Sunday, June 16, 2024

Jan. 21, 2015 sees Congressional Record publish “INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS”

Volume 161, No. 10 covering the 1st Session of the 114th Congress (2015 - 2016) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Senate section on pages S347-S348 on Jan. 21, 2015.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The following bills and joint resolutions were introduced, read the first and second times by unanimous consent, and referred as indicated:

By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Ms. Ayotte, Mr. Barrasso,

Mr. Blunt, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Crapo, Mrs. Fischer, Mr.

Flake, Mr. Inhofe, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Lee, Mr. Rubio,

Mr. Thune, Mr. Vitter, and Mr. Scott):

S. 200. A bill to amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 to provide for macroeconomic analysis of the impact of major revenue legislation; to the Committee on the Budget.

By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Mr. Cochran, Mr. Thune,

Mr. Risch, Mr. Burr, and Mr. Roberts):

S. 201. A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit taking minors across State lines in circumvention of laws requiring the involvement of parents in abortion decisions; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


S. 202. A bill to provide for a technical change to the Medicare long-term care hospital moratorium exception; to the Committee on Finance.

By Mr. HATCH (for himself, Mr. Alexander, Ms. Ayotte,

Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Blunt, Mr. Burr, Mr. Cochran, Ms.

Collins, Mr. Cornyn, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Grassley, Mr.

Inhofe, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Kirk, Ms. Murkowski, Mr.

Portman, Mr. Risch, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Rubio, Mr.

Thune, Mr. Wicker, and Mr. Coats):

S. 203. A bill to restore Americans' individual liberty by striking the Federal mandate to purchase insurance; to the Committee on Finance.

By Mrs. BOXER:

S. 204. A bill to reinstate the 10-year statute of limitations period applicable to collection of amounts paid to Social Security beneficiaries by administrative offset, and prevent recovery of overpayments from individuals under 18 years of age; to the Committee on Finance.

By Mr. CASSIDY (for himself and Mr. Peters):

S. 205. A bill to provide for the development and dissemination of evidence-based best practices for health care professionals to recognize victims of a severe form of trafficking and respond to such individuals appropriately, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.


S. 206. A bill to amend title 23, United States Code, to reauthorize the State infrastructure bank program; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

By Mr. MORAN (for himself, Mr. Tester, Mr. King, Mr.

Daines, and Ms. Collins):

S. 207. A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to use existing authorities to furnish health care at non-Department of Veterans Affairs facilities to veterans who live more than 40 miles driving distance from the closest medical facility of the Department that furnishes the care sought by the veteran, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

By Mr. JOHNSON (for himself, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Flake, and

Mr. McCain):

S. 208. A bill to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to gain and maintain operational control of the international borders of the United States, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

By Mr. BARRASSO (for himself, Mr. Tester, Mr. McCain,

Mr. Hoeven, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Moran, and Mrs. Fischer):

S. 209. A bill to amend the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self-Determination Act of 2005, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

By Mr. CASEY (for himself, Mr. Moran, Mr. Roberts, and

Mr. Tester):

S. 210. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against income tax for amounts paid by a spouse of a member of the Armed Forces for a new State license or certification required by reason of a permanent change in the duty station of such member to another State; to the Committee on Finance.


S. 211. A bill to establish the Susquehanna Gateway National Heritage Area in the State of Pennsylvania, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

By Mrs. BOXER (for herself and Mr. Nelson):

S. 212. A bill to amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to ensure that voters in elections for Federal office do not wait in long lines in order to vote; to the Committee on Rules and Administration.

By Mrs. BOXER:

S. 213. A bill to improve requirements for entering into commerce of imitation firearms, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

By Mr. MENENDEZ (for himself, Mr. Udall, Ms. Warren,

Mrs. Gillibrand, Mr. Merkley, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr.

Whitehouse, Mr. Franken, Mrs. Shaheen, and Mr.


S. 214. A bill to amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require shareholder authorization before a public company may make certain political expenditures, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

By Mr. BURR (for himself and Mrs. Gillibrand):

S. 215. A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the exclusion for employer-provided dependent care assistance; to the Committee on Finance.

By Mr. SESSIONS (for himself and Mrs. Boxer):

S. 216. A bill to establish the National Prostate Cancer Council for improved screening, early detection, assessment, and monitoring of prostate cancer, and to direct the development and implementation of a national strategic plan to expedite advancement of diagnostic tools and the transfer of such tools to patients; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

By Mr. BLUMENTHAL (for himself, Ms. Baldwin, Mrs.

Boxer, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Schatz, Ms. Hirono, Mr.

Whitehouse, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Schumer, Mrs.

Gillibrand, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Brown, Ms.

Warren, Mr. Tester, Mr. Menendez, Mr. Heinrich, Mr.

Coons, Mr. Markey, Mr. Merkley, Mrs. Shaheen, Ms.

Mikulski, Mr. Booker, Mrs. Feinstein, Ms. Stabenow,

Mr. Wyden, Mr. Franken, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Cardin,

Mrs. McCaskill, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Peters, and Mr.


S. 217. A bill to protect a woman's right to determine whether and when to bear a child or end a pregnancy by limiting restrictions on the provision of abortion services; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. ENZI (for himself and Ms. Klobuchar):

S. 218. A bill to facilitate emergency medical services personnel training and certification curriculums for veterans; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.


S. 219. A bill to prohibit the expenditure of Federal funds for abortions, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.


S. 220. A bill to prohibit discrimination and retaliation against individuals and health care entities that refuse to recommend, refer for, provide coverage for, pay for, provide, perform, assist, or participate in abortions; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.


