Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Proposed rule published on May 20 by Environmental Protection Agency

The US Environmental Protection Agency published a two page proposed rule on May 20, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

The proposed rule is focused on Public Hearing for the RFS2 Rule.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

Notices are required documents detailing rules and regulations being proposed by each federal department. This allows the public to see what issues legislators and federal departments are focusing on.

Any person or organization can comment on the proposed rules. Departments and agencies must then address “significant issues raised in comments and discuss any changes made,” the Federal Register says.

Notices published by the Environmental Protection Agency on May 20

Louisiana: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revision
Bacillus thuringiensis
Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium; Pesticide Tolerances
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Minnesota
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Minnesota
Louisiana: Final Authorization of State Hazardous Waste Management Program Revisions
Public Hearing for the RFS2 Rule
An Approach To Using Toxicogenomic Data in U.S. EPA Human Health Risk Assessments: A Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) Case Study
Lilburn Mercury Spill Superfund Site; Lilburn, Gwinnett County, GA; Notice of Settlement
Notice of Availability of RCRA Closure and Post-Closure Care Cost Estimating Software
Proposed CERCLA Settlement Agreement for Recovery of Past Response Costs Incurred at the Bueno Mill and Mine Site Located Adjacent to Jamestown in Boulder County, CO
Malathion; Notice of Receipt of Requests To Voluntarily Cancel or To Amend To Terminate Uses of Certain Pesticide Registrations
Notice of Receipt of a Clean Air Act Waiver Application To Increase the Allowable Ethanol Content of Gasoline to 15 Percent; Extension of Comment Period
Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Request for Critical Use Exemption Applications for 2012
Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information
Approval of Test Marketing Exemptions for Certain New Chemicals
Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information
Amendments to Terminate Certain Pesticide Uses
Adequacy Status of the Cleveland/Akron, Ohio and the Columbus, Ohio Submitted 8-Hour Ozone Redesignation and Maintenance Plans for Transportation Conformity Purposes
Good Neighbor Environmental Board