Sunday, June 16, 2024

Nov. 17, 2005: Congressional Record publishes “TEXT OF AMENDMENTS”

Volume 151, No. 153 covering the 1st Session of the 109th Congress (2005 - 2006) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“TEXT OF AMENDMENTS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S13186-S13252 on Nov. 17, 2005.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


SA 2598. Mr. LAUTENBERG submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:



(a) Certain Wage Replacement Income Treated as Compensation.--

(1) Wage replacement income.--Section 219(f) (relating to other definitions and special rules) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(8) Treatment of certain wage replacement income as compensation.--

``(A) In general.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), applicable wage replacement income not otherwise treated as compensation shall be treated as compensation for purposes of this section.

``(B) Applicable wage replacement income.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term `applicable wage replacement income' means any amount received by an individual--

``(i) as the result of the individual having become disabled,

``(ii) as unemployment compensation (as defined in section 85(b)),

``(iii) under workmen's compensation acts, or

``(iv) which constitutes wage replacement income under regulations prescribed by the Secretary.''

(2) Certain excludable amounts may be taken into account for purposes of roth iras.--Section 408A(c)(2) (relating to contribution limit) is amended by adding at the end the following new flush sentence:

``In determining the maximum amount under subparagraph (A), subsections (b)(1)(B) and (c) of section 219 shall be applied by taking into account compensation described in section 219(f)(8) without regard to whether it is includible in gross income.''

(3) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004.

(b) Computation of Maximum IRA Deduction for Roth IRAs Using Compensation From 2 Preceding Taxable Years.--

(1) In general.--Section 408A(c) (relating to treatment of contributions) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(8) Compensation from preceding 2 years may be taken into account.--

``(A) In general.--A taxpayer may elect for purposes of paragraph (2) to take into account any unused compensation from the 2 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year.

``(B) Unused compensation.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term `unused compensation' means with respect to an individual for any taxable year the compensation includible in the individual's gross income for the taxable year reduced by the sum of--

``(i) the amount allowed as a deduction under 219(a) to such individual for such taxable year,

``(ii) the amount of any designated nondeductible contribution (as defined in section 408(o)) on behalf of such individual for such taxable year,

``(iii) the amount of any contribution on behalf of such individual to a Roth IRA under this section for such taxable year, and

``(iv) the amount of compensation includible in such individual's gross income for such taxable year taken into account under section 219(c) in determining the limitation under section 219 or paragraph (2) for the individual's spouse.

``(C) Application to special rule for married individuals.--Under rules prescribed by the Secretary, in applying section 219(c) for any taxable year for purposes of applying paragraph (2)(A), unused compensation of an individual or an individual's spouse for the 2 taxable years immediately preceding the taxable year may be taken into account.''

(2) Effective date.--The amendment made by this subsection shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, but unused compensation for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2005, may be taken into account for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004.


SA 2599. Mr. CONRAD (for himself, Mr. Dorgan, and Mr. Smith) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:



(A) In general.--Section 30(b) (relating to limitations) is amended by striking paragraph (2) and by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (2).

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.


SA 2600. Mr. SHELBY proposed an amendment to the bill S. 467, to extend the applicability of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002; as follows:

Modify section 3(c)(2) of the bill to read as follows:

(2) Conforming amendment.--Section 102(12)(A) of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (15 U.S.C. 6701 note; 116 Stat. 2326) is amended by striking ``surety insurance'' and inserting ``directors and officers liability insurance''.


SA 2601. Mr. NELSON of Florida (for himself, Mr. Dorgan, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Schumer, Mr. Dayton, Ms. Stabenow, Mr. Kohl, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Obama, Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Landrieu, Mr. Harkin, and Mr. Durbin) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:



(a) Extended Period of Open Enrollment During All of 2006 Without Late Enrollment Penalty.--Section 1851(e)(3)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-21(e)(3)(B)) is amended--

(1) in clause (iii), by striking ``May 15, 2006'' and inserting ``December 31, 2006''; and

(2) by adding at the end the following new sentence:

``An individual making an election during the period beginning on November 15, 2006, and ending on December 15, 2006, shall specify whether the election is to be effective with respect to 2006 or with respect to 2007 (or both).''.

(b) One-Time Change of Plan Enrollment for Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit During All of 2006.--

(1) In general.--Section 1851(e) of the Social Security Act

(42 U.S.C. 1395w-21(e)) is amended--

(A) in paragraph (2)(B)--

(i) in the heading, by striking ``for first 6 months'';

(ii) in clause (i)--

(I) by striking ``the first 6 months of 2006'' and inserting ``2006''; and

(II) by striking ``the first 6 months during 2006'' and inserting ``2006''; and

(iii) in clause (ii), by inserting ``(other than during 2006)'' after ``paragraph (3)''; and

(B) in paragraph (4), by striking ``2006'' and inserting

``2007'' each place it appears.

(2) Conforming amendment.--Section 1860D-1(b)(1)(B)(iii) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w-101(b)(1)(B)(iii)) is amended by striking ``subparagraphs (B) and (C) of paragraph (2)'' and inserting ``paragraph (2)(C)''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (Public Law 108-173).


SA 2602. Mr. CONRAD proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the following:



(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2005''.

(b) Amendment of 1986 Code.--Except as otherwise expressly provided, whenever in this Act an amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to be made to a section or other provision of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(c) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; amendment of 1986 Code; table of contents.



Subtitle A--Gulf Recovery Zone Benefits

Sec. 101. Gulf Recovery Zone benefits.

Sec. 102. Expansion of Hope Scholarship and Lifetime Learning Credit for students in the Gulf Recovery Zone.

Sec. 103. Extension of special rules for mortgage revenue bonds.

Subtitle B--Tax Benefits Related to Hurricanes Rita and Wilma

Sec. 111. Extension of certain emergency tax relief for Hurricane

Katrina to Hurricanes Rita and Wilma.


Sec. 201. Extension and increase in minimum tax relief to individuals.

Sec. 202. Allowance of nonrefundable personal credits against regular and minimum tax liability.

Sec. 203. Election to deduct State and local sales taxes in lieu of

State and local income taxes.

Sec. 204. Tuition deduction.

Sec. 205. Extension and modification of research credit.

Sec. 206. Extension and modifications to work opportunity credit and welfare-to-work credit.

Sec. 207. Qualified zone academy bonds.

Sec. 208. Deduction for certain expenses of school teachers.

Sec. 209. Tax incentives for investment in the District of Columbia.

Sec. 210. Indian employment tax credit.

Sec. 211. Accelerated depreciation for business property on Indian reservation.

Sec. 212. Extension and expansion of charitable contribution allowed for scientific property used for research and for computer technology and equipment used for educational purposes.

Sec. 213. Expensing of brownfields remediation costs.

Sec. 214. Extension of full credit for qualified electric vehicles.

Sec. 215. Fifteen-year straight-line cost recovery for qualified leasehold improvements and qualified restaurant improvements.

Sec. 216. Application of EGTRRA sunset to this title.


Subtitle A--Provisions Relating to Tax Shelters

Sec. 301. Clarification of economic substance doctrine.

Sec. 302. Penalty for understatements attributable to transactions lacking economic substance, etc. Sec. 303. Denial of deduction for interest on underpayments attributable to noneconomic substance transactions.

Sec. 304. Modifications of effective dates of leasing provisions of the

American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.

Sec. 305. Revaluation of LIFO inventories of large integrated oil companies.

Sec. 306. Modification of effective date of exception from suspension rules for certain listed and reportable transactions.

Sec. 307. Doubling of certain penalties, fines, and interest on underpayments related to certain offshore financial arrangements.

Sec. 308. Penalty for aiding and abetting the understatement of tax liability.

Subtitle B--Provisions to Close Corporate and Individual Loopholes

Sec. 311. Tax treatment of inverted entities.

Sec. 312. Grant of Treasury regulatory authority to address foreign tax credit transactions involving inappropriate separation of foreign taxes from related foreign income.

Sec. 313. Treatment of contingent payment convertible debt instruments.

Sec. 314. Application of earnings stripping rules to partners which are corporations.

Sec. 315. Denial of deduction for certain fines, penalties, and other amounts.

Sec. 316. Disallowance of deduction for punitive damages.

Sec. 317. Limitation of employer deduction for certain entertainment expenses.

Sec. 318. Imposition of mark-to-market tax on individuals who expatriate.

Sec. 319. Modification of exclusion for citizens living abroad.

Sec. 320. Limitation on annual amounts which may be deferred under nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements.

Sec. 321. Increase in age of minor children whose unearned income is taxed as if parent's income.

Subtitle C--Oil and Gas Provisions

Sec. 331. Extension of superfund taxes.

Sec. 332. Modifications of foreign tax credit rules applicable to dual capacity taxpayers.

Sec. 333. Rules relating to foreign oil and gas income.

Sec. 334. Modification of credit for producing fuel from a nonconventional source.

Sec. 335. Elimination of amortization of geological and geophysical expenditures for major integrated oil companies.

Subtitle D--Tax Administration Provisions

Sec. 341. Imposition of withholding on certain payments made by government entities.

Sec. 342. Increase in certain criminal penalties.

Sec. 343. Repeal of suspension of interest and certain penalties where

Secretary fails to contact taxpayer.

Sec. 344. Increase in penalty for bad checks and money orders.

Sec. 345. Frivolous tax submissions.

Sec. 346. Partial payments required with submission of offers-in-


Sec. 347. Waiver of user fee for installment agreements using automated withdrawals.

Sec. 348. Termination of installment agreements.

Subtitle E--Additional Provisions

Sec. 351. Modification of individual estimated tax safe harbor.

Sec. 352. Loan and redemption requirements on pooled financing requirements.

Sec. 353. Reporting of interest on tax-exempt bonds.



Subtitle A--Gulf Recovery Zone Benefits


(a) In General.--Chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new subchapter:

``Subchapter Z--Hurricane Relief Benefits

``Sec. 1400N. Definitions.

``Sec. 1400O. Tax benefits for Gulf Recovery Zone.


``For purposes of this subchapter--

``(1) Gulf recovery zone.--The term `Gulf Recovery Zone' means that portion of the Hurricane Katrina disaster area determined by the President to warrant individual or individual and public assistance from the Federal Government under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act by reason of Hurricane Katrina.

``(2) Hurricane katrina disaster area.--The term `Hurricane Katrina disaster area' means an area with respect to which a major disaster has been declared by the President before September 14, 2005, under section 401 of such Act by reason of Hurricane Katrina.

``(3) Rita zone.--The term `Rita Zone' means that portion of the Hurricane Rita disaster area determined by the President to warrant individual or individual and public assistance from the Federal Government under such Act by reason of Hurricane Rita.

``(4) Hurricane rita disaster area.--The term `Hurricane Rita disaster area' means an area with respect to which a major disaster has been declared by the President before October 6, 2005, under section 401 of such Act by reason of Hurricane Rita.

``(5) Wilma zone.--The term `Wilma Zone' means that portion of the Hurricane Wilma disaster area determined by the President to warrant individual or individual and public assistance from the Federal Government under such Act by reason of Hurricane Wilma.

``(6) Hurricane wilma disaster area.--The term `Hurricane Wilma disaster area' means an area with respect to which a major disaster has been declared by the President before October 25, 2005, under section 401 of such Act by reason of Hurricane Wilma.


``(a) Special Allowance for Certain Property Acquired After August 27, 2005.--

``(1) Additional allowance.--In the case of any qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property--

``(A) the depreciation deduction provided by section 167(a) for the taxable year in which such property is placed in service shall include an allowance equal to 50 percent of the adjusted basis of such property, and

``(B) the adjusted basis of the qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property shall be reduced by the amount of such deduction before computing the amount otherwise allowable as a depreciation deduction under this chapter for such taxable year and any subsequent taxable year.

``(2) Qualified gulf recovery zone property.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property' means property--

``(i)(I) which is described in section 168(k)(2)(A)(i), or

``(II) which is nonresidential real property or residential rental property,

``(ii) substantially all of the use of which is in the Gulf Recovery Zone and is in the active conduct of a trade or business by the taxpayer in such Zone,

``(iii) the original use of which in the Gulf Recovery Zone commences with the taxpayer after August 27, 2005,

``(iv) which is acquired by the taxpayer by purchase (as defined in section 179(d)) after August 27, 2005, but only if no written binding contract for the acquisition was in effect before August 28, 2005, and

``(v) which is placed in service by the taxpayer on or before the termination date.

The term `termination date' means December 31, 2007 (December 31, 2008, in the case of nonresidential real property and residential rental property).

``(B) Exceptions.--

``(i) Alternative depreciation property.--The term

`qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property' shall not include any property described in section 168(k)(2)(D)(i).

``(ii) Tax-exempt bond-financed property.--Such term shall not include any property any portion of which is financed with the proceeds of any obligation the interest on which is exempt from tax under section 103.

``(iii) Qualified revitalization buildings.--Such term shall not include any qualified revitalization building with respect to which the taxpayer has elected the application of paragraph (1) or (2) of section 1400I(a).

``(iv) Election out.--For purposes of this subsection, rules similar to the rules of section 168(k)(2)(D)(iii) shall apply.

``(C) Special rules.--For purposes of this subsection, rules similar to the rules of section 168(k)(2)(E) shall apply, except that--

``(i) clause (i) thereof shall be applied by substituting

`after August 27, 2005, and before the termination date (as defined in section 1400O(a)(2))' for `after September 10, 2001, and before January 1, 2005',

``(ii) clauses (ii), (iii), and (iv) thereof shall be applied by substituting `August 27, 2005' for `September 10, 2001' each place it appears, and

``(iii) clause (iv) thereof shall be applied by substituting `qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property' for

`qualified property'.

``(D) Allowance against alternative minimum tax.--For purposes of this subsection, rules similar to the rules of section 168(k)(2)(G) shall apply.

``(3) Recapture.--For purposes of this subsection, rules similar to the rules under section 179(d)(10) shall apply with respect to any qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property which ceases to be qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property.

``(b) Increase in Expensing Under Section 179.--

``(1) In general.--For purposes of section 179--

``(A) the $100,000 amount in section 179(b)(1) for the taxable year shall be increased by the lesser of--

``(i) $100,000, or

``(ii) the cost of section 179 property (as defined in section 179(d)) which is qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property placed in service during the taxable year, and

``(B) the $400,000 amount in section 179(b)(2) for the taxable year shall be increased by the lesser of--

``(i) $600,000, or

``(ii) the cost of section 179 property (as so defined) which is qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property placed in service during the taxable year.

``(2) Qualified gulf recovery zone property.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property' has the meaning given such term by subsection (a)(2).

``(3) Coordination with empowerment zones and renewal communities.--For purposes of sections 1397A and 1400J, qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property shall not be treated as qualified zone property or qualified renewal property for any taxable year, unless the taxpayer elects not to have this subsection apply to all such qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property placed in service by the taxpayer during the taxable year.

``(4) Recapture.--Rules similar to the rules under section 179(d)(10) shall apply with respect to any qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property which ceases to be Gulf Recovery Zone property.

``(c) Tax-Exempt Bond Financing.--

``(1) In general.--For purposes of this title, any qualified Gulf Recovery Zone Bond shall be treated as a qualified bond.

``(2) Qualified gulf recovery zone bond.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `qualified Gulf Recovery Zone Bond' means any bond issued as part of an issue if--

``(A) except as provided in paragraph (4), such bond meets the applicable requirements of part IV of subchapter B of this chapter,

``(B) such bond is issued by the State of Alabama, Louisiana, or Mississippi (or any political subdivision thereof),

``(C) the Governor of such State designates such bond for purposes of this section, and

``(D) such bond is issued after the date of the enactment of this section and before January 1, 2011.

``(3) Limitation on aggregate amount of bonds designated.--The maximum aggregate face amount of bonds which may be designated under this subsection shall not exceed the product of $2,500 multiplied by the portion of the State population which is in the Gulf Recovery Zone (as determined on the basis of the most recent census estimate of resident population released by the Bureau of Census before August 28, 2005).

``(4) Special rules.--In applying this title to any qualified Gulf Recovery Zone Bond, the following modifications shall apply:

``(A) Section 143 (relating to mortgage revenue bonds: qualified mortgage bond and qualified veterans' mortgage bond) shall be applied--

``(i) by treating any residence in the Gulf Recovery Zone as a targeted area residence,

``(ii) by applying subsection (f)(3) without regard to subparagraph (A) thereof, and

``(iii) by substituting `$150,000' for `$15,000' in subsection (k)(4) thereof.

``(B) Section 146 (relating to volume cap) shall not apply.

``(C) Section 57(a)(5) shall not apply.

``(5) Separate issue treatment of portions of an issue.--This subsection shall not apply to the portion of an issue which (if issued as a separate issue) would be treated as a qualified bond or as a bond that is not a private activity bond (determined without regard to paragraph (1)), if the issuer elects to so treat such portion.

``(d) Advance Refundings of Certain Tax-Exempt Bonds.--

``(1) In general.--With respect to a bond described in paragraph (2) issued as part of an issue 90 percent (95 percent in the case of a bond described in paragraph (2)(B)) or more of the net proceeds (as defined in section 150(a)(3)) of which were used to finance facilities located within the Gulf Recovery Zone (or property which is functionally related and subordinate to facilities located within the Gulf Recovery Zone), one additional advanced refunding after the date of the enactment of this section and before January 1, 2007, shall be allowed under the applicable rules of section 149(d) if--

``(A) the chief executive officer of the issuer of the bond designates the advance refunding bond for purposes of this subsection, and

``(B) the requirements of paragraph (3) are met.

``(2) Bonds described.--A bond is described in this paragraph if such bond was outstanding on August 27, 2005, and is--

``(A) a State or local bond (as defined in section 103(c)(1)) other than a private activity bond (as defined in section 141(a)) issued by the State of Alabama, Louisiana, or Mississippi (or any political subdivision thereof), or

``(B) a qualified 501(c)(3) bond (as defined in section 145(a)) issued by or on behalf of any such State or political subdivision.

``(3) Additional requirements.--The requirements of this paragraph are met with respect to any advance refunding of a bond described in paragraph (2) if--

``(A) no advance refundings of such bond would be allowed under any provision of law after August 27, 2005,

``(B) the advance refunding bond is the only other outstanding bond with respect to the refunded bond, and

``(C) the requirements of section 148 are met with respect to all bonds issued under this subsection.

``(e) Low-Income Housing Credit.--

``(1) Increase in state housing credit ceiling.--

``(A) In general.--In the case of the State of Alabama, Louisiana, or Mississippi--

``(i) the amount otherwise determined under subclause (I) of section 42(h)(3)(C)(ii) for each calendar year beginning after 2005 and before 2010 shall be increased by an amount equal to 3 times the dollar amount otherwise specified for such calendar year under such subclause multiplied by the State population located in the Gulf Recovery Zone (as determined on the basis of the most recent census estimate of resident population released by the Bureau of Census before August 28, 2005), and

``(ii) the unused State housing credit ceiling for such State for any calendar year under section 42(h)(3)(C)(i) shall be determined without regard to the amount of the increase determined under clause (i).

``(B) Elective carryforward of unused increased ceiling.--

``(i) In general.--If the amount determined under section 42(h)(3)(C)(ii)(I), as increased under subparagraph (A)(i), for any calendar year for any State described in subparagraph

(A) exceeds the aggregate housing credit dollar amount allocated during such calendar year by such State, such State may elect to treat as a carryforward to the following calendar year an amount equal to lesser of--

``(I) the amount of such excess, or

``(II) the amount by which the amount determined under section 42(h)(3)(C)(ii)(I) for such calendar year was increased under subparagraph (A)(i)).

``(ii) Use of carryforward.--If any State elects a carryforward under clause (i), any housing credit dollar amount allocated by such State during the calendar year following the calendar year in which the carryforward arose shall not be considered so allocated for purposes of section 42(h)(3)(C) and section 42(h)(3)(D) to the extent such housing credit dollar amount does not exceed the amount of the carryforward elected.

``(2) Difficult development area.--

``(A) In general.--For purposes of section 42--

``(i) in the case of property placed in service during 2006, 2007, or 2008, the Gulf Recovery Zone--

``(I) shall be treated as a difficult development area designated under subclause (I) of section 42(d)(5)(C)(iii), and

``(II) shall not be taken into account for purposes of applying the limitation under subclause (II) of such section, and

``(ii) subsection (b)(2)(B) thereof shall be applied with respect to any such property placed in service in the Gulf Recovery Zone by substituting `91 percent' and `39 percent' for `70 percent' and `30 percent', respectively.

``(B) Application.--Subparagraph (A) shall apply only to--

``(i) housing credit dollar amounts allocated during the period beginning on January 1, 2006, and ending on December 31, 2008, and

``(ii) buildings placed in service during such period to the extent that paragraph (1) of section 42(h) does not apply to any building by reason of paragraph (4) thereof, but only with respect to bonds issued after December 31, 2005.

``(f) Treatment of Representations Regarding Income Eligibility for Purposes of Qualified Residential Rental Project Requirements.--For purposes of determining if any residential rental project meets the requirements of section 142(d)(1) and if any certification with respect to such project meets the requirements under section 142(d)(7), the operator of the project may rely on the representations of any individual applying for tenancy in such project that such individual's income will not exceed the applicable income limits of section 142(d)(1) upon commencement of the individual's tenancy if such tenancy begins during the 6-month period beginning on and after the date such individual was displaced by reason of Hurricane Katrina.

``(g) Application of New Markets Tax Credit to Investments in Community Development Entities Serving Gulf Recovery Zone.--For purposes of section 45D--

``(1) a qualified community development entity shall be eligible for an allocation under subsection (f)(2) thereof of the increase in the new markets tax credit limitation described in paragraph (2) only if a significant mission of such entity is the recovery and redevelopment of the Gulf Recovery Zone,

``(2) the new markets tax credit limitation otherwise determined under subsection (f)(1) thereof shall be increased by an amount equal to--

``(A) $300,000,000 for 2005 and 2006, to be allocated among qualified community development entities to make qualified low-income community investments within the Gulf Recovery Zone, and

``(B) $400,000,000 for 2007, to be so allocated, and

``(3) subsection (f)(3) thereof shall be applied separately with respect to the amount of the increase under paragraph


``(h) Treatment of Net Operating Losses Attributable to Gulf Recovery Zone Losses.--

``(1) In general.--If a portion of any net operating loss of the taxpayer for any taxable year is a qualified Gulf Recovery Zone loss, the following rules shall apply:

``(A) Extension of carryback period.--Section 172(b)(1) shall be applied with respect to such portion--

``(i) by substituting `5 taxable years' for `2 taxable years' in subparagraph (A)(i), and

``(ii) by not taking such portion into account in determining any eligible loss of the taxpayer under subparagraph (F) for the taxable year.

``(B) Suspension of 90 percent amt limitation.--Section 56(d)(1) shall be applied by increasing the amount determined under subparagraph (A)(ii)(I) thereof by the sum of the carrybacks and carryovers of any net operating loss attributable to such portion.

``(2) Qualified gulf recovery zone loss.--For purposes of paragraph (1), the term `qualified Gulf Recovery Zone loss' means the lesser of--

``(A) the amount of the net operating loss for the taxable year, or

``(B) the aggregate amount of the following deductions for such taxable year:

``(i) Any deduction for any qualified Gulf Recovery Zone casualty loss.

``(ii) Any deduction for moving expenses paid or incurred after August 27, 2005, and before January 1, 2008, and allowable under this chapter to any taxpayer in connection with the employment of any individual--

``(I) whose principal place of abode was located in the Gulf Recovery Zone before August 28, 2005,

``(II) who was unable to remain in such abode as the result of Hurricane Katrina, and

``(III) whose principal place of employment with the taxpayer after such expense is located in the Gulf Recovery Zone.

For purposes of this clause, the term `moving expenses' has the meaning given such term by section 217(b), except that the taxpayer's former residence and new residence may be the same residence if the initial vacating of the residence was as the result of Hurricane Katrina.

``(iii) Any deduction for expenses paid or incurred after August 27, 2005, and before January 1, 2008, and allowable under this chapter to temporarily house any employee of the taxpayer whose principal place of employment is in the Gulf Recovery Zone.

``(iv) Any deduction for depreciation (or amortization in lieu of depreciation) allowable under this chapter with respect to any qualified Gulf Recovery Zone property (as defined in subsection (a)(2)) for the taxable year such property is placed in service.

``(v) Any deduction for repair expenses (including expenses for removal of debris) allowable under this chapter paid or incurred after August 27, 2005, and before January 1, 2008, with respect to any damage attributable to Hurricane Katrina and in connection with property which is located in the Gulf Recovery Zone.

``(3) Qualified gulf recovery zone casualty loss.--

``(A) In general.--For purposes of paragraph (2)(B)(i), the term `qualified Gulf Recovery Zone casualty loss' means any uncompensated section 1231 loss (as defined in section 1231(a)(3)(B)) of property located in the Gulf Recovery Zone if--

``(i) such loss is allowed as a deduction under section 165 for the taxable year, and

``(ii) such loss is attributable to Hurricane Katrina.

``(B) Reduction for gains from involuntary conversion.--The amount of qualified Gulf Recovery Zone casualty loss which would (but for this subparagraph) be taken into account under subparagraph (A) for any taxable year shall be reduced by the amount of any gain recognized by the taxpayer for such year from the involuntary conversion by reason of Hurricane Katrina of property located in the Gulf Recovery Zone.

``(C) Coordination with general disaster loss rules.--Subsection (j) and section 165(i) shall not apply to any qualified Gulf Recovery Zone casualty loss to the extent such loss is taken into account under this subsection.

``(4) Special rules.--For purposes of paragraph (1), rules similar to the rules of paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 172(i) shall apply with respect to such portion.

``(i) Treatment of Public Utility Property Disaster Losses.--

``(1) In general.--Upon the election of the taxpayer, in the case of any eligible public utility property loss--

``(A) section 165(i) shall be applied by substituting `the fifth taxable year immediately preceding' for `the taxable year immediately preceding',

``(B) an application for a tentative carryback adjustment of the tax for any prior taxable year affected by the application of subparagraph (A) may be made under section 6411, and

``(C) section 6611 shall not apply to any overpayment attributable to such loss.

``(2) Eligible public utility property loss.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `eligible public utility property loss' means any loss with respect to public utility property located in the Gulf Recovery Zone and attributable to Hurricane Katrina.

``(B) Public utility property.--The term `public utility property' has the meaning given such term by section 168(i)(10) without regard to the matter following subparagraph (D) thereof.

``(3) Waiver of limitations.--If refund or credit of any overpayment of tax resulting from the application of paragraph (1) is prevented at any time before the close of the 1-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this section by the operation of any law or rule of law

(including res judicata), such refund or credit may nevertheless be made or allowed if claim therefor is filed before the close of such period.

``(j) Special Rule for Gulf Recovery Zone Public Utility Casualty Losses.--

``(1) In general.--The amount described in section 172(f)(1)(A) for any taxable year shall be increased by the amount of the Gulf Recovery Zone public utility casualty loss for such year.

``(2) Gulf recovery zone public utility casualty loss.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `Gulf Recovery Zone public utility casualty loss' means any casualty loss of public utility property (as defined in section 168(i)(10)) located in the Gulf Recovery Zone if--

``(A) such loss is allowed as a deduction under section 165 for the taxable year,

``(B) such loss is attributable to Hurricane Katrina, and

``(C) the taxpayer elects the application of this subsection with respect to such loss.

``(3) Reduction for gains from involuntary conversion.--The amount of Gulf Recovery Zone public utility casualty loss which would (but for this paragraph) be taken into account under paragraph (1) for any taxable year shall be reduced by the amount of any gain recognized by the taxpayer for such year from the involuntary conversion by reason of Hurricane Katrina of public utility property (as so defined) located in the Gulf Recovery Zone.

``(4) Coordination with general disaster loss rules.--Subsection (h) and section 165(i) shall not apply to any Gulf Recovery Zone public utility casualty loss to the extent such loss is taken into account under paragraph (1).

``(5) Election.--Any election under paragraph (2)(C) shall be made in such manner as may be prescribed by the Secretary and shall be made by the due date (including extensions of time) for filing the taxpayer's return for the taxable year of the loss. Such election, once made for any taxable year, shall be irrevocable for such taxable year.

``(k) Special Rules for Small Timber Producers.--

``(1) Increased expensing for qualified timber property.--In the case of qualified timber property any portion of which is located in the Gulf Recovery Zone, in that portion of the Rita Zone which is not part of the Gulf Recovery Zone, or in the Wilma Zone, the limitation under subparagraph (B) of section 194(b)(1) shall be increased by the lesser of--

``(A) the limitation which would (but for this subsection) apply under such subparagraph, or

``(B) the amount of reforestation expenditures (as defined in section 194(c)(3)) paid or incurred by the taxpayer with respect to such qualified timber property during the specified portion of the taxable year.

``(2) 5 year nol carryback of certain timber losses.--For purposes of determining farming loss under section 172(i), income and deductions which are allocable to the specified portion of the taxable year and which are attributable to qualified timber property any portion of which is located in the Gulf Recovery Zone, in that portion of the Rita Zone which is not part of the Gulf Recovery Zone, or in the Wilma Zone shall be treated as attributable to farming businesses.

``(3) Rules not applicable to certain entities.--Paragraphs

(1) and (2) shall not apply to any taxpayer which--

``(A) is a corporation the stock of which is publicly traded on an established securities market, or

``(B) is a real estate investment trust.

``(4) Rules not applicable to large timber producers.--Paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not apply with respect to any qualified timber property unless--

``(A) such property was held by the taxpayer--

``(i) on August 28, 2005, in the case of qualified timber property any portion of which is located in the Gulf Recovery Zone,

``(ii) on September 23, 2005, in the case of qualified timber property (other than property described in subclause

(I)) any portion of which is located in that portion of the Rita Zone which is not part of the Gulf Recovery Zone, or

``(iii) on October 23, 2005, in the case of qualified timber property (other than property described in subclause

(I) or (II)) any portion of which is located in the Wilma Zone, and

``(B) such taxpayer held not more than 500 acres of qualified timber property on such date.

``(5) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) Specified portion.--The term `specified portion' means--

``(i) in the case of qualified timber property located in the Gulf Recovery Zone, that portion of the taxable year which is on or after August 28, 2005, and before January 1, 2007,

``(ii) in the case of qualified timber property located in the Rita Zone and no part of which is located in the Gulf Recovery Zone, that portion of the taxable year which is on or after September 23, 2005, and before January 1, 2007, and

``(iii) in the case of qualified timber property located in the Wilma Zone, that portion of the taxable year which is on or after October 23, 2005, and before January 1, 2007.

``(B) Qualified timber property.--The term `qualified timber property' has the meaning given such term in section 194(c)(1).

``(l) Expensing for Certain Demolition and Clean-up Costs.--

``(1) In general.--A taxpayer may elect to treat 50 percent of any qualified Gulf Recovery Zone clean-up cost as an expense which is not chargeable to capital account. Any cost so treated shall be allowed as a deduction for the taxable year in which such cost is paid or incurred.

``(2) Gulf recovery zone clean-up cost.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `Gulf Recovery Zone clean-up cost' means any amount paid or incurred during the period beginning on August 28, 2005, and ending on December 31, 2007, for the removal of debris from, or the demolition of structures on, real property which is located in the Gulf Recovery Zone and which is--

``(A) held by the taxpayer for use in a trade or business or for the production of income, or

``(B) property described in section 1221(a)(1) in the hands of the taxpayer.

For purposes of the preceding sentence, amounts paid or incurred shall be taken into account only to the extent that such amount would (but for paragraph (1)) be chargeable to capital account.

``(m) Extension of Expensing for Environmental Remediation Costs.--With respect to any qualified environmental remediation expenditure (as defined in section 198(b)) paid or incurred on or after August 28, 2005, in connection with a qualified contaminated site located in the Gulf Recovery Zone, section 198 (relating to expensing of environmental remediation costs) shall be applied--

``(1) by substituting `December 31, 2007' for `December 31, 2006' in subsection (h) thereof, and

``(2) except as provided in section 198(d)(2), by treating petroleum products (as defined in section 4612(a)(3)) as a hazardous substance.

``(n) Gulf Recovery Zone.--For purposes of this section, the term `Gulf Recovery Zone' means an area--

``(1) with respect to which a major disaster has been declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act as a result of Hurricane Katrina, and

``(2) which is determined by the President to warrant individual assistance, or individual and public assistance, from the Federal Government under such Act.''

(b) Clerical Amendments.--The table of subchapters for chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Subchapter Z--Hurricane Relief Benefits.''.



In the case of an individual who attends an eligible educational institution (as defined in section 25A(f)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) located in the Gulf Recovery Zone (as defined in section 1400N(1) of such Code) for any taxable year beginning during 2005 or 2006--

(1) in applying section 25A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the term ``qualified tuition and related expenses'' shall include any costs which are qualified higher education expenses (as defined in section 529(e)(3) of such Code),

(2) each of the dollar amounts in effect under of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 25A(b)(1) of such Code shall be twice the amount otherwise in effect before the application of this subsection, and

(3) section 25A(c)(1) of such Code shall be applied by substituting ``40 percent'' for ``20 percent''.



Section 404(d) of the Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005 is amended by striking ``December 31, 2007'' and inserting ``December 31, 2010''.

Subtitle B--Tax Benefits Related to Hurricanes Rita and Wilma



(a) In General.--Subchapter Z of chapter 1, as added by this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following new sections:


``(a) In General.--In the case of financing provided with respect to residences in the Gulf Recovery Zone, the Rita Zone, or the Wilma Zone, section 143 shall be applied--

``(1) by treating any residence in the Gulf Recovery Zone, the Rita Zone, or the Wilma Zone as a targeted area residence,

``(2) by applying subsection (f)(3) without regard to subparagraph (A) thereof, and

``(3) by substituting `$150,000' for `$15,000' in subsection (k)(4) thereof.

``(b) Application.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to financing provided after December 31, 2010.


``(a) Tax-Favored Withdrawals From Retirement Plans.--

``(1) In general.--Section 72(t) shall not apply to any qualified hurricane distribution.

``(2) Aggregate dollar limitation.--

``(A) In general.--For purposes of this subsection, the aggregate amount of distributions received by an individual which may be treated as qualified hurricane distributions for any taxable year shall not exceed the excess (if any) of--

``(i) $100,000, over

``(ii) the aggregate amounts treated as qualified hurricane distributions received by such individual for all prior taxable years.

``(B) Treatment of plan distributions.--If a distribution to an individual would (without regard to subparagraph (A)) be a qualified hurricane distribution, a plan shall not be treated as violating any requirement of this title merely because the plan treats such distribution as a qualified hurricane distribution, unless the aggregate amount of such distributions from all plans maintained by the employer (and any member of any controlled group which includes the employer) to such individual exceeds $100,000.

``(C) Controlled group.--For purposes of subparagraph (B), the term `controlled group' means any group treated as a single employer under subsection (b), (c), (m), or (o) of section 414.

``(3) Amount distributed may be repaid.--

``(A) In general.--Any individual who receives a qualified hurricane distribution may, at any time during the 3-year period beginning on the day after the date on which such distribution was received, make one or more contributions in an aggregate amount not to exceed the amount of such distribution to an eligible retirement plan of which such individual is a beneficiary and to which a rollover contribution of such distribution could be made under section 402(c), 403(a)(4), 403(b)(8), 408(d)(3), or 457(e)(16), as the case may be.

``(B) Treatment of repayments of distributions from eligible retirement plans other than iras.--For purposes of this title, if a contribution is made pursuant to subparagraph (A) with respect to a qualified hurricane distribution from an eligible retirement plan other than an individual retirement plan, then the taxpayer shall, to the extent of the amount of the contribution, be treated as having received the qualified hurricane distribution in an eligible rollover distribution (as defined in section 402(c)(4)) and as having transferred the amount to the eligible retirement plan in a direct trustee to trustee transfer within 60 days of the distribution.

``(C) Treatment of repayments for distributions from iras.--For purposes of this title, if a contribution is made pursuant to subparagraph (A) with respect to a qualified hurricane distribution from an individual retirement plan (as defined by section 7701(a)(37)), then, to the extent of the amount of the contribution, the qualified hurricane distribution shall be treated as a distribution described in section 408(d)(3) and as having been transferred to the eligible retirement plan in a direct trustee to trustee transfer within 60 days of the distribution.

``(4) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) Qualified hurricane distribution.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the term `qualified hurricane distribution' means--

``(i) any distribution from an eligible retirement plan made on or after August 25, 2005, and before January 1, 2007, to an individual whose principal place of abode on August 28, 2005, is located in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area and who has sustained an economic loss by reason of Hurricane Katrina,

``(ii) any distribution (which is not described in clause

(i)) from an eligible retirement plan made on or after September 23, 2005, and before January 1, 2007, to an individual whose principal place of abode on September 23, 2005, is located in the Hurricane Rita disaster area and who has sustained an economic loss by reason of Hurricane Rita, and

``(iii) any distribution (which is not described in clause

(i) or (ii)) from an eligible retirement plan made on or after October 23, 2005, and before January 1, 2007, to an individual whose principal place of abode on October 23, 2005, is located in the Hurricane Wilma disaster area and who has sustained an economic loss by reason of Hurricane Wilma.

``(B) Eligible retirement plan.--The term `eligible retirement plan' shall have the meaning given such term by section 402(c)(8)(B).

``(5) Income inclusion spread over 3-year period.--

``(A) In general.--In the case of any qualified hurricane distribution, unless the taxpayer elects not to have this paragraph apply for any taxable year, any amount required to be included in gross income for such taxable year shall be so included ratably over the 3-taxable year period beginning with such taxable year.

``(B) Special rule.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), rules similar to the rules of subparagraph (E) of section 408A(d)(3) shall apply.

``(6) Special rules.--

``(A) Exemption of distributions from trustee to trustee transfer and withholding rules.--For purposes of sections 401(a)(31), 402(f), and 3405, qualified hurricane distributions shall not be treated as eligible rollover distributions.

``(B) Qualified hurricane distributions treated as meeting plan distribution requirements.--For purposes this title, a qualified hurricane distribution shall be treated as meeting the requirements of sections 401(k)(2)(B)(i), 403(b)(7)(A)(ii), 403(b)(11), and 457(d)(1)(A).

``(b) Recontributions of Withdrawals for Home Purchases.--

``(1) Recontributions.--

``(A) In general.--Any individual who received a qualified distribution may, during the applicable period, make one or more contributions in an aggregate amount not to exceed the amount of such qualified distribution to an eligible retirement plan (as defined in section 402(c)(8)(B)) of which such individual is a beneficiary and to which a rollover contribution of such distribution could be made under section 402(c), 403(a)(4), 403(b)(8), or 408(d)(3), as the case may be.

``(B) Treatment of repayments.--Rules similar to the rules of subparagraphs (B) and (C) of subsection (a)(3) shall apply for purposes of this subsection.

``(2) Qualified distribution.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `qualified distribution' means any qualified Katrina distribution, any qualified Rita distribution, and any qualified Wilma distribution.

``(B) Qualified katrina distribution.--The term `qualified Katrina distribution' means any distribution--

``(i) described in section 401(k)(2)(B)(i)(IV), 403(b)(7)(A)(ii) (but only to the extent such distribution relates to financial hardship), 403(b)(11)(B), or 72(t)(2)(F),

``(ii) received after February 28, 2005, and before August 29, 2005, and

``(iii) which was to be used to purchase or construct a principal residence in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area, but which was not so purchased or constructed on account of Hurricane Katrina.

``(C) Qualified rita distribution.--The term `qualified Rita distribution' means any distribution (other than a qualified Katrina distribution)--

``(i) described in section 401(k)(2)(B)(i)(IV), 403(b)(7)(A)(ii) (but only to the extent such distribution relates to financial hardship), 403(b)(11)(B), or 72(t)(2)(F),

``(ii) received after February 28, 2005, and before September 24, 2005, and

``(iii) which was to be used to purchase or construct a principal residence in the Hurricane Rita disaster area, but which was not so purchased or constructed on account of Hurricane Rita.

``(D) Qualified wilma distribution.--The term `qualified Wilma distribution' means any distribution (other than a qualified Katrina distribution or a qualified Rita distribution)--

``(i) described in section 401(k)(2)(B)(i)(IV), 403(b)(7)(A)(ii) (but only to the extent such distribution relates to financial hardship), 403(b)(11)(B), or 72(t)(2)(F),

``(ii) received after February 28, 2005, and before October 24, 2005, and

``(iii) which was to be used to purchase or construct a principal residence in the Hurricane Wilma disaster area, but which was not so purchased or constructed on account of Hurricane Wilma.

``(3) Applicable period.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `applicable period' means--

``(A) with respect to any qualified Katrina distribution, the period beginning on August 25, 2005, and ending on February 28, 2006,

``(B) with respect to any qualified Rita distribution, the period beginning on September 23, 2005, and ending on February 28, 2006, and

``(C) with respect to any qualified Wilma distribution, the period beginning on October 23, 2005, and ending on February 28, 2006.

``(c) Loans From Qualified Plans.--

``(1) Increase in limit on loans not treated as distributions.--In the case of any loan from a qualified employer plan (as defined under section 72(p)(4)) to a qualified individual made during the applicable period--

``(A) clause (i) of section 72(p)(2)(A) shall be applied by substituting `$100,000' for `$50,000', and

``(B) clause (ii) of such section shall be applied by substituting `the present value of the nonforfeitable accrued benefit of the employee under the plan' for `one-half of the present value of the nonforfeitable accrued benefit of the employee under the plan'.

``(2) Delay of repayment.--In the case of a qualified individual with an outstanding loan on or after the qualified beginning date from a qualified employer plan (as defined in section 72(p)(4))--

``(A) if the due date pursuant to subparagraph (B) or (C) of section 72(p)(2) for any repayment with respect to such loan occurs during the period beginning on the qualified beginning date and ending on December 31, 2006, such due date shall be delayed for 1 year,

``(B) any subsequent repayments with respect to any such loan shall be appropriately adjusted to reflect the delay in the due date under paragraph (1) and any interest accruing during such delay, and

``(C) in determining the 5-year period and the term of a loan under subparagraph (B) or (C) of section 72(p)(2), the period described in subparagraph (A) shall be disregarded.

``(3) Qualified individual.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `qualified individual' means any qualified Hurricane Katrina individual, any qualified Hurricane Rita individual, and any qualified Hurricane Wilma individual.

``(B) Qualified hurricane katrina individual.--The term

`qualified Hurricane Katrina individual' means an individual whose principal place of abode on August 28, 2005, is located in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area and who has sustained an economic loss by reason of Hurricane Katrina.

``(C) Qualified hurricane rita individual.--The term

`qualified Hurricane Rita individual' means an individual

(other than a qualified Hurricane Katrina individual) whose principal place of abode on September 23, 2005, is located in the Hurricane Rita disaster area and who has sustained an economic loss by reason of Hurricane Rita.

``(D) Qualified hurricane wilma individual.--The term

`qualified Hurricane Wilma individual' means an individual

(other than a qualified Hurricane Katrina individual or a qualified Hurricane Rita individual) whose principal place of abode on October 23, 2005, is located in the Hurricane Wilma disaster area and who has sustained an economic loss by reason of Hurricane Wilma.

``(4) Applicable period; qualified beginning date.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) Hurricane katrina.--In the case of any qualified Hurricane Katrina individual--

``(i) the applicable period is the period beginning on September 24, 2005, and ending on December 31, 2006, and

``(ii) the qualified beginning date is August 25, 2005.

``(B) Hurricane rita.--In the case of any qualified Hurricane Rita individual--

``(i) the applicable period is the period beginning on the date of the enactment of this subsection and ending on December 31, 2006, and

``(ii) the qualified beginning date is September 23, 2005.

``(C) Hurricane wilma.--In the case of any qualified Hurricane Wilma individual--

``(i) the applicable period is the period beginning on the date of the enactment of this subsection and ending on December 31, 2006, and

``(ii) the qualified beginning date is October 23, 2005.


``(a) Employee Retention Credit for Employers Affected by Hurricane Katrina.--

``(1) In general.--For purposes of section 38, in the case of an eligible employer, the Hurricane Katrina employee retention credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to 40 percent of the qualified wages with respect to each eligible employee of such employer for such taxable year. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the amount of qualified wages which may be taken into account with respect to any individual shall not exceed $6,000.

``(2) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) Eligible employer.--The term `eligible employer' means any employer--

``(i) which conducted an active trade or business on August 28, 2005, in the Gulf Recovery Zone, and

``(ii) with respect to whom the trade or business described in clause (i) is inoperable on any day after August 28, 2005, and before January 1, 2006, as a result of damage sustained by reason of Hurricane Katrina.

``(B) Eligible employee.--The term `eligible employee' means with respect to an eligible employer an employee whose principal place of employment on August 28, 2005, with such eligible employer was in the Gulf Recovery Zone.

``(C) Qualified wages.--The term `qualified wages' means wages (as defined in section 51(c)(1), but without regard to section 3306(b)(2)(B)) paid or incurred by an eligible employer with respect to an eligible employee on any day after August 28, 2005, and before January 1, 2006, which occurs during the period--

``(i) beginning on the date on which the trade or business described in subparagraph (A) first became inoperable at the principal place of employment of the employee immediately before Hurricane Katrina, and

``(ii) ending on the date on which such trade or business has resumed significant operations at such principal place of employment.

Such term shall include wages paid without regard to whether the employee performs no services, performs services at a different place of employment than such principal place of employment, or performs services at such principal place of employment before significant operations have resumed.

``(3) Certain rules to apply.--For purposes of this subsection, rules similar to the rules of sections 51(i)(1), 52, and 280C(a) shall apply.

``(4) Employee not taken into account more than once.--An employee shall not be treated as an eligible employee for purposes of this subsection for any period with respect to any employer if such employer is allowed a credit under section 51 with respect to such employee for such period.

``(b) Employee Retention Credit for Employers Affected by Hurricane Rita.--

``(1) In general.--For purposes of section 38, in the case of an eligible employer, the Hurricane Rita employee retention credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to 40 percent of the qualified wages with respect to each eligible employee of such employer for such taxable year. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the amount of qualified wages which may be taken into account with respect to any individual shall not exceed $6,000.

``(2) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) Eligible employer.--The term `eligible employer' means any employer--

``(i) which conducted an active trade or business on September 23, 2005, in the Rita Zone, and

``(ii) with respect to whom the trade or business described in clause (i) is inoperable on any day after September 23, 2005, and before January 1, 2006, as a result of damage sustained by reason of Hurricane Rita.

``(B) Eligible employee.--The term `eligible employee' means with respect to an eligible employer an employee whose principal place of employment on September 23, 2005, with such eligible employer was in the Rita Zone.

``(C) Qualified wages.--The term `qualified wages' means wages (as defined in section 51(c)(1), but without regard to section 3306(b)(2)(B)) paid or incurred by an eligible employer with respect to an eligible employee on any day after September 23, 2005, and before January 1, 2006, which occurs during the period--

``(i) beginning on the date on which the trade or business described in subparagraph (A) first became inoperable at the principal place of employment of the employee immediately before Hurricane Rita, and

``(ii) ending on the date on which such trade or business has resumed significant operations at such principal place of employment.

Such term shall include wages paid without regard to whether the employee performs no services, performs services at a different place of employment than such principal place of employment, or performs services at such principal place of employment before significant operations have resumed.

``(3) Certain rules to apply.--For purposes of this subsection, rules similar to the rules of sections 51(i)(1), 52, and 280C(a) shall apply.

``(4) Employee not taken into account more than once.--An employee shall not be treated as an eligible employee for purposes of this subsection for any period with respect to any employer if such employer is allowed a credit under subsection (a) or section 51 with respect to such employee for such period.

``(c) Employee Retention Credit for Employers Affected by Hurricane Wilma.--

``(1) In general.--For purposes of section 38, in the case of an eligible employer, the Hurricane Wilma employee retention credit for any taxable year is an amount equal to 40 percent of the qualified wages with respect to each eligible employee of such employer for such taxable year. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the amount of qualified wages which may be taken into account with respect to any individual shall not exceed $6,000.

``(2) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) Eligible employer.--The term `eligible employer' means any employer--

``(i) which conducted an active trade or business on October 23, 2005, in the Wilma Zone, and

``(ii) with respect to whom the trade or business described in clause (i) is inoperable on any day after October 23, 2005, and before January 1, 2006, as a result of damage sustained by reason of Hurricane Wilma.

``(B) Eligible employee.--The term `eligible employee' means with respect to an eligible employer an employee whose principal place of employment on October 23, 2005, with such eligible employer was in the Wilma Zone.

``(C) Qualified wages.--The term `qualified wages' means wages (as defined in section 51(c)(1), but without regard to section 3306(b)(2)(B)) paid or incurred by an eligible employer with respect to an eligible employee on any day after October 23, 2005, and before January 1, 2006, which occurs during the period--

``(i) beginning on the date on which the trade or business described in subparagraph (A) first became inoperable at the principal place of employment of the employee immediately before Hurricane Wilma, and

``(ii) ending on the date on which such trade or business has resumed significant operations at such principal place of employment.

Such term shall include wages paid without regard to whether the employee performs no services, performs services at a different place of employment than such principal place of employment, or performs services at such principal place of employment before significant operations have resumed.

``(3) Certain rules to apply.--For purposes of this subsection, rules similar to the rules of sections 51(i)(1), 52, and 280C(a) shall apply.

``(4) Employee not taken into account more than once.--An employee shall not be treated as an eligible employee for purposes of this subsection for any period with respect to any employer if such employer is allowed a credit under subsection (a) or section 51 with respect to such employee for such period.


``(a) Temporary Suspension of Limitations on Charitable Contributions.--

``(1) In general.--Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2), section 170(b) shall not apply to qualified contributions and such contributions shall not be taken into account for purposes of applying subsections (b) and (d) of section 170 to other contributions.

``(2) Treatment of excess contributions.--For purposes of section 170--

``(A) Individuals.--In the case of an individual--

``(i) Limitation.--Any qualified contribution shall be allowed only to the extent that the aggregate of such contributions does not exceed the excess of the taxpayer's contribution base (as defined in subparagraph (F) of section 170(b)(1)) over the amount of all other charitable contributions allowed under section 170(b)(1).

``(ii) Carryover.--If the aggregate amount of qualified contributions made in the contribution year (within the meaning of section 170(d)(1)) exceeds the limitation of clause (i), such excess shall be added to the excess described in the portion of subparagraph (A) of such section which precedes clause (i) thereof for purposes of applying such section.

``(B) Corporations.--In the case of a corporation--

``(i) Limitation.--Any qualified contribution shall be allowed only to the extent that the aggregate of such contributions does not exceed the excess of the taxpayer's taxable income (as determined under paragraph (2) of section 170(b)) over the amount of all other charitable contributions allowed under such paragraph.

``(ii) Carryover.--Rules similar to the rules of subparagraph (A)(ii) shall apply for purposes of this subparagraph.

``(3) Exception to overall limitation on itemized deductions.--So much of any deduction allowed under section 170 as does not exceed the qualified contributions paid during the taxable year shall not be treated as an itemized deduction for purposes of section 68.

``(4) Qualified contributions.--

``(A) In general.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `qualified contribution' means any charitable contribution (as defined in section 170(c)) if--

``(i) such contribution is paid during the period beginning on August 28, 2005, and ending on December 31, 2005, in cash to an organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A) (other than an organization described in section 509(a)(3)),

``(ii) in the case of a contribution paid by a corporation, such contribution is for relief efforts related to Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, or Hurricane Wilma, and

``(iii) the taxpayer has elected the application of this subsection with respect to such contribution.

``(B) Exception.--Such term shall not include a contribution if the contribution is for establishment of a new, or maintenance in an existing, segregated fund or account with respect to which the donor (or any person appointed or designated by such donor) has, or reasonably expects to have, advisory privileges with respect to distributions or investments by reason of the donor's status as a donor.

``(C) Application of election to partnerships and s corporations.--In the case of a partnership or S corporation, the election under subparagraph (A)(iii) shall be made separately by each partner or shareholder.

``(b) Suspension of Certain Limitations on Personal Casualty Losses.--Paragraphs (1) and (2)(A) of section 165(h) shall not apply to losses described in section 165(c)(3)--

``(1) which arise in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area on or after August 25, 2005, and which are attributable to Hurricane Katrina,

``(2) which arise in the Hurricane Rita disaster area on or after September 23, 2005, and which are attributable to Hurricane Rita, or

``(3) which arise in the Hurricane Wilma disaster area on or after October 23, 2005, and which are attributable to Hurricane Wilma.

In the case of any other losses, section 165(h)(2)(A) shall be applied without regard to the losses referred to in the preceding sentence.''.

(b) Conforming Amendments.--

(1) Subsection (b) of section 38 is amended by striking

``and'' at the end of paragraph (25), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (26) and inserting a comma, and by adding at the end the following new paragraphs:

``(27) the Hurricane Katrina employee retention credit determined under section 1400R(a),

``(28) the Hurricane Rita employee retention credit determined under section 1400R(b), and

``(29) the Hurricane Wilma employee retention credit determined under section 1400R(c).''.

(2) The table of sections for subchapter Z of chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new items:

``Sec. 1400P. Special rules for mortgage revenue bonds.

``Sec. 1400Q. Special rules for use of retirement funds.

``Sec. 140RQ. Employment relief.

``Sec. 1400S. Additional tax relief provisions.''.

(3) The following provisions of the Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005 are hereby repealed:

(A) Title I.

(B) Sections 202, 301, and 402.




(a) In General.--Section 55(d)(1) is amended--

(1) by striking ``$58,000'' and all that follows through

``2005'' in subparagraph (A) and inserting ``$62,550 in the case of taxable years beginning in 2006'', and

(2) by striking ``$40,250'' and all that follows through

``2005'' in subparagraph (B) and inserting ``$42,500 in the case of taxable years beginning in 2006''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.



(a) In General.--Paragraph (2) of section 26(a) is amended--

(1) by striking ``2005'' in the heading and inserting

``2006'', and

(2) by striking ``or 2005'' and inserting ``2005, or 2006''.

(b) Conforming Provisions.--

(1) Section 30B(g) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Special rule for 2006.--For purposes of any taxable year beginning during 2006, the credit allowed under subsection (a) (after the application of paragraph (1)) shall not exceed the excess of--

``(A) the sum of the regular tax liability (as defined in section 26(b)) plus the tax imposed by section 55, over

``(B) the sum of the credits allowable under subpart A and this subpart (other than this section and section 30C).''.

(2) Section 30C(d) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Special rule for 2006.--For purposes of any taxable year beginning during 2006, the credit allowed under subsection (a) (after the application of paragraph (1)) shall not exceed the excess of--

``(A) the sum of the regular tax liability (as defined in section 26(b)) plus the tax imposed by section 55, over

``(B) the sum of the credits allowable under subpart A and this subpart (other than this section).''.

(3) Section 904(h) is amended by striking ``or 2005'' and inserting ``2005, or 2006''.

(4) The amendments made by sections 201(b), 202(f), and 618(b) of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 shall not apply to taxable years beginning during 2006.



Section 164(b)(5)(I) is amended by striking ``2006'' and inserting ``2007''.


(a) In General.--Section 222(e) is amended by striking

``2005'' and inserting ``2006''.

(b) Conforming Amendments.--Section 222(b)(2)(B) is amended--

(1) by striking ``a taxable year beginning in 2004 or 2005'' and inserting ``any taxable year beginning after 2003'', and

(2) by striking ``2004 and 2005'' and inserting ``After 2003''.


(a) Extension.--

(1) In general.--Section 41(h)(1)(B) is amended by striking

``2005'' and inserting ``2006''.

(2) Conforming amendment.--Section 45C(b)(1)(D) is amended by striking ``2005'' and inserting ``2006''.

(b) Increase in Rates of Alternative Incremental Credit.--

(1) In general.--Subparagraph (A) of section 41(c)(4)

(relating to election of alternative incremental credit) is amended--

(A) by striking ``2.65 percent'' and inserting ``3 percent'',

(B) by striking ``3.2 percent'' and inserting ``4 percent'', and

(C) by striking ``3.75 percent'' and inserting ``5 percent''.

