Sunday, June 16, 2024

Feb. 10, 2005: Congressional Record publishes “PUBLICATION OF THE RULES OF THE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, 109TH CONGRESS”

Volume 151, No. 14 covering the 1st Session of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2006) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“PUBLICATION OF THE RULES OF THE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, 109TH CONGRESS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H571-H575 on Feb. 10, 2005.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from New York (Mr. Boehlert) is recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. BOEHLERT. Mr. Speaker, in accordance with Clause 2 of Rule XI of the Rules of the House, I submit the Rules Governing Procedure for the Committee on Science for printing in the Congressional Record. On February 10, 2005, the Committee adopted these rules by a voice vote, with a quorum present.

Rules Governing Procedure of The Committee on Science


General Statement

(a) The Rules of the House of Representatives, as applicable, shall govern the Committee and its Subcommittees, except that a motion to recess from day to day and a motion to dispense with the first reading (in full) of a bill or resolution, if printed copies are available, are non-debatable privileged motions in the Committee and its Subcommittees and shall be decided without debate. The rules of the Committee, as applicable, shall be the rules of its Subcommittees. The rules of germaneness shall be enforced by the Chairman. [XI 1(a)]Membership

(b) A majority of the majority Members of the Committee shall determine an appropriate ratio of majority to minority Members of each Subcommittee and shall authorize the Chairman to negotiate that ratio with the minority party; Provided, however, that party representation on each Subcommittee

(including any ex-officio Members) shall be no less favorable to the majority party than the ratio for the Full Committee. Provided, further, that recommendations of conferees to the Speaker shall provide a ratio of majority party Members to minority party Members which shall be no less favorable to the majority party than the ratio for the Full Committee.Power to Sit and Act; Subpoena Power

(c) (1) Notwithstanding subparagraph (2), a subpoena may be authorized and issued by the Committee in the conduct of any investigation or series of investigations or activities to require the attendance and testimony of such witnesses and the production of such books, records, correspondence, memoranda, papers and documents as deemed necessary, only when authorized by a majority of the members voting, a majority of the Committee being present. Authorized subpoenas shall be signed only by the Chairman, or by any member designated by the Chairman. [XI 2 (m)]

(2) The Chairman of the Full Committee, with the concurrence the Ranking Minority Member of the Full Committee, may authorize and issue such subpoenas as described in paragraph (1), during any period in which the House has adjourned for a period longer than 3 days. [XI 2

(m) (3) (A) (i) ]

(3) A subpoena duces tecum may specify terms of return other than at a meeting or a hearing of the Committee.Sensitive or Confidential Information Received Pursuant to


(d) Unless otherwise determined by the Committee or Subcommittee, certain information received by the Committee or Subcommittee pursuant to a subpoena not made part of the record at an open hearing shall be deemed to have been received in Executive Session when the Chairman of the Full Committee, in his judgment and after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member, deems that in view of all the circumstances, such as the sensitivity of the information or the confidential nature of the information, such action is appropriate.National Security Information

(e) All national security information bearing a classification of secret or higher which has been received by the Committee or a Subcommittee shall be deemed to have been received in Executive Session and shall be given appropriate safekeeping. The Chairman of the full Committee may establish such regulations and procedures as in his judgment are necessary to safeguard classified information under the control of the Committee. Such procedures shall, however, ensure access to this information by any Member of the Committee, or any other Member of the House of Representatives who has requested the opportunity to review such material.Oversight

(f) Not later than February 15 of the first session of a Congress, the Committee shall meet in open session, with a quorum present, to adopt its oversight plans for that Congress for submission to the Committee on House Oversight and the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, in accordance with the provisions of clause 2(d) of Rule X of the House of Representatives.

