Sunday, June 16, 2024

“EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.” published by Congressional Record on June 15, 2020

Volume 166, No. 110 covering the 2nd Session of the 116th Congress (2019 - 2020) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC.” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H2394-H2395 on June 15, 2020.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive communications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as follows:

4462. A letter from the Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense, transmitting a letter on the approved retirement of Admiral James G. Foggo III, United States Navy, and his advancement to the grade of admiral on the retired list, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1370(c)(1); Public Law 96-513, Sec. 112

(as amended by Public Law 104-106, Sec. 502(b)); (110 Stat. 293); to the Committee on Armed Services.

4463. A letter from the Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense, transmitting a letter on the approved retirement of Lieutenant General Charles D. Luckey, United States Army Reserve, and his advancement to the grade of lieutenant general on the retired list, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1370(c)(1); Public Law 96-513, Sec. 112 (as amended by Public Law 104-106, Sec. 502(b)); (110 Stat. 293); to the Committee on Armed Services.

4464. A letter from the Secretary of Defense, Department of Defense, transmitting a letter on the rescinding of the retirement of General Gustave F. Perna, United States Army, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 1370(c)(1); Public Law 96-513, Sec. 112

(as amended by Public Law 104-106, Sec. 502(b)); (110 Stat. 293); to the Committee on Armed Services.

4465. A letter from the Chairman, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, transmitting the Council's 2019 Annual Report to Congress, pursuant to Sec. 1006(f) of the Financial Regulatory and Interest Rate Control Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. 3305); to the Committee on Financial Services.

4466. A letter from the Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, transmitting the Seven-Day-After report for the Emergency Appropriations for Coronavirus Health Response and Agency Operations, pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 901(a)(7)(B); Public Law 99-177, Sec. 251(a)(7)(B) (as amended by Public Law 114-113, Sec. 1003); (129 Stat. 3035); to the Committee on the Budget.

4467. A letter from the Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, transmitting the Seven-Day-After report for the Additional Emergency Appropriations for Coronavirus Response, pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 901(a)(7)(B); Public Law 99-177, Sec. 251(a)(7)(B) (as amended by Public Law 114-113, Sec. 1003);

(129 Stat. 3035); to the Committee on the Budget.

4468. A letter from the Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, transmitting the Seven-Day-After report for the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 901(a)(7)(B); Public Law 99-177, Sec. 251(a)(7)(B) (as amended by Public Law 114-113, Sec. 1003); (129 Stat. 3035); to the Committee on the Budget.

4469. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances (19-4.B) [EPA-HQ-OPPT-2019-0442; FRL-10008-71] received May 27, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

4470. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Implementing Statutory Addition of Certain Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances; Toxic Chemical Release Reporting [EPA-HQ-TRI-2020-0142; FRL-10008-09] received May 27, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

4471. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Community Right-to-Know; Corrections to Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting Requirements

[EPA-HQ-TRI-2019-0146; FRL-10007-23] (RIN: 2070-AK53) received May 27, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

4472. A letter from the Deputy Chief, Enforcement Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, transmitting the Commission's final rule -- Amendment of Section 1.80 of the Commission's Rule; Implementing Section 3 of the Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act (TRACED Act) received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

4473. A letter from the Acting Chief, Office of Engineering and Technology, Federal Communications Commission, transmitting the Commission's final rule -- Unlicensed Use of the 6 GHz Band [ET Docket No.: 18-295]; Expanding Flexible Use in Mid-Band Spectrum Between 3.7 and 24 GHz [GN Docket No.: 17-183] received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

4474. A letter from the Program Analyst, Office of Managing Director, Federal Communications Commission, transmitting the Commission's final rule -- Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2020 [MD Docket No.: 20-105]; Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2019 [MD Docket No.: 19-105] received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

4475. A letter from the Secretary, Department of the Treasury, transmitting a six-month periodic report on the national emergency with respect to Syria that was declared in Executive Order 13338 of May 11, 2004, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public Law 94-412, Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 U.S.C. 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c); (91 Stat. 1627); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

