Saturday, June 15, 2024


Volume 152, No. 9 covering the of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2006) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“TRIBUTE TO DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY EMPLOYEES FOR WORK IN CLEANING UP ROCKY FLATS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on pages E12-E13 on Jan. 31, 2006.

The publication is reproduced in full below:





of colorado

in the house of representatives

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge and praise the extraordinary efforts of so many Department of Energy, DOE, employees in the successful cleanup and closure of the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Facility in Colorado.

Last year, the DOE began the process of certifying the completion of Kaiser-Hill Corporation's cleanup of the Rocky Flats facility. This certification marks the end of an era in our Nation's history. The story of Rocky Flats includes two different chapters that describe human achievement and technological prowess--not only the buildup of our nuclear arsenal during the tense days of the Cold War but also the completion of a remarkably complicated environmental restoration program that is a model for the world.

I believe that the men and women who worked to write both of these chapters in the Rocky Flats story deserve our admiration and appreciation. All involved deserve recognition as heroes of the Cold War era and also heroes in the new era of environmental protection. That includes Federal officials and employees of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and DOE, as well as officials and employees of Colorado's Department of Health and Environmental Protection and the private-sector employees of DOE's contractors.

In December 2005, Kaiser-Hill rightly sponsored a community event that celebrated these achievements. Invitations went to employees of DOE as well as others, but the DOE Office of General Counsel insisted that DOE employees be charged more than other Federal employees to attend this celebration. I objected to this decision because it did not apply to high-ranking DOE officials who had speaking roles at the event, and struck me as an unduly restrictive interpretation of Federal ethical guidelines that sounded a sour note in an otherwise happy occasion. I felt so strongly about it that I decided against attending the event as a message of solidarity with DOE employees.

In part to reinforce my admiration and respect for the hard work of so many DOE employees at Rocky Flats, and to ensure that this body fully acknowledges their contributions to our national security and our environment, I will place in the Record the names of DOE employees who deserve our thanks and an acknowledgement of the service they gave in turning Rocky Flats into a success story:

Jeff Allison, Charlie Anderson, Mariane Anderson, Tod Anderson, Robert Birk, Robert Bistline, Ron Bostic, Gerald Boyd, Ken Brakken, Lisa Bressler, Patti Bubar, Roger Butler, George Cannode, Kathleen Carlson, William Casey, Norma Castaneda, Jack Craig, Hank Dalton, Charlie Dan, Gina Dan, Ann Davis, Paul Detwiler, Glenn Doyle, Patrick Etchart, Jim Fiore, Cliff Franklin, Mark Frei, David Garman, Christine Gelles, Dave George, Fred Gerdeman, Mark Gilbertson, Paul Golan, Robert Goldsmith, Dave Grosek, Kent Grover, Tom Grumbley, James Hartman, Art Haugh, Larry Helmerick, Dave Hicks, Richard Hopf, Rod Hoffman, Gary Huffman, Carolyn Huntoon, Brent Johansen, Elizabeth Jordan, Jeremy Karpatkin, Keith Klein, Joe Legare, Gary Lietz, Ellen Livingston, Frazer Lockhart, Paul Longsworth, Tom Lukow, Karen Lutz, Mary Lynch, Larry Maghrak, Barbara Male, Barbara Mazurowski, Matt McCormick, Steve McCracken, Deanna McCranie, Anna Martinez-Barnish, Greg Moore, Gary Morgan, John Mullarkey, Theresa Nash, Robert Nelson, Ricky Newton, Dennis Oba, Shirley Olinger, Mike Owen, Jim Owendoff, Jeff Parkin, Ray Plieness, Lloyd Piper, Jane Powell, Barbara Powers-Hargreaves, Michael Hargreaves, Richard B. Provencher, William Prymak, Don Rack, John Rampe, William C. Rask, Brad Ring, Jessie Roberson, Mell Roy, Norm Sandlin, Dero Sargent, Rich Schassburger, Roy Schepens, Lance Schlag, Gene Schmitt, John Schneider, Gary Schuetz, Clay Sell, Beth Sellers, Warren Seyfert, Frank Sheppard, Mark Silverman, Dave Simonson, Steve Sohinki, Joe Springer, Jim Steward, John Stover, Scott Surovchak, Maryanne Tinney, Ines Triay, Reginald Tyler, Phil VanLoan, David Vaughn, Patty Wagner, Bruce Wallin, Bob Warther, Kerry Watson, Mike Weis, Ed Westbrook, Dotti Whitt, Elizabeth Wilson and Lam Xuan.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 152, No. 9