Saturday, June 15, 2024

May 16, 2001: Congressional Record publishes “SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS”

Volume 147, No. 67 covering the 1st Session of the 107th Congress (2001 - 2002) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on pages E816-E817 on May 16, 2001.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, agreed to by the Senate on February 4, 1977, calls for establishment of a system for a computerized schedule of all meetings and hearings of Senate committees, subcommittees, joint committees, and committees of conference. This title requires all such committees to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Digest--designated by the Rules committee--of the time, place, and purpose of the meetings, when scheduled, and any cancellations or changes in the meetings as they occur.

As an additional procedure along with the computerization of this information, the Office of the Senate Daily Digest will prepare this information for printing in the Extensions of Remarks section of the Congressional Record on Monday and Wednesday of each week.

Meetings scheduled for Thursday, May 17, 2001 may be found in the Daily Digest of today's Record.


MAY 229 a.m.

Governmental Affairs

To hold hearings on the nomination of Erik Patrick

Christian and the nomination of Maurice A. Ross, each to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the

District of Columbia.

SD-3429:30 a.m.

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

To hold hearings to examine certain issues surrounding retiree health insurance.


Commerce, Science, and Transportation

To hold hearings to examine issues surrounding Amtrak.

SR-25310 a.m.


Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information


To hold hearings to examine the challenges in cybercrime focusing on the National Infrastructure Protection



Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Economic Policy Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine the reverse wealth effect, focusing on consumer confidence with regard to market losses.



To hold hearings to examine competition in the pharmaceutical marketplace, focusing on the antitrust implications of patent settlements.

SD-2262 p.m.


Immigration Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine U.S. immigration policy, focusing on rural and urban health care needs.


Foreign Relations

To hold hearings on the nomination of Lorne W. Craner, of

Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Democracy,

Human Rights, and Labor, the nomination of Ruth A.

Davis, of Georgia, to be Director General of the

Foreign Service, and the nomination of Carl W. Ford,

Jr., of Arkansas, to be Assistant Secretary for

Intelligence and Research, all of the Department of


SD-4192:30 p.m.

Energy and Natural Resources

To hold hearings on the Administration's proposed energy plan, and S. 388, to protect the energy and security of the United States and decrease America's dependency on foreign oil sources to 50% by the year 2011 by enhancing the use of renewable energy resources conserving energy resources, improving energy efficiencies, and increasing domestic energy supplies; improve environmental quality by reducing emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases; mitigate the effect of increases in energy prices on the American consumer, including the poor and the elderly; and for other purposes; and S. 597, to provide for a comprehensive and balanced national energy policy.


Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Consumer Affairs, Foreign Commerce, and Tourism


To hold hearings to examine prescription drug advertising.


MAY 239:30 a.m.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation

To hold hearings to examine issues relating to the boxing industry.


Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

Public Health Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine issues surrounding human subject protection.



Defense Subcommittee

To hold hearings on proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2002 for the Department of Defense and related programs.

SD-19210 a.m.

Governmental Affairs

Business meeting to consider certain nominations.


Environment and Public Works

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine the Environmental Protection

Agency's support of water and wastewater infrastructure.


Joint Economic Committee

To hold joint hearings on the economic outlook of the nation.

311, Cannon Building


Foreign Operations Subcommittee

To hold hearings on proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2002 for international financial institutions.



To hold hearings on Department of Justice and certain judicial nominations.

SD-2262 p.m.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Science, Technology, and Space Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine issues relating to carbon sequestration.


Energy and Natural Resources

Water and Power Subcommittee

To hold oversight hearings to examine the Lower Klamath

River Basin.


MAY 249:30 a.m.

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions

To hold hearings to examine issues surrounding patient safety.


Governmental Affairs

Investigations Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine alleged problems in the tissue industry, such as claims of excessive charges and profit making within the industry, problems in obtaining appropriate informed consent from donor families, issues related to quality control in processing tissue, and whether current regulatory efforts are adequate to ensure the safety of human tissue transplants.


Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Business meeting to consider pending calendar business.

SR-25310 a.m.


Legislative Branch Subcommittee

To hold hearings on proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2002 for the Secretary of the Senate and the

Architect of the Capitol.



Transportation Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine transportation safety issues and Coast Guard modernization proposals.

SD-19210:30 a.m.

Foreign Relations

Business meeting to consider pending calendar business.


JUNE 610 a.m.


VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Subcommittee

To hold hearings on proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2002 for the National Science Foundation and the

Office of Science Technology Policy.


JUNE 1310 a.m.


VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Subcommittee

To hold hearings on proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2002 for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Council of Environmental Quality.


JUNE 149:30 a.m.

Governmental Affairs

Investigations Subcommittee

To hold hearings to examine the nature and scope of cross border fraud, focusing on the state of binational U.S.-

Canadian law enforcement coordination and cooperation and what steps can be taken to fight such crime in the future.


JUNE 159:30 a.m.

Governmental Affairs

Investigations Subcommittee

To continue hearings to examine the growing problem of cross border fraud, which poses a threat to all

American consumers but disproportionately affects the elderly. The focus will be on the state of binational

U.S.-Canadian law enforcement coordination and cooperation and will explore what steps can be taken to fight such crime in the future.


Governmental Affairs

Investigations Subcommittee

To continue hearings to examine the nature and scope of cross border fraud, focusing on the state of binational

U.S.-Canadian law enforcement coordination and cooperation and what steps can be taken to fight such crime in the future.


JUNE 2010 a.m.


VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Subcommittee

To hold hearings on proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2002 for the Department of Housing and Urban



SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 147, No. 67