4476. A letter from the Secretary, Department of the Treasury, transmitting a six-month periodic report on the national emergency with respect to Belarus that was declared in Executive Order 13405 of June 16, 2006, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public Law 94-412, Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 U.S.C. 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c);

(91 Stat. 1627); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

4477. A letter from the Secretary, Department of the Treasury, transmitting a six-month periodic report on the national emergency with respect to Iran that was declared in Executive Order 12170 of November 14, 1979, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public Law 94-412, Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 U.S.C. 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c);

(91 Stat. 1627); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

4478. A letter from the Secretary, Department of the Treasury, transmitting a six-month periodic report on the national emergency with respect to Sudan that was declared in Executive Order 13067 of November 3, 1997, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public Law 94-412, Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 U.S.C. 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c);

(91 Stat. 1627); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

4479. A letter from the Secretary, Department of the Treasury, transmitting a six-month periodic report on the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq that was declared in Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public Law 94-412, Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 U.S.C. 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c); (91 Stat. 1627); to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

4480. A letter from the Chairman, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, transmitting the Commission's FY 2019 No FEAR Act report, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2301 note; Public Law 107-174, 203(a) (as amended by Public Law 109-435, Sec. 604(f)); (120 Stat. 3242); to the Committee on Oversight and Reform.

4481. A letter from the Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, transmitting a notification of an action on nomination, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3349(a); Public Law 105-277, 151(b); (112 Stat. 2681-614); to the Committee on Oversight and Reform.

4482. A letter from the Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, transmitting a notification of an action on nomination, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3349(a); Public Law 105-277, 151(b); (112 Stat. 2681-614); to the Committee on Oversight and Reform.

4483. A letter from the Legal Yeoman, Office of Regulations and Administrative Law, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Great Lakes Pilotage Rates-2020 Annual Review and Revisions to Methodology [USCG-2019-0736] (RIN: 1625-AC56) received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

4484. A letter from the Management and Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, and Takeoff Minimums and Obstacle Departure Procedures; Miscellaneous Amendments [Docket No.: 31301; Amdt. No.: 3895] received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

4485. A letter from the Management and Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Transportation, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-11 and V-275 in the Vicinity of Bryan, OH, and Defiance, OH, Respectively [Docket No.: FAA-2019-0688; Airspace Docket No.: 18-AGL-25] (RIN: 2120-AA66) received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

4486. A letter from the Director, Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting the Agency's final rule -- Ocean Dumping: Cancellation of Final Designation for an Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site [EPA-R04-OW-2019-0592; FRL-10009-39-Region 4] May 27, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

4487. A letter from the Chairman, Surface Transportation Board, transmitting the Board's final rule -- Demurrage Billing Requirements [Docket No.: EP 759] received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

4488. A letter from the Deputy Director, ODRM, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting the Department's final rule -- Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (RIN: 0970-AC72) received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Means.

4489. A letter from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Procedure, transmitting the Service's IRB only rule -- Guidance on Application of Section 305 to Stock Distributions by REITs and RICs (Revenue Procedure 2020-19) received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Means.

4490. A letter from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, transmitting the Service's IRB only rule -- COVID-19 Relief Under 7701(b) (Rev. Proc. 2020-20] received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Means.

4491. A letter from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, transmitting the Service's IRB only rule -- Section 911(d)(4) -- Waiver Revenue Procedure with regards to COVID-19 (Revenue Procedure 2020-27) received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Means.

4492. A letter from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, transmitting the Service's IRB only rule -- Extension of Time to File Application for Tentative Carryback Adjustment [Notice 2020-26] received May 28, 2020, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Means.

4493. A letter from the Acting Director, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President, transmitting a request to amend the CARES Act to increase the amounts authorized for commitments for the Paycheck Protection Program by $251 billion; jointly to the Committees on Small Business and the Budget.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 166, No. 110