Sunday, June 16, 2024

“PUBLICATION OF COMMITTEE RULES” published by Congressional Record on Sept. 24, 2015

Volume 161, No. 138 covering the 1st Session of the 114th Congress (2015 - 2016) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“PUBLICATION OF COMMITTEE RULES” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H6222-H6225 on Sept. 24, 2015.

The publication is reproduced in full below:



House of Representatives,

Committee on Small Business,

Washington, DC, September 24, 2015.Hon. John Boehner,The Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives,

Washington, DC.

Dear Speaker Boehner: Pursuant to clause 2(a)(2) of House Rule XI, I hearby submit the Rules of the Committee on Small Business for publication in the Congressional Record. The Rules were adopted by the Committee in its organizational meeting.


Steve Chabot,



The Rules of the House of Representatives, in total (but especially with respect to the operations of committees Rule X, cl. 1(q), cl. 2, cl. 3(l), and Rule XI) are the rules of the Committee on Small Business to the extent applicable and are incorporated by reference. Each Subcommittee of the Committee on Small Business (``the Committee'') is a part of the Committee and is subject to the authority and direction of the Committee, and to the rules of the House and the rules adopted herein to the extent applicable.


The Chair will retain consideration of all legislation referred to the Committee by the Speaker. No action will be required of a Subcommittee before legislation is considered for report by the Committee. Subcommittee chairs, pursuant to the rules set out herein, may hold hearings on any bill referred to the Committee.


The regular meeting date of the Committee shall be the second Wednesday of every month when the House is in session. The Chair may dispense with the meeting of the Committee, if in the sole discretion of the Chair, there is no need for such meeting. Additional meetings may be called as deemed necessary by the Chair or at the request of the majority Members of the Committee pursuant to Rule XI, cl. 2(c) of the rules of the House.

At least 3 days notice of such an additional meeting shall be given unless the Chair, with the concurrence of the Ranking Minority Member, determines that there is good cause to call the meeting on less notice or upon a vote by a majority of the Committee (a quorum being present). To the extent possible, the three days shall be counted from the 72 hours before the time of the meeting. Announcements of the meeting shall be published promptly in the Daily Digest and made publicly available in electronic form.

The determination of the business to be considered at each meeting shall be made by the Chair subject to limitations set forth in House Rule XI, cl. 2(c).

The Chair shall provide to each Member of the Committee, to the extent practicable, at least 48 hours in advance of a meeting, a copy of the bill, resolution, report or other item to be considered at the meeting, but no later than 24 hours before the meeting. Such material also shall be made available to the public at least 24 hours in advance in electronic form.

The rules for notice and meetings as set forth in Rule 3 of these Rules shall not apply to special and emergency meetings. Clause 2(c)(2) of Rule XI and clause 2(g)(3)(A) of Rule XI of the Rules of the House, as applicable, shall apply to such meetings.

A record vote of the Committee shall be provided on any question before the Committee upon the request of any Member of the Committee. A record of the vote of each Member of the Committee on a matter before the Committee shall be available in electronic form within 48 hours of such record vote, and, with respect to any roll call vote on any motion to amend or report, shall be included in the report of the Committee showing the total number of votes cast for and against and the names of those Members voting for and against.

The Chair of the Committee shall, not later than 24 hours after consideration of a bill, resolution, report or other item cause the text of the reported item and any amendment adopted thereto to be made publicly available in electronic form.

4. Announcement of Hearings

Public announcement of the date, place, and subject matter of any hearing to be conducted by the Committee shall be made no later than 7 calendar days before the commencement of the hearing. To the extent possible, the seven days shall be counted from 168 hours before the time of the Committee's hearing.

