Sunday, June 16, 2024

April 16, 2008: Congressional Record publishes “EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.”

Volume 154, No. 60 covering the 2nd Session of the 110th Congress (2007 - 2008) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H2441 on April 16, 2008.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows:-

6119. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Pyroxsulam; Pesticide Tolerances [EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0785; FRL-8349-9] received February 21, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agriculture.

6120. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Dibasic Esters (DBE); Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance [EPA-HQ-OPP-2007-0182; FRL-8341-4] received February 21, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agriculture.

6121. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Cyfluthrin; Pesticide Tolerance [EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0857; FRL-8350-3] received February 21, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agriculture.

6122. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories: Gasoline Distribution Bulk Terminals, Bulk Plants, and Pipeline Facilities and Gasoline Dispensing Facilities; Correction

[EPA-HQ-OAR-2006-0406, FRL-8540-2] (RIN: 2060-AM74) received March 4, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

6123. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- In-Use Testing for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines and Vehicles; Emission Measurement Accuracy Margins for Portable Emission Measurement Systems and Program Revisions [EPA-HQ-OAR-2004-0072; FRL-8539-3] (RIN: 2060-A069) received March 4, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

6124. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Determination of Nonattainment and Reclassification of the Atlanta, Georgia 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Area [EPA-R04-OAR-2007-0958-200802; FRL-8539-2] received March 4, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

6125. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Wisconsin; Approval of Construction Permit Waiver [EPA-R05-OAR-2007-0717; FRL-8533-1] received March 4, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

6126. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; Update to Materials Incorporated by Reference; Correction [MD201-3117; FRL-8536-3] received March 4, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

6127. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maine; Open Burning Rule [EPA-R01-OAR-2005-ME-0008; A-1-FRL-8526-5] received February 21, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

6128. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Amendments to Existing Regulation Provisions Concerning Reasonably Available Control Technology [EPA-R03-OAR-2007-1169; FRL-8532-6] received February 21, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

6129. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Approval and Promulgation of State Implementation Plans; Montana; Revisions to Administrative Rules of Montana, and Interstate Transport of Pollution [EPA-R08-OAR-2007-0646; FRL-8527-1] received February 21, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

6130. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Texas; Revisions to Control Volatile Organic Compound Emissions; Volatile Organic Compound Control for El Paso, Gregg, Nueces, and Victoria Counties and the Ozone Standard Nonattainment Areas of Beaumont/Port Arthur, Dallas/Fort Worth, and Houston/Galveston [EPA-R06-OAR-2005-TX-0015; FRL-8532-1] received February 21, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

6131. A letter from the Federal Register Certifying Officer, Department of the Treasury, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Standards for the Administrative Collection of Claims [A.G. Order No. 2918-2007] (Treasury RIN: 1510-AA91) received March 4, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on the Judiciary.

6132. A letter from the Deputy Under Secretary for Management, Department of Homeland Security, transmitting the Department's Fiscal Year 2009-2013 Future Years Homeland Security Program, pursuant to 6 U.S.C. 454 Public Law 107-296, section 874(c); to the Committee on Homeland Security.

6133. A letter from the Under Secretary for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Department of Defense, transmitting the Fiscal Year 2007 Defense Environmental Programs Annual Report, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 2706; jointly to the Committees on Armed Services and Energy and Commerce.

6134. A letter from the Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman Annual Report for Calendar Years 2005-2006, pursuant to Public Law 108-173, section 923(a) (117 Stat. 2394); jointly to the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means.

6135. A letter from the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, Department of Defense, transmitting a legislative proposal to address the declining balance in the Inland Waterways Trust Fund (IWTF); jointly to the Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure and Ways and Means.

6136. A letter from the Chairman, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, transmitting a copy of the Commission's ``March 2008 Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy''; jointly to the Committees on Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce.

6137. A letter from the Director, Office of Personnel Management, transmitting a legislative proposal entitled,

``Federal Employees Short-term Disability Security Act of 2008''; jointly to the Committees on Oversight and Government Reform, House Administration, and the Judiciary.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 154, No. 60