Wednesday, January 22, 2025

MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: MassDEP Penalizes Pine Hill Properties $47,150 for Wetlands Protection Act Violations in Westport

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection issued the following announcement on Nov. 1.

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has penalized Pine Hill Properties, LLC $47,150 for unpermitted alterations to five acres of bordering vegetated wetlands and 250 linear feet of intermittent stream at their property located at 322 Pine Hill Road in Westport. MassDEP had inspected the property along with the Westport Conservation Commission on January 9, 2019 after the Commission requested technical assistance.

Pine Hill Properties has now agreed to restore the altered resource areas under the supervision of a qualified wetlands specialist by May 1, 2020. In addition, the restoration work must be at least 75 percent re-established over two growing seasons or additional measures will be required to achieve compliance. Demonstration of successful restoration will include written reports and photographic evidence.

“The unpermitted alterations of wetland resource areas constitute a serious destruction of the state’s vital resource areas that MassDEP will not allow under any circumstances,” said Millie Garcia-Serrano, Director of MassDEP’s Southeast Regional Office in Lakeville.

Pine Hill Properties, in addition to the restoration work, has agreed to pay $42,150. MassDEP has agreed to suspend the remaining $5,000 provided all terms of the order are met.

Original source can be found here.