The Chair, with the concurrence of the Ranking Minority Member, or upon a vote by the majority of the Committee (a quorum being present), may authorize a hearing to commence on less than 7 calendar days notice.A. Witness Lists

Unless the Chair determines it is impracticable to do so, the Committee shall make a tentative witness list available at the time it makes the public announcement of the hearing. If a tentative witness list is not made available at the time of the announcement of the hearing, such witness list shall be made available as soon as practicable after such announcement is made. A final witness list shall be issued by the Committee no later than 48 hours prior to the commencement of the hearing.B. Material for the Hearing

The Chair shall provide to all Members of the Committee, as soon as practicable after the announcement of the hearing, a memorandum explaining the subject matter of the hearing and any official reports from departments and agencies on the subject matter of the hearing. Such material shall be made available to all Members of the Committee no later than 48 hours before the commencement of the hearing unless the Chair, after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member, determines that certain reports from departments or agencies should not be made available prior to the commencement of the hearing. Material provided by the Chair to all Members, whether provided prior to or at the hearing, shall be placed on the Committee website no later than 48 hours after the commencement of the hearing unless such material contains sensitive or classified information in which case such material shall be handled pursuant to Rule 15 of the Committee's Rules.

5. Meetings and Hearings Open to the Public

A. Meetings

Each meeting of the Committee or its Subcommittees for the transaction of business, including the markup of legislation, shall be open to the public, including to radio, television, and still photography coverage, except as provided by House Rule XI, cl. 4. If the majority of Members of the Committee or Subcommittee present at the meeting, determine by a recorded vote in open session that all or part of the remainder of the meeting on that day shall be closed to the public because the disclosure of matters to be considered would endanger national security, would compromise sensitive law enforcement information, or would tend to defame, degrade, or incriminate any person or otherwise would violate any law or rule of the House; provided however, that no person other than Members of the Committee, and such congressional staff and such executive branch representatives they may authorize, shall be present in any meeting which has been closed to the public.

The Chair and Ranking Minority Member are ex officio Members of all Subcommittees for the purpose of any meeting conducted by a Subcommittee.B. Hearings

Each hearing conducted by the Committee or its Subcommittees shall be open to the public, including radio, television and still photography coverage. If the majority of Members of the Committee or Subcommittee present at the hearing, determine by a recorded vote in open session, that all or part of the remainder of the hearing on that day shall be closed to the public because the disclosure of matters to be considered would endanger national security, would compromise sensitive law enforcement information, or would tend to defame, degrade, or incriminate any person or otherwise would violate any law or rule of the House; provided however, that the Committee or Subcommittee may by the same procedure also vote to close one subsequent day of hearings. Notwithstanding the requirements of the preceding sentence, a majority of those present (if the requisite number of Members are present under Committee rules for the purpose of taking testimony) may vote: (i) to close the hearing for the sole purpose of discussing whether the testimony or evidence to be received would endanger the national security, would compromise sensitive law enforcement information, or violate Rule XI, cl. 2(k)(5) of the House or

(ii) to close the hearing, as provided clause 2(k)(5) of Rule XI of the House.

The Chair and Ranking Minority Member are ex officio Members of all Subcommittees for any hearing conducted by a Subcommittee. Members of the Committee who wish to participate in a hearing of the Subcommittee to which they are not Members shall make such request to the Chair and the Ranking Minority Member of the Subcommittee at the commencement of the hearing. The Chair, after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member of the Subcommittee, shall grant such request.

No Member of the House may be excluded from non-participatory attendance at any hearing of the Committee or any Subcommittee, unless the House of Representatives shall by majority vote authorize the Committee or Subcommittees, for purposes of a particular subject of investigation, to close its hearing to Members by the same procedures designated to close hearings to the public.

Members of Congress who are not Members of the Committee but would like to participate in a hearing shall notify the Chair and the Ranking Minority Member and submit a formal request no later than 24 hours before the commencement of the meeting or hearing.

To the maximum extent practicable, the Committee shall provide audio and video coverage of each hearing or meeting for the transaction of business in a manner that allows the public to easily listen and view the proceedings and shall maintain the recordings of such coverage in a manner easily accessible to the public.

6. Witnesses

A. Statement of Witnesses

Each witness who is to appear before the Committee or Subcommittee shall file an electronic copy of the testimony with the Committee and the Ranking Minority Member no later than 48 hours before the commencement of the hearing. In addition, the witness shall provide 25 copies of the testimony by the commencement of the hearing. The Chair may waive the requirement by the witness providing 25 copies in which case the Committee or Subcommittee shall provide the 25 copies.

