Wednesday, January 22, 2025

California has new environmental health screening tool

CalEnviroScreen 3.0, an improved version of California’s environmental health screening tool has been introduced by California environmental officials, the California Environmental Protection Agency said in a news release.

CalEnviroScreen 3.0 is a tool that aids in implementing a variety of state programs to reduce pollution and offer a healthier environment in California’s most impoverished communities, CalEPA said in the release.

“CalEnviroScreen helps us prioritize our efforts to revitalize disadvantaged communities, whether it’s through investing cap-and-trade auction proceeds or by improving compliance with environmental laws,” Matthew Rodriquez, CalEPA secretary, said in the release. “The latest update demonstrates our determination to continue refining this critical tool and advancing environmental justice,” he said.

CalEPA said some of CalEnviroScreen’s applications include targeting communities for investments with state cap-and-trade funds to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

CalEnviroScreen’s goal is to identify communities with the most multiple sources of pollution and those that are particularly susceptible to its effects. CalEnviroScreen ranks each of the state’s 8,000 census tracts utilizing information on 20 indicators of pollution, environmental quality and socioeconomic and public health conditions, CalEPA said.

“California is committed to continuing to lead the nation in its environmental policies, and the state’s commitment to environmental justice is no exception,” state Sen Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) said. “This groundbreaking scientific tool is key to getting investments to the communities that need them the most.”