(g) The Chairman of the Full Committee, or of any Subcommittee, shall not undertake any investigation in the name of the Committee without formal approval by the Chairman of the Full Committee after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member of the Full Committee.Order of Business

(h) The order of business and procedure of the Committee and the subjects of inquiries or investigations will be decided by the Chairman, subject always to an appeal to the Committee.Suspended Proceedings

(i) During the consideration of any measure or matter, the Chairman of the Full Committee, or of any Subcommittee, or any Member acting as such, shall suspend further proceedings after a question has been put to the Committee at any time when there is a vote by electronic device occurring in the House of Representatives.Other Procedures

(j) The Chairman of the Full Committee, after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member, may establish such other procedures and take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the foregoing rules or to facilitate the effective operation of the Committee.Use of Hearing Rooms

(k) In consultation with the Ranking Minority Member, the Chairman of the Full Committee shall establish guidelines for use of Committee hearing rooms.

Quorum [XI 2(h)]

(a)(1) One-third of the Members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for all purposes except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Rule.

(2) A majority of the Members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum in order to: (A) report or table any legislation, measure, or matter; (B) close Committee meetings or hearings pursuant to Rules 2(c) and 2(d); and, (C) authorize the issuance of subpoenas pursuant to Rule 1(c).

(3) Two Members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for taking testimony and receiving evidence, which, unless waived by the Chairman of the Full Committee after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member of the Full Committee, shall include at least one Member from each of the majority and minority parties.Time and Place

(b)(1) Unless dispensed with by the Chairman, the meetings of the Committee shall be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month the House is in session at 10:00 a.m. and at such other times and in such places as the Chairman may designate. [XI2 (b)]

(2) The Chairman of the Committee may convene as necessary additional meetings of the Committee for the consideration of any bill or resolution pending before the Committee or for the conduct of other Committee business subject to such rules as the Committee may adopt. The Committee shall meet for such purpose under that call of the Chairman. [XI2 (c)]

(3) The Chairman shall make public announcement of the date, time, place and subject matter of any of its hearings, and to the extent practicable, a list of witnesses at least one week before the commencement of the hearing. If the Chairman, with the concurrence of the Ranking Minority Member, determines there is good cause to begin the hearing sooner, or if the Committee so determines by majority vote, a quorum being present for the transaction of business, the Chairman shall make the announcement at the earliest possible date. Any announcement made under this Rule shall be promptly published in the Daily Digest, and promptly made available by electronic form including the Committee website. [XI 2(g)

(3)]Open Meetings [XI 2(g)]

(c) Each meeting for the transaction of business, including the markup of legislation, of the Committee shall be open to the public, including to radio, television, and still photography coverage, except when the Committee, in open session and with a majority present, determines by record vote that all or part of the remainder of the meeting on that day shall be in executive session because disclosure of matters to be considered would endanger national security, would compromise sensitive law enforcement information, would tend to defame, degrade or incriminate any person or otherwise would violate any law or rule of the House. Persons other than Members of the Committee and such non-Committee Members, Delegates, Resident Commissioner, congressional staff, or departmental representatives as the Committee may authorize, may not be present at a business or markup session that is held in executive session. This Rule does not apply to open Committee hearings which are provided for by Rule 2(d).

(d)(1) Each hearing conducted by the Committee shall be open to the public including radio, television, and still photography coverage except when the Committee, in open session and with a majority present, determines by record vote that all or part of the remainder of that hearing on that day shall be closed to the public because disclosure of testimony, evidence, or other matters to be considered would endanger national security, would compromise sensitive law enforcement information, or would violate a law or rule of the House of Representatives. Notwithstanding the requirements of the preceding sentence, and Rule 2(q) a majority of those present, there being in attendance the requisite number required under the rules of the Committee to be present for the purpose of taking testimony:

(A) may vote to close the hearing for the sole purpose of discussing whether testimony or evidence to be received would endanger the national security, would compromise sensitive law enforcement information or would violate Rule XI 2(k)(5) of the Rules of the House of Representatives; or

