Sunday, June 16, 2024

Congressional Record publishes “MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES ACT OF 2010” on Dec. 14, 2010

Volume 156, No. 165 covering the 2nd Session of the 111th Congress (2009 - 2010) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES ACT OF 2010” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H8318-H8321 on Dec. 14, 2010.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and pass the bill (S. 3984) to amend and extend the Museum and Library Services Act, and for other purposes.

The Clerk read the title of the bill.

The text of the bill is as follows:

S. 3984

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


(a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Museum and Library Services Act of 2010''.

(b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.

Sec. 2. References.


Sec. 101. General definitions.

Sec. 102. Responsibilities of Director.

Sec. 103. Personnel.

Sec. 104. Board.

Sec. 105. Awards and medals.

Sec. 106. Research and analysis.

Sec. 107. Hearings.

Sec. 108. Administrative funds.


Sec. 201. Purposes.

Sec. 202. Authorization of appropriations.

Sec. 203. Reservations and allotments.

Sec. 204. State plans.

Sec. 205. Grants.

Sec. 206. Grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements.

Sec. 207. Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program.

Sec. 208. Conforming amendments.


Sec. 301. Purpose.

Sec. 302. Definitions.

Sec. 303. Museum services activities.

Sec. 304. Authorization of appropriations.



Sec. 401. Repeal.


Except as otherwise expressly provided, wherever in this Act an amendment or repeal is expressed in terms of an amendment to, or repeal of, a section or other provision, the reference shall be considered to be made to a section or other provision of the Museum and Library Services Act (20 U.S.C. 9101 et seq.).



Section 202 (20 U.S.C. 9101) is amended--

(1) by redesignating paragraphs (2) through (7) as paragraphs (3) through (8), respectively; and

(2) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following:

``(2) Digital literacy skills.--The term `digital literacy skills' means the skills associated with using technology to enable users to find, evaluate, organize, create, and communicate information.''.


Section 204 (20 U.S.C. 9103) is amended--

(1) by striking subsection (c) and inserting the following:

``(c) Duties and Powers.--

``(1) Primary responsibility.--The Director shall have primary responsibility for the development and implementation of policy to ensure the availability of museum, library, and information services adequate to meet the essential information, education, research, economic, cultural, and civic needs of the people of the United States.

``(2) Duties.--In carrying out the responsibility described in paragraph (1), the Director shall--

``(A) advise the President, Congress, and other Federal agencies and offices on museum, library, and information services in order to ensure the creation, preservation, organization, and dissemination of knowledge;

``(B) engage Federal, State, and local governmental agencies and private entities in assessing the museum, library, and information services needs of the people of the United States, and coordinate the development of plans, policies, and activities to meet such needs effectively;

``(C) carry out programs of research and development, data collection, and financial assistance to extend and improve the museum, library, and information services of the people of the United States; and

``(D) ensure that museum, library, and information services are fully integrated into the information and education infrastructures of the United States.'';

(2) by redesignating subsections (f) and (g) as subsections

(h) and (i), respectively; and

(3) by striking subsection (e) and inserting the following:

``(e) Interagency Agreements.--The Director may--

``(1) enter into interagency agreements to promote or assist with the museum, library, and information services-related activities of other Federal agencies, on either a reimbursable or non-reimbursable basis; and

``(2) use funds appropriated under this Act for the costs of such activities.

``(f) Coordination.--The Director shall ensure coordination of the policies and activities of the Institute with the policies and activities of other agencies and offices of the Federal Government having interest in and responsibilities for the improvement of museums and libraries and information services. Where appropriate, the Director shall ensure that such policies and activities are coordinated with--

``(1) activities under section 1251 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6383);

``(2) programs and activities under the Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9831 et seq.) (including programs and activities under subparagraphs (H)(vii) and (J)(iii) of section 641(d)(2) of such Act) (42 U.S.C. 9836(d)(2));

``(3) activities under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998

(29 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) (including activities under section 134(c) of such Act) (29 U.S.C. 2864(c)); and

``(4) Federal programs and activities that increase the capacity of libraries and museums to act as partners in economic and community development, education and research, improving digital literacy skills, and disseminating health information.