Each non-governmental witness shall provide to the Committee and the Ranking Minority Member, no later than 48 hours before the commencement of the hearing, a curriculum vitae or other statement describing their education, employment, professional affiliation or other background information pertinent to their testimony.

As required by Rule XI, cl. 2(g) of the Rules of the House, each non-governmental witness before the commencement of the hearing shall file with the Chair a disclosure form detailing any contracts or grants that the witness has with the federal government. Such information shall be posted on the Committee website within 24 hours after the witness appeared at the hearing.

The failure to provide the materials set forth by the deadlines set forth in these rules may be grounds for excluding both the oral and written testimony of the witness unless waived by the Chair of the Committee or Subcommittee.

The Committee will provide public access to printed materials, including the testimony of witnesses in electronic form on the Committee's website no later than 24 hours after the hearing is adjourned. Supplemental material provided after the hearing adjourns, shall be placed on the Committee website no later than 24 hours after receipt of such material.B. Number of Witnesses and Witnesses Selected by the Minority

For any hearing conducted by the Committee or Subcommittee there shall be no more than four non-governmental witnesses of which the Ranking Minority Member of the Committee or Subcommittee (as appropriate) is entitled to select one witness for the hearing. Witnesses selected by the Ranking Minority Member of the Committee or Subcommittee shall be invited to testify by the Chair of the Committee or Subcommittee (as appropriate). Rule 6(A) shall apply with equal force to witnesses selected by the Ranking Minority Member of the Committee or Subcommittee.

The limitations set forth in the preceding paragraph shall not apply if the Committee holds a hearing to honor the work of the small business community in conjunction with the annual celebration of Small Business Week. Witness limitations for such a hearing shall be determined by the Chair in consultation with the Ranking Minority Member.C. Interrogation of Witnesses

Except when the Committee adopts a motion pursuant to subdivisions (B) and (C) of clause 2(i)(2) of Rule XI of the Rules of the House, Committee Members may question witnesses only when they have been recognized by the Chair for that purpose. Members shall have the opportunity, as set forth in Rule XI, cl. 2(j) of the Rules of the House, to question each witness on the panel for a period not to exceed five minutes. For any hearing, the Chair of the Committee or Subcommittee may offer a motion to extend the questioning of a witness or witnesses by the Member identified in the motion for more than five minutes as set forth in Rule XI, cl. 2(j)(B).

The Chair of the Committee or Subcommittee shall commence questioning followed by the Ranking Minority Member. Thereafter, questioning shall alternate between the majority and minority Members in order of their arrival at the hearing after the gavel has been struck to commence the hearing with the first arriving having priority over Members of his or her party. If Members arrive simultaneously or are there prior to the gavel being struck to commence the hearing, order of questioning shall be based on seniority.

In recognizing Members to question witnesses, the Chair may take into consideration the ratio of majority and minority Members present in such a manner as to not disadvantage the Members of either party.

7. Subpoenas

A subpoena may be authorized and issued by the Committee in the conduct of any investigation or series of investigations or activities to require the attendance and testimony of such witness and the production of such books, records, correspondence, memoranda, papers and document, as deemed necessary. Such subpoena shall be authorized by a majority of the full Committee. The requirement that the authorization of a subpoena require a majority vote may be waived by the Ranking Member of the Committee. The Chair may issue a subpoena, in consultation with the Ranking Minority Member, when the House is out for session for more than three legislative days.

8. Quorum

A quorum, for purposes of reporting a measure or recommendation, shall be a majority of the Committee Members. For purposes of taking testimony or receiving evidence, a quorum shall be one Member from the Majority and one Member from the Minority. The Chair of the Committee or Subcommittee shall exercise reasonable comity by waiting for the Ranking Minority Member even if a quorum is present before striking the gavel to commence the hearing. For hearings held by the Committee or a Subcommittee in a location other than the Committee's hearing room in Washington, DC, a quorum shall be deemed to present if the Chair of the Committee or Subcommittee is present.

9. Amendments During Mark-Up

Any amendment offered to any pending legislation before the Committee must be made available in written form by any Member of the Committee. If such amendment is not available in written form when requested, the Chair shall allow an appropriate period for the provision thereof and may adjourn the markup to provide sufficient time for the provision of such written amendment. Such period or adjournment shall not prejudice the offering of such amendment.