(B) may vote to close the hearing, as provided in Rule XI 2(k)(5) of the Rules of the House of Representatives. No Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may be excluded from non-participatory attendance at any hearing of any Committee or Subcommittee, unless the House of Representatives shall by majority vote authorize a particular Committee or Subcommittee, for purposes of a particular series of hearings on a particular article of legislation or on a particular subject of investigation, to close its hearings to Members, Delegate and the Resident Commissioner by the same procedures designated in this Rule for closing hearings to the public: Provided, however, that the Committee or Subcommittee may by the same procedure vote to close one subsequent day of the hearing.Audio and Visual Coverage [XI, clause 4]

(e)(A) Whenever a hearing or meeting conducted by the Committee is open to the public, these proceedings shall be open to coverage by television, radio, and still photography, except as provided in Rule XI 4(f)(2) of the House of Representatives. The Chairman shall not be able to limit the number of television, or still cameras to fewer than two representatives from each medium (except for legitimate space or safety considerations in which case pool coverage shall be authorized).

(B)(1) Radio and television tapes, television film, and internet recordings of any Committee hearings or meetings that are open to the public may not be used, or made available for use, as partisan political campaign material to promote or oppose the candidacy of any person for elective public office.

(2) It is, further, the intent of this rule that the general conduct of each meeting or hearing covered under authority of this rule by audio or visual means, and the personal behavior of the Committee Members and staff, other government officials and personnel, witnesses, television, radio, and press media personnel, and the general public at the meeting or hearing, shall be in strict conformity with and observance of the acceptable standards of dignity, propriety, courtesy, and decorum traditionally observed by the House in its operations, and may not be such as to:

(i) distort the objects and purposes of the meeting or hearing or the activities of Committee Members in connection with that meeting or hearing or in connection with the general work of the Committee or of the House; or

(ii) cast discredit or dishonor on the House, the Committee, or a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner or bring the House, the Committee, or a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner into disrepute.

(3) The coverage of Committee meetings and hearings by audio and visual means shall be permitted and conducted only in strict conformity with the purposes, provisions, and requirements of this rule.

(f) The following shall apply to coverage of Committee meetings or hearings by audio or visual means:

(1) If audio or visual coverage of the hearing or meeting is to be presented to the public as live coverage, that coverage shall be conducted and presented without commercial sponsorship.

(2) The allocation among the television media of the positions or the number of television cameras permitted by a Committee or Subcommittee Chairman in a hearing or meeting room shall be in accordance with fair and equitable procedures devised by the Executive Committee of the Radio and Television Correspondents' Galleries.

(3) Television cameras shall be placed so as not to obstruct in any way the space between a witness giving evidence or testimony and any member of the Committee or the visibility of that witness and that member to each other.

(4) Television cameras shall operate from fixed positions but may not be placed in positions that obstruct unnecessarily the coverage of the hearing or meeting by the other media.

(5) Equipment necessary for coverage by the television and radio media may not be installed in, or removed from, the hearing or meeting room while the Committee is in session.

(6)(A) Except as provided in subdivision (B), floodlights, spotlights, strobelights, and flashguns may not be used in providing any method of coverage of the hearing or meeting.

(B) The television media may install additional lighting in a hearing or meeting room, without cost to the Government, in order to raise the ambient lighting level in a hearing or meeting room to the lowest level necessary to provide adequate television coverage of a hearing or meeting at the current state of the art of television coverage.

(7) In the allocation of the number of still photographers permitted by a Committee or Subcommittee Chairman in a hearing or meeting room, preference shall be given to photographers from Associated Press Photos and United Press International News pictures. If requests are made by more of the media than will be permitted by a Committee or Subcommittee Chairman for coverage of a hearing or meeting by still photography, that coverage shall be permitted on the basis of a fair and equitable pool arrangement devised by the Standing Committee of Press Photographers.

(8) Photographers may not position themselves between the witness table and the members of the Committee at any time during the course of a hearing or meeting.

(9) Photographers may not place themselves in positions that obstruct unnecessarily the coverage of the hearing by the other media.

(10) Personnel providing coverage by the television and radio media shall be currently accredited to the Radio and Television Correspondents' Galleries.

(11) Personnel providing coverage by still photography shall be currently accredited to the Press Photographers' Gallery.