``(g) Interagency Collaboration.--The Director shall work jointly with the individuals heading relevant Federal departments and agencies, including the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Education, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, the Director of the National Science Foundation, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Secretary of State, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, the Chairman of the National Endowment of the Humanities, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, or the designees of such individuals, on--

``(1) initiatives, materials, or technology to support workforce development activities undertaken by libraries;

``(2) resource and policy approaches to eliminate barriers to fully leveraging the role of libraries and museums in supporting the early learning, literacy, lifelong learning, digital literacy, workforce development, and education needs of the people of the United States; and

``(3) initiatives, materials, or technology to support educational, cultural, historical, scientific, environmental, and other activities undertaken by museums.''.


Section 206 (20 U.S.C. 9105) is amended--

(1) by striking paragraph (2) of subsection (b) and inserting the following:

``(2) Number and compensation.--

``(A) In general.--The number of employees appointed and compensated under paragraph (1) shall not exceed \1/5\ of the number of full-time regular or professional employees of the Institute.

``(B) Rate of compensation.--

``(i) In general.--Except as provided in clause (ii), the rate of basic compensation for the employees appointed and compensated under paragraph (1) may not exceed the rate prescribed for level GS-15 of the General Schedule under section 5332 of title 5, United States Code.

``(ii) Exception.--The Director may appoint not more than 3 employees under paragraph (1) at a rate of basic compensation that exceeds the rate described in clause (i) but does not exceed the rate of basic pay in effect for positions at level IV of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code.''; and

(2) by adding at the end the following:

``(d) Experts and Consultants.--The Director may use experts and consultants, including panels of experts, who may be employed as authorized under section 3109 of title 5, United States Code.''.

SEC. 104. BOARD.

Section 207 (20 U.S.C. 9105a) is amended--

(1) in subsection (b)--

(A) in paragraph (1)--

(i) by striking subparagraph (D); and

(ii) by redesignating subparagraphs (E) and (F) as subparagraphs (D) and (E), respectively;

(B) in paragraph (2)--

(i) in the matter preceding clause (i) of subparagraph (A), by striking ``(1)(E)'' and inserting ``(1)(D)''; and

(ii) in the matter preceding clause (i) of subparagraph

(B), by striking ``(1)(F)'' and inserting ``(1)(E)''; and

(C) in paragraph (4)--

(i) by inserting ``and'' after ``Library Services,''; and

(ii) by striking ``, and the Chairman of the National Commission on Library and Information Science'';

(2) in subsection (c)--

(A) in paragraph (1)--

(i) by striking ``Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, each'' and inserting ``Each''; and

(ii) by striking ``(E) or (F)'' and inserting ``(D) or

(E)''; and

(B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``Initial board appointments.--'' and all that follows through ``The terms of the first members'' and inserting the following: ``Authority to adjust terms.--The terms of the members'';

(3) in subsection (d)--

(A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``relating to museum and library services, including financial assistance awarded under this title'' and inserting ``relating to museum, library, and information services''; and

(B) by striking paragraph (2) and inserting the following:

``(2) National awards and medals.--The Museum and Library Services Board shall advise the Director in awarding national awards and medals under section 209.''; and

(4) in subsection (i), by striking ``take steps to ensure that the policies and activities of the Institute are coordinated with other activities of the Federal Government'' and inserting ``coordinate the development and implementation of policies and activities as described in subsections (f) and (g) of section 204''.


Section 209 (20 U.S.C. 9107) is amended to read as follows:


``The Director, with the advice of the Museum and Library Services Board, may annually award national awards and medals for library and museum services to outstanding libraries and museums that have made significant contributions in service to their communities.''.


Section 210 (20 U.S.C. 9108) is amended to read as follows:



``(a) In General.--The Director shall annually conduct policy research, analysis, and data collection to extend and improve the Nation's museum, library, and information services.

``(b) Requirements.--The policy research, analysis, and data collection shall be conducted in ongoing collaboration

(as determined appropriate by the Director), and in consultation, with--

``(1) State library administrative agencies;

``(2) national, State, and regional library and museum organizations; and

``(3) other relevant agencies and organizations.

