Sunday, June 16, 2024

Congressional Record publishes “EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS” on April 30, 2010

Volume 156, No. 63 covering the 2nd Session of the 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S3005-S3006 on April 30, 2010.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The following communications were laid before the Senate, together with accompanying papers, reports, and documents, and were referred as indicated:

EC-5661. A communication from the Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled

``Imidacloprid; Pesticide Tolerances'' (FRL No. 8818-5) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 22, 2010; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

EC-5662. A communication from the Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled

``Difenoconazole Pesticide Tolerances'' (FRL No. 8817-3) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 22, 2010; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

EC-5663. A communication from the Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled

``Cyromazine; Pesticide Tolerances'' (FRL No. 8801-6) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 22, 2010; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

EC-5664. A communication from the Congressional Review Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Viruses, Serums, Toxins, and Analogous Products and Patent Term Restoration; Nonsubstantive Amendments'' (Docket No. APHIS-2009-0069) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 21, 2010; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

EC-5665. A communication from the Administrator of the Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Raisins Produced From Grapes Grown in California; Final Free and Reserve Percentages for 2009-10 Crop Natural (Sun-Dried) Seedless Raisins'' (Docket Nos. AMS-FV-09-0075; FV10-989-1 IFR) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 23, 2010; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

EC-5666. A communication from the Administrator of the Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Cranberries Grown in the States of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, and Long Island in the State of New York; Changes to Reporting Dates''

(Docket Nos. AMS-FV-09-0073; FV10-929-1 FR) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 23, 2010; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

EC-5667. A communication from the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), transmitting a report on the approved retirement of Lieutenant General H. Steven Blum, Army National Guard of the United States, and his advancement to the grade of lieutenant general on the retired list; to the Committee on Armed Services.

EC-5668. A communication from the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), Department of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to law, a quarterly report entitled, ``Acceptance of Contributions for Defense Programs, Projects, and Activities; Defense Cooperation Account''; to the Committee on Armed Services.

EC-5669. A communication from the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), Department of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to the Foreign Language Skill Proficiency Bonus program; to the Committee on Armed Services.

EC-5670. A communication from the Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), Department of Defense, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to the Critical Skills Retention Bonus program; to the Committee on Armed Services.

EC-5671. A communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, a six-month periodic report on the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12978 of October 21, 1995, with respect to significant narcotics traffickers centered in Colombia; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

EC-5672. A communication from the Assistant Secretary, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ``Annual Report to Congress on Federal Government Energy Management and Conservation Programs, Fiscal Year 2007''; to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

EC-5673. A communication from the Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled

``Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; New Mexico; Revisions to New Mexico Transportation Conformity Regulations'' (FRL No. 9141-1) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 22, 2010; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

EC-5674. A communication from the Director of the Regulatory Management Division, Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled

``Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; California; San Joaquin Valley, South Coast Air Basin, Coachella Valley, and Sacramento Metro 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas; Reclassification'' (FRL No. 9141-8) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 22, 2010; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

EC-5675. A communication from the Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, pursuant to the Arms Export Control Act, the certification of a proposed manufacturing license agreement for the export of defense articles, including, technical data, and defense services to Japan for the manufacture of F-15 aircraft fuel cells in the amount of $100,000,000 or more; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

EC-5676. A communication from the Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of State, transmitting, pursuant to the Arms Export Control Act, the certification of a proposed manufacturing license agreement for the export of defense articles, including, technical data, and defense services to France for the manufacture of E-2C and E-2D aircraft empennage assemblies and spare parts in the amount of $100,000,000 or more; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

EC-5677. A communication from the Deputy Director of Regulations and Policy Management Staff, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled

``Use of Ozone-Depleting Substances; Removal of Essential-Use Designation (Flunisolide, etc.)'' (Docket No. FDA-2006-N-0304) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 22, 2010; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

EC-5678. A communication from the Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ``No FEAR Act: Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Report to Congress''; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

EC-5679. A communication from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, the amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence that have been adopted by the Supreme Court of the United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

EC-5680. A communication from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, the amendments to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that have been adopted by the Supreme Court of the United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

EC-5681. A communication from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, the amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that have been adopted by the Supreme Court of the United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

EC-5682. A communication from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, the amendments to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure that have been adopted by the Supreme Court of the United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

EC-5683. A communication from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, transmitting, pursuant to law, the amendments to the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure that have been adopted by the Supreme Court of the United States; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

EC-5684. A communication from the Acting Director of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service, Department of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Fisheries of the Northeastern United States; Northeast Multispecies Fishery; Removal of Gear Restriction for the U.S./Canada Management Area''

(RIN0648-XU84) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 14, 2010; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

EC-5685. A communication from the Paralegal Specialist, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model ERJ 170 and ERJ 190 Airplanes'' ((RIN2120-AA64)(Docket No. FAA-2007-28377)) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 23, 2010; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

EC-5686. A communication from the Paralegal Specialist, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Airworthiness Directives; Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (EMBRAER) Model ERJ 170 Airplanes; and Model ERJ 190-100 STD, -100 LR, -100 IGW, -200 STD, -200 LR, and -200 IGW Airplanes'' ((RIN2120-AA64)(Docket No. FAA-2009-1231)) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 23, 2010; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

EC-5687. A communication from the Paralegal Specialist, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ``Airworthiness Directives; British Aerospace Regional Aircraft Model HP.137 Jetstream Mk.1, Jetstream Series 200, Jetstream Series 3101, and Jetstream Model 3201 Airplanes'' ((RIN2120-AA64)(Docket No. FAA-2010-0056)) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 23, 2010; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 156, No. 63