Monday, June 17, 2024


New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services issued the following announcement on March 23.

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) today launched the #OneThing4Earth Video Challenge to help recognize the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, which will be April 22, 2020. The purpose of the challenge is for people to record a short video or take photos of themselves doing one thing that is good for the earth, then in the video, challenge their family, friends and others to do their own video. People who accept the challenge should post the videos on any or all of their social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter) and use the hashtag #OneThing4Earth and tag NHDES.

NHDES Commissioner Bob Scott started the challenge by posting his video of his home compost pile and challenging his entire staff to post their videos. "In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, I am starting the #OneThing4Earth video challenge by sharing with you something that I do that is good for the environment," said Bob Scott, NHDES Commissioner. "Although the world is rightfully focused the coronavirus pandemic, I think it is important that we recognize Earth Day, and by participating in the #OneThing4Earth video challenge, we can share with each other all of the important little things that we all do every day to help our environment."

The worldwide response to the coronavirus pandemic is and should be all of our priorities. NHDES hopes that a social media-based video challenge, like the #OneThing4Earth, will provide people practicing social distancing with a way to recognize the importance of Earth Day. You do not have to be challenged to participate, but remember in your video to challenge your friends, family, coworkers and others to join in. For more information on the #OneThing4Earth video challenge, contact Jim Martin, NHDES Public Information Officer, at or (603) 271-3710.

NHDES has the following social media handles:

Instagram: @nhenvironmentalservices

Facebook: @NHEnvironmentalServices

Twitter: @NHDES

Original source can be found here.