(12) Personnel providing coverage by the television and radio media and by still photography shall conduct themselves and their coverage activities in an orderly and unobtrusive manner.Special Meetings

(g) Rule XI 2(c) of the Rules of the House of Representatives is hereby incorporated by reference (Special Meetings).Vice Chairman to Preside in Absence of Chairman

(h) Meetings and hearings of the Committee shall be called to order and presided over by the Chairman or, in the Chairman's absence, by a member designated by the Chairman as the Vice Chairman of the committee, or by the ranking majority member of the Committee present as Acting Chairman.

[XI 2 (d)] Opening Statements; 5-Minute Rule

(i) Insofar as is practicable, the Chairman, after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member, shall limit the total time of opening statements by Members to no more than 10 minutes, the time to be divided equally between the Chairman and Ranking Minority Member. The time any one Member may address the Committee on any bill, motion or other matter under consideration by the Committee or the time allowed for the questioning of a witness at hearings before the Committee will be limited to five minutes, and then only when the Member has been recognized by the Chairman, except that this time limit may be waived by the Chairman or acting. [XI 2


(j) Notwithstanding Rule 2(i), upon a motion the Chairman, in consultation with the Ranking Minority Member, may designate an equal number of members from each party to question a witness for a period not to exceed one hour in the aggregate or, upon a motion, may designate staff from each party to question a witness for equal specific periods that do not exceed one hour in the aggregate. [XI 2(j)]Proxies

(k) No Member may authorize a vote by proxy with respect to any measure or matter before the Committee. [XI 2(f)]Witnesses

(l) (1) Insofar as is practicable, each witness who is to appear before the Committee shall file no later than twenty-four (24) hours in advance of his or her appearance, a written statement of the proposed testimony and curriculum vitae. Each witness shall limit his or her presentation to a 5-minute summary, provided that additional time may be granted by the Chairman when appropriate. [XI 2 (g) (4)]

(2) To the greatest extent practicable, each witness appearing in a nongovernmental capacity shall include with the written statement of proposed testimony a disclosure of the amount and source (by agency and program) of any Federal grant (or subgrant thereof) or contract (or subcontract thereof) which is relevant to the subject of his or her testimony and was received during the current fiscal year or either of the 2 preceding fiscal years by the witness or by an entity represented by the witness. [XI 2 (g) (4)]

(m) Whenever any hearing is conducted by the Committee on any measure or matter, the minority Members of the Committee shall be entitled, upon request to the Chairman by a majority of them before the completion of the hearing, to call witnesses selected by the minority to testify with respect to the measure or matter during at least one day of hearing thereon. [XI 2 (j) (1)]Hearing Procedures

(n) Rule XI 2(k) of the Rules of the House of Representatives is hereby incorporated by reference.Bill and Subject Matter Consideration

(o) Bills and other substantive matters may be taken when called by the Chairman of the Committee or by a majority vote of a quorum of the Committee, except those matters which are the subject of special-call meetings outlined in Rule 2 (g).

[XI 2 (c)]Private Bills

(p) No private bill will be reported by the Committee if there are two or more dissenting votes. Private bills so rejected by the Committee will not be reconsidered during the same Congress unless new evidence sufficient to justify a new hearing has been presented to the Committee.Consideration of Measure or Matter

(q)(1) It shall not be in order for the Committee to consider any new or original measure or matter unless written notice of the date, place and subject matter of consideration and to the maximum extent practicable, a written copy of the measure or matter to be considered, and to the maximum extent practicable the original text for purposes of markup of the measure to be considered have been available to each Member of the Committee for at least 48 hours in advance of consideration, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. To the maximum extent practicable, amendments to the measure or matter to be considered, shall be submitted in writing to the Clerk of the Committee at least 24 hours prior to the consideration of the measure or matter. [XIII 4(a)]

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this rule, consideration of any legislative measure or matter by the Committee shall be in order by vote of two-thirds of the Members present, provided that a majority of the Committee is present.Requests for Written Motions

