Saturday, June 15, 2024

“ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS” published by Congressional Record on Aug. 10

Volume 167, No. 145 covering the 1st Session of the 117th Congress (2021 - 2022) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S6280-S6282 on Aug. 10.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


S. 1425

At the request of Ms. Klobuchar, the names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Durbin), the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Ossoff), the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Booker) and the Senator from Texas (Mr. Cruz) were added as cosponsors of S. 1425, a bill to enable the Federal Trade Commission to deter filing of sham citizen petitions to cover an attempt to interfere with approval of a competing generic drug or biosimilar, to foster competition, and facilitate the efficient review of petitions filed in good faith to raise legitimate public health concerns, and for other purposes.

S. 1428

At the request of Ms. Klobuchar, the names of the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. Blumenthal), the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Ossoff) and the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Booker) were added as cosponsors of S. 1428, a bill to prohibit brand name drug companies from compensating generic drug companies to delay the entry of a generic drug into the market, and to prohibit biological product manufacturers from compensating biosimilar and interchangeable companies to delay the entry of biosimilar biological products and interchangeable biological products.

S. 1721

At the request of Mr. Toomey, the names of the Senator from Texas

(Mr. Cruz) and the Senator from Indiana (Mr. Braun) were added as cosponsors of S. 1721, a bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to require the impaneling of a new jury if a jury fails to recommend by unanimous vote a sentence for conviction of a crime punishable by death.

S. 1814

At the request of Ms. Duckworth, the name of the Senator from California (Mrs. Feinstein) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1814, a bill to authorize the Women Who Worked on the Home Front Foundation to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs, and for other purposes.

S. 1873

At the request of Mr. Crapo, the name of the Senator from North Carolina (Mr. Burr) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1873, a bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for Medicare coverage of multi-cancer early detection screening tests.

S. 1964

At the request of Mr. Bennet, the name of the Senator from Arizona

(Mr. Kelly) was added as a cosponsor of S. 1964, a bill to amend the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996 to provide for the establishment of a Ski Area Fee Retention Account, and for other purposes.

S. 2011

At the request of Mr. Coons, the names of the Senator from Maryland

(Mr. Cardin), the Senator from Maryland (Mr. Van Hollen), the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Ossoff), the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Warnock), the Senator from Hawaii (Mr. Schatz), the Senator from Oregon (Mr. Merkley), the Senator from Florida (Mr. Rubio), the Senator from Wisconsin (Ms. Baldwin), the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. Blumenthal), the Senator from New York (Mrs. Gillibrand), the Senator from Michigan

(Ms. Stabenow), the Senator from New Hampshire (Ms. Hassan), the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. Hoeven), the Senator from North Dakota

(Mr. Cramer), the Senator from Wyoming (Mr. Barrasso), the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Reed) and the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Whitehouse) were added as cosponsors of S. 2011, a bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to honor the contributions of all those whose efforts led to the successful development of life saving vaccines to combat the novel coronavirus.

S. 2024

At the request of Mr. Thune, the name of the Senator from Minnesota

(Ms. Klobuchar) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2024, a bill to require that internet platforms give users the option to engage with a platform without being manipulated by algorithms driven by user-specific data.

S. 2058

At the request of Mr. Cornyn, the name of the Senator from Oklahoma

(Mr. Inhofe) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2058, a bill to improve the safety and security of members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.

S. 2075

At the request of Mr. Bennet, the names of the Senator from Delaware

(Mr. Coons) and the Senator from Ohio (Mr. Portman) were added as cosponsors of S. 2075, a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide an exclusion from gross income for AmeriCorps educational awards.

S. 2081

At the request of Ms. Hirono, the name of the Senator from Maryland

(Mr. Cardin) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2081, a bill to improve the structure of the Federal Pell Grant program, and for other purposes.

S. 2086

At the request of Mr. Durbin, the names of the Senator from New Mexico (Mr. Lujan), the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. Smith) and the Senator from Delaware (Mr. Carper) were added as cosponsors of S. 2086, a bill to improve the identification and support of children and families who experience trauma.

S. 2096

At the request of Mr. Rubio, the name of the Senator from Arizona

(Ms. Sinema) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2096, a bill to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to authorize admission of Canadian retirees as long-term visitors for pleasure described in section 101(a)(15)(B) of such Act, and for other purposes.

S. 2209

At the request of Mr. Burr, the name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. Braun) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2209, a bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide for the regulation of in vitro clinical tests, and for other purposes.

S. 2301

At the request of Mr. Schatz, the name of the Senator from Maryland

(Mr. Van Hollen) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2301, a bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide capacity-building assistance to institutions of higher education to examine and address inequities in college student access and success, and for other purposes.

S. 2390

At the request of Ms. Duckworth, the name of the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. Smith) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2390, a bill to allow Americans to receive paid leave time to process and address their own health needs and the health needs of their partners during the period following a pregnancy loss, an unsuccessful round of intrauterine insemination or of an assisted reproductive technology procedure, a failed adoption arrangement, a failed surrogacy arrangement, or a diagnosis or event that impacts pregnancy or fertility, to support related research and education, and for other purposes.

S. 2406

At the request of Mrs. Gillibrand, the name of the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. Booker) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2406, a bill to amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to require the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to set maximum contaminant levels for certain chemicals, and for other purposes.

S. 2449

At the request of Mr. Graham, the name of the Senator from Nebraska

(Mrs. Fischer) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2449, a bill to amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to enhance penalties for theft of a firearm from a Federal firearms licensee.

S. 2519

At the request of Mr. Johnson, the names of the Senator from South Carolina (Mr. Scott) and the Senator from South Dakota (Mr. Rounds) were added as cosponsors of S. 2519, a bill to repeal the multi-State plan program.

S. 2543

At the request of Mr. Hagerty, the name of the Senator from Missouri

(Mr. Hawley) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2543, a bill to require a study on the national security implications of the People's Republic of China's efforts to create an official digital currency.

S. 2647

At the request of Mrs. Gillibrand, the names of the Senator from Maine (Ms. Collins), the Senator from Texas (Mr. Cruz) and the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. Hoeven) were added as cosponsors of S. 2647, a bill to award a Congressional gold medal to the 369th Infantry Regiment, commonly known as the ``Harlem Hellfighters'' , in recognition of their bravery and outstanding service during World War I.

S. 2675

At the request of Mr. Cardin, the names of the Senator from Rhode Island (Mr. Reed), the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. Klobuchar), the Senator from Maryland (Mr. Van Hollen) and the Senator from Virginia

(Mr. Warner) were added as cosponsors of S. 2675, a bill to amend the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to increase appropriations to Restaurant Revitalization Fund, and for other purposes.

S.J. RES. 10

At the request of Mr. Kaine, the name of the Senator from Maine (Mr. King) was added as a cosponsor of S.J. Res. 10, a joint resolution to repeal the authorizations for use of military force against Iraq, and for other purposes


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 145