Monday, June 17, 2024

NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION: Statement from NYS DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos on U.S. EPA Weakening Regulations on the Release of Mercury and Other Metals

New York Department of Environmental Conservation issued the following announcement on April 16.

At a time when our nation is struggling to fight the largest public health crisis of our lifetime, the U.S. EPA is - for at least the third time since the COVID-19 pandemic began-literally discounting the value of public health. We will continue to fight this and other efforts by EPA that disregard science in order to serve the interests of the fossil fuel industry.

From @BasilSeggos on Twitter: By reducing the health benefit of regulations on paper, while raising their economic costs, the new method could be used to justify loosening restrictions on any pollutant that the fossil fuel industry has deemed too costly to control.

Original source can be found here.