Monday, January 27, 2025

Environmental Protection Agency publishes notice on Feb. 12

The US Environmental Protection Agency published a two page notice on Feb. 12, according to the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

The notice is focused on Spring 1998 Training for EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Requirements.

More than half of the Agency's employees are engineers, scientists and protection specialists. The Climate Reality Project, a global climate activist organization, accused Agency leadership in the last five years of undermining its main mission.

Notices are required documents detailing rules and regulations being proposed by each federal department. This allows the public to see what issues legislators and federal departments are focusing on.

Any person or organization can comment on the proposed rules. Departments and agencies must then address “significant issues raised in comments and discuss any changes made,” the Federal Register says.

Notices published by the Environmental Protection Agency on Feb. 12

Expiration of Extension of Temporary Section 182(f) and Section 182(b) Exemption From the Nitrogen Oxides (NOINFX/INF) Control Requirements for the Houston/Galveston and Beaumont/Port Arthur Ozone Nonattainment Areas; Texas
Clean Air Act Withdrawal of Proposed Approval of Amendment to Title V Operating Permits Program and Proposed Approval of Amendments to Title V Operating Permits Program; Pima County Department of Environmental Quality, Arizona
Proposed Settlement Under Section 122(h) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), as Amended, Riverfront Landfill Superfund Site, Kansas City, Missouri
Spring 1998 Training for EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Requirements
Proposed Agreement and Covenant Not To Sue for the Allied Paper/ Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River Superfund Site
Final Modified General NPDES Permit for Facilities Related to Oil and Gas Extraction on the North Slope of the Brooks Range, Alaska (Permit Number AKG-31-0000)
Health Risk Assessment of 1,3-ButadieneExternal Review Draft
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; Revision of List of Categories of Sources and Schedule for Standards Under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act
Technical Amendments to Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Addition of Method 29 to Appendix A of Part 60 and Amendments to Method 101A of Appendix B of Part 61; Correction of Effective Date Under Congressional Review Act (CRA)
Indian Tribes: Air Quality Planning and Management