``(c) Objectives.--The policy research, analysis, and data collection shall be used to--

``(1) identify national needs for and trends in museum, library, and information services;

``(2) measure and report on the impact and effectiveness of museum, library, and information services throughout the United States, including the impact of Federal programs authorized under this Act;

``(3) identify best practices; and

``(4) develop plans to improve museum, library, and information services of the United States and to strengthen national, State, local, regional, and international communications and cooperative networks.

``(d) Dissemination.--Each year, the Director shall widely disseminate, as appropriate to accomplish the objectives under subsection (c), the results of the policy research, analysis, and data collection carried out under this section.

``(e) Authority To Contract.--The Director is authorized--

``(1) to enter into contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and other arrangements with Federal agencies and other public and private organizations to carry out the objectives under subsection (c); and

``(2) to publish and disseminate, in a form determined appropriate by the Director, the reports, findings, studies, and other materials prepared under paragraph (1).

``(f) Authorization of Appropriations.--

``(1) In general.--There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $3,500,000 for fiscal year 2011 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2012 through 2016.

``(2) Availability of funds.--Sums appropriated under paragraph (1) for any fiscal year shall remain available for obligation until expended.''.


Subtitle A (20 U.S.C. 9101 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:


``The Director is authorized to conduct hearings at such times and places as the Director determines appropriate for carrying out the purposes of this subtitle.''.


Subtitle A (20 U.S.C. 9101 et seq.), as amended by section 107, is further amended by adding at the end the following:


``Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Director shall establish one account to be used to pay the Federal administrative costs of carrying out this Act, and not more than a total of 7 percent of the funds appropriated under sections 210(f), 214, and 275 shall be placed in such account.''.



Section 212 (20 U.S.C. 9121) is amended--

(1) by striking paragraph (1) and inserting the following:

``(1) to enhance coordination among Federal programs that relate to library and information services;'';

(2) in paragraph (2), by inserting ``continuous'' after


(3) in paragraph (3), by striking ``and'' after the semicolon;

(4) in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and

(5) by adding at the end the following:

``(5) to promote literacy, education, and lifelong learning and to enhance and expand the services and resources provided by libraries, including those services and resources relating to workforce development, 21st century skills, and digital literacy skills;

``(6) to enhance the skills of the current library workforce and to recruit future professionals to the field of library and information services;

``(7) to ensure the preservation of knowledge and library collections in all formats and to enable libraries to serve their communities during disasters;

``(8) to enhance the role of libraries within the information infrastructure of the United States in order to support research, education, and innovation; and

``(9) to promote library services that provide users with access to information through national, State, local, regional, and international collaborations and networks.''.


Section 214 (20 U.S.C. 9123) is amended--

(a) by striking subsection (a) and inserting the following:

``(a) In General.--There are authorized to be appropriated--

``(1) to carry out chapters 1, 2, and 3, $232,000,000 for fiscal year 2011 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2012 through 2016; and

``(2) to carry out chapter 4, $24,500,000 for fiscal year 2011 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2012 through 2016.''; and

(b) by striking subsection (c).


Section 221(b)(3) (20 U.S.C. 9131(b)(3)) is amended--

(1) in subparagraph (A)--

(A) by striking ``$340,000'' and inserting ``$680,000''; and

(B) by striking ``$40,000'' and inserting ``$60,000'';

(2) by striking subparagraph (C); and

(3) by redesignating subparagraph (D) as subparagraph (C).


Section 224 (20 U.S.C. 9134) is amended--

(1) in subsection (b)--

(A) by redesignating paragraphs (6) and (7) as paragraphs

(7) and (8), respectively; and

(B) after paragraph (5), by inserting the following:

``(6) describe how the State library administrative agency will work with other State agencies and offices where appropriate to coordinate resources, programs, and activities and leverage, but not replace, the Federal and State investment in--

``(A) elementary and secondary education, including coordination with the activities within the State that are supported by a grant under section 1251 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6383);

``(B) early childhood education, including coordination with--

``(i) the State's activities carried out under subsections

(b)(4) and (e)(1) of section 642 of the Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9837); and

``(ii) the activities described in the State's strategic plan in accordance with section 642B(a)(4)(B)(i) of such Act

(42 U.S.C. 9837b(a)(4)(B)(i));

``(C) workforce development, including coordination with--

``(i) the activities carried out by the State workforce investment board under section 111(d) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2821(d)); and

``(ii) the State's one-stop delivery system established under section 134(c) of such Act (29 U.S.C. 2864(c)); and

``(D) other Federal programs and activities that relate to library services, including economic and community development and health information;''; and

(2) in subsection (e)(2), by inserting ``, including through electronic means'' before the period at the end.


