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July 23, 1998 sees Congressional Record publish “Highlights + Senate”

Volume 144, No. 100 covering the 2nd Session of the 105th Congress (1997 - 1998) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“Highlights + Senate” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Daily Digest section on pages D821-D824 on July 23, 1998.

The publication is reproduced in full below:

Thursday, July 23, 1998

Daily Digest


Senate passed Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations, 1999.

The House voted to override the President's veto of H.R. 1122,

Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act.

House Committees ordered reported 29 sundry measures.


Chamber Action

Routine Proceedings, pages S8815-S8952

Measures Introduced: Six bills and one resolution were introduced, as follows: S. 2345-2350, and S. Con. Res. 109.

Page S8919

Measures Reported: Reports were made as follows:

Special Report entitled ``Slamming''--The Authorized Switching of Long-Distance Telephone Service. (S. Rept. No. 105-259)

S. 1699, to authorize the Secretary of Transportation to issue a certificate of documentation with appropriate endorsement for employment in the coastwise trade for the vessel BILLIE-B-II. (S. Rept. No. 105-260)

S. 1731, to authorize the Secretary of Transportation to issue a certificate of documentation with appropriate endorsement for employment in the coastwise trade for the vessel FALLS POINT. (S. Rept. No. 105-261)

S. 1732, to authorize the Secretary of Transportation to issue a certificate of documentation with appropriate endorsement for employment in the coastwise trade for the vessel VESTERHAVEN, with an amendment. (S. Rept. No. 105-262)

Page S8915

Measures Passed:

Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations, 1999: By a unanimous vote of 99 yeas (Vote No. 234), Senate passed S. 2260, making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1999, after taking action on amendments proposed thereto, as follows:

Pages S8815-80, S8951


By 90 yeas to 10 nays (Vote No. 229), Kyl/Bryan Amendment No. 3266, to prohibit Internet gambling.

Pages S8815-22

Gregg (for DeWine) Amendment No. 3274, to authorize the local law enforcement block grant program.

Pages S8825-26

Gregg/Hollings Amendment No. 3277, relating to the delivery of digital signals in certain areas.

Pages S8834-35

Gregg/Hollings Amendment No. 3278, relating to the operation of a diplomatic facility in Jerusalem.

Pages S8834-35

Subsequently, the amendment was modified.

Page S8880

Gregg/Hollings Amendment No. 3279, to establish a whale conservation fund.

Pages S8834-35

By 53 yeas to 47 nays (Vote No. 230), Nickles Amendment No. 3272, to amend certain criminal laws relating to the compensation of attorneys.

Pages S8822-24, S8837

Bingaman/Domenici Modified Amendment No. 3273, to prohibit from trademark the flag, coat of arms or other insignia of any federally-

recognized Indian tribes.

Pages S8824-25, S8838

Kerry Amendment No. 3276, to condition the availability of funds for United States diplomatic and consular posts in Vietnam. (By 34 yeas to 66 nays (Vote No. 231), Senate earlier failed to table the amendment.)

Pages S8830-34, S8837-38

By 98 yeas to 2 nays (Vote No. 232), Lieberman Amendment No. 3280, to express the sense of the Senate regarding the impact of Japan's recession on the economies of East and Southeast Asia and the United States.

Pages S8835-38

Gregg (for Bumpers) Amendment No. 3281, to eliminate the potential for fraud in the investor visa program.

Pages S8838-39

By 68 yeas to 31 nays (Vote No. 233), Smith (of Oregon) Modified Amendment No. 3258, to establish a system of registries of temporary agricultural workers to provide for a sufficient supply of such workers and to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to streamline procedures for the admission and extension of stay of nonimmigrant agricultural workers.

Pages S8839-51, S8879-80

Feinstein Amendment No. 3282 (to Amendment No. 3258), relating to a cap on the number of H2-A visas.

Pages S8849-51

Kennedy Amendment No. 3283 (to Amendment No. 3258), to establish implementation procedures.

Pages S8850-51

Gregg/Hollings Amendment No. 3284, to make technical corrections.

Page S8852

Gregg (for Moseley-Braun) Amendment No. 3285, to prohibit the publication of identifying information relating to a minor for criminal sexual purposes.

Page S8852

Gregg (for Dodd) Amendment No. 3286, to require Internet access providers to make available Internet screening software.

Pages S8852-53

Gregg (for Specter/Santorum/Durbin) Amendment No. 3287, to move Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania from the Eastern District to the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

Pages S8852-53

Gregg (for Byrd) Amendment No. 3288, to require a report regarding the analysis of the United States Trade Representative with respect to any subsidies provided by the Government of the Republic of Korea to Hanbo Steel.

Pages S8852-53

Gregg (for Murkowski/Stevens) Amendment No. 3289, to prohibit the use of funds for the enforcement in fiscal year 1999 of certain regulations regarding the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) with respect to United States fishing industry vessels.

