Sunday, June 16, 2024

July 24, 1995: Congressional Record publishes “AMENDMENTS”

Volume 141, No. 120 covering the 1st Session of the 104th Congress (1995 - 1996) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“AMENDMENTS” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H7550-H7552 on July 24, 1995.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, proposed amendments were submitted as follows:

H.R. 2002

Offered By: Mr. Andrews

Amendment No. 28: At the end of the bill, add the following new title:


Sec. 501. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used for planning or execution of the military airport program.

H.R. 2002

Offered By: Mr. Coleman

Amendment No. 29: Page 53, strike lines 1 through 13.

Redesignate subsequent sections of title III of the bill accordingly.

H.R. 2002

Offered By: Mr. Foglietta

Amendment No. 30: Page 14, line 7, strike ``$60,000,000'' and insert ``$195,000,000''.

Page 25, line 24, insert after the dollar amount the following: ``(increased by $135,000,000)''.

Page 25, line 25, insert after the dollar amount the following: ``(increased by $135,000,000)''.

Page 26, line 3, insert after the dollar amount the following; ``(increased by $135,000,000)''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Andrews

Amendment No. 10: Page 76, strike lines 11 through 17.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Becerra

Amendment No. 11: Page 17, line 2, before the period insert

``:Provided further, That $8,000,000 shall be available to promote and expedite naturalization, in accordance with section 332 of the Immigration and Nationality Act''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Becerra

Amendment No. 12: Page 59, line 9, strike ``$16,400,000'' and insert ``$8,400,000''.

Page 16, line 5, strike ``$1,421,481,000'' and insert


H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Becerra

Amendment No. 13: Page 59, line 9, strike ``$16,400,000'' and insert ``$8,400,000''.

Page 16, line 5, strike ``$1,421,481,000'' and insert


Page 17, line 2, before the period insert ``: Provided further, That $8,000,000 shall be available to promote and expedite naturalization, in accordance with section 332 of the Immigration and Nationality Act''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Clinger

Amendment No. 14: Page 47, line 11, strike ``$3,000'' and insert ``$2,250''.

Page 47, line 12, strike ``$29,100,000'' and insert


H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Farr

Amendment No. 15: Page 44, line 4, strike

``$1,690,452,000'' and insert ``$1,702,952,000''.

Page 44, line 14, strike ``$1,687,452,000'' and insert


Page 51, line 4, strike ``$2,411,024,000'' and insert


Page 59, line 3, strike ``$363,276,000'' and insert


H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Hoyer

Amendment No. 16: Page 25, line 13, strike ``$1,500,000 for Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Programs, as authorized by section 220002(h) of the 1994 Act'' and insert ``$1,205,000 for Law Enforcement Family Support Programs, as authorized by section 1001(a)(21) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as added by section 21201 of the 1994 Act; $295,000 for Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Programs, as authorized by section 220002(h) of the 1994 Act''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Klug

Amendment No. 17: Page 43, line 25, strike ``386 commissioned officers'' and insert ``358 commissioned officers''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Klug

Amendment No. 18: Page 45, lines 18 through 22, strike

``for the repair, acquisition, leasing, or conversion of vessels, including related equipment to maintain and modernize the existing fleet and to continue planning the modernization of the fleet, for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,'' and insert ``for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for entering into contracts with private-sector parties or universities for (1) data collection and (2) the leasing or chartering of vessels,''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Klug

Amendment No. 19: Page 45, line 23, strike ``$20,000,000'' and insert ``$0''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Klug

Amendment No. 20: On page 102, after line 20, insert before the short title the following new section:

``Sec. 609. None of the funds made available in title II for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under the heading `Fleet Modernization, Shipbuilding and Conversion' may be used to implement the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fleet Replacement and Modernization Plan except to enter into service contracts with the private sector or universities for oceanographic research, fisheries research, and mapping and charting services.''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Klug

Amendment No. 21: Page 102, after line 20, insert before the short title the following new section:

Sec. 609. None of the funds made available in title II for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under the heading ``Fleet Modernization, Shipbuilding, and Conversion'' may be used for any activity other than entering into a contract with a private-sector party or a university for (1) data collection or (2) the leasing or chartering of a vessel.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. LaTourette

Amendment No. 22: Page 45, line 14, strike ``$42,731,000'' and insert in lieu thereof ``$40,262,000''.

Page 45, line 23, strike ``$20,000,000'' and insert in lieu thereof ``$17,000,000''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. LaTourette

Amendment No. 23: Page 45, line 23, strike ``$20,000,000'' and insert in lieu thereof ``$19,089,000''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mrs. Lowey

Amendment No. 24: On page 21, line 21, after the period, insert the following paragraph:

grants to combat violence against women

Additional assistance for grants of $97,250,000, for the Grants to Combat Violence Against Women, as authorized by section 40121 of the 1994 act.

On page 60, line 19:

Strike ``$391,760,000'' and insert ``$294,510,000''

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mrs. Lowey

Amendment No. 25: On page 21, line 21, after the period, insert the following paragraph:

grants to combat violence against women

Additional assistance for grants of $97,250,000, for the Grants to Combat Violence Against Women, as authorized by section 40121 of the 1994 act.

On page 60, line 19:

After ``$391,760,000'' insert ``(less $97,250,000)''

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mrs. Meyers of Kansas

Amendment No. 26: Page 97, line 8, strike ``$217,947,000'' and insert ``$222,325,000''.

