Saturday, June 15, 2024

May 22, 1997: Congressional Record publishes “SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND SENATE RESOLUTIONS”

Volume 143, No. 69 covering the 1st Session of the 105th Congress (1997 - 1998) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND SENATE RESOLUTIONS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S5002 on May 22, 1997.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The following concurrent resolutions and Senate resolutions were read, and referred (or acted upon), as indicated:

By Mr. LEAHY (for himself, Mr. Wellstone, Mr. Levin,

Mr. Jeffords, Mr. Moynihan, Mr. Lieberman, Mr.

Feingold, and Mr. Dodd):

S. Con. Res. 28. A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency should take immediate steps to abate emissions of mercury and release to Congress the study of mercury required under the Clean Air Act, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 143, No. 69