Sunday, June 16, 2024

ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Keep it Clean this Holiday Weekend! Pack out your trash to preserve Arizona’s natural spaces

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality issued the following announcement on June 22. 

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and Arizona State Parks and Trails today encouraged both residents and visitors to the Grand Canyon State to get outdoors during the July 4th holiday, enjoy all that Arizona’s unique, outdoor recreation areas have to offer and do their part to protect our beautiful, natural environment for each other and for future generations.

“Arizona’s state parks and trails offer a respite and a chance to explore this state’s most beautiful places,” said Arizona State Parks and Trails Executive Director Bob Broscheid. “It’s up to everyone to recreate responsibly and remember to always ‘Pack It In, Pack It Out,’ when enjoying the great outdoors.”

“We want Arizonans and visitors to enjoy our outdoor spaces and precious waters for generations to come,” said ADEQ Director Misael Cabrera. “We’re asking everyone to do their part and leave no trace, or, better yet, leave Arizona’s natural spaces better than you found them.”

It’s simple:

Pack out your trash

Use a designated restroom

Pick up after your pet

Over holiday weekends, significant amounts of trash are left behind at some of Arizona’s favorite outdoor destinations. Visitors need to ‘leave no trace’ by removing all items they bring to the outdoors and disposing or recycling those items responsibly at home. Trash left behind also brings a hidden danger to water -- it attracts wild animals, which leave their waste behind. To make matters worse, people don’t always use designated restrooms and neglect to pick up after their pets. This ‘poo-llution’ contributes to potentially harmful bacteria, such as E. coli, in waters where families swim, wade and play.

You can help even more by picking up more than you pack in. Take an extra bag, pick up trash and tell ADEQ how much you helped protect Arizona’s land and water. It is incumbent to both Arizonans and visitors to the Grand Canyon state to maintain our beautiful parks and other outdoor spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Learn more about how you can help ADEQ scientists clean up Arizona’s great outdoors and protect Arizona's beautiful waters today and for our future:

Help Clean Up | Learn More >

Become Citizen Scientist with ADEQ’s Arizona Water Watch Program | Learn more >

Original source can be found here.