(2) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(c) Alternative Simplified Credit for Qualified Research Expenses.--

(1) In general.--Subsection (c) of section 41 (relating to base amount) is amended by redesignating paragraphs (5) and

(6) as paragraphs (6) and (7), respectively, and by inserting after paragraph (4) the following new paragraph:

``(5) Election of alternative simplified credit.--

``(A) In general.--At the election of the taxpayer, the credit determined under subsection (a)(1) shall be equal to 12 percent of so much of the qualified research expenses for the taxable year as exceeds 50 percent of the average qualified research expenses for the 3 taxable years preceding the taxable year for which the credit is being determined.

``(B) Special rule in case of no qualified research expenses in any of 3 preceding taxable years.--

``(i) Taxpayers to which subparagraph applies.--The credit under this paragraph shall be determined under this subparagraph if the taxpayer has no qualified research expenses in any 1 of the 3 taxable years preceding the taxable year for which the credit is being determined.

``(ii) Credit rate.--The credit determined under this subparagraph shall be equal to 6 percent of the qualified research expenses for the taxable year.

``(C) Election.--An election under this paragraph shall apply to the taxable year for which made and all succeeding taxable years unless revoked with the consent of the Secretary. An election under this paragraph may not be made for any taxable year to which an election under paragraph (4) applies.''.

(2) Coordination with election of alternative incremental credit.--

(A) In general.--Section 41(c)(4)(B) (relating to election) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``An election under this paragraph may not be made for any taxable year to which an election under paragraph (5) applies.''.

(B) Transition rule.--In the case of an election under section 41(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 which applies to the taxable year which includes the date of the enactment of this Act, such election shall be treated as revoked with the consent of the Secretary of the Treasury if the taxpayer makes an election under section 41(c)(5) of such Code (as added by subsection (a)) for such year.

(3) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(d) Expansion of Credit to Expenses of General Collaborative Research Consortia.--

(1) In general.--Section 41 is amended--

(A) by striking ``an energy research consortium'' in subsections (a)(3) and (b)(3)(C)(i) and inserting ``a research consortium'',

(B) by striking ``energy'' each place it appears in subsection (f)(6)(A),

(C) by inserting ``or 501(c)(6)'' after ``section 501(c)(3)'' in subsection (f)(6)(A)(i)(I), and

(D) by striking ``Energy research'' in the heading for subsection (f)(6)(A) and inserting ``Research'' .

(2) Effective date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred after the date of the enactment of this Act, in taxable years ending after such date.



(a) In General.--Section 51(c)(4)(B) is amended by striking

``2005'' and inserting ``2006''.

(b) Eligibility of Ex-Felons Determined Without Regard to Family Income.--Paragraph (4) of section 51(d) is amended by adding ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (A), by striking

``, and'' at the end of subparagraph (B) and inserting a period, and by striking all that follows subparagraph (B).

(c) Increase in Maximum Age for Eligibility of Food Stamp Recipients.--Clause (i) of section 51(d)(8)(A) is amended by striking ``25'' and inserting ``40''.

(d) Increase in Maximum Age for Designated Community Residents.--

(1) In general.--Paragraph (5) of section 51(d) is amended to read as follows:

``(5) Designated community residents.--

``(A) In general.--The term `designated community resident' means any individual who is certified by the designated local agency--

``(i) as having attained age 18 but not age 40 on the hiring date, and

``(ii) as having his principal place of abode within an empowerment zone, enterprise community, or renewal community.

``(B) Individual must continue to reside in zone or community.--In the case of a designated community resident, the term `qualified wages' shall not include wages paid or incurred for services performed while the individual's principal place of abode is outside an empowerment zone, enterprise community, or renewal community.''

(2) Conforming amendment.--Subparagraph (D) of section 51(d)(1) is amended to read as follows:

``(D) a designated community resident,''.

(e) Consolidation of Work Opportunity Credit With Welfare-to-Work Credit.--

(1) In general.--Paragraph (1) of section 51(d) is amended by striking ``or'' at the end of subparagraph (G), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (H) and inserting ``, or'', and by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(I) a long-term family assistance recipient.''

(2) Long-term family assistance recipient.--Subsection (d) of section 51 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (10) through (12) as paragraphs (11) through (13), respectively, and by inserting after paragraph (9) the following new paragraph:

``(10) Long-term family assistance recipient.--The term

`long-term family assistance recipient' means any individual who is certified by the designated local agency--

``(A) as being a member of a family receiving assistance under a IV-A program (as defined in paragraph (2)(B)) for at least the 18-month period ending on the hiring date,

``(B)(i) as being a member of a family receiving such assistance for 18 months beginning after August 5, 1997, and

``(ii) as having a hiring date which is not more than 2 years after the end of the earliest such 18-month period, or

``(C)(i) as being a member of a family which ceased to be eligible for such assistance by reason of any limitation imposed by Federal or State law on the maximum period such assistance is payable to a family, and

``(ii) as having a hiring date which is not more than 2 years after the date of such cessation.''

(3) Increased credit for employment of long-term family assistance recipients.--Section 51 is amended by inserting after subsection (d) the following new subsection:

``(e) Credit for Second-Year Wages for Employment of Long-Term Family Assistance Recipients.--

``(1) In general.--With respect to the employment of a long-term family assistance recipient--

``(A) the amount of the work opportunity credit determined under this section for the taxable year shall include 50 percent of the qualified second-year wages for such year, and

``(B) in lieu of applying subsection (b)(3), the amount of the qualified first-year wages, and the amount of qualified second-year wages, which may be taken into account with respect to such a recipient shall not exceed $10,000 per year.

``(2) Qualified second-year wages.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `qualified second-year wages' means qualified wages--

``(A) which are paid to a long-term family assistance recipient, and

``(B) which are attributable to service rendered during the 1-year period beginning on the day after the last day of the 1-year period with respect to such recipient determined under subsection (b)(2).

``(3) Special rules for agricultural and railway labor.--If such recipient is an employee to whom subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (h)(1) applies, rules similar to the rules of such subparagraphs shall apply except that--

``(A) such subparagraph (A) shall be applied by substituting `$10,000' for `$6,000', and

``(B) such subparagraph (B) shall be applied by substituting `$833.33' for `$500'.''

(4) Repeal of separate welfare-to-work credit.--

(A) In general.--Section 51A is hereby repealed.

(B) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections for subpart F of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by striking the item relating to section 51A.

(f) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to individuals who begin work for the employer after December 31, 2005.


Paragraph (1) of section 1397E(e) is amended by striking

``and 2005'' and inserting ``2005, and 2006''.


Subparagraph (D) of section 62(a)(2) is amended by striking

``or 2005'' and inserting ``2005, or 2006''.



(a) Designation of Zone.--Subsection (f) of section 1400 is amended by striking ``2005'' both places it appears and inserting ``2006''.

(b) Tax-Exempt Economic Development Bonds.--Subsection (b) of section 1400A is amended by striking ``2005'' and inserting ``2006''.

(c) Zero Percent Capital Gains Rate.--

(1) In general.--Subsection (b) of section 1400B is amended by striking ``2006'' each place it appears and inserting


(2) Conforming amendments.--

(A) Section 1400B(e)(2) is amended--

(i) by striking ``2010'' and inserting ``2011'', and

(ii) by striking ``2010'' in the heading and inserting


(B) Section 1400B(g)(2) is amended by striking ``2010'' and inserting ``2011''.

(C) Section 1400F(d) is amended by striking ``2010'' and inserting ``2011''.

(d) First-Time Homebuyer Credit.--Subsection (i) of section 1400C is amended by striking ``2006'' and inserting ``2007''.


Section 45A(f) is amended by striking ``2005'' and inserting ``2006''.



Section 168(j)(8) is amended by striking ``2005'' and inserting ``2006''.





(a) Scientific Property Used for Research.--

(1) In general.--Clause (ii) of section 170(e)(4)(B)

(defining qualified research contributions) is amended by inserting ``or assembled'' after ``constructed''.

(2) Conforming amendment.--Clause (iii) of section 170(e)(4)(B) is amended by inserting ``or assembling'' after


(b) Computer Technology and Equipment for Educational Purposes.--

(1) In general.--Clause (ii) of section 170(e)(6)(B) is amended by inserting ``or assembled'' after ``constructed'' and ``or assembling'' after ``construction''.

(2) Special rule extended.--Section 170(e)(6)(G) is amended by striking ``2005'' and inserting ``2006''.

(3) Conforming amendments.--Subparagraph (D) of section 170(e)(6) is amended by inserting ``or assembled'' after

``constructed'' and ``or assembling'' after ``construction''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.


(a) Extension.--Subsection (h) of section 198 is amended by striking ``2005'' and inserting ``2006''.

(b) Expansion.--

(1) In general.--Section 198(d)(1) (defining hazardous substance) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (A), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (B) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(C) any petroleum product (as defined in section 4612(a)(3)).''.

(2) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to expenditures paid or incurred after December 31, 2005.



(a) In General.--Section 30(b) (relating to limitations) is amended by striking paragraph (2) and by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (2).




Clauses (iv) and (v) of section 168(e)(3)(E) are each amended by striking ``2006'' and inserting ``2007''.


Each amendment made by this title shall be subject to title IX of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 to the same extent and in the same manner as the provision of such Act to which such amendment relates.


Subtitle A--Provisions Relating to Tax Shelters


(a) In General.--Section 7701 is amended by redesignating subsection (o) as subsection (p) and by inserting after subsection (n) the following new subsection:

``(o) Clarification of Economic Substance Doctrine; Etc.--

``(1) General rules.--

``(A) In general.--In any case in which a court determines that the economic substance doctrine is relevant for purposes of this title to a transaction (or series of transactions), such transaction (or series of transactions) shall have economic substance only if the requirements of this paragraph are met.

``(B) Definition of economic substance.--For purposes of subparagraph (A)--

``(i) In general.--A transaction has economic substance only if--

``(I) the transaction changes in a meaningful way (apart from Federal tax effects) the taxpayer's economic position, and

``(II) the taxpayer has a substantial nontax purpose for entering into such transaction and the transaction is a reasonable means of accomplishing such purpose.

In applying subclause (II), a purpose of achieving a financial accounting benefit shall not be taken into account in determining whether a transaction has a substantial nontax purpose if the origin of such financial accounting benefit is a reduction of income tax.

``(ii) Special rule where taxpayer relies on profit potential.--A transaction shall not be treated as having economic substance by reason of having a potential for profit unless--

``(I) the present value of the reasonably expected pre-tax profit from the transaction is substantial in relation to the present value of the expected net tax benefits that would be allowed if the transaction were respected, and

``(II) the reasonably expected pre-tax profit from the transaction exceeds a risk-free rate of return.

``(C) Treatment of fees and foreign taxes.--Fees and other transaction expenses and foreign taxes shall be taken into account as expenses in determining pre-tax profit under subparagraph (B)(ii).

``(2) Special rules for transactions with tax-indifferent parties.--

``(A) Special rules for financing transactions.--The form of a transaction which is in substance the borrowing of money or the acquisition of financial capital directly or indirectly from a tax-indifferent party shall not be respected if the present value of the deductions to be claimed with respect to the transaction is substantially in excess of the present value of the anticipated economic returns of the person lending the money or providing the financial capital. A public offering shall be treated as a borrowing, or an acquisition of financial capital, from a tax-indifferent party if it is reasonably expected that at least 50 percent of the offering will be placed with tax-indifferent parties.

``(B) Artificial income shifting and basis adjustments.--The form of a transaction with a tax-indifferent party shall not be respected if--

``(i) it results in an allocation of income or gain to the tax-indifferent party in excess of such party's economic income or gain, or

``(ii) it results in a basis adjustment or shifting of basis on account of overstating the income or gain of the tax-indifferent party.

``(3) Definitions and special rules.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) Economic substance doctrine.--The term `economic substance doctrine' means the common law doctrine under which tax benefits under subtitle A with respect to a transaction are not allowable if the transaction does not have economic substance or lacks a business purpose.

``(B) Tax-indifferent party.--The term `tax-indifferent party' means any person or entity not subject to tax imposed by subtitle A. A person shall be treated as a tax-indifferent party with respect to a transaction if the items taken into account with respect to the transaction have no substantial impact on such person's liability under subtitle A.

``(C) Exception for personal transactions of individuals.--In the case of an individual, this subsection shall apply only to transactions entered into in connection with a trade or business or an activity engaged in for the production of income.

``(D) Treatment of lessors.--In applying paragraph

(1)(B)(ii) to the lessor of tangible property subject to a lease--

``(i) the expected net tax benefits with respect to the leased property shall not include the benefits of--

``(I) depreciation,

``(II) any tax credit, or

``(III) any other deduction as provided in guidance by the Secretary, and

``(ii) subclause (II) of paragraph (1)(B)(ii) shall be disregarded in determining whether any of such benefits are allowable.

``(4) Other common law doctrines not affected.--Except as specifically provided in this subsection, the provisions of this subsection shall not be construed as altering or supplanting any other rule of law, and the requirements of this subsection shall be construed as being in addition to any such other rule of law.

``(5) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this subsection. Such regulations may include exemptions from the application of this subsection.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to transactions entered into after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Subchapter A of chapter 68 is amended by inserting after section 6662A the following new section:



``(a) Imposition of Penalty.--If a taxpayer has an noneconomic substance transaction understatement for any taxable year, there shall be added to the tax an amount equal to 40 percent of the amount of such understatement.

``(b) Reduction of Penalty for Disclosed Transactions.--Subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting `20 percent' for `40 percent' with respect to the portion of any noneconomic substance transaction understatement with respect to which the relevant facts affecting the tax treatment of the item are adequately disclosed in the return or a statement attached to the return.

``(c) Noneconomic Substance Transaction Understatement.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--The term `noneconomic substance transaction understatement' means any amount which would be an understatement under section 6662A(b)(1) if section 6662A were applied by taking into account items attributable to noneconomic substance transactions rather than items to which section 6662A would apply without regard to this paragraph.

``(2) Noneconomic substance transaction.--The term

`noneconomic substance transaction' means any transaction if--

``(A) there is a lack of economic substance (within the meaning of section 7701(o)(1)) for the transaction giving rise to the claimed benefit or the transaction was not respected under section 7701(o)(2), or

``(B) the transaction fails to meet the requirements of any similar rule of law.

``(d) Rules Applicable to Compromise of Penalty.--

``(1) In general.--If the 1st letter of proposed deficiency which allows the taxpayer an opportunity for administrative review in the Internal Revenue Service Office of Appeals has been sent with respect to a penalty to which this section applies, only the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may compromise all or any portion of such penalty.

``(2) Applicable rules.--The rules of paragraphs (2) and

(3) of section 6707A(d) shall apply for purposes of paragraph


``(e) Coordination With Other Penalties.--Except as otherwise provided in this part, the penalty imposed by this section shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed by this title.

``(f) Cross References.--

``(1) For coordination of penalty with understatements under section

6662 and other special rules, see section 6662A(e)

``(2) For reporting of penalty imposed under this section to the

Securities and Exchange Commission, see section


(b) Coordination With Other Understatements and Penalties.--

(1) The second sentence of section 6662(d)(2)(A) is amended by inserting ``and without regard to items with respect to which a penalty is imposed by section 6662B'' before the period at the end.

(2) Subsection (e) of section 6662A is amended--

(A) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``and noneconomic substance transaction understatements'' after ``reportable transaction understatements'' both places it appears,

(B) in paragraph (2)(A), by inserting ``and a noneconomic substance transaction understatement'' after ``reportable transaction understatement'',

(C) in paragraph (2)(B), by inserting ``6662B or'' before


(D) in paragraph (2)(C)(i), by inserting ``or section 6662B'' before the period at the end,

(E) in paragraph (2)(C)(ii), by inserting ``and section 6662B'' after ``This section'',

(F) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``or noneconomic substance transaction understatement'' after ``reportable transaction understatement'', and

(G) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(4) Noneconomic substance transaction understatement.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `noneconomic substance transaction understatement' has the meaning given such term by section 6662B(c).''.

(3) Subsection (e) of section 6707A is amended--

(A) by striking ``or'' at the end of subparagraph (B), and

(B) by striking subparagraph (C) and inserting the following new subparagraphs:

``(C) is required to pay a penalty under section 6662B with respect to any noneconomic substance transaction, or

``(D) is required to pay a penalty under section 6662(h) with respect to any transaction and would (but for section 6662A(e)(2)(C)) have been subject to penalty under section 6662A at a rate prescribed under section 6662A(c) or under section 6662B,''.

(c) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for part II of subchapter A of chapter 68 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 6662A the following new item:

``Sec. 6662B. Penalty for understatements attributable to transactions lacking economic substance, etc.''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to transactions entered into after the date of the enactment of this Act.




(a) In General.--Section 163(m) (relating to interest on unpaid taxes attributable to nondisclosed reportable transactions) is amended--

(1) by striking ``attributable'' and all that follows and inserting the following: ``attributable to--

``(1) the portion of any reportable transaction understatement (as defined in section 6662A(b)) with respect to which the requirement of section 6664(d)(2)(A) is not met, or

``(2) any noneconomic substance transaction understatement

(as defined in section 6662B(c)).'', and

(2) by inserting ``and Noneconomic Substance Transactions'' in the heading thereof after ``Transactions''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to transactions after the date of the enactment of this Act in taxable years ending after such date.




(a) In General.--Section 849(b) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 is amended by striking paragraphs (1) and (2), by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively, and by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Leases to foreign entities.--In the case of tax-exempt use property leased to a tax-exempt entity which is a foreign person or entity, the amendments made by this part shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, with respect to leases entered into on or before March 12, 2004.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.



(a) General Rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a taxpayer is an applicable integrated oil company for its last taxable year ending in calendar year 2005, the taxpayer shall--

(1) increase, effective as of the close of such taxable year, the value of each historic LIFO layer of inventories of crude oil, natural gas, or any other petroleum product

(within the meaning of section 4611) by the layer adjustment amount, and

(2) decrease its cost of goods sold for such taxable year by the aggregate amount of the increases under paragraph (1).

If the aggregate amount of the increases under paragraph (1) exceed the taxpayer's cost of goods sold for such taxable year, the taxpayer's gross income for such taxable year shall be increased by the amount of such excess.

(b) Layer Adjustment Amount.--For purposes of this section--

(1) In general.--The term ``layer adjustment amount'' means, with respect to any historic LIFO layer, the product of--

(A) $18.75, and

(B) the number of barrels of crude oil (or in the case of natural gas or other petroleum products, the number of barrel-of-oil equivalents) represented by the layer.

(2) Barrel-of-oil equivalent.--The term ``barrel-of-oil equivalent'' has the meaning given such term by section 29(d)(5) (as in effect before its redesignation by the Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2005).

(c) Application of Requirement.--

(1) No change in method of accounting.--Any adjustment required by this section shall not be treated as a change in method of accounting.

(2) Underpayments of estimated tax.--No addition to the tax shall be made under section 6655 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to failure by corporation to pay estimated tax) with respect to any underpayment of an installment required to be paid with respect to the taxable year described in subsection (a) to the extent such underpayment was created or increased by this section.

(d) Applicable Integrated Oil Company.--For purposes of this section, the term ``applicable integrated oil company'' means an integrated oil company (as defined in section 291(b)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) which--

(1) had gross receipts in excess of $1,000,000,000 for its last taxable year ending during calendar year 2005, and

(2) uses the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method of accounting with respect to its crude oil inventories for such taxable year.

For purposes of paragraph (1), all persons treated as a single employer under subsections (a) and (b) of section 52 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be treated as 1 person and, in the case of a short taxable year, the rule under section 448(c)(3)(B) shall apply.




(a) In General.--Paragraph (2) of section 903(d) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 is amended to read as follows:

``(2) Exception for reportable or listed transactions.--

``(A) In general.--The amendments made by subsection (c) shall apply with respect to interest accruing after October 3, 2004.

``(B) Special rule for certain listed and reportable transactions.--

``(i) In general.--Except as provided in clause (ii), the amendments made by subsection (c) shall also apply with respect to interest accruing on or before October 3, 2004.

``(ii) Participants in settlement initiatives.--Clause (i) shall not apply to any transaction if, as of January 23, 2006--

``(I) the taxpayer is participating in a settlement initiative described in Internal Revenue Service Announcement 2005-80 with respect to such transaction, or

``(II) the taxpayer has entered into a settlement agreement pursuant to such an initiative.

``(iii) Termination of exception.--Clause (ii)(I) shall not apply to any taxpayer if, after January 23, 2006, the taxpayer withdraws from, or terminates, participation in the initiative or the Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary's delegate determines that a settlement agreement will not be reached pursuant to the initiative within a reasonable period of time.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall take effect as if included in the provisions of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 to which it relates.




(a) Determination of Penalty.--

(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the case of an applicable taxpayer--

(A) the determination as to whether any interest or applicable penalty is to be imposed with respect to any arrangement described in paragraph (2), or to any underpayment of Federal income tax attributable to items arising in connection with any such arrangement, shall be made without regard to the rules of subsections (b), (c), and

(d) of section 6664 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and

(B) if any such interest or applicable penalty is imposed, the amount of such interest or penalty shall be equal to twice that determined without regard to this section.

(2) Applicable taxpayer.--For purposes of this subsection--

(A) In general.--The term ``applicable taxpayer'' means a taxpayer which--

(i) has underreported its United States income tax liability with respect to any item which directly or indirectly involves--

(I) any financial arrangement which in any manner relies on the use of offshore payment mechanisms (including credit, debit, or charge cards) issued by banks or other entities in foreign jurisdictions, or

(II) any offshore financial arrangement (including any arrangement with foreign banks, financial institutions, corporations, partnerships, trusts, or other entities), and

(ii) has neither signed a closing agreement pursuant to the Voluntary Offshore Compliance Initiative established by the Department of the Treasury under Revenue Procedure 2003-11 nor voluntarily disclosed its participation in such arrangement by notifying the Internal Revenue Service of such arrangement prior to the issue being raised by the Internal Revenue Service during an examination.

(B) Authority to waive.--The Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary's delegate may waive the application of paragraph (1) to any taxpayer if the Secretary or the Secretary's delegate determines that the use of such offshore payment mechanisms is incidental to the transaction and, in addition, in the case of a trade or business, such use is conducted in the ordinary course of the type of trade or business of the taxpayer.

(C) Issues raised.--For purposes of subparagraph (A)(ii), an item shall be treated as an issue raised during an examination if the individual examining the return--

(i) communicates to the taxpayer knowledge about the specific item, or

(ii) has made a request to the taxpayer for information and the taxpayer could not make a complete response to that request without giving the examiner knowledge of the specific item.

(b) Definitions and Rules.--For purposes of this section--

(1) Applicable penalty.--The term ``applicable penalty'' means any penalty, addition to tax, or fine imposed under chapter 68 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(2) Fees and expenses.--The Secretary of the Treasury may retain and use an amount not in excess of 25 percent of all additional interest, penalties, additions to tax, and fines collected under this section to be used for enforcement and collection activities of the Internal Revenue Service. The Secretary shall keep adequate records regarding amounts so retained and used. The amount credited as paid by any taxpayer shall be determined without regard to this paragraph.

(c) Report by Secretary.--The Secretary shall each year conduct a study and report to Congress on the implementation of this section during the preceding year, including statistics on the number of taxpayers affected by such implementation and the amount of interest and applicable penalties asserted, waived, and assessed during such preceding year.

(d) Effective Date.--The provisions of this section shall apply to interest, penalties, additions to tax, and fines with respect to any taxable year if, as of the date of the enactment of this Act, the assessment of any tax, penalty, or interest with respect to such taxable year is not prevented by the operation of any law or rule of law.



(a) In General.--Section 6701(a) (relating to imposition of penalty) is amended--

(1) by inserting ``the tax liability or'' after ``respect to,'' in paragraph (1),

(2) by inserting ``aid, assistance, procurement, or advice with respect to such'' before ``portion'' both places it appears in paragraphs (2) and (3), and

(3) by inserting ``instance of aid, assistance, procurement, or advice or each such'' before ``document'' in the matter following paragraph (3).

(b) Amount of Penalty.--Subsection (b) of section 6701

(relating to penalties for aiding and abetting understatement of tax liability) is amended to read as follows:

``(b) Amount of Penalty; Calculation of Penalty; Liability for Penalty.--

``(1) Amount of penalty.--The amount of the penalty imposed by subsection (a) shall not exceed 100 percent of the gross income derived (or to be derived) from such aid, assistance, procurement, or advice provided by the person or persons subject to such penalty.

``(2) Calculation of penalty.--The penalty amount determined under paragraph (1) shall be calculated with respect to each instance of aid, assistance, procurement, or advice described in subsection (a), each instance in which income was derived by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and each person who made such an understatement of the liability for tax.

``(3) Liability for penalty.--If more than 1 person is liable under subsection (a) with respect to providing such aid, assistance, procurement, or advice, all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the penalty under such subsection.''.

(c) Penalty Not Deductible.--Section 6701 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(g) Penalty Not Deductible.--The payment of any penalty imposed under this section or the payment of any amount to settle or avoid the imposition of such penalty shall not be deductible by the person who is subject to such penalty or who makes such payment.''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to activities after the date of the enactment of this Act.

Subtitle B--Provisions to Close Corporate and Individual Loopholes


(a) In General.--Section 7874 is amended--

(1) by striking ``March 4, 2003'' in subsection

(a)(2)(B)(i) and in the matter following subsection

(a)(2)(B)(iii) and inserting ``March 20, 2002'',

(2) by striking ``at least 60 percent'' in subsection

(a)(2)(B)(ii) and inserting ``more than 50 percent'',

(3) by striking ``80 percent'' in subsection (b) and inserting ``at least 80 percent'',

(4) by striking ``60 percent'' in subsection (b) and inserting ``more than 50 percent'',

(5) by adding at the end of subsection (a)(2) the following new sentence: ``Except as provided in regulations, an acquisition of properties of a domestic corporation shall not be treated as described in subparagraph (B) if none of the corporation's stock was readily tradeable on an established securities market at any time during the 4-year period ending on the date of the acquisition.'', and

(6) by redesignating subsection (g) as subsection (h) and by inserting after subsection (f) the following new subsection:

``(g) Special Rules Applicable to Expatriated Entities.--

``(1) Increases in accuracy-related penalties.--In the case of any underpayment of tax of an expatriated entity--

``(A) section 6662(a) shall be applied with respect to such underpayment by substituting `30 percent' for `20 percent', and

``(B) if such underpayment is attributable to one or more gross valuation understatements, the increase in the rate of penalty under section 6662(h) shall be to 50 percent rather than 40 percent.

``(2) Modifications of limitation on interest deduction.--In the case of an expatriated entity, section 163(j) shall be applied--

``(A) without regard to paragraph (2)(A)(ii) thereof, and

``(B) by substituting `25 percent' for `50 percent' each place it appears in paragraph (2)(B) thereof.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after March 20, 2002. SEC. 312. GRANT OF TREASURY REGULATORY AUTHORITY TO ADDRESS




(a) In General.--Section 901 (relating to taxes of foreign countries and of possessions of United States) is amended by redesignating subsection (m) as subsection (n) and by inserting after subsection (l) the following new subsection:

``(m) Regulations.--The Secretary may prescribe regulations disallowing a credit under subsection (a) for all or a portion of any foreign tax, or allocating a foreign tax among 2 or more persons, in cases where the foreign tax is imposed on any person in respect of income of another person or in other cases involving the inappropriate separation of the foreign tax from the related foreign income.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to transactions entered into after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Section 1275(d) (relating to regulation authority) is amended--

(1) by striking ``The Secretary'' and inserting the following:

``(1) In general.--The Secretary'', and

(2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(2) Treatment of contingent payment convertible debt.--

``(A) In general.--In the case of a debt instrument which--

``(i) is convertible into stock of the issuing corporation, into stock or debt of a related party (within the meaning of section 267(b) or 707(b)(1)), or into cash or other property in an amount equal to the approximate value of such stock or debt, and

``(ii) provides for contingent payments,

any regulations which require original issue discount to be determined by reference to the comparable yield of a noncontingent fixed-rate debt instrument shall be applied as if the regulations require that such comparable yield be determined by reference to a noncontingent fixed-rate debt instrument which is convertible into stock.

``(B) Special rule.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the comparable yield shall be determined without taking into account the yield resulting from the conversion of a debt instrument into stock.''.

(b) Cross Reference.--Section 163(e)(6) (relating to cross references) is amended by adding at the end the following:

``For the treatment of contingent payment convertible debt, see section 1275(d)(2).''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to debt instruments issued on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Section 163(j) (relating to limitation on deduction for interest on certain indebtedness) is amended by redesignating paragraph (8) as paragraph (9) and by inserting after paragraph (7) the following new paragraph:

``(8) Treatment of corporate partners.--Except to the extent provided by regulations, in applying this subsection to a corporation which owns (directly or indirectly) an interest in a partnership--

``(A) such corporation's distributive share of interest income paid or accrued to such partnership shall be treated as interest income paid or accrued to such corporation,

``(B) such corporation's distributive share of interest paid or accrued by such partnership shall be treated as interest paid or accrued by such corporation, and

``(C) such corporation's share of the liabilities of such partnership shall be treated as liabilities of such corporation.''.

(b) Additional Regulatory Authority.--Section 163(j)(9)

(relating to regulations), as redesignated by subsection (a), is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph

(B), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (C) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(D) regulations providing for the reallocation of shares of partnership indebtedness, or distributive shares of the partnership's interest income or interest expense, as may be appropriate to carry out the purposes of this subsection.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Subsection (f) of section 162 (relating to trade or business expenses) is amended to read as follows:

``(f) Fines, Penalties, and Other Amounts.--

``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), no deduction otherwise allowable shall be allowed under this chapter for any amount paid or incurred (whether by suit, agreement, or otherwise) to, or at the direction of, a government or entity described in paragraph (4) in relation to the violation of any law or the investigation or inquiry by such government or entity into the potential violation of any law.

``(2) Exception for amounts constituting restitution or paid to come into compliance with law.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any amount which--

``(A) the taxpayer establishes--

``(i) constitutes restitution (including remediation of property) for damage or harm caused by or which may be caused by the violation of any law or the potential violation of any law, or

``(ii) is paid to come into compliance with any law which was violated or involved in the investigation or inquiry, and

``(B) is identified as restitution or as an amount paid to come into compliance with the law, as the case may be, in the court order or settlement agreement.

Identification pursuant to subparagraph (B) alone shall not satisfy the requirement under subparagraph (A). This paragraph shall not apply to any amount paid or incurred as reimbursement to the government or entity for the costs of any investigation or litigation.

``(3) Exception for amounts paid or incurred as the result of certain court orders.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any amount paid or incurred by order of a court in a suit in which no government or entity described in paragraph (4) is a party.

``(4) Certain nongovernmental regulatory entities.--An entity is described in this paragraph if it is--

``(A) a nongovernmental entity which exercises self-regulatory powers (including imposing sanctions) in connection with a qualified board or exchange (as defined in section 1256(g)(7)), or

``(B) to the extent provided in regulations, a nongovernmental entity which exercises self-regulatory powers

(including imposing sanctions) as part of performing an essential governmental function.

``(5) Exception for taxes due.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any amount paid or incurred as taxes due.''.

(b) Reporting of Deductible Amounts.--

(1) In general.--Subpart B of part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 is amended by inserting after section 6050T the following new section:



``(a) Requirement of Reporting.--

``(1) In general.--The appropriate official of any government or entity which is described in section 162(f)(4) which is involved in a suit or agreement described in paragraph (2) shall make a return in such form as determined by the Secretary setting forth--

``(A) the amount required to be paid as a result of the suit or agreement to which paragraph (1) of section 162(f) applies,

``(B) any amount required to be paid as a result of the suit or agreement which constitutes restitution or remediation of property, and

``(C) any amount required to be paid as a result of the suit or agreement for the purpose of coming into compliance with any law which was violated or involved in the investigation or inquiry.

``(2) Suit or agreement described.--

``(A) In general.--A suit or agreement is described in this paragraph if--

``(i) it is--

``(I) a suit with respect to a violation of any law over which the government or entity has authority and with respect to which there has been a court order, or

``(II) an agreement which is entered into with respect to a violation of any law over which the government or entity has authority, or with respect to an investigation or inquiry by the government or entity into the potential violation of any law over which such government or entity has authority, and

``(ii) the aggregate amount involved in all court orders and agreements with respect to the violation, investigation, or inquiry is $600 or more.

``(B) Adjustment of reporting threshold.--The Secretary may adjust the $600 amount in subparagraph (A)(ii) as necessary in order to ensure the efficient administration of the internal revenue laws.

``(3) Time of filing.--The return required under this subsection shall be filed not later than--

``(A) 30 days after the date on which a court order is issued with respect to the suit or the date the agreement is entered into, as the case may be, or

``(B) the date specified Secretary.

``(b) Statements To Be Furnished to Individuals Involved in the Settlement.--Every person required to make a return under subsection (a) shall furnish to each person who is a party to the suit or agreement a written statement showing--

``(1) the name of the government or entity, and

``(2) the information supplied to the Secretary under subsection (a)(1).The written statement required under the preceding sentence shall be furnished to the person at the same time the government or entity provides the Secretary with the information required under subsection (a).

``(c) Appropriate Official Defined.--For purposes of this section, the term `appropriate official' means the officer or employee having control of the suit, investigation, or inquiry or the person appropriately designated for purposes of this section.''.

(2) Conforming amendment.--The table of sections for subpart B of part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 6050T the following new item:

``Sec. 6050U. Information with respect to certain fines, penalties, and other amounts.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, except that such amendments shall not apply to amounts paid or incurred under any binding order or agreement entered into before such date. Such exception shall not apply to an order or agreement requiring court approval unless the approval was obtained before such date.


(a) Disallowance of Deduction.--

(1) In general.--Section 162(g) (relating to treble damage payments under the antitrust laws) is amended--

(A) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively,

(B) by striking ``If'' and inserting:

``(1) Treble damages.--If'', and

(C) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(2) Punitive damages.--No deduction shall be allowed under this chapter for any amount paid or incurred for punitive damages in connection with any judgment in, or settlement of, any action. This paragraph shall not apply to punitive damages described in section 104(c).''.

(2) Conforming amendment.--The heading for section 162(g) is amended by inserting ``or Punitive Damages'' after


(b) Inclusion in Income of Punitive Damages Paid by Insurer or Otherwise.--

(1) In general.--Part II of subchapter B of chapter 1

(relating to items specifically included in gross income) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:



``Gross income shall include any amount paid to or on behalf of a taxpayer as insurance or otherwise by reason of the taxpayer's liability (or agreement) to pay punitive damages.''.

(2) Reporting requirements.--Section 6041 (relating to information at source) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(f) Section to Apply to Punitive Damages Compensation.--This section shall apply to payments by a person to or on behalf of another person as insurance or otherwise by reason of the other person's liability (or agreement) to pay punitive damages.''.

(3) Conforming amendment.--The table of sections for part II of subchapter B of chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Sec. 91. Punitive damages compensated by insurance or otherwise.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to damages paid or incurred on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Paragraph (2) of section 274(e) (relating to expenses treated as compensation) is amended to read as follows:

``(2) Expenses treated as compensation.--Expenses for goods, services, and facilities, to the extent that the expenses do not exceed the amount of the expenses which are treated by the taxpayer, with respect to the recipient of the entertainment, amusement, or recreation, as compensation to an employee on the taxpayer's return of tax under this chapter and as wages to such employee for purposes of chapter 24 (relating to withholding of income tax at source on wages).''.

(b) Persons Not Employees.--Paragraph (9) of section 274(e) is amended by striking ``to the extent that the expenses are includible in the gross income'' and inserting ``to the extent that the expenses do not exceed the amount of the expenses which are includible in the gross income''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to expenses incurred after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Subpart A of part II of subchapter N of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after section 877 the following new section:


``(a) General Rules.--For purposes of this subtitle--

``(1) Mark to market.--Except as provided in subsections

(d) and (f), all property of a covered expatriate to whom this section applies shall be treated as sold on the day before the expatriation date for its fair market value.

``(2) Recognition of gain or loss.--In the case of any sale under paragraph (1)--

``(A) notwithstanding any other provision of this title, any gain arising from such sale shall be taken into account for the taxable year of the sale, and

``(B) any loss arising from such sale shall be taken into account for the taxable year of the sale to the extent otherwise provided by this title, except that section 1091 shall not apply to any such loss.

Proper adjustment shall be made in the amount of any gain or loss subsequently realized for gain or loss taken into account under the preceding sentence.

``(3) Exclusion for certain gain.--

``(A) In general.--The amount which, but for this paragraph, would be includible in the gross income of any individual by reason of this section shall be reduced (but not below zero) by $600,000. For purposes of this paragraph, allocable expatriation gain taken into account under subsection (f)(2) shall be treated in the same manner as an amount required to be includible in gross income.

``(B) Cost-of-living adjustment.--

``(i) In general.--In the case of an expatriation date occurring in any calendar year after 2005, the $600,000 amount under subparagraph (A) shall be increased by an amount equal to--

``(I) such dollar amount, multiplied by

``(II) the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) for such calendar year, determined by substituting `calendar year 2004' for `calendar year 1992' in subparagraph (B) thereof.

``(ii) Rounding rules.--If any amount after adjustment under clause (i) is not a multiple of $1,000, such amount shall be rounded to the next lower multiple of $1,000.

``(4) Election to continue to be taxed as united states citizen.--

``(A) In general.--If a covered expatriate elects the application of this paragraph--

``(i) this section (other than this paragraph and subsection (i)) shall not apply to the expatriate, but

``(ii) in the case of property to which this section would apply but for such election, the expatriate shall be subject to tax under this title in the same manner as if the individual were a United States citizen.

``(B) Requirements.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to an individual unless the individual--

``(i) provides security for payment of tax in such form and manner, and in such amount, as the Secretary may require,

``(ii) consents to the waiver of any right of the individual under any treaty of the United States which would preclude assessment or collection of any tax which may be imposed by reason of this paragraph, and

``(iii) complies with such other requirements as the Secretary may prescribe.

``(C) Election.--An election under subparagraph (A) shall apply to all property to which this section would apply but for the election and, once made, shall be irrevocable. Such election shall also apply to property the basis of which is determined in whole or in part by reference to the property with respect to which the election was made.

``(b) Election to Defer Tax.--

``(1) In general.--If the taxpayer elects the application of this subsection with respect to any property treated as sold by reason of subsection (a), the payment of the additional tax attributable to such property shall be postponed until the due date of the return for the taxable year in which such property is disposed of (or, in the case of property disposed of in a transaction in which gain is not recognized in whole or in part, until such other date as the Secretary may prescribe).

``(2) Determination of tax with respect to property.--For purposes of paragraph (1), the additional tax attributable to any property is an amount which bears the same ratio to the additional tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year solely by reason of subsection (a) as the gain taken into account under subsection (a) with respect to such property bears to the total gain taken into account under subsection

(a) with respect to all property to which subsection (a) applies.

``(3) Termination of postponement.--No tax may be postponed under this subsection later than the due date for the return of tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year which includes the date of death of the expatriate (or, if earlier, the time that the security provided with respect to the property fails to meet the requirements of paragraph (4), unless the taxpayer corrects such failure within the time specified by the Secretary).

``(4) Security.--

``(A) In general.--No election may be made under paragraph

(1) with respect to any property unless adequate security is provided to the Secretary with respect to such property.

``(B) Adequate security.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), security with respect to any property shall be treated as adequate security if--

``(i) it is a bond in an amount equal to the deferred tax amount under paragraph (2) for the property, or

``(ii) the taxpayer otherwise establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the security is adequate.

``(5) Waiver of certain rights.--No election may be made under paragraph (1) unless the taxpayer consents to the waiver of any right under any treaty of the United States which would preclude assessment or collection of any tax imposed by reason of this section.

``(6) Elections.--An election under paragraph (1) shall only apply to property described in the election and, once made, is irrevocable. An election may be made under paragraph

(1) with respect to an interest in a trust with respect to which gain is required to be recognized under subsection


``(7) Interest.--For purposes of section 6601--

``(A) the last date for the payment of tax shall be determined without regard to the election under this subsection, and

``(B) section 6621(a)(2) shall be applied by substituting

`5 percentage points' for `3 percentage points' in subparagraph (B) thereof.

``(c) Covered Expatriate.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the term `covered expatriate' means an expatriate.

``(2) Exceptions.--An individual shall not be treated as a covered expatriate if--

``(A) the individual--

``(i) became at birth a citizen of the United States and a citizen of another country and, as of the expatriation date, continues to be a citizen of, and is taxed as a resident of, such other country, and

``(ii) has not been a resident of the United States (as defined in section 7701(b)(1)(A)(ii)) during the 5 taxable years ending with the taxable year during which the expatriation date occurs, or

``(B)(i) the individual's relinquishment of United States citizenship occurs before such individual attains age 18 1/2, and

``(ii) the individual has been a resident of the United States (as so defined) for not more than 5 taxable years before the date of relinquishment.

``(d) Exempt Property; Special Rules for Pension Plans.--

``(1) Exempt property.--This section shall not apply to the following:

``(A) United states real property interests.--Any United States real property interest (as defined in section 897(c)(1)), other than stock of a United States real property holding corporation which does not, on the day before the expatriation date, meet the requirements of section 897(c)(2).

``(B) Specified property.--Any property or interest in property not described in subparagraph (A) which the Secretary specifies in regulations.

``(2) Special rules for certain retirement plans.--

``(A) In general.--If a covered expatriate holds on the day before the expatriation date any interest in a retirement plan to which this paragraph applies--

``(i) such interest shall not be treated as sold for purposes of subsection (a)(1), but

``(ii) an amount equal to the present value of the expatriate's nonforfeitable accrued benefit shall be treated as having been received by such individual on such date as a distribution under the plan.

``(B) Treatment of subsequent distributions.--In the case of any distribution on or after the expatriation date to or on behalf of the covered expatriate from a plan from which the expatriate was treated as receiving a distribution under subparagraph (A), the amount otherwise includible in gross income by reason of the subsequent distribution shall be reduced by the excess of the amount includible in gross income under subparagraph (A) over any portion of such amount to which this subparagraph previously applied.

``(C) Treatment of subsequent distributions by plan.--For purposes of this title, a retirement plan to which this paragraph applies, and any person acting on the plan's behalf, shall treat any subsequent distribution described in subparagraph (B) in the same manner as such distribution would be treated without regard to this paragraph.

``(D) Applicable plans.--This paragraph shall apply to--

``(i) any qualified retirement plan (as defined in section 4974(c)),

``(ii) an eligible deferred compensation plan (as defined in section 457(b)) of an eligible employer described in section 457(e)(1)(A), and

``(iii) to the extent provided in regulations, any foreign pension plan or similar retirement arrangements or programs.

``(e) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) Expatriate.--The term `expatriate' means--

``(A) any United States citizen who relinquishes citizenship, and

``(B) any long-term resident of the United States who--

``(i) ceases to be a lawful permanent resident of the United States (within the meaning of section 7701(b)(6)), or

``(ii) commences to be treated as a resident of a foreign country under the provisions of a tax treaty between the United States and the foreign country and who does not waive the benefits of such treaty applicable to residents of the foreign country.

``(2) Expatriation date.--The term `expatriation date' means--

``(A) the date an individual relinquishes United States citizenship, or

``(B) in the case of a long-term resident of the United States, the date of the event described in clause (i) or (ii) of paragraph (1)(B).

``(3) Relinquishment of citizenship.--A citizen shall be treated as relinquishing United States citizenship on the earliest of--

``(A) the date the individual renounces such individual's United States nationality before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States pursuant to paragraph (5) of section 349(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1481(a)(5)),

``(B) the date the individual furnishes to the United States Department of State a signed statement of voluntary relinquishment of United States nationality confirming the performance of an act of expatriation specified in paragraph

(1), (2), (3), or (4) of section 349(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1481(a)(1)-(4)),

``(C) the date the United States Department of State issues to the individual a certificate of loss of nationality, or

``(D) the date a court of the United States cancels a naturalized citizen's certificate of naturalization.

Subparagraph (A) or (B) shall not apply to any individual unless the renunciation or voluntary relinquishment is subsequently approved by the issuance to the individual of a certificate of loss of nationality by the United States Department of State.

``(4) Long-term resident.--The term `long-term resident' has the meaning given to such term by section 877(e)(2).

``(f) Special Rules Applicable to Beneficiaries' Interests in Trust.--

``(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), if an individual is determined under paragraph (3) to hold an interest in a trust on the day before the expatriation date--

``(A) the individual shall not be treated as having sold such interest,

``(B) such interest shall be treated as a separate share in the trust, and

``(C)(i) such separate share shall be treated as a separate trust consisting of the assets allocable to such share,

``(ii) the separate trust shall be treated as having sold its assets on the day before the expatriation date for their fair market value and as having distributed all of its assets to the individual as of such time, and

``(iii) the individual shall be treated as having recontributed the assets to the separate trust.

Subsection (a)(2) shall apply to any income, gain, or loss of the individual arising from a distribution described in subparagraph (C)(ii). In determining the amount of such distribution, proper adjustments shall be made for liabilities of the trust allocable to an individual's share in the trust.

``(2) Special rules for interests in qualified trusts.--

``(A) In general.--If the trust interest described in paragraph (1) is an interest in a qualified trust--

``(i) paragraph (1) and subsection (a) shall not apply, and

``(ii) in addition to any other tax imposed by this title, there is hereby imposed on each distribution with respect to such interest a tax in the amount determined under subparagraph (B).

``(B) Amount of tax.--The amount of tax under subparagraph

(A)(ii) shall be equal to the lesser of--

``(i) the highest rate of tax imposed by section 1(e) for the taxable year which includes the day before the expatriation date, multiplied by the amount of the distribution, or

``(ii) the balance in the deferred tax account immediately before the distribution determined without regard to any increases under subparagraph (C)(ii) after the 30th day preceding the distribution.

``(C) Deferred tax account.--For purposes of subparagraph


``(i) Opening balance.--The opening balance in a deferred tax account with respect to any trust interest is an amount equal to the tax which would have been imposed on the allocable expatriation gain with respect to the trust interest if such gain had been included in gross income under subsection (a).

``(ii) Increase for interest.--The balance in the deferred tax account shall be increased by the amount of interest determined (on the balance in the account at the time the interest accrues), for periods after the 90th day after the expatriation date, by using the rates and method applicable under section 6621 for underpayments of tax for such periods, except that section 6621(a)(2) shall be applied by substituting `5 percentage points' for `3 percentage points' in subparagraph (B) thereof.

``(iii) Decrease for taxes previously paid.--The balance in the tax deferred account shall be reduced--

``(I) by the amount of taxes imposed by subparagraph (A) on any distribution to the person holding the trust interest, and

``(II) in the case of a person holding a nonvested interest, to the extent provided in regulations, by the amount of taxes imposed by subparagraph (A) on distributions from the trust with respect to nonvested interests not held by such person.

``(D) Allocable expatriation gain.--For purposes of this paragraph, the allocable expatriation gain with respect to any beneficiary's interest in a trust is the amount of gain which would be allocable to such beneficiary's vested and nonvested interests in the trust if the beneficiary held directly all assets allocable to such interests.

``(E) Tax deducted and withheld.--

``(i) In general.--The tax imposed by subparagraph (A)(ii) shall be deducted and withheld by the trustees from the distribution to which it relates.

``(ii) Exception where failure to waive treaty rights.--If an amount may not be deducted and withheld under clause (i) by reason of the distributee failing to waive any treaty right with respect to such distribution--

``(I) the tax imposed by subparagraph (A)(ii) shall be imposed on the trust and each trustee shall be personally liable for the amount of such tax, and

``(II) any other beneficiary of the trust shall be entitled to recover from the distributee the amount of such tax imposed on the other beneficiary.

``(F) Disposition.--If a trust ceases to be a qualified trust at any time, a covered expatriate disposes of an interest in a qualified trust, or a covered expatriate holding an interest in a qualified trust dies, then, in lieu of the tax imposed by subparagraph (A)(ii), there is hereby imposed a tax equal to the lesser of--

``(i) the tax determined under paragraph (1) as if the day before the expatriation date were the date of such cessation, disposition, or death, whichever is applicable, or

``(ii) the balance in the tax deferred account immediately before such date.

Such tax shall be imposed on the trust and each trustee shall be personally liable for the amount of such tax and any other beneficiary of the trust shall be entitled to recover from the covered expatriate or the estate the amount of such tax imposed on the other beneficiary.

``(G) Definitions and special rules.--For purposes of this paragraph--

``(i) Qualified trust.--The term `qualified trust' means a trust which is described in section 7701(a)(30)(E).

``(ii) Vested interest.--The term `vested interest' means any interest which, as of the day before the expatriation date, is vested in the beneficiary.

``(iii) Nonvested interest.--The term `nonvested interest' means, with respect to any beneficiary, any interest in a trust which is not a vested interest. Such interest shall be determined by assuming the maximum exercise of discretion in favor of the beneficiary and the occurrence of all contingencies in favor of the beneficiary.

``(iv) Adjustments.--The Secretary may provide for such adjustments to the bases of assets in a trust or a deferred tax account, and the timing of such adjustments, in order to ensure that gain is taxed only once.

``(v) Coordination with retirement plan rules.--This subsection shall not apply to an interest in a trust which is part of a retirement plan to which subsection (d)(2) applies.

``(3) Determination of beneficiaries' interest in trust.--

``(A) Determinations under paragraph (1).--For purposes of paragraph (1), a beneficiary's interest in a trust shall be based upon all relevant facts and circumstances, including the terms of the trust instrument and any letter of wishes or similar document, historical patterns of trust distributions, and the existence of and functions performed by a trust protector or any similar adviser.

``(B) Other determinations.--For purposes of this section--

``(i) Constructive ownership.--If a beneficiary of a trust is a corporation, partnership, trust, or estate, the shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries shall be deemed to be the trust beneficiaries for purposes of this section.

``(ii) Taxpayer return position.--A taxpayer shall clearly indicate on its income tax return--

``(I) the methodology used to determine that taxpayer's trust interest under this section, and

``(II) if the taxpayer knows (or has reason to know) that any other beneficiary of such trust is using a different methodology to determine such beneficiary's trust interest under this section.

``(g) Termination of Deferrals, Etc.--In the case of any covered expatriate, notwithstanding any other provision of this title--

``(1) any period during which recognition of income or gain is deferred shall terminate on the day before the expatriation date, and

``(2) any extension of time for payment of tax shall cease to apply on the day before the expatriation date and the unpaid portion of such tax shall be due and payable at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Secretary.

``(h) Imposition of Tentative Tax.--

``(1) In general.--If an individual is required to include any amount in gross income under subsection (a) for any taxable year, there is hereby imposed, immediately before the expatriation date, a tax in an amount equal to the amount of tax which would be imposed if the taxable year were a short taxable year ending on the expatriation date.

``(2) Due date.--The due date for any tax imposed by paragraph (1) shall be the 90th day after the expatriation date.

``(3) Treatment of tax.--Any tax paid under paragraph (1) shall be treated as a payment of the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year to which subsection (a) applies.

``(4) Deferral of tax.--The provisions of subsection (b) shall apply to the tax imposed by this subsection to the extent attributable to gain includible in gross income by reason of this section.

``(i) Special Liens for Deferred Tax Amounts.--

``(1) Imposition of lien.--

``(A) In general.--If a covered expatriate makes an election under subsection (a)(4) or (b) which results in the deferral of any tax imposed by reason of subsection (a), the deferred amount (including any interest, additional amount, addition to tax, assessable penalty, and costs attributable to the deferred amount) shall be a lien in favor of the United States on all property of the expatriate located in the United States (without regard to whether this section applies to the property).

``(B) Deferred amount.--For purposes of this subsection, the deferred amount is the amount of the increase in the covered expatriate's income tax which, but for the election under subsection (a)(4) or (b), would have occurred by reason of this section for the taxable year including the expatriation date.

``(2) Period of lien.--The lien imposed by this subsection shall arise on the expatriation date and continue until--

``(A) the liability for tax by reason of this section is satisfied or has become unenforceable by reason of lapse of time, or

``(B) it is established to the satisfaction of the Secretary that no further tax liability may arise by reason of this section.

``(3) Certain rules apply.--The rules set forth in paragraphs (1), (3), and (4) of section 6324A(d) shall apply with respect to the lien imposed by this subsection as if it were a lien imposed by section 6324A.

``(j) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section.''.

(b) Inclusion in Income of Gifts and Bequests Received by United States Citizens and Residents From Expatriates.--Section 102 (relating to gifts, etc. not included in gross income) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(d) Gifts and Inheritances From Covered Expatriates.--

``(1) In general.--Subsection (a) shall not exclude from gross income the value of any property acquired by gift, bequest, devise, or inheritance from a covered expatriate after the expatriation date. For purposes of this subsection, any term used in this subsection which is also used in section 877A shall have the same meaning as when used in section 877A.

``(2) Exceptions for transfers otherwise subject to estate or gift tax.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any property if either--

``(A) the gift, bequest, devise, or inheritance is--

``(i) shown on a timely filed return of tax imposed by chapter 12 as a taxable gift by the covered expatriate, or

``(ii) included in the gross estate of the covered expatriate for purposes of chapter 11 and shown on a timely filed return of tax imposed by chapter 11 of the estate of the covered expatriate, or

``(B) no such return was timely filed but no such return would have been required to be filed even if the covered expatriate were a citizen or long-term resident of the United States.''.

(c) Definition of Termination of United States Citizenship.--Section 7701(a) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(49) Termination of united states citizenship.--

``(A) In general.--An individual shall not cease to be treated as a United States citizen before the date on which the individual's citizenship is treated as relinquished under section 877A(e)(3).

``(B) Dual citizens.--Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, subparagraph (A) shall not apply to an individual who became at birth a citizen of the United States and a citizen of another country.''.

(d) Ineligibility for Visa or Admission to United States.--

(1) In general.--Section 212(a)(10)(E) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(10)(E)) is amended to read as follows:

``(E) Former citizens not in compliance with expatriation revenue provisions.--Any alien who is a former citizen of the United States who relinquishes United States citizenship

(within the meaning of section 877A(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) and who is not in compliance with section 877A of such Code (relating to expatriation).''.

(2) Availability of information.--

(A) In general.--Section 6103(l) (relating to disclosure of returns and return information for purposes other than tax administration) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(21) Disclosure to deny visa or admission to certain expatriates.--Upon written request of the Attorney General or the Attorney General's delegate, the Secretary shall disclose whether an individual is in compliance with section 877A (and if not in compliance, any items of noncompliance) to officers and employees of the Federal agency responsible for administering section 212(a)(10)(E) of the Immigration and Nationality Act solely for the purpose of, and to the extent necessary in, administering such section 212(a)(10)(E).''.

(B) Safeguards.--Section 6103(p)(4) (relating to safeguards) is amended by striking ``or (20)'' each place it appears and inserting ``(20), or (21)''.

(3) Effective dates.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to individuals who relinquish United States citizenship on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(e) Conforming Amendments.--

(1) Section 877 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(h) Application.--This section shall not apply to an expatriate (as defined in section 877A(e)) whose expatriation date (as so defined) occurs on or after the date of the enactment of this subsection.''.

(2) Section 2107 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(f) Application.--This section shall not apply to any expatriate subject to section 877A.''.

(3) Section 2501(a)(3) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(C) Application.--This paragraph shall not apply to any expatriate subject to section 877A.''.

(4) Section 6039G(a) is amended by inserting ``or 877A'' after ``section 877(b)''.

(5) The second sentence of section 6039G(d) is amended by inserting ``or who relinquishes United States citizenship (within the meaning of section 877A(e)(3))'' after ``section 877(a))''.

(f) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart A of part II of subchapter N of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 877 the following new item:

``Sec. 877A. Tax responsibilities of expatriation.''.

(g) Effective Date.--

(1) In general.--Except as provided in this subsection, the amendments made by this section shall apply to expatriates

(within the meaning of section 877A(e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as added by this section) whose expatriation date (as so defined) occurs on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Gifts and bequests.--Section 102(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by subsection (b)) shall apply to gifts and bequests received on or after the date of the enactment of this Act, from an individual or the estate of an individual whose expatriation date (as so defined) occurs after such date.