(r) Any legislative or non-procedural motion made at a regular or special meeting of the Committee and which is entertained by the Chairman shall be presented in writing upon the demand of any Member present and a copy made available to each Member present.Requests for Record Votes at Full Committee

(s) A record vote of the Members may be had at the request of three or more Members or, in the apparent absence of a quorum, by any one Member.Report Language on Use of Federal Resources

(t) No legislative report filed by the Committee on any measure or matter reported by the Committee shall contain language which has the effect of specifying the use of federal resources more explicitly (inclusively or exclusively) than that specified in the measure or matter as ordered reported, unless such language has been approved by the Committee during a meeting or otherwise in writing by a majority of the Members.Committee Records

(u)(1) The Committee shall keep a complete record of all Committee action which shall include a record of the votes on any question on which a record vote is demanded. The result of each record vote shall be made available by the Committee for inspection by the public at reasonable times in the offices of the Committee. Information so available for public inspection shall include a description of the amendment, motion, order, or other proposition and the name of each Member voting for and each Member voting against such amendment, motion, order, or proposition, and the names of those Members present but not voting.

(2) The records of the Committee at the National Archives and Records Administration shall be made available for public use in accordance with Rule VII of the Rules of the House of Representatives. The Chairman shall notify the Ranking Minority Member of any decision, pursuant to clause 3(b) (3) or clause 4(b) of the Rule, to withhold a record otherwise available, and the matter shall be presented to the Committee for a determination on the written request of any Member of the Committee. [XI 2 (e) (3)]

(3) To the maximum extent feasible, the Committee shall make its publications available in electronic form, including the Committee website. [XI 2 (e) (4)]

(4)(A) Except as provided for in subdivision (B), all Committee hearings, records, data, charts, and files shall be kept separate and distinct from the congressional office records of the member serving as its Chairman. Such records shall be the property of the House, and each Member, Delegate, and the Resident Commissioner, shall have access thereto.

(B) A Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, other than members of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct, may not have access to the records of the Committee respecting the conduct of a Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House without the specific prior permission of the Committee.Publication of Committee Hearings and Markups

(v) The transcripts of those hearings conducted by the Committee which are decided to be printed shall be published in verbatim form, with the material requested for the record inserted at that place requested, or at the end of the record, as appropriate. Individuals, including Members of Congress, whose comments are to be published as part of a Committee document shall be given the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the transcription in advance of publication. Any requests by those Members, staff or witnesses to correct any errors other than errors in transcription, or disputed errors in transcription, shall be appended to the record, and the appropriate place where the change is requested will be footnoted. Prior to approval by the Chairman of hearings conducted jointly with another congressional Committee, a memorandum of understanding shall be prepared which incorporates an agreement for the publication of the verbatim transcript. Transcripts of markups shall be recorded and published in the same manner as hearings before the Committee and shall be included as part of the legislative report unless waived by the Chairman.

rule 3. subcommittees

Structure and Jurisdiction

(a) The Committee shall have the following standing Subcommittees with the jurisdiction indicated.

(1) Subcommittee on Energy

Legislative jurisdiction and general and special oversight and investigative authority on all matters relating to energy research, development, and demonstration and projects therefor, and commercial application of energy technology including: Department of Energy research, development, and demonstration programs; Department of Energy laboratories; Department of Energy science activities; energy supply activities; nuclear, solar and renewable energy, and other advanced energy technologies; uranium supply and enrichment, and Department of Energy waste management and environment, safety, and health activities as appropriate; fossil energy research and development; clean coal technology; energy conservation research and development; energy aspects of climate change; pipeline research, development, and demonstration projects; energy standards; and energy conservation including building performance, alternate fuels for and improved efficiency of vehicles, distributed power systems, and industrial process improvements.

