Wednesday, February 12, 2025

What did Environmental Protection Agency publish on Feb. 26?

The US Environmental Protection Agency published a two page notice on Feb. 26, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

The notice is focused on Maneb; Product Cancellation Order for Certain Pesticide Registrations.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

Notices are required documents detailing rules and regulations being proposed by each federal department. This allows the public to see what issues legislators and federal departments are focusing on.

Any person or organization can comment on the proposed rules. Departments and agencies must then address “significant issues raised in comments and discuss any changes made,” the Federal Register says.

Notices published by the Environmental Protection Agency on Feb. 26

Delegation of National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories; State of Arizona, Maricopa County Air Quality Department; State of Nevada, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Washoe County District Health Department
Hydrogen Sulfide; Community Right-to-Know Toxic Chemical Release Reporting
Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans and Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes; Ohio; Indiana; Redesignation of the Ohio and Indiana Portions of the Cincinnati-Hamilton Area to Attainment for Ozone
Delegation of National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories; State of Arizona, Maricopa County Air Quality Department; State of Nevada, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Washoe County District Health Department
Pesticide Products; Registration Applications
Development of a Relative Potency Factor (RPF) Approach for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Mixtures
Maneb; Product Cancellation Order for Certain Pesticide Registrations
Integrated Science Assessment for Lead (Pb)
Environmental Impact Statements and Regulations; Availability of EPA Comments
Environmental Impacts Statements; Notice of Availability
Notice of a Regional Project Waiver of Section 1605 (Buy American) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) to the Inland Empire Utilities Agency, California. Project # C-06-5332-110 Funded by the California CWSRF ARRA Loan # 08-823-550