(3) Due date for tentative tax.--The due date under section 877A(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as added by this section, shall in no event occur before the 90th day after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) Inflation Adjustment of Foreign Earned Income Limitation.--Clause (ii) of section 911(b)(2)(D) (relating to inflation adjustment) is amended--

(1) by striking ``2007'' and inserting ``2005'', and

(2) by striking ``2006'' in subclause (II) and inserting


(b) Modification of Housing Cost Amount.--

(1) Minimum amount.--Clause (i) of section 911(c)(1)(B) is amended to read as follows:

``(i) 16 percent of the amount (computed on a daily basis) in effect under subsection (b)(2)(D) for the calendar year in which such taxable year begins, multiplied by''.

(2) Maximum amount of exclusion.--

(A) In general.--Subparagraph (A) of section 911(c)(1) is amended by inserting ``to the extent such expenses do not exceed the amount determined under paragraph (2)'' after

``the taxable year''.

(B) Limitation.--Subsection (c) of section 911 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (3) and

(4), respectively, and by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new paragraph:

``(2) Limitation.--The amount determined under this paragraph is an amount equal to the product of--

``(A) 30 percent of the amount (computed on a daily basis) in effect under subsection (b)(2)(D) for the calendar year in which the taxable year of the individual begins, multiplied by

``(B) the number of days of such taxable year within the applicable period described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (d)(1).''.

(C) Conforming amendments.--

(i) Section 911(d)(4) is amended by striking ``and

(c)(1)(B)(ii)'' and inserting ``, (c)(1)(B)(ii), and


(ii) Section 911(d)(7) is amended by striking ``subsection

(c)(3)'' and inserting ``subsection (c)(4)''.

(c) Rates of Tax Applicable to Nonexcluded Income.--Section 911 (relating to exclusion of certain income of citizens and residents of the United States living abroad) is amended by redesignating subsection (f) as subsection (g) and by inserting after subsection (e) the following new subsection:

``(f) Determination of Tax Liability on Nonexcluded Amounts.--If any amount is excluded from the gross income of a taxpayer under subsection (a) for any taxable year, then, notwithstanding section 1 or 55--

``(1) the tax imposed by section 1 on the taxpayer for such taxable year shall be equal to the excess (if any) of--

``(A) the tax which would be imposed by section 1 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's taxable income were equal to the sum of--

``(i) the taxpayer's taxable income for the taxable year

(determined without regard to this subsection), plus

``(ii) the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, over

``(B) the tax which would be imposed by section 1 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's taxable income were equal to the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, and

``(2) the tax imposed by section 55 for such taxable year shall be equal to the excess (if any) of--

``(A) the amount which would be the tentative minimum tax under section 55 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income were equal to the sum of--

``(i) the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income for the taxable year (determined without regard to this subsection), plus

``(ii) the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, over

``(B) the sum of--

``(i) the amount which would be the tentative minimum tax under section 55 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income were equal to the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, plus

``(ii) the amount which would be the regular tax for the taxable year if the tax imposed by section 1 were the tax computed under paragraph (1).

For purposes of this subsection, the amount excluded under subsection (a) shall be reduced by the aggregate amount of any deductions or exclusions disallowed under subsection

(d)(6) with respect to such excluded amount.''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.




(a) In General.--Section 409A (relating to inclusion of gross income under nonqualified deferred compensation plans) is amended by redesignating subsections (c), (d), and (e) as subsections (d), (e), and (f), respectively, and by inserting after subsection (b) the following new subsection:

``(c) Annual Limitation on Aggregate Deferred Amounts.--

``(1) Limitation.--If the aggregate amount of compensation which--

``(A) is deferred for any taxable year with respect to a participant under 1 or more nonqualified deferred compensation plans maintained by the same employer, and

``(B) is not otherwise includible in gross income of the participant for the taxable year,exceeds the applicable dollar amount for the taxable year, then such excess shall be included in the participant's gross income for the taxable year.

``(2) Inclusion of earnings.--If--

``(A) an amount is includible under paragraph (1) in the gross income of a participant for any taxable year, and

``(B) any portion of any assets set aside in a trust or other arrangement under a nonqualified deferred compensation plan are properly allocable to such amount,

then any increase in value in, or earnings with respect to, such portion for the taxable year or any succeeding taxable year shall be included in gross income of the participant for such taxable year or succeeding taxable year.

``(3) Applicable dollar amount.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `applicable dollar amount' means, with respect to any participant, the lesser of--

``(i) the average annual compensation which--

``(I) was payable during the base period to the participant by the employer described in paragraph (1)(A), and

``(II) was includible in the participant's gross income for taxable years in the base period, or

``(ii) $1,000,000.

``(B) Base period.--The term `base period' means, with respect to any computation year, the 5-taxable year period ending with the taxable year preceding the taxable year in which the election described in subsection (a)(4)(B) is made by the participant to have compensation for services performed in the computation year deferred under a nonqualified deferred compensation plan, except that if the election is made after the beginning of the computation year, such period shall be the 5-taxable year period ending with the taxable year preceding the computation year. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term `computation year' means any taxable year of the participant for which the limitation under paragraph (1) is being determined.''.

(b) Conforming Amendments.--Sections 6041(g)(1) and 6051(a)(13) are each amended by striking ``409A(d)'' and inserting ``409A(e)''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, except that taxable years beginning on or before such date shall be taken into account in determining the average annual compensation of a participant during any base period for purposes of section 409A(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by such amendments).



(a) In General.--Section 1(g)(2)(A) (relating to child to whom subsection applies) is amended by striking ``age 14'' and inserting ``age 18''.

(b) Treatment of Distributions From Qualified Disability Trusts.--Section 1(g)(4) (relating to net unearned income) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(C) Treatment of distributions from qualified disability trusts.--For purposes of this subsection, in the case of any child who is a beneficiary of a qualified disability trust

(as defined in section 642(b)(2)(C)(ii)), any amount included in the income of such child under sections 652 and 662 during a taxable year shall be considered earned income of such child for such taxable year.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

Subtitle C--Oil and Gas Provisions


(a) Excise Taxes.--Section 4611(e) is amended to read as follows:

``(e) Application of Hazardous Substance Superfund Financing Rate.--The Hazardous Substance Superfund financing rate under this section shall apply after December 31, 1986, and before January 1, 1996, and after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2015.''

(b) Corporate Environmental Income Tax.--Section 59A(e) is amended to read as follows:

``(e) Application of Tax.--The tax imposed by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1986, and before January 1, 1996, and to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2015.''

(c) Effective Dates.--

(1) Excise taxes.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Income tax.--The amendment made by subsection (b) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.



(a) In General.--Section 901 (relating to credit for taxes of foreign countries and of possessions of the United States) is amended by redesignating subsection (m) as subsection (n) and by inserting after subsection (l) the following new subsection:

``(m) Special Rules Relating To Dual Capacity Taxpayers.--

``(1) General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any amount paid or accrued by a dual capacity taxpayer to a foreign country or possession of the United States for any period shall not be considered a tax--

``(A) if, for such period, the foreign country or possession does not impose a generally applicable income tax, or

``(B) to the extent such amount exceeds the amount

(determined in accordance with regulations) which--

``(i) is paid by such dual capacity taxpayer pursuant to the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession, or

``(ii) would be paid if the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession were applicable to such dual capacity taxpayer.

Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to imply the proper treatment of any such amount not in excess of the amount determined under subparagraph (B).

``(2) Dual capacity taxpayer.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `dual capacity taxpayer' means, with respect to any foreign country or possession of the United States, a person who--

``(A) is subject to a levy of such country or possession, and

``(B) receives (or will receive) directly or indirectly a specific economic benefit (as determined in accordance with regulations) from such country or possession.

``(3) Generally applicable income tax.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `generally applicable income tax' means an income tax (or a series of income taxes) which is generally imposed under the laws of a foreign country or possession on income derived from the conduct of a trade or business within such country or possession.

``(B) Exceptions.--Such term shall not include a tax unless it has substantial application, by its terms and in practice, to--

``(i) persons who are not dual capacity taxpayers, and

``(ii) persons who are citizens or residents of the foreign country or possession.''

(b) Effective Date.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxes paid or accrued in taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Contrary treaty obligations upheld.--The amendments made by this section shall not apply to the extent contrary to any treaty obligation of the United States.


(a) Separate Basket for Foreign Tax Credit.--

(1) Separate basket.--

(A) Years before 2007.--Paragraph (1) of section 904(d)

(relating to separate application of section with respect to certain categories of income), as in effect for years beginning before 2007, is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (H), by redesignating subparagraph (I) as subparagraph (J), and by inserting after subparagraph (H) the following new subparagraph:

``(I) foreign oil and gas income, and''.

(B) 2007 and after.--Paragraph (1) of section 904(d), as in effect for years beginning after 2006, is amended by striking

``and'' at the end of subparagraph (A), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (B) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following:

``(C) foreign oil and gas income.''

(2) Definition.--

(A) Years before 2007.--Paragraph (2) of section 904(d), as in effect for years beginning before 2007, is amended by redesignating subparagraphs (H) and (I) as subparagraphs (I) and (J), respectively, and by inserting after subparagraph

(G) the following new subparagraph:

``(H) Foreign oil and gas income.--The term `foreign oil and gas income' has the meaning given such term by section 954(g).''

(B) 2007 and after.--Section 904(d)(2), as in effect for years after 2006, is amended by redesignating subparagraphs

(J) and (K) as subparagraphs (K) and (L) and by inserting after subparagraph (I) the following:

``(J) Foreign oil and gas income.--For purposes of this section--

``(i) In general.--The term `foreign oil and gas income' has the meaning given such term by section 954(g).

``(ii) Coordination.--Passive category income and general category income shall not include foreign oil and gas income

(as so defined).''

(3) Conforming amendments.--

(A) Section 904(d)(3)(F)(i) is amended by striking ``or

(E)'' and inserting ``(E), or (I)''.

(B) Section 907(a) is hereby repealed.

(C) Section 907(c)(4) is hereby repealed.

(D) Section 907(f) is hereby repealed.

(4) Effective dates.--

(A) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(B) Years after 2006.--The amendments made by paragraphs

(1)(B) and (2)(B) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.

(C) Transitional rules.--

(i) Separate basket treatment.--Any taxes paid or accrued in a taxable year beginning on or before the date of the enactment of this Act, with respect to income which was described in subparagraph (I) of section 904(d)(1) of such Code (as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act), shall be treated as taxes paid or accrued with respect to foreign oil and gas income to the extent the taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury that such taxes were paid or accrued with respect to foreign oil and gas income.

(ii) Carryovers.--Any unused oil and gas extraction taxes which under section 907(f) of such Code (as so in effect) would have been allowable as a carryover to the taxpayer's first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act (without regard to the limitation of paragraph

(2) of such section 907(f) for first taxable year) shall be allowed as carryovers under section 904(c) of such Code in the same manner as if such taxes were unused taxes under such section 904(c) with respect to foreign oil and gas extraction income.

(iii) Losses.--The amendment made by paragraph (3)(C) shall not apply to foreign oil and gas extraction losses arising in taxable years beginning on or before the date of the enactment of this Act.

(b) Elimination of Deferral for Foreign Oil and Gas Extraction Income.--

(1) General rule.--Paragraph (1) of section 954(g)

(defining foreign base company oil related income) is amended to read as follows:

``(1) In general.--Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the term `foreign oil and gas income' means any income of a kind which would be taken into account in determining the amount of--

``(A) foreign oil and gas extraction income (as defined in section 907(c)), or

``(B) foreign oil related income (as defined in section 907(c)).''

(2) Conforming amendments.--

(A) Subsections (a)(5), (b)(5), and (b)(6) of section 954, and section 952(c)(1)(B)(ii)(I), are each amended by striking

``base company oil related income'' each place it appears

(including in the heading of subsection (b)(8)) and inserting

``oil and gas income''.

(B) Subsection (b)(4) of section 954 is amended by striking

``base company oil-related income'' and inserting ``oil and gas income''.

(C) The subsection heading for subsection (g) of section 954 is amended by striking ``Foreign Base Company Oil Related Income'' and inserting ``Foreign Oil and Gas Income''.

(D) Subparagraph (A) of section 954(g)(2) is amended by striking ``foreign base company oil related income'' and inserting ``foreign oil and gas income''.

(3) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act, and to taxable years of United States shareholders ending with or within such taxable years of foreign corporations.



(a) Taxable Years Ending Before 2006.--

(1) Modification of phaseout.--

(A) In general.--Section 29(b)(1)(A) is amended by inserting ``the calendar year preceding'' before ``the calendar year''.

(B) Conforming amendments.--Section 29(b)((2) is amended--

(i) by striking ``The'' and inserting ``With respect to any calendar year, the'', and

(ii) by striking ``for the calendar year in which the sale occurs'' and inserting ``for such calendar year''.

(2) No inflation adjustment for the credit amount in 2005.--Section 29(b)(2), as amended by paragraph (1), is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence:

``This paragraph shall not apply with respect to the $3 amount in subsection (a) for calendar year 2005 and the amount in effect under subsection (a) for sales in such calendar year shall be the amount which was in effect for sales in calendar year 2004.''.

(b) Taxable Years Ending After 2005.--

(1) Modification of phaseout.--

(A) In general.--Section 45K(b)(1)(A) is amended by inserting ``the calendar year preceding'' before ``the calendar year''.

(B) Conforming amendments.--Section 45K(b)((2) is amended--

(i) by striking ``The'' and inserting ``With respect to any calendar year, the'', and

(ii) by striking ``for the calendar year in which the sale occurs'' and inserting ``for such calendar year''.

(2) No inflation adjustment for the credit amount in 2005, 2006, and 2007.--Section 45K(b)(2), as amended by paragraph

(1), is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``This paragraph shall not apply with respect to the $3 amount in subsection (a) for calendar years 2005, 2006, and 2007 and the amount in effect under subsection (a) for sales in each such calendar year shall be the amount which was in effect for sales in calendar year 2004.''.

(3) Treatment of coke and coke gas.--

(A) Nonapplication of phaseout.--Section 45K(g)(2) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(D) Nonapplication of phaseout.--Subsection (b)(1) shall not apply.''.

(B) Application of inflation adjust-ment .--Section 45K(g)(2)(B) is amended by inserting ``and the last sentence of subsection (b)(2) shall not apply.''.

(C) Clarification of qualifying facility.--Section 45K(g)(1) is amended by inserting ``(other than from petroleum based products)'' after ``coke or coke gas''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to fuel sold after December 31, 2004.




(a) In General.--Section 167(h) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(5) Nonapplication to major integrated oil companies.--This subsection shall not apply with respect to any expenses paid or incurred for any taxable year by any integrated oil company (as defined in section 291(b)(4)) which has an average daily worldwide production of crude oil of at least 500,000 barrels for such taxable year.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall take effect as if included in the amendment made by section 1329(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Subtitle D--Tax Administration Provisions



(a) In General.--Section 3402 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(t) Extension of Withholding to Certain Payments Made by Government Entities.--

``(1) General rule.--The Government of the United States, every State, every political subdivision thereof, and every instrumentality of the foregoing (including multi-State agencies) making any payment for goods and services which is subject to withholding shall deduct and withhold form such payment a tax in an amount equal to 3 percent of such payment.

``(2) Exceptions.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any payment--

``(A) except as provided in subparagraph (B), which is subject to withholding under any other provision of this chapter or chapter 3,

``(B) which is subject to withholding under section 3406 and from which amounts are being withheld under such section,

``(C) of interest,

``(D) for real property,

``(E) to any tax-exempt entity, foreign government, or other entity subject to the requirements of paragraph (1),

``(F) made pursuant to a classified or confidential contract (as defined in section 6050M(e)(3)), and

``(G) made by a political subdivision of a State (or any instrumentality thereof) which makes less than $100,000,000 of such payments annually.

``(3) Coordination with other sections.--For purposes of sections 3403 and 3404 and for purposes of so much of subtitle F (except section 7205) as relates to this chapter, payments to any person of any payment for goods and services which is subject to withholding shall be treated as if such payments were wages paid by an employer to an employee.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to payments made after December 31, 2005.


(a) In General.--Section 7206 (relating to fraud and false statements) is amended--

(1) by striking ``Any person who--'' and inserting ``(a) In General.--Any person who--'', and

(2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(b) Increase in Monetary Limitation for Underpayment or Overpayment of Tax Due to Fraud.--If any portion of any underpayment (as defined in section 6664(a)) or overpayment

(as defined in section 6401(a)) of tax required to be shown on a return is attributable to fraudulent action described in subsection (a), the applicable dollar amount under subsection

(a) shall in no event be less than an amount equal to such portion. A rule similar to the rule under section 6663(b) shall apply for purposes of determining the portion so attributable.''.

(b) Increase in Penalties.--

(1) Attempt to evade or defeat tax.--Section 7201 is amended--

(A) by striking ``$100,000'' and inserting ``$500,000'',

(B) by striking ``$500,000'' and inserting ``$1,000,000'', and

(C) by striking ``5 years'' and inserting ``10 years''.

(2) Willful failure to file return, supply information, or pay tax.--Section 7203 is amended--

(A) in the first sentence--

(i) by striking ``Any person'' and inserting the following:

``(a) In General.--Any person'', and

(ii) by striking ``$25,000'' and inserting ``$50,000'',

(B) in the third sentence, by striking ``section'' and inserting ``subsection'', and

(C) by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(b) Aggravated Failure to File.--

``(1) In general.--In the case of any failure described in paragraph (2), the first sentence of subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting--

``(A) `felony' for `misdemeanor',

``(B) `$500,000 ($1,000,000' for `$25,000 ($100,000', and

``(C) `10 years' for `1 year'.

``(2) Failure described.--A failure described in this paragraph is a failure to make a return described in subsection (a) for a period of 3 or more consecutive taxable years.''.

(3) Fraud and false statements.--Section 7206(a) (as redesignated by subsection (a)) is amended--

(A) by striking ``$100,000'' and inserting ``$500,000'',

(B) by striking ``$500,000'' and inserting ``$1,000,000'', and

(C) by striking ``3 years'' and inserting ``5 years''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to actions, and failures to act, occurring after the date of the enactment of this Act.




(a) In General.--Section 6404 (relating to abatements) is amended by striking subsection (g) and by redesignating subsections (h) and (i) as subsections (g) and (h), respectively.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to returns of tax filed after December 31, 2005.



(a) In General.--Section 6657 (relating to bad checks) is amended--

(1) by striking ``$750'' and inserting ``$1,250'', and

(2) by striking ``$15'' and inserting ``$25''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section apply to checks or money orders received after the date of the enactment of this Act.


(a) Civil Penalties.--Section 6702 is amended to read as follows:


``(a) Civil Penalty for Frivolous Tax Returns.--A person shall pay a penalty of $5,000 if--

``(1) such person files what purports to be a return of a tax imposed by this title but which--

``(A) does not contain information on which the substantial correctness of the self-assessment may be judged, or

``(B) contains information that on its face indicates that the self-assessment is substantially incorrect; and

``(2) the conduct referred to in paragraph (1)--

``(A) is based on a position which the Secretary has identified as frivolous under subsection (c), or

``(B) reflects a desire to delay or impede the administration of Federal tax laws.

``(b) Civil Penalty for Specified Frivolous Submissions.--

``(1) Imposition of penalty.--Except as provided in paragraph (3), any person who submits a specified frivolous submission shall pay a penalty of $5,000.

``(2) Specified frivolous submission.--For purposes of this section--

``(A) Specified frivolous submission.--The term `specified frivolous submission' means a specified submission if any portion of such submission--

``(i) is based on a position which the Secretary has identified as frivolous under subsection (c), or

``(ii) reflects a desire to delay or impede the administration of Federal tax laws.

``(B) Specified submission.--The term `specified submission' means--

``(i) a request for a hearing under--

``(I) section 6320 (relating to notice and opportunity for hearing upon filing of notice of lien), or

``(II) section 6330 (relating to notice and opportunity for hearing before levy), and

``(ii) an application under--

``(I) section 6159 (relating to agreements for payment of tax liability in installments),

``(II) section 7122 (relating to compromises), or

``(III) section 7811 (relating to taxpayer assistance orders).

``(3) Opportunity to withdraw submission.--If the Secretary provides a person with notice that a submission is a specified frivolous submission and such person withdraws such submission within 30 days after such notice, the penalty imposed under paragraph (1) shall not apply with respect to such submission.

``(c) Listing of Frivolous Positions.--The Secretary shall prescribe (and periodically revise) a list of positions which the Secretary has identified as being frivolous for purposes of this subsection. The Secretary shall not include in such list any position that the Secretary determines meets the requirement of section 6662(d)(2)(B)(ii)(II).

``(d) Reduction of Penalty.--The Secretary may reduce the amount of any penalty imposed under this section if the Secretary determines that such reduction would promote compliance with and administration of the Federal tax laws.

``(e) Penalties in Addition to Other Penalties.--The penalties imposed by this section shall be in addition to any other penalty provided by law.''.

(b) Treatment of Frivolous Requests for Hearings Before Levy.--

(1) Frivolous requests disregarded.--Section 6330 (relating to notice and opportunity for hearing before levy) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(g) Frivolous Requests for Hearing, Etc.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if the Secretary determines that any portion of a request for a hearing under this section or section 6320 meets the requirement of clause

(i) or (ii) of section 6702(b)(2)(A), then the Secretary may treat such portion as if it were never submitted and such portion shall not be subject to any further administrative or judicial review.''.

(2) Preclusion from raising frivolous issues at hearing.--Section 6330(c)(4) is amended--

(A) by striking ``(A)'' and inserting ``(A)(i)'';

(B) by striking ``(B)'' and inserting ``(ii)'';

(C) by striking the period at the end of the first sentence and inserting ``; or''; and

(D) by inserting after subparagraph (A)(ii) (as so redesignated) the following:

``(B) the issue meets the requirement of clause (i) or (ii) of section 6702(b)(2)(A).''.

(3) Statement of grounds.--Section 6330(b)(1) is amended by striking ``under subsection (a)(3)(B)'' and inserting ``in writing under subsection (a)(3)(B) and states the grounds for the requested hearing''.

(c) Treatment of Frivolous Requests for Hearings Upon Filing of Notice of Lien.--Section 6320 is amended--

(1) in subsection (b)(1), by striking ``under subsection

(a)(3)(B)'' and inserting ``in writing under subsection

(a)(3)(B) and states the grounds for the requested hearing'', and

(2) in subsection (c), by striking ``and (e)'' and inserting ``(e), and (g)''.

(d) Treatment of Frivolous Applications for Offers-in-Compromise and Installment Agreements.--Section 7122 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(e) Frivolous Submissions, Etc.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if the Secretary determines that any portion of an application for an offer-in-compromise or installment agreement submitted under this section or section 6159 meets the requirement of clause (i) or (ii) of section 6702(b)(2)(A), then the Secretary may treat such portion as if it were never submitted and such portion shall not be subject to any further administrative or judicial review.''.

(e) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for part I of subchapter B of chapter 68 is amended by striking the item relating to section 6702 and inserting the following new item:

``Sec. 6702. Frivolous tax submissions.''.

(f) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to submissions made and issues raised after the date on which the Secretary first prescribes a list under section 6702(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by subsection (a).



(a) In General.--Section 7122 (relating to compromises), as amended by this Act, is amended by redesignating subsections

(c), (d), and (e) as subsections (d), (e), and (f), respectively, and by inserting after subsection (b) the following new subsection:

``(c) Rules for Submission of Offers-in-Compromise.--

``(1) Partial payment required with submission.--

``(A) Lump-sum offers.--

``(i) In general.--The submission of any lump-sum offer-in-compromise shall be accompanied by the payment of 20 percent of amount of such offer.

``(ii) Lump-sum offer-in-compromise.--For purposes of this section, the term `lump-sum offer-in-compromise' means any offer of payments made in 5 or fewer installments.

``(B) Periodic payment offers.--The submission of any periodic payment offer-in-compromise shall be accompanied by the payment of the amount of the first proposed installment and each proposed installment due during the period such offer is being evaluated for acceptance and has not been rejected by the Secretary. Any failure to make a payment required under the preceding sentence shall be deemed a withdrawal of the offer-in-compromise.

``(2) Rules of application.--

``(A) Use of payment.--The application of any payment made under this subsection to the assessed tax or other amounts imposed under this title with respect to such tax may be specified by the taxpayer.

``(B) No user fee imposed.--Any user fee which would otherwise be imposed under this section shall not be imposed on any offer-in-compromise accompanied by a payment required under this subsection.

``(C) Waiver authority.--The Secretary may issue regulations waiving any payment required under paragraph (1) in a manner consistent with the practices established in accordance with the requirements under subsection (d)(3).''.

(b) Additional Rules Relating to Treatment of Offers.--

(1) Unprocessable offer if payment requirements are not met.--Paragraph (3) of section 7122(d) (relating to standards for evaluation of offers), as redesignated by subsection (a), is amended by striking ``; and'' at the end of subparagraph

(A) and inserting a comma, by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (B) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(C) any offer-in-compromise which does not meet the requirements of subsection (c) shall be returned to the taxpayer as unprocessable.''.

(2) Deemed acceptance of offer not rejected within certain period.--Section 7122, as amended by subsection (a), is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(g) Deemed Acceptance of Offer Not Rejected Within Certain Period.--Any offer-in-compromise submitted under this section shall be deemed to be accepted by the Secretary if such offer is not rejected by the Secretary before the date which is 24 months after the date of the submission of such offer (12 months for offers-in-compromise submitted after the date which is 5 years after the date of the enactment of this subsection). For purposes of the preceding sentence, any period during which any tax liability which is the subject of such offer-in-compromise is in dispute in any judicial proceeding shall not be taken in to account in determining the expiration of the 24-month period (or 12-month period, if applicable).''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to offers-in-compromise submitted on and after the date which is 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Section 6159 (relating to agreements for payment of tax liability in installments) is amended by redesignating subsection (e) as subsection (f) and by inserting after subsection (d) the following:

``(e) Waiver of User Fees for Installment Agreements Using Automated Withdrawals.--In the case of a taxpayer who enters into an installment agreement in which automated installment payments are agreed to, the Secretary shall waive the fee (if any) for entering into the installment agreement.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to agreements entered into on or after the date which is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.


(a) In General.--Section 6159(b)(4) (relating to failure to pay an installment or any other tax liability when due or to provide requested financial information) is amended by striking ``or'' at the end of subparagraph (B), by redesignating subparagraph (C) as subparagraph (E), and by inserting after subparagraph (B) the following:

``(C) to make a Federal tax deposit under section 6302 at the time such deposit is required to be made,

``(D) to file a return of tax imposed under this title by its due date (including extensions), or''.

(b) Conforming Amendment.--The heading for section 6159(b)(4) is amended by striking ``Failure to pay an installment or any other tax liability when due or to provide requested financial information'' and inserting ``Failure to make payments or deposits or file returns when due or to provide requested financial information''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to failures occurring on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.

Subtitle E--Additional Provisions



(a) In General.--The table contained in section 6654(d)(1)(C) is amended by striking ``2002 or thereafter'' and inserting ``2002, 2003, 2004, or 2005'' and by adding at the end the following new items:


2007 or thereafter...............................................110''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to any installment payment for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.



(a) Strengthened Reasonable Expectation Requirement.--Subparagraph (A) of section 149(f)(2) (relating to reasonable expectation requirement) is amended to read as follows:

``(A) In general.--The requirements of this paragraph are met with respect to an issue if the issuer reasonably expects that--

``(i) as of the close of the 1-year period beginning on the date of issuance of the issue, at least 50 percent of the net proceeds of the issue (as of the close of such period) will have been used directly or indirectly to make or finance loans to ultimate borrowers, and

``(ii) as of the close of the 3-year period beginning on such date of issuance, at least 95 percent of the net proceeds of the issue (as of the close of such period) will have been so used.''.

(b) Written Loan Commitment and Redemption Requirements.--Section 149(f) (relating to treatment of certain pooled financing bonds) is amended by redesignating paragraphs (4) and (5) as paragraphs (6) and (7), respectively, and by inserting after paragraph (3) the following new paragraphs:

``(4) Written loan commitment requirement.--

``(A) In general.--The requirement of this paragraph is met with respect to an issue if the issuer receives prior to issuance written loan commitments identifying the ultimate potential borrowers of at least 50 percent of the net proceeds of such issue.

``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to any issuer which is a State (or an integral part of a State) issuing pooled financing bonds to make or finance loans to subordinate governmental units of such State or to State-created entities providing financing for water-infrastructure projects through the federally-sponsored State revolving fund program.

``(5) Redemption requirement.--The requirement of this paragraph is met if to the extent that less than the percentage of the proceeds of an issue required to be used under clause (i) or (ii) of paragraph (2)(A) is used by the close of the period identified in such clause, the issuer uses an amount of proceeds equal to the excess of--

``(A) the amount required to be used under such clause, over

``(B) the amount actually used by the close of such period,

to redeem outstanding bonds within 90 days after the end of such period.''.

(c) Elimination of Disregard of Pooled Bonds in Determining Eligibility for Small Issuer Exception to Arbitrage Rebate.--Section 148(f)(4)(D)(ii) (relating to aggregation of issuers) is amended by striking subclause (II) and by redesignating subclauses (III) and (IV) as subclauses (II) and (III), respectively.

(d) Conforming Amendments.--

(1) Section 149(f)(1) is amended by striking ``paragraphs

(2) and (3)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (2), (3), (4), and


(2) Section 149(f)(7)(B), as redesignated by subsection

(b), is amended by striking ``paragraph (4)(A)'' and inserting ``paragraph (6)(A)''.

(3) Section 54(l)(2) is amended by striking ``section 149(f)(4)(A)'' and inserting ``section 149(f)(6)(A)''.

(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to bonds issued after the date of the enactment of this Act.


(a) In General.--Section 6049(b)(2) (relating to exceptions) is amended by striking subparagraph (B) and by redesignating subparagraphs (C) and (D) as subparagraphs (B) and (C), respectively.

(b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 6049(b)(2)(C), as redesignated by subsection (a), is amended by striking

``subparagraph (C)'' and inserting ``subparagraph (B)''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to interest earned after December 31, 2005.


SA 2603. Mr. PRYOR submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:


(a) In General.--Section 7701 (relating to definitions) is amended by redesignating subsection (o) as subsection (p) and by inserting after subsection (n) the following new subsection:

``(o) Convention or Association of Churches.--For purposes of this title, any organization which is otherwise a convention or association of churches shall not fail to so qualify merely because the membership of such organization includes individuals as well as churches or because individuals have voting rights in such organization.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after December 31, 2005.


SA 2604. Mrs. CLINTON (for herself and Mr. Obama) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:


(a) In General.--Subpart B of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to foreign tax credit, etc.) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) Allowance of Credit.--There shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year an amount equal to 50 percent of the lead hazard reduction activity cost paid or incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year for each eligible dwelling unit.

``(b) Limitation.--The amount of the credit allowed under subsection (a) for any eligible dwelling unit for any taxable year shall not exceed--

``(1) either--

``(A) $3,000 in the case of lead hazard reduction activity cost including lead abatement measures described in clauses

(i), (ii), (iv) and (v) of subsection (c)(1)(A), or

``(B) $1,000 in the case of lead hazard reduction activity cost including interim lead control measures described in clauses (i), (iii), (iv), and (v) of subsection (c)(1)(A), reduced by

``(2) the aggregate lead hazard reduction activity cost taken into account under subsection (a) with respect to such unit for all preceding taxable years.

``(c) Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this section:

``(1) Lead hazard reduction activity cost.--

``(A) In general.--The term `lead hazard reduction activity cost' means, with respect to any eligible dwelling unit--

``(i) the cost for a certified risk assessor to conduct an assessment to determine the presence of a lead-based paint hazard,

``(ii) the cost for performing lead abatement measures by a certified lead abatement supervisor, including the removal of paint and dust, the permanent enclosure or encapsulation of lead-based paint, the replacement of painted surfaces, windows, or fixtures, or the removal or permanent covering of soil when lead-based paint hazards are present in such paint, dust, or soil,

``(iii) the cost for performing interim lead control measures to reduce exposure or likely exposure to lead-based paint hazards, including specialized cleaning, repairs, maintenance, painting, temporary containment, ongoing monitoring of lead-based paint hazards, and the establishment and operation of management and resident education programs, but only if such measures are evaluated and completed by a certified lead abatement supervisor using accepted methods, are conducted by a qualified contractor, and have an expected useful life of more than 10 years,

``(iv) the cost for a certified lead abatement supervisor, those working under the supervision of such supervisor, or a qualified contractor to perform all preparation, cleanup, disposal, and clearance testing activities associated with the lead abatement measures or interim lead control measures, and

``(v) costs incurred by or on behalf of any occupant of such dwelling unit for any relocation which is necessary to achieve occupant protection (as defined under section 35.1345 of title 24, Code of Federal Regulations).

``(B) Limitation.--The term `lead hazard reduction activity cost' does not include any cost to the extent such cost is funded by any grant, contract, or otherwise by another person

(or any governmental agency).

``(2) Eligible dwelling unit.--

``(A) In general.--The term `eligible dwelling unit' means, with respect to any taxable year, any dwelling unit--

``(i) placed in service before 1960,

``(ii) located in the United States,

``(iii) in which resides, for a total period of not less than 50 percent of the taxable year, at least 1 child who has not attained the age of 6 years or 1 woman of child-bearing age, and

``(iv) each of the residents of which during such taxable year has an adjusted gross income of less than 185 percent of the poverty line (as determined for such taxable year in accordance with criteria established by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget).

``(B) Dwelling unit.--The term `dwelling unit' has the meaning given such term by section 280A(f)(1).

``(3) Lead-based paint hazard.--The term `lead-based paint hazard' has the meaning given such term by section 745.61 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations.

``(4) Certified lead abatement supervisor.--The term

`certified lead abatement supervisor' means an individual certified by the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to section 745.226 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, or an appropriate State agency pursuant to section 745.325 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations.

``(5) Certified inspector.--The term `certified inspector' means an inspector certified by the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to section 745.226 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, or an appropriate State agency pursuant to section 745.325 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations.

``(6) Certified risk assessor.--The term `certified risk assessor' means a risk assessor certified by the Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to section 745.226 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, or an appropriate State agency pursuant to section 745.325 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations.

``(7) Qualified contractor.--The term `qualified contractor' means any contractor who has successfully completed a training course on lead safe work practices which has been approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Environmental Protection Agency.

``(8) Documentation required for credit allowance.--No credit shall be allowed under subsection (a) with respect to any eligible dwelling unit for any taxable year unless--

``(A) after lead hazard reduction activity is complete, a certified inspector or certified risk assessor provides written documentation to the taxpayer that includes--

``(i) evidence that--

``(I) the eligible dwelling unit passes the clearance examinations required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development under part 35 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations,

``(II) the eligible dwelling unit does not contain lead dust hazards (as defined by section 745.227(e)(8)(viii) of such title 40), or

``(III) the eligible dwelling unit meets lead hazard evaluation criteria established under an authorized State or local program, and

``(ii) documentation showing that the lead hazard reduction activity meets the requirements of this section, and

``(B) the taxpayer files with the appropriate State agency and attaches to the tax return for the taxable year--

``(i) the documentation described in subparagraph (A),

``(ii) documentation of the lead hazard reduction activity costs paid or incurred during the taxable year with respect to the eligible dwelling unit, and

``(iii) a statement certifying that the dwelling unit qualifies as an eligible dwelling unit for such taxable year.

``(9) Basis reduction.--The basis of any property for which a credit is allowable under subsection (a) shall be reduced by the amount of such credit (determined without regard to subsection (d)).

``(10) No double benefit.--Any deduction allowable for costs taken into account in computing the amount of the credit for lead-based paint abatement shall be reduced by the amount of such credit attributable to such costs.

``(d) Limitation Based on Amount of Tax.--The credit allowed under subsection (a) for the taxable year shall not exceed the excess of--

``(1) the sum of the regular tax liability (as defined in section 26(b)) plus the tax imposed by section 55, over

``(2) the sum of the credits allowable under subpart A and sections 27, 29, 30, 30A, 30B, and 30C for the taxable year.

``(e) Carryforward Allowed.--

``(1) In general.--If the credit amount allowable under subsection (a) for a taxable year exceeds the amount of the limitation under subsection (d) for such taxable year

(referred to as the `unused credit year' in this subsection), such excess shall be allowed as a credit carryforward for each of the 20 taxable years following the unused credit year.

``(2) Rules.--Rules similar to the rules of section 39 shall apply with respect to the credit carryforward under paragraph (1).''.

(b) Conforming Amendments.--

(1) Section 1016(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking ``and'' in paragraph (36), by striking the period and inserting ``, and'' in paragraph (37), and by inserting at the end the following new paragraph:

``(38) in the case of an eligible dwelling unit with respect to which a credit for any lead hazard reduction activity cost was allowed under section 30D, to the extent provided in section 30D(c)(9).''.

(2) The table of sections for subpart B of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 of such Code is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 30C the following new item:

``Sec. 30D. Home lead hazard reduction activity.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to lead hazard reduction activity costs incurred after December 31, 2005, in taxable years ending after that date.



(a) Inflation Adjustment of Foreign Earned Income Limitation.--Clause (ii) of section 911(b)(2)(D) (relating to inflation adjustment) is amended--

(1) by striking ``2007'' and inserting ``2005'', and

(2) by striking ``2006'' in subclause (II) and inserting


(b) Modification of Housing Cost Amount.--

(1) Minimum amount.--Clause (i) of section 911(c)(1)(B) is amended to read as follows:

``(i) 16 percent of the amount (computed on a daily basis) in effect under subsection (b)(2)(D) for the calendar year in which such taxable year begins, multiplied by''.

(2) Maximum amount of exclusion.--

(A) In general.--Subparagraph (A) of section 911(c)(1) is amended by inserting ``to the extent such expenses do not exceed the amount determined under paragraph (2)'' after

``the taxable year''.

(B) Limitation.--Subsection (c) of section 911 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (3) and

(4), respectively, and by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new paragraph:

``(2) Limitation.--The amount determined under this paragraph is an amount equal to the product of--

``(A) 30 percent of the amount (computed on a daily basis) in effect under subsection (b)(2)(D) for the calendar year in which the taxable year of the individual begins, multiplied by

``(B) the number of days of such taxable year within the applicable period described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (d)(1).''.

(C) Conforming amendments.--

(i) Section 911(d)(4) is amended by striking ``and

(c)(1)(B)(ii)'' and inserting ``, (c)(1)(B)(ii), and


(ii) Section 911(d)(7) is amended by striking ``subsection

(c)(3)'' and inserting ``subsection (c)(4)''.

(c) Rates of Tax Applicable to Nonexcluded Income.--Section 911 (relating to exclusion of certain income of citizens and residents of the United States living abroad) is amended by redesignating subsection (f) as subsection (g) and by inserting after subsection (e) the following new subsection:

``(f) Determination of Tax Liability on Nonexcluded Amounts.--If any amount is excluded from the gross income of a taxpayer under subsection (a) for any taxable year, then, notwithstanding section 1 or 55--

``(1) the tax imposed by section 1 on the taxpayer for such taxable year shall be equal to the excess (if any) of--

``(A) the tax which would be imposed by section 1 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's taxable income were equal to the sum of--

``(i) the taxpayer's taxable income for the taxable year

(determined without regard to this subsection), plus

``(ii) the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, over

``(B) the tax which would be imposed by section 1 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's taxable income were equal to the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, and

``(2) the tax imposed by section 55 for such taxable year shall be equal to the excess (if any) of--

``(A) the amount which would be the tentative minimum tax under section 55 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income were equal to the sum of--

``(i) the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income for the taxable year (determined without regard to this subsection), plus

``(ii) the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, over

``(B) the sum of--

``(i) the amount which would be the tentative minimum tax under section 55 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income were equal to the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, plus

``(ii) the amount which would be the regular tax for the taxable year if the tax imposed by section 1 were the tax computed under paragraph (1).For purposes of this subsection, the amount excluded under subsection (a) shall be reduced by the aggregate amount of any deductions or exclusions disallowed under subsection

(d)(6) with respect to such excluded amount.''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.


SA 2605. Mr. OBAMA (for himself, Mr. Coburn, Mr. Lautenberg, Ms. Snowe, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Ensign) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Findings.--The Senate finds that--

(1) on September 8, 2005, the Federal Emergency Management Agency announced that it had awarded 4 contracts for emergency housing relief following Hurricane Katrina to The Shaw Group of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Fluor Corporation of Aliso Viejo, California, Bechtel National of San Francisco, California, and CH2M Hill of Denver, Colorado;

(2) these contracts were awarded with no competition from other capable firms, and up to $100,000,000 in taxpayer funds were authorized for each of these contracts;

(3) in the midst of concerns about abusive and irresponsible spending of taxpayer funds, the Federal Emergency Management Agency pledged to re-bid these noncompetitive contracts, with Acting Under Secretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response, R. David Paulison, stating before the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs of the Senate that ``[a]ll of these no-bid contracts, we are going to go back and re-bid'';

(4) the Federal Emergency Management Agency has yet to reopen these 4 contracts to competitive bidding, and declared on November 11, 2005, that these contracts would not be reopened for bidding until February 2006;

(5) by February 2006, the majority of the contracts will have been completed and the majority of taxpayer funds will have been spent;

(6) large and politically-connected firms continue to benefit from no-bid and limited-competition contracts, and contracts are not being awarded to capable, local companies;

(7) according to an analysis in the Washington Post, companies outside the States most affected by Hurricane Katrina have received more than 90 percent of the Federal contracts for recovery and reconstruction;

(8) the monitoring of Federal contracting practices remains difficult, with a report by the San Jose Mercury News stating

``The database of contracts is incomplete. Information released by Federal agencies is spotty and sporadic. And disclosure of many no-bid contracts isn't required by law''; and

(9)(A) there is currently no Chief Financial Officer charged with monitoring the flow of all funds to the affected areas; and

(B) the task of financial management is spread across disparate Federal departments and agencies with inadequate oversight of taxpayer funds.

(b) Sense of the Senate.--It is the sense of the Senate that the Federal Emergency Management Agency should--

(1) immediately rebid noncompetitive contracts entered into following Hurricane Katrina, consistent with the commitment of the Agency made on October 6, 2005, before millions of taxpayer dollars are wasted on irresponsible and inefficient spending;

(2)(A) immediately implement the planned competitive contracting strategy of the Agency for recovery work in all current and future reconstruction efforts; and

(B) in carrying out that strategy, should prioritize local and small disadvantaged businesses in the contracting and subcontracting process; and

(3) immediately after the awarding of a contract, publicly disclose the amount and competitive or noncompetitive nature of the contract.


SA 2606. Mr. KERRY (for himself and Mr. Wyden) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 235, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:



(a) In General.--Section 55(d)(1) is amended--

(1) by striking ``$58,000'' and all that follows through

``2005'' in subparagraph (A) and inserting ``$62,550 in the case of taxable years beginning in 2006'', and

(2) by striking ``$40,250'' and all that follows through

``2005'' in subparagraph (B) and inserting ``$42,500 in the case of taxable years beginning in 2006''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.



(a) Inflation Adjustment of Foreign Earned Income Limitation.--Clause (ii) of section 911(b)(2)(D) (relating to inflation adjustment) is amended--

(1) by striking ``2007'' and inserting ``2005'', and

(2) by striking ``2006'' in subclause (II) and inserting


(b) Modification of Housing Cost Amount.--

(1) Minimum amount.--Clause (i) of section 911(c)(1)(B) is amended to read as follows:

``(i) 16 percent of the amount (computed on a daily basis) in effect under subsection (b)(2)(D) for the calendar year in which such taxable year begins, multiplied by''.

(2) Maximum amount of exclusion.--

(A) In general.--Subparagraph (A) of section 911(c)(1) is amended by inserting ``to the extent such expenses do not exceed the amount determined under paragraph (2)'' after

``the taxable year''.

(B) Limitation.--Subsection (c) of section 911 is amended by redesignating paragraphs (2) and (3) as paragraphs (3) and

(4), respectively, and by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new paragraph:

``(2) Limitation.--The amount determined under this paragraph is an amount equal to the product of--

``(A) 30 percent of the amount (computed on a daily basis) in effect under subsection (b)(2)(D) for the calendar year in which the taxable year of the individual begins, multiplied by

``(B) the number of days of such taxable year within the applicable period described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (d)(1).''.

(C) Conforming amendments.--

(i) Section 911(d)(4) is amended by striking ``and

(c)(1)(B)(ii)'' and inserting ``, (c)(1)(B)(ii), and


(ii) Section 911(d)(7) is amended by striking ``subsection

(c)(3)'' and inserting ``subsection (c)(4)''.

(c) Rates of Tax Applicable to Nonexcluded Income.--Section 911 (relating to exclusion of certain income of citizens and residents of the United States living abroad) is amended by redesignating subsection (f) as subsection (g) and by inserting after subsection (e) the following new subsection:

``(f) Determination of Tax Liability on Nonexcluded Amounts.--If any amount is excluded from the gross income of a taxpayer under subsection (a) for any taxable year, then, notwithstanding section 1 or 55--

``(1) the tax imposed by section 1 on the taxpayer for such taxable year shall be equal to the excess (if any) of--

``(A) the tax which would be imposed by section 1 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's taxable income were equal to the sum of--

``(i) the taxpayer's taxable income for the taxable year

(determined without regard to this subsection), plus

``(ii) the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, over

``(B) the tax which would be imposed by section 1 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's taxable income were equal to the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, and

``(2) the tax imposed by section 55 for such taxable year shall be equal to the excess (if any) of--

``(A) the amount which would be the tentative minimum tax under section 55 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income were equal to the sum of--

``(i) the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income for the taxable year (determined without regard to this subsection), plus

``(ii) the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, over

``(B) the sum of--

``(i) the amount which would be the tentative minimum tax under section 55 for the taxable year if the taxpayer's alternative minimum taxable income were equal to the amount excluded under subsection (a) for the taxable year, plus

``(ii) the amount which would be the regular tax for the taxable year if the tax imposed by section 1 were the tax computed under paragraph (1).

For purposes of this subsection, the amount excluded under subsection (a) shall be reduced by the aggregate amount of any deductions or exclusions disallowed under subsection

(d)(6) with respect to such excluded amount.''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.



(a) In General.--The table contained in section 6654(d)(1)(C) is amended by striking ``2002 or thereafter'' and inserting ``2002, 2003, 2004, or 2005'' and by adding at the end the following new items:


2007 or thereafter.............................................110''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to any installment payment for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.


SA 2607. Mr. SUNUNU submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Fannie Mae.--Section 309(c) of the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act (12 U.S.C. 1723a(c)) is amended to read as follows:

``(c) [Repealed.]''.

(b) Freddie Mac.--Section 303(e) of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Act (12 U.S.C. 1452(e)) is amended to read as follows:

``(e) [Repealed.]''.


SA 2608. Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Bingaman) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 235, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:



(a) In General.--Section 170(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to special rule for contributions of inventory and other property) is amended by redesignating subparagraph (D) as subparagraph (E) and by inserting after subparagraph (C) the following new subparagraph:

``(D) Special rule for food contributions to indian tribes.--

``(i) In general.--For purposes of this paragraph, in the case of a charitable contribution of food which is apparently wholesome food (as defined in subparagraph (C)(iii)), an Indian tribe (as defined in section 7871(c)(3)(E)(ii)) shall be treated as an organization eligible to be a donee under subparagraph (A).

``(ii) Use of property.--For purposes of subparagraph

(A)(i), if the use of the property donated is related to the exercise of an essential governmental function of the Indian tribal government (within the meaning of section 7871), such use shall be treated as related to the purpose or function constituting the basis for the organization's exemption.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.


SA 2609. Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mr. Sununu, Mr. Gregg, Mr. Wyden, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Feingold, Mr. Burr, Mr. McCain, Mr. Kerry, Ms. Collins, and Mrs. Clinton) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:




(a) In General.--Section 263(c) (relating to intangible drilling and development costs) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``This subsection shall not apply with respect to wells (other than wells drilled for any geothermal deposit (as so defined)) of any integrated oil company (as defined in section 291(b)(4)) which has an average daily worldwide production of crude oil of at least 500,000 barrels for the taxable year in any taxable year beginning after December 31, 2005.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.


SA 2610. Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and Mr. Kerry) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of the bill, insert the following:





(a) Repeal of Top Income Tax Rate Reductions.--

(1) In general.--Section 1(i) (relating to rate reductions) is amended by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (4) and by inserting after paragraph (2) the following new paragraph:

``(3) Exception for taxpayers with taxable income of

$1,000,000, or more.--Notwithstanding paragraph (2), in the case of taxable years beginning in a calender year after 2005, the last item in the fourth column of the table under paragraph (2) shall be applied by substituting `39.6%' for

`35.0%' with respect to taxable income in excess of

$1,000,000 ($500,000 in the case of taxpayers to whom subsection (d) applies).''.

(2) Effective date.--The amendment made by this subsection shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

(3) Application of egtrra sunset.--The amendment made by this subsection shall be subject to title IX of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 to the same extent and in the same manner as the provision of such Act to which such amendment relates.

(b) Restoration of Pre-May 2003 Tax Rates on Capital Gains and Dividends for Individuals In Top Rate Bracket.--

(1) In general.--Section 1(h) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(12) Increased rates for individuals in the top rate bracket.--

``(A) Dividends.--In no event shall the qualified dividend income of a taxpayer for any taxable year exceed the excess

(if any) of--

``(i) the minimum dollar amount to which the 39.6 rate applies under subsection (i) for the taxable year, over

``(ii) taxable income, reduced by adjusted net capital gain

(determined without regard to this paragraph).

``(B) Capital gains.--If a taxpayer has a net capital gain for any taxable year, the taxpayer's tax shall be increased by an amount equal to 5 percent of the lesser of--

``(i) the taxpayer's adjusted net capital gain, determined after application of subparagraph (A) and by only taking into account gain or loss properly allocable to the portion of the taxable year after December 31, 2005, or

``(ii) taxable income in excess of the minimum dollar amount to which the 39.6 rate applies under subsection (i) for the taxable year.''

(2) Application to minimum tax.--Section 55(b)(3) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence:

``The rules of section 1(h)(12) shall apply for purposes of this paragraph.''

(3) Effective dates.--

(A) Capital gains.--Section 1(h)(12)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by paragraph (1)) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

(B) Dividend rates.--Section 1(h)(12)(A) of such Code (as added by paragraph (1)) shall apply to dividends received after December 31, 2005.

(4) Application of jgtrra sunset.--The amendment made by this subsection shall be subject to section 303 of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 to the same extent and in the same manner as the provision of such Act to which such amendment relates.

(c) Repeal of the Scheduled Phase Out and Termination of the Limitations on Personal Exemptions and Itemized Deductions.--

(1) Repeal.--

(A) Personal exemptions.--Section 1(d)(3) is amended by adding at the end the following:

``(6) Reduction of phase out and termination not to apply.--Subparagraphs (E) and (F) shall not apply to a taxpayer whose adjusted gross income for the taxable year exceeds $1,000,000 ($500,000 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return).''

(B) Itemized deductions.--Section 68 is amended by adding at the end the following:

``(h) Reduction of Phase Out and Termination Not to Apply.--Subsections (f) and (g) shall not apply to a taxpayer whose adjusted gross income for the taxable year exceeds

$1,000,000 ($500,000 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return).''

(2) Effective date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

(3) Application of egtrra sunset.--The amendments made by this section shall be subject to title IX of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 to the same extent and in the same manner as the provision of such Act to which such amendment relates.

(d) Sunset of Amendments if Budget Deficit Eliminated.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall not apply to taxable years beginning after the first calendar year for which the certification described in paragraph

(2)(B) is made.

(2) Estimates and certification.--

(A) In general.--Not later than October 15 of each calendar year beginning after 2005, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, shall estimate--

(i) the Federal budget deficit for the fiscal year ending in the calendar year, and

(ii) the Federal budget deficit for the fiscal year beginning in the calendar year (determined as if the amendments made by this section were not in effect for taxable years beginning in the following calendar year).

(B) Certification.--The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall certify to the President of the United States and to the Congress the first calendar year for which the Director estimates under subparagraph (A) that there will be no Federal budget deficit for both of the fiscal years for which the estimate was made.


SA 2611. Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, Mr. Lautenberg, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Feingold, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Kerry, Mr. Lieberman, Mr. Salazar, Mrs. Boxer, Ms. Stabenow, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Kohl, and Mr. Kennedy) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:



(a) Findings.--The Senate finds the following:

(1) No American should be unnecessarily or excessively burdened with additional taxes.

(2) The Federal income tax has grown more complicated and unmanageable over time, imposing burdensome administrative and compliance costs on American taxpayers.

(3) On January 7, 2005, President George W. Bush created the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform (the

``Panel'') via Executive Order 13369.

(4) The Panel was tasked with providing several options for Federal tax reform that would simplify Federal tax laws, retain progressivity, and promote long-run economic growth and job creation.

(5) In its final report, released publicly on November 1, 2005, the Panel recommended the complete repeal of the Federal deduction for State and local taxes, as a central component of both the ``Simplified Income Tax Plan'' and the

``Growth and Investment Tax Plan''.

(6) State and local taxes have been deductible from the Federal income tax since the inception of the Federal income tax in 1913.

(7) Eliminating the deduction for State and local taxes would create a new form of double taxation at a time where efforts are being made to reduce other forms of double taxation, since repeal would require millions of taxpayers to pay Federal taxes on income that is also taxed at the State or local level.

(8) Congress has recently taken steps to expand, rather than cut back, the State and local tax deduction, by reinstating a deduction for State sales taxes for some taxpayers (previously repealed as part of the Tax Reform Act of 1986), as part of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.

(9) There is some concern, as noted by the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, that eliminating the deduction could ``lower support for public services and lead to a `race to the bottom' in terms of State and local expenditures as States compete to have the lowest taxes in order to attract higher-income households''.

(10) The deduction for State and local taxes is not just a concern for a small minority of taxpayers in the largest States, as 22 States saw more than \1/3\ of their taxpayers take the deduction in 2003, the latest year for which data is available (Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Colorado, Oregon, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Virginia, Utah, California, Georgia, New York, Wisconsin, Arizona, Rhode Island, Michigan, Delaware, North Carolina, Illinois, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Idaho (ranked in order of the percentage of taxpayers affected)).

(11) In tax year 2003, 43,538,000 taxpayers in the United States took advantage of the Federal deduction for State and local taxes, deducting a total of $315,690,000,000, thereby saving taxpayers in the United States approximately

$88,390,000,000 in Federal income taxes, assuming an average marginal rate of 28 percent for taxpayers who itemize.

(12) In tax year 2003, the top 25 States ranked by the number of taxpayers affected represented 77 percent of the taxpayers affected nationally, and took 85 percent of the total deductions for State and local taxes, as described in the following subparagraphs:

(A) In California, 5,807,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$54,920,000,000, saving California taxpayers approximately

$15,380,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(B) In New York, 3,228,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$37,600,000,000, saving New York taxpayers approximately

$10,530,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(C) In Illinois, 1,994,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$13,720,000,000, saving Illinois taxpayers approximately

$3,840,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(D) In Ohio, 1,809,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$12,720,000,000, saving Ohio taxpayers approximately

$3,560,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(E) In New Jersey, 1,791,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$18,750,000,000, saving New Jersey taxpayers approximately

$5,250,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(F) In Pennsylvania, 1,765,000 taxpayers deducted a total of $12,400,000,000, saving Pennsylvania taxpayers approximately $3,470,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(G) In Michigan, 1,627,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$10,350,000,000, saving Michigan taxpayers approximately

$2,900,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(H) In Georgia, 1,416,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$8,720,000,000, saving Georgia taxpayers approximately

$2,440,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(I) In Virginia, 1,355,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$9,630,000,000, saving Virginia taxpayers approximately

$2,700,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(J) In North Carolina, 1,304,000 taxpayers deducted a total of $8,720,000,000, saving North Carolina taxpayers approximately $2,440,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(K) In Maryland, 1,260,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$10,410,000,000, saving Maryland taxpayers approximately

$2,920,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(L) In Massachusetts, 1,216,000 taxpayers deducted a total of $10,840,000,000, saving Massachusetts taxpayers approximately $3,040,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(M) In Minnesota, 969,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$7,060,000,000, saving Minnesota taxpayers approximately

$1,980,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(N) In Wisconsin, 961,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$8,000,000,000, saving Wisconsin taxpayers approximately

$2,240,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(O) In Colorado, 856,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$4,570,000,000, saving Colorado taxpayers approximately

$1,280,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(P) In Arizona, 841,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$4,110,000,000, saving Arizona taxpayers approximately

$1,150,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(Q) In Indiana, 832,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$4,530,000,000, saving Indiana taxpayers approximately

$1,270,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(R) In Missouri, 772,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$4,890,000,000, saving Missouri taxpayers approximately

$1,370,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(S) In Connecticut, 713,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$7,970,000,000, saving Connecticut taxpayers approximately

$2,230,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(T) In Oregon, 641,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$5,100,000,000, saving Oregon taxpayers approximately

$1,430,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(U) In South Carolina, 574,000 taxpayers deducted a total of $3,390,000,000, saving South Carolina taxpayers approximately $949,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(V) In Alabama, 538,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$2,090,000,000, saving Alabama taxpayers approximately

$586,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(W) In Kentucky, 515,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$3,300,000,000, saving Kentucky taxpayers approximately

$925,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(X) In Oklahoma, 434,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$2,320,000,000, saving Oklahoma taxpayers approximately

$650,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(Y) In Iowa, 397,000 taxpayers deducted a total of

$2,510,000,000, saving Iowa taxpayers approximately

$702,000,000 in Federal income taxes.