Pages S8852, S8854-55

Gregg (for Kyl) Amendment No. 3290, to provide for the payment of special masters for civil actions concerning prison conditions.

Pages S8852, S8855

Gregg (for Kyl) Amendment No. 3291 to provide for the waiver of fees for the processing of certain visas for certain Mexico citizens and to require the continuing processing of applications for visas in certain Mexico cities.

Pages S8852, S8855

Gregg (for Graham) Amendment No. 3292, to require a study and report on the adequacy of processing nonimmigrant visas by United States consular posts.

Pages S8852, S8855-56

Gregg (for Lott) Amendment No. 3293, to provide funds to establish an international center for response to chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.

Pages S8852, S8856

Gregg (for Biden) Amendment No. 3294, relating to arrearage payments to the United Nations.

Pages S8852, S8856

Subsequently the amendment was modified.

Page S8951

Gregg (for Kohl) Amendment No. 3295, to provide for reviews of criminal records of applicants for employment in nursing facilities and home health care agencies.

Pages S8852, S8856-57

Gregg (for Gorton) Amendment No. 3296, to prohibit the use of funds for foreign travel or foreign communications by officers and employees of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice.

Pages S8852, S8857-58

Gregg (for Landrieu) Amendment No. 3297, to exempt orphans adopted by United States citizens from grounds of removal.

Pages S8852, S8858

Gregg (for D'Amato) Amendment No. 3298, to prevent disclosure of personal and financial information of corrections officers in certain civil actions until a verdict regarding liability has been rendered.

Pages S8852, S8858

Gregg (for Bingaman) Amendment No. 3299, to allow continued helicopter procurement by the Border Patrol.

Pages S8852, S8858

Gregg (for Reed) Amendment No. 3300, to extend temporary protected status for certain nationals of Liberia.

Pages S8852, S8858

Gregg (for Leahy) Amendment No. 3301, to provide for the adjustment of status of certain asylees in Guam.

Pages S8852, S8859

Gregg (for Hatch) Amendment No. 3302, to focus resources of the Department of Justice on prosecuting violations of federal gun laws.

Pages S8852, S8859

Gregg (for Kerrey) Amendment No. 3303, relating to information infrastructure grants of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

Pages S8852, S8859

Gregg (for Moseley-Braun) Amendment No. 3304, to clarify the conditions under which export controls may be imposed on agricultural products.

Pages S8852, S8859

Gregg (for Hutchison) Amendment No. 3305, to make funds available for Student Incentive Payments.

Pages S8852, S8860

Gregg (for Dorgan) Amendment No. 3306, to require certain new employees in the Office of the United States Trade Representative to work exclusively on investigating the acts, policies, and practices of the Canadian Wheat Board and whether the acts, policies, or practices cause material injury to the United States grain industry.

Pages S8852, S8860

Gregg (for Torricelli) Amendment No. 3307, to preserve and enhance local FM radio service for underserved countries.

Pages S8852, S8860-61

Gregg (for Abraham) Amendment No. 3308, to provide for a study of sediment control at Grand Marais, Michigan.

Pages S8852, S8861

Gregg (for Brownback) Amendment No. 3309, to establish certain limitations with respect to build-out and moving costs of the Patent and Trademark Office.

Pages S8852, S8861

Gregg (for Hatch) Amendment No. 3310, to require that reports submitted to the Committee on Appropriations concerning matters within the jurisdiction of the Committee on the Judiciary also be submitted to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Pages S8852, S8861

Gregg (for Biden) Amendment No. 3311, to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate, for alien battered spouses and children, certain restrictions rendering them ineligible to apply for adjustment of status, suspension of deportation, and cancellation of removal.

Pages S8852, S8861-62

Gregg (for Durbin) Amendment No. 3312, to amend the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 to ensure greater protection of elderly women.

Pages S8852, S8862-63

Gregg (for Brownback) Amendment No. 3313, to modify the membership of the Federal-State Joint Board on universal service.

Pages S8852, S8863

Gregg (for Torricelli) Amendment No. 3314, to provide for the nonpoint pollution control program of the Coastal Zone Management program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Pages S8852, S8863

Gregg (for Lautenberg) Amendment No. 3315, to provide additional funds for violent crime reduction programs.

Pages S8852, S8863

Gregg (for Feingold) Amendment No. 3316, to provide for sentencing enhancements and amendments to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for offenses relating to the abuse and exploitation of children.

Pages S8852, S8863-64

Gregg (for Stevens) Amendment No. 3317, of a technical nature.

Pages S8852, S8864

Gregg (for Lautenberg) Amendment No. 3318, to provide for funding for a firearm violation demonstration project.

Pages S8852, S8864

Gregg (for Grams) Amendment No. 3319, to require the submission in advance of a certification to Congress before certain funds are disbursed for contributions to the United Nations.

Pages S8852, S8864

Gregg (for Grams) Amendment No. 3320, to provide for a ban on extradition or transfer of United States citizens to the International Criminal Court.

