Sunday, June 16, 2024


Volume 146, No. 47 covering the 2nd Session of the 106th Congress (1999 - 2000) was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“RECOGNIZING THE ENVIRONMENTAL LEADERSHIP OF THE ASPEN SKI COMPANY” mentioning the Environmental Protection Agency was published in the Extensions of Remarks section on pages E577-E578 on April 13, 2000.

The publication is reproduced in full below:




of colorado

in the house of representatives

Thursday, April 13, 2000

Mr. DeGETTE. Mr. Speaker, today I recognize the Aspen Skiing Company as a leader in environmental responsibility.

This is certainly not the first commendation the Aspen Skiing Company has received. In 1999 alone, the company became the first back to back winner of the Golden Eagle Award for Overall Environmental Excellence in the ski industry. It was the first skiing company and only U.S. business to receive the prestigious British Airways Tourism for Tomorrow Environmental Award. Additionally, the Aspen Skiing Company was recognized by the National Environmental Education and Training Foundation for its outstanding environmental educational programs.

As the award judges for the Golden Eagle Award noted, ``Aspen Skiing Company's programs show a wide-range and detailed commitment to an ecological perspective in every area of their business.'' I whole-

heartedly agree that the Aspen Skiing Company has, ``without peer, established itself as an industry leader in environmentalism.''

But Aspen is not resting on its laurels. The Skiing Company continues to develop innovative environmental programs and partnerships to protect the forests in which it resides and its commitment to the local community. The Aspen Skiing Company has entered into a cooperative with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment to develop a pollution prevention based environmental management strategy that focuses on energy and waste conservation, and solid waste reduction to be used as a model for the skiing industry. It has developed a Natural Resource Management Plan to ensure vegetative diversity and wildlife protection on its mountains. The Aspen Skiing Company founded the Environment Foundation, a nonprofit, employee-funded and directed foundation which awarded more than $120,000 to 34 diverse local environmental groups since its inception, and continues to protect local habitat, ecosystems, and biodiversity.

Aspen Skiing Company continues to be a leader in environmentally sensitive development, not only within the ski industry, but all industry. Aspen's efforts to reduce the impact it has on the land, and conserve habitat and resources are exemplified by two of its recent projects, the Sundeck Restaurant and the Cirque Lift.

The Sundeck Restaurant, at the top of the mountain is on tract to be a fully certified ``green building.'' The effort began with the deconstruction, rather than demolition of the old building, enabling materials to be salvaged and reused. The new building will utilize the latest ``green'' technology, including energy efficient windows, low toxicity paints, and recycled and recyclable materials.

When the Aspen Skiing Company decided to construct a new lift above tree line, it recognized the sensitivity of this ecosystem and proceeded accordingly. The construction of the Cirque Lift was completed without bulldozers or mechanized ground equipment. The heavy items for the lift, such as the lift poles and concrete, were airlifted by helicopter while all other supplies were carried up on foot, an astounding task at high elevation that speaks volumes to the company's commitment to protecting this delicate ecosystem. The lift itself continues that commitment, as it is the State of Colorado's first wind powered ski lift.

Aspen Skiing Company has also shown leadership in the public realm advocating for the protection of public lands and open spaces, which are so important to Colorado's wildlife and the quality of life for all Americans.

I have no doubt that the Aspen Skiing Company will continue to be a leader in efforts to protect the environment. I applaud their accomplishments.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 146, No. 47