicability of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, such as through the use of a device approved or cleared by the Food and Drug Administration that assesses traumatic brain injury by tracking eye movement.

(c) Systematic Review of Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to Treat Certain Conditions.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation with the Center for Compassionate Innovation, shall commence the conduct of a systematic review of published research literature on off-label use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury among veterans and nonveterans.

(2) Elements.--The review conducted under paragraph (1) shall include the following:

(A) An assessment of the current parameters for research on the use by the Department of Veterans Affairs of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, including--

(i) tests and questionnaires used to determine the efficacy of such therapy; and

(ii) metrics for determining the success of such therapy.

(B) A comparative analysis of tests and questionnaires used to study post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury in other research conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs, other Federal agencies, and entities outside the Federal Government.

(3) Completion of review.--The review conducted under paragraph (1) shall be completed not later than 180 days after the date of the commencement of the review.

(4) Report.--Not later than 90 days after the completion of the review conducted under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the results of the review.

(d) Follow-up Study.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 120 days after the completion of the review conducted under subsection (c), the Secretary, in consultation with the Center for Compassionate Innovation, shall commence the conduct of a study on all individuals receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy through the current pilot program of the Department for the provision of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to veterans to determine the efficacy and effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.

(2) Elements.--The study conducted under paragraph (1) shall include the review and publication of any data and conclusions resulting from research conducted by an authorized provider of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for veterans through the pilot program described in such paragraph.

(3) Completion of study.--The study conducted under paragraph (1) shall be completed not later than three years after the date of the commencement of the study.

(4) Report.--

(A) In general.--Not later than 90 days after completing the study conducted under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the results of the study.

(B) Elements.--The report required under subparagraph (A) shall include the recommendation of the Secretary with respect to whether or not hyperbaric oxygen therapy should be made available to all veterans with traumatic brain injury or post-traumatic stress disorder.





(a) Technical Qualifications.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall prescribe the technical qualifications required under section 7402(b)(14) of title 38, United States Code, to be appointed as a licensed hearing aid specialist under section 7401(3) of such title.

(2) Elements for qualifications.--In prescribing the qualifications for licensed hearing aid specialists under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall, at a minimum, ensure that such qualifications are consistent with--

(A) the standards for licensure of hearing aid specialists that are required by a majority of States;

(B) any competencies needed to perform tasks and services commonly performed by hearing aid specialists pursuant to such standards; and

(C) any competencies needed to perform tasks specific to providing care to individuals under the laws administered by the Secretary.

(b) Authority to Set and Maintain Duties.--The Secretary shall retain the authority to set and maintain the duties for licensed hearing aid specialists appointed under section 7401(3) of title 38, United States Code, for the purposes of the employment of such specialists with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

(c) Appointment.--Not later than September 30, 2022, the Secretary shall appoint not fewer than one licensed hearing aid specialist at each medical center of the Department.

(d) Report.--Not later than September 30, 2022, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report--

(1) assessing the progress of the Secretary in appointing licensed hearing aid specialists under subsection (c);

(2) assessing potential conflicts or obstacles that prevent the appointment of licensed hearing aid specialists;

(3) assessing the factors that led to such conflicts or obstacles;

(4) assessing access of patients to comprehensive hearing health care services from the Department consistent with the requirements under section 4(b) of the Veterans Mobility Safety Act of 2016 (Public Law 114-256; 38 U.S.C. 7401 note), including an assessment of the impact of infrastructure and equipment limitations on wait times for audiologic care; and

(5) indicating the medical centers of the Department with vacancies for audiologists or licensed hearing aid specialists.




(a) In General.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall complete all necessary policy revisions within the directive of the Veterans Health Administration numbered 1200.05 and titled ``Requirements for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research'', to allow sponsored clinical research of the Department of Veterans Affairs to use accredited commercial institutional review boards to review research proposal protocols of the Department.

(b) Identification of Review Boards.--Not later than 90 days after the completion of the policy revisions under subsection (a), the Secretary shall--

(1) identify accredited commercial institutional review boards for use in connection with sponsored clinical research of the Department; and

(2) establish a process to modify existing approvals in the event that a commercial institutional review board loses its accreditation during an ongoing clinical trial.

(c) Report.--

(1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the completion of the policy revisions under subsection (a), and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on all approvals of institutional review boards used by the Department, including central institutional review boards and commercial institutional review boards.

(2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall include, at a minimum, the following:

(A) The name of each clinical trial with respect to which the use of an institutional review board has been approved.

(B) The institutional review board or institutional review boards used in the approval process for each clinical trial.

(C) The amount of time between submission and approval.




(a) In General.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs shall establish within the Office of Information and Technology of the Department of Veterans Affairs an Office of Research Reviews (in this section referred to as the


(b) Elements.--The Office shall do the following:

(1) Perform centralized security reviews and complete security processes for approved research sponsored outside the Department, with a focus on multi-site clinical trials.

(2) Develop and maintain a list of commercially available software preferred for use in sponsored clinical trials of the Department and ensure such list is maintained as part of the official approved software products list of the Department.

(3) Develop benchmarks for appropriate timelines for security reviews conducted by the Office.

(c) Report.--

(1) In general.--Not later than one year after the establishment of the Office, the Office shall submit to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on the activity of the Office.

(2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall include, at a minimum, the following:

(A) The number of security reviews completed.

(B) The number of personnel assigned for performing the functions described in subsection (b).


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 166, No. 139