Pages S8852, S8864

Gregg (for Grams) Amendment No. 3321, to prohibit the availability of funds for the International Criminal Court unless the agreement establishing the Court is submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent to ratification as a treaty.

Pages S8852, S8864

Gregg (for Durbin) Amendment No. 3322, to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act with respect to the requirements for the admission of nonimmigrant nurses who will practice in health professional shortage areas.

Page S8880


By 18 yeas to 82 nays (Vote No. 228), Craig Modified Amendment No. 3268 (to Amendment No. 3266), to clarify that Indian gaming is subject to Federal jurisdiction.

Pages S8815-17


Kerrey/Hagel Amendment No. 3275, to prohibit the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from implementing or enforcing the public water system treatment requirements related to the cooper action level of the national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper until certain studies are completed.

Pages S8826-30

Also, Amendment No. 3261, agreed to on Wednesday, July, 22, 1998, was further modified.

Page S8851

African Elephant Conservation Authorization: Senate passed H.R. 39, to reauthorize the African Elephant Conservation Act, clearing the measure for the President.

Page S8951

Florida Wild Land Fires: Committee on Environment and Public Works was discharged from further consideration of H. Con. Res. 298, expressing deepest condolences to the State and people of Florida for the losses suffered as a result of the wild land fires occurring in June and July 1998, expressing support to the State and people of Florida as they overcome the effects of the fires, and commending the heroic efforts of firefighters from across the Nation in battling the fires, and the resolution was then agreed to.

Pages S8951-52

Transportation Appropriations, 1999: Senate began consideration of S. 2307, making appropriations for the Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1999, taking action on amendments proposed thereto, as follows:

Pages S8887-90, S8893-S8909


Shelby (for Frist) Modified Amendment No. 3323, to require the Secretary of Transportation to ensure that there is sufficient signage directing visitors to cemeteries of the National Cemetery System.

Pages S8908-09

Shelby/Lautenberg Amendment No. 3324, to improve the bill.

Page S8890

McConnell Amendment No. 3326, to provide for expedited judicial review of constitutional claims with respect to the Transportation Equity Act.

Pages S8894-99

DeWine Amendment No. 3327, to provide additional resources for the United States Coast Guard for drug interdiction efforts around the island of Hispaniola.

Pages S8906-07

Shelby (for McCain) Amendment No. 3328, to ensure that the policies and goals of the Amtrak Reform and Accountability Act of 1997 will be met.

Pages S8907-08

Shelby (for Specter) Amendment No. 3329, to clarify Delaware River Port Authority toll collection authority.

Page S8908

Shelby/Lautenberg Amendment No. 3330, relating to certain transportation issues.

Pages S8908-09

Shelby (for Johnson) Amendment No. 3331, to provide for the use of funds for the costs of biodiesel fuels.

Pages S8908-09

Shelby (for Durbin) Amendment No. 3332, to prohibit smoking on scheduled domestic and foreign airline flight segments taking off from or landing in the United States.

Pages S8908-09

Shelby (for Burns) Amendment No. 3333, relating to hazardous material transportation laws.

Pages S8908-09

Shelby (for Lautenberg/Kerry) Amendment No. 3334, to place certain requirements on the Federal Aviation Administration.

Pages S8908-09

Shelby (for D'Amato) Amendment No. 3335, to require the National Transportation Safety Board to reimburse the State of New York and local counties in New York for certain costs associated with the crash of TWA Flight 800.

Pages S8908-09

A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing for a vote on passage of the bill to occur on Friday, July 24, 1998, at 9:15 a.m.

Page S8909

A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that following passage of S. 2307, and upon receipt of the House companion measure, that all after the enacting clause be stricken and the text of S. 2307, as passed by the Senate, be inserted in lieu thereof, that the House bill be passed, that the Senate insist on its amendment, request a conference with the House thereon, the Chair be authorized to appoint conferees on the part of the Senate, and that the passage of S. 2307 be vitiated, and the bill be indefinitely postponed.

Page S8909

Federal Credit Union Act--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing for the consideration of H.R. 1151, to amend the Federal Credit Union Act to clarify existing law with regard to the field of membership of Federal credit unions, to preserve the integrity and purpose of Federal credit unions, and to enhance supervisory oversight of insured credit unions, on Friday, July 24, 1998.

Page S8852

Messages From the House:

Pages S8913-14


Pages S8914-15

Executive Reports of Committees:

Pages S8915-19

Statements on Introduced Bills:

Pages S8919-23

Additional Cosponsors:

Pages S8923-24

Amendments Submitted:

Pages S8927-45

Notices of Hearings:

Page S8945

Authority for Committees:

Page S8946

Additional Statements:

Pages S8946-50

Record Votes: Seven record votes were taken today. (Total-234)

Pages S8817, S8822, S8837-38, S8800

Adjournment: Senate convened at 9 a.m., and adjourned at 9:14 p.m., until 9:15 a.m., on Friday, July 24, 1998. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's Record on page S8952)

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 144, No. 100