Sunday, June 16, 2024

Oct. 12, 2000 sees Congressional Record publish “TRIBUTE TO EUGENE STANDIFER, JR.”

Volume 146, No. 127 covering the 2nd Session of the 106th Congress (1999 - 2000) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“TRIBUTE TO EUGENE STANDIFER, JR.” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on pages E1766-E1767 on Oct. 12, 2000.

The publication is reproduced in full below:




of missouri

in the house of representatives

Wednesday, October 11, 2000

Ms. McCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to an outstanding individual from the State of Missouri. This year Eugene Standifer, Jr. will be joined by his friends and family to celebrate his 75th birthday.

In 1944, Gene Standifer began his career in public service as a member of the United States Army during World War II. He was honorably discharged in 1951. After returning home, he took a job with the U.S. Postal Service as a railway mail clerk sorting mail on a railway mail car traveling between Kansas City, Missouri and Denver, Colorado. While employed as a postal worker, Gene Standifer attended Rockhurst College where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Accounting and Economics in 1957. Gene Standifer advanced his career in 1965 with the General Services Administration as a Supervisory Accountant. In 1970 he joined the Department of Housing and Urban Development as an Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Specialist who investigated and enforced fair housing laws and regulations. From 1972 until 1978, Gene Standifer worked for the Environmental Protection Agency as a Regional Equal Opportunity Officer that supervised the Kansas City regional offices. And until his retirement in 1986, Gene Standifer worked for the U.S. Department of Labor as the Area Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.

Throughout his career Gene Standifer has been a great friend to his neighbors in the Kansas City community. He has served as Chairman of the Board for the East Area Community Coalition, President of the Central Citizens Crusade Against Crime, Board Member for the Ad Hoc Group Against Crime and the Urban League of Kansas City, and he is a lifetime member of the NAACP.

Gene Standifer was appointed to Commissioner of the Kansas City, Missouri Election Board by Governor Mel Carnahan in 1993. The Kansas City Election Board governance is an essential component to every election that takes place in our city. The Election Board ensures that the election process is fair and accessible to all citizens by providing the opportunity to register to vote, receive absentee ballots, have access to polling stations, and be informed of accurate election results. As Commissioner of the Kansas City Election Board, Gene Standifer has served in a dedicated, professional capacity that has earned him the respect and friendship of his peers and the members of the Kansas City Area political community. He has demonstrated outstanding results through his commitment to promote the democratic process. Gene Standifer's service has been an asset for our community.

As a champion of fairness and equity throughout his professional career, Gene embodies the essence of inclusiveness. He has met the challenges of his life with fortitude and commitment to doing the right thing. His engulfing smile always permeates an occasion.

Mr. Speaker, please join me and the Standifer family in wishing Eugene Standifer a very Happy 75th Birthday.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 146, No. 127