(2) Subcommittee on Environment, Technology, and Standards

Legislative jurisdiction and general and special oversight and investigative authority on all matters relating to competitiveness, technology, and environmental research, development, and demonstration including: technical standards and standardization of measurement; the Technology Administration of the Department of Commerce; the National Institute of Standards and Technology; the National Technical Information Service; competitiveness, including small business competitiveness; tax, antitrust, regulatory and other legal and governmental policies as they relate to technological development and commercialization; technology transfer including civilian use of defense technologies; patent and intellectual property policy; international technology trade; research, development, and demonstration activities of the Department of Transportation; surface and water transportation research, development, and demonstration programs; Environmental Protection Agency research and development programs; biotechnology policy; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, including all activities related to weather, weather services, climate, and the atmosphere, and marine fisheries, and oceanic research; risk assessment activities; scientific issues related to environmental policy, including climate change; Small Business Innovation Research and Technology Transfer; and voting technologies and standards.

(3) Subcommittee on Research

Legislative jurisdiction and general and special oversight and investigative authority on all matters relating to science policy including: Office of Science and Technology Policy; all scientific research, and scientific and engineering resources (including human resources), math, science and engineering education; intergovernmental mechanisms for research, development, and demonstration and cross-cutting programs; international scientific cooperation; National Science Foundation; university research policy, including infrastructure and overhead; university research partnerships, including those with industry; science scholarships; issues relating to computers, communications, and information technology; earthquake and fire research programs including those related to wildfire proliferation research and prevention; research and development relating to health, biomedical, and nutritional programs; to the extent appropriate, agricultural, geological, biological and life sciences research; and materials research, development, and demonstration and policy.

(4) Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics

Legislative jurisdiction and general and special oversight and investigative authority on all matters relating to astronautical and aeronautical research and development including: national space policy, including access to space; sub-orbital access and applications; National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its contractor and government-operated laboratories; space commercialization including the commercial space activities relating to the Department of Transportation and the Department of Commerce; exploration and use of outer space; international space cooperation; National Space Council; space applications, space communications and related matters; earth remote sensing policy; civil aviation research, development, and demonstration; and research, development, and demonstration programs of the Federal Aviation Administration; and space law.Referral of Legislation

(b) The Chairman shall refer all legislation and other matters referred to the Committee to the Subcommittee or Subcommittees of appropriate jurisdiction within two weeks unless, the Chairman deems consideration is to be by the Full Committee. Subcommittee Chairmen may make requests for referral of specific matters to their Subcommittee within the two week period if they believe Subcommittee jurisdictions so warrant.Ex-Officio Members

(c) The Chairman and Ranking Minority Member shall serve as ex-officio Members of all Subcommittees and shall have the right to vote and be counted as part of the quorum and ratios on all matters before the Subcommittee.Procedures

(d) No Subcommittee shall meet for markup or approval when any other Subcommittee of the Committee or the Full Committee is meeting to consider any measure or matter for markup or approval.

(e) Each Subcommittee is authorized to meet, hold hearings, receive evidence, and report to the Committee on all matters referred to it. For matters within its jurisdiction, each Subcommittee is authorized to conduct legislative, investigative, forecasting, and general oversight hearings; to conduct inquiries into the future; and to undertake budget impact studies. Subcommittee Chairmen shall set meeting dates after consultation with the Chairman and other Subcommittee Chairmen with a view toward avoiding simultaneous scheduling of Committee and Subcommittee meetings or hearings wherever possible.

(f) Any Member of the Committee may have the privilege of sitting with any Subcommittee during its hearings or deliberations and may participate in such hearings or deliberations, but no such Member who is not a Member of the Subcommittee shall vote on any matter before such Subcommittee, except as provided in Rule 3(c).

(g) During any Subcommittee proceeding for markup or approval, a record vote may be had at the request of one or more Members of that Subcommittee.