For amendments to be accepted during mark-up, there is no requirement that the amendments be filed prior to commencement of the mark-up or prepared with the assistance of the Office of Legislative Counsel. Even though it is not necessary, Members seeking to amend legislation during mark-up should draft amendments with the assistance of the Office of Legislative Counsel and consult with the Chair or Ranking Member's staff (as appropriate) in the preparation of such amendments.

10. Postponement of Proceedings

The Chair in consultation with the Ranking Minority Member may postpone further proceedings when a record vote is ordered on the question of approving any measure or matter or adopting an amendment. The Chair may resume postponed proceedings, but no later than 24 hours after such postponement, unless the House is not in session or there are conflicts with Member schedules that make it unlikely a quorum will be present to conduct business on the postponed proceeding. In such cases, the Chair will consult with Members to set a time as early as possible to resume proceedings but in no event later than the next meeting date as set forth in Rule 3 of these Rules. When proceedings resume on a postponed question, notwithstanding any intervening order for the previous question, an underlying proposition shall remain subject to further debate or amendment to the same extent as when the question was postponed.

11. Number and Jurisdiction of Subcommittees

There will be five Subcommittees as follows:

The Subcommittee on Agriculture, Energy and Trade

This Subcommittee (which will consist of six (6) Republican Members and four (4) Democratic Members) will address policies that enhance rural economic growth, increasing America's energy independence and ensuring that America's small businesses can compete effectively in a global marketplace.

Oversight of agricultural policies.

Oversight of environmental issues and regulations

(including agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers).

Oversight of energy issues, including expansion of domestic resources whether they are renewable or non-renewable.

Oversight of international trade policy with particular emphasis on agencies that provide direct assistance to small businesses, such as: the Small Business Administration's

(SBA) Office of International Trade, the Department of Commerce's United States Export Assistance Centers, the Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service, and the Export-Import Bank.

Oversight of infringement of intellectual property rights by foreign competition.

The Subcommittee on Health and Technology

This Subcommittee (which will consist of six (6) Republican Members and four (4) Democratic Members) will address how health care policies may inhibit or promote economic growth and job creation by small businesses. In addition, the Subcommittee will examine small business job growth through the creation and adoption of advanced technologies.

Oversight of the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Oversight of availability and affordability of health care coverage for small businesses.

Oversight of general technology issues, including intellectual property policy in the United States.

Oversight of United States telecommunications policies including, but not limited to, the National Broadband Plan and allocation of electromagnetic spectrum

The Small Business Innovation Research Program.

Small Business Technology Transfer Program.

The Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax and Capital Access

This Subcommittee (which will consist of six (6) Republican Members and four (4) Democratic Members) will evaluate the operation of the financial markets in the United States and their ability to provide needed capital to small businesses. In addition, the Subcommittee will review federal programs, especially those overseen by the SBA, aimed at assisting entrepreneurs in obtaining needed capital. Since the tax policy plays an integral role in access to capital, this Committee also will examine the impact of federal tax policies on small businesses.

Oversight of capital access and financial markets.

Implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

SBA financial assistance programs, including guaranteed loans, microloans, certified development company loans, and small business investment companies.

Oversight of the Department of Agriculture business and industry guaranteed loan program.

Oversight of general tax policy affecting small businesses.

The management of the SBA disaster loan program.

The Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight and Regulations

This Subcommittee (which will consist of six (6) Republican Members and four (4) Democratic Members) will probe the efficient operation of government programs that affect small businesses, including the SBA, and develop proposals to make them operate in a more cost-effective manner. This Subcommittee also will review the regulatory burdens imposed on small businesses and how those burdens may be alleviated.

Oversight of general issues affecting small businesses and federal agencies.

Oversight of the management of the SBA.

Oversight of the SBA Inspector General.

Implementation of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.

Oversight of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget.

Use of the Congressional Review Act.

Transparency of the federal rulemaking process as required by the Administrative Procedure and Data Quality Acts.