(b) Sense of the Senate.--It is the sense of the Senate that Congress should not repeal or substantially alter the longstanding Federal tax deduction for State and local taxes.


SA 2612. Ms. CANTWELL (form herself, Mr. Bayh, Mr. Lieberman, Mr. Schumer, Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Carper, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Salazar, Mr. Kohl, Mrs. Murray, Ms. Stabenow, and Mrs. Feinstein) submitted an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of the bill, insert the following:




(a) Sales to Consumers at Unconscionable Price.--

(1) In general.--During any energy emergency declared by the President under section 3, it is unlawful for any person to sell crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillates in, or for use in, the area to which that declaration applies at a price that--

(A) is unconscionably excessive; or

(B) indicates the seller is taking unfair advantage of the circumstances to increase prices unreasonably.

(2) Factors considered.--In determining whether a violation of paragraph (1) has occurred, there shall be taken into account, among other factors, whether--

(A) the amount charged represents a gross disparity between the price of the crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillate sold and the price at which it was offered for sale in the usual course of the seller's business immediately prior to the energy emergency; or

(B) the amount charged grossly exceeds the price at which the same or similar crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillate was readily obtainable by other purchasers in the area to which the declaration applies.

(3) Mitigating factors.--In determining whether a violation of paragraph (1) has occurred, there also shall be taken into account, among other factors, the price that would reasonably equate supply and demand in a competitive and freely functioning market and whether the price at which the crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillate was sold reasonably reflects additional costs, not within the control of the seller, that were paid or incurred by the seller.

(b) False Pricing Information.--It is unlawful for any person to report information related to the wholesale price of crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillates to the Federal Trade Commission if--

(1) that person knew, or reasonably should have known, the information to be false or misleading;

(2) the information was required by law to be reported; and

(3) the person intended the false or misleading data to affect data compiled by that department or agency for statistical or analytical purposes with respect to the market for crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillates.

(c) Market Manipulation.--It is unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to use or employ, in connection with the purchase or sale of crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillates at wholesale, any manipulative or deceptive device or contrivance, in contravention of such rules and regulations as the Commission may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of United States citizens.


(a) In General.--If the President finds that the health, safety, welfare, or economic well-being of the citizens of the United States is at risk because of a shortage or imminent shortage of adequate supplies of crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillates due to a disruption in the national distribution system for crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillates (including such a shortage related to a major disaster (as defined in section 102(2) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122))), or significant pricing anomalies in national energy markets for crude oil, gasoline, or petroleum distillates, the President may declare that a Federal energy emergency exists.

(b) Scope and Duration.--The declaration shall apply to the Nation, a geographical region, or 1 or more States, as determined by the President, but may not be in effect for a period of more than 45 days.

(c) Extensions.--The President may--

(1) extend a declaration under subsection (a) for a period of not more than 45 days; and

(2) extend such a declaration more than once.


(a) Enforcement by Commission.--This Act shall be enforced by the Federal Trade Commission. In enforcing section 2(a) of this Act, the Commission shall give priority to enforcement actions concerning companies with total United States wholesale or retail sales of crude oil, gasoline, and petroleum distillates in excess of $500,000,000 per year but shall not exclude enforcement actions against companies with total United States wholesale sales of $500,000,000 or less per year.

(b) Violation Is Unfair or Deceptive Act or Practice.--The violation of any provision of this Act shall be treated as an unfair or deceptive act or practice proscribed under a rule issued under section 18(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 57a(a)(1)(B)).



(a) In General.--A State, as parens patriae, may bring a civil action on behalf of its residents in an appropriate district court of the United States to enforce the provisions of section 2(a) of this Act, or to impose the civil penalties authorized by section 6 for violations of section 2(a), whenever the attorney general of the State has reason to believe that the interests of the residents of the State have been or are being threatened or adversely affected by a person engaged in retail sales of gasoline or petroleum distillates to consumers for purposes other than resale that violates this Act or a regulation under this Act.

(b) Notice.--The State shall serve written notice to the Commission of any civil action under subsection (a) prior to initiating such civil action. The notice shall include a copy of the complaint to be filed to initiate such civil action, except that if it is not feasible for the State to provide such prior notice, the State shall provide such notice immediately upon instituting such civil action.

(c) Authority To Intervene.--Upon receiving the notice required by subsection (b), the Commission may intervene in such civil action and upon intervening--

(1) be heard on all matters arising in such civil action; and

(2) file petitions for appeal of a decision in such civil action.

(d) Construction.--For purposes of bringing any civil action under subsection (a), nothing in this section shall prevent the attorney general of a State from exercising the powers conferred on the attorney general by the laws of such State to conduct investigations or to administer oaths or affirmations or to compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documentary and other evidence.

(e) Venue; Service of Process.--In a civil action brought under subsection (a)--

(1) the venue shall be a judicial district in which--

(A) the defendant operates;

(B) the defendant was authorized to do business; or

(C) where the defendant in the civil action is found;

(2) process may be served without regard to the territorial limits of the district or of the State in which the civil action is instituted; and

(3) a person who participated with the defendant in an alleged violation that is being litigated in the civil action may be joined in the civil action without regard to the residence of the person.

(f) Limitation on State Action While Federal Action Is Pending.--If the Commission has instituted a civil action or an administrative action for violation of this Act, no State attorney general, or official or agency of a State, may bring an action under this subsection during the pendency of that action against any defendant named in the complaint of the Commission or the other agency for any violation of this Act alleged in the complaint.

(g) Enforcement of State Law.--Nothing contained in this section shall prohibit an authorized State official from proceeding in State court to enforce a civil or criminal statute of such State.


(a) Civil Penalty.--

(1) In general.--In addition to any penalty applicable under the Federal Trade Commission Act--

(A) any person who violates section 2(b) or 2(c) of this Act is punishable by a civil penalty of not more than

$1,000,000; and

(B) any person who violates section 2(a) of this Act is punishable by a civil penalty of not more than $3,000,000.

(2) Method of assessment.--The penalties provided by paragraph (1) shall be assessed in the same manner as civil penalties imposed under section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45).

(3) Multiple offenses; mitigating factors.--In assessing the penalty provided by subsection (a)--

(A) each day of a continuing violation shall be considered a separate violation; and

(B) the Commission shall take into consideration the seriousness of the violation and the efforts of the person committing the violation to remedy the harm caused by the violation in a timely manner.

(b) Criminal Penalty.--Violation of section 2(a) of this Act is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000,000, imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both.


(a) Other Authority of Commission.--Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit or affect in any way the Commission's authority to bring enforcement actions or take any other measure under the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.) or any other provision of law.

(b) State Law.--Nothing in this Act preempts any State law.


SA 2613. Mr. KENNEDY (for himself, Mr. Bingaman, Mr. Levin, Mr. Durbin, and Ms. Mikulski) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) Credit Allowed for Books and Room and Board.--

(1) In general.--

(A) Subsection (b) of section 25A is amended by striking

``qualified tuition and related expenses'' each place it occurs and inserting ``qualified higher education expenses''.

(B) Subsection (f) of section 25A is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Qualified higher education expenses.--The term

`qualified higher education expenses' has the meaning given such term under section 529(e)(3).''.

(2) Conforming amendments.--Subsections (e) and (g) of section 25A are amended by inserting ``qualified higher education expenses or'' before ``qualified'' each place it appears.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004.




(a) In General.--Section 849(b) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 is amended by striking paragraphs (1) and (2), by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) as paragraphs (1) and (2), respectively, and by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Leases to foreign entities.--In the case of tax-exempt use property leased to a tax-exempt entity which is a foreign person or entity, the amendments made by this part shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, with respect to leases entered into on or before March 12, 2004.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.


SA 2614. Mr. PRYOR submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:


Section 7701 (relating to definitions) is amended by redesignating subsection (o) as subsection (p) and by inserting after subsection (n) the following new subsection:

``(o) Convention or Association of Churches.--For purposes of this title, any organization which is otherwise a convention or association of churches shall not fail to so qualify merely because the membership of such organization includes individuals as well as churches or because individuals have voting rights in such organization.''.


SA 2615. Ms. COLLINS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of subtitle F of title V, add the following:



(a) In General.--Section 263(c) (relating to intangible drilling and development costs) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``This subsection shall not apply with respect to wells (other than wells drilled for any geothermal deposit (as so defined)) of any integrated oil company (as defined in section 291(b)(4)) which has an average daily worldwide production of crude oil of at least 500,000 barrels for the taxable year in any taxable year beginning after December 31, 2005.''.

(b) Conforming Amendments.--Paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 291(b) are each amended by striking ``section 263(c), 616(a),'' and inserting ``section 616(a)''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.


SA 2616. Mr. KERRY (for himself and Mr. Obama) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

On page 235, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:



(a) In General.--Subparagraph (B) of section 32(b)(2)

(relating to joint returns) is amended--

(1) in clause (ii) by striking ``, 2006, and 2007'', and

(2) in clause (iii) by striking ``2007'' and inserting


(b) Inflation Amount.--Section 32(j)(1)(B)(ii) is amended by striking ``calendar year 2007'' and inserting ``calendar year 2005''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.



(a) In General.--Subclause (II) of section 32(c)(2)(B)(vi)

(relating to earned income) is amended by striking ``January 1, 2006'' and inserting ``January 1, 2008''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005. SEC. ___. MODIFICATIONS OF EFFECTIVE DATES OF LEASING



(a) In General.--Section 849(b) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(5) Leases to foreign entities.--In the case of tax-exempt use property leased to a tax-exempt entity which is a foreign person or entity, the amendments made by this part shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, with respect to leases entered into on or before March 12, 2004.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.


SA 2617. Mr. SANTORUM submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:


(a) In General.--Subparagraph (B) of section 168(e)(3)

(relating to 5-year property) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of clause (v), by striking the period at the end of clause (vi) and inserting ``, and '', and by adding at the end the following:

``(vii) any automatic fire sprinkler system placed in service after the date of the enactment of this clause in a building structure which was placed in service before such date of enactment.''.

(b) Alternative System.--The table contained in section 168(g)(3)(B) (relating to special rule for certain property assigned to classes) is amended by inserting after the item relating to subparagraph (B)(iii) the following:


(c) Definition of Automatic Fire Sprinkler System.--Subsection (i) of section 168 is amended by adding at the end the following:

``(18) Automated fire sprinkler system.--The term

`automated fire sprinkler system' means those sprinkler systems classified under one or more of the following publications of the National Fire Protection Association--

``(A) NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems,

``(B) NFPA 13 D, Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One and Two Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, and

``(C) NFPA 13 R, Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height.''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to property placed in service after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2618. Mr. SANTORUM submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:

Subtitle B--Savings for Working Families


In this subtitle:

(1) Eligible individual.--

(A) In general.--The term ``eligible individual'' means, with respect to any taxable year, an individual who--

(i) has attained the age of 18 but not the age of 61 as of the last day of such taxable year,

(ii) is a citizen or lawful permanent resident (within the meaning of section 7701(b)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) of the United States as of the last day of such taxable year,

(iii) was not a student (as defined in section 151(c)(4) of such Code) for the immediately preceding taxable year,

(iv) is not an individual with respect to whom a deduction under section 151 of such Code is allowable to another taxpayer for a taxable year of the other taxpayer ending during the immediately preceding taxable year of the individual,

(v) is not a taxpayer described in subsection (c), (d), or

(e) of section 6402 of such Code for the immediately preceding taxable year,

(vi) is not a taxpayer described in section 1(d) of such Code for the immediately preceding taxable year, and

(vii) is a taxpayer the modified adjusted gross income of whom for the immediately preceding taxable year does not exceed--

(I) $20,000, in the case of a taxpayer described in section 1(c) of such Code,

(II) $30,000, in the case of a taxpayer described in section 1(b) of such Code, and

(III) $40,000, in the case of a taxpayer described in section 1(a) of such Code.

(B) Inflation adjustment.--

(i) In general.--In the case of any taxable year beginning after 2005, each dollar amount referred to in subparagraph

(A)(vii) shall be increased by an amount equal to--

(I) such dollar amount, multiplied by

(II) the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section

(1)(f)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, by substituting ``2004'' for ``1992''.

(ii) Rounding.--If any amount as adjusted under clause (i) is not a multiple of $50, such amount shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $50.

(C) Modified adjusted gross income.--For purposes of subparagraph (A)(v), the term ``modified adjusted gross income'' means adjusted gross income--

(i) determined without regard to sections 86, 893, 911, 931, and 933 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and

(ii) increased by the amount of interest received or accrued by the taxpayer during the taxable year which is exempt from tax.

(2) Individual development account.--The term ``Individual Development Account'' means an account established for an eligible individual as part of a qualified individual development account program, but only if the written governing instrument creating the account meets the following requirements:

(A) The owner of the account is the individual for whom the account was established.

(B) No contribution will be accepted unless it is in cash, and, except in the case of any qualified rollover, contributions will not be accepted for the taxable year in excess of $1,500 on behalf of any individual.

(C) The trustee of the account is a qualified financial institution.

(D) The assets of the account will not be commingled with other property except in a common trust fund or common investment fund.

(E) Except as provided in section 415(b), any amount in the account may be paid out only for the purpose of paying the qualified expenses of the account owner.

(3) Parallel account.--The term ``parallel account'' means a separate, parallel individual or pooled account for all matching funds and earnings dedicated to an Individual Development Account owner as part of a qualified individual development account program, the trustee of which is a qualified financial institution.

(4) Qualified financial institution.--

(A) In general.--The term ``qualified financial institution'' means any person authorized to be a trustee of any individual retirement account under section 408(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(B) Rule of construction.--

(i) In general.--Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as preventing a person described in subparagraph

(A) from collaborating with 1 or more qualified nonprofit organizations or Indian tribes to carry out an individual development account program established under section 412.

(ii) Qualified nonprofit organization.--The term

``qualified nonprofit organization'' means--

(I) any organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of such Code,

(II) any community development financial institution certified by the Community Development Financial Institution Fund,

(III) any credit union chartered under Federal or State law, or

(IV) any public housing agency as defined in section 3(b)(6) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437a(b)(6)).

(iii) Indian tribe.--The term ``Indian tribe'' means any Indian tribe as defined in section 4(12) of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4103(12), and includes any tribally designated housing entity (as defined in section 4(21) of such Act (25 U.S.C. 4103(21)), tribal subsidiary, subdivision, or other wholly owned tribal entity.

(5) Qualified individual development account program.--The term ``qualified individual development account program'' means a program established upon approval of the Secretary under section 412 after December 31, 2006, under which--

(A) Individual Development Accounts and parallel accounts are held in trust by a qualified financial institution, and

(B) additional activities determined by the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, as necessary to responsibly develop and administer accounts, including recruiting, providing financial education and other training to Account owners, and regular program monitoring, are carried out by the qualified financial institution.

(6) Qualified expense distribution.--

(A) In general.--The term ``qualified expense distribution'' means any amount paid (including through electronic payments) or distributed out of an Individual Development Account or a parallel account established for an eligible individual if such amount--

(i) is used exclusively to pay the qualified expenses of the Individual Development Account owner or such owner's spouse or dependents,

(ii) is paid by the qualified financial institution--

(I) except as otherwise provided in this clause, directly to the unrelated third party to whom the amount is due,

(II) in the case of any qualified rollover, directly to another Individual Development Account and parallel account, or

(III) in the case of a qualified final distribution, directly to the spouse, dependent, or other named beneficiary of the deceased Account owner, and

(iii) is paid after the Account owner has completed a financial education course if required under section 413(b).

(B) Qualified expenses.--

(i) In general.--The term ``qualified expenses'' means any of the following expenses approved by the qualified financial institution:

(I) Qualified higher education expenses.

(II) Qualified first-time homebuyer costs.

(III) Qualified business capitalization or expansion costs.

(IV) Qualified rollovers.

(V) Qualified final distribution.

(ii) Qualified higher education expenses.--

(I) In general.--The term ``qualified higher education expenses'' has the meaning given such term by section 529(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, determined by treating the Account owner, the owner's spouse, or one or more of the owner's dependents as a designated beneficiary, and reduced as provided in section 25A(g)(2) of such Code.

(II) Coordination with other benefits.--The amount of expenses which may be taken into account for purposes of section 135, 529, or 530 of such Code for any taxable year shall be reduced by the amount of any qualified higher education expenses taken into account as qualified expense distributions during such taxable year.

(iii) Qualified first-time homebuyer costs.--The term

``qualified first-time homebuyer costs'' means qualified acquisition costs (as defined in section 72(t)(8)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) with respect to a principal residence (within the meaning of section 121 of such Code) for a qualified first-time homebuyer (as defined in section 72(t)(8)(D)(i) of such Code).

(iv) Qualified business capitalization or expansion costs.--

(I) In general.--The term ``qualified business capitalization or expansion costs'' means qualified expenditures for the capitalization or expansion of a qualified business pursuant to a qualified business plan.

(II) Qualified expenditures.--The term ``qualified expenditures'' means expenditures normally associated with starting or expanding a business and included in a qualified business plan, including costs for capital, plant, and equipment, inventory expenses, and attorney and accounting fees.

(III) Qualified business.--The term ``qualified business'' means any business that does not contravene any law.

(IV) Qualified business plan.--The term ``qualified business plan'' means a business plan which has been approved by the qualified financial institution and which meets such requirements as the Secretary may specify.

(v) Qualified rollovers.--The term ``qualified rollover'' means the complete distribution of the amounts in an Individual Development Account and parallel account to another Individual Development Account and parallel account established in another qualified financial institution for the benefit of the Account owner.

(vi) Qualified final distribution.--The term ``qualified final distribution'' means, in the case of a deceased Account owner, the complete distribution of the amounts in the Individual Development Account and parallel account directly to the spouse, any dependent, or other named beneficiary of the deceased.

(7) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Treasury.



(a) Establishment of Qualified Individual Development Account Programs.--Any qualified financial institution may apply to the Secretary for approval to establish 1 or more qualified individual development account programs which meet the requirements of this subtitle.

(b) Basic Program Structure.--

(1) In general.--All qualified individual development account programs shall consist of the following 2 components for each participant:

(A) An Individual Development Account to which an eligible individual may contribute cash in accordance with section 413.

(B) A parallel account to which all matching funds shall be deposited in accordance with section 414.

(2) Tailored ida programs.--A qualified financial institution may tailor its qualified individual development account program to allow matching funds to be spent on 1 or more of the categories of qualified expenses.

(c) Coordination With Public Housing Agency Individual Savings Accounts.--Section 3(e)(2) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437a(e)(2)) is amended by inserting ``or in any Individual Development Account established under subtitle B of title IV of the Tax Relief Act of 2005'' after ``subsection''.

(d) Tax Treatment of Parallel Accounts.--

(1) In general.--Chapter 77 (relating to miscellaneous provisions) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:



``For purposes of this title--

``(1) any account described in section 412(b)(1)(B) of the Tax Relief Act of 2005 shall be exempt from taxation,

``(2) except as provided in section 45G, no item of income, expense, basis, gain, or loss with respect to such an account may be taken into account, and

``(3) any amount withdrawn from such an account shall not be includible in gross income.''.

(2) Conforming amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 77 is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Sec. 7529. Tax incentives for individual development parallel accounts.''.

(e) Coordination of Certain Expenses.--Section 25A(g)(2) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (C), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (D) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(D) a qualified expense distribution with respect to qualified higher education expenses from an Individual Development Account or a parallel account under section 415(a) of the Tax Relief Act of 2005.''.




(a) Opening an Account.--An eligible individual may open an Individual Development Account with a qualified financial institution upon certification that such individual has never maintained any other Individual Development Account (other than an Individual Development Account to be terminated by a qualified rollover).

(b) Required Completion of Financial Education Course.--

(1) In general.--Before becoming eligible to withdraw funds to pay for qualified expenses, owners of Individual Development Accounts must complete 1 or more financial education courses specified in the qualified individual development account program.

(2) Standard and applicability of course.--The Secretary, in consultation with representatives of qualified individual development account programs and financial educators, shall, not later than January 1, 2006, establish minimum quality standards for the contents of financial education courses and providers of such courses described in paragraph (1) and a protocol to exempt individuals from the requirement under paragraph (1) in the case of hardship, lack of need, the attainment of age 65, or a qualified final distribution.

(c) Proof of Status as an Eligible Individual.--Federal income tax forms for the immediately preceding taxable year and any other evidence of eligibility which may be required by a qualified financial institution shall be presented to such institution at the time of the establishment of the Individual Development Account and in any taxable year in which contributions are made to the Account to qualify for matching funds under section 414(b)(1)(A).

(d) Special Rule in the Case of Married Individuals.--For purposes of this subtitle, if, with respect to any taxable year, 2 married individuals file a Federal joint income tax return, then not more than 1 of such individuals may be treated as an eligible individual with respect to the succeeding taxable year.



(a) Parallel Accounts.--The qualified financial institution shall deposit all matching funds for each Individual Development Account into a parallel account at a qualified financial institution.

(b) Regular Deposits of Matching Funds.--

(1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), the qualified financial institution shall deposit into the parallel account with respect to each eligible individual the following amounts:

(A) A dollar-for-dollar match for the first $500 contributed by the eligible individual into an Individual Development Account with respect to any taxable year of such individual.

(B) Any matching funds provided by State, local, or private sources in accordance with the matching ratio set by those sources.

(2) Timing of deposits.--A deposit of the amounts described in paragraph (1) shall be made into a parallel account--

(A) in the case of amounts described in paragraph (1)(A), not later than 30 days after the end of the calendar quarter during which the contribution described in such paragraph was made, and

(B) in the case of amounts described in paragraph (1)(B), not later than 2 business days after such amounts were provided.

(3) Cross reference.--For allowance of tax credit for Individual Development Account subsidies, including matching funds, see section 45N of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as added by section 419(a).

(c) Deposit of Matching Funds Into Individual Development Account of Individual Who Has Attained Age 65.--In the case of an Individual Development Account owner who attains the age of 65, the qualified financial institution shall deposit the funds in the parallel account with respect to such individual into the Individual Development Account of such individual on the later of--

(1) the day which is the 1-year anniversary of the deposit of such funds in the parallel account, or

(2) the first business day of the taxable year of such individual following the taxable year in which such individual attained age 65.

(d) Uniform Accounting Regulations.--To ensure proper recordkeeping and determination of the tax credit under section 45N of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as added by section 419(a), the Secretary shall prescribe regulations with respect to accounting for matching funds in the parallel accounts.

(e) Regular Reporting of Accounts.--Any qualified financial institution shall report the balances in any Individual Development Account and parallel account of an individual on not less than an annual basis to such individual.


(a) Withdrawals for Qualified Expenses.--

(1) In general.--An Individual Development Account owner may withdraw funds in order to pay qualified expense distributions from such individual's--

(A) Individual Development Account, but only from funds which have been on deposit in such Account for at least 1 year, and

(B) parallel account, but only--

(i) from matching funds which have been on deposit in such parallel account for at least 1 year,

(ii) from earnings in such parallel account, after all matching funds described in clause (i) have been withdrawn, and

(iii) to the extent such withdrawal does not result in a remaining balance in such parallel account which is less than the remaining balance in the Individual Development Account after such withdrawal.

(2) Procedure.--Upon receipt of a withdrawal request which meets the requirements of paragraph (1), the qualified financial institution shall directly transfer the funds electronically to the distributees described in section 411(6)(A)(ii). If a distributee is not equipped to receive funds electronically, the qualified financial institution may issue such funds by paper check to the distributee.

(b) Withdrawals for Nonqualified Expenses.--An Individual Development Account owner may withdraw any amount of funds from the Individual Development Account for purposes other than to pay qualified expense distributions, but if, after such withdrawal, the amount in the parallel account of such owner (excluding earnings on matching funds) exceeds the amount remaining in such Individual Development Account, then such owner shall forfeit from the parallel account the lesser of such excess or the amount withdrawn.

(c) Withdrawals From Accounts of Noneligible Individuals.--If the individual for whose benefit an Individual Development Account is established ceases to be an eligible individual, such account shall remain an Individual Development Account, but such individual shall not be eligible for any further matching funds under section 414(b)(1)(A) for contributions which are made to the Account during any taxable year when such individual is not an eligible individual.

(d) Effect of Pledging Account as Security.--If, during any taxable year of the individual for whose benefit an Individual Development Account is established, that individual uses the Account, the individual's parallel account, or any portion thereof as security for a loan, the portion so used shall be treated as a withdrawal of such portion from the Individual Development Account for purposes other than to pay qualified expenses.



(a) Certification Procedures.--Upon establishing a qualified individual development account program under section 412, a qualified financial institution shall certify to the Secretary at such time and in such manner as may be prescribed by the Secretary and accompanied by any documentation required by the Secretary, that--

(1) the accounts described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 412(b)(1) are operating pursuant to all the provisions of this Act, and

(2) the qualified financial institution agrees to implement an information system necessary to monitor the cost and outcomes of the qualified individual development account program.

(b) Authority to Terminate Qualified IDA Program.--If the Secretary determines that a qualified financial institution under this Act is not operating a qualified individual development account program in accordance with the requirements of this Act (and has not implemented any corrective recommendations directed by the Secretary), the Secretary shall terminate such institution's authority to conduct the program. If the Secretary is unable to identify a qualified financial institution to assume the authority to conduct such program, then any funds in a parallel account established for the benefit of any individual under such program shall be deposited into the Individual Development Account of such individual as of the first day of such termination.


(a) Responsibilities of Qualified Financial Institutions.--Each qualified financial institution that operates a qualified individual development account program under section 412 shall report annually to the Secretary within 90 days after the end of each calendar year on--

(1) the number of individuals making contributions into Individual Development Accounts and the amounts contributed,

(2) the amounts contributed into Individual Development Accounts by eligible individuals and the amounts deposited into parallel accounts for matching funds,

(3) the amounts withdrawn from Individual Development Accounts and parallel accounts, and the purposes for which such amounts were withdrawn,

(4) the balances remaining in Individual Development Accounts and parallel accounts, and

(5) such other information needed to help the Secretary monitor the effectiveness of the qualified individual development account program (provided in a non-individually-identifiable manner).

(b) Responsibilities of the Secretary.--

(1) Monitoring protocol.--Not later than 12 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, shall develop and implement a protocol and process to monitor the cost and outcomes of the qualified individual development account programs established under section 412.

(2) Annual reports.--For each year after 2007, the Secretary shall submit a progress report to Congress on the status of such qualified individual development account programs. Such report shall, to the extent data are available, include from a representative sample of qualified individual development account programs information on--

(A) the characteristics of participants, including age, gender, race or ethnicity, marital status, number of children, employment status, and monthly income,

(B) deposits, withdrawals, balances, uses of Individual Development Accounts, and participant characteristics,

(C) the characteristics of qualified individual development account programs, including match rate, economic education requirements, permissible uses of accounts, staffing of programs in full time employees, and the total costs of programs, and

(D) process information on program implementation and administration, especially on problems encountered and how problems were solved.

(3) Use of accounts in rural areas encouraged.--The Secretary shall develop methods to encourage the use of Individual Development Accounts in rural areas.


(a) In General.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary $1,000,000 for fiscal year 2007 and for each fiscal year through 2014, for the purposes of implementing this subtitle, including the reporting, monitoring, and evaluation required under section 417, to remain available until expended.

(b) Grants.--There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary $20,000,000--

(1) to make grants to qualified nonprofit organizations and Indian tribes to help defray the administrative costs associated with the operation of individual development account programs, including the required financial education courses, and

(2) to provide technical assistance to qualified nonprofit organizations and Indian tribes in meeting such program requirements.




(a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to business related credits) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) Determination of Amount.--For purposes of section 38, the individual development account investment credit determined under this section with respect to any eligible entity for any taxable year is an amount equal to the individual development account investment provided by such eligible entity during the taxable year under an individual development account program established under section 412 of the Tax Relief Act of 2005.

``(b) Applicable Tax.--For the purposes of this section, the term `applicable tax' means the excess (if any) of--

``(1) the tax imposed under this chapter (other than the taxes imposed under the provisions described in subparagraphs

(C) through (Q) of section 26(b)(2)), over

``(2) the credits allowable under subpart B (other than this section) and subpart D of this part.

``(c) Individual Development Account Investment.--For purposes of this section, the term `individual development account investment' means, with respect to an individual development account program in any taxable year, an amount equal to the sum of--

``(1) the aggregate amount of dollar-for-dollar matches under such program under section 414(b)(1)(A) of the Tax Relief Act of 2005 for such taxable year, plus

``(2) $50 with respect to each Individual Development Account maintained--

``(A) as of the end of such taxable year, but only if such taxable year is within the 7-taxable-year period beginning with the taxable year in which such Account is opened, and

``(B) with a balance of not less than $100 (other than the taxable year in which such Account is opened).

``(d) Eligible Entity.--For purposes of this section, except as provided in regulations, the term `eligible entity' means a qualified financial institution.

``(e) Other Definitions.--For purposes of this section, any term used in this section and also in subtitle B of part IV of the Tax Relief Act of 2005 shall have the meaning given such term in such subtitle.

``(f) Denial of Double Benefit.--

``(1) In general.--No deduction or credit (other than under this section) shall be allowed under this chapter with respect to any expense which--

``(A) is taken into account under subsection (c)(1)(A) in determining the credit under this section, or

``(B) is attributable to the maintenance of an Individual Development Account.

``(2) Determination of amount.--Solely for purposes of paragraph (1)(B), the amount attributable to the maintenance of an Individual Development Account shall be deemed to be the dollar amount of the credit allowed under subsection

(c)(l)(B) for each taxable year such Individual Development Account is maintained.

``(g) Credit May Be Transferred.--

``(1) In general.--An eligible entity may transfer any credit allowable to the eligible entity under subsection (a) to any person other than to another eligible entity which is exempt from tax under this title. The determination as to whether a credit is allowable shall be made without regard to the tax-exempt status of the eligible entity.

``(2) Consent required for revocation.--Any transfer under paragraph (1) may be revoked only with the consent of the Secretary.

``(h) Regulations.--The Secretary may prescribe such regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out this section, including

``(1) such regulations as necessary to insure that any credit described in subsection (g)(1) is claimed once and not retransferred by a transferee, and

``(2) regulations providing for a recapture of the credit allowed under this section (notwithstanding any termination date described in subsection (i)) in cases where there is a forfeiture under section 415(b) of the Tax Relief Act of 2005 in a subsequent taxable year of any amount which was taken into account in determining the amount of such credit.

``(i) Application of Section.--

``(1) In general.--This section shall apply to any expenditure made in any taxable year ending after December 31, 2006, and beginning on or before January 1, 2014, with respect to any Individual Development Account which--

``(A) is opened before January 1, 2012, and

``(B) as determined by the Secretary, when added to all of the previously opened Individual Development Accounts, does not cause the total number of such Accounts to exceed 900,000.

Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, this section shall apply to amounts which are described in subsection (c)(1) and which are timely deposited into a parallel account during the 30-day period following the end of the last taxable year beginning on or before January 1, 2014.

``(2) Determination of limitation.--The limitation on the number of Individual Development Accounts under paragraph

(1)(B) shall be allocated by the Secretary among eligible individuals as such individuals open such Accounts under qualified individual development account programs, except that, in the case of 300,000 Accounts, such limitation shall be equally allocated among the States.''.

(b) Credit Treated as Business Credit.--Section 38(b)

(relating to current year business credit) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (25), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (26) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(27) the individual development account investment credit determined under section 45J(a).''.

(c) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart C of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Sec. 45N. Individual development account investment credit.''.

(d) Report Regarding Account Maintenance Fees.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall study the adequacy of the amount specified in section 45N(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by this section). Not later than December 31, 2010, the Secretary of the Treasury shall report the findings of the study described in the preceding sentence to Congress.

(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after December 31, 2006.



Notwithstanding any other provision of Federal law (other than the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) that requires consideration of 1 or more financial circumstances of an individual, for the purpose of determining eligibility to receive, or the amount of, any assistance or benefit authorized by such provision to be provided to or for the benefit of such individual, any amount (including earnings thereon) in any Individual Development Account of such individual and any matching deposit made on behalf of such individual (including earnings thereon) in any parallel account shall be disregarded for such purpose with respect to any period during which such individual maintains or makes contributions into such Individual Development Account.


SA 2619. Mrs. HUTCHISON submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 235, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:


(a) In General.--In the case of bonds issued after the date of the enactment of this Act and before August 31, 2009--

(1) the requirement of paragraph (1) of section 648 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (98 Stat. 941) shall be treated as met with respect to the securities or obligations referred to in such section if such securities or obligations are held in a fund the annual distributions from which cannot exceed 7 percent of the average fair market value of the assets held in such fund except to the extent distributions are necessary to pay debt service on the bond issue,

(2) paragraph (3) of such section shall be applied by substituting ``distributions from'' for ``the investment earnings of'' both places it appears, and

(3) Paragraph (4) of such section shall be applied by substituting ``March 1, 1985'' for ``October 9, 1969''.

(b) Increase in Minimum Penalty for Bad Checks and Money Orders.--

(1) In general.--Section 6657 (related to bad checks), as amended by section 535, is amended--

(A) by striking ``$1,250'' and inserting ``$2,000'', and

(B) by striking ``$25'' and inserting ``$40''.

(2) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to checks or money orders received after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2620. Ms. SNOWE (for herself and Mr. Schumer) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:


(a) In General.--Section 221 (relating to interest on education loans) is amended by redesignating subsection (f) as subsection (g) and by inserting after subsection (e) the following new subsection:

``(f) Determination of Interest Paid.--In the case of a qualified education loan made after December 31, 2004, for purposes of this section and notwithstanding any other provision of this title--

``(1) In general.--

``(A) Treatment as interest.--Any payment on such loan shall be treated as a payment of interest to the extent of the balance, immediately before such payment, in the accumulated interest account with respect to such loan.

``(B) Exception.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any payment of collection costs, late fees, and penalties.

``(2) Accumulated interest account.--

``(A) In general.--The term `accumulated interest account' means an account which is adjusted in accordance with this paragraph.

``(B) Increases.--The balance in the accumulated interest account shall be increased for any period by the sum of--

``(i) the loan origination fees incurred by the borrower in such period,

``(ii) the amount of stated interest on the loan for such period, and

``(iii) the amount of any fee imposed under section 428(b)(1)(H) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1078(b)(1)(H)).

``(C) Decreases.--The balance in the accumulated interest account shall be decreased (but not below zero) by payments made on the loan to the extent treated as interest under this section.

``(3) Loan origination fees.--

``(A) Federal programs.--The term `loan origination fee' includes any fee imposed under any of the following provisions of the Higher Education Act of 1965:

``(i) Section 438(c) (20 U.S.C. 1087-1(c)).

``(ii) Section 455(c) (20 U.S.C. 1087e(c)).

``(B) Fees for services or property excluded.--Except as provided under subparagraph (A), the term `loan origination fee' does not include any fee which is a fee for services or property.

``(4) Stated interest.--The term `stated interest' means, with respect to any period, the amount of interest determined for the period based on the stated rate of interest applicable to the period (whether or not the interest is required to be paid in such period).

``(5) Anti-abuse rule.--The Secretary may prescribe rules to prevent the acceleration or deceleration of additions to the accumulated interest account where the loan origination fees or stated interest do not properly reflect the substance of the loan.''.

(b) Information Returns.--

(1) Interest and loan origination fee defined.--Subsection

(e) of section 6050S (relating to the general rule for form and manner of returns) is amended by inserting before the period at the end the following: ``, and the term `interest' has the same meaning as when used in section 221''.

(2) Pre-2005 loans.--The regulations under section 6050S of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 which are applicable to loans made before September 1, 2004, shall also apply to loans made on or after such date which are made before January 1, 2005.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004.


SA 2621. Ms. SNOWE submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:



(a) Cash Accounting Permitted.--

(1) In general.--Section 446 (relating to general rule for methods of accounting) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(g) Certain Small Business Taxpayers Permitted to Use Cash Accounting Method Without Limitation.--

``(1) In general.--An eligible taxpayer shall not be required to use an accrual method of accounting for any taxable year.

``(2) Eligible taxpayer.--For purposes of this subsection, a taxpayer is an eligible taxpayer with respect to any taxable year if--

``(A) for all prior taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, the taxpayer (or any predecessor) met the gross receipts test of section 448(c), and

``(B) the taxpayer is not subject to section 447 or 448.''.

(2) Expansion of gross receipts test.--

(A) In general.--Paragraph (3) of section 448(b) (relating to entities with gross receipts of not more than $5,000,000) is amended by striking ``$5,000,000'' in the text and in the heading and inserting ``$10,000,000''.

(B) Conforming amendments.--Section 448(c) is amended--

(i) by striking ``$5,000,000'' each place it appears in the text and in the heading of paragraph (1) and inserting

``$10,000,000'', and

(ii) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(4) Inflation adjustment.--In the case of any taxable year beginning in a calendar year after 2005, the dollar amount contained in subsection (b)(3) and paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be increased by an amount equal to--

``(A) such dollar amount, multiplied by

``(B) the cost-of-living adjustment determined under section 1(f)(3) for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins, by substituting `calendar year 2004' for

`calendar year 1992' in subparagraph (B) thereof.If any amount as adjusted under this subparagraph is not a multiple of $100,000, such amount shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $100,000.''.

(b) Clarification of Inventory Rules for Small Business.--

(1) In general.--Section 471 (relating to general rule for inventories) is amended by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection (d) and by inserting after subsection (b) the following new subsection:

``(c) Small Business Taxpayers Not Required to Use Inventories.--

``(1) In general.--A qualified taxpayer shall not be required to use inventories under this section for a taxable year.

``(2) Treatment of taxpayers not using inventories.--If a qualified taxpayer does not use inventories with respect to any property for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 2004, such property shall be treated as a material or supply which is not incidental.

``(3) Qualified taxpayer.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `qualified taxpayer' means--

``(A) any eligible taxpayer (as defined in section 446(g)(2)), and

``(B) any taxpayer described in section 448(b)(3).''.

(2) Conforming amendments.--

(A) Subpart D of part II of subchapter E of chapter 1 is amended by striking section 474.

(B) The table of sections for subpart D of part II of subchapter E of chapter 1 is amended by striking the item relating to section 474.

(c) Effective Date and Special Rules.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004.

(2) Change in method of accounting.--In the case of any taxpayer changing the taxpayer's method of accounting for any taxable year under the amendments made by this section--

(A) such change shall be treated as initiated by the taxpayer;

(B) such change shall be treated as made with the consent of the Secretary of the Treasury; and

(C) the net amount of the adjustments required to be taken into account by the taxpayer under section 481 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be taken into account over a period (not greater than 4 taxable years) beginning with such taxable year.



(a) In General.--Section 280F(d)(5)(A) (defining passenger automobile) is amended--

(1) by striking clause (ii) and inserting the following new clause:

``(ii)(I) which is rated at 6,000 pounds unloaded gross vehicle weight or less, or

``(II) which is rated at more than 6,000 pounds but not more than 14,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.'',

(2) by striking ``clause (ii)'' in the second sentence and inserting ``clause (ii)(I)''.

(b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 179(b) (relating to limitations) is amended by striking paragraph (6).

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to property placed in service after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2622. Ms. MURKOWSKI (for herself and Mr. Stevens) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:


(a) In General.--Project numbers 1051, 10440, 11393, 11077, 11588, and 12379 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission shall be eligible for the maximum favorable treatment afforded under any Federal legislation or any amendments made by such legislation which promotes hydroelectric development that is enacted during the 10-year period that begins on the date that is 5 years prior to the date of enactment of this Act.

(b) Deemed Qualified Energy Resources.--All power produced by the project numbers specified in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be qualified energy resources for purposes of qualifying for any energy production credit or similar benefit enacted for hydroelectric development within the 10-year period described in subsection (a).

(c) Triple Interest and Penalties for Underpayments Related to Certain Offshore Financial Arrangements.--Section 532 of this Act is amended--

(1) in the section heading, by striking ``DOUBLING'' and inserting ``TRIPLING''; and

(2) in subsection (a)(1)(B), by striking ``twice'' and inserting ``3 times''.


SA 2623. Mr. DURBIN (for himself and Mr. Obama) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:


(a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) In General.--In the case of any taxable year beginning after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2011, with respect to which a taxpayer is certified by the Secretary as a Patriot employer, the Patriot employer credit determined under this section for purposes of section 38 shall be equal to 1 percent of the taxable income of the taxpayer which is properly allocable to all trades or businesses with respect to which the taxpayer is certified as a Patriot employer for the taxable year.

``(b) Patriot Employer.--For purposes of subsection (a), the term `Patriot employer' means, with respect to any taxable year, any taxpayer which--

``(1) maintains its headquarters in the United States if the taxpayer has ever been headquartered in the United States,

``(2) pays at least 60 percent of each employee's health care premiums,

``(3) if such taxpayer employs at least 50 employees on average during the taxable year--

``(A) maintains or increases the number of full-time workers in the United States relative to the number of full-time workers outside of United States,

``(B) compensates each employee of the taxpayer at an hourly rate (or equivalent thereof) not less than an amount equal to the Federal poverty level for a family of three for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins divided by 2,080,

``(C) provides either a defined benefit plan or a defined contribution plan which fully matches at least 5 percent of each employee's contributions to the plan, and

``(D) provides full differential salary and insurance benefits for all National Guard and Reserve employees who are called for active duty, and

``(4) if such taxpayer employs less than 50 employees on average during the taxable year, either--

``(A) compensates each employee of the taxpayer at an hourly rate (or equivalent thereof) not less than an amount equal to the Federal poverty level for a family of 3 for the calendar year in which the taxable year begins divided by 2,080, or

``(B) provides either a defined benefit plan or a defined contribution plan which fully matches at least 5 percent of each employee's contributions to the plan.''.

(b) Allowance as General Business Credit.--Section 38(b) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (25), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (26) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following:

``(27) the Patriot employer credit determined under section 45N.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005. SEC. __. MODIFICATIONS OF FOREIGN TAX CREDIT RULES APPLICABLE


(a) In General.--Section 901 (relating to credit for taxes of foreign countries and of possessions of the United States) is amended by redesignating subsection (m) as subsection (n) and by inserting after subsection (l) the following new subsection:

``(m) Special Rules Relating To Dual Capacity Taxpayers.--

``(1) General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any amount paid or accrued by a dual capacity taxpayer to a foreign country or possession of the United States for any period shall not be considered a tax--

``(A) if, for such period, the foreign country or possession does not impose a generally applicable income tax, or

``(B) to the extent such amount exceeds the amount

(determined in accordance with regulations) which--

``(i) is paid by such dual capacity taxpayer pursuant to the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession, or

``(ii) would be paid if the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession were applicable to such dual capacity taxpayer.

Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to imply the proper treatment of any such amount not in excess of the amount determined under subparagraph (B).

``(2) Dual capacity taxpayer.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `dual capacity taxpayer' means, with respect to any foreign country or possession of the United States, a person who--

``(A) is subject to a levy of such country or possession, and

``(B) receives (or will receive) directly or indirectly a specific economic benefit (as determined in accordance with regulations) from such country or possession.

``(3) Generally applicable income tax.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `generally applicable income tax' means an income tax (or a series of income taxes) which is generally imposed under the laws of a foreign country or possession on income derived from the conduct of a trade or business within such country or possession.

``(B) Exceptions.--Such term shall not include a tax unless it has substantial application, by its terms and in practice, to--

``(i) persons who are not dual capacity taxpayers, and

``(ii) persons who are citizens or residents of the foreign country or possession.''

(b) Effective Date.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxes paid or accrued in taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Contrary treaty obligations upheld.--The amendments made by this section shall not apply to the extent contrary to any treaty obligation of the United States.


(a) Separate Basket for Foreign Tax Credit.--

(1) Separate basket.--

(A) Years before 2007.--Paragraph (1) of section 904(d)

(relating to separate application of section with respect to certain categories of income), as in effect for years beginning before 2007, is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (H), by redesignating subparagraph (I) as subparagraph (J), and by inserting after subparagraph (H) the following new subparagraph:

``(I) foreign oil and gas income, and''.

(B) 2007 and after.--Paragraph (1) of section 904(d), as in effect for years beginning after 2006, is amended by striking

``and'' at the end of subparagraph (A), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (B) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following:

``(C) foreign oil and gas income.''

(2) Definition.--

(A) Years before 2007.--Paragraph (2) of section 904(d), as in effect for years beginning before 2007, is amended by redesignating subparagraphs (H) and (I) as subparagraphs (I) and (J), respectively, and by inserting after subparagraph

(G) the following new subparagraph:

``(H) Foreign oil and gas income.--The term `foreign oil and gas income' has the meaning given such term by section 954(g).''

(B) 2007 and after.--Section 904(d)(2), as in effect for years after 2006, is amended by redesignating subparagraphs

(J) and (K) as subparagraphs (K) and (L) and by inserting after subparagraph (I) the following:

``(J) Foreign oil and gas income.--For purposes of this section--

``(i) In general.--The term `foreign oil and gas income' has the meaning given such term by section 954(g).

``(ii) Coordination.--Passive category income and general category income shall not include foreign oil and gas income

(as so defined).''

(3) Conforming amendments.--

(A) Section 904(d)(3)(F)(i) is amended by striking ``or

(E)'' and inserting ``(E), or (I)''.

(B) Section 907(a) is hereby repealed.

(C) Section 907(c)(4) is hereby repealed.

(D) Section 907(f) is hereby repealed.

(4) Effective dates.--

(A) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(B) Years after 2006.--The amendments made by paragraphs

(1)(B) and (2)(B) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.

(C) Transitional rules.--

(i) Separate basket treatment.--Any taxes paid or accrued in a taxable year beginning on or before the date of the enactment of this Act, with respect to income which was described in subparagraph (I) of section 904(d)(1) of such Code (as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act), shall be treated as taxes paid or accrued with respect to foreign oil and gas income to the extent the taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury that such taxes were paid or accrued with respect to foreign oil and gas income.

(ii) Carryovers.--Any unused oil and gas extraction taxes which under section 907(f) of such Code (as so in effect) would have been allowable as a carryover to the taxpayer's first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act (without regard to the limitation of paragraph

(2) of such section 907(f) for first taxable year) shall be allowed as carryovers under section 904(c) of such Code in the same manner as if such taxes were unused taxes under such section 904(c) with respect to foreign oil and gas extraction income.

(iii) Losses.--The amendment made by paragraph (3)(C) shall not apply to foreign oil and gas extraction losses arising in taxable years beginning on or before the date of the enactment of this Act.

(b) Elimination of Deferral for Foreign Oil and Gas Extraction Income.--

(1) General rule.--Paragraph (1) of section 954(g)

(defining foreign base company oil related income) is amended to read as follows:

``(1) In general.--Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the term `foreign oil and gas income' means any income of a kind which would be taken into account in determining the amount of--

``(A) foreign oil and gas extraction income (as defined in section 907(c)), or

``(B) foreign oil related income (as defined in section 907(c)).''

(2) Conforming amendments.--

(A) Subsections (a)(5), (b)(5), and (b)(6) of section 954, and section 952(c)(1)(B)(ii)(I), are each amended by striking

``base company oil related income'' each place it appears

(including in the heading of subsection (b)(8)) and inserting

``oil and gas income''.

(B) Subsection (b)(4) of section 954 is amended by striking

``base company oil-related income'' and inserting ``oil and gas income''.

(C) The subsection heading for subsection (g) of section 954 is amended by striking ``Foreign Base Company Oil Related Income'' and inserting ``Foreign Oil and Gas Income''.

(D) Subparagraph (A) of section 954(g)(2) is amended by striking ``foreign base company oil related income'' and inserting ``foreign oil and gas income''.

(3) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to taxable years of foreign corporations beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act, and to taxable years of United States shareholders ending with or within such taxable years of foreign corporations.



(a) Taxable Years Ending Before 2006.--

(1) Modification of phaseout.--

(A) In general.--Section 29(b)(1)(A) is amended by inserting ``the calendar year preceding'' before ``the calendar year''.

(B) Conforming amendments.--Section 29(b)((2) is amended--

(i) by striking ``The'' and inserting ``With respect to any calendar year, the'', and

(ii) by striking ``for the calendar year in which the sale occurs'' and inserting ``for such calendar year''.

(2) No inflation adjustment for the credit amount in 2005.--Section 29(b)(2), as amended by paragraph (1), is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence:

``This paragraph shall not apply with respect to the $3 amount in subsection (a) for calendar year 2005 and the amount in effect under subsection (a) for sales in such calendar year shall be the amount which was in effect for sales in calendar year 2004.''.

(b) Taxable Years Ending After 2005.--

(1) Modification of phaseout.--

(A) In general.--Section 45K(b)(1)(A) is amended by inserting ``the calendar year preceding'' before ``the calendar year''.

(B) Conforming amendments.--Section 45K(b)((2) is amended--

(i) by striking ``The'' and inserting ``With respect to any calendar year, the'', and

(ii) by striking ``for the calendar year in which the sale occurs'' and inserting ``for such calendar year''.

(2) No inflation adjustment for the credit amount in 2005, 2006, and 2007.--Section 45K(b)(2), as amended by paragraph

(1), is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``This paragraph shall not apply with respect to the $3 amount in subsection (a) for calendar years 2005, 2006, and 2007 and the amount in effect under subsection (a) for sales in each such calendar year shall be the amount which was in effect for sales in calendar year 2004.''.

(3) Treatment of coke and coke gas.--

(A) Nonapplication of phaseout.--Section 45K(g)(2) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(D) Nonapplication of phaseout.--Subsection (b)(1) shall not apply.''.

(B) Application of inflation adjust- ment.--Section 45K(g)(2)(B) is amended by inserting ``and the last sentence of subsection (b)(2) shall not apply.''.

(C) Clarification of qualifying facility.--Section 45K(g)(1) is amended by inserting ``(other than from petroleum based products)'' after ``coke or coke gas''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to fuel sold after December 31, 2004.


SA 2624. Mr. LEAHY (for himself, Mr. Bennett, Mr. Domenici, Mr. Schumer, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Bingaman, Mr. Lieberman, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Warner, Mr. Santorum, and Mr. Coleman) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of subtitle A of title III, insert the following:



(a) In General.--Subsection (e) of section 170 (relating to certain contributions of ordinary income and capital gain property), as amended by section 316(a), is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(8) Special rule for certain contributions of literary, musical, or artistic compositions.--

``(A) In general.--In the case of a qualified artistic charitable contribution--

``(i) the amount of such contribution shall be the fair market value of the property contributed (determined at the time of such contribution), and

``(ii) no reduction in the amount of such contribution shall be made under paragraph (1).

``(B) Qualified artistic charitable contribution.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified artistic charitable contribution' means a charitable contribution of any literary, musical, artistic, or scholarly composition, or similar property, or the copyright thereon (or both), but only if--

``(i) such property was created by the personal efforts of the taxpayer making such contribution no less than 18 months prior to such contribution,

``(ii) the taxpayer--

``(I) has received a qualified appraisal of the fair market value of such property in accordance with the regulations under this section, and

``(II) attaches to the taxpayer's income tax return for the taxable year in which such contribution was made a copy of such appraisal,

``(iii) the donee is an organization described in subsection (b)(1)(A),

``(iv) the use of such property by the donee is related to the purpose or function constituting the basis for the donee's exemption under section 501 (or, in the case of a governmental unit, to any purpose or function described under subsection (c)),

``(v) the taxpayer receives from the donee a written statement representing that the donee's use of the property will be in accordance with the provisions of clause (iv), and

``(vi) the written appraisal referred to in clause (ii) includes evidence of the extent (if any) to which property created by the personal efforts of the taxpayer and of the same type as the donated property is or has been--

``(I) owned, maintained, and displayed by organizations described in subsection (b)(1)(A), and

``(II) sold to or exchanged by persons other than the taxpayer, donee, or any related person (as defined in section 465(b)(3)(C)).

``(C) Maximum dollar limitation; no carryover of increased deduction.--The increase in the deduction under this section by reason of this paragraph for any taxable year--

``(i) shall not exceed the artistic adjusted gross income of the taxpayer for such taxable year, and

``(ii) shall not be taken into account in determining the amount which may be carried from such taxable year under subsection (d).

``(D) Artistic adjusted gross income.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term `artistic adjusted gross income' means that portion of the adjusted gross income of the taxpayer for the taxable year attributable to--

``(i) income from the sale or use of property created by the personal efforts of the taxpayer which is of the same type as the donated property, and

``(ii) income from teaching, lecturing, performing, or similar activity with respect to property described in clause


``(E) Paragraph not to apply to certain contributions.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any charitable contribution of any letter, memorandum, or similar property which was written, prepared, or produced by or for an individual while the individual is an officer or employee of any person (including any government agency or instrumentality) unless such letter, memorandum, or similar property is entirely personal.

``(F) Copyright treated as separate property for partial interest rule.--In the case of a qualified artistic charitable contribution, the tangible literary, musical, artistic, or scholarly composition, or similar property and the copyright on such work shall be treated as separate properties for purposes of this paragraph and subsection


(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to contributions made after the date of the enactment of this Act in taxable years ending after such date.


SA 2625. Mr. NELSON of Nebraska (for himself, Mr. DeWine, and Ms. Collins) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:



(a) In General.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall not enter into any qualified tax collection contract after April 1, 2006, until the Secretary implements a disability preference program that meets the requirements of subsection


(b) Disability Preference Program Requirements.--

(1) In general.--A disability preference program meets the requirements of this subsection if such program requires that not less than 10 percent of the accounts of each dollar value category are awarded to persons described in paragraph (2).

(2) Person described.--For purposes of paragraph (1), a person is described in this paragraph if--

(A) as of the date any qualified tax collection contract is awarded--

(i) such person employs not less than 50 severely disabled individuals within the United States; or

(ii) not less than 30 percent of the employees of such person within the United States are severely disabled individuals;

(B) such person agrees as a condition of the qualified tax collection contract that not more than 90 days after the date such contract is awarded, not less than 35 percent of the employees of such person employed in connection with providing services under such contract shall--

(i) be hired after the date such contract is awarded; and

(ii) be severely disabled individuals; and

(C) such person is otherwise qualified to perform the services required.

(c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--

(1) Qualified tax collection contract.--The term

``qualified tax collection contract'' shall have the meaning given such term under section 6306(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(2) Dollar value category.--The term ``dollar value category'' means the dollar ranges of accounts for collection as determined and assigned by the Secretary under section 6306(b)(1)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 with respect to a qualified tax collection contract.

(3) Severely disabled individual.--The term ``severely disabled individual'' means--

(A) a veteran of the United States armed forces with a disability of 50 percent or greater--

(i) determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be service-connected; or

(ii) deemed by law to be service-connected; or

(B) any individual who is a disabled beneficiary (as defined in section 1148(k)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-19(k)(2))) or who would be considered to be such a disabled beneficiary but for having income or resources in excess of the income or resources eligibility limits established under title XVI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1381 et seq.), respectively.


SA 2626. Mr. REED (for himself, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Schumer, Mr. Kohl, Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Kerry, Mr. Carper, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Dayton, Mr. Lieberman, and Ms. Stabenow) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV add the following:


(a) In General.--Subtitle E of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to alcohol, tobacco, and certain other excise taxes) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new chapter:


``Sec. 5896. Imposition of tax.

``Sec. 5897. Windfall profit; etc.

``Sec. 5898. Special rules and definitions.