Substance of Legislative Reports

(a) The report of the Committee on a measure which has been approved by the Committee shall include the following, to be provided by the Committee:

(1) the oversight findings and recommendations required pursuant to Rule X 2(b)(1) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, separately set out and identified [XIII, 3(c)];

(2) the statement required by section 308(a) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, separately set out and identified, if the measure provides new budget authority or new or increased tax expenditures as specified in [XIII, 3(c)(2)];

(3) with respect to reports on a bill or joint resolution of a public character, a ``Constitutional Authority Statement'' citing the specific powers granted to Congress by the Constitution pursuant to which the bill or joint resolution is

(4) with respect to each record vote on a motion to report any measure or matter of a public character, and on any amendment offered to the measure or matter, the total number of votes cast for and against, and the names of those Members voting for and against, shall be included in the Committee report on the measure or matter;

(5) the estimate and comparison prepared by the Committee under Rule XIII, clause 3(d)(2) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, unless the estimate and comparison prepared by the Director of the Congressional Budget Office prepared under subparagraph 2 of this Rule has been timely submitted prior to the filing of the report and included in the report

[ XIII, 3(d)(3)(D)] ;

(6) in the case of a bill or joint resolution which repeals or amends any statute or part thereof, the text of the statute or part thereof which is proposed to be repealed, and a comparative print of that part of the bill or joint resolution making the amendment and of the statute or part thereof proposed to be amended [Rule XIII, clause 3];

(7) a transcript of the markup of the measure or matter unless waived under Rule 2(v).

(8) a statement of general performance goals and objectives, including outcome-related goals and objectives, for which the measure authorizes funding. [XIII, 3(c)]

(b) The report of the Committee on a measure which has been approved by the Committee shall further include the following, to be provided by sources other than the Committee:

(1) the estimate and comparison prepared by the Director of the Congressional Budget Office required under section 403 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, separately set out and identified, whenever the Director (if timely, and submitted prior to the filing of the report) has submitted such estimate and comparison of the Committee [XIII, clauses 2-4];

(2) if the Committee has not received prior to the filing of the report the material required under paragraph (1) of this Rule, then it shall include a statement to that effect in the report on the measure.Minority and Additional Views [XI 2(1)]

(c) If, at the time of approval of any measure or matter by the Committee, any Member of the Committee gives notice of intention to file supplemental, minority, or additional views, that Member shall be entitled to not less than two subsequent calendar days after the day of such notice

(excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) in which to file such views, in writing and signed by that Member, with the clerk of the Committee. All such views so filed by one or more Members of the Committee shall be included within, and shall be a part of, the report filed by the Committee with respect to that measure or matter. The report of the Committee upon that measure or matter shall be printed in a single volume which shall include all supplemental, minority, or additional views, which have been submitted by the time of the filing of the report, and shall bear upon its cover a recital that any such supplemental, minority, or additional views (and any material submitted under Rule 4(b) (1)) are included as part of the report. However, this rule does not preclude (1) the immediate filing or printing of a Committee report unless timely requested for the opportunity to file supplemental, minority, or additional views has been made as provided by this Rule or (2) the filing by the Committee of any supplemental report upon any measure or matter which may be required for the correction of any technical error in a previous report made by that Committee upon that measure or matter.

(d) The Chairman of the Committee or Subcommittee, as appropriate, shall advise Members of the day and hour when the time for submitting views relative to any given report elapses. No supplemental, minority, or additional views shall be accepted for inclusion in the report if submitted after the announced time has elapsed unless the Chairman of the Committee or Subcommittee, as appropriate, decides to extend the time for submission of views the 2 subsequent calendar days after the day of notice, in which case he shall communicate such fact to Members, including the revised day and hour for submissions to be received, without delay.Consideration of Subcommittee Reports

(e) Reports and recommendations of a Subcommittee shall not be considered by the Full Committee until after the intervention of 48 hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, from the time the report is submitted and made available to full Committee membership and printed hearings thereon shall be made available, if feasible, to the Members, except that this rule may be waived at the discretion of the Chairman after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member. Timing and Filing of Committee Reports [XIII]

(f) It shall be the duty of the Chairman to report or cause to be reported promptly to the House any measure approved by the Committee and to take or cause to be taken the necessary steps to bring the matter to a vote. To the maximum extent practicable, the written report of the Committee on such measures shall be made available to the Committee membership for review at least 24 hours in advance of filing.