Section 231 (20 U.S.C. 9141) is amended--

(1) in subsection (a)--

(A) in paragraph (1), by inserting before the semicolon the following: ``in order to support such individuals' needs for education, lifelong learning, workforce development, and digital literacy skills'';

(B) in paragraph (2), by striking ``electronic networks;'' and inserting ``collaborations and networks; and'';

(C) by redesignating paragraph (2) (as amended by subparagraph (B)) as paragraph (7), and by moving such paragraph so as to appear after paragraph (6);

(D) by striking paragraph (3);

(E) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following:

``(2) establishing or enhancing electronic and other linkages and improved coordination among and between libraries and entities, as described in section 224(b)(6), for the purpose of improving the quality of and access to library and information services;

``(3)(A) providing training and professional development, including continuing education, to enhance the skills of the current library workforce and leadership, and advance the delivery of library and information services; and

``(B) enhancing efforts to recruit future professionals to the field of library and information services;'';

(F) in paragraph (5), by striking ``and'' after the semicolon;

(G) in paragraph (6), by striking the period and inserting a semicolon; and

(H) by adding at the end the following:

``(8) carrying out other activities consistent with the purposes set forth in section 212, as described in the State library administrative agency's plan.''; and

(2) by striking subsection (b) and inserting the following:

``(b) Special Rule.--Each State library administrative agency receiving funds under this chapter may apportion the funds available for the priorities described in subsection

(a) as appropriate to meet the needs of the individual State.''.


Section 262(a) (20 U.S.C. 9162(a)) is amended--

(1) by striking paragraphs (1) and (2) and inserting the following:

``(1) building workforce and institutional capacity for managing the national information infrastructure and serving the information and education needs of the public;

``(2)(A) research and demonstration projects related to the improvement of libraries or the enhancement of library and information services through effective and efficient use of new technologies, including projects that enable library users to acquire digital literacy skills and that make information resources more accessible and available; and

``(B) dissemination of information derived from such projects;''; and

(2) in paragraph (3)--

(A) by striking ``digitization'' and inserting

``digitizing''; and

(B) by inserting ``, including the development of national, regional, statewide, or local emergency plans that would ensure the preservation of knowledge and library collections in the event of a disaster'' before ``; and''.


Subtitle B (20 U.S.C. 9121 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:



``(a) Purpose.--It is the purpose of this chapter to develop a diverse workforce of librarians by--

``(1) recruiting and educating the next generation of librarians, including by encouraging middle or high school students and postsecondary students to pursue careers in library and information science;

``(2) developing faculty and library leaders, including by increasing the institutional capacity of graduate schools of library and information science; and

``(3) enhancing the training and professional development of librarians and the library workforce to meet the needs of their communities, including those needs relating to literacy and education, workforce development, lifelong learning, and digital literacy.

``(b) Activities.--From the amounts provided under section 214(a)(2), the Director may enter into arrangements, including grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, and other forms of assistance, with libraries, library consortia and associations, institutions of higher education (as defined in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965

(20 U.S.C. 1001)), and other entities that the Director determines appropriate, for projects that further the purpose of this chapter, such as projects that--

``(1) increase the number of students enrolled in nationally accredited graduate library and information science programs and preparing for careers of service in libraries;

``(2) recruit future professionals, including efforts to attract promising middle school, high school, or postsecondary students to consider careers in library and information science;

``(3) develop or enhance professional development programs for librarians and the library workforce;

``(4) enhance curricula within nationally accredited graduate library and information science programs;

``(5) enhance doctoral education in order to develop faculty to educate the future generation of library professionals and develop the future generation of library leaders; and

``(6) conduct research, including research to support the successful recruitment and education of the next generation of librarians.