``(a) In General.--In addition to any other tax imposed under this title, there is hereby imposed on any applicable taxpayer an excise tax in an amount equal to the applicable percentage of the windfall profit of such taxpayer for any taxable year beginning in 2005.

``(b) Applicable Taxpayer.--For purposes of this chapter, the term `applicable taxpayer' means, with respect to operations in the United States--

``(1) any integrated oil company (as defined in section 291(b)(4)) which has an average daily worldwide production of crude oil of at least 500,000 barrels for the taxable year.

``(c) Applicable Percentage.--For purposes of subsection

(a), the applicable percentage shall be determined by the Secretary such that the resulting increase in revenues in the Treasury equals $2,920,000,000.


``(a) General Rule.--For purposes of this chapter, the term

`windfall profit' means the excess of the adjusted taxable income of the applicable taxpayer for the taxable year over the reasonably inflated average profit for such taxable year.

``(b) Adjusted Taxable Income.--For purposes of this chapter, with respect to any applicable taxpayer, the adjusted taxable income for any taxable year is equal to the taxable income for such taxable year (within the meaning of section 63 and determined without regard to this subsection)--

``(1) increased by any interest expense deduction, charitable contribution deduction, and any net operating loss deduction carried forward from any prior taxable year, and

``(2) reduced by any interest income, dividend income, and net operating losses to the extent such losses exceed taxable income for the taxable year.

In the case of any applicable taxpayer which is a foreign corporation, the adjusted taxable income shall be determined with respect to such income which is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States.

``(c) Reasonably Inflated Average Profit.--For purposes of this chapter, with respect to any applicable taxpayer, the reasonably inflated average profit for any taxable year is an amount equal to the average of the adjusted taxable income of such taxpayer for taxable years beginning during the 2000-2004 taxable year period (determined without regard to the taxable year with the highest adjusted taxable income in such period) plus 10 percent of such average.


``(a) Withholding and Deposit of Tax.--The Secretary shall provide such rules as are necessary for the withholding and deposit of the tax imposed under section 5896.

``(b) Records and Information.--Each taxpayer liable for tax under section 5896 shall keep such records, make such returns, and furnish such information as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe.

``(c) Return of Windfall Profit Tax.--The Secretary shall provide for the filing and the time of such filing of the return of the tax imposed under section 5896.

``(d) Crude Oil.--The term `crude oil' includes crude oil condensates and natural gasoline.

``(e) Businesses Under Common Control.--For purposes of this chapter, all members of the same controlled group of corporations (within the meaning of section 267(f)) and all persons under common control (within the meaning of section 52(b) but determined by treating an interest of more than 50 percent as a controlling interest) shall be treated as 1 person.

``(f) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this chapter.''.

(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of chapters for subtitle E of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Chapter 56. Temporary Windfall Profits on Crude Oil.''.

(c) Deductibility of Windfall Profit Tax.--The first sentence of section 164(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to deduction for taxes) is amended by inserting after paragraph (5) the following new paragraph:

``(6) The windfall profit tax imposed by section 5896.''.

(d) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund.--

(1) In general.--Subchapter A of chapter 98 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to trust fund code) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) Creation of Trust Fund.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the

`Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund', consisting of any amount appropriated or credited to the Trust Fund as provided in this section or section 9602(b).

``(b) Transfers to Trust Fund.--There are hereby appropriated to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund amounts equivalent to the increased revenues received in the Treasury as the result of the amendment made by section 410(a) of the Tax Relief Act of 2005.

``(c) Expenditures From Trust Fund.--Amounts in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund not to exceed

$2,920,000,000 shall be available for fiscal year 2006, as provided by appropriation Acts, to carry out the program under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 through the distribution of funds to all the States in accordance with section 2604 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 8623)

(other than subsection (e) of such section), but only if not less than $1,880,000,000 has been appropriated for such program for such fiscal year.''.

(2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections for such subchapter is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Sec. 9511. Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund.''.

(e) Effective Dates.--

(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning in 2005.

(2) Subsection (d).--The amendments made by subsection (d) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2627. Mr. GRAHAM submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:




(a) In General.--Section 537(b) (relating to special rules) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(6) Working capital.--The reasonably anticipated needs of a business for any taxable year shall include working capital for the business in an amount which is not less than the sum of the costs of goods, operating expenses, taxes, and interest expense which the business incurred during the preceding taxable year. Any amounts incurred as part of a plan a principal purposes of which is to increase the limitation under this subsection shall not be taken into account.''

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 3005, and before January 1, 2011.


SA 2628. Mr. LEVIN (for himself, Mr. Coleman, and Mr. Obama) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of subtitle A of title V, add the following:


(a) Penalty for Promoting Abusive Tax Shelters.--Section 6700 (relating to promoting abusive tax shelters, etc.) is amended--

(1) by redesignating subsections (b) and (c) as subsections

(d) and (e), respectively,

(2) by striking ``a penalty'' and all that follows through the period in the first sentence of subsection (a) and inserting ``a penalty determined under subsection (b)'', and

(3) by inserting after subsection (a) the following new subsections:

``(b) Amount of Penalty; Calculation of Penalty; Liability for Penalty.--

``(1) Amount of penalty.--The amount of the penalty imposed by subsection (a) shall not exceed the greater of--

``(A) 150 percent of the gross income derived (or to be derived) from such activity by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and

``(B) if readily subject to calculation, the total amount of underpayment by the taxpayer (including penalties, interest, and taxes) in connection with such activity.

``(2) Calculation of penalty.--The penalty amount determined under paragraph (1) shall be calculated with respect to each instance of an activity described in subsection (a), each instance in which income was derived by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and each person who participated in such an activity.

``(3) Liability for penalty.--If more than 1 person is liable under subsection (a) with respect to such activity, all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the penalty under such subsection.

``(c) Penalty Not Deductible.--The payment of any penalty imposed under this section or the payment of any amount to settle or avoid the imposition of such penalty shall not be considered an ordinary and necessary expense in carrying on a trade or business for purposes of this title and shall not be deductible by the person who is subject to such penalty or who makes such payment.''.

(b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 6700(a) is amended by striking the last sentence.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to activities after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Section 6701(a) (relating to imposition of penalty) is amended--

(1) by striking ``preparation or presentation of'' and inserting ``tax liability reflected in'' in paragraph (1),

(2) by inserting ``aid, assistance, procurement, or advice with respect to such'' before ``portion'' both places it appears in paragraphs (2) and (3), and

(3) by inserting ``instance of aid, assistance, procurement, or advice or each such'' before ``document'' in the matter following paragraph (3).

(b) Amount of Penalty.--Subsection (b) of section 6701

(relating to penalties for aiding and abetting understatement of tax liability) is amended to read as follows:

``(b) Amount of Penalty; Calculation of Penalty; Liability for Penalty.--

``(1) Amount of penalty.--The amount of the penalty imposed by subsection (a) shall not exceed the greater of--

``(A) 150 percent of the gross income derived (or to be derived) from such aid, assistance, procurement, or advice provided by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and

``(B) if readily subject to calculation, the total amount of underpayment by the taxpayer (including penalties, interest, and taxes) in connection with the understatement of the liability for tax.

``(2) Calculation of penalty.--The penalty amount determined under paragraph (1) shall be calculated with respect to each instance of aid, assistance, procurement, or advice described in subsection (a), each instance in which income was derived by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and each person who made such an understatement of the liability for tax.

``(3) Liability for penalty.--If more than 1 person is liable under subsection (a) with respect to providing such aid, assistance, procurement, or advice, all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the penalty under such subsection.''.

(c) Penalty Not Deductible.--Section 6701 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(g) Penalty Not Deductible.--The payment of any penalty imposed under this section or the payment of any amount to settle or avoid the imposition of such penalty shall not be considered an ordinary and necessary expense in carrying on a trade or business for purposes of this title and shall not be deductible by the person who is subject to such penalty or who makes such payment.''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to activities after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) Examinations.--

(1) Development of examination techniques.--Each of the Federal banking agencies and the Commission shall, in consultation with the Internal Revenue Service, develop examination techniques to detect potential violations of section 6700 or 6701 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, by depository institutions, brokers, dealers, and investment advisers, as appropriate.

(2) Frequency.--Not less frequently than once in each 2-year period, each of the Federal banking agencies and the Commission shall implement the examination techniques developed under paragraph (1) with respect to each of the depository institutions, brokers, dealers, or investment advisers subject to their enforcement authority. Such examination shall, to the extent possible, be combined with any examination by such agency otherwise required or authorized by Federal law.

(b) Report to Internal Revenue Service.--In any case in which an examination conducted under this section with respect to a financial institution or other entity reveals a potential violation, such agency shall promptly notify the Internal Revenue Service of such potential violation for investigation and enforcement by the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with applicable provisions of law.

(c) Report to Congress.--The Federal banking agencies and the Commission shall submit a joint written report to Congress in 2007 and 2010 on their progress in preventing violations of sections 6700 and 6701 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, by depository institutions, brokers, dealers, and investment advisers, as appropriate.

(d) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--

(1) the terms ``broker'', ``dealer'', and ``investment adviser'' have the same meanings as in section 3 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78c);

(2) the term ``Commission'' means the Securities and Exchange Commission;

(3) the term ``depository institution'' has the same meaning as in section 3(c) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(c));

(4) the term ``Federal banking agencies'' has the same meaning as in section 3(q) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(q)); and

(5) the term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Treasury.


(a) Promotion of Prohibited Tax Shelters or Tax Avoidance Schemes.--Section 6103(h) (relating to disclosure to certain Federal officers and employees for purposes of tax administration, etc.) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(7) Disclosure of returns and return information related to promotion of prohibited tax shelters or tax avoidance schemes.--

``(A) Written request.--Upon receipt by the Secretary of a written request which meets the requirements of subparagraph

(B) from the head of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, an appropriate Federal banking agency as defined under section 1813(q) of title 12, United States Code, or the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, a return or return information shall be disclosed to such requestor's officers and employees who are personally and directly engaged in an investigation, examination, or proceeding by such requestor to evaluate, determine, penalize, or deter conduct by a financial institution, issuer, or public accounting firm, or associated person, in connection with a potential or actual violation of section 6700 (promotion of abusive tax shelters), 6701 (aiding and abetting understatement of tax liability), or activities related to promoting or facilitating inappropriate tax avoidance or tax evasion. Such disclosure shall be solely for use by such officers and employees in such investigation, examination, or proceeding.

``(B) Requirements.--A request meets the requirements of this subparagraph if it sets forth--

``(i) the nature of the investigation, examination, or proceeding,

``(ii) the statutory authority under which such investigation, examination, or proceeding is being conducted,

``(iii) the name or names of the financial institution, issuer, or public accounting firm to which such return information relates,

``(iv) the taxable period or periods to which such return information relates, and

``(v) the specific reason or reasons why such disclosure is, or may be, relevant to such investigation, examination or proceeding.

``(C) Financial institution.--For the purposes of this paragraph, the term `financial institution' means a depository institution, foreign bank, insured institution, industrial loan company, broker, dealer, investment company, investment advisor, or other entity subject to regulation or oversight by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or an appropriate Federal banking agency.''.

(b) Financial and Accounting Fraud Investigations.--Section 6103(i) (relating to disclosure to Federal officers or employees for administration of Federal laws not relating to tax administration) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(9) Disclosure of returns and return information for use in financial and accounting fraud investigations.--

``(A) Written request.--Upon receipt by the Secretary of a written request which meets the requirements of subparagraph

(B) from the head of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, a return or return information shall be disclosed to such requestor's officers and employees who are personally and directly engaged in an investigation, examination, or proceeding by such requester to evaluate the accuracy of a financial statement or report or to determine whether to require a restatement, penalize, or deter conduct by an issuer, investment company, or public accounting firm, or associated person, in connection with a potential or actual violation of auditing standards or prohibitions against false or misleading statements or omissions in financial statements or reports. Such disclosure shall be solely for use by such officers and employees in such investigation, examination, or proceeding.

``(B) Requirements.--A request meets the requirements of this subparagraph if it sets forth--

``(i) the nature of the investigation, examination, or proceeding,

``(ii) the statutory authority under which such investigation, examination, or proceeding is being conducted,

``(iii) the name or names of the issuer, investment company, or public accounting firm to which such return information relates,

``(iv) the taxable period or periods to which such return information relates, and

``(v) the specific reason or reasons why such disclosure is, or may be, relevant to such investigation, examination or proceeding.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to disclosures and to information and document requests made after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Subpart A of part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 is amended by inserting after section 6038C the following new section:



``(a) In General.--Each United States person who transfers money or other property directly or indirectly to any uncooperative tax haven, to any financial institution licensed by or operating in any uncooperative tax haven, or to any person who is a resident of any uncooperative tax haven shall furnish to the Secretary, at such time and in such manner as the Secretary shall by regulation prescribe, such information with respect to such transfer as the Secretary may require.

``(b) Exceptions.--Subsection (a) shall not apply to a transfer by a United States person if the amount of money

(and the fair market value of property) transferred is less than $10,000. Related transfers shall be treated as 1 transfer for purposes of this subsection.

``(c) Uncooperative Tax Haven.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--The term `uncooperative tax haven' means any foreign jurisdiction which is identified on a list maintained by the Secretary under paragraph (2) as being a jurisdiction--

``(A) which imposes no or nominal taxation either generally or on specified classes of income, and

``(B) has corporate, business, bank, or tax secrecy or confidentiality rules and practices, or has ineffective information exchange practices which, in the judgment of the Secretary, effectively limit or restrict the ability of the United States to obtain information relevant to the enforcement of this title.

``(2) Maintenance of list.--Not later than November 1 of each calendar year, the Secretary shall issue a list of foreign jurisdictions which the Secretary determines qualify as uncooperative tax havens under paragraph (1).

``(3) Ineffective information exchange practices.--For purposes of paragraph (1), a jurisdiction shall be deemed to have ineffective information exchange practices if the Secretary determines that during any taxable year ending in the 12-month period preceding the issuance of the list under paragraph (2)--

``(A) the exchange of information between the United States and such jurisdiction was inadequate to prevent evasion or avoidance of United States income tax by United States persons or to enable the United States effectively to enforce this title, or

``(B) such jurisdiction was identified by an intergovernmental group or organization of which the United States is a member as uncooperative with international tax enforcement or information exchange and the United States concurs in the determination.

``(d) Penalty for Failure to File Information.--If a United States person fails to furnish the information required by subsection (a) with respect to any transfer within the time prescribed therefor (including extensions), such United States person shall pay (upon notice and demand by the Secretary and in the same manner as tax) an amount equal to 20 percent of the amount of such transfer.

``(e) Simplified Reporting.--The Secretary may by regulations provide for simplified reporting under this section for United States persons making large volumes of similar payments.

``(f) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section.''.

(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for such subpart A is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 6038C the following new item:

``Sec. 6038D. Deterring uncooperative tax havens through listing and reporting requirements.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to transfers after the date which is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) Limitation on Deferral.--

(1) In general.--Subsection (a) of section 952 (defining subpart F income) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (5) and inserting ``, and'', and by inserting after paragraph (5) the following new paragraph:

``(6) an amount equal to the applicable fraction (as defined in subsection (e)) of the income of such corporation other than income which--

``(A) is attributable to earnings and profits of the foreign corporation included in the gross income of a United States person under section 951 (other than by reason of this paragraph or paragraph (3)(A)(i)), or

``(B) is described in subsection (b).''.

(2) Applicable fraction.--Section 952 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(e) Identified Tax Haven Income Which Is Subpart F Income.--

``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a)(6), the term `applicable fraction' means the fraction--

``(A) the numerator of which is the aggregate identified tax haven income for the taxable year, and

``(B) the denominator of which is the aggregate income for the taxable year which is from sources outside the United States.

``(2) Identified tax haven income.--For purposes of paragraph (1), the term `identified tax haven income' means income for the taxable year which is attributable to a foreign jurisdiction for any period during which such jurisdiction has been identified as an uncooperative tax haven under section 6038D(c).

``(3) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe regulations similar to the regulations issued under section 999(c) to carry out the purposes of this subsection.''.

(b) Denial of Foreign Tax Credit.--Section 901 (relating to taxes of foreign countries and of possessions of United States) is amended by redesignating subsection (m) as subsection (n) and by inserting after subsection (l) the following new subsection:

``(m) Reduction of Foreign Tax Credit, Etc., for Identified Tax Haven Income.--

``(1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this part--

``(A) no credit shall be allowed under subsection (a) for any income, war profits, or excess profits taxes paid or accrued (or deemed paid under section 902 or 960) to any foreign jurisdiction if such taxes are with respect to income attributable to a period during which such jurisdiction has been identified as an uncooperative tax haven under section 6038D(c), and

``(B) subsections (a), (b), (c), and (d) of section 904 and sections 902 and 960 shall be applied separately with respect to all income of a taxpayer attributable to periods described in subparagraph (A) with respect to all such jurisdictions.

``(2) Taxes allowed as a deduction, etc.--Sections 275 and 78 shall not apply to any tax which is not allowable as a credit under subsection (a) by reason of this subsection.

``(3) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this subsection, including regulations which treat income paid through 1 or more entities as derived from a foreign jurisdiction to which this subsection applies if such income was, without regard to such entities, derived from such jurisdiction.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2629. Mr. DAYTON (for himself and Mr. Salazar) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

On page 235, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:



(a) In General.--Subpart C of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to refundable credits) is amended by redesignating section 36 as section 37 and by inserting after section 35 the following new section:



``(a) General Rule.--In the case of an eligible taxpayer, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this subtitle for the taxable year an amount equal to the lesser of--

``(1) 30 percent of the amount paid or incurred for qualified energy costs, or

``(2) $3,000.

``(b) Eligible Taxpayer.--For purposes of this section, the term `eligible taxpayer' means any individual engaged in a farming business (as defined in section 263A(e)(4)).

``(c) Residential Energy Costs.--For purposes of this section, the term `qualified energy costs' means the cost of any fuel, energy utility, natural gas, fertilizer, and heating oil used in the farming business of the taxpayer during the taxable year.

``(d) Termination.--This section shall not apply to qualified energy costs paid or incurred after December 31, 2005.''.

(b) No Double Benefit.--Section 280C is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(e) Energy Assistance for Farmers and Ranchers.--No deduction shall be allowed for that portion of the expenses otherwise allowable as a deduction for the taxable year which is equal to the amount of the credit determined under section 36(a).''.

(c) Refundability.--Section 1324(b)(2) of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking ``or'' before ``enacted'' and by inserting before the period at the end ``, or from section 36 of such Code''.

(d) Clerical Amendments.--The table of sections for subpart C of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by striking the item relating to section 35 and by adding at the end the following new items:

``Sec. 36. Credit for energy cost assistance for farmers and ranchers.

``Sec. 37. Overpayments of tax.''.

(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004.



(a) In General.--Section 901 (relating to credit for taxes of foreign countries and of possessions of the United States) is amended by redesignating subsection (m) as subsection (n) and by inserting after subsection (l) the following new subsection:

``(m) Special Rules Relating To Dual Capacity Taxpayers.--

``(1) General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any amount paid or accrued by a dual capacity taxpayer to a foreign country or possession of the United States for any period shall not be considered a tax--

``(A) if, for such period, the foreign country or possession does not impose a generally applicable income tax, or

``(B) to the extent such amount exceeds the amount

(determined in accordance with regulations) which--

``(i) is paid by such dual capacity taxpayer pursuant to the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession, or

``(ii) would be paid if the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession were applicable to such dual capacity taxpayer.

Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to imply the proper treatment of any such amount not in excess of the amount determined under subparagraph (B).

``(2) Dual capacity taxpayer.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `dual capacity taxpayer' means, with respect to any foreign country or possession of the United States, a person who--

``(A) is subject to a levy of such country or possession, and

``(B) receives (or will receive) directly or indirectly a specific economic benefit (as determined in accordance with regulations) from such country or possession.

``(3) Generally applicable income tax.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `generally applicable income tax' means an income tax (or a series of income taxes) which is generally imposed under the laws of a foreign country or possession on income derived from the conduct of a trade or business within such country or possession.

``(B) Exceptions.--Such term shall not include a tax unless it has substantial application, by its terms and in practice, to--

``(i) persons who are not dual capacity taxpayers, and

``(ii) persons who are citizens or residents of the foreign country or possession.''

(b) Effective Date.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxes paid or accrued in taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Contrary treaty obligations upheld.--The amendments made by this section shall not apply to the extent contrary to any treaty obligation of the United States.


SA 2630. Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and Mr. Wyden) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title V, add the following:



(a) In General.--Section 901 (relating to credit for taxes of foreign countries and of possessions of the United States) is amended by redesignating subsection (m) as subsection (n) and by inserting after subsection (l) the following new subsection:

``(m) Special Rules Relating To Dual Capacity Taxpayers.--

``(1) General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any amount paid or accrued by a dual capacity taxpayer to a foreign country or possession of the United States for any period shall not be considered a tax--

``(A) if, for such period, the foreign country or possession does not impose a generally applicable income tax, or

``(B) to the extent such amount exceeds the amount

(determined in accordance with regulations) which--

``(i) is paid by such dual capacity taxpayer pursuant to the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession, or

``(ii) would be paid if the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession were applicable to such dual capacity taxpayer.

Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to imply the proper treatment of any such amount not in excess of the amount determined under subparagraph (B).

``(2) Dual capacity taxpayer.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `dual capacity taxpayer' means, with respect to any foreign country or possession of the United States, a person who--

``(A) is subject to a levy of such country or possession, and

``(B) receives (or will receive) directly or indirectly a specific economic benefit (as determined in accordance with regulations) from such country or possession.

``(3) Generally applicable income tax.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `generally applicable income tax' means an income tax (or a series of income taxes) which is generally imposed under the laws of a foreign country or possession on income derived from the conduct of a trade or business within such country or possession.

``(B) Exceptions.--Such term shall not include a tax unless it has substantial application, by its terms and in practice, to--

``(i) persons who are not dual capacity taxpayers, and

``(ii) persons who are citizens or residents of the foreign country or possession.''

(b) Effective Date.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxes paid or accrued in taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Contrary treaty obligations upheld.--The amendments made by this section shall not apply to the extent contrary to any treaty obligation of the United States.


(a) Separate Basket for Foreign Tax Credit.--

(1) Years before 2007.--Paragraph (1) of section 904(d)

(relating to separate application of section with respect to certain categories of income), as in effect for years beginning before 2007, is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (H), by redesignating subparagraph (I) as subparagraph (J), and by inserting after subparagraph (H) the following new subparagraph:

``(I) foreign oil and gas income, and''.

(2) 2007 and after.--Paragraph (1) of section 904(d), as in effect for years beginning after 2006, is amended by striking

``and'' at the end of subparagraph (A), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (B) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following:

``(C) foreign oil and gas income.''

(b) Definition.--

(1) Years before 2007.--Paragraph (2) of section 904(d), as in effect for years beginning before 2007, is amended by redesignating subparagraphs (H) and (I) as subparagraphs (I) and (J), respectively, and by inserting after subparagraph

(G) the following new subparagraph:

``(H) Foreign oil and gas income.--The term `foreign oil and gas income' has the meaning given such term by section 954(g).''

(2) 2007 and after.--Section 904(d)(2), as in effect for years after 2006, is amended by redesignating subparagraphs

(J) and (K) as subparagraphs (K) and (L) and by inserting after subparagraph (I) the following:

``(J) Foreign oil and gas income.--For purposes of this section--

``(i) In general.--The term `foreign oil and gas income' has the meaning given such term by section 954(g).

``(ii) Coordination.--Passive category income and general category income shall not include foreign oil and gas income

(as so defined).''

(c) Conforming Amendments.--

(1) Section 904(d)(3)(F)(i) is amended by striking ``or

(E)'' and inserting ``(E), or (I)''.

(2) Section 907(a) is hereby repealed.

(3) Section 907(c)(4) is hereby repealed.

(4) Section 907(f) is hereby repealed.

(d) Effective Dates.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Years after 2006.--The amendments made by paragraphs

(1)(B) and (2)(B) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.

(3) Transitional rules.--

(A) Separate basket treatment.--Any taxes paid or accrued in a taxable year beginning on or before the date of the enactment of this Act, with respect to income which was described in subparagraph (I) of section 904(d)(1) of such Code (as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act), shall be treated as taxes paid or accrued with respect to foreign oil and gas income to the extent the taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury that such taxes were paid or accrued with respect to foreign oil and gas income.

(B) Carryovers.--Any unused oil and gas extraction taxes which under section 907(f) of such Code (as so in effect) would have been allowable as a carryover to the taxpayer's first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act (without regard to the limitation of paragraph

(2) of such section 907(f) for first taxable year) shall be allowed as carryovers under section 904(c) of such Code in the same manner as if such taxes were unused taxes under such section 904(c) with respect to foreign oil and gas extraction income.

(C) Losses.--The amendment made by subsection (c)(3) shall not apply to foreign oil and gas extraction losses arising in taxable years beginning on or before the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2631. Ms. LANDRIEU submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:

Subtitle B--Hope at Home



(a) Ready Reserve-National Guard Credit.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to business-related credits) is amended by adding at the end the following:


``(a) General Rule.--For purposes of section 38, the Ready Reserve-National Guard employee credit determined under this section for any taxable year is an amount equal to 50 percent of the actual compensation amount for such taxable year.

``(b) Definition of Actual Compensation Amount.--For purposes of this section, the term `actual compensation amount' means the amount of compensation paid or incurred by an employer with respect to a Ready Reserve-National Guard employee on any day during a taxable year when the employee was absent from employment for the purpose of performing qualified active duty.

``(c) Limitation.--No credit shall be allowed with respect to a Ready Reserve-National Guard employee who performs qualified active duty on any day on which the employee was not scheduled to work (for reason other than to participate in qualified active duty).

``(d) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) Qualified active duty.--The term `qualified active duty' means--

``(A) active duty, other than the training duty specified in section 10147 of title 10, United States Code (relating to training requirements for the Ready Reserve), or section 502(a) of title 32, United States Code (relating to required drills and field exercises for the National Guard), in connection with which an employee is entitled to reemployment rights and other benefits or to a leave of absence from employment under chapter 43 of title 38, United States Code, and

``(B) hospitalization incident to such duty.

``(2) Compensation.--The term `compensation' means any remuneration for employment, whether in cash or in kind, which is paid or incurred by a taxpayer and which is deductible from the taxpayer's gross income under section 162(a)(1).

``(3) Ready reserve-national guard employee.--The term

`Ready Reserve-National Guard employee' means an employee who is a member of the Ready Reserve of a reserve component of an Armed Force of the United States as described in sections 10142 and 10101 of title 10, United States Code.

``(4) Certain rules to apply.--Rules similar to the rules of section 52 shall apply.

``(e) Portion of Credit Made Refundable.--

``(1) In general.--In the case of an eligible employer of a Ready Reserve-National Guard employee, the aggregate credits allowed to a taxpayer under subpart C shall be increased by the lesser of--

``(A) the credit which would be allowed under this section without regard to this subsection and the limitation under section 38(c), or

``(B) the amount by which the aggregate amount of credits allowed by this subpart (determined without regard to this subsection) would increase if the limitation imposed by section 38(c) for any taxable year were increased by the amount of employer payroll taxes imposed on the taxpayer during the calendar year in which the taxable year begins.

The amount of the credit allowed under this subsection shall not be treated as a credit allowed under this subpart and shall reduce the amount of the credit otherwise allowable under subsection (a) without regard to section 38(c).

``(2) Eligible employer.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `eligible employer' means an employer which is a State or local government or subdivision thereof.

``(3) Employer payroll taxes.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `employer payroll taxes' means the taxes imposed by--

``(i) section 3111(b), and

``(ii) sections 3211(a) and 3221(a) (determined at a rate equal to the rate under section 3111(b)).

``(B) Special rule.--A rule similar to the rule of section 24(d)(2)(C) shall apply for purposes of subparagraph (A).''.

(b) Credit to Be Part of General Business Credit.--Section 38(b) (relating to current year business credit) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (25), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (26) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following:

``(27) the Ready Reserve-National Guard employee credit determined under section 45N(a).''.

(c) Denial of Double Benefit.--Section 280C(a) (relating to rule for employment credits) is amended by inserting

``45N(a),'' after ``45A(a),''.

(d) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 45M the following:

``Sec. 45N. Ready Reserve-National Guard employee credit.''.

(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Subpart B of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to foreign tax credit, etc.) is amended by adding after section 30C the following new section:



``(a) Allowance of Credit.--

``(1) In general.--In the case of an eligible taxpayer, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for the taxable year the sum of the employment credits for each qualified replacement employee under this section.

``(2) Employment credit.--The employment credit with respect to a qualified replacement employee of the taxpayer for any taxable year is equal to 50 percent of the lesser of--

``(A) the individual's qualified compensation attributable to service rendered as a qualified replacement employee, or

``(B) $12,000.

``(b) Qualified Compensation.--The term `qualified compensation' means--

``(1) compensation which is normally contingent on the qualified replacement employee's presence for work and which is deductible from the taxpayer's gross income under section 162(a)(1),

``(2) compensation which is not characterized by the taxpayer as vacation or holiday pay, or as sick leave or pay, or as any other form of pay for a nonspecific leave of absence, and

``(3) group health plan costs (if any) with respect to the qualified replacement employee.

``(c) Qualified Replacement Employee.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--The term `qualified replacement employee' means an individual who is hired to replace a Ready Reserve-National Guard employee or a Ready Reserve-National Guard self-employed taxpayer, but only with respect to the period during which--

``(A) such Ready Reserve-National Guard employee is receiving an actual compensation amount (as defined in section 45N(b)) from the employee's employer and is participating in qualified active duty, including time spent in travel status, or

``(B) such Ready Reserve-National Guard self-employed taxpayer is participating in such qualified active duty.

``(2) Ready reserve-national guard employee.--The term

`Ready Reserve-National Guard employee' has the meaning given such term by section 45N(d)(3).

``(3) Ready reserve-national guard self-employed taxpayer.--The term `Ready Reserve-National Guard self-employed taxpayer' means a taxpayer who--

``(A) has net earnings from self-employment (as defined in section 1402(a)) for the taxable year, and

``(B) is a member of the Ready Reserve of a reserve component of an Armed Force of the United States as described in section 10142 and 10101 of title 10, United States Code.

``(d) Coordination With Other Credits.--The amount of credit otherwise allowable under sections 51(a) and 1396(a) with respect to any employee shall be reduced by the credit allowed by this section with respect to such employee.

``(e) Limitations.--

``(1) Application with other credits.--The credit allowed under subsection (a) for any taxable year shall not exceed the excess (if any) of--

``(A) the regular tax for the taxable year reduced by the sum of the credits allowable under subpart A and sections 27, 29, and 30, over

``(B) the tentative minimum tax for the taxable year.

``(2) Disallowance for failure to comply with employment or reemployment rights of members of the reserve components of the armed forces of the united states.--No credit shall be allowed under subsection (a) to a taxpayer for--

``(A) any taxable year, beginning after the date of the enactment of this section, in which the taxpayer is under a final order, judgment, or other process issued or required by a district court of the United States under section 4323 of title 38 of the United States Code with respect to a violation of chapter 43 of such title, and

``(B) the 2 succeeding taxable years.

``(f) General Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) Eligible taxpayer.--The term `eligible taxpayer' means a small business employer or a Ready Reserve-National Guard self-employed taxpayer.

``(2) Small business employer.--

``(A) In general.--The term `small business employer' means, with respect to any taxable year, any employer who employed an average of 50 or fewer employees on business days during such taxable year.

``(B) Controlled groups.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), all persons treated as a single employer under subsection

(b), (c), (m), or (o) of section 414 shall be treated as a single employer.

``(3) Qualified active duty.--The term `qualified active duty' has the meaning given such term by section 45N(d)(1).

``(4) Special rules for certain manufacturers.--

``(A) In general.--In the case of any qualified manufacturer--

``(i) subsection (a)(2)(B) shall be applied by substituting

`$20,000' for `$12,000', and

``(ii) paragraph (2)(A) of this subsection shall be applied by substituting `100' for `50'.

``(B) Qualified manufacturer.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified manufacturer' means any person if--

``(i) the primary business of such person is classified in sector 31, 32, or 33 of the North American Industrial Classification System, and

``(ii) all of such person's facilities which are used for production in such business are located in the United States.

``(5) Carryback and carryforward allowed.--

``(A) In general.--If the credit allowable under subsection

(a) for a taxable year exceeds the amount of the limitation under subsection (e)(1) for such taxable year (in this paragraph referred to as the `unused credit year'), such excess shall be a credit carryback to each of the 3 taxable years preceding the unused credit year and a credit carryforward to each of the 20 taxable years following the unused credit year.

``(B) Rules.--Rules similar to the rules of section 39 shall apply with respect to the credit carryback and credit carryforward under subparagraph (A).

``(6) Certain rules to apply.--Rules similar to the rules of subsections (c), (d), and (e) of section 52 shall apply.''.

(b) No Deduction for Compensation Taken Into Account for Credit.--Section 280C(a) (relating to rule for employment credits) is amended--

(1) by inserting ``or compensation'' after ``salaries'', and

(2) by inserting ``30D,'' before ``45A(a),''.

(c) Conforming Amendment.--Section 55(c)(2) is amended by inserting ``30D(e)(1),'' after ``30(b)(3),''.

(d) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart B of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by adding after the item relating to section 30C the following new item:

``Sec. 30D. Credit for replacement of activated military reservists.''.

(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Section 3401 (relating to definitions) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(i) Differential Wage Payments to Active Duty Members of the Uniformed Services.--

``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), any differential wage payment shall be treated as a payment of wages by the employer to the employee.

``(2) Differential wage payment.--For purposes of paragraph

(1), the term `differential wage payment' means any payment which--

``(A) is made by an employer to an individual with respect to any period during which the individual is performing service in the uniformed services while on active duty for a period of more than 30 days, and

``(B) represents all or a portion of the wages the individual would have received from the employer if the individual were performing service for the employer.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to remuneration paid after December 31, 2005.



(a) Pension Plans.--

(1) In general.--Section 414(u) (relating to special rules relating to veterans' reemployment rights under USERRA) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(11) Treatment of differential wage payments.--

``(A) In general.--Except as provided in this paragraph, for purposes of applying this title to a retirement plan to which this subsection applies--

``(i) an individual receiving a differential wage payment shall be treated as an employee of the employer making the payment,

``(ii) the differential wage payment shall be treated as compensation, and

``(iii) the plan shall not be treated as failing to meet the requirements of any provision described in paragraph

(1)(C) by reason of any contribution which is based on the differential wage payment.

``(B) Special rule for distributions.--

``(i) In general.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A)(i), for purposes of section 401(k)(2)(B)(i)(I), 403(b)(7)(A)(ii), 403(b)(11)(A), or 457(d)(1)(A)(ii), an individual shall be treated as having been severed from employment during any period the individual is performing service in the uniformed services described in section 3401(i)(2)(A).

``(ii) Limitation.--If an individual elects to receive a distribution by reason of clause (i), the plan shall provide that the individual may not make an elective deferral or employee contribution during the 6-month period beginning on the date of the distribution.

``(C) Nondiscrimination requirement.--Subparagraph (A)(iii) shall apply only if all employees of an employer performing service in the uniformed services described in section 3401(i)(2)(A) are entitled to receive differential wage payments on reasonably equivalent terms and, if eligible to participate in a retirement plan maintained by the employer, to make contributions based on the payments. For purposes of applying this subparagraph, the provisions of paragraphs (3),

(4), and (5), of section 410(b) shall apply.

``(D) Differential wage payment.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term `differential wage payment' has the meaning given such term by section 3401(i)(2).''.

(2) Conforming amendment.--The heading for section 414(u) is amended by inserting ``and to Differential Wage Payments to Members on Active Duty'' after ``USERRA''.

(b) Differential Wage Payments Treated as Compensation for Individual Retirement Plans.--Section 219(f)(1) (defining compensation) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``The term `compensation' includes any differential wage payment (as defined in section 3401(i)(2)).''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to plan years beginning after December 31, 2005.

(d) Provisions Relating to Plan Amendments.--

(1) In general.--If this subsection applies to any plan or annuity contract amendment--

(A) such plan or contract shall be treated as being operated in accordance with the terms of the plan or contract during the period described in paragraph (2)(B)(i), and

(B) except as provided by the Secretary of the Treasury, such plan shall not fail to meet the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 by reason of such amendment.

(2) Amendments to which section applies.--

(A) In general.--This subsection shall apply to any amendment to any plan or annuity contract which is made--

(i) pursuant to any amendment made by this section, and

(ii) on or before the last day of the first plan year beginning on or after January 1, 2007.

(B) Conditions.--This subsection shall not apply to any plan or annuity contract amendment unless--

(i) during the period beginning on the date the amendment described in subparagraph (A)(i) takes effect and ending on the date described in subparagraph (A)(ii) (or, if earlier, the date the plan or contract amendment is adopted), the plan or contract is operated as if such plan or contract amendment were in effect, and

(ii) such plan or contract amendment applies retroactively for such period.




(a) In General.--Section 849(b) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(5) Leases to foreign entities.--In the case of tax-exempt use property leased to a tax-exempt entity which is a foreign person or entity, the amendments made by this part shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, with respect to leases entered into on or before March 12, 2004.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.


SA 2632. Mr. LOTT (for himself and Mr. Baucus) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert:




(a) Modification of Active Business Definition Under Section 355.--

(1) In general.--Section 355(b) (defining active conduct of a trade or business) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Special rules relating to active business requirement.--

``(A) In general.--For purposes of determining whether a corporation meets the requirement of paragraph (2)(A), all members of such corporation's separate affiliated group shall be treated as 1 corporation. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `separate affiliated group' means, with respect to any corporation, the affiliated group which would be determined under section 1504(a) if such corporation were the common parent and section 1504(b) did not apply.

``(B) Control.--For purposes of paragraph (2)(D), all distributee corporations which are members of the same affiliated group (as defined in section 1504(a) without regard to section 1504(b)) shall be treated as 1 distributee corporation.''.

(2) Conforming amendments.--

(A) Subparagraph (A) of section 355(b)(2) is amended to read as follows:

``(A) it is engaged in the active conduct of a trade or business,''.

(B) Section 355(b)(2) of such Code is amended by striking the last sentence.

(3) Effective dates.--

(A) In general.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply--

(i) to distributions after the date of the enactment of this Act, and before January 1, 2010, and

(ii) for purposes of determining the continued qualification under section 355(b)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as amended by paragraph (2)(A)) of distributions made before such date, as a result of an acquisition, disposition, or other restructuring after such date and before January 1, 2010.

(B) Transition rule.--The amendments made by this subsection shall not apply to any distribution pursuant to a transaction which is--

(i) made pursuant to an agreement which was binding on such date of enactment and at all times thereafter,

(ii) described in a ruling request submitted to the Internal Revenue Service on or before such date, or

(iii) described on or before such date in a public announcement or in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

(C) Elections.--

(i) Out of transition relief.--Subparagraph (B) shall not apply if the distributing corporation elects not to have such subparagraph apply to distributions of such corporation. Any such election, once made, shall be irrevocable.

(ii) Application to prior distributions.--Subparagraph

(A)(ii) shall not apply to a distributing or controlled corporation if the corporation elects not to have such subparagraph apply to such corporation. Any such election, once made, shall be irrevocable.

(b) Section 355 Not to Apply to Distributions if the Distributing or Controlled Corporation Is a Disqualified Investment Corporation.--

(1) In general.--Section 355 (relating to distributions of stock and securities of a controlled corporation) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(g) Section Not to Apply to Distributions Involving Disqualified Investment Corporations.--

``(1) In general.--This section (and so much of section 356 as relates to this section) shall not apply to any distribution which is part of a transaction if--

``(A) either the distributing corporation or controlled corporation is, immediately after the transaction, a disqualified investment corporation, and

``(B) any person holds, immediately after the transaction, a 50-percent or greater interest in any disqualified investment corporation, but only if such person did not hold such an interest in such corporation immediately before the transaction.

``(2) Disqualified investment corporation.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `disqualified investment corporation' means any distributing or controlled corporation if the fair market value of the investment assets of the corporation is 75 percent or more of the fair market value of all assets of the corporation.

``(B) Investment assets.--

``(i) In general.--Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, the term `investment assets' means--

``(I) cash,

``(II) any stock or securities in a corporation,

``(III) any interest in a partnership,

``(IV) any debt instrument or other evidence of indebtedness,

``(V) any option, forward or futures contract, notional principal contract, or derivative,

``(VI) foreign currency, or

``(VII) any similar asset.

``(ii) Exception for assets used in active conduct of certain financial trades or businesses.--Such term shall not include any asset which is held for use in the active and regular conduct of--

``(I) a lending or finance business (within the meaning of section 954(h)(4)),

``(II) a banking business through a bank (as defined in section 581), a domestic building and loan association

(within the meaning of section 7701(a)(19)), or any similar institution specified by the Secretary, or

``(III) an insurance business if the conduct of the business is licensed, authorized, or regulated by an applicable insurance regulatory body.

This clause shall only apply with respect to any business if substantially all of the income of the business is derived from persons who are not related (within the meaning of section 267(b) or 707(b)(1)) to the person conducting the business.

``(iii) Exception for securities marked to market.--Such term shall not include any security (as defined in section 475(c)(2)) which is held by a dealer in securities and to which section 475(a) applies.

``(iv) Stock or securities in a 25-percent controlled entity.--

``(I) In general.--Such term shall not include any stock and securities in, or any asset described in subclause (IV) or (V) of clause (i) issued by, a corporation which is a 25-percent controlled entity with respect to the distributing or controlled corporation.

``(II) Look-thru rule.--The distributing or controlled corporation shall, for purposes of applying this subsection, be treated as owning its ratable share of the assets of any 25-percent controlled entity.

``(III) 25-percent controlled entity.--For purposes of this clause, the term `25-percent controlled entity' means, with respect to any distributing or controlled corporation, any corporation with respect to which the distributing or controlled corporation owns directly or indirectly stock meeting the requirements of section 1504(a)(2), except that such section shall be applied by substituting `25 percent' for `80 percent' and without regard to stock described in section 1504(a)(4).

``(v) Interests in certain partnerships.--

``(I) In general.--Such term shall not include any interest in a partnership, or any debt instrument or other evidence of indebtedness, issued by the partnership, if 1 or more of the trades or businesses of the partnership are (or, without regard to the 5-year requirement under subsection (b)(2)(B), would be) taken into account by the distributing or controlled corporation, as the case may be, in determining whether the requirements of subsection (b) are met with respect to the distribution.

``(II) Look-thru rule.--The distributing or controlled corporation shall, for purposes of applying this subsection, be treated as owning its ratable share of the assets of any partnership described in subclause (I).

``(3) 50-percent or greater interest.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `50-percent or greater interest' has the meaning given such term by subsection


``(B) Attribution rules.--The rules of section 318 shall apply for purposes of determining ownership of stock for purposes of this paragraph.

``(4) Transaction.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `transaction' includes a series of transactions.

``(5) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out, or prevent the avoidance of, the purposes of this subsection, including regulations--

``(A) to carry out, or prevent the avoidance of, the purposes of this subsection in cases involving--

``(i) the use of related persons, intermediaries, pass-thru entities, options, or other arrangements, and

``(ii) the treatment of assets unrelated to the trade or business of a corporation as investment assets if, prior to the distribution, investment assets were used to acquire such unrelated assets,

``(B) which in appropriate cases exclude from the application of this subsection a distribution which does not have the character of a redemption which would be treated as a sale or exchange under section 302, and

``(C) which modify the application of the attribution rules applied for purposes of this subsection.''.

(2) Effective dates.--

(A) In general.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to distributions after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(B) Transition rule.--The amendments made by this subsection shall not apply to any distribution pursuant to a transaction which is--

(i) made pursuant to an agreement which was binding on such date of enactment and at all times thereafter,

(ii) described in a ruling request submitted to the Internal Revenue Service on or before such date, or

(iii) described on or before such date in a public announcement or in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


SA 2633. Mr. LOTT submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) In General.--For purposes of rule XXXVI and paragraph 5(b)(3) of rule XXXVII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, compensation or outside earned income for any calendar year shall be reduced by actual and necessary expenses incurred by a Member of the Senate in connection with the practice of medicine. A Member of the Senate shall include information with respect to such expenses with any report in which such compensation or income is required to be included.

(b) Payment or Reimbursement.--If expenses described in subsection (a) are--

(1) paid or reimbursed by another person, the amount of any such payment shall not be counted as compensation or outside earned income; and

(2) not paid or reimbursed, the amount of compensation or outside earned income shall be determined by subtracting the actual and necessary expenses incurred by the Member from any payment received for the activity.


SA 2634. Mrs. BOXER (for herself and Mr. Schumer) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


Out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, and in addition to any amount otherwise appropriated, there are appropriated $500,000,000 to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for each of fiscal years 2006 through 2010, to provide veterans suffering from mental illness, post-traumatic stress disorder, or drug or alcohol dependency with--

(1) readjustment counseling and related mental health services under section 1712A of title 38, United States Code; and

(2) treatment and rehabilitative services under section 1720A of such title.





(a) Personal Exemptions.--Section 151(d)(3)(E) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new clause:

``(iii) Exception.--This subparagraph shall not apply with respect to any individual whose adjusted gross income for the taxable year exceeds $1,000,000 ($2,000,000 in the case of a joint return).''.

(b) Itemized Deductions.--Section 68(f) of such Code is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Exception.--This subsection shall not apply with respect to any individual whose adjusted gross income for the taxable year exceeds $1,000,000 ($2,000,000 in the case of a joint return).''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

(d) Application of EGTRRA Sunset.--The amendments made by this section shall be subject to title IX of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 to the same extent and in the same manner as the provision of such Act to which such amendment relates.


SA 2635. Mr. SCHUMER (for himself and Mrs. Feinstein) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV add the following:


(a) In General.--Subtitle E (relating to alcohol, tobacco, and certain other excise taxes) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new chapter:


``Sec. 5896. Imposition of tax.

``Sec. 5897. Windfall profit; etc.

``Sec. 5898. Special rules and definitions.


``(a) In General.--In addition to any other tax imposed under this title, there is hereby imposed on any applicable taxpayer an excise tax in an amount equal to 50 percent of the windfall profit of such taxpayer for any taxable year beginning in 2005.

``(b) Applicable Taxpayer.--For purposes of this chapter, the term `applicable taxpayer' means, with respect to operations in the United States--

``(1) any integrated oil company (as defined in section 291(b)(4)), and

``(2) any other producer or refiner of crude oil with gross receipts from the sale of such crude oil or refined oil products for the taxable year exceeding $100,000,000.


``(a) General Rule.--For purposes of this chapter, the term

`windfall profit' means the excess of the adjusted taxable income of the applicable taxpayer for the taxable year over the reasonably inflated average profit for such taxable year.

``(b) Adjusted Taxable Income.--For purposes of this chapter, with respect to any applicable taxpayer, the adjusted taxable income for any taxable year is equal to the taxable income for such taxable year (within the meaning of section 63 and determined without regard to this subsection)--

``(1) increased by any interest expense deduction, charitable contribution deduction, and any net operating loss deduction carried forward from any prior taxable year, and

``(2) reduced by any interest income, dividend income, and net operating losses to the extent such losses exceed taxable income for the taxable year.

In the case of any applicable taxpayer which is a foreign corporation, the adjusted taxable income shall be determined with respect to such income which is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States.

``(c) Reasonably Inflated Average Profit.--For purposes of this chapter, with respect to any applicable taxpayer, the reasonably inflated average profit for any taxable year is an amount equal to the average of the adjusted taxable income of such taxpayer for taxable years beginning during the 2002-2004 taxable year period plus 10 percent of such average.


``(a) Withholding and Deposit of Tax.--The Secretary shall provide such rules as are necessary for the withholding and deposit of the tax imposed under section 5896.

``(b) Records and Information.--Each taxpayer liable for tax under section 5896 shall keep such records, make such returns, and furnish such information as the Secretary may by regulations prescribe.

``(c) Return of Windfall Profit Tax.--The Secretary shall provide for the filing and the time of such filing of the return of the tax imposed under section 5896.

``(d) Crude Oil.--The term `crude oil' includes crude oil condensates and natural gasoline.

``(e) Businesses Under Common Control.--For purposes of this chapter, all members of the same controlled group of corporations (within the meaning of section 267(f)) and all persons under common control (within the meaning of section 52(b) but determined by treating an interest of more than 50 percent as a controlling interest) shall be treated as 1 person.

``(f) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this chapter.''.

(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of chapters for subtitle E of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Chapter 56. Temporary Windfall Profit on Crude Oil.''.

(c) Deductibility of Windfall Profit Tax.--The first sentence of section 164(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to deduction for taxes) is amended by inserting after paragraph (5) the following new paragraph:

``(6) The windfall profit tax imposed by section 5896.''.

(d) Nonrefundable Credit.--In the case of taxable years beginning in 2005, for purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, the tax liability of each taxpayer otherwise determined under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be reduced by $100 for each personal exemption (within the meaning of section 151 of such Code) claimed by such taxpayer for such taxable year.

(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning in 2005.


SA 2636. Mr. INHOFE submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 121, line 4, strike the period at the end and insert ``, or

``(v)(I) the applicable exempt organization, or a financing subsidiary or affiliate wholly owned by one or more applicable exempt organizations, is the sole owner and beneficiary of the contract,

``(II) the interest in the contract of each person other than the applicable exempt organization arises solely from a security or collateral interest, and

``(III) a principal portion of the death benefits attributable to the insurance contract is paid to the applicable exempt organization, or a subsidiary or affiliate wholly owned by one or more applicable exempt organizations.


SA 2637. Mr. COLEMAN (for himself and Mr. Pryor) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 235, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:




(a) In General.--Section 170(b) (related to percentage limitations) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Special rule for corporate contributions to the mathematics and science partnership program.--

``(A) In general.--In the case of a corporation which makes an eligible mathematics and science contribution--

``(i) the limitation under paragraph (2) shall apply separately with respect to all such contributions and all other charitable contributions, and

``(ii) paragraph (2) shall be applied with respect to all eligible mathematics and science contributions by substituting `15 percent' for `10 percent'.

``(B) Eligible mathematics and science contribution.--

``(i) In general.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term

`eligible mathematics and science contribution' means a charitable contribution (other than a contribution of used equipment) to a qualified partnership for the purpose of an activity described in section 2202(c) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.

``(ii) Qualified partnership.--The term `qualified partnership' means an eligible partnership (within the meaning of section 2201(b)(1) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965), but only to the extent that such partnership does not include a person other than a person described in paragraph (1)(A).

``(C) Termination.--This paragraph shall not apply to any contributions made in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to contributions made in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.


SA 2638. Mr. BUNNING submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:



(a) In General.--Section 149(b)(3) (relating to exceptions) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(E) Exception for qualified 501(c)(3) bonds for nursing homes.--

``(i) In general.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any qualified 501(c)(3) bond issued before the date which is 1 year after the date of the enactment of this subparagraph for the benefit of an organization described in section 501(c)(3), if such bond is part of an issue the proceeds of which are used to finance 1 or more of the following facilities primarily for the benefit of the elderly:

``(I) Licensed nursing home facility.

``(II) Licensed or certified assisted living facility.

``(III) Licensed personal care facility.

``(IV) Continuing care retirement community.

``(ii) Limitation.--With respect to any calendar year, clause (i) shall not apply to any bond described in such clause if the aggregate authorized face amount of the issue of which such bond is a part when increased by the outstanding amount of such bonds issued by the issuer for such calendar year exceeds $15,000,000.

``(iii) Continuing care retirement community.--For purposes of this subparagraph, the term `continuing care retirement community' means a community which provides, on the same campus, a continuum of residential living options and support services to persons at least 60 years of age under a written agreement. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the residential living options shall include independent living units, nursing home beds, and either assisted living units or personal care beds.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to bonds issued after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2639. Mr. ROCKEFELLER submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

Beginning on page 76, strike line 23 and all that follows through page 77, line 2.


SA 2640. Mr. ROCKEFELLER submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

Beginning on page 76, strike line 24 and all that follows through page 77, line 2, and insert the following:Section 1397E(d)(2)(B) is amended to read as follows:

``(B) Qualified contributions.--

``(i) In general.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term `qualified contribution' means any contribution (of a type and quality acceptable to the eligible local education agency) of--

``(I) equipment or software for use in the qualified zone academy (including state-of-the-art technology and vocational equipment),

``(II) technical assistance in developing curriculum or in training teachers in order to promote appropriate market driven technology in the classroom,

``(III) services of employees (but not of the local education agency) as volunteer mentors,

``(IV) internships, or other educational opportunities outside the academy for students,

``(V) cash, or

``(VI) any other tangible or intangible property specified by the eligible local education agency.

``(ii) Exclusion.--Such term shall not include any discounts, set-up fees, and contributions conditioned upon business with the contributor.

``(iii) Valuation.--Valuation of the qualified contribution shall be reasonable given the nature of the contribution. For tangible and intangible property, valuation based on pricing that is regularly charged for the sale of such tangible and intangible property shall be reasonable. For services, valuation of such services based on pricing that is regularly charged for the sale of such services shall be reasonable. For services that are not regularly sold, valuation based on the average hourly compensation, including benefits, of the employees providing such services for the contributor shall be reasonable, so long as such cost is applied to the reasonable estimate of the contributed hours for such services.''.


SA 2641. Mr. BINGAMAN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV add the following:




(a) In General.--Section 849(b) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, as amended by section 553 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Leases to foreign entities.--In the case of tax-exempt use property leased to a tax-exempt entity which is a foreign person or entity, the amendments made by this part shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, with respect to leases entered into on or before March 12, 2004.''.

(b) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund.--

(1) In general.--Subchapter A of chapter 98 (relating to trust fund code) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) Creation of Trust Fund.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the

`Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund', consisting of any amount appropriated or credited to the Trust Fund as provided in this section or section 9602(b).

``(b) Transfers to Trust Fund.--There are hereby appropriated to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund amounts equivalent to the increased revenues received in the Treasury as the result of the amendment made by section 410(a) of the Tax Relief Act of 2005.

``(c) Expenditures From Trust Fund.--Amounts in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund not to exceed

$2,920,000,000 shall be available for fiscal year 2006, as provided by appropriation Acts, to carry out the program under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 through the distribution of funds to all the States in accordance with section 2604 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 8623)

(other than subsection (e) of such section), but only if not less than $1,880,000,000 has been appropriated for such program for such fiscal year.''.

(2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections for such subchapter is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Sec. 9511. Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund.''.

(c) Effective Dates.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.

(2) Subsection (b).--The amendments made by subsection (b) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2642. Mr. BINGAMAN (for himself, Mr. Kerry, and Ms. Snowe) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:


(a) In General.--Subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to business-related credits) is amended by adding at the end the following:


``(a) General Rule.--For purposes of section 38, in the case of a qualified small employer, the employee health insurance expenses credit determined under this section is an amount equal to the applicable percentage of the amount paid by the taxpayer during the taxable year for qualified employee health insurance expenses.

``(b) Applicable Percentage.--For purposes of subsection

(a), the applicable percentage is equal to--

``(1) 50 percent in the case of an employer with less than 26 qualified employees,

``(2) 40 percent in the case of an employer with more than 25 but less than 36 qualified employees, and

``(3) 30 percent in the case of an employer with more than 35 but less than 51 qualified employees.

``(c) Per Employee Dollar Limitation.--The amount of qualified employee health insurance expenses taken into account under subsection (a) with respect to any qualified employee for any taxable year shall not exceed the maximum employer contribution for self-only coverage or family coverage (as applicable) determined under section 8906(a) of title 5, United States Code, for the calendar year in which such taxable year begins.

``(d) Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) Qualified small employer.--

``(A) In general.--The term `qualified small employer' means any small employer which--

``(i) provides eligibility for health insurance coverage

(after any waiting period (as defined in section 9801(b)(4)) to all qualified employees of the employer, and

``(ii) pays at least 70 percent of the cost of such coverage (60 percent in the case of family coverage) for each qualified employee.

``(B) Transition rule for new plans.--

``(i) In general.--If a small employer (or any predecessor) did not provide health insurance coverage to the qualified employees of the employer during the employer's precompliance period, then subparagraph (A) shall be applied to such employer for the first 5 taxable years following such period by substituting `50 percent' for `70 percent' in clause (ii)

(or for `60 percent' in such clause, in the case of family coverage).

