Monday, June 17, 2024

NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF POLLUTION PREVENTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSISTANCE: State’s Clean Energy Plan recommends key actions; public comment period open

North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance issued the following announcement on Aug. 16.

North Carolina’s Clean Energy Plan lays out a path for the state to become a leader in clean energy innovation, with goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create economic opportunities and foster affordability. After a robust, statewide stakeholder process, the draft of the plan is now available for public comment.

“The Clean Energy Plan is a shared vision for the energy future we need in North Carolina. It includes consensus policy recommendations on the key changes necessary to combat climate change, create economic growth and modernize our power grid,” said Secretary Michael S. Regan of the Department of Environmental Quality.

The plan includes key policy recommendations, including:

Modernizing the utility incentives, tools and planning process

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector by 60-70% below 2005 levels by 2030.

Reducing the energy burden of low-income residents

The draft Clean Energy Plan is available here. The public comment period is open until September 9, 2019 and the online comment form is available here.

Governor Cooper’s Executive Order 80 tasked the Department of Environmental Quality with producing the state’s Clean Energy Plan. Once public comments have been reviewed, the final plan will be presented to Governor Cooper by October 1, the deadline set by EO80.

Original source can be found here.