``(c) Evaluation.--The Director shall establish procedures for reviewing and evaluating projects supported under this chapter.''.


The National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 951 et seq.) is amended--

(1) in section 4(a) (20 U.S.C. 953(a)), by striking

``Institute of Museum Services'' and inserting ``Institute of Museum and Library Services''; and

(2) in section 9 (20 U.S.C. 958), by striking ``Institute of Museum Services'' each place the term appears and inserting ``Institute of Museum and Library Services''.



Section 272 (20 U.S.C. 9171) is amended--

(1) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``through international, national, regional, State, and local networks and partnerships'' after ``services'';

(2) in paragraph (5), by striking ``and'' after the semicolon;

(3) in paragraph (6), by striking the period and inserting a semicolon; and

(4) by adding at the end the following:

``(7) to encourage and support museums as a part of economic development and revitalization in communities;

``(8) to ensure museums of various types and sizes in diverse geographic regions of the United States are afforded attention and support; and

``(9) to support efforts at the State level to leverage museum resources and maximize museum services.''.


Section 273(1) (20 U.S.C. 9172(1)) is amended by inserting

``includes museums that have tangible and digital collections and'' after ``Such term''.


Section 274 (20 U.S.C. 9173) is amended--

(1) in subsection (a)--

(A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by inserting ``, States, local governments,'' after ``with museums'';

(B) by redesignating paragraphs (5) through (10) as paragraphs (6) through (11), respectively;

(C) by striking paragraphs (3) and (4) and inserting the following:

``(3) supporting the conservation and preservation of museum collections, including efforts to--

``(A) provide optimal conditions for storage, exhibition, and use;

``(B) prepare for and respond to disasters and emergency situations;

``(C) establish endowments for conservation; and

``(D) train museum staff in collections care;

``(4) supporting efforts at the State level to leverage museum resources, including statewide assessments of museum services and needs and development of State plans to improve and maximize museum services through the State;

``(5) stimulating greater collaboration, in order to share resources and strengthen communities, among museums and--

``(A) libraries;

``(B) schools;

``(C) international, Federal, State, regional, and local agencies or organizations;

``(D) nongovernmental organizations; and

``(E) other community organizations;'';

(D) in paragraph (6) (as redesignated by subparagraph (B)), by striking ``broadcast media'' and inserting ``media, including new ways to disseminate information,''; and

(E) in paragraph (9) (as redesignated by subparagraph (B)), by striking ``at all levels,'' and inserting ``, and the skills of museum staff, at all levels, and to support the development of the next generation of museum leaders and professionals,''; and

(2) in subsection (c)--

(A) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3);

(B) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following:

``(2) Grant distribution.--In awarding grants, the Director shall take into consideration the equitable distribution of grants to museums of various types and sizes and to different geographic areas of the United States''; and

(C) in paragraph (2)--

(i) in subparagraph (A), by striking ``awards''; and

(ii) in subparagraph (B), by striking ``, but subsequent'' and inserting ``. Subsequent''.


Section 275 (20 U.S.C. 9176) is amended--

(1) by striking subsection (a) and inserting the following:

``(a) Grants.--For the purpose of carrying out this subtitle, there are authorized to be appropriated to the Director $38,600,000 for fiscal year 2011 and such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2012 through 2016.'';

(2) by striking subsection (b);

(3) by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection (b); and

(4) by adding at the end the following:

``(c) Funding Rules.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle, if the amount appropriated under subsection

(a) for a fiscal year is greater than the amount appropriated under such subsection for fiscal year 2011 by more than

$10,000,000, then an amount of not less than 30 percent but not more than 50 percent of the increase in appropriated funds shall be available, from the funds appropriated under such subsection for the fiscal year, to enter into arrangements under section 274 to carry out the State assessments described in section 274(a)(4) and to assist States in the implementation of such plans.''.




(a) In General.--The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Act (20 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) is repealed.

(b) Transfer of Functions.--The functions that the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science exercised before the date of enactment of this Act shall be transferred to the Institute of Museum and Library Services established under section 203 of the Museum and Library Services Act (20 U.S.C. 9102).

