Saturday, June 15, 2024

“Senate Committee Meetings” published by Congressional Record on March 20, 2012

Volume 158, No. 46 covering the 2nd Session of the 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“Senate Committee Meetings” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Daily Digest section on pages D270-D271 on March 20, 2012.

The publication is reproduced in full below:

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)


Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the Department of the Air Force in review of the Defense Authorization request for fiscal year 2013 and the Future Years Defense Program, after receiving testimony from Michael B. Donley, Secretary of the Air Force, and General Norton A. Schwartz, Chief of Staff, United States Air Force, both of the Department of Defense.


Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities concluded open and closed hearings to examine cybersecurity research and development in review of the Defense Authorization request for fiscal year 2013 and the Future Years Defense Program, after receiving testimony from Zachary J. Lemnios, Assistant Secretary for Research and Engineering, and Kaigham J. Gabriel, Acting Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, both of the Department of Defense; Michael Wertheimer, Director of Research, National Security Agency; and James Peery, Director, Information Systems and Analysis Center, Sandia National Laboratories.


Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of Jerome H. Powell, of Maryland, and Jeremy C. Stein, of Massachusetts, both to be a Member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Jeremiah O'Hear Norton, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for the remainder of the term expiring July 15, 2013, who was introduced by Senator Coats, and Richard B. Berner, of Massachusetts, to be Director, Office of Financial Research, and Christy L. Romero, of Virginia, to be Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, both of the Department of the Treasury, after the nominees testified and answered questions in their own behalf.


Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security concluded an oversight hearing to examine commercial airline safety, after receiving testimony from Margaret Gilligan, Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, Federal Aviation Administration, and Calvin L. Scovel III, Inspector General, both of the Department of Transportation; William R. Voss, Flight Safety Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia; Gregory Belenky, Washington State University Sleep and Performance Research Center, Spokane; and Carl Kuwitzky, Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations, and Thomas L. Hendricks, Airlines for America, both of Washington, D.C.


Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of Adam E. Sieminski, of Pennsylvania, to be Administrator of the Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy, Marcilynn A. Burke, of North Carolina, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Interior, and Anthony T. Clark, of North Dakota, who was introduced by Senator Hoeven, and John Robert Norris, of Iowa, who was introduced by Senators Grassley and Harkin, both to be a Member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, after the nominees testified and answered questions in their own behalf.


Committee on Environment and Public Works: Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety concluded an oversight hearing to examine the Environmental Protection Agency's Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for power plants, after receiving testimony from Regina McCarthy, Assistant Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency; Robert M. Summers, Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary, Baltimore; Robert K. James, Avon Lake City Council Member, Avon Lake, Ohio; William Lambert, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland; Harry Alford, National Black Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C.; and Vickie Patton, Environmental Defense Fund, Boulder, Colorado.


Committee on Finance: Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth concluded a hearing to examine tax fraud by identity theft, part 2, focusing on status, progress, and potential solutions, after receiving testimony from Steven T. Miller, Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement, Internal Revenue Service, and Nina E. Olson, National Taxpayer Advocate, both of the Department of the Treasury; Ronald A. Cimino, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Matters, Tax Division, Department of Justice; Sal Augeri, Tampa Police Department, Tampa, Florida; Bernard F. McKay, American Coalition for Taxpayer Rights (ACTR), Washington, D.C.; and Kirsten Trusko, Network Branded Prepaid Card Association, Montvale, New Jersey.


Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the nominations of Carlos Pascual, of the District of Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary for Energy Resources, John Christopher Stevens, of California, to be Ambassador to Libya, and Jacob Walles, of Delaware, to be Ambassador to the Tunisian Republic, who was introduced by Senator Coons, all of the Department of State, after the nominees testified and answered questions in their own behalf.


Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia concluded a hearing to examine a review of the Office of Special Counsel and Merit Systems Protection Board, after receiving testimony from Susan Tsui Grundmann, Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board; and Carolyn Lerner, Special Counsel, United States Office of Special Counsel.


Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts concluded a hearing to examine student debt, focusing on providing fairness for struggling students, including S. 1102, to amend title 11, United States Code, with respect to certain exceptions to discharge in bankruptcy, after receiving testimony from Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, Frankfort; Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, and Danielle Jokela, both of Chicago, Illinois; G. Marcus Cole, Stanford University, Stanford, California; Deanne Loonin, National Consumer Law Center (NCLC), Boston, Massachusetts; and Neal McCluskey, Cato Institute, Washington, D.C.


Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee held closed hearings on intelligence matters, receiving testimony from officials of the intelligence community.

Committee recessed subject to the call.

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 158, No. 46