Saturday, June 15, 2024

May 12, 1998 sees Congressional Record publish “TRIBUTE TO LAWRENCE R. CODEY”

Volume 144, No. 59 covering the 2nd Session of the 105th Congress (1997 - 1998) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“TRIBUTE TO LAWRENCE R. CODEY” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on pages E814-E815 on May 12, 1998.

The publication is reproduced in full below:




of new jersey

in the house of representatives

Tuesday, May 12, 1998

Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to call to your attention Lawrence R. Codey of Spring Lake, New Jersey. Larry is President and Chief Operating Officer of Public Service Electric & Gas Company.

Larry was born and raised in Montclair. After graduating from St. Peter's College in Jersey City in 1966, he attended Seton Hall University's School of Law and was awarded his J.D. degree in 1969. Following admission to the New Jersey Bar, Larry entered military service, attained the rank of Captain, and spent one year of service in Vietnam.

Larry joined Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G) in 1973 and was named Corporate Rate Counsel two years later. In 1983 he was elected Vice-President. In 1987 he was elected Senior Vice President, Electric and in September 1991, was elected President and Chief Operating Officer of PSE&G and Director of the Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc. He was also appointed that year to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Air Act Advisory Committee. Recently, Larry became a spokesman on the environmental impact of energy deregulation and, in 1997, he spoke before the National Governors Association on the subject.

Larry serves as Director on the Boards of the Trust Company of New Jersey; United Water Resources, Inc.; Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Jersey; Sealed Air Corporation; the Regional Business Partnership; the Chamber of Commerce of the Metro Newark Region, Inc.; the New Jersey Utilities Association; and the Edison Electric Institute. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of St. Peter's College and the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education.

Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join me, our colleagues, Larry's family and friends, the ARC of Essex County, and the County of Essex in recognizing the many outstanding and invaluable contributions Lawrence R. Codey has made to our community throughout the years.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 144, No. 59