(c) Transfer and Allocation of Appropriations and Personnel.--The personnel and the assets, contracts, property, records, and unexpended balance of appropriations, authorizations, allocations, and other funds employed, held, used, arising from, available to, or to be made available for the functions and activities vested by law in the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science shall be transferred to the Institute of Museum and Library Services upon the date of enactment of this Act.

(d) References.--Any reference to the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science in any Federal law, Executive Order, rule, delegation of authority, or document shall be construed to refer to the Institute of Museum and Library Services when the reference regards functions transferred under subsection (b).

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Altmire). Pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Grijalva) and the gentleman from Wisconsin

(Mr. Petri) each will control 20 minutes.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Arizona.

General Leave

Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I request 5 legislative days during which Members may revise and extend and insert extraneous material on S. 3984 into the Record.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Arizona?

There was no objection.

Mr. GRIJALVA. I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of Senate Bill 3984, which reauthorizes the Museum and Library Services Act. This bipartisan bill updates the MLSA to better reflect the role that libraries and museums play in our Nation's communities, and it ensures the preservation of collections for future generations.

Our Nation's libraries serve an important role in providing our communities with free access to all types of information and telecommunications services. During these difficult economic times, libraries are a lifeline to many without home access to computers or to the Internet in order to search for employment, to conduct research, or to access training resources. According to the American Library Association, two-thirds of our Nation's libraries report that they provide the only free access to computers and the Internet in their communities.

Within the last 2 years, libraries have experienced significant increases in demands for services, including helping patrons complete online job applications, creating resumes, and accessing job databases. This bill will enable libraries to continue offering these critical services to the American people.

The Senate bill will also help the Institute of Museum and Library Services to encourage more collaboration between agencies and programs to promote family literacy, technology education, and workforce development. These efforts will help libraries fully leverage their role as resource facilities and community centers. Additionally, this reauthorization enhances current training opportunities for professionals, and it supports the development of a diverse workforce, capable of meeting the 21st-century information needs of our communities.

{time} 1610

Our Nation's museums are also a critical part of our country's educational and economic infrastructure, stimulating tourism and partnering with schools to support the local curriculum. According to the American Association of Museums, these centers of discovery and learning employ as many as half a million Americans nationwide and contribute approximately $20.7 billion to the American economy each year.

Museums attract nearly 850 million visits per year and an additional 542 million via the Internet. Museums also include aquariums, botanical gardens, nature centers, and zoos. Over 175 million people visit accredited zoos and aquariums annually, and these institutions generate

$8.4 billion in annual U.S. economic activity. Zoos and aquariums provide millions of children with their only firsthand experiences with wildlife.

This bill also acts to strengthen capacity for conservation and preservation of museum collections and requires that museums and diverse geographic regions of various types and sizes be supported.

Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the original Senate sponsors of this bill, Senators Reed, Enzi, Harkin, and Burr, as well as chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, Mr. George Miller, and Ranking Member Kline for their leadership in bringing this important bipartisan legislation to the floor.

I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting this legislation to reauthorize the Museum and Library Services Act to help us preserve and enhance the critical role which libraries and museums play in our Nation's communities.

I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, the bill before us, the Museum and Library Services Act, reauthorizes the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the Federal agency that oversees Federal funds going to libraries and museums nationwide, and generally updates the law.

The Museum and Library Services Act authorizes funding for the Library Services and Technology Act and for Museum Services. The library program funding is distributed to States through a formula, and the funds are spent on a wide variety of libraries across our Nation. Through this bill, the Library Services and Technology Act is updated to require greater coordination and better leveraging of Federal and State investment in our Nation's libraries.

The museum funds are distributed through five competitive grant programs and two cooperative agreements. In this section of the bill, the Museum Services Act is updated to encourage greater collaboration between museums and other organizations to leverage resources and improve local communities. It also tries to strengthen capacity for the conservation and preservation of museum collections and helps support State efforts to leverage museum funds.

I yield back the balance of my time.

Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, this is a good piece of legislation. It enhances the quality of life for the American people. I urge its support, and I yield back the remainder of my time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. Grijalva) that the House suspend the rules and pass the bill, S. 3984.

The question was taken; and (two-thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the bill was passed.

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 156, No. 165