Saturday, January 25, 2025

What did Environmental Protection Agency publish on Sept. 12?

The US Environmental Protection Agency published a five page proposed rule on Sept. 12, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

The proposed rule is focused on Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Point Source Category.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

Notices are required documents detailing rules and regulations being proposed by each federal department. This allows the public to see what issues legislators and federal departments are focusing on.

Any person or organization can comment on the proposed rules. Departments and agencies must then address “significant issues raised in comments and discuss any changes made,” the Federal Register says.

Notices published by the Environmental Protection Agency on Sept. 12

Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Six Control Measures to Meet EPA-Identified Shortfalls in Delaware's One-Hour Ozone Attainment Demonstration
National Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; State of Utah; Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program; Utah County
National Oil and Hazardous Substance Pollution Contingency Plan; National Priorities List
Thiophanate-methyl; Pesticide Tolerances for Emergency Exemptions
Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; State of Utah; Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program; Utah County
EPA Science Advisory Board, Notification of Public Advisory Committee Meetings; Human Health Research Strategy Review Panel
Implementation of the Small Business Liability and Brownfields Revitalization Act
Ambient Air Monitoring Reference and Equivalent Methods: Designation of Two New Equivalent Methods for SO2
Control of Air Pollution From New Motor Vehicles; Low Sulfur Diesel Refinery Hardship Applications
Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance Standards for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Point Source Category