Saturday, June 15, 2024

“EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.” published by the Congressional Record on Feb. 3, 2016

Volume 162, No. 20 covering the 2nd Session of the 114th Congress (2015 - 2016) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H565-H566 on Feb. 3, 2016.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows:

4203. A letter from the Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Hispanic-Serving Agricultural Colleges and Universities (HSACU) (RIN: 0524-AA39) received January 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

4204. A letter from the Director, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Competitive and Noncompetitive Non-formula Federal Assistance Programs -- General Award Administrative Provisions and Specific Administrative Provisions (RIN: 0524-AA58) received February 1, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

4205. A letter from the Board Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Farm Credit Administration, transmitting the Administration's proposed rule -- Organization; Funding and Fiscal Affairs, Loan Policies and Operations, and Funding Operations; Farmer Mac Investment Eligibility (RIN: 3052-AC86) received January 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

4206. A letter from the Administrator, Rural Housing Service, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's Major final rule -- Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (RIN: 0575-AC18) received January 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial Services.

4207. A letter from the Director, Regulations Policy and Management Staff, FDA, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Current Good Manufacturing Practice, Hazard Analysis, and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Food for Animals; Technical Amendment

[Docket No.: FDA-2011-N-0922] (RIN: 0910-AG10) received February 1, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

4208. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Cyazofamid; Pesticide Tolerances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0263; FRL-9940-46] received February 2, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

4209. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's direct final rule -- Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Revisions to Reporting and Recordkeeping for Imports and Exports [EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0309; FRL-9941-82-OAR] (RIN: 2060-AS68) received February 2, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

4210. A letter from the Secretary, Department of the Treasury, transmitting a six-month periodic report on the national emergency with respect to Libya that was declared in Executive Order 13566 of February 25, 2011, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public Law 94-412, Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 U.S.C. 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c);

(91 Stat. 1627); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

4211. A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 21-276, ``Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Safety Regulation Temporary Amendment Act of 2016'', pursuant to Public Law 93-198, Sec. 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

4212. A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 21-277, ``Microstamping Implementation Temporary Amendment Act of 2016'', pursuant to Public Law 93-198, Sec. 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

4213. A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 21-275, ``Office of the Attorney General Personnel and Procurement Clarification Temporary Amendment Act of 2016'', pursuant to Public Law 93-198, Sec. 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

4214. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, NMFS, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, transmitting the Administration's final rule

-- Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; 2016 Atlantic Shark Commercial Fishing Season [Docket No.: 150413357- 5999-02] (RIN: 0648-XD898) received January 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Natural Resources.

4215. A letter from the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NMFS, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, transmitting the Administration's temporary rule -- Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Blueline Tilefish Fishery; Secretarial Emergency Action [Docket No.: 150311250-5474-01]

(RIN: 0648-BE97) received January 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251;

(110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Natural Resources.

4216. A letter from the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, NMFS, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, transmitting the Administration's final rule -- Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Revise Maximum Retainable Amounts for Skates in the Gulf of Alaska [Docket No.: 150126078-5999-02] (RIN: 0648-BE85) received January 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251;

(110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Natural Resources.

4217. A letter from the Secretary, Federal Trade Commission, transmitting the Commission's notice -- Revised Jurisdictional Thresholds for Section 8 of the Clayton Act received January 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on the Judiciary.

4218. A letter from the Secretary, Department of Energy, transmitting a submission of proposed legislation to amend Section 4601(c) of the Atomic Energy Defense Act (50 U.S.C. 2701(c)); jointly to the Committees on Armed Services and Energy and Commerce.

4219. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Diversion Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Self-Certification and Employee Training of Mail-Order Distributors of Scheduled Listed Chemical Products

[Docket No.: DEA-347] (RIN: 1117-AB30) received January 29, 2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Added by Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); jointly to the Committees on Energy and Commerce and the Judiciary.

4220. A letter from the Chair, Office of Compliance, transmitting a notice of adoption of regulations and submission for approval, pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 1384(b)(3); Public Law 104-1, Sec. 304; (109 Stat. 29); jointly to the Committees on House Administration and Education and the Workforce.

4221. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Department of State, transmitting a letter and relevant documentation concerning the implementation of limited waivers of certain sanctions with respect to Iran under the Iran Freedom and Counter-Proliferation Act of 2012, the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996, and Sec. 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012; jointly to the Committees on Foreign Affairs, Financial Services, Oversight and Government Reform, the Judiciary, and Ways and Means.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 162, No. 20