Implementation of the Paperwork Reduction Act.

The Subcommittee on Contracting and Workforce

This Subcommittee (which will consist of six (6) Republican Members and four (4) Democratic Members) will assess the federal procurement system, including those programs designed specifically to enhance participation by small businesses in providing goods and services to the federal government. The Subcommittee will examine various programs designed to provide technical assistance to small businesses, whether specifically aimed at federal contractors or small businesses in general. Finally, the Subcommittee will review the broad scope of workforce issues that affect the ability of small businesses to obtain and maintain qualified employees.

Oversight of government-wide procurement practices and programs affecting small businesses.

Oversight of federal procurement policies that inhibit or expand participation by small businesses in the federal contracting marketplace.

All contracting programs established by the Small Business Act, including HUBZone, 8(a), Women-, and Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Programs.

Technical assistance provided to federal contractors and perspective contractors through SBA personnel, Offices of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, and Procurement Technical Assistance Centers.

The SBA Surety Bond guarantee program.

Oversight of all federal policies that affect the workforce including, but not limited to, the roles of the Department of Labor and the National Labor Relations Board.

SBA entrepreneurial development and technical assistance programs unrelated to participation in the federal government contracting.

12. Powers and Duties of Subcommittees

Each Subcommittee is authorized to meet, hold hearings, receive evidence, and report to the Conunittee on any matters referred to it. Prior to the scheduling of any meeting or hearing of a Subcommittee, the Chair of the Subcommittee shall obtain the approval of the Chair of the Committee.

No hearing or meeting of a Subcommittee shall take place at the same time as the meeting or hearing of the full Committee or another Subcommittee, provided however, that the Subcommittee Chairs may hold field hearings that conflict with those held by other Subcommittees of the Committee.

13. Committee Staff

A. Majority Staff

The employees of the Committee, except those assigned to the Minority as provided below, shall be appointed and assigned, and may be removed by the Chair of the Committee. The Chair shall fix their remuneration and they shall be under the general supervision and direction of the Chair.B. Minority Staff

The employees of the Committee assigned to the Minority shall be appointed and assigned, and their remuneration determined, as the Ranking Minority Member of the Committee shall decide.C. Subcommittee Staff

There shall be no separate staff assigned to Subcommittees. The Chair and Ranking Member shall endeavor to ensure that sufficient committee staff is made available in order that each Subcommittee may carry out the responsibilities set forth in Rule 11, supra.

14. Records

The Committee shall keep a complete record of all actions, which shall include a record of the votes on any question on which a recorded vote is demanded. The result of any vote by the Committee, or if applicable by a Subcommittee, including a voice vote shall be posted on the Committee's website within 24 hours after the vote has been taken. Such record shall include a description of the amendment, motion, order, or other proposition, the name of the Member voting for and against such amendment, motion, order, or other proposition, and the names of Members present but not voting. For any amendment, motion, order, or other proposition decided by voice vote, the record shall include a description and whether the voice vote was in favor or against.

The Committee shall keep a complete record of all Committee and Subcommittee activity which, in the case of a meeting or hearing transcript shall include a substantially verbatim account of the remarks actually made during the proceedings subject only to technical, grammatical, and typographical corrections authorized by the person making the remarks.

The records of the Committee at the National Archives and Records Administration shall be made available in accordance with Rule VII of the Rules of the House. The Chair of the Committee shall notify the Ranking Member of the Committee of any decision, pursuant to Rule VII, cl. 3(b)(3) or cl. 4(b), to withhold a record otherwise available, and the matter shall be presented to the Committee for a determination of the written request of any Member of the Committee.

The Committee Rules shall be made publicly available in electronic form and published in the Congressional Record not later than 30 days after the Chair of the Committee is elected in each odd-numbered year.

15. Access to Classified or Sensitive Information

Access to classified or sensitive information supplied to the Committee or Subcommittees and attendance at closed sessions of the Committee or a Subcommittee shall be limited to Members and necessary Committee staff and stenographic reporters who have appropriate security clearance when the Chair determines that such access or attendance is essential to the functioning of the Committee or one of its Subcommittees.

