Saturday, June 15, 2024

Congressional Record publishes “SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS” on Jan. 29, 1997

Volume 143, No. 9 covering the 1st Session of the 105th Congress (1997 - 1998) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on pages E117-E118 on Jan. 29, 1997.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, agreed to by the Senate on February 4, 1977, calls for establishment of a system for a computerized schedule of all meetings and hearings of Senate committees, subcommittees, joint committees, and committees of conference. This title requires all such committees to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Digest--designated by the Rules Committee--of the time, place, and purpose of the meetings, when scheduled, and any cancellations or changes in the meetings as they occur.

As an additional procedure along with the computerization of this information, the Office of the Senate Daily Digest will prepare this information for printing in the Extensions of Remarks section of the Congressional Record on Monday and Wednesday of each week.

Meetings scheduled for Thursday, January 30, 1997, may be found in the Daily Digest of today's Record.


JANUARY 319:30 a.m.

Environment and Public Works

To hold hearings on the nomination of Rodney E. Slater, of Arkansas, to be Secretary of Transportation.


FEBRUARY 49:30 a.m.

Labor and Human Resources

Employment and Training Subcommittee

To hold oversight hearings on the implementation of the

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).


Rules and Administration

To hold hearings on proposed committee resolutions requesting funds for operating expenses for 1997 and


SR-30110:00 a.m.

Armed Services

To hold hearings to examine the Army sexual harassment incidents at Aberdeen Proving Ground and sexual harassment policies within the Department of Defense.



To hold hearings to examine the current system of the

Airport and Airway Trust Fund Taxes, including the 10% ticket tax, and proposals to restructure this system.


FEBRUARY 59:30 a.m.

Energy and Natural Resources

To hold hearings on S. 104, to amend the Nuclear Waste

Policy Act of 1982.


Environment and Public Works

Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property, and Nuclear Safety


To hold hearings on ozone particulate matter standards proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency.


Rules and Administration

To continue hearings on proposed committee resolutions requesting funds for operating expenses for 1997 and


SR-30110:00 a.m.

Select on Intelligence

To hold hearings on intelligence matters.

SH-2162:00 p.m.


Administrative Oversight and the Courts Subcommittee

To hold hearings on conserving judicial resources, focusing on the consideration of appropriate allocation of judgeships in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.


FEBRUARY 69:30 a.m.

Energy and Natural Resources

To hold hearings on S. 210, to amend the Organic Act of

Guam, the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands, and the Compact of Free Association Act.


Rules and Administration

To continue hearings on proposed committee resolutions requesting funds for operating expenses for 1997 and



Small Business

To hold hearings to examine women-owned and home-based businesses.

SR-428A2:30 p.m.

Select on Intelligence

Closed business meeting, on intelligence matters.


FEBRUARY 119:00 a.m.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

To hold hearings on proposals to reform the Commodity

Exchange Act.

SR-3329:30 a.m.

Labor and Human Resources

To hold hearings on the implementation of the Health

Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.


Rules and Administration

Business meeting, to mark up proposed legislation authorizing biennial expenditures by standing, select, and special committees of the Senate, and to consider other pending legislative and administrative business.


Veterans' Affairs

To hold joint hearings with the House Committee on

Veterans' Affairs on the legislative recommendations of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

345 Cannon Building

FEBRUARY 129:30 a.m.

Environment and Public Works

To hold hearings on the ozone and particulate matter standards proposed by the Environmental Protection



Labor and Human Resources

To hold hearings on the implementation of the Teamwork for Employees and Managers Act (TEAM).

SD-43010:00 a.m.


To hold hearings on the Administration's budget and revenue proposals for fiscal year 1998.


FEBRUARY 139:00 a.m.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

To resume hearings on proposals to reform the Commodity

Exchange Act.

SR-33210:00 a.m.


To hold hearings on the Administration's budget for fiscal year 1998, focusing on Medicare, Medicaid and welfare proposals.

SD-2152:00 p.m.

Environment and Public Works

Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee

To hold hearings on the implementation of the Intermodal

Surface Transportation Efficiency Act and transportation trends, infrastructure funding requirements, and transportation's impact on the economy.


FEBRUARY 259:00 a.m.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

To hold hearings to examine the impact of estate taxes on farmers.


FEBRUARY 269:00 a.m.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

To hold hearings to examine the impact of capital gains taxes on farmers.

SR-3329:30 a.m.

Labor and Human Resources

Business meeting, to consider pending calendar business.


FEBRUARY 279:30 a.m.

Labor and Human Resources

To hold hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds for programs of the Higher Education Act.


MARCH 59:00 a.m.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

To hold hearings to examine the Department of

Agriculture's business plan and reorganization management proposals.


MARCH 69:30 a.m.

Veterans' Affairs

To hold joint hearings with the House Committee on

Veterans' Affairs on the legislative recommendations of the Paralyzed Veterans of America, the Jewish War

Veterans, the Retired Officers Association, the

Association of the U.S. Army, the Non Commissioned

Officers Association, and the Blinded Veterans


345 Cannon Building

MARCH 119:00 a.m.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

To hold hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds for agricultural research.


MARCH 139:00 a.m.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

To resume hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds for agricultural research.


MARCH 189:00 a.m.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

To resume hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds for agricultural research.


MARCH 199:30 a.m.

Veterans' Affairs

To hold joint hearings with the House Committee on

Veterans' Affairs on the legislative recommendations of the Disabled American Veterans.

345 Cannon Building

MARCH 209:00 a.m.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

To resume hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds for agricultural research.

SR-3329:30 a.m.

Veterans' Affairs

To hold joint hearings with the House Committee on

Veterans' Affairs on the legislative recommendations of

AMVETS, the American Ex-Prisoners of War, the Veterans of World War I, the Vietnam Veterans of America, and the Military Order of the Purple Heart.

345 Cannon Building

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 143, No. 9