Sunday, June 16, 2024

Oct. 8, 1997: Congressional Record publishes “WHITE HOUSE INTENTIONS AT KYOTO CONFERENCE”

Volume 143, No. 139 covering the 1st Session of the 105th Congress (1997 - 1998) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“WHITE HOUSE INTENTIONS AT KYOTO CONFERENCE” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the House of Representatives section on pages H8699 on Oct. 8, 1997.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Texas [Mr. DeLay] is recognized for 5 minutes.

Mr. DeLAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to talk about the Clinton White House and its intentions at the Kyoto Conference regarding global warming. Most Americans are not aware that there will be a conference in Japan.

Protecting and preserving the environment is a goal shared by all Americans. We all want to drink clean water, we want to breath clean air, and we want to pass on a cleaner America to our children. We could get there by taking common sense steps to clean up our environment, by encouraging smarter partnerships between State and Federal governments, and by relying on sound science while resisting media scares, but we cannot get there by increasing regulations, increasing taxes, limiting freedom, slowing economic growth, and hurting our Nation's competitiveness. We cannot get there with policies that encourage abortions worldwide.

Sadly, the Clinton administration has embarked on the second path. They have promulgated clean air regulations that will strangle economic growth and affect every American family's lives.

{time} 1830

They have floated an energy tax that will hurt American consumers, proposing as much as a 60-cent increase in the cost of a gallon of gas. They have publicly supported policies that will lead to a worldwide assault on unborn children, and they may even sign off on a global warming treaty that will hurt our competitiveness at the expense of other nations, cost Americans thousands of jobs, all for a cause that makes, frankly, Chicken Little seem rational.

Today I want to focus on the Global Warming Treaty that will be discussed at the Kyoto conference later on this fall. Asthmatic children will be victimized by this treaty. Just look at what is going on today.

In order to stay in compliance with its provisions, the Environmental Protection Agency has embarked on a crusade to ban inhalers used by asthmatic children because they contain chlorofluorocarbons. Though CFC-powered inhalers account for less than 1\1/2\ percent of the world's CFC emissions and although these same inhalers are the best and cheapest way for inner city children to get relief from asthma, and I do not know if Members know, but inner city children are six times more likely to die from asthma attacks, these inner city children get relief by these cheap and good inhalers, but the EPA wants to eliminate these products from the market.

Dozens of medical groups have petitioned to bring some common sense to the EPA, but those pleas, unfortunately, have fallen on deaf ears. The regulations will go forward, no matter what will happen to the children of this country and around the world, for that matter, because many countries follow the lead of the EPA.

But it is not just asthmatic children who will be victimized by this treaty. Unborn children will also be victimized. Just last week the Vice President, Al Gore, implied that overpopulation fosters global warming and suggested that expanding abortion programs in developing countries would help protect the environment.

According to Washington Times, the Vice President said, and I quote,

The Vice President, warning that the overpopulation fosters global warming, yesterday suggested expanding birth control and abortion programs in developing countries to help reduce the environmental threat.

Mr. Speaker, killing children is no way to protect the environment. Children will not be the only victims of this Global Warming Treaty. Our Nation's economic health is also at stake. At the Kyoto meeting the United States and other developed nations may enter into an agreement that will force them to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That agreement, however, will let developing nations off the hook. In fact, developing nations such as China, South Korea, India, and many others, will not face any emissions reduction requirements. These nations will benefit at the expense of the United States and retroactivity of the developed world. The United States will be forced to raise taxes and impose harsh emissions restrictions and regulations, causing U.S. companies to ship jobs and factories overseas to those nations not bound by the Kyoto treaty.

Mr. Speaker, I think the real environmental disaster is this administration and its attitude towards our world's children and for America's working families.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 143, No. 139