Sunday, June 16, 2024

“EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS” published by the Congressional Record on Aug. 2

Volume 167, No. 137 covering the 1st Session of the 117th Congress (2021 - 2022) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S5561-S5562 on Aug. 2.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The following communications were laid before the Senate, together with accompanying papers, reports, and documents, and were referred as indicated:

EC-1641. A communication from the Director for the National Intrepid Center of Excellence, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Center's fiscal year 2020 annual report, other relative reports, and the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the reports; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

EC-1642. A joint communication from the Acting Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs and the Acting Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), transmitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ``Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense Joint Executive Committee Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Report'' ; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

EC-1643. A communication from the Regulation Development Coordinator, Office of Regulation Policy and Management, Department of Veterans Affairs, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``VA Homeless Providers and Grant and Per Diem Program'' (RIN2900-AP54) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 15, 2021; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

EC-1644. A communication from the Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Air Plan Approval; WA; Update to Materials Incorporated by Reference'' (FRL No. 8742-02-R10) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 28, 2021; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

EC-1645. A communication from the Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Finding of Failure to Submit a State Implementation Plan to Meet the 1987 24-Hour PM10 Standard; Moderate Area Requirements; West Pinal County; Arizona'' (FRL No . 8715-02-R9) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 28, 2021; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

EC-1646. A communication from the Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Air Plan Approval; Missouri; Removal of Control of Emissions from the Application of Deadeners and Adhesives''

(FRL No. 8717-02-R7) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 28, 2021; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

EC-1647. A communication from the Chief of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Transition Period Penalty Relief for New Schedules K-2 and K-3 for Forms 1065, 1120-S and 8865'' (Notice 2021-39) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 15, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1648. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System

(EPCRS)'' (Rev. Proc. 2021-30) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 28, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1649. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Special elections for taxpayers with Farming Loss NOLs'' (Rev. Proc. 2021-14) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 15, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1650. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Premium Assistance for COBRA Benefits''

(Notice 2021-31) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1651. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Beginning of Construction for Sections 45 and 48; Extension of Continuity Safe Harbor to Address Delays Related to COVID-19 and Clarification of the Continuity Requirement'' (Notice 2021-41) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 15, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1652. A communication from the Deputy Inspector General for Audit Services, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ``Review of Medicare Administrative Contractor Information Security Program Evaluations for Fiscal Year 2020''; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1653. A communication from the Federal Register Liaison Officer, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Removal of Obsolete Regulation Regarding Rewards for Information Relating to Violations of Tax Laws Administered by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau'' (RIN1513-AC56) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 15, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1654. A communication from the Senior Advisor, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a vacancy in the position of Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services, received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 21, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1655. A communication from the Senior Advisor, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a vacancy in the position of Secretary for Health and Human Services, Department of Health and Human Services, received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1656. A communication from the Associate General Counsel for General Law, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a vacancy in the position of Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security, received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1657. A communication from the Associate General Counsel for General Law, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a vacancy in the position of Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1658. A communication from the Chief of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``United States and Area Median Gross Income Figures (Evergreen)'' (Rev. Proc. 2021-19) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1659. A communication from the Chief of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``COVID-19 Relief Under Section 42'' (Notice 2021-12) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1660. A communication from the Chief of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Additional Relief with Respect to Employment Tax Deadlines Applicable to Employers Affected by the Ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease 2019 Pandemic'' (Notice 2021-11) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1661. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Section 911 Housing Cost Amounts 2021 Update'' (Notice 2021-18) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1662. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Personal Protective Equipment Treated as Deductible or Reimbursable Medical Care Expense''

(Announcement 2021-7) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1663. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Extension of Empowerment Zones'' (Rev. Proc. 2021-18) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1664. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Providing elections under section 172 set forth in the CARES Act'' (Rev. Proc. 2020-24) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1665. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Implementation of Nonresident Alien Deposit Interest Regulations'' (Rev. Proc. 2021-15) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1666. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Extension of Empowerment Zones'' (Rev. Proc. 2021-16) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1667. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Limitation on Deduction for Dividends Received from Certain Foreign Corporations and Amounts Eligible for Section 954 Look-Through Exception'' (RIN1545-BP35) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance.

EC-1668. A communication from the Director of the Legal Processing Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Deduction for Foreign-Derived Intangible Income and Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income'' (RIN1545-BO55) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on July 26, 2021; to the Committee on Finance


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 137