Saturday, June 15, 2024

July 26, 2018 sees Congressional Record publish “EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.”

Volume 164, No. 126 covering the 2nd Session of the 115th Congress (2017 - 2018) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H7719-H7720 on July 26, 2018.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows:

5772. A letter from the Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Dairy Program, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Milk in California; Federal Milk Marketing Order Promulgation [Doc. No.: AO-15-0071; AMS-DA-14-0095] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5773. A letter from the Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Specialty Crops Program, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Oranges, Grapefruit, Tangerines, and Pummelos Grown in Florida; Increased Assessment Rate [Doc. No.: AMS-SC-17-0074; SC18-905-1 FR] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5774. A letter from the Acting Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Specialty Crops Program, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Grapes Grown in a Designated Area of Southeastern California; Decreased Assessment Rate [Doc. No.: AMS-SC-17-0082; SC18-925-1 FR] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5775. A letter from the Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Rules of Practice and Procedure Governing Marketing Orders and Marketing Agreements, and Research, Promotion, and Information Programs [Document Number: AMS-SC-18-0007] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5776. A letter from the Administrator, Specialty Crops Program, Promotion and Economics Division, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Peanut Promotion, Research, and Information Order; Change in Assessment Rate Computation [Document Number: AMS-SC-16-0115] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5777. A letter from the Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Specialty Crops Program, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Cranberries Grown in States of Massachusetts, et al.; Establishment of Handler Diversion and Reporting Requirements and New Information Collection [Doc. No.: AMS-SC-17-0066; SC17-929-3 FR] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5778. A letter from the Acting Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Dairy Programs, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Milk in Florida Marketing Area; Order Amending the Order [AMS-DA-17-0068; AO-18-0008] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5779. A letter from the Acting Administrator, Agriculture Marketing Service, Specialty Crops Program, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Walnuts Grown in California; Order Amending Marketing Order 984 [Doc. No.: AMS-SC-16-0053; SC16-984-1 FR] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5780. A letter from the Acting Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Specialty Crops Program, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- General Regulations for Federal Fruit, Vegetable, and Specialty Crop Marketing Agreements and Orders; Authority To Meet Via Electronic Communications [Doc. No.: AMS-SC-17-0086; SC18-900-1 FR] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5781. A letter from the Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Specialty Crops Program, Department of Agriculture, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Olives Grown in California; Decreased Assessment Rate [Doc. No.: AMS-SC-18-0001; SC18-932-1 FR] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Agriculture.

5782. A letter from the Under Secretary, Personnel and Readiness, Department of Defense, transmitting a report titled, ``Implementation and Assessment of a Training Curriculum for the Boards for Correction of Military Records'', pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1552 note; Public Law 114-328, Sec. 534(c); (130 Stat. 2122); to the Committee on Armed Services.

5783. A letter from the Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, transmitting the Commission's Major final rule -- Regulation of NMS Stock Alternative Trading Systems [Release No.: 34-34-83663; File No. S7-23-15] (RIN: 3235-AL65) received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Financial Services.

5784. A letter from the Deputy Assistant General Counsel, Division of Regulatory Services, Department of Education, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Student Assistance General Provisions, Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Family Education Loan Program, William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant Program; Corrections

[Docket ID: ED-2017-OPE-0112] (RIN: 1840-AD28) received July 23, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.

5785. A letter from the Assistant General Counsel for Legislation, Regulation and Energy Efficiency, Office of Fossil Energy, Department of Energy, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Small-Scale Natural Gas Exports

[FE Docket No.: 17-86-R] (RIN: 1901-AB43) received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5786. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- 1,1-Difluoroethane; Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance [EPA-HQ-OPP-2018-0036; FRL-9980-20] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5787. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Additional Air Quality Designations for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards -- San Antonio, Texas Area [EPA-HQ-OAR-2017-0548; FRL-9981-17-OAR] (RIN: 2060-AU13) received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5788. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's direct final rule -- Air Plan Approval and Air Quality Designation; MO; Redesignation of the Missouri Portion of the St. Louis Missouri-Illinois Area to Attainment of the 1997 Annual Standards for Fine Particulate Matter and Approval of Associated Maintenance Plan [EPA-R07-OAR-2017-0734; FRL-9981-29-Region 7] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5789. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Air Plan Approval; Ohio; Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerator Withdrawal for Designated Facilities and Pollutants [EPA-R05-OAR-2018-0113; FRL-9980-95-Region 5] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5790. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's direct final rule -- National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List: Partial Deletion of the Peters Cartridge Factory Superfund Site [EPA-HQ-SFUND-2003-0010; FRL-9981-26-Region 5] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5791. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Florasulam; Pesticide Tolerances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2017-0226; FRL-9979-81] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5792. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List: Deletion of the Davenport and Flagstaff Smelters Superfund Site [EPA-HQ-SFUND-2003-0010; FRL-9981-21-Region 8] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5793. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's direct final rule -- National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List: Deletion of the Old Esco Manufacturing Superfund Site

[EPA-HQ-SFUND-2008-0084; FRL-9981-36-Region 6] received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5794. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's direct final rule -- Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances [EPA-HQ-OPPT-2017-0366; FRL-9970-23] (RIN: 2070-AB27) received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5795. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Media Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, transmitting the Commission's final rule -- Amendment of Section 72.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Connerville, Oklahoma) [MB Docket No.: 18-43] (RM-11797) received July 23, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

5796. A letter from the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Farm Credit Administration, transmitting the Administration's Strategic Plan for FYs 2018 to 2023, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 306(a); Public Law 103-62, Sec. 3 (as amended by Public Law 111-352, Sec. 2); (124 Stat. 3866); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

5797. A letter from the Associate General Counsel for Legislation and Regulations, Office of the General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Adjustment of Civil Monetary Penalty Amounts for 2018 [Docket No.: FR-6076-F-01] (RIN: 2501-AD86) received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on the Judiciary.

5798. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting the Department's temporary final rule -- Safety Zone; Barge PFE-LB444, San Joaquin River, Blackslough Landing, CA [Docket No.: USCG-2018-0634] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

5799. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, Office of Regulations and Administrative Law, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting the Department's temporary final rule -- Special Local Regulation; Choptank River, Cambridge, MD [Docket No.: USCG-2018-0178] (RIN: 1625-AA08) received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

5800. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, Office of Regulations and Administrative Law, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Safety Zone; Alaska Marine Highway System Port Valdez Ferry Terminal, Port Valdez; Valdez, AK

[Docket No.: USCG-2018-0578] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received July 25, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

5801. A letter from the Chief Privacy Office, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting the Privacy Office's inaugural Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act Report to Congress for 2018; jointly to the Committees on Ways and Means and Oversight and Government Reform.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 164, No. 126