``(ii) Precompliance period.--For purposes of clause (i), the precompliance periods are--

``(I) the period beginning with the small employer's taxable year preceding its first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this section, and

``(II) the period beginning with the small employer's taxable year preceding the first taxable year for which the employer meets the requirement of subparagraph (A)(i).

An employer not in existence for any period shall be treated in the same manner as an employer which is in existence and not providing coverage.

``(C) Small employer.--

``(i) In general.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term

`small employer' means, with respect to any calendar year, any employer if such employer employed an average of not less than 2 and not more than 50 qualified employees on business days during either of the 2 preceding calendar years. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a preceding calendar year may be taken into account only if the employer was in existence throughout such year.

``(ii) Employers not in existence in preceding year.--In the case of an employer which was not in existence throughout the 1st preceding calendar year, the determination under clause (i) shall be based on the average number of qualified employees that it is reasonably expected such employer will employ on business days in the current calendar year.

``(2) Qualified employee health insurance expenses.--

``(A) In general.--The term `qualified employee health insurance expenses' means any amount paid by an employer for health insurance coverage to the extent such amount is attributable to coverage provided to any employee while such employee is a qualified employee.

``(B) Exception for amounts paid under salary reduction arrangements.--No amount paid or incurred for health insurance coverage pursuant to a salary reduction arrangement shall be taken into account under subparagraph (A).

``(C) Health insurance coverage.--The term `health insurance coverage' has the meaning given such term by paragraph (1) of section 9832(b) (determined by disregarding the last sentence of paragraph (2) of such section).

``(3) Qualified employee.--The term `qualified employee' means an employee of an employer who, with respect to any period, is not provided health insurance coverage under--

``(A) a health plan of the employee's spouse,

``(B) title XVIII, XIX, or XXI of the Social Security Act,

``(C) chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code,

``(D) chapter 55 of title 10, United States Code,

``(E) chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, or

``(F) any other provision of law.

``(4) Employee.--The term `employee'--

``(A) means any individual, with respect to any calendar year, who is reasonably expected to receive at least $5,000 of compensation from the employer during such year,

``(B) does not include an employee within the meaning of section 401(c)(1), and

``(C) includes a leased employee within the meaning of section 414(n).

``(5) Compensation.--The term `compensation' means amounts described in section 6051(a)(3).

``(e) Certain Rules Made Applicable.--For purposes of this section, rules similar to the rules of section 52 shall apply.

``(f) Denial of Double Benefit.--No deduction or credit under any other provision of this chapter shall be allowed with respect to qualified employee health insurance expenses taken into account under subsection (a).

``(g) Termination.--This section shall not apply with respect to any taxable year beginning after December 31, 2006.''.

(b) Credit to Be Part of General Business Credit.--Section 38(b) (relating to current year business credit) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (25), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (26) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following:

``(27) the employee health insurance expenses credit determined under section 45N.''.

(c) Credit Allowed Against Minimum Tax.--Subparagraph (B) of section 38(c)(4) (relating to limitation based on amount of tax for specified credits) is amended--

(1) in clause (ii)(II), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``, and''; and

(2) by adding at the end the following new clause:

``(iii) the employee health insurance expenses credit determined under section 45N.''.

(d) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following:

``Sec. 45N. Employee health insurance expenses.''.

(e) Employer Outreach.--The Internal Revenue Service shall, in conjunction with the Small Business Administration, develop materials and implement an educational program to ensure that business personnel are aware of--

(1) the eligibility criteria for the tax credit provided under section 45N of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by this section),

(2) the methods to be used in calculating such credit, and

(3) the documentation needed in order to claim such credit.

(f) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to amounts paid or incurred in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.




(a) In General.--Section 849(b) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, as amended by section 553 of this Act,is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Leases to foreign entities.--In the case of tax-exempt use property leased to a tax-exempt entity which is a foreign person or entity, the amendments made by this part shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, with respect to leases entered into on or before March 12, 2004.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.


(a) Excise Taxes.--Section 4611(e) is amended to read as follows:

``(e) Application of Hazardous Substance Superfund Financing Rate.--The Hazardous Substance Superfund financing rate under this section shall apply after December 31, 1986, and before January 1, 1996, and after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2015.''

(b) Corporate Environmental Income Tax.--Section 59A(e) is amended to read as follows:

``(e) Application of Tax.--The tax imposed by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1986, and before January 1, 1996, and to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2015.''

(c) Effective Dates.--

(1) Excise taxes.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Income tax.--The amendment made by subsection (b) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.


SA 2643. Ms. LANDRIEU submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 35, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:



(a) Exclusion of Employer Provided Housing for Individual Affected by Hurricane Katrina.--

(1) In general.--For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, gross income of a qualified employee shall not include the value of any lodging furnished to such employee, such employee's spouse, or any of such employee's dependents by or on behalf of a qualified employer for any month during the taxable year.

(2) Limitation.--The amount which may be excluded under subsection (a) for any month for which lodging is furnished during the taxable year shall not exceed $1,000.

(3) Treatment of exclusion.--For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, an exclusion under subsection (a) shall be treated as an exclusion under section 119 of such Code.

(b) Employer Credit for Housing Employees Affected by Hurricane Katrina.--

(1) In general.--In the case of a qualified employer, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 for any month during the taxable year an amount equal to 30 percent of any amount which is excludable from the gross income of a qualified employee of such employer under subsection (a).

(2) Certain rules to apply.--For purposes of this section, rules similar to the rules of section 280C(a) of such Code shall apply.

(3) Credit to be part of general business credit.--The credit allowed under this section shall be added to the current year business credit under section 38(b) of such Code and shall be treated as a credit allowed under subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of such Code.

(c) Qualified Employee.--For purposes of this section, the term ``qualified employee'' means, with respect to any month, an individual--

(1) who had a principal residence (as defined in section 121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area (as defined in section 1400N(2) of such Code) on August 28, 2005, and

(2) who performs not less than 80 percent of the employment services for a qualified employer in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area (as so defined).

(d) Qualified Employer.--For purposes of this section, the term ``qualified employer'' means any employer with a trade or business located in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area

(as so defined).

(e) Application of Section.--This section shall apply to lodging provided--

(1) after the date of the enactment of this Act, and

(2) before the date which is 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act.


Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (referred to in this section as the ``Director'') shall not cease to make payments for hotel or motel accommodations, or for other short-term temporary housing, on behalf of a victim of Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita who was being assisted in that manner as of November 14, 2005 (referred to in this section as an

``eligible victim''), until such time as the Director determines that--

(1) the eligible victim has located a habitable home;

(2) the Director has provided financial assistance to the eligible victim for use in relocating to that home, and the eligible victim has so relocated; and

(3) the eligible victim is able to afford the rent for that home, either with resources of the eligible victim or through the use of assistance payments from the Director (and, in the case of a victim who can afford that home only through the use of those assistance payments, that the Director has provided the assistance payments for a period of at least 90 days).


It is the sense of the Senate that Congress should develop and provide funding for solutions necessary to address the lack of supply of affordable housing in areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita.


SA 2644. Ms. LANDRIEU submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following: SEC. __. TREATMENT OF BIOFUEL PRODUCTION FACILITIES AS EXEMPT


(a) In General.--Subsection (a) of section 142 (relating to exempt facility bond) is amended by striking ``or'' at the end of paragraph (14), by striking the period at the end of paragraph (15) and inserting ``, or'' and by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(16) biofuel production facilities.''.

(b) Biofuel Production Facilities.--Section 142 is amended by adding at the end the following:

``(n) Biofuel Production Facilities.--

``(1) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a)(16), the term `biofuel production facilities' means any facility for the production of any transportation fuel and related byproducts from biomass.

``(2) Biomass defined.--For purposes of paragraph (1), the term `biomass' means any organic matter that is available on a renewable or recurring basis, including agricultural crops and trees, wood and wood wastes and residues, plants

(including aquatic plants), grasses, residues, fibers, and animal wastes, municipal wastes, and other waste materials.''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section apply to bonds issued after the date of enactment of this Act.


SA 2645. Mr. COLEMAN (for himself and Mr. Pryor) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:


(a) In General.--Subpart D of Part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to business related credits) is amended by inserting after section 45M the following new section:


``(a) General Rule.--For purposes of section 38, in the case of a utility, the amount of the weatherization assistance credit determined under this section for the taxable year shall be an amount equal to 20 percent of the qualified weatherization assistance expenses.

``(b) Definitions.--For purposes of this section:

``(1) Weatherization assistance expenses.--The term

`weatherization assistance expenses' means amounts--

``(A) paid by the taxpayer--

``(i) to an entity that is described in section 415(b)(2) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6865(b)(2)), that receives funds from the Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program as such an entity, and that uses the taxpayer's amounts for the installation of energy efficiency improvements in residences of low-income individuals for purposes of section 415(a)(2) of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6865(a)(2)), as administered by the Department of Energy, or

``(ii) to a State weatherization agency for use by such agency in its program that enhances or extends the Department of Energy's program described in subparagraph (A), and

``(B) certified to the taxpayer by a State weatherization agency as paid to one or more entities described in subparagraph (A)(i) or to such agency described in subparagraph (A)(ii).

``(2) Qualified weatherization assistance expenses.--The term `qualified weatherization assistance expenses' means--

``(A) with respect to the first 5 taxable years ending after the date of enactment of this section, the weatherization assistance expenses for each such year, and

``(B) with respect to a taxable year after the fifth taxable year ending after the date of enactment of this section, the excess (if any) of the weatherization assistance expenses for such year over the weatherization assistance expenses for the fifth taxable year preceding such year.

``(3) Utility.--The term `utility' means a corporation that is engaged in the sale of electric energy or gas and is described in section 7701(a)(33)(A).

``(4) State weatherization agency.--The term `State weatherization agency' means the department, agency, board, or other entity of a State that is authorized by such State to administer the weatherization program described in section 415 of the Energy Conservation and Production Act (42 U.S.C. 6865).

``(c) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.''.

(b) Credit Treated as Part of General Business Credit.--Section 38(b) (relating to current year business credit) is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (25), striking the period at the end of paragraph (26), and inserting ``, and'', and by inserting after paragraph (26) the following new paragraph:

``(27) the weatherization assistance credit determined under section 45N(a).''.

(c) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for Subpart D of Part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to business related credits) is amended by adding after the item relating to section 45M the following new item:

``45N. Weatherization assistance credit''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to weatherization assistance expenses (within the meaning of section 45N of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) paid or incurred in taxable years ending after the date of enactment of this Act.


SA 2646. Ms. MURKOWSKI submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:



(a) In General.--For purposes of section 1301 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986--

(1) any individual who receives any punitive damage award as a plaintiff in the Exxon Valdez oil spill litigation (Case No. A89-095-CV (HRH)) in any taxable year shall be treated as engaged in a fishing business (determined without regard to the commercial nature of the business), and

(2) income which is attributable to such award shall be treated as income attributable to such a fishing business for such taxable year.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years ending after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2647. Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself and Mr. Baucus) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

Beginning on page 63, line 18, strike all through page 64, line 15, and insert the following:



(a) In General.--Section 55(d)(1) is amended--

(1) by striking ``$58,000'' and all that follows through

``2005'' in subparagraph (A) and inserting ``$62,550 in the case of taxable years beginning in 2006'', and

(2) by striking ``$40,250'' and all that follows through

``2005'' in subparagraph (B) and inserting ``$42,500 in the case of taxable years beginning in 2006''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

Beginning on page 69, line 6, strike all through page 71, line 13, and insert the following:

(d) Expansion of Credit to Expenses of General Collaborative Research Consortia.--Section 41 is amended--

(1) by striking ``an energy research consortium'' in subsections (a)(3) and (b)(3)(C)(i) and inserting ``a research consortium'',

(2) by striking ``energy'' each place it appears in subsection (f)(6)(A),

(3) by inserting ``or 501(c)(6)'' after ``section 501(c)(3)'' in subsection (f)(6)(A)(i)(I), and

(4) by striking ``Energy research'' in the heading for subsection (f)(6)(A) and inserting ``Research'' .

Beginning on page 267, line 12, strike all through page 268, line 15, and insert the following:

(b) Applicable Penalty.--For purposes of this section, the term ``applicable penalty'' means any penalty, addition to tax, or fine imposed under chapter 68 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(c) Effective Date.--The provisions of this section shall apply to interest, penalties, additions to tax, and fines with respect to any taxable year if, as of the date of the enactment of this Act, the assessment of any tax, penalty, or interest with respect to such taxable year is not prevented by the operation of any law or rule of law.

On page 310, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following:

(b) Leases to Foreign Entities.--Section 849(b) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, as amended by subsection

(a), is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Leases to foreign entities.--In the case of tax-exempt use property leased to a tax-exempt entity which is a foreign person or entity, the amendments made by this part shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, with respect to leases entered into on or before March 12, 2004.''.

On page 310, line 11, strike ``(b)'' and insert ``(c)''.

On page 320, in the table following line 17, strike

``119.5'' and insert ``120''.

On page 322, line 24, insert ``which has an average daily worldwide production of crude oil of at least 500,000 barrels for the taxable year and''


SA 2648. Mr. ROBERTS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 235, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following: SEC. 405. EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN AMOUNTS FROM INCOME FOR



The Department of Housing and Urban Development Act (42 U.S.C. 3537a) is amended by inserting after section 12 the following new section:


``(a) In General.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, amounts received by a member of the Armed Forces under section 403 of title 37, United States Code, as a basic allowance for housing may not be treated as income for purposes of determining, for purposes of any program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (unless a request is made by such member for the receipt of rental assistance under any such program to be treated as such income) or any other agency of the Federal Government for housing assistance

(including any program for grants, loans, subsidies, advances, guarantees, credits, tax-exempt bonds, or other financial assistance), the eligibility of the member or the member's family, or a dependent of the member or such dependent's family, for--

``(1) assistance under such program; or

``(2) occupancy in any dwelling unit in any building or project for which assistance under such program is provided--

``(A) to the member or the member's family, or a dependent of the member or such dependent's family directly; or

``(B) to the owner of such building or project.

``(b) Opt Out.--Each State housing authority may, without penalty, determine if it will provide the exclusion described in subsection (a) to members of the Armed Forces.''.


SA 2649. Mr. MARTINEZ (for himself and Mr. Nelson of Florida) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 16, line 23, strike ``or Mississippi'' and insert

``Mississippi, Florida, or Texas''

On page 17, line 7, strike ``Gulf Opportunity Zone'' and insert ``Katrina, Wilma, and Rita Go Zones''


SA 2650. Mr. FEINGOLD (for himself, Mr. Conrad, Mr. Chafee, Mr. Obama, and Mr. Salazar) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) Point of Order.--

(1) In general.--It shall not be in order in the Senate to consider any direct spending or revenue legislation that would increase the on-budget deficit or cause an on-budget deficit for any 1 of the 3 applicable time periods as measured in paragraphs (5) and (6).

(2) Applicable time periods.--For purposes of this subsection, the term ``applicable time period'' means any 1 of the 3 following periods:

(A) The first year covered by the most recently adopted concurrent resolution on the budget.

(B) The period of the first 5 fiscal years covered by the most recently adopted concurrent resolution on the budget.

(C) The period of the 5 fiscal years following the first 5 fiscal years covered in the most recently adopted concurrent resolution on the budget.

(3) Direct-spending legislation.--For purposes of this subsection and except as provided in paragraph (4), the term

``direct-spending legislation'' means any bill, joint resolution, amendment, motion, or conference report that affects direct spending as that term is defined by, and interpreted for purposes of, the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

(4) Exclusion.--For purposes of this subsection, the terms

``direct-spending legislation'' and ``revenue legislation'' do not include--

(A) any concurrent resolution on the budget; or

(B) any provision of legislation that affects the full funding of, and continuation of, the deposit insurance guarantee commitment in effect on the date of enactment of the Budget Enforcement Act of 1990.

(5) Baseline.--Estimates prepared pursuant to this section shall--

(A) use the baseline surplus or deficit used for the most recently adopted concurrent resolution on the budget; and

(B) be calculated under the requirements of subsections (b) through (d) of section 257 of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 for fiscal years beyond those covered by that concurrent resolution on the budget.

(6) Prior surplus.--If direct spending or revenue legislation increases the on-budget deficit or causes an on-budget deficit when taken individually, it must also increase the on-budget deficit or cause an on-budget deficit when taken together with all direct spending and revenue legislation enacted since the beginning of the calendar year not accounted for in the baseline under paragraph (5)(A), except that direct spending or revenue effects resulting in net deficit reduction enacted pursuant to reconciliation instructions since the beginning of that same calendar year shall not be available.

(b) Waiver.--This section may be waived or suspended in the Senate only by the affirmative vote of \3/5\ of the Members, duly chosen and sworn.

(c) Appeals.--Appeals in the Senate from the decisions of the Chair relating to any provision of this section shall be limited to 1 hour, to be equally divided between, and controlled by, the appellant and the manager of the bill or joint resolution, as the case may be. An affirmative vote of

\3/5\ of the Members of the Senate, duly chosen and sworn, shall be required to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the Chair on a point of order raised under this section.

(d) Determination of Budget Levels.--For purposes of this section, the levels of new budget authority, outlays, and revenues for a fiscal year shall be determined on the basis of estimates made by the Committee on the Budget of the Senate.

(e) Sunset.--This section shall expire on September 30, 2010.


SA 2651. Mr. SUNUNU proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Fannie Mae.--Section 309(c) of the Federal National Mortgage Association Charter Act (12 U.S.C. 1723a(c)) is amended to read as follows:

``(c) [Repealed.]''.

(b) Freddie Mac.--Section 303(e) of the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Act (12 U.S.C. 1452(e)) is amended to read as follows:

``(e) [Repealed.]''.


SA 2652. Mrs. LINCOLN (for herself, Ms. Snowe, Mr. Obama, and Mr. Rockefeller) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:



(a) In General.--Section 24(d) (relating to portion of credit refundable) is amended--

(1) by striking ``as exceeds'' and all that follows through

``, or'' in paragraph (1)(B)(i) and inserting ``as exceeds

$10,000, or'', and

(2) by striking paragraph (3).

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004.

(c) Application of Sunset to This Section.--Each amendment made by this section shall be subject to title IX of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 to the same extent and in the same manner as the provision of such Act to which such amendment relates.


SA 2653. Mr. BAUCUS (for Mr. Reid (for himself, Mr. Kerry, Mr. Lautenberg, Ms. Snowe, Mr. Salazar, Mr. Bingaman, Mr. Jeffords, Mr. Bayh, Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Harkin, Mrs. Feinstein, and Ms. Collins)) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:

Subtitle B--Extending Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy Production and Energy Efficient Construction



Paragraphs (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), and (9) of section 45(d) (relating to qualified facilities) are amended by striking ``2008'' each place it appears and inserting




Paragraphs (2)(A)(i)(II) and (3)(A)(ii) (relating to energy credit) is amended by striking ``2008'' both places it appears and inserting ``2011''.



Section 54(m) (relating to termination) is amended by striking ``2007'' and inserting ``2010''.



Section 179D(h) (relating to termination) is amended by striking ``2007'' and inserting ``2010''. SEC. 415. EXTENSION OF NEW ENERGY EFFICIENT HOME CREDIT


Section 45L(g) (relating to termination) is amended by striking ``2007'' and inserting ``2010''.



Section 25D(g) is amended to read as follows:

``(a) Termination.--The credit allowed under this section shall not apply to--

``(1) property described in paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (d) placed in service after December 31, 2010, and

``(2) property described in subsection (d)(3) placed in service after December 31, 2007.''.



Section 25C(g) (relating to termination) is amended by striking ``2007'' and inserting ``2010''.




(a) In General.--Section 849(b) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(5) Leases to foreign entities.--In the case of tax-exempt use property leased to a tax-exempt entity which is a foreign person or entity, the amendments made by this part shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, with respect to leases entered into on or before March 12, 2004.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.


SA 2654. Mr. GRASSLEY proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:


(a) Findings.--The Senate makes the following findings:

(1) As many as 44,000,000 Americans are estimated to lack health insurance during the course of the year, many of whom are uninsured for a short period of time while a smaller number face longer periods without coverage.

(2) Rising health care costs contribute to the problem of the uninsured and make it more difficult to find a simple solution to make health care affordable.

(3) There is not a one-size fits all solution to address health care coverage issues.

(4) Businesses have competing needs for their resources, including investments to ensure their competitiveness and providing health care coverage for their employees and dependents.

(5) Lower tax rates on dividends and capital gains saved 24,000,000 families an average of nearly $950 on their 2004 taxes, including about 7,000,000 seniors who saved, on average, $1,230 each.

(6) These pro-growth tax cuts have spurred economic development and job creation and have been partly responsible for an increase in tax receipts.

(7) Of the more than 30,000,000 tax returns that included dividend income, those with adjusted gross income of less than $75,000 accounted for 64 percent, or over 19,000,000 of such returns.

(8) Of the nearly 23,000,000 tax returns that included capital gains, 62 percent of these returns, or about 14,000,000, had less than $75,000 in adjusted gross income.

(9) Allowing taxes to increase will make it harder for employers and individuals to afford health care insurance, leading to more individuals without health insurance.

(b) Sense of the Senate.--It is the sense of the Senate that the Senate should--

(1) prevent an increase in taxes on millions of Americans by not allowing the tax policy enacted in 2003 to expire; and

(2) extend tax policies that have proven to enhance economic growth, create jobs, and improve business' and individuals' ability to afford health insurance coverage; and

(3) address the multiple aspects of our Nation's health care crisis, including the need to make health care more affordable, to expand coverage, and to strengthen the health care safety net by--

(A) promoting the use of health care technology, which will help reduce medical errors that contribute to higher costs and promote greater efficiency in care delivery;

(B) providing new financial assistance and tax credits to make health insurance more affordable;

(C) creating financial incentives for young adults to purchase lifetime, portable health insurance;

(D) expanding health insurance coverage options for low-income entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals;

(E) increasing access to specialty care within the health care safety net by providing a tax deduction to physician specialists who provide care for patients referred from health care safety net providers;

(F) reducing regulatory burdens on health care safety net providers that lead to higher administrative costs and a diversion of funds that could be spent on patient care; and

(G) improving outreach efforts to maximize participation of eligible beneficiaries in Federal health care safety net programs.


SA 2655. Mr. CRAIG (for himself and Mr. Rockefeller) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) Findings.--The Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) are currently engaged in a round of trade negotiations known as the Doha Development Agenda (Doha Round).

(2) The Doha Round includes negotiations aimed at clarifying and improving disciplines under the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (Antidumping Agreement) and the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (Subsidies Agreement).

(3) The WTO Ministerial Declaration adopted on November 14, 2001 (WTO Paper No. WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1) specifically provides that the Doha Round negotiations are to preserve the ``basic concepts, principles and effectiveness'' of the Antidumping Agreement and the Subsidies Agreement.

(4) In section 2102(b)(14)(A) of the Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2002, the Congress mandated that the principal negotiating objective of the United States with respect to trade remedy laws was to ``preserve the ability of the United States to enforce rigorously its trade laws . . . and avoid agreements that lessen the effectiveness of domestic and international disciplines on unfair trade, especially dumping and subsidies''.

(5) The countries that have been the most persistent and egregious violators of international fair trade rules are engaged in an aggressive effort to significantly weaken the disciplines provided in the Antidumping Agreement and the Subsidies Agreement and undermine the ability of the United States to effectively enforce its trade remedy laws.

(6) Chronic violators of fair trade disciplines have put forward proposals that would substantially weaken United States trade remedy laws and practices, including mandating that unfair trade orders terminate after a set number of years even if unfair trade and injury are likely to recur, mandating that trade remedy duties reflect less than the full margin of dumping or subsidization, mandating higher de minimis levels of unfair trade, making cumulation of the effects of imports from multiple countries more difficult in unfair trade investigations, outlawing the critical practice of ``zeroing'' in antidumping investigations, mandating the weighing of causes, and mandating other provisions that make it more difficult to prove injury.

(7) United States trade remedy laws have already been significantly weakened by numerous unjust and activist WTO dispute settlement decisions which have created new obligations to which the United States never agreed.

(8) Trade remedy laws remain a critical resource for American manufacturers, agricultural producers, and aquacultural producers in responding to closed foreign markets, subsidized imports, and other forms of unfair trade, particularly in the context of the challenges currently faced by these vital sectors of the United States economy.

(9) The United States had a current account trade deficit of approximately $668,000,000,000 in 2004, including a trade deficit of almost $162,000,000,000 with China alone, as well as a trade deficit of $40,000,000,000 in advanced technology.

(10) United States manufacturers have lost over 3,000,000 jobs since June 2000, and United States manufacturing employment is currently at its lowest level since 1950.

(11) Many industries critical to United States national security are at severe risk from unfair foreign competition.

(12) The Congress strongly believes that the proposals put forward by countries seeking to undermine trade remedy disciplines in the Doha Round would result in serious harm to the United States economy, including significant job losses and trade disadvantages.

(b) Sense of Congress.--It is the sense of Congress that--

(1) the United States should not be a signatory to any agreement or protocol with respect to the Doha Development Round of the World Trade Organization negotiations, or any other bilateral or multilateral trade negotiations, that--

(A) adopts any proposal to lessen the effectiveness of domestic and international disciplines on unfair trade or safeguard provisions, including proposals--

(i) mandating that unfair trade orders terminate after a set number of years even if unfair trade and injury are likely to recur;

(ii) mandating that trade remedy duties reflect less than the full margin of dumping or subsidization;

(iii) mandating higher de minimis levels of unfair trade;

(iv) making cumulation of the effects of imports from multiple countries more difficult in unfair trade investigations;

(v) outlawing the critical practice of ``zeroing'' in antidumping investigations; or

(vi) mandating the weighing of causes or other provisions making it more difficult to prove injury in unfair trade cases; and

(B) would lessen in any manner the ability of the United States to enforce rigorously its trade laws, including the antidumping, countervailing duty, and safeguard laws;

(2) the United States trade laws and international rules appropriately serve the public interest by offsetting injurious unfair trade, and that further ``balancing modifications'' or other similar provisions are unnecessary and would add to the complexity and difficulty of achieving relief against injurious unfair trade practices; and

(3) the United States should ensure that any new agreement relating to international disciplines on unfair trade or safeguard provisions fully rectifies and corrects decisions by WTO dispute settlement panels or the Appellate Body that have unjustifiably and negatively impacted, or threaten to negatively impact, United States law or practice, including a law or practice with respect to foreign dumping or subsidization.


SA 2656. Ms. SNOWE (for herself and Ms. Collins) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 321, strike line 1 and all that follows through page 323, line 6, and insert the following:


With respect to fiscal year 2006, in addition to amounts appropriated under any other provision of law, for making payments under title XXVI of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.),

$2,920,000,000, shall be appropriated to distribute funds to all the States in accordance with section 2604 of that Act

(42 U.S.C. 8623) (other than subsection (e) of such section).



(a) In General.--Section 901 (relating to credit for taxes of foreign countries and of possessions of the United States) is amended by redesignating subsection (m) as subsection (n) and by inserting after subsection (l) the following new subsection:

``(m) Special Rules Relating To Dual Capacity Taxpayers.--

``(1) General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any amount paid or accrued by a dual capacity taxpayer to a foreign country or possession of the United States for any period shall not be considered a tax--

``(A) if, for such period, the foreign country or possession does not impose a generally applicable income tax, or

``(B) to the extent such amount exceeds the amount

(determined in accordance with regulations) which--

``(i) is paid by such dual capacity taxpayer pursuant to the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession, or

``(ii) would be paid if the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession were applicable to such dual capacity taxpayer.

Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to imply the proper treatment of any such amount not in excess of the amount determined under subparagraph (B).

``(2) Dual capacity taxpayer.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `dual capacity taxpayer' means, with respect to any foreign country or possession of the United States, a person who--

``(A) is subject to a levy of such country or possession, and

``(B) receives (or will receive) directly or indirectly a specific economic benefit (as determined in accordance with regulations) from such country or possession.

``(3) Generally applicable income tax.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `generally applicable income tax' means an income tax (or a series of income taxes) which is generally imposed under the laws of a foreign country or possession on income derived from the conduct of a trade or business within such country or possession.

``(B) Exceptions.--Such term shall not include a tax unless it has substantial application, by its terms and in practice, to--

``(i) persons who are not dual capacity taxpayers, and

``(ii) persons who are citizens or residents of the foreign country or possession.''

(b) Effective Date.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxes paid or accrued in taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Contrary treaty obligations upheld.--The amendments made by this section shall not apply to the extent contrary to any treaty obligation of the United States.


(a) Separate Basket for Foreign Tax Credit.--

(1) Years before 2007.--Paragraph (1) of section 904(d)

(relating to separate application of section with respect to certain categories of income), as in effect for years beginning before 2007, is amended by striking ``and'' at the end of subparagraph (H), by redesignating subparagraph (I) as subparagraph (J), and by inserting after subparagraph (H) the following new subparagraph:

``(I) foreign oil and gas income, and''.

(2) 2007 and after.--Paragraph (1) of section 904(d), as in effect for years beginning after 2006, is amended by striking

``and'' at the end of subparagraph (A), by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (B) and inserting ``, and'', and by adding at the end the following:

``(C) foreign oil and gas income.''

(b) Definition.--

(1) Years before 2007.--Paragraph (2) of section 904(d), as in effect for years beginning before 2007, is amended by redesignating subparagraphs (H) and (I) as subparagraphs (I) and (J), respectively, and by inserting after subparagraph

(G) the following new subparagraph:

``(H) Foreign oil and gas income.--The term `foreign oil and gas income' has the meaning given such term by section 954(g).''

(2) 2007 and after.--Section 904(d)(2), as in effect for years after 2006, is amended by redesignating subparagraphs

(J) and (K) as subparagraphs (K) and (L) and by inserting after subparagraph (I) the following:

``(J) Foreign oil and gas income.--For purposes of this section--

``(i) In general.--The term `foreign oil and gas income' has the meaning given such term by section 954(g).

``(ii) Coordination.--Passive category income and general category income shall not include foreign oil and gas income

(as so defined).''

(c) Conforming Amendments.--

(1) Section 904(d)(3)(F)(i) is amended by striking ``or

(E)'' and inserting ``(E), or (I)''.

(2) Section 907(a) is hereby repealed.

(3) Section 907(c)(4) is hereby repealed.

(4) Section 907(f) is hereby repealed.

(d) Effective Dates.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Years after 2006.--The amendments made by paragraphs

(1)(B) and (2)(B) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.

(3) Transitional rules.--

(A) Separate basket treatment.--Any taxes paid or accrued in a taxable year beginning on or before the date of the enactment of this Act, with respect to income which was described in subparagraph (I) of section 904(d)(1) of such Code (as in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act), shall be treated as taxes paid or accrued with respect to foreign oil and gas income to the extent the taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury that such taxes were paid or accrued with respect to foreign oil and gas income.

(B) Carryovers.--Any unused oil and gas extraction taxes which under section 907(f) of such Code (as so in effect) would have been allowable as a carryover to the taxpayer's first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act (without regard to the limitation of paragraph

(2) of such section 907(f) for first taxable year) shall be allowed as carryovers under section 904(c) of such Code in the same manner as if such taxes were unused taxes under such section 904(c) with respect to foreign oil and gas extraction income.

(C) Losses.--The amendment made by subsection (c)(3) shall not apply to foreign oil and gas extraction losses arising in taxable years beginning on or before the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) General Rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a taxpayer is an applicable integrated oil company for its last taxable year ending in calendar year 2005, the taxpayer shall--

(1) increase, effective as of the close of such taxable year, the value of each historic LIFO layer of inventories of crude oil, natural gas, or any other petroleum product

(within the meaning of section 4611) by the layer adjustment amount, and

(2) decrease its cost of goods sold for such taxable year by the aggregate amount of the increases under paragraph (1).

If the aggregate amount of the increases under paragraph (1) exceed the taxpayer's cost of goods sold for such taxable year, the taxpayer's gross income for such taxable year shall be increased by the amount of such excess.

(b) Layer Adjustment Amount.--For purposes of this section--

(1) In general.--The term ``layer adjustment amount'' means, with respect to any historic LIFO layer, the product of--

(A) $24.00, and

(B) the number of barrels of crude oil (or in the case of natural gas or other petroleum products, the number of barrel-of-oil equivalents) represented by the layer.

(2) Barrel-of-oil equivalent.--The term ``barrel-of-oil equivalent'' has the meaning given such term by section 29(d)(5) (as in effect before its redesignation by the Energy Tax Incentives Act of 2005).

(c) Application of Requirement.--

(1) No change in method of accounting.--Any adjustment required by this section shall not be treated as a change in method of accounting.

(2) Underpayments of estimated tax.--No addition to the tax shall be made under section 6655 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to failure by corporation to pay estimated tax) with respect to any underpayment of an installment required to be paid with respect to the taxable year described in subsection

(a) to the extent such underpayment was created or increased by this section.

(d) Applicable Integrated Oil Company.--For purposes of this section, the term ``applicable integrated oil company'' means an integrated oil company (as defined in section 291(b)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) which had gross receipts in excess of $1,000,000,000 for its last taxable year ending during calendar year 2005 and which has an average daily worldwide production of crude oil of at least 250,000 barrels for such taxable year. For purposes of this subsection, all persons treated as a single employer under subsections (a) and (b) of section 52 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be treated as 1 person and, in the case of a short taxable year, the rule under section 448(c)(3)(B) shall apply.


SA 2657. Mr. ROCKEFELLER (for himself, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Bond, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Lott, Ms. Snowe, and Mrs. Feinstein) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:




(a) In General.--Subparagraph (A) of section 121(d)(9)

(relating to exclusion of gain from sale of principal residence) is amended by striking ``duty'' and all that follows and inserting ``duty--

``(i) as a member of the uniformed services,

``(ii) as a member of the Foreign Service of the United States, or

``(iii) as an employee of the intelligence community.''.

(b) Employee of Intelligence Community Defined.--Subparagraph (C) of section 121(d)(9) is amended by redesignating clause (iv) as clause (v) and by inserting after clause (iii) the following new clause:

``(iv) Employee of intelligence community.--The term

`employee of the intelligence community' means an employee

(as defined by section 2105 of title 5, United States Code) of--

``(I) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence,

``(II) the Central Intelligence Agency,

``(III) the National Security Agency,

``(IV) the Defense Intelligence Agency,

``(V) the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,

``(VI) the National Reconnaissance Office,

``(VII) any other office within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national intelligence through reconnaissance programs,

``(VIII) any of the intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Treasury, the Department of Energy, and the Coast Guard,

``(IX) the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State, or

``(X) any of the elements of the Department of Homeland Security concerned with the analyses of foreign intelligence information.''.

(c) Special Rule.--Subparagraph (C) of section 121(d)(9), as amended by subsection (b), is amended by adding at the end the following new clause:

``(vi) Special rule relating to intelligence community.--An employee of the intelligence community shall not be treated as serving on qualified extended duty unless--

``(I) for purposes of such duty such employee has moved from 1 duty station to another, and

``(II) at least 1 of such duty stations is located outside of the Washington, District of Columbia, and Baltimore metropolitan statistical areas (as defined by the Secretary of Commerce).''.

(d) Conforming Amendment.--The heading for section 121(d)(9) is amended to read as follows: ``Uniformed services, foreign service, and intelligence community''.

(e) Effective Date; Special Rule.--

(1) Effective date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect as if included in the amendments made by section 312 of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997.

(2) Waiver of limitations.--If refund or credit of any overpayment of tax resulting from the amendments made by this section is prevented at any time before the close of the 1-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act by the operation of any law or rule of law (including res judicata), such refund or credit may nevertheless be made or allowed if claim therefor is filed before the close of such period.


SA 2658. Mr. DAYTON submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of the bill add the following:



(a) In General.--For purposes of Federal income tax inclusion, the value of any employee personal use of noncommercial aircraft shall equal the excess (if any) of--

(1) greater of--

(A) the fair market value of such use, or

(B) the actual cost of such use (including all fixed and variable costs), over

(2) any amount paid by or on behalf of such employee for such use.

(b) Effective Date.--Subsection (a) shall apply to * * *


SA 2659. Mr. LAUTENBERG submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:



(a) Findings.--The Senate makes the following findings:

(1) On November 9, 2005, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation held a joint hearing on ``Energy Pricing and Profits''.

(2) The chief executive officers of the 5 largest oil companies appeared as witnesses at the joint hearing on

``Energy Prices and Profits''.

(3) Section 1001 of title 18, United States Code, prohibits any ``materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation'' at a Senate hearing.

(4) A White House document obtained by The Washington Post contradicts the testimony of some of these witnesses.

(b) Sense of the Senate.--It is the sense of the Senate that the Attorney General of the United States should promptly begin an investigation to determine whether the testimony given by any of the oil company executives at the November 9, 2005, joint hearing (referred to in subsection

(a)(1)) violated section 1001 of title 18, United States Code, or other applicable statutes.


SA 2660. Mr. DODD (for himself and Ms. Mikulski) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following:




(a) Modification of Tax Rates on Capital Gains and Dividends for Individuals With $1,000,000 or More of Taxable Income.--

(1) In general.--Section 1(h) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(12) Modified rates for individuals with $1,000,000 or more of taxable income.--If a taxpayer has taxable income of

$1,000,000 or more for any taxable year--

``(A) paragraph (11) (relating to dividends taxed as capital gain) shall not apply to any qualified dividend income of the taxpayer for the taxable year, and

``(B) paragraph (1)(C) shall be applied by substituting `20 percent' for `15 percent' with respect to the adjusted net capital gain of the taxpayer for the taxable year, determined by only taking into account gain or loss properly allocable to the portion of the taxable year after December 31, 2005.''

(2) Application to minimum tax.--Section 55(b)(3) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``In the case of a taxpayer with alternative minimum taxable income of $1,000,000 or more for any taxable year, the rules of section 1(h)(12) shall apply for purposes of this paragraph.''

(3) Effective dates.--

(A) Capital gains.--Section 1(h)(12)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by paragraph (1)) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

(B) Dividend rates.--Section 1(h)(12)(A) of such Code (as added by paragraph (1)) shall apply to dividends received after December 31, 2005.

(4) Application of jgtrra sunset.--The amendment made by this subsection shall be subject to section 303 of the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 to the same extent and in the same manner as the provision of such Act to which such amendment relates.

(b) Dedication of Resulting Revenues.--

(1) No child left behind trust fund.--Subchapter A of chapter 98 (relating to trust fund code) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) Creation of Trust Fund.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the

`No Child Left Behind Trust Fund', consisting of any amount appropriated or credited to the Trust Fund as provided in this section or section 9602(b).

``(b) Transfers to Trust Fund.--There are hereby appropriated to the No Child Left Behind Trust Fund the following amounts equivalent to the increased revenues received in the Treasury as the result of the amendment made by section 405(a) of the Tax Relief Act of 2005:

``(1) In the case of fiscal year 2006, $4,085,000,000.

``(2) In the case of fiscal year 2007, $4,543,000,000.

``(3) In the case of fiscal year 2008, $4,725,000,000.

``(c) Expenditures From Trust Fund.--Amounts in the No Child Left Behind Trust Fund shall be available for fiscal years beginning after 2005, as provided by appropriation Acts, to carry out programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 in accordance with the provisions of, and amendments made by, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.''.

(2) Military restoration trust fund.--Subchapter A of chapter 98 (relating to trust fund code), as amended by paragraph (1), is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) Creation of Trust Fund.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the

`Military Restoration Trust Fund', consisting of any amount appropriated or credited to the Trust Fund as provided in this section or section 9602(b).

``(b) Transfers to Trust Fund.--There are hereby appropriated to the Military Restoration Trust Fund the following amounts equivalent to the increased revenues received in the Treasury as the result of the amendment made by section 405(a) of the Tax Relief Act of 2005:

``(1) In the case of fiscal year 2006, $4,085,000,000.

``(2) In the case of fiscal year 2007, $4,543,000,000.

``(3) In the case of fiscal year 2008, $4,725,000,000.

``(c) Expenditures From Trust Fund.--Amounts in the Military Restoration Trust Fund shall be available for fiscal years beginning after 2005, as provided by appropriation Acts, to replenish equipment and vehicle stocks of the Marine Corps and the Army (including the National Guard and Reserve) that have been damaged or destroyed as a result of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.''.

(3) Clerical amendments.--The table of sections for such subchapter is amended by adding at the end the following new items:

``Sec. 9511. No Child Left Behind Trust Fund.

``Sec. 9512. Military Restoration Trust Fund.''.


SA 2661. Mr. DAYTON submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 235, between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:



(a) In General.--For purposes of Federal income tax inclusion, the value of any employee personal use of noncommercial aircraft shall equal the excess (if any) of--

(1) greater of--

(A) the fair market value of such use, or

(B) the actual cost of such use (including all fixed and variable costs), over

(2) any amount paid by or on behalf of such employee for such use.

(b) Effective Date.--Subsection (a) shall apply to use after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2662. Ms. COLLINS submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by her to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:



It is the sense of the Senate that any increases in revenues to the Treasury as a result of this Act and the amendments made by this Act that exceed the amounts specified in the reconciliation instructions shall be dedicated to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, in an amount not to exceed the amount which is $2,900,000,000 more than the funding levels established for such Program for fiscal year 2005.


SA 2663. Mr. HATCH submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

On page 84, strike lines 20 through 25, and on page 85, strike lines 1 through 5.


SA 2664. Mr. LEVIN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of subtitle A of title V, add the following:


(a) Penalty for Promoting Abusive Tax Shelters.--Section 6700 (relating to promoting abusive tax shelters, etc.) is amended--

(1) by redesignating subsections (b) and (c) as subsections

(d) and (e), respectively,

(2) by striking ``a penalty'' and all that follows through the period in the first sentence of subsection (a) and inserting ``a penalty determined under subsection (b)'', and

(3) by inserting after subsection (a) the following new subsections:

``(b) Amount of Penalty; Calculation of Penalty; Liability for Penalty.--

``(1) Amount of penalty.--The amount of the penalty imposed by subsection (a) shall not exceed the greater of--

``(A) 100 percent of the gross income derived (or to be derived) from such activity by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and

``(B) if readily subject to calculation, the total amount of underpayment by the taxpayer (including penalties, interest, and taxes) in connection with such activity.

``(2) Calculation of penalty.--The penalty amount determined under paragraph (1) shall be calculated with respect to each instance of an activity described in subsection (a), each instance in which income was derived by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and each person who participated in such an activity.

``(3) Liability for penalty.--If more than 1 person is liable under subsection (a) with respect to such activity, all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the penalty under such subsection.

``(c) Penalty Not Deductible.--The payment of any penalty imposed under this section or the payment of any amount to settle or avoid the imposition of such penalty shall not be considered an ordinary and necessary expense in carrying on a trade or business for purposes of this title and shall not be deductible by the person who is subject to such penalty or who makes such payment.''.

(b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 6700(a) is amended by striking the last sentence.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to activities after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Section 6701(a) (relating to imposition of penalty) is amended--

(1) by striking ``preparation or presentation of'' and inserting ``tax liability reflected in'' in paragraph (1),

(2) by inserting ``aid, assistance, procurement, or advice with respect to such'' before ``portion'' both places it appears in paragraphs (2) and (3), and

(3) by inserting ``instance of aid, assistance, procurement, or advice or each such'' before ``document'' in the matter following paragraph (3).

(b) Amount of Penalty.--Subsection (b) of section 6701

(relating to penalties for aiding and abetting understatement of tax liability) is amended to read as follows:

``(b) Amount of Penalty; Calculation of Penalty; Liability for Penalty.--

``(1) Amount of penalty.--The amount of the penalty imposed by subsection (a) shall not exceed the greater of--

``(A) 100 percent of the gross income derived (or to be derived) from such aid, assistance, procurement, or advice provided by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and

``(B) if readily subject to calculation, the total amount of underpayment by the taxpayer (including penalties, interest, and taxes) in connection with the understatement of the liability for tax.

``(2) Calculation of penalty.--The penalty amount determined under paragraph (1) shall be calculated with respect to each instance of aid, assistance, procurement, or advice described in subsection (a), each instance in which income was derived by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and each person who made such an understatement of the liability for tax.

``(3) Liability for penalty.--If more than 1 person is liable under subsection (a) with respect to providing such aid, assistance, procurement, or advice, all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the penalty under such subsection.''.

(c) Penalty Not Deductible.--Section 6701 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(g) Penalty Not Deductible.--The payment of any penalty imposed under this section or the payment of any amount to settle or avoid the imposition of such penalty shall not be considered an ordinary and necessary expense in carrying on a trade or business for purposes of this title and shall not be deductible by the person who is subject to such penalty or who makes such payment.''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to activities after the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2665. Mr. HARKIN (for himself and Mr. Obama) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV, add the following: SEC. __. RESTORATION OF THE PHASEOUT OF PERSONAL EXEMPTIONS





(a) Restoration of the Phaseout of Personal Exemptions and the Overall Limitation on Itemized Deductions.--

(1) Restoration of phaseout of personal exemptions.--

(A) In general.--Paragraph (3) of section 151(d) (relating to exemption amount) is amended by striking subparagraphs (E) and (F).

(B) Effective date.--The amendment made by this paragraph shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

(2) Restoration of phaseout of overall limitation on itemized deductions.--

(A) In general.--Section 68 is amended by striking subsections (f) and (g).

(B) Effective date.--The amendment made by this paragraph shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

(b) Reduction in Income Threshold Used to Calculate Refundable Portion of Child Tax Credit.--

(1) In general.--Section 24(d) (relating to portion of credit refundable) is amended--

(A) by striking ``as exceeds'' and all that follows through

``, or'' in paragraph (1)(B)(i) and inserting ``as exceeds

$9,000 (or $10,000 in the case of taxable years beginning in 2006), or'',

(B) by striking ``2001, the $10,000 amount'' in paragraph

(3) and inserting ``2006, the $9,000 amount'', and

(C) by striking ``2000'' in paragraph (3)(B) and inserting


(2) Effective date.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

(3) Application of sunset to this section.--Each amendment made by this subsection shall be subject to title IX of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 to the same extent and in the same manner as the provision of such Act to which such amendment relates.


SA 2666. Mr. PRYOR (for himself and Mr. Coleman) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the appropriate place, insert the following:


(a) In General.--Subpart H of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to credits against tax) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) Allowance of Credit.--In the case of a taxpayer who holds a rural renaissance bond on a credit allowance date of such bond, which occurs during the taxable year, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for such taxable year an amount equal to the sum of the credits determined under subsection (b) with respect to credit allowance dates during such year on which the taxpayer holds such bond.

``(b) Amount of Credit.--

``(1) In general.--The amount of the credit determined under this subsection with respect to any credit allowance date for a rural renaissance bond is 25 percent of the annual credit determined with respect to such bond.

``(2) Annual credit.--The annual credit determined with respect to any rural renaissance bond is the product of--

``(A) the credit rate determined by the Secretary under paragraph (3) for the day on which such bond was sold, multiplied by

``(B) the outstanding face amount of the bond.

``(3) Determination.--For purposes of paragraph (2), with respect to any rural renaissance bond, the Secretary shall determine daily or caused to be determined daily a credit rate which shall apply to the first day on which there is a binding, written contract for the sale or exchange of the bond. The credit rate for any day is the credit rate which the Secretary or the Secretary's designee estimates will permit the issuance of rural renaissance bonds with a specified maturity or redemption date without discount and without interest cost to the qualified issuer.

``(4) Credit allowance date.--For purposes of this section, the term `credit allowance date' means--

``(A) March 15,

``(B) June 15,

``(C) September 15, and

``(D) December 15.

Such term also includes the last day on which the bond is outstanding.

``(5) Special rule for issuance and redemption.--In the case of a bond which is issued during the 3-month period ending on a credit allowance date, the amount of the credit determined under this subsection with respect to such credit allowance date shall be a ratable portion of the credit otherwise determined based on the portion of the 3-month period during which the bond is outstanding. A similar rule shall apply when the bond is redeemed or matures.

``(c) Limitation Based on Amount of Tax.--The credit allowed under subsection (a) for any taxable year shall not exceed the excess of--

``(1) the sum of the regular tax liability (as defined in section 26(b)) plus the tax imposed by section 55, over

``(2) the sum of the credits allowable under this part

(other than subpart C thereof, relating to refundable credits).

``(d) Rural Renaissance Bond.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--The term `rural renaissance bond' means any bond issued as part of an issue if--

``(A) the bond is issued by a qualified issuer,

``(B) 95 percent or more of the proceeds from the sale of such issue are to be used for capital expenditures incurred for 1 or more qualified projects,

``(C) the qualified issuer designates such bond for purposes of this section and the bond is in registered form, and

``(D) the issue meets the requirements of subsections (e) and (h).

``(2) Qualified project; special use rules.--

``(A) In general.--The term `qualified project' means 1 or more projects described in subparagraph (B) located in a rural area.

``(B) Projects described.--A project described in this subparagraph is--

``(i) a water or waste treatment project,

``(ii) an affordable housing project,

``(iii) a community facility project, including hospitals, fire and police stations, and nursing and assisted-living facilities,

``(iv) a value-added agriculture or renewable energy facility project for agricultural producers or farmer-owned entities, including any project to promote the production, processing, or retail sale of ethanol (including fuel at least 85 percent of the volume of which consists of ethanol), biodiesel, animal waste, biomass, raw commodities, or wind as a fuel,

``(v) a distance learning or telemedicine project,

``(vi) a rural utility infrastructure project, including any electric or telephone system,

``(vii) a project to expand broadband technology,

``(viii) a rural teleworks project, and

``(ix) any project described in any preceding clause carried out by the Delta Regional Authority.

``(C) Special rules.--For purposes of this paragraph--

``(i) any project described in subparagraph (B)(iv) for a farmer-owned entity may be considered a qualified project if such entity is located in a rural area, or in the case of a farmer-owned entity the headquarters of which are located in a nonrural area, if the project is located in a rural area, and

``(ii) any project for a farmer-owned entity which is a facility described in subparagraph (B)(iv) for agricultural producers may be considered a qualified project regardless of whether the facility is located in a rural or nonrural area.

``(3) Special use rules.--

``(A) Refinancing rules.--For purposes of paragraph (1)(B), a qualified project may be refinanced with proceeds of a rural renaissance bond only if the indebtedness being refinanced (including any obligation directly or indirectly refinanced by such indebtedness) was originally incurred after the date of the enactment of this section.

``(B) Reimbursement.--For purposes of paragraph (1)(B), a rural renaissance bond may be issued to reimburse a borrower for amounts paid after the date of the enactment of this section with respect to a qualified project, but only if--

``(i) prior to the payment of the original expenditure, the borrower declared its intent to reimburse such expenditure with the proceeds of a rural renaissance bond,

``(ii) not later than 60 days after payment of the original expenditure, the qualified issuer adopts an official intent to reimburse the original expenditure with such proceeds, and

``(iii) the reimbursement is made not later than 18 months after the date the original expenditure is paid.

``(C) Treatment of changes in use.--For purposes of paragraph (1)(B), the proceeds of an issue shall not be treated as used for a qualified project to the extent that a borrower takes any action within its control which causes such proceeds not to be used for a qualified project. The Secretary shall prescribe regulations specifying remedial actions that may be taken (including conditions to taking such remedial actions) to prevent an action described in the preceding sentence from causing a bond to fail to be a rural renaissance bond.

``(e) Maturity Limitations.--

``(1) Duration of term.--A bond shall not be treated as a rural renaissance bond if the maturity of such bond exceeds the maximum term determined by the Secretary under paragraph

(2) with respect to such bond.

``(2) Maximum term.--During each calendar month, the Secretary shall determine the maximum term permitted under this paragraph for bonds issued during the following calendar month. Such maximum term shall be the term which the Secretary estimates will result in the present value of the obligation to repay the principal on the bond being equal to 50 percent of the face amount of such bond. Such present value shall be determined without regard to the requirements of subsection (f)(3) and using as a discount rate the average annual interest rate of tax-exempt obligations having a term of 10 years or more which are issued during the month. If the term as so determined is not a multiple of a whole year, such term shall be rounded to the next highest whole year.

``(3) Ratable principal amortization required.--A bond shall not be treated as a rural renaissance bond unless it is part of an issue which provides for an equal amount of principal to be paid by the qualified issuer during each calendar year that the issue is outstanding.

``(f) Limitation on Amount of Bonds Designated.--

``(1) National limitation.--There is a rural renaissance bond limitation of $200,000,000.

``(2) Allocation by secretary.--The Secretary shall allocate the amount described in paragraph (1) among qualified issuers in such manner as the Secretary determines appropriate.

``(g) Credit Included in Gross Income.--Gross income includes the amount of the credit allowed to the taxpayer under this section (determined without regard to subsection

(c)) and the amount so included shall be treated as interest income.

``(h) Special Rules Relating to Expenditures.--

``(1) In general.--An issue shall be treated as meeting the requirements of this subsection if, as of the date of issuance, the qualified issuer reasonably expects--

``(A) at least 95 percent of the proceeds from the sale of the issue are to be spent for 1 or more qualified projects within the 5-year period beginning on the date of issuance of the rural renaissance bond,

``(B) a binding commitment with a third party to spend at least 10 percent of the proceeds from the sale of the issue will be incurred within the 6-month period beginning on the date of issuance of the rural renaissance bond or, in the case of a rural renaissance bond, the proceeds of which are to be loaned to 2 or more borrowers, such binding commitment will be incurred within the 6-month period beginning on the date of the loan of such proceeds to a borrower, and

``(C) such projects will be completed with due diligence and the proceeds from the sale of the issue will be spent with due diligence.

``(2) Extension of period.--Upon submission of a request prior to the expiration of the period described in paragraph

(1)(A), the Secretary may extend such period if the qualified issuer establishes that the failure to satisfy the 5-year requirement is due to reasonable cause and the related projects will continue to proceed with due diligence.

``(3) Failure to spend required amount of bond proceeds within 5 years.--To the extent that less than 95 percent of the proceeds of such issue are expended by the close of the 5-year period beginning on the date of issuance (or if an extension has been obtained under paragraph (2), by the close of the extended period), the qualified issuer shall redeem all of the nonqualified bonds within 90 days after the end of such period. For purposes of this paragraph, the amount of the nonqualified bonds required to be redeemed shall be determined in the same manner as under section 142.

``(i) Special Rules Relating to Arbitrage.--A bond which is part of an issue shall not be treated as a rural renaissance bond unless, with respect to the issue of which the bond is a part, the qualified issuer satisfies the arbitrage requirements of section 148 with respect to proceeds of the issue.

``(j) Qualified Issuer.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--The term `qualified issuer' means any not-for-profit cooperative lender which has as of the date of the enactment of this section received a guarantee under section 306 of the Rural Electrification Act and which meets the requirement of paragraph (2).

``(2) User fee requirement.--The requirement of this paragraph is met if the issuer of any rural rennaissance bond makes grants for qualified projects as defined under subsection (d)(2) on a semi-annual basis every year that such bond is outstanding in an annual amount equal to one-half of the rate on United States Treasury Bills of the same maturity multiplied by the outstanding principle balance of rural rennaissance bonds issued by such issuer.

``(k) Special Rules Relating to Pool Bonds.--No portion of a pooled financing bond may be allocable to loan unless the borrower has entered into a written loan commitment for such portion prior to the issue date of such issue.

``(l) Other Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) Bond.--The term `bond' includes any obligation.

``(2) Pooled financing bond.--The term `pooled financing bond' shall have the meaning given such term by section 149(f)(4)(A).

``(3) Rural area.--The term `rural area' means any area other than--

``(A) a city or town which has a population of greater than 50,000 inhabitants, or

``(B) the urbanized area contiguous and adjacent to such a city or town.

``(4) Partnership; s corporation; and other pass-thru entities.--

``(A) In general.--Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, in the case of a partnership, trust, S corporation, or other pass-thru entity, rules similar to the rules of section 41(g) shall apply with respect to the credit allowable under subsection (a).

``(B) No basis adjustment.--In the case of a bond held by a partnership or an S corporation, rules similar to the rules under section 1397E(i) shall apply.

``(5) Bonds held by regulated investment companies.--If any rural renaissance bond is held by a regulated investment company, the credit determined under subsection (a) shall be allowed to shareholders of such company under procedures prescribed by the Secretary.