(g) The report of the Committee on a measure which has been approved by the Committee shall be filed within 7 calendar days (exclusive of days on which the House is not in session) after the day on which there has been filed with the clerk of the Committee a written request, signed by the majority of the Members of the Committee, for the reporting of that measure. Upon the filing of any such request, the clerk of the Committee shall transmit immediately to the Chairman of the Committee notice of the filing of that request.

(h) (1) Any document published by the Committee as a House Report, other than a report of the Committee on a measure which has been approved by the Committee, shall be approved by the Committee at a meeting, and Members shall have the same opportunity to submit views as provided for in Rule 4(c).

(2) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), the Chairman may approve the publication of any document as a Committee print which in his discretion he determines to be useful for the information of the Committee.

(3) Any document to be published as a Committee print which purports to express the views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations of the Committee or any of its Subcommittees must be approved by the Full Committee or its Subcommittees, as applicable, in a meeting or otherwise in writing by a majority of the Members, and such Members shall have the right to submit supplemental, minority, or additional views for inclusion in the print within at least 48 hours after such approval.

(4) Any document to be published as a Committee print other than a document described in paragraph (3) of this Rule: (A) shall include on its cover the following statement: ``This document has been printed for informational purposes only and does not represent either findings or recommendations adopted by this Committee;'' and (B) shall not be published following the sine die adjournment of a Congress, unless approved by the Chairman of the Full Committee after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member of the Full Committee.

(i) A report of an investigation or study conducted jointly by this Committee and one or more other Committee(s) may be filed jointly, provided that each of the Committees complies independently with all requirements for approval and filing of the report.

(j) After an adjournment of the last regular session of a Congress sine die, an investigative or oversight report approved by the Committee may be filed with the Clerk at any time, provided that if a member gives notice at the time of approval of intention to file supplemental, minority, or additional views, that member shall be entitled to not less than 7 calendar days in which to submit such views for inclusion with the report.

(k) After an adjournment sine die of the last regular session of a Congress, the Chairman may file the Committee's Activity Report for that Congress under clause 1(d) (1) of Rule XI of the Rules of the House with the Clerk of the House at any time and without the approval of the Committee, provided that a copy of the report has been available to each member of the Committee for at least 7 calendar days and that the report includes any supplemental, minority, or additional views submitted by a member of the Committee. [XI 1(d), XI 1(d) (4)]Oversight Reports

(1) A proposed investigative or oversight report shall be considered as read if it has been available to the members of the Committee for at least 24 hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays except when the House is in session on such day). [XI 1 (b) (2)]LEGISLATIVE AND OVERSIGHT JURISDICTION OF THE COMMITTEE ON


``Rule X. Organization of Committees.

``Committees and their legislative jurisdictions.

``1. There shall be in the House the following standing Committees, each of which shall have the jurisdiction and related functions assigned to it by this clause and clauses 2, 3, and 4. All bills, resolutions, and other matters relating to subjects within the jurisdiction of the standing Committees listed in this clause shall be referred to those Committees, in accordance with clause 2 of rule XII, as follows:

``(n) Committee on Science.

``(1) All energy research, development, and demonstration, and projects therefor, and all federally owned or operated nonmilitary energy laboratories.

``(2) Astronautical research and development, including resources, personnel, equipment, and facilities.

``(3) Civil aviation research and development.

``(4) Environmental research and development.

``(5) Marine research.

``(6) Commercial application of energy technology.

``(7) National Institute of Standards and Technology, standardization of weights and measures and the metric system.

``(8) National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

``(9) National Space Council.

``(10) National Science Foundation.

``(11) National Weather Service.

``(12) Outer space, including exploration and control thereof.

``(13) Science Scholarships.

``(14) Scientific research, development, and demonstration, and projects therefor.


``3. (j) The Committee on Science shall review and study on a continuing basis laws, programs, and Government activities relating to nonmilitary research and development.''


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 151, No. 14