Page 98, line 6, strike ``$97,000,000'' and insert


H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mr. Mollohan

Amendment No. 27: On page 24, line 6 strike,

``$2,000,000,000'', and all that follows through ``1995'' on line 9, and insert the following:

``1,767,000,000 shall be for Public Safety and Community Policing Grants authorized by section 10003 of the 1994 Act; and $233,000,000 shall be for carrying out the crime prevention programs authorized under sections 30202, 30307, 30702, 31904, 31921, 32101, 40102, and 50001 of the 1994 Act''

H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mrs. Morella

Amendment No. 28: Page 52, line 21, after the dollar amount, insert the following: ``(reduced by $13,550,000)''.

Page 99, after line 12, insert the following:

State Justice Institute

salaries and expenses

For necessary expenses of the State Justice Institute, as authorized by section 215 of the State Justice Institute Act of 1984 (42 U.S.C. 10713), $13,550,000, to remain available until expended.

H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mrs. Morella

Amendment No. 29: Page 99, after line 12, insert the following:

State Justice Institute

salaries and expenses

(including transfer of funds)

For necessary expenses of the State Justice Institute, as authorized by section 215 of the State Justice Institute Act of 1984 (42 U.S.C. 10713), $13,550,000, to remain available until expended, to be derived from amounts provided in this Act for ``Defender Services''.

H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mr. Neumann

Amendment No. 30: On page 37, line 2, strike

``$328,500,000'' an insert ``$35,198,000''

H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mr. Neumann

Amendment No. 31: On Page 40, line 10, strike

``$19,709,000'' an insert ``$19,043,000''

On page 40, strike line 21 and all that follows through page 41, line 24.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Neumann

Amendment No. 32: On page 42, line 26, strike

``$81,100,000'' and insert ``$7,167,000''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Neumann

Amendment No. 33: On page 44, line 4, strike

``$1,690,452,000'' and insert ``$1,670,452,000''.

On page 44, line 14, strike ``$1,687,452,000'' and insert


On page 45, strike lines 16 through 23

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Neumann

Amendment No. 34: On page 47, line 6, strike ``$5,000,000'' and insert ``$3,920,000''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Scott

Amendment No. 35: Page 24, line 6, strike

``$2,000,000,000'' and insert ``$2,500,000,000''.

Page 24, line 23, strike ``$500,000,000'' and all that follows through page 25, line 3.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Scott

Amendment No. 36: Page 24, line 6, strike

``$2,000,000,000'' and insert ``$2,300,000,000''.

Page 24, line 23, strike ``$500,000,000'' and all that follows through page 25, line 1, and insert ``$200,000,000''.

H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mr. Serrano

Amendment No. 37: Page 102, after line 20, insert the following:

Sec. 609. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used for the Advisory Board for Cuba Broad casting under section 5 of the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act.

H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mr. Skaggs

Amendment No. 38: Page 71, line 16, strike

``$341,000,000,'' and insert ``$329,000,000''.

H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mr. Skaggs

Amendment No. 39: Beginning on page 81, strike line 3 and all that follows through line 2 on page 95.

H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mr. Skaggs

Amendment No. 40: Page 102, after line 20, insert the following:

Sec. 609. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used for ``USIA Television Marti Program'' under the Television Broadcasting to Cuba Act or any other program of United States Government television broadcasts to Cuba.

H.R. 2076

Offered by: Mr. Stupak

Amendment No. 41: Page 24, line 7, after ``Grants'' insert

``of such amount $600,000,000 shall be available for rural areas in which the unit of local government in such area has a population of less than 50,000)''.

H.R. 2076

Offered By: Mr. Stupak

Amendment No. 42: Page 24, line 9, after ``1995'' insert

``of such amount $600,000,000 shall be available for rural areas in which the unit of local government in such area has a population of less than 50,000)''.

H.R. 2099

Offered By: Mr. Davis

Amendment No. 1: Page 87, after line 25, insert the following new section:

Sec. 519. (a) Contractor Conversion.--The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency shall cease any further hiring in the Agency's Office of Research and Development, and shall maintain the funding of all existing scientific and technical support contracts at not less than the current level.

(b) Report.--Not later than January 1, 1996, the head of the Office of Research and Development of the Environmental Protection Agency shall submit to the Congress a report on all staffing plans including the use of Federal and contract employees.

H.R. 2099

Offered By: Ms. Kaptur

Amendment No. 2: Page 26, after line 13, insert the following new item:

drug elimination grants for low-income housing

For grants to public housing agencies for use in eliminating drug-related crime in public housing projects authorized by the Public and Assisted Housing Drug Elimination Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 11901-11908), and for drug information clearinghouse services authorized by the Drug-Free Public Housing Act of 1988 (42 U.S.C. 11921-11925),

$290,000,000, to remain available until expended.

Page 64, line 16, before the last comma insert ``(reduced by $34,500,000)''.

H.R. 2099

Offered By: Mr. Klug

Amendment No. 3: Page 48, after line 25, insert the following new section:



In order to demonstrate the effects of eliminating the requirement under section 8(t) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, notwithstanding any assistance provided under any program under section 8 of such Act for the multifamily housing project consisting of the dwelling units located at 2401-2479 Sommerset Circle, in Madison, Wisconsin, or on behalf of residents in such project, section 8(t) of such Act shall not apply with respect to such project.

SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 141, No. 120