Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sept. 28, 2000: Congressional Record publishes “NOMINATIONS”

Volume 146, No. 118 covering the 2nd Session of the 106th Congress (1999 - 2000) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“NOMINATIONS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S9558 on Sept. 28, 2000.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Executive nominations received by the Senate September 28, 2000:

department of Commerce

Robert S. LaRussa, of Maryland, to be Under Secretary Commerce for International Trade, vice David L. Aaron, resigned, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

federal housing finance board

Franz S. Leichter, of New York, to be a Director of the Federal Housing Finance Board for a term expiring February 27, 2006, vice Daniel F. Evans, term expired, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

department of transportation

Francisco J. Sanchez, of Florida, to be an Assistant Secretary of Transportation, vice Charles A. Hunnicutt, resigned, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

Sue Bailey, of Maryland, to be Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, vice Ricardo Martinez, resigned, to which position she was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

executive office of the president

George T. Frampton, Jr., of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the Council on Environmental Quality, vice Kathleen A. McGinty, resigned, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

environmental protection agency

W. Michael McCabe, of Pennsylvania, to be Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, vice Frederic James Hansen, resigned, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

department of commerce

Arthur C. Campbell, of Tennessee, to be Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development (New Position), to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

appalachian regional commission

Ella Wong-Rusinko, of Virginia, to be Alternate Federal Cochairman of the Appalachian Regional Commission, vice Hilda Gay Legg, resigned, to which position she was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

department of state

John David Holum, of Maryland, to be Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Department of State

(New Position), to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

Robin Chandler Duke, of New York, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Norway, to which position she was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

Carl Spielvogel, of New York, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Slovak Republic, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

James M. Daley, of Massachusetts, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Barbados, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to St. Kitts and Nevis and to Saint Lucia, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

executive office of the president

Sally Katzen, of the District of Columbia, to be Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget, vice G. Edward De Seve, to which position she was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

united states institute of peace

Shibley Telhami, of Maryland, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace for a term expiring January 19, 2001, vice Thomas E. Harvey, term expired.

Shibley Telhami, of Maryland, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace for a term expiring January 19, 2005. (Reappointment)

Barbara W. Snelling, of Vermont, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace for a term expiring January 19, 2005. (Reappointment)

Holly J. Burkhalter, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace for a term expiring January 19, 2005.


Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration

James Charles Riley, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission for a term expiring August 30, 2006 (Reappointment), to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

national commission on libraries and information science

Donald L. Robinson, of the District of Columbia, to be a member of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science for a term expiring July 19, 2002, vice Gary N. Suddith.

national foundation on the arts and the humanities

Isabel Carter Stewart, of Illinois, to be a Member of the National Council on the Humanities for a term expiring January 26, 2006, vice David Finn, term expired.

department of justice

Bill Lann Lee, of California, to be an Assistant Attorney General, vice Deval L. Patrick, resigned, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

state justice institute

Arthur a. McGiverin, of Iowa, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the State Justice Institute for a term expiring September 17, 2003. (Reappointment)

department of justice

Steven Clayton Stafford, of California, to be United States Marshal for the Southern District of California for the term of four years, vice Stephen Simpson Gregg, resigned.

David W. Ogden, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Attorney General, vice Frank Hunger, resigned, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

Randolph D. Moss, of Maryland, to be an Assistant Attorney General, vice Walter Dellinger, to which position he was appointed during the last recess of the Senate.

state justice institute

Robert A. Miller, of South Dakota, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the State Justice Institute for a term expiring September 17, 2003. (Reappointment)

in the air force

The following named officers for appointment as permanent professors, United States Air Force Academy, under title 10, U.S.C., sections 9333(b) and 9336(a):

To be colonel

Douglas N. Barlow, 0000

Gregory E. Seely, 0000

In the Army

The following named officer for appointment in the Reserve of the Army to the grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 12203:

To Be Major General

Brig. Gen. Bruce B. Bingham, 0000

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 146, No. 118