S. 221. A bill to amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to authorize additional funding for the pregnancy assistance fund; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

By Mrs. BOXER (for herself and Mr. Sessions):

S. 222. A bill to establish the National Prostate Cancer Council for improved screening, early detection, assessment, and monitoring of prostate cancer, and to direct the development and implementation of a national strategic plan to expedite advancement of diagnostic tools and the transfer of such tools to patients; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

By Mrs. BOXER (for herself and Mrs. Feinstein):

S. 223. A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to establish a pilot program on awarding grants for provision of furniture, household items, and other assistance to homeless veterans to facilitate their transition into permanent housing, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

By Mrs. BOXER (for herself, Mr. Kirk, and Mrs.


S. 224. A bill to ensure the United States promotes women's meaningful inclusion and participation in mediation and negotiation processes undertaken in order to prevent, mitigate, and resolve violent conflict and implements the United States National Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security; to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

By Mr. THUNE (for himself and Ms. Klobuchar):

S. 225. A bill to amend the Toxic Substances Control Act to clarify the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency with respect to certain sporting good articles, and to exempt those articles from a definition under that Act; to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

By Mr. PAUL (for himself, Mr. Blunt, Mr. Lee, Mr.

Scott, Mr. Portman, Mr. Moran, Mr. Heller, Mr. Cruz,

Ms. Ayotte, Mr. Flake, Mr. Crapo, Mrs. Fischer, Mr.

McCain, Mr. Vitter, Mr. Boozman, Mr. Perdue, Mr.

Cornyn, Mr. Thune, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Isakson, Mr.

Barrasso, Mr. Inhofe, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Daines, Mr.

Sullivan, Mr. Sasse, Mr. Rounds, Mr. Rubio, Mr.

Roberts, Mr. Grassley, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Gardner):

S. 226. A bill to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide that major rules of the executive branch shall have no force or effect unless a joint resolution of approval is enacted into law; to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

By Mr. ALEXANDER (for himself and Mrs. Murray):

S. 227. A bill to strengthen the Federal education research system to make research and evaluations more timely and relevant to State and local needs in order to increase student achievement; to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

By Mr. CRAPO (for himself, Mr. Vitter, and Mr. Risch):

S. 228. A bill to amend title 54, United States Code, to provide for congressional and State approval of national monuments and restrictions on the use of national monuments; to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

By Mr. WHITEHOUSE (for himself, Mr. Udall, Ms. Warren,

Mr. Carper, Mr. Coons, Mr. Markey, Mr. Leahy, Mr.

Durbin, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Boxer, Ms.

Hirono, Mrs. Gillibrand, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Cardin,

Ms. Stabenow, Mr. Merkley, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Murphy,

Mr. Nelson, Mr. Casey, Mr. Brown, Mr. Reed, Ms.

Heitkamp, Mr. Manchin, Mrs. McCaskill, Mr. Warner,

Mr. Franken, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Menendez, Mr. Heinrich,

Mr. Tester, Mr. Schumer, Mr. Kaine, Ms. Klobuchar,

Ms. Mikulski, Mr. King, Mr. Blumenthal, Mrs.

Feinstein, Mr. Booker, and Mr. Peters):

S. 229. A bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to provide for additional disclosure requirements for corporations, labor organizations, Super PACs and other entities, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Rules and Administration.


S. 230. A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain property to the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation located in Bethel, Alaska; to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

=========================== NOTE ===========================

On page S348, January 21, 2015, bill S. 230 was omitted.

The online Record has been corrected to read: By Ms. MURKOWSKI: S. 230. A bill to provide for the conveyance of certain property to the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation located in Bethel, Alaska; to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

========================= END NOTE =========================


S.J. Res. 4. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to restore the rights of the American people that were taken away by the Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United case and related decisions, to protect the integrity of our elections, and to limit the corrosive influence of money in our democratic process; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Durbin, Mr.

Sanders, Mr. Tester, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Blumenthal,

Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Carper, Mr.

Casey, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Franken, Mrs. Gillibrand,

Mr. Heinrich, Ms. Heitkamp, Ms. Hirono, Mr. King, Ms.

Klobuchar, Mr. Markey, Mr. Menendez, Mr. Merkley, Ms.

Mikulski, Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Peters, Mr.

Reed, Mr. Reid, Mr. Schumer, Mrs. Shaheen, Ms.

Stabenow, Ms. Warren, Mr. Whitehouse, and Mr. Wyden):

=========================== NOTE ===========================

On page S348, January 21, 2015, in the second column, the following appears: By Mr. Udall (for himself, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Tester, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Blumenthal, Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Carper, Mr. Casey, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Franken, Mrs. Gillibrand, Mr. Heinrich, Ms. Heitkamp, Ms. Hirono, Mr. King, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Markey, Mr. Menendez, Mr. Merkley, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Peters, Mr. Reed, Mr. Reid, Mrs. Schumer, Mrs. Shaheen, Ms. Stabenow, Ms. Warren, Mr. Whitehouse, and Mr. Wyden):

The online Record has been corrected to read: By Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. Bennet, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Tester, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Blumenthal, Mrs. Boxer, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Carper, Mr. Casey, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Franken, Mrs. Gillibrand, Mr. Heinrich, Ms.Heitkamp, Ms. Hirono, Mr. King, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Markey, Mr. Menendez, Mr. Merkley, Ms. Mikulski, Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Peters, Mr. Reed, Mr. Reid, Mr. Schumer, Mrs. Shaheen, Ms. Stabenow, Ms. Warren, Mr. Whitehouse, and Mr. Wyden):

========================= END NOTE =========================

S. J. Res. 5. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to contributions and expenditures intended to affect elections; to the Committee on the Judiciary.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 161, No. 10