The procedures to be followed in granting access to those hearings, records, data, charts, and files of the Committee which involve classified information or information deemed to be sensitive shall be as follows:

(A) Only Members of the House of Representatives and specifically designated Committee staff of the Committee on Small Business may have access to such information.

(B) Members who desire to read materials that are in possession of the Committee shall notify the Clerk of the Committee in writing.

(C) The Clerk of the Committee will maintain an accurate access log, which identifies the circumstances surrounding access to the information, without revealing the material examined.

(D) If the material desired to be reviewed is material which the Committee or Subcommittee deems to be sensitive enough to require special handling, before receiving access to such information, individuals will be required to sign an access information sheet acknowledging such access and that the individual has read and understands the procedures under which access is being granted.

(E) Material provided for review under this rule shall not be removed from a specified room within the Committee offices.

(F) Individuals reviewing materials under this rule shall make certain that the materials are returned to the proper custodian.

(G) No reproductions or recordings may be made of any portion of such materials.

(H) The contents of such information shall not be divulged to any person in any way, form, shape, or manner and shall not be discussed with any person who has not received the information in the manner authorized by the rules of the Committee.

(I) When not being examined in the manner described herein, such information will be kept in secure safes or locked file cabinets within the Committee offices.

(J) These procedures only address access to information the Committee or Subcommittee deems to be sensitive enough to require special treatment.

(K) If a Member of the House of Representatives believes that certain sensitive information should not be restricted as to dissemination or use, the Member may petition the Committee or Subcommittee to so rule. With respect to information and materials provided to the Committee by the Executive Branch or an independent agency as that term is defined in 44 U.S.C. Sec. 3502, the classification of information and materials as determined by the Executive Branch or independent agency shall prevail unless affirmatively changed by the Committee or Subcommittee involved, after consultation with the Executive Branch or independent agency.

(L) Other materials in the possession of the Committee are to be handled in the accordance with normal practices and traditions of the Committee.

16. Other Procedures

The Chair of the Committee may establish such other procedures and take such actions as may be necessary to carry out the foregoing rules or to facilitate the effective operation of the Committee.

17. Amendments to Committee Rules

The rules of the Committee may be modified, amended or repealed by a majority vote of the Members, at a meeting specifically called for such purpose, but only if written notice of the proposed change or changes has been provided to each Member of the Committee at least 72 hours prior to the time of the meeting of the Committee to consider such change or changes.

18. Budget and Travel

From the amount provided to the Committee in the primary expense resolution adopted by the House of Representatives in the 113th Congress, the Chair, after consultation with the Ranking Minority Member, shall designate one-third of the budget under the direction of the Ranking Minority Member for the purposes of minority staff, travel expenses of minority staff and Members, and minority office expenses.

The Chair may authorize travel in connection with activities or subject matters under the legislative or oversight jurisdiction of the Committee as set forth in Rule X of the Rules of the House.

The Ranking Minority Member may authorize travel for any Minority Member or staff of the minority in connection with activities or subject matters under the Committee's jurisdiction as set forth in Rule X of the Rules of the House. Before such travel, there shall be submitted to the Chair of the Committee in writing the following at least seven (7) calendar days prior specifying: a) the purpose of the travel; b) the dates during which the travel is to occur; c) the names of the states or countries to be visited and the length of time spent in each; and d) the names of Members and staff of the Committee participating in such travel. Prior approval shall not be required of Minority Staff traveling to participate in a deposition, authorized by the Chair in rule 16 of these Rules of an individual located outside of the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

19. Committee Website

The Chair shall maintain an official Committee website for the purpose of furthering the Committee's legislative and oversight responsibilities, including communicating information about Committee's activities to Committee Members and other Members of the House. The Ranking Minority Member may maintain a similar website for the same purpose, including communicating information about the activities of the Minority to Committee Members and other Members of the House.

20. Vice Chair

Pursuant to the Rules of the House, the Chair shall designate a Member of the Majority to serve as Vice Chair of the Committee. The Vice Chair shall preside at any meeting or hearing during the temporary absence of the Chair. The Chair also reserves the right to designate a Member of the Committee Majority to serve as the Chair at a hearing or meeting.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 161, No. 138