``(6) Reporting.--Issuers of rural renaissance bonds shall submit reports similar to the reports required under section 149(e).''.

(b) Reporting.--Subsection (d) of section 6049 (relating to returns regarding payments of interest) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(9) Reporting of credit on rural renaissance bonds.--


SA 2667. Ms. SNOWE (for herself, Mr. Bingaman, Ms. Collins, and Mr. Reed) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

At the end of title IV add the following:




(a) Imposition of Withholding on Certain Payments Made by Government Entities.--

(1) In general.--Section 3402 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(t) Extension of Withholding to Certain Payments Made by Government Entities.--

``(1) General rule.--The Government of the United States, every State, every political subdivision thereof, and every instrumentality of the foregoing (including multi-State agencies) making any payment for goods and services which is subject to withholding shall deduct and withhold form such payment a tax in an amount equal to 1.75 percent of such payment.

``(2) Exceptions.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any payment--

``(A) except as provided in subparagraph (B), which is subject to withholding under any other provision of this chapter or chapter 3,

``(B) which is subject to withholding under section 3406 and from which amounts are being withheld under such section,

``(C) of interest,

``(D) for real property,

``(E) to any tax-exempt entity, foreign government, or other entity subject to the requirements of paragraph (1),

``(F) made pursuant to a classified or confidential contract (as defined in section 6050M(e)(3)), and

``(G) made by a political subdivision of a State (or any instrumentality thereof) which makes less than $100,000,000 of such payments annually.

``(3) Coordination with other sections.--For purposes of sections 3403 and 3404 and for purposes of so much of subtitle F (except section 7205) as relates to this chapter, payments to any person of any payment for goods and services which is subject to withholding shall be treated as if such payments were wages paid by an employer to an employee.''.

(2) Effective date.--The amendment made by this subsection shall apply to payments made after December 31, 2005.

(b) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund.--

(1) In general.--Subchapter A of chapter 98 (relating to trust fund code) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) Creation of Trust Fund.--There is established in the Treasury of the United States a trust fund to be known as the

`Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund', consisting of any amount appropriated or credited to the Trust Fund as provided in this section or section 9602(b).

``(b) Transfers to Trust Fund.--There are hereby appropriated to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund amounts equivalent to the increased revenues received in the Treasury as the result of the amendment made by section 410(a) of the Tax Relief Act of 2005.

``(c) Expenditures From Trust Fund.--Amounts in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund not to exceed

$2,920,000,000 shall be available for fiscal year 2006, as provided by appropriation Acts, to carry out the program under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 through the distribution of funds to all the States in accordance with section 2604 of that Act (42 U.S.C. 8623)

(other than subsection (e) of such section), but only if not less than $1,880,000,000 has been appropriated for such program for such fiscal year.''.

(2) Clerical amendment.--The table of sections for such subchapter is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Sec. 9511. Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Trust Fund.''.

(c) Effective Dates.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect as if included in the enactment of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.

(2) Subsection (b).--The amendments made by subsection (b) shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.


SA 2668. Mr. DORGAN submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

At the end of title IV, insert the following:



(a) In General.--Section 30(b) (relating to limitations on credit for qualified electric vehicles) is amended by striking paragraph (2) and by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (2).

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to vehicles placed in service after December 31, 2005.


SA 2669. Ms. LANDRIEU (for herself and Mr. Vitter) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

On page 35, between lines 16 and 17, insert the following:



(a) Exclusion of Employer Provided Housing for Individual Affected by Hurricane Katrina.--

(1) In general.--For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, gross income of a qualified employee shall not include the value of any lodging furnished to such employee, such employee's spouse, or any of such employee's dependents by or on behalf of a qualified employer for any month during the taxable year.

(2) Limitation.--The amount which may be excluded under subsection (a) for any month for which lodging is furnished during the taxable year shall not exceed $600.

(3) Treatment of exclusion.--For purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (other than sections 3121(a)(19) and 3306(b)(14), an exclusion under subsection (a) shall be treated as an exclusion under section 119 of such Code.

(b) Employer Credit for Housing Employees Affected by Hurricane Katrina.--

(1) In general.--In the case of a qualified employer, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 for any month during the taxable year an amount equal to 30 percent of any amount which is excludable from the gross income of a qualified employee of such employer under subsection (a).

(2) Certain rules to apply.--For purposes of this section, rules similar to the rules of section 280C(a) of such Code shall apply.

(3) Credit to be part of general business credit.--The credit allowed under this section shall be added to the current year business credit under section 38(b) of such Code and shall be treated as a credit allowed under subpart D of part IV of subchapter A of such Code.

(c) Qualified Employee.--For purposes of this section, the term ``qualified employee'' means, with respect to any month, an individual--

(1) who had a principal residence (as defined in section 121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986) in the go zone (as defined in section 1400N(1) of such Code) on August 28, 2005, and

(2) who performs not less than 80 percent of the employment services for a qualified employer in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area (as so defined).

(d) Qualified Employer.--For purposes of this section, the term ``qualified employer'' means any employer with a trade or business located in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area

(as so defined).

(e) Application of Section.--This section shall apply to lodging provided--

(1) after the date of the enactment of this Act, and

(2) before the date which is 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, and

(3) no credit with respect to such lodging shall be claimed before October 1, 2006.


SA 2670. Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself and Mr. Baucus) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 2020, to provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(b) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; as follows:

On page 82, between lines 20 and 21, insert the following:



(a) In General.--Section 30(b) (relating to limitations) is amended by striking paragraph (2) and by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (2).

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

On page 107, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following:



(a) In General.--

(1) Individuals.--Paragraph (1) of subsection 170(b)

(relating to percentage limitations) is amended by redesignating subparagraphs (E) and (F) as subparagraphs (F) and (G), respectively, and by inserting after subparagraph

(D) the following new subparagraph:

``(E) Contributions of qualified conservation contributions.--

``(i) In general.--Any qualified conservation contribution

(as defined in subsection (h)(1)) to an organization described in subparagraph (A) shall be allowed to the extent the aggregate of such contributions does not exceed the excess of 50 percent of the taxpayer's contribution base over the amount of all other charitable contributions allowable under this paragraph.

``(ii) Carryover.--If the aggregate amount of contributions described in clause (i) exceeds the limitation of clause (i), such excess shall be treated (in a manner consistent with the rules of subsection (d)(1)) as a charitable contribution to which clause (i) applies in each of the 15 succeeding years in order of time.

``(iii) Coordination with other subparagraphs.--For purposes of applying this subsection and subsection (d)(1), contributions described in clause (i) shall not be treated as described in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D).

``(iv) Qualified farmer or rancher.--

``(I) In general.--If the individual is a qualified farmer or rancher for the taxable year in which the contribution is made, clause (i) shall be applied by substituting `100 percent' for `50 percent'.

``(II) Definition.--For purposes of subclause (I), the term

`qualified farmer or rancher' means a taxpayer whose gross income from the trade or business of farming (within the meaning of section 2032A(e)(5)) is greater than 50 percent of the taxpayer's gross income for the taxable year.''.

(2) Corporations.--Paragraph (2) of section 170(b) is amended to read as follows:

``(2) Corporations.--In the case of a corporation--

``(A) In general.--The total deductions under subsection

(a) for any taxable year (other than for contributions to which subparagraph (B) applies) shall not exceed 10 percent of the taxpayer's taxable income.

``(B) Qualified conservation contributions by certain corporate farmers and ranchers.--

``(i) In general.--Any qualified conservation contribution

(as defined in subsection (h)(1)) made--

``(I) by a corporation which, for the taxable year during which the contribution is made, is a qualified farmer or rancher (as defined in paragraph (1)(E)(iv)(II)) and the stock of which is not readily tradable on an established securities market at any time during such year, and

``(II) to an organization described in paragraph (1)(A),

shall be allowed to the extent the aggregate of such contributions does not exceed the excess of the taxpayer's taxable income over the amount of charitable contributions allowable under subparagraph (A).

``(ii) Carryover.--If the aggregate amount of contributions described in clause (i) exceeds the limitation of clause (i), such excess shall be treated (in a manner consistent with the rules of subsection (d)(2)) as a charitable contribution to which clause (i) applies in each of the 15 succeeding years in order of time.

``(C) Taxable income.--For purposes of this paragraph, taxable income shall be computed without regard to--

``(i) this section,

``(ii) part VIII (except section 248),

``(iii) any net operating loss carrryback to the taxable year under section 172,

``(iv) section 199, and

``(v) any capital loss carryback to the taxable year under section 1212(a)(1).''.

(b) Conforming Amendments.--

(1) The second sentence of clause (i) of section 170(b)(1)(C) is amended by striking ``subparagraph (D)'' and inserting ``subparagraph (D) or (E)''.

(2) Clause (i) of section 170(b)(1)(D) is amended by striking ``subparagraph (A)'' and inserting ``subparagraphs

(A) or (E)''.

(3) Paragraph (2) of section 170(d) is amended by striking

``subsection (b)(2)'' each place it appears and inserting

``subsection (b)(2)(A)''.

(4) Section 545(b)(2) is amended by striking ``and (D)'' and inserting ``(D), and (E)''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to contributions made in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005, and before January 1, 2008.




(a) In General.--Subsection (e) of section 170 (relating to certain contributions of ordinary income and capital gain property), as amended by this section 33 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(18) Special rule for certain contributions of literary, musical, artistic, or scholarly compositions.--

``(A) In general.--In the case of a qualified artistic charitable contribution--

``(i) the amount of such contribution taken into account under this section shall be the fair market value of the property contributed (determined at the time of such contribution), and

``(ii) no reduction in the amount of such contribution shall be made under paragraph (1).

``(B) Qualified artistic charitable contribution.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term `qualified artistic charitable contribution' means a charitable contribution of any literary, musical, artistic, or scholarly composition, or similar property, or the copyright thereon (or both), but only if--

``(i) such property was created by the personal efforts of the taxpayer making such contribution no less than 18 months prior to such contribution,

``(ii) the taxpayer--

``(I) has received a qualified appraisal of the fair market value of such property in accordance with the regulations under this section, and

``(II) attaches to the taxpayer's income tax return for the taxable year in which such contribution was made a copy of such appraisal,

``(iii) the donee is an organization described in subsection (b)(1)(A),

``(iv) the use of such property by the donee is related to the purpose or function constituting the basis for the donee's exemption under section 501 (or, in the case of a governmental unit, to any purpose or function described under section 501(c)),

``(v) the taxpayer receives from the donee a written statement representing that the donee's use of the property will be in accordance with the provisions of clause (iv), and

``(vi) the written appraisal referred to in clause (ii) includes evidence of the extent (if any) to which property created by the personal efforts of the taxpayer and of the same type as the donated property is or has been--

``(I) owned, maintained, and displayed by organizations described in subsection (b)(1)(A), and

``(II) sold to or exchanged by persons other than the taxpayer, donee, or any related person (as defined in section 465(b)(3)(C)).

``(C) Maximum dollar limitation; no carryover of increased deduction.--The increase in the deduction under this section by reason of this paragraph for any taxable year--

``(i) shall not exceed the artistic adjusted gross income of the taxpayer for such taxable year, and

``(ii) shall not be taken into account in determining the amount which may be carried from such taxable year under subsection (d).

``(D) Artistic adjusted gross income.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term `artistic adjusted gross income' means that portion of the adjusted gross income of the taxpayer for the taxable year attributable to--

``(i) income from the sale or use of property created by the personal efforts of the taxpayer which is of the same type as the donated property, and

``(ii) income from teaching, lecturing, performing, or similar activity with respect to property described in clause


``(E) Paragraph not to apply to certain contributions.--Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any charitable contribution of any letter, memorandum, or similar property which was written, prepared, or produced by or for an individual while the individual is an officer or employee of any person (including any government agency or instrumentality) unless such letter, memorandum, or similar property is entirely personal.

``(F) Copyright treated as separate property for partial interest rule.--In the case of a qualified artistic charitable contribution, the tangible literary, musical, artistic, or scholarly composition, or similar property and the copyright on such work shall be treated as separate properties for purposes of this paragraph and subsection


``(G) Termination.--This paragraph shall not apply to contributions made after December 31, 2007.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to contributions made after December 31, 2005.



(a) In General.--Part III of subchapter B of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after section 139A the following new section:


``(a) In General.--Gross income of an individual does not include amounts received, from an organization described in section 170(c), as reimbursement of operating expenses with respect to use of a passenger automobile for the benefit of such organization. The preceding sentence shall apply only to the extent that the expenses which are reimbursed would be deductible under this chapter if section 274(d) were applied--

``(1) by using the standard business mileage rate established under such section, and

``(2) as if the individual were an employee of an organization not described in section 170(c).

``(b) Application to Volunteer Services Only.--Subsection

(a) shall not apply with respect to any expenses relating to the performance of services for compensation.

``(c) No Double Benefit.--A taxpayer may not claim a deduction or credit under any other provision of this title with respect to the expenses under subsection (a).

``(d) Exemption From Reporting Requirements.--Section 6041 shall not apply with respect to reimbursements excluded from income under subsection (a).

``(e) Termination.--This section shall not apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2007.''.

(b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for part III of subchapter B of chapter 1 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 139 the following new item:

``Sec. 139A. Mileage reimbursements to charitable volunteers''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.




(a) In General.--Section 170(b) (related to percentage limitations) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Special rule for corporate contributions to the mathematics and science partnership program.--

``(A) In general.--In the case of a corporation which makes an eligible mathematics and science contribution--

``(i) the limitation under paragraph (2) shall apply separately with respect to all such contributions and all other charitable contributions, and

``(ii) paragraph (2) shall be applied with respect to all eligible mathematics and science contributions by substituting `15 percent' for `10 percent'.

``(B) Eligible mathematics and science contribution.--

``(i) In general.--For purposes of this paragraph, the term

`eligible mathematics and science contribution' means a charitable contribution (other than a contribution of used equipment) to a qualified partnership for the purpose of an activity described in section 2202(c) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965..

``(ii) Qualified partnership.--The term `qualified partnership' means an eligible partnership (within the meaning of section 2201(b)(1) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965), but only to the extent that such partnership does not include a person other than a person described in paragraph (1)(A).

``(C) Termination.--This paragraph shall not apply to any contributions made in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2006.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to contributions made in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

On page 149, line 7, strike ``$100'' and insert ``$250''.

Beginning on page 150, line 4, strike all through page 151, line 2 and insert the following:



(a) Recordkeeping Requirement.--Subsection (f) of section 170, as amended by section 317 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(16) Recordkeeping.--No deduction shall be allowed under subsection (a) for any contribution of a cash, check, or other monetary gift unless the donor maintains as a record of such contribution--

``(A) a cancelled check, or

``(B) a receipt or a letter or other written communication from the donee showing the name of the donee organization, the date of the contribution, and the amount of the contribution.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to contributions made in taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

On page 172, after line 21, add the following:



(a) Gross Investment Income.--

(1) In general.--Paragraph (2) of section 4940(c) (relating to gross investment income) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Such term shall also include income from sources similar to those in the preceding sentence.''.

(2) Conforming amendment.--Subsection (e) of section 509

(relating to gross investment income) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Such term shall also include income from sources similar to those in the preceding sentence.''.

(b) Capital Gain Net Income.--Paragraph (4) of section 4940(c) (relating to capital gains and losses) is amended--

(1) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``used for the production of interest, dividends, rents, and royalties'' and inserting ``used for the production of gross investment income (as defined in paragraph (2))'', and

(2) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``or carrybacks'' after ``carryovers''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.



Section 7701 (relating to definitions) is amended by redesignating subsection(o) as subsection (p) and by inserting after subsection (n) the following new subsection:

``(o) Convention or Association of Churches.--For purposes of this title, any organization which is otherwise a convention or association of churches shall not fail to so qualify merely because the membership of such organization includes individuals as well as churches or because individuals have voting rights in such organization.''.



(a) In General.--Section 6033 (relating to returns by exempt organizations), as amended by section 346 of this Act, is amended by redesignating subsection (j) as subsection (k) and by inserting after subsection (i) the following new subsection:

``(j) Additional Notification Requirements.--Any organization the gross receipts of which in any taxable year result in such organization being referred to in subsection

(a)(3)(A)(ii) or (a)(3)(B)--

``(1) shall furnish annually, at such time and in such manner as the Secretary may by forms or regulations prescribe, information setting forth--

``(A) the legal name of the organization,

``(B) any name under which such organization operates or does business,

``(C) the organization's mailing address and Internet web site address (if any),

``(D) the organization's taxpayer identification number,

``(E) the name and address of a principal officer, and

``(F) evidence of the continuing basis for the organization's exemption from the filing requirements under subsection (a)(1), and

``(2) upon the termination of the existence of the organization, shall furnish notice of such termination.''.

(b) Loss of Exempt Status for Failure To File Return or Notice.--Section 6033 (relating to returns by exempt organizations), as amended by subsection (a), is amended by redesignating subsection (k) as subsection (l) and by inserting after subsection (j) the following new subsection:

``(k) Loss of Exempt Status for Failure To File Return or Notice.--

``(1) In general.--If an organization described in subsection (a)(1) or (i) fails to file an annual return or notice required under either subsection for 3 consecutive years, such organization's status as an organization exempt from tax under section 501(a) shall be considered revoked on and after the date set by the Secretary for the filing of the third annual return or notice. The Secretary shall publish and maintain a list of any organization the status of which is so revoked.

``(2) Application necessary for reinstatement.--Any organization the tax-exempt status of which is revoked under paragraph (1) must apply in order to obtain reinstatement of such status regardless of whether such organization was originally required to make such an application.

``(3) Retroactive reinstatement if reasonable cause shown for failure.--If upon application for reinstatement of status as an organization exempt from tax under section 501(a), an organization described in paragraph (1) can show to the satisfaction of the Secretary evidence of reasonable cause for the failure described in such paragraph, the organization's exempt status may, in the discretion of the Secretary, be reinstated effective from the date of the revocation under such paragraph.''.

(c) No Declaratory Judgment Relief.--Section 7428(b)

(relating to limitations) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(4) Nonapplication for certain revocations.--No action may be brought under this section with respect to any revocation of status described in section 6033(k)(1).''.

(d) No Inspection Requirement.--Section 6104(b) (relating to inspection of annual information returns) is amended by inserting ``(other than subsection (j) thereof)'' after


(e) No Disclosure Requirement.--Section 6104(d)(3)

(relating to exceptions from disclosure requirements) is amended by redesignating subparagraph (B) as subparagraph (C) and by inserting after subparagraph (A) the following new subparagraph:

``(B) Nondisclosure of annual notices.--Paragraph (1) shall not require the disclosure of any notice required under section 6033(j).''.

(f) No Monetary Penalty for Failure To Notify.--Section 6652(c)(1) (relating to annual returns under section 6033 or 6012(a)(6)) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(E) No penalty for certain annual notices.--This paragraph shall not apply with respect to any notice required under section 6033(j).''.

(g) Secretarial Outreach Requirements.--

(1) Notice requirement.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall notify in a timely manner every organization described in section 6033(j) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by this section) of the requirement under such section 6033(j) and of the penalty established under section 6033(k)--

(A) by mail, in the case of any organization the identity and address of which is included in the list of exempt organizations maintained by the Secretary, and

(B) by Internet or other means of outreach, in the case of any other organization.

(2) Loss of status penalty for failure to file return.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall publicize in a timely manner in appropriate forms and instructions and through other appropriate means, the penalty established under section 6033(k) of such Code for the failure to file a return under section 6033(a)(1) of such Code.

(h) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to notices and returns with respect to annual periods beginning after 2005



(a) In General.--Subsection (c) of section 6104 is amended by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following new paragraphs:

``(2) Disclosure of proposed actions related to charitable organizations.--

``(A) Specific notifications.--In the case of an organization to which paragraph (1) applies, the Secretary may disclose to the appropriate State officer--

``(i) a notice of proposed refusal to recognize such organization as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) or a notice of proposed revocation of such organization's recognition as an organization exempt from taxation,

``(ii) the issuance of a letter of proposed deficiency of tax imposed under section 507 or chapter 41 or 42, and

``(iii) the names, addresses, and taxpayer identification numbers of organizations which have applied for recognition as organizations described in section 501(c)(3).

``(B) Additional disclosures.--Returns and return information of organizations with respect to which information is disclosed under subparagraph (A) may be made available for inspection by or disclosed to an appropriate State officer.

``(C) Procedures for disclosure.--Information may be inspected or disclosed under subparagraph (A) or (B) only--

``(i) upon written request by an appropriate State officer, and

``(ii) for the purpose of, and only to the extent necessary in, the administration of State laws regulating such organizations.

Such information may only be inspected by or disclosed to representatives of the appropriate State officer designated as the individuals who are to inspect or to receive the returns or return information under this paragraph on behalf of such officer. Such representatives shall not include any contractor or agent.

``(D) Disclosures other than by request.--The Secretary may make available for inspection or disclose returns and return information of an organization to which paragraph (1) applies to an appropriate State officer of any State if the Secretary determines that such inspection or disclosure may facilitate the resolution of Federal or State issues relating to the tax-exempt status of such organization.

``(3) Disclosure with respect to certain other exempt organizations.--Upon written request by an appropriate State officer, the Secretary may make available for inspection or disclosure returns and return information of an organization described in paragraph (2), (4), (6), (7), (8), (10), or (13) of section 501(c) for the purpose of, and to the extent necessary in, the administration of State laws regulating the solicitation or administration of the charitable funds or charitable assets of such organizations. Such information may be inspected only by or disclosed only to representatives of the appropriate State officer designated as the individuals who are to inspect or to receive the returns or return information under this paragraph on behalf of such officer. Such representatives shall not include any contractor or agent.

``(4) Use in civil judicial and administrative proceedings.--Returns and return information disclosed pursuant to this subsection may be disclosed in civil administrative and civil judicial proceedings pertaining to the enforcement of State laws regulating such organizations in a manner prescribed by the Secretary similar to that for tax administration proceedings under section 6103(h)(4).

``(5) No disclosure if impairment.--Returns and return information shall not be disclosed under this subsection, or in any proceeding described in paragraph (4), to the extent that the Secretary determines that such disclosure would seriously impair Federal tax administration.

``(6) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) Return and return information.--The terms `return' and `return information' have the respective meanings given to such terms by section 6103(b).

``(B) Appropriate state officer.--The term `appropriate State officer' means--

``(i) the State attorney general,

``(ii) the State tax officer,

``(iii) in the case of an organization to which paragraph

(1) applies, any other State official charged with overseeing organizations of the type described in section 501(c)(3), and

``(iv) in the case of an organization to which paragraph

(3) applies, the head of an agency designated by the State attorney general as having primary responsibility for overseeing the solicitation of funds for charitable purposes.''.

(b) Conforming Amendments.--

(1) Subparagraph (A) of section 6103(p)(3) is amended by inserting ``an section 6104(c)'' after ``section'' in the first sentence.

(2) Paragraph (4) of section 6103(p) is amended--

(A) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting

``, or any appropriate State officer (as defined in section 6104(c)),'' before ``or any other person'',

(B) in subparagraph (F)(i), by inserting ``or any appropriate State officer (as defined in section 6104(c)),'' before ``or any other person'', and

(C) in the matter following subparagraph (F), by inserting

``, an appropriate State officer (as defined in section 6104(c)),'' after ``including an agency'' each place it appear.

(3) The heading for paragraph (1) of section 6104(c) is amended by inserting ``for charitable organizations'' after


(4) Paragraph (2) of section 7213(a) is amended by inserting ``or under section 6104(c)'' after ``6103''.

(5) Paragraph (2) of section 7213A(a) is amended by inserting ``or 6104(c)'' after ``6103''.

(6) Paragraph (2) of section 7431(a) is amended by inserting ``(including any disclosure in violation of section 6014(c)'' after ``6103''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act but shall not apply to requests made before such date.

On page 174, line 4, strike ``121st day'' and insert

``181st day''.

On page 174, line 6, strike ``121st day'' and insert

``181st day''.

On page 174, line 10, strike ``121st day'' and insert

``181st day''.

On page 174, line 12, strike ``121st day'' and insert

``181st day''.

On page 176, line 25, strike ``5'' and insert ``the applicable percentage''.

On page 177, line 1, strike ``percent''.

On page 178, line 2, strike ``5 percent'' and insert ``the applicable percentage''.

On page 178, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following:

``(4) Applicable percentage.--For purposes of paragraphs

(1) and (3), the applicable percentage is--

``(A) 3 percent for the first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this section,

``(B) 4 percent for the second taxable year beginning after such date, and

``(C) 5 percent for any taxable year beginning after the second taxable year beginning after such date.

On page 178, strike lines 9 through 15 and insert the following:

``(A) any amount paid by the sponsoring organization from a donor advised fund--

``(i) to any organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A)

(other than any organization described in section 509(a)(3)) or any sponsoring organization if such amount is for maintenance in a donor advised fund), and

``(ii) notwithstanding clause (i), to any organization described section 170(f)(17)(B)(ii), but only to the extent not prohibited by regulations, and

On page 179, strike lines 1 through 3 and insert the following:

``(2) Distributions to sponsoring organizations.--

``(A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), such term shall include any distribution to a sponsoring organization.

``(B) Organization level distributions.--For purposes of subsection (c)(1)(B), such term shall not include any distribution to a sponsoring organization unless such distribution is designated for use in connection with a charitable program of such organization.

On page 185, line 9, strike ``section 4967(g)(2)(C)'' and insert ``section 4967(g)(2)(A)(iii)''.

On page 186, strike lines 7 through 14 and insert the following:

``(c) Taxable Distribution.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(1) In general.--The term `taxable distribution' means any distribution from a donor advised fund to any person other than the sponsoring organization's non donor advised funds or accounts or organizations described in section 170(b)(1)(A) (other than any organization described in section 509(a)(3) or any sponsoring organization if such amount is for maintenance in a donor advised fund).

``(2) Exception.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), such term shall not include any distribution from a donor advised fund to any organization described section 170(f)(17)(B)(ii) to the extent such distribution is not prohibited under regulations.

On page 189, line 17, strike ``121st day'' and insert

``181st day''.

On page 190, line 22, strike ``4967(g)(2)(C)'' and insert


On page 192, lines 18 and 19, strike ``provided by the sponsoring organization in connection with'' and insert


Beginning on page 193, line 17 strike all through page 196, line 4 and insert the following:



(a) Income.--Section 170(f) (relating to disallowance of deduction in certain cases and special rules), as amended by section 318 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(17) Contributions to donor advised funds.--

``(A) In general.--A deduction otherwise allowed under subsection (a) for any contribution to a sponsoring organization (as defined in section 4967(g)(1)) to be maintained in any donor advised fund (as defined in section 4967(g)(2)) of such organization shall only be allowed if--

``(i) such sponsoring organization is not described in paragraph (3), (4), or (5) of subsection (c) or section 509(a)(3), and

``(ii) the taxpayer obtains a contemporaneous written acknowledgment (determined under rules similar to the rules of paragraph (8)(C) from the sponsoring organization that such organization has exclusive legal control over the assets contributed.

``(B) Contributions to type i or type ii supporting organizations.--

``(i) In general.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A)(i), a contribution to a sponsoring organization (as so defined) described in clause (ii) to be maintained in any donor advised fund (as so defined) of such organization shall be allowed to the extent not prohibited by regulations.

``(ii) Organization described.--An organization is described in this clause if the organization meets the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (C) of section 509(a)(3) and is--

``(I) operated, supervised, or controlled by one or more organizations described in paragraph (1) or (2) of section 509(a), or

``(II) supervised or controlled in connection with one or more such organizations.''.

(b) Estate.--Section 2055(e) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(5) Contributions to donor advised funds.--

``(A) In general.--A deduction otherwise allowed under subsection (a) for any contribution to a sponsoring organization (as defined in section 4967(g)(1)) to be maintained in any donor advised fund (as defined in section 4967(g)(2)) of such organization shall only be allowed if--

``(i) such sponsoring organization is not described in paragraph (3) or(4) of subsection (a) or section 509(a)(3), and

``(ii) the taxpayer obtains a contemporaneous written acknowledgment (determined under rules similar to the rules of section 170(f)(8)(C)) from the sponsoring organization that such organization has exclusive legal control over the assets contributed.

``(B) Contributions to type i or type ii supporting organizations.--

``(i) In general.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A)(i), a contribution to a sponsoring organization (as so defined) described in clause (ii) to be maintained in any donor advised fund (as so defined) of such organization shall be allowed to the extent not prohibited by regulations.

``(ii) Organization described.--An organization is described in this clause if the organization meets the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (C) of section 509(a)(3) and is--

``(I) operated, supervised, or controlled by one or more organizations described in paragraph (1) or (2) of section 509(a), or

``(II) supervised or controlled in connection with one or more such organizations.''.

(c) Gift.--Section 2522(c) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(13) Contributions to donor advised funds.--

``(A) In general.--A deduction otherwise allowed under subsection (a) for any contribution to a sponsoring organization (as defined in section 4967(g)(1)) to be maintained in any donor advised fund (as defined in section 4967(g)(2)) of such organization shall only be allowed if--

``(i) such sponsoring organization is not described in paragraph (3) or (4) of subsection (a) or section 509(a)(3), and

``(ii) the taxpayer obtains a contemporaneous written acknowledgment (determined under rules similar to the rules of section 170(f)(8)(C)) from the sponsoring organization that such organization has exclusive legal control over the assets contributed.

``(B) Contributions to type i or type ii supporting organizations.--

``(i) In general.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A)(i), a contribution to a sponsoring organization (as so defined) described in clause (ii) to be maintained in any donor advised fund (as so defined) of such organization shall be allowed to the extent not prohibited by regulations.

``(ii) Organization described.--An organization is described in this clause if the organization meets the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (C) of section 509(a)(3) and is--

``(I) operated, supervised, or controlled by one or more organizations described in paragraph (1) or (2) of section 509(a), or

``(II) supervised or controlled in connection with one or more such organizations.''.

(d) Regulations.--The regulations prescribed under sections 170(f)(17)(B)(i), 2055(e)(5)(B)(i), 2522(c)(13)(B)(i), 4967(e)(i)(A)(ii), and 4968(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall deny a deduction for contributions to sponsoring organizations (as defined in section 4967(g)(1) of such Code) which are described in section 170(f)(17)(B)(ii) of such Code and shall apply excise taxes to distributions from donor advised funds (as defined in section 4967(g)(2) of such Code) and sponsoring organizations (as so defined) to organizations so described in cases where the donor of the contributions or the donor or donor advisor of the amounts distributed directly or indirectly controls a supported organization (as defined in section 509(f)(3) of such Code) of such organization.

(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to contributions made after the date which is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.

On page 205, line 16, strike ``5 percent'' and insert ``the applicable percentage''.

On page 206, between lines 11 and 12, insert the following:

``(3) Applicable percentage.--For purposes of paragraph

(1)(A)(ii), the applicable percentage is--

``(A) 3 percent for the first taxable year beginning after the date of the enactment of this section,

``(B) 4 percent for the second taxable year beginning after such date, and

``(C) 5 percent for any taxable year beginning after the second taxable year beginning after such date.

On page 206, strike lines 18 through 22 and insert the following:

``(2) Administrative and operating expenses.--Reasonable and necessary administrative expenses of a type III supporting organization shall be treated as a qualifying distribution to a supported organization.

On page 214, line 6, strike ``any''.

On page 216, strike line 24 and insert the following:

``(5) Special rule for certain holdings of type iii supporting organizations.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `excess business holdings' shall not include any holdings of a type III supporting organization (as defined in section 4959(h)(2)) in any business enterprise if the holdings are held for the benefit of the community pursuant to the direction of a State attorney general or a State official with jurisdiction over the type III supporting organization.

``(6) Present holdings.--For purposes of

On page 219, strike lines 5 through 9 and insert the following:

(a) Requirement to File Return.--Subparagraph (B) of section 6033(a)(3), as redesignated by section 311, is amended by inserting ``(other than an organization described in section 509(a)(3))'' after ``paragraph (1)''.

Beginning on page 225, line 9, strike all through page 230, line 21 and insert the following:



(a) Increased Percentage Limit.--Paragraph (2) of section 1375(a) is amended by striking ``25 PERCENT'' and inserting

``60 PERCENT''.

(b) Repeal of Excessive Passive Income as a Termination Event.--

(1) In general.--Section 1362(d) is amended by striking paragraph (3).

(2) Conforming amendment.--Subsection (b) of section 1375 is amended by striking paragraphs (3) and (4) and inserting the following new paragraph:

``(3) Passive investment income defined.--

``(A) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the term `passive investment income' means gross receipts derived from royalties, rents, dividends, interest, and annuities.

``(B) Exception for interest on notes from sales of inventory.--The term `passive investment income' shall not include interest on any obligation acquired in the ordinary course of the corporation's trade or business from its sale of property described in section 1221(a)(1).

``(C) Treatment of certain lending or finance companies.--If the S corporation meets the requirements of section 542(c)(6) for the taxable year, the term `passive investment income' shall not include gross receipts for the taxable year which are derived directly from the active and regular conduct of a lending or finance business (as defined in section 542(d)(1)).

``(D) Treatment of certain dividends.--If an S corporation holds stock in a C corporation meeting the requirements of section 1504(a)(2), the term `passive investment income' shall not include dividends from such C corporation to the extent such dividends are attributable to the earnings and profits of such C corporation derived from the active conduct of a trade or business.

``(E) Exception for banks, etc.--In the case of a bank (as defined in section 581), a bank holding company (within the meaning of section 2(a) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841(a))), or a financial holding company

(within the meaning of section 2(p) of such Act), the term

`passive investment income' shall not include--

``(i) interest income earned by such bank or company, or

``(ii) dividends on assets required to be held by such bank or company, including stock in the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal Home Loan Bank, or the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Bank or participation certificates issued by a Federal Intermediate Credit Bank.

``(F) Coordination with section 1374.--The amount of passive investment income shall be determined by not taking into account any recognized built-in gain or loss of the S corporation for any taxable year in the recognition period. Terms used in the preceding sentence shall have the same respective meanings as when used in section 1374.''.

(c) Conforming Amendments.--

(1) Subparagraph (J) of section 26(b)(2) is amended by striking ``25 percent'' and inserting ``60 percent''.

(2) Clause (i) of section 1042(c)(4)(A) is amended by striking ``section 1362(d)(3)(C)'' and inserting ``section 1375(b)(3)''.

(3) Subparagraph (B) of section 1362(f)(1) is amended by striking ``or (3)''.

(4) Clause (i) of section 1375(b)(1)(A) is amended by striking ``25 percent'' and inserting ``60 percent''.

(5) Subsection (d) of section 1375 is amended by striking

``subchapter C'' both places it appears and inserting


(6) The heading for section 1375 is amended by striking

``25 PERCENT'' and inserting ``60 PERCENT''.

(7) The item relating to section 1375 in the table of sections for part III of subchapter S of chapter 1 is amended by striking ``25 percent'' and inserting ``60 percent''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2005.

On page 235, in between lines 13 and 14, insert the following:


In the case of bonds issued after the date of the enactment of this Act and before August 31, 2009--

(1) the requirement of paragraph (1) of section 648 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (98 Stat. 941) shall be treated as met with respect to the securities or obligations referred to in such section if such securities or obligations are held in a fund the annual distributions from which cannot exceed 7 percent of the average fair market value of the assets held in such fund except to the extent distributions are necessary to pay debt service on the bond issue,

(2) paragraph (3) of such section shall be applied by substituting ``distributions from'' for ``the investment earnings of'' both places it appears, and

(3) Paragraph (4) of such section shall be applied by substituting ``March 1, 1985'' for ``October 9, 1969''.



(a) In General.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall modify the regulations under section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend to applicable foreign option plans the exception under such section for incentive stock options under section 422 of such Code and options granted under an employee stock purchase plan meeting the requirements of section 423 of such Code. Such extension shall be subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed in such regulations.

(b) Applicable Foreign Option Plans.--For purposes of subsection (a)--

(1) In general.--The term ``applicable foreign option plan'' means a plan providing for the issuance of employee stock options--

(A) which is established under the laws of a foreign jurisdiction, and

(B) which, under such laws or the terms of the plan (or both), is subject to requirements substantially similar to the requirements under section 422 or 423 of such Code.

(2) Substantially similar.--A plan shall not be treated as subject to substantially similar requirements under paragraph

(1)(B) unless--

(A) the plan is required to cover substantially all employees,

(B) in the case of an option under an employee stock purchase plan, the plan is required to provide an option price which is not less than the amount specified in section 423(b)(6) of such Code, except that such section shall be applied by substituting ``80 percent'' for ``85 percent'' each place it appears,

(C) the plan is required to provide coverage of individuals who, but for the exception of the application of section 409A of such Code by reason of this section, would be subject to tax under such section with respect to the plan, and

(D) the plan meets such other requirements as the Secretary of the Treasury prescribes in the regulations under subsection (a).



It is the sense of the Senate that any increases in revenues to the Treasury as a result of this Act and the amendments made by this Act that exceed the amounts specified in the reconciliation instructions shall be dedicated to the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, in an amount not to exceed the amount which is $2,900,000,000 more than the funding levels established for such Program for fiscal year 2005.

Beginning on page 236, line 17, strike all through page 239, line 6 and insert the following:




(a) Effective Date Modification.--

(1) In general.--Paragraph (2) of section 903(d) of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 is amended to read as follows:

``(2) Exception for reportable or listed transactions.--

``(A) In general.--The amendments made by subsection (c) shall apply with respect to interest accruing after October 3, 2004.

``(B) Special rule for certain listed and reportable transactions.--

``(i) In general.--Except as provided in clause (ii), the amendments made by subsection (c) shall also apply with respect to interest accruing on or before October 3, 2004.

``(ii) Participants in settlement initiatives.--Clause (i) shall not apply to any transaction if, as of January 23, 2006--

``(I) the taxpayer is participating in a settlement initiative described in Internal Revenue Service Announcement 2005-80 with respect to such transaction, or

``(II) the taxpayer has entered into a settlement agreement pursuant to such an initiative.

``(iii) Termination of exception.--Clause (ii)(I) shall not apply to any taxpayer if, after January 23, 2006, the taxpayer withdraws from, or terminates, participation in the initiative or the Secretary of the Treasury or the Secretary's delegate determines that a settlement agreement will not be reached pursuant to the initiative within a reasonable period of time.''.

(2) Effective date.--The amendment made by this subsection shall take effect as if included in the provisions of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 to which it relates.

(b) Treatment of Amended Returns and Other Similar Notices of Additional Tax Owed.--

(1) In general.--Section 6404(g)(1) (relating to suspension) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``If, after the return for a taxable year is filed, the taxpayer provides to the Secretary 1 or more signed written documents showing that the taxpayer owes an additional amount of tax for the taxable year, clause (i) shall be applied by substituting the date the last of the documents was provided for the date on which the return is filed.''.

(2) Effective date.--The amendment made by this subsection shall apply to documents provided on or after the date of the enactment of this Act.

On page 244, after line 24, insert the following: SEC. 504. PENALTY FOR PROMOTING ABUSIVE TAX SHELTERS.

(a) Penalty for Promoting Abusive Tax Shelters.--Section 6700 (relating to promoting abusive tax shelters, etc.) is amended--

(1) by redesignating subsections (b) and (c) as subsections

(d) and (e), respectively,

(2) by striking ``a penalty'' and all that follows through the period in the first sentence of subsection (a) and inserting ``a penalty determined under subsection (b)'', and

(3) by inserting after subsection (a) the following new subsections:

``(b) Amount of Penalty; Calculation of Penalty; Liability for Penalty.--

``(1) Amount of penalty.--The amount of the penalty imposed by subsection (a) shall be 100 percent of the gross income derived (or to be derived) from such activity by the person or persons subject to such penalty.

``(2) Calculation of penalty.--The penalty amount determined under paragraph (1) shall be calculated with respect to each instance of an activity described in subsection (a), each instance in which income was derived by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and each person who participated in such an activity.

``(3) Liability for penalty.--If more than 1 person is liable under subsection (a) with respect to such activity, all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the penalty under such subsection.

``(c) Penalty Not Deductible.--The payment of any penalty imposed under this section or the payment of any amount to settle or avoid the imposition of such penalty shall not be considered an ordinary and necessary expense in carrying on a trade or business for purposes of this title and shall not be deductible by the person who is subject to such penalty or who makes such payment.''.

(b) Conforming Amendment.--Section 6700(a) is amended by striking the last sentence.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to the activities described in paragraphs (1) and

(2) of section 6700(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--Section 6701(a) (relating to imposition of penalty) is amended--

(1) by inserting ``, or tax liability reflected in,'' after

``the preparation or presentation of'' in paragraph (1),

(2) by inserting ``aid, assistance, procurement, or advice with respect to such'' before ``portion'' both places it appears in paragraphs (2) and (3), and

(3) by inserting ``instance of aid, assistance, procurement, or advice or each such'' before ``document'' in the matter following paragraph (3).

(b) Amount of Penalty.--Subsection (b) of section 6701

(relating to penalties for aiding and abetting understatement of tax liability) is amended to read as follows:

``(b) Amount of Penalty; Calculation of Penalty; Liability for Penalty.--

``(1) Amount of penalty.--The amount of the penalty imposed by subsection (a) shall be 100 percent of the gross income derived (or to be derived) from such aid, assistance, procurement, or advice provided by the person or persons subject to such penalty.

``(2) Calculation of penalty.--The penalty amount determined under paragraph (1) shall be calculated with respect to each instance of aid, assistance, procurement, or advice described in subsection (a), each instance in which income was derived by the person or persons subject to such penalty, and each person who made such an understatement of the liability for tax.

``(3) Liability for penalty.--If more than 1 person is liable under subsection (a) with respect to providing such aid, assistance, procurement, or advice, all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the penalty under such subsection.''.

(c) Penalty Not Deductible.--Section 6701 is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(g) Penalty Not Deductible.--The payment of any penalty imposed under this section or the payment of any amount to settle or avoid the imposition of such penalty shall not be considered an ordinary and necessary expense in carrying on a trade or business for purposes of this title and shall not be deductible by the person who is subject to such penalty or who makes such payment.''.

(d) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to the activities described in section 6701(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 after the date of the enactment of this Act.

Beginning on page 261, line 20, strike all through page 264, line 14, and insert the following:




(a) In General.--Section 7206 (relating to fraud and false statements) is amended--

(1) by striking ``Any person who--'' and inserting ``(a) In General.--Any person who--'', and

(2) by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(b) Increase in Monetary Limitation for Underpayment or Overpayment of Tax Due to Fraud.--If any portion of any underpayment (as defined in section 6664(a)) or overpayment

(as defined in section 6401(a)) of tax required to be shown on a return is attributable to fraudulent action described in subsection (a), the applicable dollar amount under subsection

(a) shall in no event be less than an amount equal to such portion. A rule similar to the rule under section 6663(b) shall apply for purposes of determining the portion so attributable.''.

(b) Increase in Penalties.--

(1) Attempt to evade or defeat tax.--Section 7201 is amended--

(A) by striking ``$100,000'' and inserting ``$500,000'',

(B) by striking ``$500,000'' and inserting ``$1,000,000'', and

(C) by striking ``5 years'' and inserting ``10 years''.

(2) Willful failure to file return, supply information, or pay tax.--Section 7203 is amended--

(A) in the first sentence--

(i) by striking ``Any person'' and inserting the following:

``(a) In General.--Any person'', and

(ii) by striking ``$25,000'' and inserting ``$50,000'',

(B) in the third sentence, by striking ``section'' and inserting ``subsection'', and

(C) by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(b) Aggravated Failure to File.--

``(1) In general.--In the case of any failure described in paragraph (2), the first sentence of subsection (a) shall be applied by substituting--

``(A) `felony' for `misdemeanor',

``(B) `$500,000 ($1,000,000' for `$25,000 ($100,000', and

``(C) `10 years' for `1 year'.

``(2) Failure described.--A failure described in this paragraph is a failure to make a return described in subsection (a) for a period of 3 or more consecutive taxable years.''.

(3) Fraud and false statements.--Section 7206(a) (as redesignated by subsection (a)) is amended--

(A) by striking ``$100,000'' and inserting ``$500,000'',

(B) by striking ``$500,000'' and inserting ``$1,000,000'', and

(C) by striking ``3 years'' and inserting ``5 years''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to actions, and failures to act, occurring after the date of the enactment of this Act.

On page 276, line 20, strike ``$1,250'' and insert


On page 276, line 22, strike ``$25'' and insert ``$40''.

On page 323, after line 20, insert the following:



(a) In General.--Subclause (II) of section 897(h)(4)(A)(i)

(defining qualified investment entity) is amended by inserting ``which is a United States real property holding corporation or which would be a United States real property holding corporation if the exceptions provided in subsections

(c)(3) and (h)(2) did not apply to interests in any real estate investment trust or regulated investment company'' after ``regulated investment company''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to distributions with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004.



(a) Qualified Investment Entity.--

(1) In general.--Section 897(h)(1) is amended--

(A) by striking ``a nonresident alien individual or a foreign corporation'' in the first sentence and inserting ``a nonresident alien individual, a foreign corporation, or other qualified investment entity'',

(B) by striking ``such nonresident alien individual or foreign corporation'' in the first sentence and inserting

``such nonresident alien individual, foreign corporation, or other qualified investment entity'', and

(C) by striking the second sentence and inserting the following new sentence: ``Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, any distribution by a qualified investment entity to a nonresident alien, a foreign corporation, or other qualified investment entity with respect to any class of stock which is regularly traded on an established securities market located in the United States shall not be treated as gain recognized from the sale or exchange of a United States real property interest if the shareholder did not own more than 5 percent of such class of stock at any time during the 1 year period ending on the date of such distribution.''.

(2) Application after 2007.--Clause (ii) of section 897(h)(4)(A) is amended by adding at the end the following new sentence: ``Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, an entity described in clause (i)(II) shall be treated as a qualified investment entity for purposes of applying paragraph (1) in any case in which a real estate investment trust makes a distribution to an entity described in clause


(b) Treatment of Certain Distributions as Dividends.--

(1) In general.--Section 852(b)(3) (relating to capital gains) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(E) Certain distributions.--In the case of a distribution to which section 897 does not apply by reason of the second sentence of section 897(h)(1), the amount of such distribution which would be included in computing long-term capital gains for the shareholder under subparagraph (B) or

(D) (without regard to this subparagraph)--

``(i) shall not be included in computing such shareholder's long-term capital gains, and

``(ii) shall be included in such shareholder's gross income as a dividend from the regulated investment company.''.

(2) Conforming amendment.--Section 871(k)(2) (relating to short-term capital gain dividends) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph:

``(E) Certain distributions.--In the case of a distribution to which section 897 does not apply by reason of the second sentence of section 897(h)(1), the amount which would be treated as a short-term capital gain dividend to the shareholder (without regard to this subparagraph)--

``(i) shall not be treated as a short-term capital gain dividend, and

``(ii) shall be included in such shareholder's gross income as a dividend from the regulated investment company.''.

(c) Effective Dates.--

(1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), the amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years of qualified investment entities beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Dividends.--The amendments made by subsection (b) shall apply to dividends with respect to taxable years of regulated investment companies beginning after December 31, 2004.




(a) In General.--Section 897(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to special rules in certain investment entities) is amended by redesignating paragraph (4) as paragraph (5) and by inserting after paragraph (3) the following new paragraph:

``(4) Treatment of certain wash sale transactions.--

``(A) In general.--If an interest in a domestically controlled qualified investment entity is disposed of in an applicable wash sale transaction, the taxpayer shall, for purposes of this section, be treated as having gain from the sale or exchange of a United States real property interest in an amount equal to the portion of the distribution described in subparagraph (B) with respect to such interest which, but for the disposition, would have been treated by the taxpayer as gain from the sale or exchange of a United States real property interest under paragraph (1).

``(B) Applicable wash sales transaction.--For purposes of this paragraph--

``(i) In general.--The term `applicable wash sales transaction' means any transaction (or series of transactions) under which a nonresident alien individual or foreign corporation--

``(I) disposes of an interest in a domestically controlled qualified investment entity during the 30-day period preceding a distribution which is to be made with respect to the interest and any portion of which, but for the disposition, would have been treated by the taxpayer as gain from the sale or exchange of a United States real property interest under paragraph (1), and

``(II) acquires an identical interest in such entity during the 60-day period beginning with the 1st day of the 30-day period described in subclause (I).

For purposes of subclause (II), a nonresident alien individual or foreign corporation shall be treated as having acquired any interest acquired by a person related (within the meaning of section 465(b)(3)(C)) to the individual or corporation.

``(ii) Exception where distribution actually received.--A transaction shall not be treated as an applicable wash sales transaction if the nonresident alien individual or foreign corporation receives the distribution described in clause

(i)(I) with respect to either the interest which was disposed of, or acquired, in the transaction.

``(iii) Exception for certain publicly traded stock.--A transaction shall not be treated as an applicable wash sales transaction if it involves the disposition of any class of stock in a qualified investment entity which is regularly traded on an established securities market within the United States but only if the nonresident alien individual or foreign corporation did not own more than 5 percent of such class of stock at any time during the 1-year period ending on the date of the distribution described in clause (i)(I).''.

(b) No Withholding Required.--Section 1445(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to exemptions) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(8) Applicable wash sales transactions.--No person shall be required to deduct and withhold any amount under subsection (a) with respect to a disposition which is treated as a disposition of a United States real property interest solely by reason of section 897(h)(4).''.

(c) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to dispositions after December 31, 2005, in taxable years ending after such date.




(a) Modification of Active Business Definition Under Section 355.--

(1) In general.--Section 355(b) (defining active conduct of a trade or business) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(3) Special rules relating to active business requirement.--

``(A) In general.--For purposes of determining whether a corporation meets the requirement of paragraph (2)(A), all members of such corporation's separate affiliated group shall be treated as 1 corporation. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `separate affiliated group' means, with respect to any corporation, the affiliated group which would be determined under section 1504(a) if such corporation were the common parent and section 1504(b) did not apply.

``(B) Control.--For purposes of paragraph (2)(D), all distributee corporations which are members of the same affiliated group (as defined in section 1504(a) without regard to section 1504(b)) shall be treated as 1 distributee corporation.''.

(2) Conforming amendments.--

(A) Subparagraph (A) of section 355(b)(2) is amended to read as follows:

``(A) it is engaged in the active conduct of a trade or business,''.

(B) Section 355(b)(2) of such Code is amended by striking the last sentence.

(3) Effective dates.--

(A) In general.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply--

(i) to distributions after the date of the enactment of this Act, and before January 1, 2010, and

(ii) for purposes of determining the continued qualification under section 355(b)(2)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as amended by paragraph (2)(A)) of distributions made before such date, as a result of an acquisition, disposition, or other restructuring after such date and before January 1, 2010.

(B) Transition rule.--The amendments made by this subsection shall not apply to any distribution pursuant to a transaction which is--

(i) made pursuant to an agreement which was binding on such date of enactment and at all times thereafter,

(ii) described in a ruling request submitted to the Internal Revenue Service on or before such date, or

(iii) described on or before such date in a public announcement or in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

(C) Elections.--

(i) Out of transition relief.--Subparagraph (B) shall not apply if the distributing corporation elects not to have such subparagraph apply to distributions of such corporation. Any such election, once made, shall be irrevocable.

(ii) Application to prior distributions.--Subparagraph

(A)(ii) shall not apply to a distributing or controlled corporation if the corporation elects not to have such subparagraph apply to such corporation. Any such election, once made, shall be irrevocable.

(b) Section 355 Not to Apply to Distributions if the Distributing or Controlled Corporation Is a Disqualified Investment Corporation.--

(1) In general.--Section 355 (relating to distributions of stock and securities of a controlled corporation) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

``(g) Section Not to Apply to Distributions Involving Disqualified Investment Corporations.--

``(1) In general.--This section (and so much of section 356 as relates to this section) shall not apply to any distribution which is part of a transaction if--

``(A) either the distributing corporation or controlled corporation is, immediately after the transaction, a disqualified investment corporation, and

``(B) any person holds, immediately after the transaction, a 50-percent or greater interest in any disqualified investment corporation, but only if such person did not hold such an interest in such corporation immediately before the transaction.

``(2) Disqualified investment corporation.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `disqualified investment corporation' means any distributing or controlled corporation if the fair market value of the investment assets of the corporation is 75 percent or more of the fair market value of all assets of the corporation.

``(B) Investment assets.--

``(i) In general.--Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, the term `investment assets' means--

``(I) cash,

``(II) any stock or securities in a corporation,

``(III) any interest in a partnership,

``(IV) any debt instrument or other evidence of indebtedness,

``(V) any option, forward or futures contract, notional principal contract, or derivative,

``(VI) foreign currency, or

``(VII) any similar asset.

``(ii) Exception for assets used in active conduct of certain financial trades or businesses.--Such term shall not include any asset which is held for use in the active and regular conduct of--

``(I) a lending or finance business (within the meaning of section 954(h)(4)),

``(II) a banking business through a bank (as defined in section 581), a domestic building and loan association

(within the meaning of section 7701(a)(19)), or any similar institution specified by the Secretary, or

``(III) an insurance business if the conduct of the business is licensed, authorized, or regulated by an applicable insurance regulatory body.

This clause shall only apply with respect to any business if substantially all of the income of the business is derived from persons who are not related (within the meaning of section 267(b) or 707(b)(1)) to the person conducting the business.

``(iii) Exception for securities marked to market.--Such term shall not include any security (as defined in section 475(c)(2)) which is held by a dealer in securities and to which section 475(a) applies.

``(iv) Stock or securities in a 25-percent controlled entity.--

``(I) In general.--Such term shall not include any stock and securities in, or any asset described in subclause (IV) or (V) of clause (i) issued by, a corporation which is a 25-percent controlled entity with respect to the distributing or controlled corporation.

``(II) Look-thru rule.--The distributing or controlled corporation shall, for purposes of applying this subsection, be treated as owning its ratable share of the assets of any 25-percent controlled entity.

``(III) 25-percent controlled entity.--For purposes of this clause, the term `25-percent controlled entity' means, with respect to any distributing or controlled corporation, any corporation with respect to which the distributing or controlled corporation owns directly or indirectly stock meeting the requirements of section 1504(a)(2), except that such section shall be applied by substituting `25 percent' for `80 percent' and without regard to stock described in section 1504(a)(4).

``(v) Interests in certain partnerships.--

``(I) In general.--Such term shall not include any interest in a partnership, or any debt instrument or other evidence of indebtedness, issued by the partnership, if 1 or more of the trades or businesses of the partnership are (or, without regard to the 5-year requirement under subsection (b)(2)(B), would be) taken into account by the distributing or controlled corporation, as the case may be, in determining whether the requirements of subsection (b) are met with respect to the distribution.

``(II) Look-thru rule.--The distributing or controlled corporation shall, for purposes of applying this subsection, be treated as owning its ratable share of the assets of any partnership described in subclause (I).

``(3) 50-percent or greater interest.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `50-percent or greater interest' has the meaning given such term by subsection


``(B) Attribution rules.--The rules of section 318 shall apply for purposes of determining ownership of stock for purposes of this paragraph.

``(4) Transaction.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `transaction' includes a series of transactions.

``(5) Regulations.--The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out, or prevent the avoidance of, the purposes of this subsection, including regulations--

``(A) to carry out, or prevent the avoidance of, the purposes of this subsection in cases involving--

``(i) the use of related persons, intermediaries, pass-thru entities, options, or other arrangements, and

``(ii) the treatment of assets unrelated to the trade or business of a corporation as investment assets if, prior to the distribution, investment assets were used to acquire such unrelated assets,

``(B) which in appropriate cases exclude from the application of this subsection a distribution which does not have the character of a redemption which would be treated as a sale or exchange under section 302, and

``(C) which modify the application of the attribution rules applied for purposes of this subsection.''.

(2) Effective dates.--

(A) In general.--The amendments made by this subsection shall apply to distributions after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(B) Transition rule.--The amendments made by this subsection shall not apply to any distribution pursuant to a transaction which is--

(i) made pursuant to an agreement which was binding on such date of enactment and at all times thereafter,

(ii) described in a ruling request submitted to the Internal Revenue Service on or before such date, or

(iii) described on or before such date in a public announcement or in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.



(a) In General.--Section 263A (relating to capitalization and inclusion in inventory costs of certain expenses) is amended by redesignating subsection (i) as subsection (j) and by adding after subsection (h) the following new subsection:

``(i) Special Rules for Certain Musical Works and Copyrights.--

``(1) In general.--If--

``(A) any expense is paid or incurred by the taxpayer in creating or acquiring any musical composition (including any accompanying words) or any copyright with respect to a musical composition, and

``(B) such expense is required to be capitalized under this section,

then, notwithstanding section 167(g), the amount capitalized shall be amortized ratably over the 5-year period beginning with the month in which the composition or copyright was acquired (or, in the case of expenses paid or incurred in connection with the creation of a musical composition, the 5-taxable-year period beginning with the taxable year in which the expenses were paid or incurred).

``(2) Exceptions.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply to any expense--

``(A) which is a qualified creative expense under subsection (h),

``(B) to which a simplified procedure established under subsection (j)(2) applies,

``(C) which is an amortizable section 197 intangible (as defined in section 197(c)), or

``(D) which, without regard to this section, would not be allowable as a deduction.''

(b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to expenses paid or incurred after December 31, 2005, in taxable years ending after such date.


(a) In General.--Subpart H of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 (relating to credits against tax) is amended by adding at the end the following new section:


``(a) Allowance of Credit.--In the case of a taxpayer who holds a rural renaissance bond on a credit allowance date of such bond, which occurs during the taxable year, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by this chapter for such taxable year an amount equal to the sum of the credits determined under subsection (b) with respect to credit allowance dates during such year on which the taxpayer holds such bond.

``(b) Amount of Credit.--

``(1) In general.--The amount of the credit determined under this subsection with respect to any credit allowance date for a rural renaissance bond is 25 percent of the annual credit determined with respect to such bond.

``(2) Annual credit.--The annual credit determined with respect to any rural renaissance bond is the product of--

``(A) the credit rate determined by the Secretary under paragraph (3) for the day on which such bond was sold, multiplied by

``(B) the outstanding face amount of the bond.

``(3) Determination.--For purposes of paragraph (2), with respect to any rural renaissance bond, the Secretary shall determine daily or caused to be determined daily a credit rate which shall apply to the first day on which there is a binding, written contract for the sale or exchange of the bond. The credit rate for any day is the credit rate which the Secretary or the Secretary's designee estimates will permit the issuance of rural renaissance bonds with a specified maturity or redemption date without discount and without interest cost to the qualified issuer.

``(4) Credit allowance date.--For purposes of this section, the term `credit allowance date' means--

``(A) March 15,

``(B) June 15,

``(C) September 15, and

``(D) December 15.

Such term also includes the last day on which the bond is outstanding.

``(5) Special rule for issuance and redemption.--In the case of a bond which is issued during the 3-month period ending on a credit allowance date, the amount of the credit determined under this subsection with respect to such credit allowance date shall be a ratable portion of the credit otherwise determined based on the portion of the 3-month period during which the bond is outstanding. A similar rule shall apply when the bond is redeemed or matures.

``(c) Limitation Based on Amount of Tax.--The credit allowed under subsection (a) for any taxable year shall not exceed the excess of--

``(1) the sum of the regular tax liability (as defined in section 26(b)) plus the tax imposed by section 55, over

``(2) the sum of the credits allowable under this part

(other than subpart C thereof, relating to refundable credits).

``(d) Rural Renaissance Bond.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--The term `rural renaissance bond' means any bond issued as part of an issue if--

``(A) the bond is issued by a qualified issuer,

``(B) 95 percent or more of the proceeds from the sale of such issue are to be used for capital expenditures incurred for 1 or more qualified projects,

``(C) the qualified issuer designates such bond for purposes of this section and the bond is in registered form, and

``(D) the issue meets the requirements of subsections (e) and (h).

``(2) Qualified project; special use rules.--

``(A) In general.--The term `qualified project' means 1 or more projects described in subparagraph (B) located in a rural area.

``(B) Projects described.--A project described in this subparagraph is--

``(i) a water or waste treatment project,

``(ii) an affordable housing project,

``(iii) a community facility project, including hospitals, fire and police stations, and nursing and assisted-living facilities,

``(iv) a value-added agriculture or renewable energy facility project for agricultural producers or farmer-owned entities, including any project to promote the production, processing, or retail sale of ethanol (including fuel at least 85 percent of the volume of which consists of ethanol), biodiesel, animal waste, biomass, raw commodities, or wind as a fuel,

``(v) a distance learning or telemedicine project,

``(vi) a rural utility infrastructure project, including any electric or telephone system,

``(vii) a project to expand broadband technology,

``(viii) a rural teleworks project, and

``(ix) any project described in any preceding clause carried out by the Delta Regional Authority.

``(C) Special rules.--For purposes of this paragraph--

``(i) any project described in subparagraph (B)(iv) for a farmer-owned entity may be considered a qualified project if such entity is located in a rural area, or in the case of a farmer-owned entity the headquarters of which are located in a nonrural area, if the project is located in a rural area, and

``(ii) any project for a farmer-owned entity which is a facility described in subparagraph (B)(iv) for agricultural producers may be considered a qualified project regardless of whether the facility is located in a rural or nonrural area.

``(3) Special use rules.--

``(A) Refinancing rules.--For purposes of paragraph (1)(B), a qualified project may be refinanced with proceeds of a rural renaissance bond only if the indebtedness being refinanced (including any obligation directly or indirectly refinanced by such indebtedness) was originally incurred after the date of the enactment of this section.

``(B) Reimbursement.--For purposes of paragraph (1)(B), a rural renaissance bond may be issued to reimburse a borrower for amounts paid after the date of the enactment of this section with respect to a qualified project, but only if--

``(i) prior to the payment of the original expenditure, the borrower declared its intent to reimburse such expenditure with the proceeds of a rural renaissance bond,

``(ii) not later than 60 days after payment of the original expenditure, the qualified issuer adopts an official intent to reimburse the original expenditure with such proceeds, and

``(iii) the reimbursement is made not later than 18 months after the date the original expenditure is paid.

``(C) Treatment of changes in use.--For purposes of paragraph (1)(B), the proceeds of an issue shall not be treated as used for a qualified project to the extent that a borrower takes any action within its control which causes such proceeds not to be used for a qualified project. The Secretary shall prescribe regulations specifying remedial actions that may be taken (including conditions to taking such remedial actions) to prevent an action described in the preceding sentence from causing a bond to fail to be a rural renaissance bond.

``(e) Maturity Limitations.--

``(1) Duration of term.--A bond shall not be treated as a rural renaissance bond if the maturity of such bond exceeds the maximum term determined by the Secretary under paragraph

(2) with respect to such bond.

``(2) Maximum term.--During each calendar month, the Secretary shall determine the maximum term permitted under this paragraph for bonds issued during the following calendar month. Such maximum term shall be the term which the Secretary estimates will result in the present value of the obligation to repay the principal on the bond being equal to 50 percent of the face amount of such bond. Such present value shall be determined without regard to the requirements of subsection (f)(3) and using as a discount rate the average annual interest rate of tax-exempt obligations having a term of 10 years or more which are issued during the month. If the term as so determined is not a multiple of a whole year, such term shall be rounded to the next highest whole year.

``(3) Ratable principal amortization required.--A bond shall not be treated as a rural renaissance bond unless it is part of an issue which provides for an equal amount of principal to be paid by the qualified issuer during each calendar year that the issue is outstanding.

``(f) Limitation on Amount of Bonds Designated.--

``(1) National limitation.--There is a rural renaissance bond limitation of $200,000,000.

``(2) Allocation by secretary.--The Secretary shall allocate the amount described in paragraph (1) among qualified projects in such manner as the Secretary determines appropriate.

``(g) Credit Included in Gross Income.--Gross income includes the amount of the credit allowed to the taxpayer under this section (determined without regard to subsection

(c)) and the amount so included shall be treated as interest income.

``(h) Special Rules Relating to Expenditures.--

``(1) In general.--An issue shall be treated as meeting the requirements of this subsection if, as of the date of issuance, the qualified issuer reasonably expects--

``(A) at least 95 percent of the proceeds from the sale of the issue are to be spent for 1 or more qualified projects within the 5-year period beginning on the date of issuance of the rural renaissance bond,

``(B) a binding commitment with a third party to spend at least 10 percent of the proceeds from the sale of the issue will be incurred within the 6-month period beginning on the date of issuance of the rural renaissance bond or, in the case of a rural renaissance bond, the proceeds of which are to be loaned to 2 or more borrowers, such binding commitment will be incurred within the 6-month period beginning on the date of the loan of such proceeds to a borrower, and

``(C) such projects will be completed with due diligence and the proceeds from the sale of the issue will be spent with due diligence.

``(2) Extension of period.--Upon submission of a request prior to the expiration of the period described in paragraph

(1)(A), the Secretary may extend such period if the qualified issuer establishes that the failure to satisfy the 5-year requirement is due to reasonable cause and the related projects will continue to proceed with due diligence.

``(3) Failure to spend required amount of bond proceeds within 5 years.--To the extent that less than 95 percent of the proceeds of such issue are expended by the close of the 5-year period beginning on the date of issuance (or if an extension has been obtained under paragraph (2), by the close of the extended period), the qualified issuer shall redeem all of the nonqualified bonds within 90 days after the end of such period. For purposes of this paragraph, the amount of the nonqualified bonds required to be redeemed shall be determined in the same manner as under section 142.

``(i) Special Rules Relating to Arbitrage.--A bond which is part of an issue shall not be treated as a rural renaissance bond unless, with respect to the issue of which the bond is a part, the qualified issuer satisfies the arbitrage requirements of section 148 with respect to proceeds of the issue.

``(j) Qualified Issuer.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) In general.--The term `qualified issuer' means any not-for-profit cooperative lender which has as of the date of the enactment of this section received a guarantee under section 306 of the Rural Electrification Act and which meets the requirement of paragraph (2).

``(2) User fee requirement.--The requirement of this paragraph is met if the issuer of any rural renaissance bond makes grants for qualified projects as defined under subsection (d)(2) on a semi-annual basis every year that such bond is outstanding in an annual amount equal to one-half of the rate on United States Treasury Bills of the same maturity multiplied by the outstanding principle balance of rural renaissance bonds issued by such issuer.

``(k) Special Rules Relating to Pool Bonds.--No portion of a pooled financing bond may be allocable to loan unless the borrower has entered into a written loan commitment for such portion prior to the issue date of such issue.

``(l) Other Definitions and Special Rules.--For purposes of this section--

``(1) Bond.--The term `bond' includes any obligation.

``(2) Pooled financing bond.--The term `pooled financing bond' shall have the meaning given such term by section 149(f)(4)(A).

``(3) Rural area.--The term `rural area' means any area other than--

``(A) a city or town which has a population of greater than 50,000 inhabitants, or

``(B) the urbanized area contiguous and adjacent to such a city or town.

``(4) Partnership; s corporation; and other pass-thru entities.--

``(A) In general.--Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, in the case of a partnership, trust, S corporation, or other pass-thru entity, rules similar to the rules of section 41(g) shall apply with respect to the credit allowable under subsection (a).

``(B) No basis adjustment.--In the case of a bond held by a partnership or an S corporation, rules similar to the rules under section 1397E(i) shall apply.

``(5) Bonds held by regulated investment companies.--If any rural renaissance bond is held by a regulated investment company, the credit determined under subsection (a) shall be allowed to shareholders of such company under procedures prescribed by the Secretary.

``(6) Reporting.--Issuers of rural renaissance bonds shall submit reports similar to the reports required under section 149(e).''.

(b) Reporting.--Subsection (d) of section 6049 (relating to returns regarding payments of interest) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph:

``(9) Reporting of credit on rural renaissance bonds.--

``(A) In general.--For purposes of subsection (a), the term

`interest' includes amounts includible in gross income under section 54(f) and such amounts shall be treated as paid on the credit allowance date (as defined in section 54(b)(4)).

``(B) Reporting to corporations, etc.--Except as otherwise provided in regulations, in the case of any interest described in subparagraph (A), subsection (b)(4) shall be applied without regard to subparagraphs (A), (H), (I), (J),

(K), and (L)(i) of such subsection.

``(C) Regulatory authority.--The Secretary may prescribe such regulations as are necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this paragraph, including regulations which require more frequent or more detailed reporting.''.

(c) Conforming Amendment.--The table of sections for subpart H of part IV of subchapter A of chapter 1 is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

``Sec. 54A. Credit to holders of rural renaissance bonds.''.

(d) Issuance of Regulations.--The Secretary of Treasury shall issue regulations required under section 54A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (as added by this section) not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to bonds issued after the date of the enactment of this Act and before January 1, 2010. SEC. 569. MODIFICATION OF TREATMENT OF LOANS TO QUALIFIED


(a) In General.--Subsection (g) of section 7872 is amended to read as follows:

``(g) Exception for Loans to Qualified Continuing Care Facilities.--

``(1) In general.--This section shall not apply for any calendar year to any below-market loan owed by a facility which on the last day of such year is a continuing care facility, if such loan was made pursuant to a continuing care contract and if the lender (or the lender's spouse) attains age 62 before the close of such year.

``(2) Continuing care contract.--For purposes of this section, the term `continuing care contract' means a written contract between an individual and a qualified continuing care facility under which--

``(A) the individual or individual's spouse may use a qualified continuing care facility for their life or lives,

``(B) the individual or individual's spouse will be provided with housing in an independent living unit (which has additional available facilities outside such unit for the provision of meals and other personal care), an assisted living facility or a nursing facility, as is available in the continuing care facility, as appropriate for the health of such individual or individual's spouse, and

``(C) the individual or individual's spouse will be provided assisted living or nursing care as the health of such individual or individual's spouse requires, and as is available in the continuing care facility.

``(3) Qualified continuing care facility.--

``(A) In general.--For purposes of this section, the term

`qualified continuing care facility' means 1 or more facilities--

``(i) which are designed to provide services under continuing care contracts,

``(ii) that include an independent living unit, plus an assisted living or nursing facility, or both, and

``(iii) substantially all of the independent living unit residents of which are covered by continuing care contracts.

``(B) Nursing homes excluded.--The term `qualified continuing care facility' shall not include any facility which is of a type which is traditionally considered a nursing home.''.

(b) Effective Date.--The amendment made by this section shall apply to loans made after December 31, 2005.




(a) In General.--Section 901 (relating to credit for taxes of foreign countries and of possessions of the United States), as amended by this Act, is amended by redesignating subsections (m) and (n) as subsections (n) and (o), respectively, and by inserting after subsection (l) the following new subsection:

``(m) Special Rules Relating To Large Integrated Oil Companies Which Are Dual Capacity Taxpayers.--

``(1) General rule.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any amount paid or accrued by a dual capacity taxpayer which is a large integrated oil company to a foreign country or possession of the United States for any period shall not be considered a tax--

``(A) if, for such period, the foreign country or possession does not impose a generally applicable income tax, or

``(B) to the extent such amount exceeds the amount

(determined in accordance with regulations) which--

``(i) is paid by such dual capacity taxpayer pursuant to the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession, or

``(ii) would be paid if the generally applicable income tax imposed by the country or possession were applicable to such dual capacity taxpayer.

Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to imply the proper treatment of any such amount not in excess of the amount determined under subparagraph (B).

``(2) Dual capacity taxpayer.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `dual capacity taxpayer' means, with respect to any foreign country or possession of the United States, a person who--

``(A) is subject to a levy of such country or possession, and

``(B) receives (or will receive) directly or indirectly a specific economic benefit (as determined in accordance with regulations) from such country or possession.

``(3) Generally applicable income tax.--For purposes of this subsection--

``(A) In general.--The term `generally applicable income tax' means an income tax (or a series of income taxes) which is generally imposed under the laws of a foreign country or possession on income derived from the conduct of a trade or business within such country or possession.

``(B) Exceptions.--Such term shall not include a tax unless it has substantial application, by its terms and in practice, to--

``(i) persons who are not dual capacity taxpayers, and

``(ii) persons who are citizens or residents of the foreign country or possession.

``(4) Large integrated oil company.--For purposes of this subsection, the term `large integrated oil company' means, with respect to any taxable year, an integrated oil company

(as defined in section 291(b)(4)) which--

``(A) had gross receipts in excess of $1,000,000,000 for such taxable year, and

``(B) has an average daily worldwide production of crude oil of at least 500,000 barrels for such taxable year.''

(b) Effective Date.--

(1) In general.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxes paid or accrued in taxable years beginning after the date of the enactment of this Act.

(2) Contrary treaty obligations upheld.--The amendments made by this section shall not apply to the extent contrary to any treaty obligation of the United States.




(a) In General.--Subparagraph (A) of section 121(d)(9)

(relating to exclusion of gain from sale of principal residence) is amended by striking ``duty'' and all that follows and inserting ``duty--

``(i) as a member of the uniformed services,

``(ii) as a member of the Foreign Service of the United States, or

``(iii) as an employee of the intelligence community.''.

(b) Employee of Intelligence Community Defined.--Subparagraph (C) of section 121(d)(9) is amended by redesignating clause (iv) as clause (v) and by inserting after clause (iii) the following new clause:

``(iv) Employee of intelligence community.--The term

`employee of the intelligence community' means an employee

(as defined by section 2105 of title 5, United States Code) of--

``(I) the Office of the Director of National Intelligence,

``(II) the Central Intelligence Agency,

``(III) the National Security Agency,

``(IV) the Defense Intelligence Agency,

``(V) the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,

``(VI) the National Reconnaissance Office,

``(VII) any other office within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national intelligence through reconnaissance programs,

``(VIII) any of the intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Treasury, the Department of Energy, and the Coast Guard,

``(IX) the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State, or

``(X) any of the elements of the Department of Homeland Security concerned with the analyses of foreign intelligence information.''.

(c) Special Rule.--Subparagraph (C) of section 121(d)(9), as amended by subsection (b), is amended by adding at the end the following new clause:

``(vi) Special rule relating to intelligence community.--An employee of the intelligence community shall not be treated as serving on qualified extended duty unless--

``(I) for purposes of such duty such employee has moved from 1 duty station to another, and

``(II) at least 1 of such duty stations is located outside of the Washington, District of Columbia, and Baltimore metropolitan statistical areas (as defined by the Secretary of Commerce).''.

(d) Conforming Amendment.--The heading for section 121(d)(9) is amended to read as follows: ``Uniformed services, foreign service, and intelligence community''.

(e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by this section shall apply to sales or exchanges after the date of the enactment of this Act.



(a) In General.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall not enter into any qualified tax collection contract after April 1, 2006, until the Secretary implements a disability preference program that meets the requirements of subsection


(b) Disability Preference Program Requirements.--

(1) In general.--A disability preference program meets the requirements of this subsection if such program requires that not less than 10 percent of the accounts of each dollar value category are awarded to persons described in paragraph (2).

(2) Person described.--For purposes of paragraph (1), a person is described in this paragraph if--

(A) as of the date any qualified tax collection contract is awarded--

(i) such person employs not less than 50 severely disabled individuals within the United States; or

(ii) not less than 30 percent of the employees of such person within the United States are severely disabled individuals;

(B) such person agrees as a condition of the qualified tax collection contract that not more than 90 days after the date such contract is awarded, not less than 35 percent of the employees of such person employed in connection with providing services under such contract shall--

(i) be hired after the date such contract is awarded; and

(ii) be severely disabled individuals; and

(C) such person is otherwise qualified to perform the services required.

(c) Definitions.--For purposes of this section--

(1) Qualified tax collection contract.--The term

``qualified tax collection contract'' shall have the meaning given such term under section 6306(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(2) Dollar value category.--The term ``dollar value category'' means the dollar ranges of accounts for collection as determined and assigned by the Secretary under section 6306(b)(1)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 with respect to a qualified tax collection contract.

(3) Severely disabled individual.--The term ``severely disabled individual'' means--

(A) a veteran of the United States armed forces with a disability of 50 percent or greater--

(i) determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be service-connected; or

(ii) deemed by law to be service-connected; or

(B) any individual who is a disabled beneficiary (as defined in section 1148(k)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-19(k)(2))) or who would be considered to be such a disabled beneficiary but for having income or resources in excess of the income or resources eligibility limits established under title XVI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1381 et seq.), respectively.



The provisions of, and amendments made by, title I, title II, subtitle A of title III, and title IV shall not apply to taxable years beginning after September 30, 2010, and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be applied and administered to such years as if such provisions and amendments had never been enacted.


SA 2671. Mr. FRIST (for Mr. Enzi) proposed an amendment to the bill S. 1418, to enhance the adoption of a nationwide interoperable health information technology system and to improve the quality and reduce the costs of health care in the United States; as follows:

Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the following:


This Act may be cited as the ``Wired for Health Care Quality Act''.



The Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:



``In this title:

``(1) Health care provider.--The term `health care provider' means a hospital, skilled nursing facility, home health entity, health care clinic, federally qualified health center, group practice (as defined in section 1877(h)(4) of the Social Security Act), a pharmacist, a pharmacy, a laboratory, a physician (as defined in section 1861(r) of the Social Security Act), a practitioner (as defined in section 1842(b)(18)(CC) of the Social Security Act), a health facility operated by or pursuant to a contract with the Indian Health Service, a rural health clinic, and any other category of facility or clinician determined appropriate by the Secretary.

``(2) Health information.--The term `health information' has the meaning given such term in section 1171(4) of the Social Security Act.

``(3) Health insurance plan.--The term `health insurance plan' means--

``(A) a health insurance issuer (as defined in section 2791(b)(2));

``(B) a group health plan (as defined in section 2791(a)(1)); and

``(C) a health maintenance organization (as defined in section 2791(b)(3)).

``(4) Individually identifiable health information.--The term `individually identifiable health information' has the meaning given such term in section 1171 of the Social Security Act.

``(5) Laboratory.--The term `laboratory' has the meaning given that term in section 353.

``(6) Pharmacist.--The term `pharmacist' has the meaning given that term in section 804 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

``(7) Qualified health information technology.--The term

`qualified health information technology' means a computerized system (including hardware and software) that--

``(A) protects the privacy and security of health information;

``(B) maintains and provides permitted access to health information in an electronic format;

``(C) incorporates decision support to reduce medical errors and enhance health care quality;

``(D) complies with the standards adopted by the Federal Government under section 2903; and

``(E) allows for the reporting of quality measures under section 2907.

``(8) State.--The term `State' means each of the several States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.



``(a) Office of National Health Information Technology.--There is established within the Office of the Secretary an Office of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology (referred to in this section as the `Office'). The Office shall be headed by a National Coordinator who shall be appointed by the Secretary and shall report directly to the Secretary.

``(b) Purpose.--It shall be the purpose of the Office to coordinate with relevant Federal agencies and private entities and oversee programs and activities to develop a nationwide interoperable health information technology infrastructure that--

``(1) ensures that patients' individually identifiable health information is secure and protected;

``(2) improves health care quality, reduces medical errors, and advances the delivery of patient-centered medical care;

``(3) reduces health care costs resulting from inefficiency, medical errors, inappropriate care, and incomplete information;

``(4) ensures that appropriate information to help guide medical decisions is available at the time and place of care;

``(5) promotes a more effective marketplace, greater competition, and increased choice through the wider availability of accurate information on health care costs, quality, and outcomes;

``(6) improves the coordination of care and information among hospitals, laboratories, physician offices, and other entities through an effective infrastructure for the secure and authorized exchange of health care information;

``(7) improves public health reporting and facilitates the early identification and rapid response to public health threats and emergencies, including bioterror events and infectious disease outbreaks;

``(8) facilitates health research; and

``(9) promotes prevention of chronic diseases.

``(c) Duties of the National Coordinator.--The National Coordinator shall--

``(1) serve as the principal advisor to the Secretary concerning the development, application, and use of health information technology, and coordinate and oversee the health information technology programs of the Department;

``(2) facilitate the adoption of a nationwide, interoperable system for the electronic exchange of health information;

``(3) ensure the adoption and implementation of standards for the electronic exchange of health information to reduce cost and improve health care quality;

``(4) ensure that health information technology policy and programs of the Department are coordinated with those of relevant executive branch agencies (including Federal commissions) with a goal of avoiding duplication of efforts and of helping to ensure that each agency undertakes health information technology activities primarily within the areas of its greatest expertise and technical capability;

``(5) to the extent permitted by law, coordinate outreach and consultation by the relevant executive branch agencies

(including Federal commissions) with public and private parties of interest, including consumers, payers, employers, hospitals and other health care providers, physicians, community health centers, laboratories, vendors and other stakeholders;

``(6) advise the President regarding specific Federal health information technology programs; and

``(7) prepare the reports described under section 2903(i)

(excluding paragraph (4) of such section).

``(d) Detail of Federal Employees.--

``(1) In general.--Upon the request of the National Coordinator, the head of any Federal agency is authorized to detail, with or without reimbursement from the Office, any of the personnel of such agency to the Office to assist it in carrying out its duties under this section.

``(2) Effect of detail.--Any detail of personnel under paragraph (1) shall--

``(A) not interrupt or otherwise affect the civil service status or privileges of the Federal employee; and

``(B) be in addition to any other staff of the Department employed by the National Coordinator.

``(3) Acceptance of detailees.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Office may accept detailed personnel from other Federal agencies without regard to whether the agency described under paragraph (1) is reimbursed.

``(e) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the duplication of Federal efforts with respect to the establishment of the Office, regardless of whether such efforts were carried out prior to or after the enactment of this title.

``(f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section,

$5,000,000 for fiscal year 2006, $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2007, and such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2010.


``(a) Purpose.--The Secretary shall establish the public-private American Health Information Collaborative (referred to in this section as the `Collaborative') to--

``(1) advise the Secretary and recommend specific actions to achieve a nationwide interoperable health information technology infrastructure;

``(2) serve as a forum for the participation of a broad range of stakeholders to provide input on achieving the interoperability of health information technology; and

``(3) recommend standards (including content, communication, and security standards) for the electronic exchange of health information (including for the reporting of quality data under section 2907) for adoption by the Federal Government and voluntary adoption by private entities.

``(b) Composition.--

``(1) In general.--The Collaborative shall be composed of members of the public and private sectors to be appointed by the Secretary, including representatives from--

``(A) consumer or patient organizations;

``(B) organizations with expertise in privacy and security;

``(C) health care providers;

``(D) health insurance plans or other third party payors;

``(E) information technology vendors; and

``(F) purchasers or employers.

``(2) Participation.--In appointing members under paragraph

(1), and in developing the procedures for conducting the activities of the Collaborative, the Secretary shall ensure a balance among various sectors of the health care system so that no single sector unduly influences the recommendations of the Collaborative.

``(3) Terms.--Members appointed under paragraph (1) shall serve for 2 year terms, except that any member appointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. A member may serve for not to exceed 180 days after the expiration of such member's term or until a successor has been appointed.

``(4) Outside involvement.--With respect to the functions of the Collaborative, the Secretary shall ensure an adequate opportunity for the participation of outside advisors, including individuals with expertise in--

``(A) health information privacy;

``(B) health information security;

``(C) health care quality and patient safety, including individuals with expertise in utilizing health information technology to improve health care quality and patient safety;

``(D) data exchange; and

``(E) developing health information technology standards and new health information technology.

``(c) Recommendations and Policies.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this title, and annually thereafter, the Collaborative shall recommend to the Secretary uniform national policies for adoption by the Federal Government and voluntary adoption by private entities to support the widespread adoption of health information technology, including--

``(1) protection of individually identifiable health information through privacy and security practices;

``(2) measures to prevent unauthorized access to health information, including unauthorized access through the use of certain peer-to-peer file-sharing applications;

``(3) methods to notify patients if their individually identifiable health information is wrongfully disclosed;

``(4) methods to facilitate secure patient access to health information;

``(5) fostering the public understanding of health information technology;

``(6) the ongoing harmonization of industry-wide health information technology standards;

``(7) recommendations for a nationwide interoperable health information technology infrastructure;

``(8) the identification and prioritization of specific use cases for which health information technology is valuable, beneficial, and feasible;

``(9) recommendations for the establishment of an entity to ensure the continuation of the functions of the Collaborative; and

``(10) other policies (including recommendations for incorporating health information technology into the provision of care and the organization of the health care workplace) determined to be necessary by the Collaborative.

``(d) Standards.--

``(1) Existing standards.--The standards adopted by the Consolidated Health Informatics Initiative shall be deemed to have been recommended by the Collaborative under this section.

``(2) First year review.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this title, the Collaborative shall--

``(A) review existing standards (including content, communication, and security standards) for the electronic exchange of health information;

``(B) identify deficiencies and omissions in such existing standards; and

``(C) identify duplication and overlap in such existing standards;and recommend new standards and modifications to such existing standards as necessary.

``(3) Ongoing review.--Beginning 1 year after the date of enactment of this title, and annually thereafter, the Collaborative shall--

``(A) review existing standards (including content, communication, and security standards) for the electronic exchange of health information;

``(B) identify deficiencies and omissions in such existing standards; and

``(C) identify duplication and overlap in such existing standards;and recommend new standards and modifications to such existing standards as necessary.

``(4) Limitation.--The standards and timeframe for adoption described in this section shall be consistent with any standards developed pursuant to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.

``(e) Federal Action.--Not later than 90 days after the issuance of a recommendation from the Collaborative under subsection (d)(2), the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and the Secretary of Defense, in collaboration with representatives of other relevant Federal agencies, as determined appropriate by the Secretary, shall jointly review such recommendations. If appropriate, the Secretary shall provide for the adoption by the Federal Government of any standard or standards contained in such recommendation.

``(f) Coordination of Federal Spending.--

``(1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the adoption by the Federal Government of a recommendation as provided for in subsection (e), and in compliance with chapter 113 of title 40, United States Code, no Federal agency shall expend Federal funds for the purchase of any new health information technology or health information technology system for clinical care or for the electronic retrieval, storage, or exchange of health information that is not consistent with applicable standards adopted by the Federal Government under subsection (e).

``(2) Rule of construction.--Nothing in paragraph (1) shall be construed to restrict the purchase of minor (as determined by the Secretary) hardware or software components in order to modify, correct a deficiency in, or extend the life of existing hardware or software.

``(g) Coordination of Federal Data Collection.--Not later than 3 years after the adoption by the Federal Government of a recommendation as provided for in subsection (e), all Federal agencies collecting health data for the purposes of quality reporting, surveillance, epidemiology, adverse event reporting, research, or for other purposes determined appropriate by the Secretary, shall comply with standards adopted under subsection (e).

``(h) Voluntary Adoption.--

``(1) In general.--Any standards adopted by the Federal Government under subsection (e) shall be voluntary with respect to private entities.

``(2) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to require that a private entity that enters into a contract with the Federal Government adopt the standards adopted by the Federal Government under this section with respect to activities not related to the contract.

``(3) Limitation.--Private entities that enter into a contract with the Federal Government shall adopt the standards adopted by the Federal Government under this section for the purpose of activities under such Federal contract.

``(i) Reports.--The Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions and the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, on an annual basis, a report that--

``(1) describes the specific actions that have been taken by the Federal Government and private entities to facilitate the adoption of an interoperable nationwide system for the electronic exchange of health information;

``(2) describes barriers to the adoption of such a nationwide system;

``(3) contains recommendations to achieve full implementation of such a nationwide system; and

``(4) contains a plan and progress toward the establishment of an entity to ensure the continuation of the functions of the Collaborative.

``(j) Application of FACA.--The Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.) shall apply to the Collaborative, except that the term provided for under section 14(a)(2) shall be 5 years.

``(k) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the duplication of Federal efforts with respect to the establishment of the Collaborative, regardless of whether such efforts were carried out prior to or after the enactment of this title.

``(l) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section,

$4,000,000 for fiscal year 2006, $4,000,000 for fiscal year 2007, and such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2010.



``(a) Implementation.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary, based upon the recommendations of the Collaborative, shall develop criteria to ensure uniform and consistent implementation of any standards for the electronic exchange of health information voluntarily adopted by private entities in technical conformance with such standards adopted under this title.

``(2) Implementation assistance.--The Secretary may recognize a private entity or entities to assist private entities in the implementation of the standards adopted under this title using the criteria developed by the Secretary under this section.

``(b) Certification.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary, based upon the recommendations of the Collaborative, shall develop criteria to ensure and certify that hardware and software that claim to be in compliance with applicable standards for the electronic exchange of health information adopted under this title have established and maintained such compliance in technical conformance with such standards.

``(2) Certification assistance.--The Secretary may recognize a private entity or entities to assist in the certification described under paragraph (1) using the criteria developed by the Secretary under this section.

``(c) Outside Involvement.--The Secretary, through consultation with the Collaborative, may accept recommendations on the development of the criteria under subsections (a) and (b) from a Federal agency or private entity.



``(a) Competitive Grants to Facilitate the Widespread Adoption of Health Information Technology.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary may award competitive grants to eligible entities to facilitate the purchase and enhance the utilization of qualified health information technology systems to improve the quality and efficiency of health care.

``(2) Eligibility.--To be eligible to receive a grant under paragraph (1) an entity shall--

``(A) submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require;

``(B) submit to the Secretary a strategic plan for the implementation of data sharing and interoperability measures;

``(C) be a--

``(i) not for profit hospital, including a federally qualified health center (as defined in section 1861(aa)(4) of the Social Security Act);

``(ii) individual or group practice; or

``(iii) another health care provider not described in clause (i) or (ii);

``(D) adopt the standards adopted by the Federal Government under section 2903;

``(E) implement the measures adopted under section 2907 and report to the Secretary on such measures;

``(F) agree to notify patients if their individually identifiable health information is wrongfully disclosed;

``(G) demonstrate significant financial need; and

``(H) provide matching funds in accordance with paragraph


``(3) Use of funds.--Amounts received under a grant under this subsection shall be used to facilitate the purchase and enhance the utilization of qualified health information technology systems and training personnel in the use of such technology.

``(4) Matching requirement.--To be eligible for a grant under this subsection an entity shall contribute non-Federal contributions to the costs of carrying out the activities for which the grant is awarded in an amount equal to $1 for each

$3 of Federal funds provided under the grant.

``(5) Preference in awarding grants.--In awarding grants under this subsection the Secretary shall give preference to--

``(A) eligible entities that are located in rural, frontier, and other underserved areas as determined by the Secretary;

``(B) eligible entities that will link, to the extent practicable, the qualified health information system to local or regional health information plan or plans; and

``(C) with respect to an entity described in subsection

(a)(2)(C)(iii), a nonprofit health care provider.

``(b) Competitive Grants to States for the Development of State Loan Programs to Facilitate the Widespread Adoption of Health Information Technology.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary may award competitive grants to States for the establishment of State programs for loans to health care providers to facilitate the purchase and enhance the utilization of qualified health information technology.

``(2) Establishment of fund.--To be eligible to receive a competitive grant under this subsection, a State shall establish a qualified health information technology loan fund

(referred to in this subsection as a `State loan fund') and comply with the other requirements contained in this section. A grant to a State under this subsection shall be deposited in the State loan fund established by the State. No funds authorized by other provisions of this title to be used for other purposes specified in this title shall be deposited in any State loan fund.

``(3) Eligibility.--To be eligible to receive a grant under paragraph (1) a State shall--

``(A) submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require;

``(B) submit to the Secretary a strategic plan in accordance with paragraph (4);

``(C) establish a qualified health information technology loan fund in accordance with paragraph (2);

``(D) require that health care providers receiving such loans--

``(i) link, to the extent practicable, the qualified health information system to a local or regional health information network;

``(ii) consult with the Health Information Technology Resource Center established in section 914(d) to access the knowledge and experience of existing initiatives regarding the successful implementation and effective use of health information technology; and

``(iii) agree to notify patients if their individually identifiable health information is wrongfully disclosed;

``(E) require that health care providers receiving such loans adopt the standards adopted by the Federal Government under section 2903;

``(F) require that health care providers receiving such loans implement the measures adopted under section 2907 and report to the Secretary on such measures; and

``(G) provide matching funds in accordance with paragraph


``(4) Strategic plan.--

``(A) In general.--A State that receives a grant under this subsection shall annually prepare a strategic plan that identifies the intended uses of amounts available to the State loan fund of the State.

``(B) Contents.--A strategic plan under subparagraph (A) shall include--

``(i) a list of the projects to be assisted through the State loan fund in the first fiscal year that begins after the date on which the plan is submitted;

``(ii) a description of the criteria and methods established for the distribution of funds from the State loan fund; and

``(iii) a description of the financial status of the State loan fund and the short-term and long-term goals of the State loan fund.

``(5) Use of funds.--

``(A) In general.--Amounts deposited in a State loan fund, including loan repayments and interest earned on such amounts, shall be used only for awarding loans or loan guarantees, or as a source of reserve and security for leveraged loans, the proceeds of which are deposited in the State loan fund established under paragraph (1). Loans under this section may be used by a health care provider to facilitate the purchase and enhance the utilization of qualified health information technology and training of personnel in the use of such technology.

``(B) Limitation.--Amounts received by a State under this subsection may not be used--

``(i) for the purchase or other acquisition of any health information technology system that is not a qualified health information technology system;

``(ii) to conduct activities for which Federal funds are expended under this title, or the amendments made by the Wired for Health Care Quality Act; or

``(iii) for any purpose other than making loans to eligible entities under this section.

``(6) Types of assistance.--Except as otherwise limited by applicable State law, amounts deposited into a State loan fund under this subsection may only be used for the following:

``(A) To award loans that comply with the following:

``(i) The interest rate for each loan shall be less than or equal to the market interest rate.

``(ii) The principal and interest payments on each loan shall commence not later than 1 year after the loan was awarded, and each loan shall be fully amortized not later than 10 years after the date of the loan.

``(iii) The State loan fund shall be credited with all payments of principal and interest on each loan awarded from the fund.

``(B) To guarantee, or purchase insurance for, a local obligation (all of the proceeds of which finance a project eligible for assistance under this subsection) if the guarantee or purchase would improve credit market access or reduce the interest rate applicable to the obligation involved.

``(C) As a source of revenue or security for the payment of principal and interest on revenue or general obligation bonds issued by the State if the proceeds of the sale of the bonds will be deposited into the State loan fund.

``(D) To earn interest on the amounts deposited into the State loan fund.

``(7) Administration of state loan funds.--

``(A) Combined financial administration.--A State may (as a convenience and to avoid unnecessary administrative costs) combine, in accordance with State law, the financial administration of a State loan fund established under this subsection with the financial administration of any other revolving fund established by the State if otherwise not prohibited by the law under which the State loan fund was established.

``(B) Cost of administering fund.--Each State may annually use not to exceed 4 percent of the funds provided to the State under a grant under this subsection to pay the reasonable costs of the administration of the programs under this section, including the recovery of reasonable costs expended to establish a State loan fund which are incurred after the date of enactment of this title.

``(C) Guidance and regulations.--The Secretary shall publish guidance and promulgate regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this subsection, including--

``(i) provisions to ensure that each State commits and expends funds allotted to the State under this subsection as efficiently as possible in accordance with this title and applicable State laws; and

``(ii) guidance to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse.

``(D) Private sector contributions.--

``(i) In general.--A State loan fund established under this subsection may accept contributions from private sector entities, except that such entities may not specify the recipient or recipients of any loan issued under this subsection.

``(ii) Availability of information.--A State shall make publicly available the identity of, and amount contributed by, any private sector entity under clause (i) and may issue letters of commendation or make other awards (that have no financial value) to any such entity.

``(8) Matching requirements.--

``(A) In general.--The Secretary may not make a grant under paragraph (1) to a State unless the State agrees to make available (directly or through donations from public or private entities) non-Federal contributions in cash toward the costs of the State program to be implemented under the grant in an amount equal to not less than $1 for each $1 of Federal funds provided under the grant.

``(B) Determination of amount of non-federal contribution.--In determining the amount of non-Federal contributions that a State has provided pursuant to subparagraph (A), the Secretary may not include any amounts provided to the State by the Federal Government.

``(9) Preference in awarding grants.--The Secretary may give a preference in awarding grants under this subsection to States that adopt value-based purchasing programs to improve health care quality.

``(10) Reports.--The Secretary shall annually submit to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions and the Committee on Finance of the Senate, and the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, a report summarizing the reports received by the Secretary from each State that receives a grant under this subsection.

``(c) Competitive Grants for the Implementation of Regional or Local Health Information Technology Plans.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary may award competitive grants to eligible entities to implement regional or local health information plans to improve health care quality and efficiency through the electronic exchange of health information pursuant to the standards, protocols, and other requirements adopted by the Secretary under sections 2903 and 2907.

``(2) Eligibility.--To be eligible to receive a grant under paragraph (1) an entity shall--

``(A) demonstrate financial need to the Secretary;

``(B) demonstrate that one of its principal missions or purposes is to use information technology to improve health care quality and efficiency;

``(C) adopt bylaws, memoranda of understanding, or other charter documents that demonstrate that the governance structure and decisionmaking processes of such entity allow for participation on an ongoing basis by multiple stakeholders within a community, including--

``(i) physicians (as defined in section 1861(r) of the Social Security Act), including physicians that provide services to low income and underserved populations;

``(ii) hospitals (including hospitals that provide services to low income and underserved populations);

``(iii) pharmacists or pharmacies;

``(iv) health insurance plans;

``(v) health centers (as defined in section 330(b)) and Federally qualified health centers (as defined in section 1861(aa)(4) of the Social Security Act);

``(vi) rural health clinics (as defined in section 1861(aa) of the Social Security Act);

``(vii) patient or consumer organizations;

``(viii) employers; and

``(ix) any other health care providers or other entities, as determined appropriate by the Secretary;

``(D) demonstrate the participation, to the extent practicable, of stakeholders in the electronic exchange of health information within the local or regional plan pursuant to paragraph (2)(C);

``(E) adopt nondiscrimination and conflict of interest policies that demonstrate a commitment to open, fair, and nondiscriminatory participation in the health information plan by all stakeholders;

``(F) adopt the standards adopted by the Secretary under section 2903;

``(G) require that health care providers receiving such grants implement the measures adopted under section 2907 and report to the Secretary on such measures;

``(H) agree to notify patients if their individually identifiable health information is wrongfully disclosed;

``(I) facilitate the electronic exchange of health information within the local or regional area and among local and regional areas;

``(J) prepare and submit to the Secretary an application in accordance with paragraph (3); and

``(K) agree to provide matching funds in accordance with paragraph (5).

``(3) Application.--

``(A) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant under paragraph (1), an entity shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require.

``(B) Required information.--At a minimum, an application submitted under this paragraph shall include--

``(i) clearly identified short-term and long-term objectives of the regional or local health information plan;

``(ii) a technology plan that complies with the standards adopted under section 2903 and that includes a descriptive and reasoned estimate of costs of the hardware, software, training, and consulting services necessary to implement the regional or local health information plan;

``(iii) a strategy that includes initiatives to improve health care quality and efficiency, including the use and reporting of health care quality measures adopted under section 2907;

``(iv) a plan that describes provisions to encourage the implementation of the electronic exchange of health information by all physicians, including single physician practices and small physician groups participating in the health information plan;

``(v) a plan to ensure the privacy and security of personal health information that is consistent with Federal and State law;

``(vi) a governance plan that defines the manner in which the stakeholders shall jointly make policy and operational decisions on an ongoing basis;

``(vii) a financial or business plan that describes--

``(I) the sustainability of the plan;

``(II) the financial costs and benefits of the plan; and

``(III) the entities to which such costs and benefits will accrue; and

``(viii) in the case of an applicant entity that is unable to demonstrate the participation of all stakeholders pursuant to paragraph (2)(C), the justification from the entity for any such nonparticipation.

``(4) Use of funds.--Amounts received under a grant under paragraph (1) shall be used to establish and implement a regional or local health information plan in accordance with this subsection.

``(5) Matching requirement.--

``(A) In general.--The Secretary may not make a grant under this subsection to an entity unless the entity agrees that, with respect to the costs to be incurred by the entity in carrying out the infrastructure program for which the grant was awarded, the entity will make available (directly or through donations from public or private entities) non-Federal contributions toward such costs in an amount equal to not less than 50 percent of such costs ($1 for each $2 of Federal funds provided under the grant).

``(B) Determination of amount contributed.--Non-Federal contributions required under subparagraph (A) may be in cash or in kind, fairly evaluated, including equipment, technology, or services. Amounts provided by the Federal Government, or services assisted or subsidized to any significant extent by the Federal Government, may not be included in determining the amount of such non-Federal contributions.

``(d) Reports.--Not later than 1 year after the date on which the first grant is awarded under this section, and annually thereafter during the grant period, an entity that receives a grant under this section shall submit to the Secretary a report on the activities carried out under the grant involved. Each such report shall include--

``(1) a description of the financial costs and benefits of the project involved and of the entities to which such costs and benefits accrue;

``(2) an analysis of the impact of the project on health care quality and safety;

``(3) a description of any reduction in duplicative or unnecessary care as a result of the project involved;

``(4) a description of the efforts of recipients under this section to facilitate secure patient access to health information; and

``(5) other information as required by the Secretary.

``(e) Requirement to Achieve Quality Improvement.--The Secretary shall annually evaluate the activities conducted under this section and shall, in awarding grants, implement the lessons learned from such evaluation in a manner so that awards made subsequent to each such evaluation are made in a manner that, in the determination of the Secretary, will result in the greatest improvement in quality measures under section 2907.

``(f) Limitation.--An eligible entity may only receive one non-renewable grant under subsection (a), one non-renewable grant under subsection (b), and one non-renewable grant under subsection (c).

``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--

``(1) In general.--For the purpose of carrying out this section, there is authorized to be appropriated $116,000,000 for fiscal year 2006, $141,000,000 for fiscal year 2007, and such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2010.

``(2) Availability.--Amounts appropriated under paragraph

(1) shall remain available through fiscal year 2010.



``(a) In General.--The Secretary may award grants under this section to carry out demonstration projects to develop academic curricula integrating qualified health information technology systems in the clinical education of health professionals. Such awards shall be made on a competitive basis and pursuant to peer review.

``(b) Eligibility.--To be eligible to receive a grant under subsection (a), an entity shall--

``(1) submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require;

``(2) submit to the Secretary a strategic plan for integrating qualified health information technology in the clinical education of health professionals and for ensuring the consistent utilization of decision support software to reduce medical errors and enhance health care quality;

``(3) be--

``(A) a health professions school;

``(B) a school of nursing; or

``(C) an institution with a graduate medical education program;

``(4) provide for the collection of data regarding the effectiveness of the demonstration project to be funded under the grant in improving the safety of patients, the efficiency of health care delivery, and in increasing the likelihood that graduates of the grantee will adopt and incorporate health information technology, and implement the quality measures adopted under section 2907, in the delivery of health care services; and

``(5) provide matching funds in accordance with subsection


``(c) Use of Funds.--

``(1) In general.--With respect to a grant under subsection

(a), an eligible entity shall--

``(A) use grant funds in collaboration with 2 or more disciplines; and

``(B) use grant funds to integrate qualified health information technology into community-based clinical education.

``(2) Limitation.--An eligible entity shall not use amounts received under a grant under subsection (a) to purchase hardware, software, or services.

``(d) Matching Funds.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary may award a grant to an entity under this section only if the entity agrees to make available non-Federal contributions toward the costs of the program to be funded under the grant in an amount that is not less than $1 for each $2 of Federal funds provided under the grant.

``(2) Determination of amount contributed.--Non-Federal contributions under paragraph (1) may be in cash or in kind, fairly evaluated, including equipment or services. Amounts provided by the Federal Government, or services assisted or subsidized to any significant extent by the Federal Government, may not be included in determining the amount of such contributions.

``(e) Evaluation.--The Secretary shall take such action as may be necessary to evaluate the projects funded under this section and publish, make available, and disseminate the results of such evaluations on as wide a basis as is practicable.

``(f) Reports.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this title, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions and the Committee on Finance of the Senate, and the Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives a report that--

``(1) describes the specific projects established under this section; and

``(2) contains recommendations for Congress based on the evaluation conducted under subsection (e).

``(g) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section, $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2007, and such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2008 through 2010.

``(h) Sunset.--This section shall not apply after September 30, 2010.


``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall develop quality measures, including measures to assess the effectiveness, timeliness, patient self-management, patient centeredness, efficiency, and safety, for the purpose of measuring the quality of care patients receive.

``(b) Requirements.--The Secretary shall ensure that the quality measures developed under this section comply with the following:

``(1) Measures.--

``(A) Requirements.--In developing the quality measures under this section, the Secretary shall, to the extent feasible, ensure that--

``(i) such measures are evidence based, reliable, and valid;

``(ii) such measures are consistent with the purposes described in section 2902(b);

``(iii) such measures include measures of clinical processes and outcomes, patient experience, efficiency, and equity; and

``(iv) such measures include measures of overuse and underuse of health care items and services.

``(2) Priorities.--In developing the quality measures under this section, the Secretary shall ensure that priority is given to--

``(A) measures with the greatest potential impact for improving the quality and efficiency of care provided under this Act;

``(B) measures that may be rapidly implemented by group health plans, health insurance issuers, physicians, hospitals, nursing homes, long-term care providers, and other providers; and

``(C) measures which may inform health care decisions made by consumers and patients.

``(3) Risk adjustment.--The Secretary shall establish procedures to account for differences in patient health status, patient characteristics, and geographic location. To the extent practicable, such procedures shall recognize existing procedures.

``(4) Maintenance.--The Secretary shall, as determined appropriate, but in no case more often than once during each 12-month period, update the quality measures, including through the addition of more accurate and precise measures and the retirement of existing outdated measures.

``(5) Relationship with programs under the social security act.--The Secretary shall ensure that the quality measures developed under this section--

``(A) complement quality measures developed by the Secretary under programs administered by the Secretary under the Social Security Act, including programs under titles XVIII, XIX, and XXI of such Act; and

``(B) do not conflict with the needs and priorities of the programs under titles XVIII, XIX, and XXI of such Act, as set forth by the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

``(c) Required Considerations in Developing and Updating the Measures.--In developing and updating the quality measures under this section, the Secretary may take into account--

``(1) any demonstration or pilot program conducted by the Secretary relating to measuring and rewarding quality and efficiency of care;

``(2) any existing activities conducted by the Secretary relating to measuring and rewarding quality and efficiency;

``(3) any existing activities conducted by private entities, including health insurance plans and payors;

``(4) the report by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences under section 238(b) of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003; and

``(5) issues of data collection and reporting, including the feasibility of collecting and reporting data on measures.

``(d) Solicitation of Advice and Recommendations.--On and after July 1, 2006, the Secretary shall consult with the following regarding the development, updating, and use of quality measures developed under this section:

``(1) Health insurance plans and health care providers, including such plans and providers with experience in the care of the frail elderly and individuals with multiple complex chronic conditions, or groups representing such health insurance plans and providers.

``(2) Groups representing patients and consumers.

``(3) Purchasers and employers or groups representing purchasers or employers.

``(4) Organizations that focus on quality improvement as well as the measurement and reporting of quality measures.

``(5) Organizations that certify and license health care providers.

``(6) State government public health programs.

``(7) Individuals or entities skilled in the conduct and interpretation of biomedical, health services, and health economics research and with expertise in outcomes and effectiveness research and technology assessment.

``(8) Individuals or entities involved in the development and establishment of standards and certification for health information technology systems and clinical data.

``(9) Individuals or entities with experience with--

``(A) urban health care issues;

``(B) safety net health care issues; and

``(C) rural and frontier health care issues.

``(e) Use of Quality Measures.--

``(1) In general.--For purposes of activities conducted or supported by the Secretary under this Act, the Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, adopt and utilize the quality measures developed under this section.

``(2) Collaborative agreements.--With respect to activities conducted or supported by the Secretary under this Act, the Secretary may establish collaborative agreements with private entities, including group health plans and health insurance issuers, providers, purchasers, consumer organizations, and entities receiving a grant under section 2905, to--

``(A) encourage the use of the quality measures adopted by the Secretary under this section; and

``(B) foster uniformity between the health care quality measures utilized by private entities.

``(3) Reporting.--The Secretary shall implement procedures to enable the Department of Health and Human Services to accept the electronic submission of data for purposes of--

``(A) quality measurement using the quality measures developed under this section and using the standards adopted by the Federal Government under section 2903; and

``(B) for reporting measures used to make value-based payments under programs under the Social Security Act.

``(f) Dissemination of Information.--Beginning on January 1, 2008, in order to make comparative quality information available to health care consumers, health professionals, public health officials, researchers, and other appropriate individuals and entities, the Secretary shall provide for the dissemination, aggregation, and analysis of quality measures collected under section 2905 and the dissemination of recommendations and best practices derived in part from such analysis.

``(g) Technical Assistance.--The Secretary shall provide technical assistance to public and private entities to enable such entities to--

``(1) implement and use evidence-based guidelines with the greatest potential to improve health care quality, efficiency, and patient safety; and

``(2) establish mechanisms for the rapid dissemination of information regarding evidence-based guidelines with the greatest potential to improve health care quality, efficiency, and patient safety.

``(h) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this title shall be construed as prohibiting the Secretary, acting through the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, from developing quality measures (and timing requirements for reporting such measures) for use under programs administered by the Secretary under the Social Security Act, including programs under titles XVIII, XIX, and XXI of such Act.''.



(a) In General.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall carry out, or contract with a private entity to carry out, a study that examines--

(1) the variation among State laws that relate to the licensure, registration, and certification of medical professionals; and

(2) how such variation among State laws impacts the secure electronic exchange of health information--

(A) among the States; and

(B) between the States and the Federal Government.

(b) Report and Recommendations.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall publish a report that--

(1) describes the results of the study carried out under subsection (a); and

(2) makes recommendations to States regarding the harmonization of State laws based on the results of such study.


Nothing in this Act (or the amendments made by this Act) shall be construed to affect the scope, substance, or applicability of--

(1) section 264 of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996;

(2) sections 1171 through 1179 of the Social Security Act; and

(3) any regulation issued pursuant to any such section.


Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a report on the necessity and workability of requiring health plans (as defined in section 1171 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320d)), health care clearinghouses (as defined in such section 1171), and health care providers (as defined in such section 1171) who transmit health information in electronic form, to notify patients if their individually identifiable health information (as defined in such section 1171) is wrongfully disclosed.


The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall carry out, or contract with a private entity to carry out, a study that examines methods to create efficient reimbursement incentives for improving health care quality in Federally qualified health centers, rural health clinics, and free clinics.


Section 914 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 299b-3) is amended by adding at the end the following:

``(d) Health Information Technology Resource Center.--

``(1) In general.--The Secretary, acting through the Director, shall develop a Health Information Technology Resource Center to provide technical assistance and develop best practices to support and accelerate efforts to adopt, implement, and effectively use interoperable health information technology in compliance with section 2903 and 2907.

``(2) Purposes.--The purpose of the Center is to--

``(A) provide a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience;

``(B) accelerate the transfer of lessons learned from existing public and private sector initiatives, including those currently receiving Federal financial support;

``(C) assemble, analyze, and widely disseminate evidence and experience related to the adoption, implementation, and effective use of interoperable health information technology.

``(D) provide for the establishment of regional and local health information networks to facilitate the development of interoperability across health care settings and improve the quality of health care;

``(E) provide for the development of solutions to barriers to the exchange of electronic health information; and

``(F) conduct other activities identified by the States, local or regional health information networks, or health care stakeholders as a focus for developing and sharing best practices.

``(3) Support for activities.--To provide support for the activities of the Center, the Director shall modify the requirements, if necessary, that apply to the National Resource Center for Health Information Technology to provide the necessary infrastructure to support the duties and activities of the Center and facilitate information exchange across the public and private sectors.

``(4) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require the duplication of Federal efforts with respect to the establishment of the Center, regardless of whether such efforts were carried out prior to or after the enactment of this subsection.

``(e) Technical Assistance Telephone Number or Website.--The Secretary shall establish a toll-free telephone number or Internet website to provide health care providers and patients with a single point of contact to--

``(1) learn about Federal grants and technical assistance services related to interoperable health information technology;

``(2) learn about qualified health information technology and the quality measures adopted by the Federal Government under sections 2903 and 2907;

``(3) learn about regional and local health information networks for assistance with health information technology; and

``(4) disseminate additional information determined by the Secretary.

``(f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated, such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2006 and 2007 to carry out this subsection.''.



Section 330L(b) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 254c-18(b)) is amended by striking ``2002 through 2006'' and inserting ``2006 through 2010''.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 151, No. 153